Tha Curiosity of Voting. Tbo Aberdeen system of electing a lord roctor 1m a cariosity of voting. It is relio of tha niudiipval system of Paris, loiig Hiuco abnudoiied by tbo Puriaiuua and grout ly modified by (lio utlior Scotch universities. For the purposes of voting all tho ondorgradaatca are di vided into four nntiong, thin, of courso, being a inclining ess remiiaut of tbo mudiiuvul system by whioli the students of different liutionulitiea elected us chairman a rector to defend their rights against civic interference Thnre lire four nation at Aberdeen. Slat, Buclinu and Moray represent students bnrn north of tbe Grampians. Angus stands for the rest of the worldl On (lie voting day euch nation in locked up in a room by itself. But the students at Aberdeen do not givo a direct vote for the rectorul oaudidutes. They voto for u student who represents them, cullod the procurator. After the recording of the votes, wbioli are given orally, tho procurators meet iu another room, and tho successful candidate is he who has a majority of nations. If the nations are equally divided, tho winner is be who has tbe uutnerioal majority of votes. Londou News. A Bird of the Fr North. Daring Dr. Nansen' long voyage into tbe Arotio sea in search of tbe north pole he came npon a group of four islands in tbe neighborhood of Franz Josef Land, near which be Haw large numbers of a very rare and beautiful bird known as Boss' gull. It is described as "the most beautiful of all the animal forms of the frozen regions," and as tbe "most markedly polar of all bird forms." It Is distinguished from other species of gull by "its beautiful rose colored breast, its wedge shaped tail audits airy flight" Speaking of tbe discovery of these birds, Dr. Hansen says, "Hitherto it baa only been seen by cbanoe on tbe ut most confines of tbe unknown polar sea, and no one knew wbenoe it came or whither it went, but here we had unexpectedly come upon ita native haunt, and although it was too late in the year to find ita nest there could be no doubt about its breeding in thia re gion. "Youth's Companion. Boils, pimples and eruptions, scrofula, salt rheum and all other manifestations of impure blood are cured by Hood's Sursaparilla. The meritof Hood's Sarsuparilla Is literally written in blood. It is traced in the vital fluid Of millions of the human race. Its positive medicinal merit ' And curative power is written Upon the hearts, and graven upon The minds of thousands Of people whom it, has cured And given good health AVhun there seemed nothing before Thorn but darkness and despair. It cures all diseases arising From or promoted by impure Blood by its intrinsic merit as The one True Blood Purifier. If you want a nice steak, roast or boil call at AlbrigL t's shop and get some of his cold-storage meat which is acknow udged by all to be superior to the meats commonly sold at butchers' shops. He also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome. Re' member the old established shop on Main street. Teachers Institute. Tho annual teachers' instituto for Clackamas county will be held at the llarclay school building in Oregon City, lommencing Monday, June 28th, at 9 ('clock a. in. and continuing in session ;our days. Every toucher is expected o attend or file a written statement of easoiiH for none attendance. Dated June 10th, 1897. H. G. Starkwkatiikh, School Supt. A printer dosen't rush to tho doctor f hen he is out of "sorts." Nor to the .iker when hu is out of "pi." Nor to .ell when ho wants the "devil." Nor the HiMo when be wants a good rule."' Nor to tho gunshop when ho imtH a "shooting stick." Nor to a cab let slum when ho wants "furniture." ior to a bank when ho wants "quoins." .or to a girl when ho wants a "press." .or to a lawyer when he has a "dirty tse." Nor to a butcher when ho wunts phut." Nor to a puiim when ho is dry and has ten cents in ids pocket. Ex, ii a - Now that almost every State has tin sporiiuciit farm or station, it is of inter v-it to unto that I'iik Rural New Yohki it italilisliod the first experiment grmunis i this country. It is being con lu.-t'1 1 et solely for the benelit of the ivatl. i s ( the paper, in which the reports yi the xperiini'iits are exelusivey published, end to Tun Rural New-Yorker, Now . urk.fnr fi't'n KHiiiitla. Wo dill fl'JIld it ,,id the Coi'RiKit both one year for $2. Powerful saline and other drastic nrgatives should he strictly avoided, xiept in extreme cases. When an jK'rient is called fur, take Ayer's Pills, 'hey restore natural action by impart i strength and tone to the ImiwoIs, and icir use is always attended with good suits. O. A. Cheney will sell you a high grade i- i li- . owing machine from $ la to $20. See i .unpleat art gallery. Health Means a perfect condition of the .hole system. Pure Mood is essential i perfect liealth. Hood's Sarsupurilla takes pure blood and thus gives health id happiness. Hood's Pills are the favorite family oa tartic and liver medicine. Prh-o 2oc. .)e. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. Tho Clackamas Abstract A Trunt Co, la the ownei of the ecpyrlKht to tha Tlmrno system of abttmui inclv lei for Clackamas enmity, and ha llm only complete set of ub.traclf in the county; oitn information satellite to land ill onceon application boson, investiiiaiili, real ratal, alwtract. etc Otftne mar Jialik uf On-gnn City. Call und iuveliatt. Adilrrat, lux 877, Oregon ' liy. Oregon, ' Win 8 Grihbles to Hattie K Grihble, lots 7, 8, and sw of lots 4, 0, blk 12 7, 8, Canity; $1. J L Swafford to D 0 Lutonrette, 10 acres in Holmes claim ; $"0. Sunset Land Oo to John R Humphrey, lot 5, blk 19, Sunset City ; $200. Jeremiah Lano to T F Kyun, no M of ne M, sec HO, 4 s, 2 e ; f-'OO. V R Ellis, trustee, to Margaret Whi'e, lots 1, 2 and 4, blk 10, Robertson ; $500. A L Jumes to G 15 Pimick, lot 2, blk 1, Green Point; $400. F E Barton to E J Batton, tract "O," Cluckumas Riverside; $40. J G Foster to J fl Newhurg, lot 2, blk 5, Bcals add New Era ; $5, Ida B Winters to J F Cooper, acre in town of Olackumus ; $1000. D W Thomas to Oentral Grange No 270, 4 acre, sec 20, 3 s, 2 e ; $10. ' U 8 to McCtibe, so sec 28, 2 s, 5 e; patent. Thos M Evans to Lofl Berehs, nw of nw , sec 30, 2 s, 5 e ; $125. M B Cochran to School Dist No 2, 1 acre in Wm. Elliott claim ; $35. Dr. King's New Discovery fr Con sumption. This is the best medicine in the world for all forms of coughs and colds and for consumption. Every bottle Is gunr Hiiteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equul for whooping cough, Hsthma, hay fever, pneumonia, bron chitis, lagrippe, cold in the head and for consumption It is safe for all ages, pleasant to tske, and, above all. a sure lire It is always well to take Dr. King's New Life Pills in connection ith Dr. Ki nil's New Discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee perfect satisfac tion or return money. Flee trial bottle at Charman & Co.'s drug store. Regular ize 80 cents and $1. a m ai NOTICE. Anyone holding sheriff's receipt for taxes No. 3313, issued 29th or 31st of May, will confer a favor on G. W. Grace and themselves by sending same to undersigned,. who has lost duplicate Same will be returned. G. W. Gback, Sheriff You may bo one of thoso men who d not believe much in tarm turners. . If so just send your name anu address on a postal card to Thr Kural New-Yokkeh New York, for a free Bample. You will change your mind about farm paper when you reaa it. we will send it and the Courier both one year for $2 and your money back for Tub Rural ii you want it. Come and see our nice shirt waists at the Racket Store. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. TU fu ll sill Urn iftrr llfMtnrt. M OASTOZIXA. Halls li m svsry tifUttlM, oAeToniA. ii -i M' Buoklen's Arnica Salve. Tub Best Salvk in the world for Cuts, I Bruises, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, I Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Charman & Co. m an For Qver Fifty Years. An Oi. i) and Wei.l-Triku Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been ned for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with per feet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all piiio, cuies wind colic, and is t tie best remedy lor Diarrlnen. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggist n every part of the Woild. Twenty live cents a bottle. Its value is in "lculiille. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wjnsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no i'"T kind. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, w hich prevents diges tion ami permits food to torment and putrify In Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges- lion mill perilllu IWM luiniiivHiotm j ... the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache. Lnloodl? liisoinlua, nervousness, and, Pills If not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood' Tills stimulate the stomach. rouse the liver, cure headache. dlrlne, cort- ' iti n. et . & The only Tills total i CIMU.H. M"lll l lilt (trilKKTSls. lane with Hood's ars.iuiilU. TO CONSUMPTIVES In untlenicnftl tlNVtlllt Nl'tl levi-ml vrnni with iM-vi-rr tliii iln li"ti. mio Ihm dril ili-r"n. i iixn'i l DiKke ttiinwn to his lelluw 'iirti'rrr th itimni nl cure. To thine who irir il, he will I'lirrr f -ill v wild lw of rlmntei if of tlie emt. lllv tion ur., whirh ther will find iire cure lot n-""llon. A.llilOH, 'i.tirrh. Kr..Brhl IU and nil Ihnxi mm l'm llilie. H hopra all nt!ren will IrT Ilia rrtiUNlr, II InTNliiahir Thi ilrintn the prrwriptlon, vrhirh will rmt them niching, snd mr prort hlei.lnr. will nleae ldrvM. REV. EDW. A. WILSON. Brooklys. N. Y. ---- " -i JeCe table Preparation for As slmiiating thcFoodaiuiReguta ting the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Di(cstion,Chccrful ness and Rcst.Contalns neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nahc otic. fyJftofOUDrSAMVlWilXMIl Pumpkin Segil' Jlx.Smna jlnutSad Jimtmint ftimJtrd- (larxfUd Supo-. AnafectRemedv for Constipa tion. Sour Stoinach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Oonvulsions.revensa oess and LOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of "NEW YORK. U15 !WU W iVTrEQ ftp- EXACT COPT Of VRAPPEB. ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND T is all within one mile o the nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. - '' Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. T. L. CHAKMAN, Trustee, WANTED. Young men and women who are willing to work faithfully under our direction for six months or a year. We can give you the best instruc tions obtainable in BOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY OR ENGLISH BRANCHES, find you employment when you are qualified for it. Send for catalog. Holmes Business College "VrKSr PORTLAND. OREGON MANHOOD BEFORE no AFT'iR f'liPIDESlI! utrontfthona anil renlorrsmiall weale orttuna, . I'lio rcaMin aitiViTPri r not rnrwl hv Hncinrn In hwHiise rilnefy p"r wnt are tnrnnlM " Proatnllt la. CV PI DKN K l tin- only known n"niy to cure wiuiout un oi-riiuii. Jit A written iraxranteetttTen ami money remrne.1 if ix boxes d(H' not eilecl a jjcruiuiiiutfure. 1 U0 a box, six tor MM. by mull. Send for fhrk circular and lesilmonlala, -AiUeasAVi'KWICIKC.,P.O.iMao7ll,8anFraiiclsco,Cal. JbrSflctif GKO. A. HAKU1NU. LiriigaiHt, Oiegon City cl 1 i i V A S $10 Every Day Can Be Made fcy Ajjests. S M To prove it. we five a few item from actual sales made wilhin the last fo weelisj VI anlanlliei 30 111 three days. One axeni in Imlians totil luoptesin twoila. Anawnt KM In SoiithlarulinasohlMiMpies In three ilnvs. One asrent in LeorRia sold in two iliiy. S An axent iii Central tiivraia sohl ft! copies in ten days. When yon consider the mm. M .z. n.ii,.n wm allow ai-nt. nl the imiMnw nuniilarltv of this wonderful book, and the Vt eae with which it sell, there Is notlmiir in which live, pu'hins: mancan enimne which 'B will vield soch pmlti. For in.ianee: one aen made $109.25 is t'a ". sellmir 7J ei xrhu'n.lerholta." AiHther made Us. to la tireedaji; notl!i .JS laeae dy; anotlier ff v t ? JJ 1 tws 4aj; another 56.75 U tare eUyt. 47 W B. F. HAYNIZS PUBUSHINQ COMPANY. Nashville, Tenn. Jj SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EYEET BOTTIE OF Outorla is pnt tp la one-ilis bottlts only. It Is not sold la talk. Don't allow aayon to sell yon anything el on tho ploa or promlw that It Is "Jort m good" and "will answer mrjmt pOM." Sea that ym grt G-A-B-T-O-lU-i. ThlfM- PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT;. center of the city and is con Charman Bros.' Block RESTORED "COFJDENE" Thta ffreAt.ViMtah!e VlUilll-r,tliHprrlp- dnitsN tiun of A famous rrnrh pliystrmti, will quickly cure von or all n-r-votis or tiiwuHcn of the Kt-'ueruuve ontun, Biich nn lMt Mtintiooi, InsoniiiUl. I'kIurIii tlloBack.tieuilliul Kiutuslolifl. Kervmifl l)tbillty, I'iuipli'S UiiIUiips! to Harry, Kxliaumliiv Drnins, Varlrwele and t'oiutlmtlnn. 1 1 stntm all lofiacs by day cr iilttht. PivMit qnlrk Dfsadl ilist hiirKo, wlilrhif notclKTKtMl lpiul to Spermiitorrlmm ami all Ltio h.,rnrH ( .( I mi'iitpncy. I' 11 1 t: K pit' aunoa Uiu liver, Uie kidnevs and t'ii urinary oreansol all imuurillea. in w r ht rr 111 Ifl ILV U "THUNDERBOLTS," the latest anil (rranilest lwok liy this worM-wlilp celebrity now out ami (or lo extlnsivcly by Sl'bscrlptfoa. 'J'lia only book liven to the public by Sam Jones In tea ye.trr. Kilned by Itev. It. t llajnes. litlriMliiftion bv I.i-lK'ii .l(Keih . KeT, of th M. K. 'hnreh. Snntli. 0 9 prirr-. 1.1 solemliit illiiti'Hlinns. A lHnunza (ur agents. 2oct raitily, cuelly willing book of the. age. AGENTS WANTED. Send tf Cents lor A (rent's Outfit. nd to C-nts for:ir 70-paKe, llliutratol Catalogue of Bible. Albums, Etc. Hi i K'i WONDERFUL SALES. Qolalolilo ; TO THE 'EAST, OIVH3 THB CHOICK Of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUT -B S VIA GREAT NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ' AND ' ST. PAUL VIA UNION PACIFIC RY, DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CIT1 LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS smiFORwHt SAN FRANCISCO for (all detalli call on or adilresa W. H. HIIRLBURT, Gen'l PaB. Aitunt, ''oKTI.AMn, Ua E. McNEIL, Pres. and Mgr. Trains arrive and depart from Portland ai follows! Denart No.2 For ill Eastern mints via Union Paclllo 9:00 p. m No. 4 The Spokane Flyer and Oreat Northern 2:45 p. m. A rrlve No. 1 From the East via Union . Paelflo 0:00 a. m. ". No.-Fiom Bposane....... 11:69 s-tn. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route . OP THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South North. 6:00 r.M 8:f.2r.i, Lv Portland ' Ar Lv Oregon City Lv Ar 8an Francisco Lv 9:80 a. V 8:401.11 8:00 P. II 7:4hA.M. rhe shove trains ston at all stations between Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jeffef son, Albany, rangeiii, enenas, naisey, narn. biira Jiinetioii i:ltv. Irvin?. Eugene. Creswell t'otlaite Grove, Ura'ins, and all stations from Koseourg to Asniana, inciuaive. ROSCBURQ MAIL DAILY :30A.Jt. ,Lv Portland Ar4:80P. .'a.w !, Oreiron Cllv Lv S:86r.ii iM r. h. Ar Koseburg Lv I 7: 0a. u DININO OARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SL&BPKKS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Tralnt. West Side Division, Between PORTLAND and CORVALUS KAItTRAIM DAILTIIXCEPTSUNDAY.) 7:S0A.M. Lv Portland Ar:50P.M U:IBP.M.Ar Corvalhs Lvl:0oP.H At Albany and Rorvaliis eonneetwlth train of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. SXPRSSf, TRAIN DAILY(IXCPT8UtIDAT.) 1:50P.M. I Lv Portland Ar 18:25 A. It 7.80P.M. Ar McMlnnvllle Lv6:60A.M Slreet connection at 8s n Francisco with Occidental ana Oriental and PaciAa Mali steamship Lines for J t AN AND CHINA. Sailing dates oil application. Rates and tickets to eastern points and hurope also JAPAN,. CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, cau be obtaiued from K. E. BOYD, Agent, Oregon City R. KOEH1.KR, E. P. ROGERS, Manser, Asst. M. . 4 P. Aitent Portland, Or. Portland, Or. O.C.&E.R.R.Go '".' VAQKINA BAY KOTJTE Conncotlng at Taqulna Bay with the San Francisco and Yaqtiina Bay Steamship Company. Steamship "Farallon" Sails from Yaonina every eight days for San Francisco, Coos Bay Pott Oxford, Trinidad and Humbolt Boy. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between tho Willamette Volley and California. Fare from Albany or pointa west Francisco: Ciiliip, roniid trio SU'emge To Coos Bay ami Port Oxford: Cabin, To HiimlMiH Hay: Cabin, Round trip, good for fiO day. RIVcR DIVISION. to San 1'00 .1 oo 00 8 00 Steamer" "Albanv" and '-Wm. M. Hnag. ncwlv furnished, lrave Albany daily (except Saltmiays) al 7:45 a. ni., arriving at Portlaud the same day at 5p m. Rolurnliig. boats leave Portland same days at 0:00 a.m., arriving at Albany at r.vt p. m. J. C. MAYO, Snpt. River Division, Corvallls, t r. EDWIN STO.VK. Mgr.. laeVAsU BO Vf AR8 47 TRAD! MARKS, ..-4 DMIOMS, rrtf' coPvmcMTa Mo. Anrone sending a serh snd dMcrlptioa may aulclilv ascertain, free, whether an lnentlon le protmhly patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest, agency fur securl nit pat ente In America. We hare a Washlniiton ofUce. Patents taken through Munn A Co. reeelT special notice iu tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beaotlfnllr illnstrated, larrest errnlatlon of an scientific ournal. weesiy, terms $3.11 a year; i.iO six months, bpertmpn oopies and Uamd Buuk UN 1'ATkNTS sent free. Address MUNN A CO., .1t Breaalwar. New Yerk. Dr. Price's Cream Bakinsr Powder mtd Go4 Mraa. Minln Fur W Franuscav (R0 EAST VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE America's Seen I o Line. Meals Dining Car, a la Carte Rock Ballsst No Dust TIIK AM -KAIL TtOI'TR TO KOOIKNAl MININU UlbTltlCT VIA- SEATTLE AND SPOKANE. Shortest and "Quickest Route , TO ST. PAUL, . t MINNEAPOLIS, DULUTH, CHI3AG1 AND ALL TOINTS KAST. Through Future and Tourist Sfnpcrt, Dining and Library Obterration Cam. BEKVICE AND HCKNKRY UNKQVAI.ED For tickets and full Information call on or adaress A. II. C. DKNN1STON, O P. 4 T. A.. Portland, Oregon, or, R. C. STEVKN8. G. W. P. A., Seattle. REDUCED Iruui .i lo ii.-ilba J par uiuiilu I'l a ban par wailu I'l a liarin- M lerstrfaluieuthy prnc rif 1 tlclng phmlclan of Sill ymirs' ciiK-rlcuco. ti liail eiiccwur ucujiiiinn inan iiiisiiicw. w.. Binrvlt.i, wrli.ltlvjt ur nnhltliipML Irn proves general health anil lieautilloe cnmploiloii. Phr slclans and society uullcs Indorse IL '1 housauds curou. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL eonfldeutlall'. F"r parilculars address, with stamp, nn CM17IYCD Urtlrturt TknUr, lilll'lfllK II.U, UK. SNYUbK, kwiiind,,ai!W iuihuii, THE ICC1DENT8 OF LIFE A ' write to T. 6. Qdtncbt, Drawer 158, Chicago, Secre. Tr tary of the 6r A AcciDEitf ; Company, for Information i9 regarding; Accident Insur 1U"IIHx4 nce- Menlion thi PV' r By io dolnj you can save membership fee. Hat paid over 000,000.00 for accidental Injuries. Be your own Agent. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED- A NTED FAITH KUL MEN OR VOMEN TO travel for lesnonslble ealablished bouse in Oregon. Salary 70 and expenses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-sddressed s amped envelope. The National, Star lucuranc Bldg., Chicago. 12? Cents to Portland. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO.'S STR. RAM0NA Will Hake Dally Trips Between OREGON CITY and PORTLAND f'ABK Use for Rouud Trip. WAVE ' 'VB ORKUON CITV POBTLAND FT. TAY1.0 7 30 A.M. 9:80 M. 12 00 M M. i-90 P. M. 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY TIME. R-M A. M. 10:00 A. M. 12:811 P. M. P. M. 8:80 P. M. ";. 6S P. ?: P-M. CLUBBINO LIST. Regular Both Price Papers Oheoon Citv Coubieb and Both Kor Weekly Oregonian -......3 00 2 00 Thrice-a-Wcck N. Y. World 2 2 00 Thrice-a-Wcek Courier Journal 2 60 2 On New Occasions - 2 50 2 00 Rural New Yorker...-. 60 2 00 Country Ucntlemen 4 0 2 60 Prairie Farmer 2 60 2 00 Leslies' Weekly 6 50 8 25 American Agriculturist -.2 60 2 0(1 Farm Journal 2 00 . 1 Poultry Monthly 2 50 2 00 American Poultry Journal 2 00 1 60 This applies to new subscribers or old ones paying In advance. W A NTED FAITH FCL MEN OR WOMEN TO travel for responsible established house in Oregon, Salarv 1760 and expenses. Position per manent. Reference. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. The National, 8ur Insuranoa llldg., Chicago. llANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN TO travel for responsible established house in Oregon. Salary 7M) and expenses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose sell-addressed slumped envelope. The Kallonal, Star Insurance BUIg., Chicago. Weak Men Made Vigorous leAA? rotor tesiwnr tvsacr What PEFFER'S NERVIGOR Did! It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall Young men regain lost manhood: old men recover youthful vigor. Absolutely Gnnr anteed to Cure Nervousness Lost Vitality, Imuotencr, Nightly Kmisslon. Lost Power, either sex, Falling Memory, Waiting Dl; euaes, nnd nil rftcU of srlf-nfcuw or excntti ana imli'CrrUrm Wards off Insanity and consumption. Dont let druggist Impose a worthless substitute on you becane it vieins a creater profit. Insist on hav ing V KKFKii'S 1 KKVltiOK, or send for It t an be carried In vest pocket. Prepaid, plain wrapper, fl per box. or for S, with A Written Onar an tee to Cure or Itrfond Money. Pamphlet free fi-FFtU MtllCAl, AbH'H, Chicago, 111. 8(iM by t'liaruitfii & Co. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. liy orlk-r of the county court, notice i hereby given that interest on warrants jire.sentetl in payment for taxes will cense on June 1st, and that after thai ditto no interest will be allowed by the theriff and tax collector. May 11. O.W Grace Sheriff and tax collector Sewing Machines Cheap Want a sewing machine? Gel good one for $25.00 with five years gnarcntee; 3.00 down and $5 00 per month nntll paid. SeeBellomy & Busch tbont it. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal tad Diploma.