Mi 1 CCWC A i much better than going for the 1 doctor, and is quite as effect-j ive and costs less money. You t need always at hand a sate. 1M . ure remeay tine . . , , , I which will bring Instant relief ' iiom Bunaen limesa ana workout a perma nent cure. f poimvi eon for BRICHTS DISEASE URINARY TROUBLES FEMALE COMPLAINTS) GENERAL DEBILITY AND MALARIA. Cure alao. all those dlirasek . I Inn from disordered Kldnevanr l.lv- rer irveaizeo ooiueor Dew siyie' ! smaller bottle at your nearest store. i Try nana Know we satutactlon or 1 a remeuy. hen lust lieiird from Unit book agent who recently invaded JIifninwippi with a work on Irneution" was only a lew rods ahead of the mob. State or On io, City or Toledo, i 1.1XAN I IM'STY. I Frank J. I'hkney rnnkra naif M that he Is the Color Photography. ' Amateur photographers are now ex perimenting extensively .with the new process of color photography. The nature of the chemicals lined is a seoret, although the method is very simple. Over forty shades may be produced Irons the three primary colors used. The photographio plate is developed in the usual manner, after the color v i : n : n . a .1 1 1 ... . . .. ... nijuiuB arc uijpijeu. iUUHt 01 me 001- ana niaie amresain, ana mat mild nrm will pay nreil nhntnoraiiha nun hprotnfnra houi ",,,n 01 "l -m'bmj in,i,akm lor eauh orea pnoiograpns seen Heretofore have , every nm , ,. thBt ,, k. cure. by the uBcof IIall'dL'atakkii Ct'RK. FRANK J. CHENKY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this titta day of December, A. D. lbeii. A. W. GI.EAS0N, Notary I'ubllo. Mull's Catarrh Tore Is taken Internallv aiid acts dlreeily on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, tktml for testimonials, free. F. J. CHKXKY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold hr briifftd'tii, 7"c. liaU'a Family fills are the best. Italy's Mnrrlrge Premium. Italy is a country where marriage 'will always I mi popular, for the govern ment him a special fund for providinu marriage porlioiiH for poor voting girlf. Without 11 ,dower it would he alinon itnpoHsilile for a girl to lie married, and thin form of charity in said to he highly appreciated. The annual mim availa ble for this purpose ami distributed every yeur iiiniinjz tho murriageuhlu young girls is CiOO.OOO. To bo it re cipient it is necessary for the iipplieunt to prove her gooil reputation and char acter by several witnesses, to show that she has no means available, and that the young man who wishes to marry her has a trade. v n fXiir -I: mr-f Vr HI si .Wl" 1 HSi A St HE DEI.lVEItANCK. Not lnslniilHTienlii.lv. It Is true, but In a short sjiace of lime, persona of a bilious habit are lived from Ine lurinres which adisirdcrcd liver is capable of IiiIIIciIiik by Ilusieltrr'a Stomach III lers. nil anti bilious medicine ami aperient of the nrst rank. Tho unins In the riKhli.dc and throuch tlierittht shoulder blnde, tlie sick headache, muifcca. eonsiinnl m and saffron hue of Hie nkiu, are entiielr reiuoel by 111 is estimable resiorstive of tone 10 the organs of secretion ami dixcsilou. The largest wolf ever killed in th'e northern ptirt of Montana wits roped and drugged to death near Nashua, Valley county, recently, and measured seven feet from tip to tip. HOMK PRODUCTS AND PVKK KOOI). All Eastern flvruo. an-eatled. naiiallv vnrr lltlii colored and of heavy bodv. Is made from glucose. "7V(i Uurdrn ii;" is mado from UKar Cane and Is siricllv Dure. It is for sale ny nrst-ciass rrorers, in cans only. .Manuuic tllred bv the Haiuktc f!osr Svm'p Cn All nn. nine "'I'm (innlm Drim" have I lie manuiav' lurer'i name llthoKraphed on every can. Jt-T: .Nt r'-O-'avVv. .I'S.-i neglected. TIiuh every weetl and sur plus growth must he si riipulouxly kept down, us everything that grows Is con. stnntly din wing moisture from the soil. If we. can get the upper nud lower moisture In the soil to meet the battle Is won. If, however, there Is a dry streak of soli a foot or more below the surface, vegelntlon will suffer. been painted by hand. The new auto matic process gives much finer results. Pictures of landscapes and marine, views are very satisfactory. But the most striking are those taken of sol diers of the French army. Gorgeous reds, blues, both light and dark, gold buttons, and luces bhow with great brilliancy. Even precious stones have been pitotnred clearly by the new pro cess. It is so delicate that not only flesh tints but actual differences in complexion show. Your picture may be taken in all the colors of nature, giving color of hair, eyes and skin.. Spring bonnets and new gowns may be shown to best ad vantage. It is thought that at last sat isfactory photographing of oil paintings may be accomplished. Hn li, iMtalllni nl tliu H.m ..f V t I'tiut't-ir ...'r. doinir business In the eiivof Toledo. Countv 8KAI. I Some oitizens in Kansas are trying to raise $1,000 for a marble bust of Charles Robinson, the first governor of tho state, to be placed in the chapel of the f!tate-iiiverity. London's Fublle Park. Some loyal Britisher has deoided that the city of London needs a de fender and comes to the front with the following claims: Since the year 1839 the city has paid toward the improve ment of the whole municipality about $66,116,400, or a daily expenditure of over $3,000. As for the claim that the city is stuffy and Badly in need of breathing space, he insists that, exclu sive of private gardens, close upon 25 per cent of the whole area of the city is given up to the public for recreation grounds; thus, within the five-mile radius of Charing Cross there are no lless than 63 ground areas, apart from the cemeteries, the private grounds and square gardens, nearly all of them exceeding 20 acres in extent. A New Anaesthetic. A Polish chemist is said to have in dented an anuesthetio which votalizes rapidly upon exposure to the air, ren dering the persons near unconscious for a long time. It is calculated that in warfare a bomb exploded in the midst of the enemy would have the effect of putting the entire body to sleep. A ipellet of the substance broken under a man's nose put him to sleep for four ihours. Piso's Pure for Consumption is the best of all rough cures. (ieorge W. LoU, i'u bucher, l.u., August 20, 1803. So dense is the water in the deepest parts of the ocean than an ironclad, if it were to sink, would never reach the bottom. An Engineering; Feat. Working plans for a tunnel to con nect Sicily with the mainland of Italy, tinder the Strait of MesBina, are on ex hibition at the University of Pa via. A tunnel is thought more feasible than a suspension bridge, as the narrowest part of the strait is two miles wide, and the leapt span possible, 10,600 feet, is considered dangerous 011 account of the prevalent high winds. riRBinP F0R "ALE b' J- Bishop, 701 liAnDIUD Puoenix bids, Minneapolis, iilnn. Itlvalry of English Cities. The English cities, Manchester and Liverpool, which are one hour apart by rail, continue to fight for commercial supremacy, and while Manchester has spent an enormous sum to construct a ship canal to divert the trade of Liver pool, the latter citv has put $45,000,- 000 into a new system of docks. lireaklnt Colts to Hnrn'ss. Put a strong halter on the colt and tie In a double s-lnll with steady work horse. Tut 011 only the harness at ttrsl and let tliem remain thus for a day or two. Fimten a pulley la) at top and buck of stall, also one (b) at back, about two feet from ground. Arrnuge double trees, rope, and -weight as shown In Illustration. The weight should he alxmt UOO or 400 pounds. Af ter harnessing the colt with the old horse, attach the weight and let the colt pull at It. When taken to the I 01 I an t ilar-H HI 1 CM. I fart rOH BKBAKINO THE COLT.' The oldest bank in existence is the Bank of Naples, which has of late been passing through such troublous times. The bank dates from 1639. The Bank of England was not established until 1694. Held the animal will go along quietly and will make no trouble. XI. T. Baae, In Orange Judd Farmer. Ore of Implements. One of the causes of bard times Is the lack of care In housing and earing for Implements. Too frequently we see costly Implements left unhoused from one season to the next; the plow per haps standing In the furrow where the hired man unhitched from It last fall, or possibly turned upside down as an extra precaution; the binder standing In the corner of th'e field or the back yard, where In company with the cul tivators. It furnishes a convenient roost for the chickens at night and a play thing for the children lir-the daytime. I'nder such circumstances lots of good big dollars are simply thrown away. The life of the Implements Is cut down much less than half; and yet the shift less farmer wonders why he doesn't get ahead! Of course many other things conspire to make his lot a hard one Just now albeit he Is really better off than most of his brethren In town but a lit tie care In this regard would save nun ureus or tnonsaiuis or dollars every year to the farmers of this country. Exchange. Wide llrrs. It has been truly said that no oihei single element, except Ignorant road making, adds so much to the heavy burden of HUpMrting the highways iw the use of narrow tires, which cut up the roads Instead of ironing them smoothly down. The horses' hoofs, of course, chop up the road somewhat, but It Is a mere surface Irritation com pared with the deep and fatal wouuds made by the narrow-tired wheels when once a nit Is started. Build a reasonably good rood and equip the vehicles with wide tires, witu the treatl or the roar wheels dif ferent from that of the front wheels, so as not to follow lu the same pnth, and the surface will not be rutted at all. The wheels serve as rollers, ami, Instead of culling up the roads, they make them better. We tax ourselves poor to keep our highways lu order, and tben carefully select wagons which will uudo the work as quickly as pos sible. Plow Points. Plow poluts are often Improperly sharpened. .Some blacksmiths . slope the plowshare all the way to the edge, live a cultivator shovel. A point so sharpened will always give trouble, running too deep, and If the ground Is very hard the point will soon round up and the plow refuse ample penetration unless the ground Is rather soft. In working the steel, It Is better to heat It slowly. In tempering, heat to a cherry red and dip In water. When takeu out If a blue color Immerse aguln, and that will toughen It.- If the plow Is rusty. It Is a good plan to oil the share often with kerosene. In painting Iron work, an excellent paint Is made of graphite mixed with linseed oil. The color Is black, the paint sticks well and forms a fine coating for tin roofs. Fanners should paint the sheet-Iron work on their binders and other machinery. A PhadT Chicken Coop. Shelter at night, and shade for tho. heat of the day, are both provided for In the coop shown In the accompany ing cut, reproduced from the American Agriculturist. A barrel, with a bit of the. head left In, Is placed upon Its side and partly filled with dry loam. Above Is stretched a square of cheap cotton cloth, as shown In the sketch. If the hen is to be kept from running with the chicks, she can be tied to the stake In front, or shits can be nailed across the front of the barrel. A square frame, covered with coarse wire cloth, makes an excellent protection for the SIOOO for those who find it. - What is the missing word in the following sentence: Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it is - because it is fresh-roasted. Get a package of Schillings Best tea at your grocers ; take out the Yellow Ticket; send it with your guess to Schilling's Best Tea, San Francisco, by August 31st. One guess allowed for every yellow ticket If your guess reaches us before July 1st, you are entitled to two guesses for each ticket. If only one person finds the word he gets $1000. If several find it, the $1000 will be divided equally among them. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one en elope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it Shaving Wood Made Kaer- Useful for making ax handles, single trees and for trimming wood for other purposes Is a horse, similar In purpose to the harness maker's stitching horse, By the horse portrayed below, a stock can be dressed into almost any shape by means of a sharp drawing knife. The head should move slowly In the mortises and the pin In the Inch hole through the upper plank and lower part of head should not be too tight, but so ns to raise or lower the head for ehaving light or heavy timbers easily The bottom plank, a. Is 7 feet long, Inches wide and 2 Inches thick. Upper farmers' shaving house. plnnk, b, Is 3 feet long, 8 Inches wide and 2 Inches thick. The Jiead, c. Is fl inches thick and from d to e Is 8 Inches long; the piece passing through the mortise Is 4 by 1 inches. The hole, n, Is for a pin to hold the bead In place as well as to raise or lower head by means of the several pin holes at o. Farm and Home. In addition to the $1000 offered we will pay $100 each to the two persons who send in the largest number of Schilling's Best yellow ticket! before June 15th. Cut this out You won't see it again for two weeks. A Schilling & Company Sao Francisce How to Tell a Hnrae'a Are, . 'The popular Idea that the age of a horse can always be told by looking at his teeth," said n veterinary surgeon, "Is not entirely correct After the eighth year the horse has no more new teeth, so that the tooth method Is use less for telling the age of a horse which Is more than 8 years old. As soon as the set of teeth Is complete, however, a wrinkle begins to appear on the upper edge of the lower eyelid, and a new wrinkle is added each year, so that to get at tbe age of a borse more than 8 years old you must figure the teeth plus the (wrinkles." Plowlae Prevents Droaght. It will be found that while the soil la kept loose by plowing and cultivation its capacity for absorbing and holding water W much greater than where it 1 GOOD CUK'KKtf COO!. front at night, as It keeps out the ene mies of the chicks, but lets In pure a.!r. It, Is for laok of proper ventilation that many broods fall to grow thrlfUly. Re move the surface of the loam In the barrel occasionally and put In a coat ing of fresh earth. Kaffir Corn for Swine. Kaffir corn for swine should be fed In connection with other foods. The Kansas experiment station ground and soaked over night red Kaffir corn and fed It to a lot of four hogs from No vember 7 to January 23, but gains In flesh were so. light tt seemed tmpossl ble to fatten the hogs, so a feed con slstlnjf of red Kaffir corn two-thirds and shorts one-third was fed with greatly improved results. A mixture of two-thirds corn meal and one-third soy bean meal has given better results than Kaffir corn and soy bean meal. Bed Kaffir corn meal Is not as good a feed for hogs as com meal, but when either Kaffir corn or corn meal Is mix ed with soy bean meal tbe results are highly satisfactory. Hints. Bounce tbe lazy hired man. Economize labor on the farm. Kill the hens that lay no eggs I'usb every acre for all It U worth. Don't monkey with the board of trade. Keep an account with each field on the farm. The direct shipment of grain to cities as a rule does not pay. Don't get swindled by slick-tongued Impostors from the City. Clover Improves the soil and makes the best "hay" In the world. No soil was ever so rich that It could not profitably utilize tbe manure made on the farm. If you can do twice the work with a new machine than you can with your old one, buy a new one. Patronize your home people. Sell your grain to tbe local buyer unless 70a know be Is swindling you. Cultivate a bitter enmity to every weed that grows. Try to feel toward U a dog does toward a cat PHYSICIANS BAFFLED, Profr-iinr It. 8. Ilnwiiinn, limtrm tor of Natural Hnlxnce In IlarUvllle College, Cure4 ofa Hnvi.ru Illnraa by Dr. Wllllama Pink I'llU for Tale l'ela After I'll) ult-lana Palled. From the KcpuMicun, Odliimbiii, Ind. Professor It, 8. Bowinun, the able la siege of tlm grip in the middle of instructor of uatnrul science in tho fa mous HarlHville (Ind.) College,, is well and favorably known, not only as an educator, but also us a minister of the gospel, as for a number of years he was pastor of the United Brethren church at Charlotte, Mich., before com ing to Ilurtsville. PROF. K. S. BOWMAN. Some time ago he had a severe ill ness which was cured ulmost miracu lously. A reporter hearing of this, in terviewed him regarding his experi ence. Professor Bowman was in the midst of his work when the reporter called, but he cheerfully gave him a bearing. , "A year ago last full," said the professor, "I broke down with nervous exhaustion, and was unable to properly attend to ray duties. I tried different physicians, but with no relief, and also used many different proprietary medi cines, spending almost .$50 for these medicines alone. I then euooumbed to winter, and was left in a much worse condition.' My kidneys were fearfully disordered, ami my digestion became very poor. I was indeed in a bad con dition v . "A minister in oonference learning of my condition advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I had heard much about the wonderful curative powers of this, medicine, but it was with reluctance that I was fin ally persuaded to try it, as it seomed that nothing could do me any good. However, I procured three boxes of pills and took tlietn strictly according to directions. By tho time the lust dose was taken I was almost cured, and in better hculih than I had been for years. I continued using the pills awhile longer and was entirely cured. I can cheerfully recommend Dr. Will iams' Pink Pills for Pule People." Such was Professor Bowman's won derful story which was further en dorsed by the following affidavit: Hurtsville, Ind., March lu, 1897. I nflirtn that the above accords with the facts in my cune. 11. S. BOWMAN. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this 16th .lav of March, 1897. . LYMAN J. KCUDDER. Notary Public. State of Indiana, ss. Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pals People contain all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shuttered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose form, by tho dozen or hundred) at 50 cents 11 box, or six boxes for 2.50, and may be hud of all druggists or directly by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. REASONS FOR USING Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa. Because It is absolutely pure. Because it is not made by the so-called Dutch Process in . which chemicals are used. Because beans of the finest quality are used. Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the brans. Because it is the most economical, costing less than one cent a cup. Be aura that yotl get the (enulnr article made by WALTER BAKER CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mau. h'ttabliihed 1780. m IMS ..s Wjlfiv I SaVJ'; ' . Are You Sick or Weak? 1 Are yonr nnvr weak, your back ai'hliifr, your bowelx oiixl I mil ? llavit you pallia over your klilm-ya anil down into your K nil 117 Do you fun I ilrort when you go to lied, and worre when yon kpi up in the moruiiiET Am you aluftKinli and lazv when you oiiKtit to he lirlKlit and active?' Thota anil many other aymntoina Indicate tha eoniliiK on of varioua forma of Nervoua De bility, wbivh, If treated early, can be cured by DR. SANDES'S ELECTRIC CELT... "Before nslng your Belt t wan tronbled with chronic dvpepla, cmmtlpatlon, liver romplaint and pain In the kidney, and i will nay with all ncrlouHiiBat and truth that I am greatly benefited and entirely enred, and will say that alt nufferiiiK from the above will nd great relief In the uau of the Uanden Klcctrlo licit. "Uespeetfully, ' Btanwood, Wash., November 20, 1896. ' ft. D. DOlICil.AHS." There Are Qures Reported Every Day. Kvery day they are reported, and each one from an hnnrat man, who hn been re stored to health and want other to ahare Hie same, bcnellta. laitforvou? Do von not need It? tlow different It in from medicine and all other remedies Try it. head tbe book, free, aealed, by mail. Call or addreaa SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., 3 Wat Waahlnnlon St.. rortUnd. Or. !TA?n writing to Advertiser please mention thin paper. CHEAPEST. POWER... Rebuilt Gas and ..Gasoline Engines fOR SALE CHEAP IN GUARANTEED ORDER. 1-1 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. 1-2 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. 1-2 H. P. Regan, Gas or Gasoline. 1-3 H. P. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline. 1-4 H. P. Otto, Gas or Gasoline. 1-4 H. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline. 1-6 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. 1-10 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. Stste Your Wants and Write for Prices... 405-7 Sansome Street San Francisco, Cat... Hercules Gas ....Engine Works Gas, Gaaolioe and Oil Enginei, 1 to 200 E. P. Weakness of Hen Quickly, Thoroughly, Forever Cored s by a ntw perfected teientifla Biat bud that e-mmit fail bIm Ui um ti bftjrotid bumsn aid. Yoa ImI im erovtd thm ftnt day, fool enettt vary day, soon know jtmrfit a king among ma In body. Blind and bart. Drain and loaaaa ndL varf obataela to bapp? ma triad hfa ramottxt .Narva fore, will, antrffy, whta failing or loat. ara rnatorad by ihia traatmant. A II vaak portion! of tha body anlargad aad atrangtb nad. Writa for oar book, with aiplanation and proofs, haol aaalad, (ran. Orar 2, CM) rafaraooaa, ERIE UEOICAL CO., BASE Bill GOODS Wi Weearry the moat complete line of tivmnaOua and Athletic ionla on tliet'onM. SUITS UNIFORM! MADE TO OHUEH. r-ciid for Our Athletic Catalogue. WILL & FINCK CO.. S1S-S0 Market St., Man Franciaeo. Cat. WHEAT Make ceaaiul moner br guc liei'uiatinn in I I BmmJtirrhloiL Baa I j rH:rU K.P.N.U. No. 701. a F.N. U. No. T81 I'hleaeo. w. bur ami aell wheat thHr .in map. in. rorionet nare been made on a am all leg-lnning l,jr trading in fmurea. Write for full partieulan. ten of reference (riven. Ber eral jreara' ex perlem-e on the Chicwo Hoard of Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the buat nem lXiwninj, Hork nn Co., ( hieaio Hoard of Trade Hrnkera. Oflirea In Portland, Orezon, Spokane and heattle, M aah. ltVffVVff "CHILDREN TEITHINC." 1 wiaiw'a Hooraiao aracr atoual ajwara ta S w aaa or eauurea tmcbiiif . It aonthaa Uia rbiM, auf 4 a . rax. ! all paha. earra rMlr.axdMS a kaat renvxlr for aukrrboaa. Twaalf St onto a i -pCPTrBK mm4 FILES eared; so paras IV til eared; arn. for book. Dae. MjMniLt I roarurtSLD, m Market gu, aa rraseiaea