OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. EntaradinOregoDCity poUiracai.cond-cUia matter. SUBSCRIPTION BATE8. If paid In advance, per year JJ One year ... JJJ Six mouths 1 " T!i rue mouths M l&Vbe (lull1 opposite your address on tho PMiur denotes lliu lime to which you have paid. l'ATHJMZK IIOMK lMM'sjTKV. OREGON CITY, MAY 28, 1807. DEMOCllACY. A conference of litudin5 ilemoeruts of New York stuto lm been called to lir cuh8 muttera relating to the party unil to attempt u unillciitiuii "f democratic forcen. The New York deinoerats deep ly deplore the fact that they uro no longer the controlling element in the democratic party of the United Stilton, hut they still are unuMu to realize that they uro not the real party, und they want to hring the rent of the party buck to a platform of olliciM and hi ruddle. If tho demoeratH of New York, or any part of them, have strayed from tho fold tney h1iuu.iI' come buck without cou di'tioiiH. Otherwise they hIiuiiU flay where they are. The deinoer.itie parly in coinooHeil of only one wing. It standH for biinetillimii to-iluy an it did in the hint light. There will benoihangein lHHtieH, there will be no concealing of purpose. T Iih democratic party U out for tho free and unlimited coinage of silver without evasion and without equivocation. It will welcome to its ranks nil who believe it) that principle. It will resort to no suhterfugu or deceit in order to uttract to its ranks any who may not desire to follow that principle. The New York demociats talk of "re organization," but there is no reorganiza tion necessary. The democratic party is organized. Its organization is based on a principle so righteous that defeat, instead of demoralizing tho party, has strengthened it. Heforo tho next great battle every voter who believes in bimetallism will be lighting in the democratic ranks. Those who don't be lievn in bimetallism are not wuntud. If tlm "National Democrats." who cast Inst full one-hftioth as many votes as Bryan receivcl, desire to rejoin the domocrutic party, let them first repent and get converted. Tho democratic party is still for the people. J-.iQll FA Ml. Tho Salem Statesman hhvh! "Clack amas county is about to buy a farm on which to keen its dependent poor. It is figured by the promoters of the scheme thut it will make a hiv'ui, over tho present system, p.irtiy because many who receive support direct from the treasury in monthly installments would not go onto tho farm, on account of their pride. A poorly managed farm might bo more of a burden than a help from nu economical standpoint. The question of support and help f'" tho poor is al ways ii very delicate one. There uro chances for nbm-e of tho right to ask for assistance from tho public funds on tho ono side side, and of inhumanity in dealing in a general w ay w ith the various cases of want on tho other. In Multno mah county tho matier is left largely to the discretion of the judge. Tho tales of woo listened to by Judge Northup of Multnomah and Terrell of Marion are muny of them, indeed pitiful, and these ollicials have a grave and troublesome responsibility, in sifting tho sincere and deserving from tho professional dead heats. The poor we always have with us, and also the lazy and the criminal. Toe dividing lino between tho lazy and theci iniinal is often a very imlistiiit one. Tho Htutcsman 1ms before this advocated tho purchase ol a farm lor die pour ol Marion count v. lint we are free to ad- mit that there are two sides to this qiiesti.in, in fact, many sides." Mlt. HI! VAX. Ctlerly inUaken, inipracticalile, and 'oven pernicious as Mr. I'ry.in's ideas on tho money question are, lie is unqiioH tionaldy a very popular man among the masses, who do not delve deeply into mich matters, and who are ready to sup port any suit of a sc'.ieme that promises a radical change. A lame, and the most intelligent and conservative Kirtion, of tha democratic p:vrty, as hitherto consti tuted, will not support him or his policy, lull it seems reasonably certain that he will again he the candidate of tho silver wing of the democratic party. The iiuiiii-v democrats will have to s,nn McKinley again, or vote fr a j demiH'rat who can have no nope ot election. 1'nless a strong tide of pros perity sets in Wfore I'.HXt, another fusion K'tween llio silver democrats and the populist would fleet l'-rynn then; lint the iM.pulists will prohaUy put up an tqiposition candidate, in which event the j republican nominee will have a much ea.-ier race t'uin McKinley had last year. With all his loc-so loquacity alout Kxecntrix of the Kstate ot Jonn w. finer, iie .. ..........(; ieeascl. In Ihe office of the clerk of the county of lnonev. .Mr. irjn " . i money in in tn urH, cvi'"'. liimm'lf More tlio paie l the t.roiiii.l i;ni: in a v to win their anient ailmi- . 1... : 1 itioii ami riithUNiantic miiirt The ntry may have a wrious tule with et. Welcome (p'M lemoTiit ) Tit Kim has nearly 100,000,000 pounds of wool been rushed into this country since the proposed new tariff hag been under discussion. The great manu facturers have an immense amount of sympathy for the Americans sheep growers. Salem Journal. Famhioxaiii.k foolery has reached its climax in Paris, where there was a swell dog wedding last week. The dogs lie longing to a couple of titled people were united In wedlock with all the usual ac cessories of a wedding J orange blossoms, a veil and satin gown were worn by tho poodle bride, while the dog groom had on a dress coat and liountonnier. There were a number of canine bridesmaids, a bulldog for a minister, und several ush ers. A lino supper followed tho nuptial ceremony, which was greatly enjoyed by both the two and four legged guests. In course of un address liefore the ijiisiness Men's League of Philadelphia John Wanamaker said : "Tho country is not prosperous. Since tho outset of tho last presidential campaign tho party press and political leaders generally lixed tho November election of 1.WJU us the dat of tho beginning of good times. A filll half of the year has txphed since llie will of the republican party was declared. Thus far but ono of tho im portant issues of the campaign is near ng settlement, and hardly any lAticeablo improvement of the wretched times is manifest. Tho tide, ttill soon set in strongly against tho republican party unless t e depression of business is altered. Idleness ami want breed a bit ter discontent, which will never bo over come until there isauiple employment." For Sale or Trade. A fine span of farm horses, weighing 1100 each, uged 7 und 8, for sale for cush or will trade for cattle or sheep. Inquire of the Oregon OityOasli Market, Seventh street. SUEKIrF'd SALE. In the Circuit Court ot llio Statu of Oregon, for Die Coiinly of Clackamas. Geo. F. Gordon. Plaintiff, vs. I'utlicrino Cecilia Thlinnull, Defendant. Hlate ol Oregon, County of CluckamnH, us, Y V1UTUK OF A Ji:miMKNr OKKKIt, I)K crou and uu execution, duly Issued out of and nailer llie aval of the above entitled court, III the almvu entitled cause, to me dulv directed mill dated the Jlsl day of May, lid", upon a Judgment rendered and enured In Bald court on the 1st duv of Mav, 1SOT, in favor of Ueo. K (lorilon, Plaintiff, and attaint Ualhcime Cecilia Tliiirman, Defendant, for tha sum of S-W.'.'A with Interest thereon at th rate of ID percent per annum from the 1st day of May, lwrj, and the further sum of iM.m aa attorney's fee, and the further mm of elo.00. conn and disbursements, and the costs of mi l upon thin writ, command' mH me to make sal of ihu following described real propeity situate ill llieeountv of Ulackamiis, Mate of Oregon, to-wil: 1 ho southwest quarter of the southwest quarter and the south nail of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section one (1) I" township two (i) ou h ol range two (21 east Williuuulle Meridian, Clacka mas county, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order anil decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Siiturdav, the H I duv of July, I87. at the Hour of one o clock I'. M. at the front door of the county court house in the olty of Oregon City, In said couutv ami slate, sell at public auction , subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, lor It. S. gold coin, cash lu band, all the right, title ami interest widen the within named deiendiiiils had on tho dine i f the mortgage herein or luce had 111 and to the above dcKcrilied real proneriv or anv part thereof, to sail ly saltl cxec'ition. judgment order, decree, Interest, cost and all accruing costs. i. W. (IIUCK, Sheriff of Clackann.s County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon i iiy, Or., May tt.lb, ls'.Hi. SI I Kit IKE'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for the County ol Chu kaiuas. The Hoard of Commissioners for the sale ol Behool mid l uiversity Lands ami tor t lie investment of the funds urising therelioin, I'laiuttlVs, W. T. lluincv, J. V. Draper, Joseph It. Cramer, Kicliurd Nixon, lleeelvcr lor the Portland Savings Hank, I' J. Holes, K, P. Nnllitig. S. . Train and J K. Whit. icy, partners iih Train & Whitney. Charles Kisley. trustee, II. 1. MoGuire, tile county of Clack Hiiins, Oregon, and Win. H. Kouarts, De lemlatlls. mate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, s. HY VIltTCK OK A Jl'DUMKST OltUKU, DK erco and an execution, duly Issued oui of anil under the seal id the above eniltled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 17th day of May, is'.rc, upon i judgment rimclered mi'i cniereu in sum ourl on the lltli day of May, 1W. in favor of the Hoard of Commissioners for tne sate ol school mid iniiversilv lamia nod fur the invest ment of the minis urlsniij therefrom, phiinlilK and against W. T Itiiroev, .1. W. Draper, Joseph II. Cramer, Itieliurd M.xoll, receiver lor me I'Mriluiid Snvimis II ink. T. .1. Nlltes, K. P. Nut ting. H S. Train and J. It. Whitney, partners as Train Wnilnev. Charles Kisley, trustee, II. D. m. ...'.niiv , r I'nti'kitiii.is. Or iron, and lit,,, ii. It,, buns, defendants, for the sum of Wllh iicrci uiercou at the rate of s per cent per annum from ine December, l.vd, and the further sii.,1 ol istoo no as minnicy's fee, ami the luriher sum of flfton, I nists am disbursements, anil me cosis oi non n,., ..I md mi, ,n Oil will. I'onimuiMliug me to make sale of the following described real p opertv situate in llio coiinly of Clackamas, stale uf' Oregon, to-wil: The southeast iiiarier of section In, Ihe northeast iiinrter and norih half of the sonlheast (iiarier and no tbwesl oiiarter of s.uittie. iiiaiieri.f section :.0,the northwest iiiarler and norih half oi southwest nuurlor and southwest q lurier of kHithHesl onarter and lot So. ;S ol section Ihe northwest onarler ef northwest quarter ol section. Ihe east half of c ist half of northeast quarter of section :ll and ls7 acres oil llie westerly end or the David Culling D. I' i" sections 2,2I, 1" and 17, all In lownship ;l wniih of ra.ige .tiast ol Vt lllumelle meridian, also Ihe east lull I of sontll east quarter and lots I. J and I of section i 211 in same township ait I range, coni.iiulng lu all Ills, acres, more or less, a, I In Clackamas couuly, slate of Oreiron . Now therefore, bv virtue- of said execution, judgment nrdt-r and d.eiee. and In colnpllauee I .. mum Is ,,i ald wr 1. 1 lll. on alllr dav. llie mill dav of June, ls!'7, ill llie hour of one o ehs k P. M .ai the fronl d.sir or mo ninny court house in the oily ol Oregon fit v. In sanl cooiiivan l stale, sell al public auction subject In ic.iemptioii, to the highest bidder, for I . . gobi coin, cah in hand, all the right, title and Inieresi which Ihe within named defendants or ?ZX tit?'JXX It her ol them, hn.l on llie il.ue in ine miiemt exeeiiilon, jinU'ineiit onler. decree, lulercsi.cwls and .ll.. cn...,gco.ls. SlierliT of Clackamas Ci.nniv, Oregon Dated, Oregon City, Or . May lth, 1-.i7. NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNT. In Ihe matter of the Kstate of John M. Slikcr, DiH-casiHl. OTICK IS HEREBY (ilVKS THAT THE undersigned has Hied her final account as ....... m.L .n,i ,h., ,h Conntr Judge for said County has appointed the Mh day of July. 1S'.7, In the July term of said Court for said j ear 1"7, at W o'clock In the forenoon thereof, as the 'm' " P11'' ,OT n'mnI1 owjecuwis i" me m tinal account and the seuieuieni increoi. AAI.1NK ti. li SLSANDKR. nee Slikcr, Executrix. Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble and Sick Headache the Results-Doe tore foi Years Without Relief. 'My blood wn i it, of order, and I be gan taking Ii- i Ua 'saparllla. It bat pui Hied my biood uiid relieved me ot rheumatUin, kidney trouble and sick headaches. I have been afflicted with these dllflcultlej (or years. I am now a bio to do a good day's work. Rheumatism bas troubled me since I was achild, but I am now entirely well." Mias Pheobb Bai ley, Box 410, Pasadena, California. " I have suffered from the effects of Im pure blood, bolls, pimples, etc., for five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles ot Hood's Korsapnrilla. The bolls and pimples hnvo nil disappeared since I bewail taking this medicine. I am now entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1412 11th Street, Ouklund, Culifornla. Hood's Sarsaparilla . .. ..... n in 1 1.it JS llie nest Ml mci III'- 1 'lie 1 RIB Ill"i v" 1 fur. AIldruKKlsts. Sl.alx fnrSS. (let Hood's, li r:ii. nro i,ri y vt w im" " ro" 11UUU 3 I 11 is lame,, UliUUIlclUi. JO ADMINISTRATRIX' SALE OK LAND iTOTICK IS IIEKKI1Y GIVHX THAT TIIK ii iiiwleiuleneil hi administratrix of the estate of I'cter Tavlor, deceased, by virtue of an order of the county court of Clackamas count y, state of Oregon, inada on the 4th day of Jt.iv, lsn7, a'ltlionl.ig lier so In do, will from and unci tne Jiih duv of .lull". IH'17. dulv sell at private sub', lor cash, the following described real properly lic'onuinir 10 the estate of said ilececleill, lo-K u Situate in Clackamas county, state of Oregon, ii I lu'lnir Uu ii inheast oiiurterof the iinrihivMt (liiiiricr of s.-ction SI In township 5 south range I east Ol ll, e tinoimeiie mi luoiu. .-u III acres, and the southeast iiiartr of the north west hall of section : In townstitpo aiiutli, range I east of the Willamette meridian, containing 40ercs, all in said-county and stale. Said laud to be sold for cash. Persons wishing to buy said lands are ropiested to make their oilers to llie unilcrsmied at Aisen, "regou, or to iiuinsey & Kenton at McMliiuville, Oregon. KAMSKY & KKSl'oX, tCDNA TAYLOR. Attorneys for Estate. Admlnlstnlrlx of Said Estnlo. SHEUIKK'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the8tateof Oregon, for IIIU OIIUVJ Ul Ulll.Olll.B Henry Mlley, Plaintiff, vs. (iustave Dab like and W. B. Hlddlesou, DefcnduntB State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, TIY VIRTUB OF A JITDO.MENT ORDKR, DE- I cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of Ihe above eniltled court, In the above eniltled cause, to me duly uirecied anil oaien me flu nuj ol muy, io-.m. iihi a ju.iK ment rendered and entered in said court on the anh dav of April, 1U7, lit Invorof Henry Mllev, plaiutlli', and against tluslave Dahllkeand W. ll, lliuuicson, neienuuiint, lor ine sum oi vnio.mi, wlih interest thereon at the rate of 1U per cent. per annum from the ith day of April, 18D7, and the further sum of 100.00 as attorney's fee, and tlm further sum of i.1000, costs and disburse ments, and the ensu of and upon mis writ, com manding me to make sale of the following de scribed real properly, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at the northeast corner ol a certain tract of land sold and conveyed to Joseph Rentier and re corded on page 1W of book H in Records ol Deeds for Clackamas county; thence west on uortli uouudury ol tf 1. Fraud". D.l.C. No. 48, 21 80 chains: thence south IS minutes cast 13,75 eli.ilri-r thence east H 80 chains: theiiee north lii minutes west 13.711 chains u the place of begin ning, containing 30 acres, and a part of lots i, 3, and 4 of section 114, township i south, range 2 east of then lllumelle Meridian, ann particularly described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning nt the northwest corner of the S. D. Francis I). I,. 0. No. 18 In saltl township and range: thence csst along north boundary lino of said claim No. 48, l.!l! chains to the corner of said claim; tnciice m minutes west u.so chains: 'hence west 41 12 chains; thence south l." minutes east In the place of beginning, containing :m acres, ail in Clacka mas count v, suite of Oregon Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, decree, and In compliance Willi llio commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, Ihe nth day of June, Mi7, at the hour of 11 o'clock . M. nt llie fronl door of the countyeoert house ill the city of Oregon Cllv, in salil county end slide, sell' nt public auction, subject to re dcnipllon, to the highest bidder, for t'. 8 gold coin, cash lu hand, all Ihe right, title and inter est which the within named defendaiitanreilher ol them, hud on the date of the mortgage herein ., .!lli, ll.iil I,. ... Ilw. ul.,,VA ,lvl.rlll r.o.1 nmnertv or anv pail thereof, to satisfy said exe cution. jiidBinent order, decree, inieresi, cosis and alt accruing costs. 0. W. GRVCK. Sheriff of Clack tin as county, Oregon Dated, Oregon City, 'Jr., May ad, 1W, CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT SEVENTH STREET ASSESSMENT. V OTICK IS IIKRKMY OIVKN THAT BY VI R 1" lue of a certain warrant Issued hy the Re corder of Oregon cllv, dated the l.'llh da of May, ist'7, and to me directed, for llie collection or a certain street Improvement assessment levied lor the improvement of Seventh strc-t in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, which warrant commands and requires me to proceed to levy upon and sell in manner provided hy law, not No. live (.-) of block No. twenty four (24); the southcrlv half of lot No. six (ti) ol block No. tweiilvfoiir (21): forty Iwo(l-) feet oil westerly end of tract four (4 of block No twenty four (21); Ihlrty-live (.'!") feet off westerly end of tiaet three (it) ol bha k No. twenty-four (24), and the follow ing nun of tract three (II) of block i. tweniy four(2t): beginning at norl beast corner of lot No. throivD in block No.tivruiv foor(2l): ihencealoug the easterly boiindarv of said lot No. three (3) ill a souiherlv direction f "rtv-oue (41) feet: tlienc at right angles in a westerly direction seventy (701 feet; thence nt riant angles to Ihe northerly boundary of said lot; ih-nce at rght angles along tie", northerly boundary of subi lot No. Ibree(;i) seTeiuyt7U'feet to noie,-of beginning, all of said propvriy bring in hloek No. twenty four (iOin oreg u Cily.eouoty ol Clackamas, siui.. , if Or.-goti. aiol iijmiu which an as env-nl if Three 1 1 1 1 in 1 rt-.l ami Fifty Three and Tweuly-Kight I II iiiilr. ilihs Ihillsrs osia jl is unpaid and de hnqliolil.as.ses,sed lor 111 Itnpr ivement of Sevelltll, street, between Main street a-nl the wal' km u as the Oregon ,t California R. Ii. ricdit of way, in said city as ilirccied in Ordinance No 1M1 of said citv, whicti assessment Is decline, I by Ordinance No lt'2 and was entered In Ihe Docket of Cllv l.iens on l be nh day of October A D !;, m M. A. Miatton "esinte' as owner, and cll liie aim. In manner provided l,y law. t. make the sum of Threo Hundred and Fifty-Three and Twenty-F.ighl lliiudredilis Dollars (J.'.3N) of said assessment, with interest at the rateof eiidil per cent P"r anuiiin from Oi-iobcr 27th, is1, together with your pen'entnge and costs, and to return the pris-eed of sucli sale p. the city tn'asurer. and this warrant to Ihe Recorder of said city, with your doiucs endorsed thereon, together with the receipt of ihe treamrer for the proceeds of sueh sale as paid to him within sixty days from the date hereof. Now, therefore, lu obedience of said warrant, I have levied upon and will, on Saturday, tli? :vl day of July. lx7. l the hour of one o'clock I'. M. of said day at the front d.xir of the coiinly court house in Orccnn City, Clackamos coiinly, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction, ami sell to the highest and U'st bidder lor cash in hand, all Ihe riu'ht, tide and Interest the said M A. Straiton 'estate" bas In and to Ihe said 'ots three (;e, four (4), live (M and six in block twenty four (2D in said Oregon City, or as much thsreof as may lie necessary to make said sum Paled this 1th day of May. ls7. CHARLES E. WRSS. Chief of Police of Oregon City ArrnoATiox fok license. WOTICE1S IIEKKRY UIVEX THAT I SHALL upply to the city council of Oregon City, Orc Ifon. for 1 saloon license to continue tnj snloon Kcte.l on lot 2 of bUx k i la Oregon t'ity. License to .late from June 1 ". 1S'."T J. i-. wonn. McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat the World! for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD PETZOLD'S CASK MARKETS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Hlock. Two Shops, ... Oreaon City, Oregon ..How to Secure and Hold The best trade is a perplexing problem to some people, but its solution is simple : FIRST Buy the best goods to be had, not once in a while, but always. SECOND Make the price low, and let the people know of it, early and often. Attention to these principles has placed HARRIS' GROCERY. at the head.. Not How High But how low can we make the price, is the question we ask ourselves when marking our goods for sale. That's what makes ours an ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. ' CHARMAN & Dealers in DRY HATS. CAPS. and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call i at the Pioneer Store ok Ciiarman & Sox before buying elsewhere. . GAMBRINUS COLD ST0RAG Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $1.60. Family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N, F, ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. PHONK 30. SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS. MRS.W.W.STOVALL.. Seventh und J. Q. Adams St., Restaurant and a i sT i " uonTectmnery t ICE CREAM S CENTS. 8 GEO. A. ILVUDIXU, PRALKR IN IP DBTJGS -pi Standard Pat. Ms1iGiii3s F lints, Oils ati'l Vlnlow (Hkss. Preneriiiliimn Amimlrlii fjiimpimiuinl. HARIMSOV Rl.orK . DAN WILLIAMS SI,.C.I,EK IM 4 Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, t ScllOtl OoKs.UHlleCllOlii'l J , I TeinpprancH Drinks, Ice Cream, latent Medicine. SEVENTH ST., NEAR CENTER. FOR FIRST- CLASS... HOME MADE BREAD GO TO .Siiivsl Bakery, Flrt Door North o( shivelr's - SON, GOODS. GROCERIES, FURNISHING GOODS Call and See.. 9 The Fine htoek of Confectionery Fruits, Etc... -AT- MRS. R. PRIER'S NEW STORE, Next Door to the "BEE-HIVE" A WORD OF MEN'S SHOES... Shoe birgains, but neve bargain shoes. Do you catch the idea? If great buving if having large lots of shoes made if the im petus of this great shoe business helps to make prices abnormally small--then we have shoe bargains. These causes and readjust ments of our stocks, as sizes become missing, bring all the shoe bargains we ever have. "Bargains Shoes" don't exist otherwise. For shoes "made to sell," for shoe trash of any kind, we've no room. KRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE Ni.'Xt Po-tr 10 Burnielster A Arvlreseti'M. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA. Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton D.tiry ami be Convince il It ANTED FAITHFCI. MF.X OR WOMAN TO travel for rcsnnnsihle established house in Oregon. Salary ITui and expense". Position permanent. Reference. Knelnse self-addressed tamped envelope. The National, Siar Insurance Bldg., Chicago. NOTICE FOR ITr.LICATIOX. LAND OFFICE AT ORKCON CITV. OREGON. Annl S2,1. Notice is herhv uiren that the following-named settler has tiled notice ol his Intention lo make tinal proof in support of his claim, n.l thut ssid proof will te made before me Register nd Receiver at Oregon City, I Oregon, on June -1, 17. viz: ) CHARLtS P. BROOK?, ' H. F. No. W.. for the K S of SW 't of Sec. 34, Tp. 1 S., It. S tK.-t I He names the following witnesses to prove his j continuous residence upon and cultivation of. aid land, Ti: CUrk Hardin. William m! I Ilarillnc. ilium Hrambaii and R. A. Butler, all of Aimes, Onrson. ROBERT A. MII.LEH, RegUter. JOSEHI RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , office lu Oiegon City Bnnlt Block. Obkook Citv, . Oaioow. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will bo l Court llouso e"h Halurday I I... ui.wul.lll flllVH Of HMO Oil l. -Kin.., " " . Comity Court. J. W. WELCH, nDEHSTTIST, WILLAMKTTE BLOCK, Oppositb P. 0., OitKooa City, Oke. Gko. C. Bbownkm.. J. U. Campbell. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTOKNLYS AT I.AAV. CKiifldil Bullillnn Oregon City .Ore C. N. GREENMAN, TIIR IMONKKR Express and Drayman T (E.stubllslie.; 1m;5) I'arccls delivere'l lo all parts of llie city. Ti l OS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker- LUAUINO IN6URANCR All KMC V OP CLACKAaU COIIMV. Money to Loan. Ale-tracts of Title Made. Drawlim of LeKnl Doeiiincnts a epecisRy Ollice on east sidu of Main street Between fllli and 7th. OREGON CITV. - OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LATODRETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE : Commercial BanK ajiiain OREGON CITY. OREGON. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On tho Street between the Bridge and the j nanAT . . .. i u..Hilln Yinvaok al- Double anil single i s r.;,"r.:. n7,r,il wavsonhaud at ioiowwn.i ---r -: :.toy'co:ieetedwi.h the ban, for loose stock. Any iniormaiiou resiu -promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT wit Bank of Oregon City. OI.DKST BANKtNO HilUaB IS TUB CITV Taid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,S50. President. Vice Pnsldeut. Cashier, Manager, Thomas Chakmak Oio. A. RakdiM) E. 0. Caufi&ld Charles n. Caufikld . General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants honght. Loans Made on Available Secuntv Exchange Bought and ild. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part ol tho World. Tnlcirriinhle Exchange Sold on Portland, Sao Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business T a n n mAa Tlllla H I a n ftl 1 1, I A MaVl i lections. Huvs and sell? exchange on all poinli in the United Htates and Kurnpe and on Hong r :n .ni I ...hln.,lnnhi,nl Allll(j. UCJJWSI.PJUICIVC" buuciii,,ic,.i Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. D.C. LATOURRTTE. P. E. DONALDSON President. t;asnier . JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Pros., on Seventh Street, Oregon Ciy, Oregon. H. STRAIGHT, PEALIB IX GROCERIES Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. Something rfK Goo.1 Bos Paperand Envelopea,10c A better one or 2c A fine one for rc An extra (jixhJ one for .18c A lxx Iiuttermilk .Soap,3cake8,10c A lxix Nursery Soap, 3 cakes, 5C For BARGAINS look it onr phowr windows. They ar a credit to Portland let alone Oregon Citv. L. A. PATTERSON & CO ext to Post-office f 11 ,'