GREAT SPECIAL SALE FOR JUNE. Spring . v Dress Goods... 1300 yds. of 40-in. All Wool, Fancy Suiting, 50c quality, placed on sale for this month at 25c a yard. 1640 yds. of o-in. All Wool Novelty Suiting, 65c quality, for $2.47 Suit of ; yds. 2730 yds. of 38-in. All Wool Bicycle Cloth," 40c quality, n sale for this month at 25c a yd; 1 500 yds. of 40-in. Silk and Wool Suiting, 50 and 65c quality, . closing this month for 38c yd. The Greatest Bargain on earth. Read This and Reflect! 47 French Pattern Suits, made from the finest French Combed Wool, light and medium colors, $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 Suits on sale this month. Your choice of pattern con taining 7 and 8 yds. for $4.95. . This is not a third of" the regular price. Ladies, now is your time to purchase a handsome garment at a sacrifice. Wash Goods, Lawns and Dimities. Separate Skirts, Capes and Shirt Waists. Mcaii,en-& McDonnell, 000 Cnr. M & Morrison, PORTLAND, UK. Sbttlsd. At a special meeting of the city council on Monday evening the con test between the city council and the East Side Railway company was prac tically ended by the introduction of an ordinance giving the company the right to run an express car on Main street on condition that it pay to the city treasurer $200 a month f r six months, beginning June 1 of each year and $100 a month the other six months of the year. This franchise is to run 10 years, though at the end of five years the sum to be paid for the privilege may be readjusted by the council. The car can not land freight at any pi ace except at the depot north of Fourteenth Street or south of Fourth Rtreet. The ordinance was ordered published, Counci'meu Wilson wnd Bittner voting the negative. It will come up for final passage at a special meeting June 24. The ordinance pass ed at the last meeting for the purchase of 300 yards of crushed rock was vetoed by the mayor on the ground of economy and the vetoe was sustained . 'The Masons. The Masonic Grand LoJjte lis bren in session in Portland this week and delegations from the dif ferent brant-hen ol the oidtr here are: Prof. Strange, Grand King of Ilia It. A. M., W. E. Carll, Grand Lecturer of the Blue Lodge, and Mis. H. S. Strange, (Grand Treasurer of the Kastern Star The regular delfgates nre: From the (Chapter Titos, Ryan, Geo. F. Horton :8iid . W. Kinnaird ; from the Blue Lodge J. H. Walker, D. W. Kinnaird and Bntt Nash j from the Eastern Star Prof. Strange, Mrs. M. Campbell and iMns. Jennie Meldrura. H. 8. Stranire was elected deputy, grand high preUt of R. A. M. T. L. Mintie, R. L. Bolock and C. B. Hall were delegates from Oswego lodqe. 'Experts Rrpoktv At an expeliM to the county of $930 the experts, Messrs. .Boaorth and 8taley, have found that Sheriff Maddock owed county $90.67 and (that Treasurer Moore was behind$10 48. Tirey also found that several pieces of "wrongly described property and some personal property bad not been adver tised as delinquent, that books of dif ferent officers were kept in a haphazard manner and that some of school lands were spent in wronii districts. By :adffig $2000 or more to the pile the entire "books of county could be expert red, until when the present exporting is 110 prtdical value and ha rin coanty( pver fSDf) injure 40 debt. "Mrs. Murray. Penelope, wife o Charles E. Murray, sr., died Monday, after several months' illness of paralysis. She was born in Norfolk. England, Sep tember 7. 1819, and when quite young went with her people to Australia, where she lived many years. Coming to Oregon City in 1857. the lamily located in Oregon City the next year, and this fins leen the home of the deceased con t tiiii.'n'ly B,uee then- I,t!r "rvivin8 cUiM.'' are: Geor!'0 A ani1 lIen,y J lUrdinn thi c ity.Mrs. Nellie Viz.-lich . ofStocktMI. first husband an,. Charles . Jr- " IVunerul .wirieW hM at s"l('cu . i.n ' H(ln(.S(lHl'. on nwer-i!'""'" - Excursion to Cascaok Locks. There will be a delightful excursion to the Cascade Locks, under auspice of the Congregational church,; July 3d, 1897, on the beautiful "H irvest Queen." This steamer will start from Oregon City at 7 :30 a. m. and return about 8 :30 p. m . It will land at Portland and Multnomah Falls, going and coming, and positively remain at the locks one haur to give op portunity for all to examine this wonder ful feat of modern engineering skill. This trip has never been made before from Oregon City and is equal to a day on the Rhine or Hudson. Go around the wide world and you cannot surpass this for a holiday's outing. Don't miss this rare opportunity. Lunch may be taken or secured from the ladies of the church who will serve lunch, ice cream , etc., on the boat. The exceedingly low price of 75 cents for the round trip is made. Children under 12, 40 cents. Tickets on sale on or after June 21st at Huntley's. Buy early as the number in limited. Installment plan, easy piymaits 0 Sunset lots. F. E. Donaldson. Leitz-Si'ers. Miss Ernestina Spees and Herman, Letts were married at home of the brides' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spees, on Tuesday at high noon by Father Hillebrand, the Catholio service beirig used. Miss Lena Spees acted as bridesmaid and Geo. Spees of Redland as bestman. After the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served by Mrs. Specs'. Only a few relatives and friends were present. The happy couple left for Spokane. Vaih., where they will reside, am'.tl showers of blessing and good whiles for their future hapiness. Th'y are both highly respected young people of Oregon City and Fori land Their many friends join in wishing them a life lull of happiness And prosperity, Suntet lots are close to the mills and stores. F.E.Donaldson. License to wed granted on 14th to Ernestina Spees and Herman Leitz and on 16th to Mollie E. Barclay and Albert H, Spooncer, Parties wiahing 'to go to any part of the coast by team will dp well to consult Frank Durham of Oregon City, who is prepared to take you there and back at any time at a very reasonable pncp. ' The follownig pioneers attended the annual reunion in Portland this week : Wra. Barlow '45, J. T. Apperson '40, T. A. McBride '47, A. Lewclyn '40, Wm Galloway '52, Fannie L. Cochrane '52, J. W. Meldrum'52,O.N. Greenmau '53. The undergraduates of the Park place school gave an entertainment on Wed nesday evening in the Chautauqua auditorium in Gladstone Park, the pro gramme being similar to that to be presented there by the graduating class Friday night. Get your paint and oils at Harris' grocery and save money. , Inspect those adjustable window screens at Bellomy & Busch'a. They are certain', y the right thing. Luces find ribbons, all prices, at the Racket Store. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Hon. T. W.Davenport was In Oregon City Tuesday. Harley Stevens has returned from Eugene University. Hal Rands returned Saturday from Forest Grove college. Misa Imogene Harding left last Friday for a visit in San Francisco. Levi Johnson la spending a month's vacation In Eastern Oregon. Maude I. Kennedy, agod 17Jg years, died on Friday, June ,11th. Hurry Harding has returned from the Eastern Oregon Oregon mines. J. S Purdom of Grants Pass was visit ing friends in town during week. E. M. Hartman was on last Friday appointed postmuster at Murquain. Mis. Robert Warner left for San Francisco last week on a short visit. Howard Brownell has retu-ned from Fore-Hi Grove college and is employed on I'less. Miss May Lewthwaite of Stockton, Cat., is viMling' friends and relatives in lliiscily. ' 1 Conaiderable work is being done on the bicycle path bet A eon this place and Portland. Dr. W. Wullen, dentist, is again as sociated with Dr. J. W. Welch in Wil lamette block. Mrs. D. II. Glass and child left Sat nr. day for a visit to relatives at Crawfords- ville and Alsea. Rev. J. W. Cowan and family left Tuesday for .their future home in Syracuse, N. Y. John P. Hill and family left Monday for Silver Lake, Or., where they will remain for some time. The Homers family will give an enter tainment at Willamette hall on Friday for benefit of Foresters. Mrs. M. Bolock and children and Miss Bertha Goldsmith left 1 Sunday for Eugene to visit relatives. Mr. Harry West of Chebalis, Wash., and Willie West of Portland have been visiting the Misses France. Col. R. A. Miller made the annual address before the Linn County Pioneers' association at Brownsville last Friday. C. W. Noblitt and G. R. II.. Miller attended the 12ili annual reunion of the Indian War veterans at Portland this ) week . I By special request Miss Kate Warde will sing "For the Sake of tlie Past" at the Congregational church Tuesday, June 22d. , Geo. W. Swope, accompanied by bis bride (nee Mita Nellie Outline) ol Urbaua, Ohio, will return from a trip East soou. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Boyd left Stur. day for Drain (or a visit. E. T. Field is in charge of S. P. depot during... Mr. Boyds' absence. - j The native sons of Oregon organized a society in Portland on Tuesday. Col. R. A. Miller was choaeu vice-president for thi county. P F. Morey returned from the East on Friday last. He was accompanied by Miss Helen Eastham, who has been attending school there. ' Mr, QwackenbuBk of JVttaqd. wl I favor the audience at the Y. M. O. A. concert Tuesday evening at the Congre gational church with a solo , ' At the Y. M. C. A. concert Tuesday evening at the Congregational church you will hear Miss Gertrude Gwlltof Portland in a solo and duet. Anyone wishing advertising space iu the Chautauqua Daily News paper dur ing assembly should addrs? the pub lisher at the Courier office at once. Born, to Mrs. John Younger, Jr., on We tnesday, a son. Ray Williams is spending part of hit- vacation at the MoArthur ranch near New Era. Mra. Martin of tlio Racket Store re turned Monday from a trip to Sail Francisco. Don't fail to hear Misttes Keurten and Draper sing at the Congregational church Tuesday, June 22d. The Annual State Sunday School Con vention will be held June 28 30, in the M. E. church at The Dalles. Captain Eastham of IT. S. A. at Fort Vancouver Is here examining the county road records and making a road imp ol this locality for the uho of the army. The lust meeting of the Chautauqua circle, for the class year was held at the residencoof C. II. Dye on Monday. After the classes ice cream andj, cake was served 0. Harman was tried before Justice Si'lmcbul Tuesday on charge of assault and battery on K. M. Hartman ot Marquam . The jury toturned a verdict of not guilty. Prof. Frank Brown of the Willamette University of Salem will g'ue a club swinging exhibition at the concert at the Congregational church next Tues day evening, J. W. Welch, Lee Harding and E. S. Cheney leave next week Saturday for a two months trip through Southern and Eastern Oregon by team. ' E. h. Char man will join party luter. Miss Lula Spangler left for her home at Corv,allis Saturday. 3he was ac companied by her sister. Miss Ora Spangler, who will spend her vacation at that place and Newport. Henry Mildmn l(t Friday for th Black foot reservation ir Montana w here he hah a month's surveying, after com-, pleting same he wilt foin Rands and Johnson's surveying- party In Idnho. B. Server had a hearing before Justice Schnebel Tuesday oi charge of adiallery and was bound ovw to the grand jury. The charge Was preferred by John Hull of Molalla, husband of the woman n the case. About 75 ladies and gentlemen, mem bers of California PresB excursion, visit ed the mills on 'west side on Saturday . They were shown around by adelegation from the board of trade and the local newspaper men. Miss Mamie Powell, who has been visiting the family of J. W, Boatman for several weeks, returnel Wednesday to her home in San Francisco, where she is stenographer in a Urge department store, the Emporium. rW.,0. W. Duretta'of the west side pcliool is assisting in the instruction at the annual Marion county teachers institute, be having charge of classes in history, geography and reading. After finishing this he will spend balance of his vacation in timilur work in Portland. The following members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. wont to Independence Tuesday morning to attend the annual state encampment at that place; Com mander M. L. Moore and. Dd!egites J. M. Taylor and Julius Priester of the G. A. K., and Mrs. McCown, depart ment commander; Mrs. McBride, de partment aid, and Mrs. Shadel and Miss I Rowanf deleg ites o Wt R-0, .The Ernest Rands surveying party left Friday lor Eastern Oregon, where he has a contract to survey two town ships. He was accompanied by Jack Blunt, Fred Sievers, Steve Hungate, John Vaughan, Frank Swartz, Atlas M. Kirchem and Don E. Meldruio. Hal Rands will join party later. H. H. Johnson and Henry Meldrum will join party in about a month where they will complete a large rurveying contract in Southern Idaho. I'll I IN I I I I I I 'WASHBURN MVARStnLlNS STRINdS AND EXTRAS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN. Hall order, fnr wring will receive prompt alumllon. MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, AUTOHABPS, ACCORDIANS- III I I I III II l I rr Ticklish Things. "I suflered with bronchitis for nearly five year.. My physician prescribed for me without produ- , cing favorable result., and floally . 'ticklish advised mc to try Ayer's Cherry vfJU ., Pectoral, i have tak.n .u hot- things. Nowhere does the ties of this medicine, and am now E extravagant Baying : I J was tickled to death," comenearer being true, than ia the case of a Bevere cough. Do you know the feeling? The tickling in the throat, that you writhe under and fight against, until at last you break out in a paroxysm of coushing? Why not cure the cough and enjoy unbroken rest? You can do so by using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ""Vrhi, testimonial will be found In full in Ayer's "Curebook" with a hundred others. Free. Addrc-ss J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mans. ' ' ' ' . w -art as . I 1 . s i m . 1 r.ntPrtofts! Comparison. Cut Fronts! A X r- r T, , , rareless habit of buying without asking the price and paying the bills without looking at them no longer prevails T ind Zc hunt bargain like women, and we have cut the prices on numerous Patent Medicines Drugs, Paints and ' Oils thus saving the people of Clackamas county 20 to 60 per cent. I lere are a few of the cut prices : Regular Price Cut Rate Price OUft CUT PRICE HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA $1 00 $0.67 $0 64 AYER'S SARSAPARILLA 1 00 .65 ( .64 cOTT'S EMULSION 1 00 4. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION 1 00 67 , 66 . PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY 1 00 67 66 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH CURE 1 00 7 70 CASTORIA 35 jjKSS,. CHARM AN & CO., cllT g s'ore: -Cat ftlce Druggists WANTED! That crows more lustily than our customers do over our choice staple and fancy groceries ROBERTSON Bovonth St, . 4 TAKE NOTICE! WILSON & COOKE only house in the carries a COMPLETE is the city that LINE of A A ' ' A X jJk Mowers, Rakes, Binder Twine, Blacksmith Supplies. ...OO TO.. G. H. BESTOW 4 CO. rim DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and DUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PBIUES EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Conitrenrttioiml Oliu'oh, Mala Street, Oregon City, Orego WHY IS IT w That every day our store is filled with buyers from every part of the city, regardless of distance? There must be some reason.,!,, People- especially ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless there is a reason. . IT IS BECAUSE we have established a reputation for abso lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table , -f. delicacies, and our customers are sure of a superior article and then the prices are right. ... H o rtotT&TgTbso n ... PROPRIETOR OF HARDING'S BAKERY AND GROCERY BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY I 0 Spring Millinery ... Mrs. A. M HOWES of 131 Fifth St., between Washington and Alder. Portland, has the : : LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMED HATS- From $1.00 up. i Large Assortment.y;Hafs made and trimmed to order. CalIand see her dis play when in Portland.