. CIRCUIT COURT. Proceeding of Regular April Term Cases Disposed Of. Tlio ri'uular April Hitting of the circuit ttimrt of thu IKlli judicial (lintrirt lit'iiiin ,m Moinlay with Judo T. A. Mcliricle on thu U'licli. Six jiutit jurors wore exoime'l. Tho follow my were drawn to rvrv um !rainl jurors: (.i.W.Ohuruliof OrutfonOily (lon-tnan), U. W. llunlkiy ol Marijuain, .1. 1'. 1,oj;iiii of WillaniKttu Fulls. .Uiioh Jliirrini.'toii of llililand, Juiiiuh F. Ki'lHonof Mtilino, .1. 1 . Ninth of (ii'oij.'c nnd hdllornsliiili of llcavi'r ('rick. I'ollowitik' jurors rcportod: II. K. ltaniM'V, ('. K. liallanl. tiro. II, Youiik, M. II. Kicldiolf, (I. C. Kinney, llishou N-uly, llniry t;onki', U. W. Huntley, (i W.OIiim-li.J. I'.Lonan.W.W.AhlridK'o, Chits. TliompFon, Amos Harrington, hrank VVi-lrdi, ,1, . Itoatman, J). J. 1'alinuliM.T, L. lllanidiaicl, J. F. Nelson, lhaac Farr. J. Smith, II. S. 0. I'liclpn, J. .Monk, Kd IIoriiHhuli, 11. M. I.ooiicy, J. J',. Mills. Following jurors were excused for term: U.S. Uiiinsliy, (iuo. II. Youiik, J. Courtney, (J. 'i. Fields, Tom Urown, A. Kurteh. The following ciihch were dismissed: HKHayeH vs S U Ouliff. llonora Davoren vs AiiKesCrooksliaiik U Zimmerman, tniHteu, vs William Harlow. J II Itevenuu va C Bailey. W N liitliens vh J 1) Cromer et al. Henry Jlainaaii vs J A Linen burger Caroline Ixioiiey vs II Al Looney. O Cutting vs J li KiidiardHon. Jlury A lA-liigh vs T L Uharman. J A Jones vh Albert Krael't. J 15 Seeley vsTM Kaker. Kna j, Kurrell A Co vs (J V Kentley Mute vs w U .Morgan. State vs Win and Louis Heinz. State vs II. Hansen State vs W F Hubbard. 11 II Anderson vh John Oarlmdeet nls Adkins JSros vs J J uml A 0 Smith K ml i n vh Hanson. W 1'' llulihard vs Setli K Jones; G B Ihmick appointed guardian of defendant an insane erson. I L White vs K M Hartinan : sheriff deed ordered for 8'J utiles of Kurbage claim. A F Sears Jr vs H GlasHpool ; jury Venlict lor fluu, f iliaving been received .Miller ISios vh W t uiul Clara Knight judgment for (2.(i!) and costs. Catherine Hammer vs J W Hammer decree of divorce. Mehalu Simmons vs J H Simmons divorce and defendant allow ed to reHiime name of Mrs iM Katon. S Mathew vs Luelling and U'Uen; judgment by default for WJA.i, costs and fit) Httorney fee. li li Caulleld vs rrank Vorhees; judg inent for f27 21 ami $15 attorney fee. Kobbins oi Son vs Al lVndleton ; judg inent fur $172.51 and $50 attorney fee. rope rtiniei HoiiiVLovsA JJUliapmitn ; nioiioii lor enango ot venue deiuoJ REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. Uoh Dtipitis et id by Sheriff to Jerome W Thompson, lots 4 and 5, blk 32, O I A S Co's 1st add to Oswego; $.'32.48. Leroy S. Johnson to Heirs of Jasper Clifl , 6 ueres, sec 2, 2 s, 2 e ; $450. Win F Lehigh toTL Charman, tract between Water St and Will river in O. c;$i. M A Lehigh et al to Win F Lehigh, river front blks 7, 8 and 9, also blks 80, S7, 88, mi and 177; also lot 8, blk 80, O C;$10. W LHoleoinbet ux to John Cllolcomb, 110.24 acres, sec 2(1, 2 s, 2 e ; $2. Jacob Powell to Robert Dushazer, tract "M." Clackamas Riverside; $800. Win R Thompson to C F Kuckmann, e half of e half and e half of w half of e null and 15 ft olt the e side of w half of w half of e half of nw or, sec !0, 2 8, 3 e; $2000. Albert H Leo to II C (lihnoro, 1 .18 .lores in sec 33, 3 h, 1 e; $75. Stitio to Autonu Kat.er, w half of nw (jr, sec 4, i e, 4 e ; $1( 0. Joseph Albel to Antone Kat.er, 5 acres sec 3.!, 1 s, 4 e ; $50. fll Hosford et al to Levi Strauss k Co, 10.85 acres, sec 4, 4 s, 1 e ; $072.30. James W Hoots to V V Sinitji, lots 3, 4, 0, (I, 7, ami 4 ft off the south side, kot 2, IdK 10, Hoot's add ; $125. T. L. Charnian (trustee) to Michael Miaarik, lots 18 and 111, blk 78, South Oregon City, No. 3 ; $L'50. Fiastus Cevey et ux to The Title (Jiiai antee it Trust Co., s . of no ' and e of se ' j, sec 22, t 2 (I e ; $800. U . S. to Krastus Covev, s lg no ,'4 and 0 .j se', sec 22, t2tle; $800. Nellie Stephens ami husband to J. I!. Meekins, 14 acres in W V .Meeks claim ; 1278. O & 0 U H Co to August J Klsner, ne '4' of no )4, sec 31, 1 1 5 e; $100. George W Kentley et ux to Anna I'helps, w !J of ne of sec 32, 1 5 le;$1150. Silas Wright et al (by sheriff) to Narcissa tlrouse.tractin Harrison W right claim ; $75. Frank T Karlow et ux to Nellie G. UohertH. lots 3 and 4, blk 4, West Glad stone ; $300. Win W.StnvalletnxtoTLami! i: ', inith, lots 4 and 5, blk 5, Falls A. . add to O V, $150. James Hodges (adm) to K.tvid " Hodges, 5 acres joining nw cuimt i nil ami l.ee claim ; $ 10O. May Ihiiliiigaine and bus to Gertrude Ii Halloway, 13i' acres in Garrett ralmateer claim ; $1. V. S. to F.dward T. IVake, e )i no '4 and 11 )i of se i , sec 18, t 2 0 e ; a'ent. F l'eake to li T l'eake, Ks of e s of lie '4 n of se sec IS, t 2s(!ef$l. Ohas and Jane Clayson to (i II Allen, 5 acres in McNary claim ; $2500. Sarali A lay lor et al (by sheriff) to M r a .... ' of RW .'i and sw 'j of se 'a, sec 1 , .) s 3 e ; ... -, tiliarles Duncan to M II Wills, 2 acres in the deorge ills claim. Isle; S(H) J Freidenthall et ux to M Maskew itz, M acres, sec ;L', 1 s '1 e ; fl Charles Meier to James Morris, n '4 ol sw '4, sec 10, ami ne "4 ol se ,4, sec , Us2e;l. W R Fllis (trustee) toMorris Streofels. lots 0, 8, l, 10, 11, VI and one-third of 7, blk 111. Koliertson ; UK. M F McCtiwn to C R Xoblitt, lot 5, i lk 0, Gladstone; fl25. C O T Williams et al to J M Wnrmvk, lotl, blk 15, Falls View add toOC;75. J M Warnwk to M E Case, lot 1, blk 15, Falls View add to O 0; $225. J T Drake et al to Mary C Hubbard 1(.82 acres in nw i and w of tie '4, -v 4, and e of ne '4' of see 5, ti s 1 e ; 2500. Land Wanted. Kids will he received by the under signed committee of the Oregon City council, ut the office of the city recorder, Thos. F, Kyun, up to 2 p. in. Saturday May 1st, lSi7, for the sale of two to four acres of land to the city of Oregon City for cemetery purposes ; fa id land to ho situated not more than two miles from tho center of tho city and to be fully described in bids. The committee rcso. ves the right to reject any or all bids. Jah. ItoAKK, T. K. (Iaiii.t, U. KoKHNKit, Commiitee Probate Court. Executor of estate of Kllen J. Hedges ordered to distribute $500 among follow ing heirs: Mary J.Jacobs, J. Ii. Hedges Win. A. Hedges, CI. L. Hedges and F. H. Hedges. Final account of executor of will of Amanda Anderson . received and May 10th set ns day for final settlement. House Paints For Sale Cheap. For 00 days I will close out genuine leail nnd oil at reduced rates. It will pay you to investigate these prices. Ho not let your house look old when a cout of paint will make it new. I will he glad to give you figures on your work. All work guaranteed. Do not forget the place, Confectionery &. Cigar Store, East of Sliively's opera house, on Seventh street. Gko. Rkddah av, the Fainter, Oregon City, Or. (Bring a can with you.) Jiik stale committee ol tlio union reform forces has issued a call for a state convention to be held on June 2d at Albany, to advise plans for a systematic party organization, to adopt proper statement of principles and "to form a more perfect union." Spring Medlcino is a necessity w hich Hood's Saisaparilla jirandly supplies. It. purifies md vitalizes the blood and thus gives tone whole svsleni. and strength to the Hood'8 Pills are iIih oniy pills to take wilh Hood's Sarsapnrilla, Cures all liver ills. OASTOIIIA. Tt fa8 Imlla ' li ea . tmy wnpper. llgwtuie OASTOniA. Thj fag. Tot fas- J li en mapper. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind Sun" writes : "You have a valuable prescription in I'dectric Hitters, iiuiljl cut) elieenully reconimeoil it lor con stipation and sick headache, ami as a general system tonic it has no eijua!.'' Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave , Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six botllesof Klectric Hitters lestored her health anil renewed her strength. Prices GO cents and $1.00. iciii bottle at Charman A Co.'s drug store . ; ' ii cm Bucklen'8 Arnica Salve. Tub Kest Sai.vk in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheiiui, Kever Sores, Tetter. Cliaoned (hinds, Cbilbhiins, Corns, ami all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requited. It is guaianteed to give perlect satiHlactiou or money re funded. Price 25 cents ner box, F01 sale by Cliarui in &. Co, "After years of dyspeptic misery, I can ftt hist e.it a good square meal without its distressing 1110," gratefully exclaimed one whose appetite had been restored by thu use of Ayer's Sar.-aparilla. This r.'inedy wonderfully sharpens the ap petite and improves digestion. For Over Fifty Years. An Oi. i) and Wki.i. Tkikd Rkxiudy. Mrs. inslow's Soothing Syrnn bus been ued for over fifty years by mil lions of motbeis for their children while teething, with perfect success It soul lies the child, softens the gums allays all pain, elites wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diairlneu. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggist n every part of the Woild. Twentvi live cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. He sure and ark for Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup, and tale no other kind. No Gripe V. ; r you take Ilood's Tills. The Mr, old-fash-; :.., siigur-coiited pills, w hich tear you all to i.n'oe.i, are not In It with Hood's. I'asy to take Ho and easy to operate. Is true of Ilood's rills, which are up to date in every resjiect. Sate certain and sure. All druggists, '.'.v. 0. 1. Hood To., Lowell. Ma. The only Tills to tike w ith Hood's Karsapanlla. U'ASTKI'-KAITHKI l, Mi:: Ol! W'OMKN To iriivi t fur p'pensilile csmMisln i house in Opv 11. Snlnrv0iiulexpeiin'. I'liull i"ll r itM.'ii I. liefereaee. Kneliwe self mlilrnawl siKiiipt 'l envelope. The Nnlieiiiil,titr Iumiiuikm llMit., I'hleitiio. rrt Job Printing at the Courier 0ice. OASTOniiV. Til fis cal lipitut Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Wchet Award. ods Pills Dr. King's New Ditoovery fr Con sumption. This is tho best medicine in the world for all forms of mulm Hnd colds and for consumption. Kvory bottle is guar Hiileed. It will cure and liotdisnpooinl. li lias no equal fur whooping cough, asthma, hay fever, pneumonia, bron chitis, higrippe, cold in Ihu headand for consumption It js safe for all ages, pleasant to tikc, and, above all. a sure nre. If jH Hlways well to take Dr. King's New Life Tills in connection wilh Dr. Kinu's New Discovery, as thei ""iibito and tone the stomach anil i-owili. e guarantee perfect satisfac lion or return iiioney. Flee trial bottle at I, barman & Co.'s drug store. Regular size fiO cents and $1 . Notice to Owner of Lots In City Cemetery. All persons owing or claiming lots in tbo cemetery belonging to Oregon City are hereby notified that tho said cemetery is about to be, ro-surveyed by tlio city council of said city.andall inter. ested persons must immediately have stakes set around their lots with the mimes of owners or claimants posted thereon, so that the proper record can bo made of those interested therein and unclaimed land discovered. Any land not tlius staked off and marked will be' considered as unsold and be at tho dis posal of the city authorities. P.y order of Committee of City Council . Tiiob. F. Ryan, City Rocor.ler. Dated this 7th day of April, 1897. Tho only safe and trustworthy insu rance here at actual cost is that of the Oregon Fire Relief Association or the McMinnville Mutual. G. li. Hargreaves of Oregon City is agent for Clackamas county. You will find "The Racket Store" the cheapest place to buy your notions and novelties. Shirt waists, beautiful designs, made latest styles, cheaper than were before. At the Racket Store. I y A NT K D K A I T 1 1 F tT I, MICN OK WOMEN TO " travel fur responsible ustnlillslicd liontw In Oregon. Snlnry 7H0 rn1 expensed. I'oslllon pcriiiiiiieiit. Reference. Knelnse sell-nlU rested slumped envelope. The h altunal. Star Inaiimiice lll'ltf., Chictujo. I2 Cents to Portland. or:gom city transportatiom CO 'S STR. RAM0NA Will l!nke Dally Trips Between OREGON CITY and PORTLAND FAIili-IHc for Kuuud Trip. i.fave oiieoon city 7::W A.M. 12 (10 M. -.m p. m. I.SAVF. rOUTI.AND KT. TAYI.OH 9;3() A. SI. ii P. ta 6:W 1', 51. TO CQSUMPXIVES Tni onderslKiied having been restored u health by simple means, afler minering for evcrnl years with a severe Iimir HtleeUen. mid that dread disease Consumption, Is anxious U: make known to his fellow sult'erers the nieniif of cure. To thofe who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge a copy of theprcaerlp. tion used, which they will Had a sure euro lot t'oiiHiiinptlon, A(4tliinu, Catarrh, Itrmiclii. tin and all throat nnd lili'if Muliidie. He hopes all sulferers will trv his remedy, as it Is Invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost thcin nothing, and may prove blessing, w ill please address, REV. EDW. A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. REDUCEC Iruinl". iu2."Mf !(: uvatiiu'iit by lirao Illll'IU ' It ) tiff dIivkIcIiiii (if ill) t jars' csnt'ilcnct'. MUHUI OIIITlHOrtiritMlllUM irillli miMllHH. - Nil Hiarvlim wrluklcH or Until iUichb, lm i 1J inivi Htrt'iiiTal hciillh ami iH-autiiiogpumvlfXlnn. 1'h.v itclims uml widely hulicH Imlorstt It. 'i liuiiuiiild cured. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAJS. niinilentlatly. For parMrntars luMress, with stamp, rD CNVHCP JtrVlrtrr". Tl.,lf r. I lltl ;. II. I., I Ur JUI llruaa.uj, .St II VUlIk tilt THE ICGD3EHT8 OF LIFE ,4 V'riie to T. S. (JmsCEV, Drawer 1T.0, Chicago, Sccre- ,ary cf the Star Accident Comtan y, for information rcgiirdiug Accident Ir.sur- aiicc. Mc'U'.:ou this paper. I)y to djlnj jcu can save membership fee. IUs paid over JGW.CGJ.C0 for accidental iy juries. Do j'o;r ovn Assent. NO MEDICAi CX.i.Mi:;ATION RJtQUIRED 1 VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE America's Scenic Line. Meals ImuIiik' Car, a la Carle Roek Ballast Xo Dust THE AU-HUl. ROl'TK TO KOOI'EN.U MIXISli liiTRILT vi SKATTI.E AM) SI'OKAXE. Shortest and Quickest Route TO ST. PAUL, , MINNEAPOLIS. DULUTH, c-i::3o AXP ALL POINTS EAST. Through Palace ami Tourint Stri-pert, IHninj and Library Oliterration t'nrs. SEUVICK AM SCKM'.KV I SKnl ALKD Tnt tickets and full information cull on or dlre A. II '. MNMToN'. O I. T. A.. Portland. Oregon, or, R. C. STEVENS. i. W. P. A.. Seattle. VrtWff('iMtiiHiHMHIllllltM(ltllttlMIMi'ttltllltl li,,Tr-fjft I . "llf f AVtectablcPrcparationrorAs slmila t Ing ihc rood and Hc n!a tiirg ttic Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Digeslion.Chccrful ficss and Rcst.Contalns ncithnr Opiuiri.Morpliinc nor Mineral. Not Nakcotic. Pumpkin Sai Mx Sawa jinist Seed Jippemmt Jti Qutma&StJ fihrmSeed -(ianfied Aiqar iiiabywa tlaixr. Apccfect Remedy forConslipa lion. Sour Stoniach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convutsionsjevcrish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. tXACT copr or WRAPPEB. " ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING CREGCIC CITY ArD PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT. TT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con 4 nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, Rood air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. ( T. L. CHAU.UAN, Truslee, WANTED.- Young men and women who are willing to work faithfully under our direction for six months or a year. We can give you the best instruc tions obtainable in BOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY OR ENGLISH BRANCHES, and find you employment when you arc qualified for it. Send for catalog. Holmes Business College 414 YAMHILL si'i:i:i'i HO i&t" ts'Uiii'5uyy iibu 1 wiiLUvitaTiaiKSrtS: p, Zv l,n oI u f't'iHiUMl-Tfrrli pliysii'lun, will quietly cure ymi of all iht- r - 1 V'.ih or '..'.' ci tin goiRTiuve tM'i;aii, auch Lost Munhnud. J t ns ;i?rih. I ii.tinht tlio Pi ckeminal KiuLspIoiix, Kcrvdim l'cbilltv, V - C-'iii: :'!!;'ti ". J l .t , BLrynL. AND ftr I -.1 1 ,vt,,,tMl i n ITlIlvrN!R fttron!?thriP ii-n! rt v'of mft!! 1'lso rriwoii miil'crt'p ur; i'it cur t hv J)wtnrn !i hfcmisn n!nPty ppr ppnt are troubled vtlih ProH(ntHl. (T rfftKX Ii is tdi'n-My i;nt,Hn rv n-ii v ro otiro without 1111 oTn-ratiun. .VfK' ii'timint aK A writtn (ru;rtinti'ipivn ori nii'incv rcninu-il if x bnxn does not eil'ocl a periuiuicutcure. 41.00 ii bot, six for $5.0(1, hy m:iil. t-fiul for ja.cn circular uml tsiimoniula. A-ltlress 1.1 Vol. li JIH:!?' iK, P. C TC, Sua Francbco, CaU tWSrte to CtEO. A IlAUOINti. DniKgiHt, Uteptn City We Do The Business. In the Merchant Tailoring Line of Oregon City as well as Portland simply became our prices are the lowest that can be made. Comfortable fits. First class work. With you we will do no step shod, C. O. D., miss-fit guess work, for we try them on you and deliver them to you and guarantee satisfaction. Our salesman b pleased to have EAGLE TAILORING Co., Children Cry f cr SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EYEET BOTTLlE op Castorla li put cp la oce-Iz bottles only. It lo not sold la bulk, Don't allow anyont to lell 700 anything elso on tbo plea or promise that It Is "just as good" and "will answer OTery pnr- Kj poso." " Bee that yon got C-A-8-T-O-E-I-a, Tholao- lialll iljgiture( or wrtipir. (. 7 T Clianiiitii Jtro.s.' IJIock PORTLAND, OREGON RESTORED "CUFIDENE" ThlHirmnrtrj.- itnl.U y) nil lo.os by tnv r tifcrht.- Tr-oventa (jnick- ii-!npv Hrpiitwnf ullimiiliritleB. wo.'ilr ni irims. it will call on you or we you call on us. TAT AT would 373 Washington Sti-crt. Portland. Oregon. Pitcher's Castorla, TO THE 3 AS T OIVKS TUB CUOICK OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL BOUT IE S VIA VIA GREAT ' NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY, DENVER OMAHA AND AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CITI LOW RATE8 TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S DAYS .....FOR SAN FRANCISCO tor full details cnll on or BMre"s w. h. Himi.HUirr, Oen i I hkh. Al'ciii, ''IK I XI), 1 E. MCNEIL, Pres. and Iilg . Trains arrive slid depart Iroro Portland as follnw-x: Depart No. 2 For nil Knutrrn points...fi:"0 p. m " No. N-The Dulles Im-ai K:l(l a. m Arrive No. 1 From the Kast. Usui 11. 111 " No. 7. From The liallcs ii:i:u p. 111 EAST AND SODTn VIA The Shasta Route OF TIIK. ni ..I ..Mil. iV V.j.B K.7 . ... Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. I I North. 8:50 P.M. I Mr Portland Ar K:1UA.M 9:lrr. h. I I.v Ori'xon I lly I v I 7::':1a.h Uuli a.m. I Ar Ban Ftanciseo I.v 7:0Ur. a The aliove trains stop at East Portland, Oregon filly, Woodburn, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jcllor son, Alhiiuy, TiiiiKmit, Klieddx, Halspy, Harris buris, Jiuii'tion t Ity, Irvinir, Knifeiio, Cresivi'll, Cotlniie (irove, Urains, aul all Bunions Irmu Uuseunrg to Asliiuiiii, niclilve. UOSEUUUG MAIL DAILY. 8:30a.M. . I.v Portland Oregon city Rose on r? PASSKNliKII Portland Oreumi City (ale ill Arl 4:-lo p. m I.v :1:Mip.m I.v I :00 A. SI DAILY. Ar ; 10:15 A M Lv :27a m I.v 8:00 A M 9:27 a.m. I.v 5:20 P. M. I Ar SALEM 4:00 PM I Lv 4:411 P M Lv . 0:16 p M I Ar DININO CAKS OX 0(iDEN KOl'TK.. PULLMAN BUFFET HLFFPEJtS SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attiiched to all Tlinmuli Trains. West Slue Division, Itetween I'OKTl.ANl) and (OIIVALLIS MAlLTRAINDAILVlEXCKI-liiL'NDAY.) 7:30 A.M. I Lv Portland Ar I 0:20 P. M 12:15 P.M. I Ar I'orvalhi. Lv 1 HO P. M At Albany anil (Inrvnliis ennnprt with train of Oregon Central it Kastern Ft. It. ' BXPKKM THAIN OAII.Y (KXVKl'TML'NDAV.I 45P. M. I Lv Portland Ar I 8:25 A.M .26P.M. Ar McMinnville Lv 8:60 A.M Direct connection at Sun Francisco wilh Occidental ami Oriental and 1'iicill" Mall Sleamshlp Lines for J A.N AND CHINA. Sailing clut'-s on application. Hates nnd tickets to eastern points anil Kurone nlso JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLL'LU and AUSTRALIA, can be ohtained from K. K. Hai l, AKent, Ori'Kini Clly R. KOEIII.KK. K. P. KIKiEUS, JlaiuiXHi, 1 1 . .( 1 (mil Portland, Or. Portland, Or. O.C.&E.R. R.Co YAQUINA HAY IIOUTK ComieotliiK at Yaqnlna Bay with the San Frimcisco uml Yauiili a Bay Steamship Company. St Cii11iKl.il "Fiiralloii" Sails from Yaquinn every elj-'lit days for San nincisco. Coos l!av Poll O.fotd. Trinidud ami llunibolt Day. Passenger accominodaiions msnrpasscd. Shorter! route between the Willanu'tte Valley nd California. Farn from Albany or points west lo San Francisco: Cnhln, ronud trio . - ' (15 00 . Stcenure - - o W To Coos liny nnd Port Oxford: Cubin, . . 6 CO To llunibolt Bav: Cabin, - . 8 00 Round trip, gum for 150 days, RIVcR DIVISION. StPatners "Albany" and "Vt"m. M. Hoau." newly furnished, leave Albany linily (exeept Saturdays) at 7:45 a. m., arriving at Portland the shine day al 5p m. Returnlne. Imnts leave Portland same days at 0:00 a. m., arriving at Albany at 7:45 p. m. J C. MAYO, Supt. River PivMon, Corvallis. Or. KDWIV STONE, Mgr., 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DE8ICN3, enDVDiruTQ A .rr.-n una ancn nT inn may quick,; ciMli!n, free, whetber an Invention Is probahly patentable, rommnnlratlnna nrtrtlr eonnientlal. Ullet aseney fursei'urlnir patent In Amenta. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Kutm A Co. recelrt) special notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ?!!l,!Ilfl,lir."!,,"1,,f,, ,,lr elrmlation of ani scientific Journal, weekly. terms KUi a yew; S'JOs.i mraiths. cowmen oopiw and llaxD Book ox Paikxts sent free. Adoreas MUNN A CO., 3t Ursadoay, , Y.rk. (Mul