,!ii 1 ii r Flrat Mexican Woman Docter. Miss Columbia Rivera, the flnt woman in Mexico to be licensed as a practicing physician, has been appoint ed to the women's ward of San Andres Hospital. Miss Hi vera lias studied medicine for four years, passing her examinations with great credit. RATTLED. To mnke a mad dog to order, tie a tin pan to liis tail. A man made mail is one who, after Buttering 10, 15 or 20 years with rheu matism, finds that by the use of a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil he is cured, lie feels the waste of his life in pain, with the loss of time, place anil money, and then re.lects that for the expense of flOc. he could have saved nil this and lived free of pain; it is enough to make him mad. Most of our suf ferings are intensiiicd by dchiv in seeking relief, mill there is much worth knowing as regards the cure of pain that we mid out at last only by the use of the best cure. It is worth knowing that for the cure of rheu matism there is a special virtue in The Great Kcmedy for Piun, St. Jacobs Oil, and as so much can be saved by its use, the cost is really nothing. A fire was fought in New Jersey re cently, by pumping from wine vats. ' The loss by fire was $2,000, and it took (5,000 worth of wine to quench it. FORTUNE 8 K EKING EMIGRANTS. Many a poor family that seeks the western wilds in the hope of winning a fortune, in nrt. wrved from that Insidious foe of the emigrant and frontiersman ch Ilia and fever by Hos teller's Hiomach Hitlers. Ho effectually does in Hi incoiiiarnnie medicinal (leienso lortuy the system against the combined influence of malarious atmosphere and miasma-tainted wator, that protecied by it the pioneer, the miner or the tourist provided with it, may safely encounter the danger. Distinction. ' The society girl and the actress? Oh, they differ in dress, you know; One rises above that sort of thing. And the other comes out below. Truth. Massachusetts annually imports from beyond her borders eggs to the value of (5,000,000. HOME PRODUCTS AND PUKK FOOD, All Eastern Byrun, so-called, usually very light colored and of heavy body, Ib made from clueoae. "Tea Uarden Jrtw" is made from Bugar Cane and is strictly pure. It ia for sale by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac tured by the Pacific Coast 8YRir'(H. All gen nine "Tea Harden Driju" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. The National debt of Spain is nearly (3,000,000,000 and the annual interest (80,000,000; loo itmvAiti) tioo. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages, and that ia Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure knows to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the toundationof the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors nave so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, bend for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY fc CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family I'ills are the best. The rhinocerous is the most formid able and pugnacious of all wild beasts. I know that my lite was saved by Piso's Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller, Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1895. Blooming Health secured to every woman by the use of Thousands of afflicted women have been cured by its use. Why not You? A Purely Vegetable Preparation. A Remedy with a Remarkable Record. Larire bottle or new stvle smaller one ut your druggists. Write for Medi cal Blank free. Warner 't Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N. T. if L Dr. Sandeh's Electric Belt "lam much improved in ererr respect, and have more ennfidenee In myself than I ever expected to have asrain. There are some men who are atroneer than me yet, but I feel that I have now regained the full vigor of manhood from your Belt. 1 can leel the electricity warming up my vital nerves. I am very grateful to you, fcr.banden," write E. M. bnodgTass, Albion, Idaho, February 22, 1W7. Pr. f-anden haa deToted twenty yeari to perfecting bii Eectrle Belt, and especially to te the application of in curative powera in weakness of men. He haa been repaid by the receipt of thousands of letter, like the aboTe. Mach Taluable Information ia riven in the litUe book "THKfcK CLAaSU OF MLS," which if aent free, sealed, on application. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., wt u. Portu.d, o,. When writing la AdvtrtUer pleat aaenfioa tail ytptr. Electric Return Current!. The theory of the earth as a conduc tor is discussed in a recent issue of the American Electrician by Dr. Bell, and the 'conclusion arrived ut that the con ductivity, of the earth is so meager that, exoept in the easo of very high voltages or very minute currents, it is quite in significant in practical affairs; in rail way return circuits the earth return does much more harm than good; for power service the earth is useless as a return, and in telegraphy alone does it appear likely to serve a permanently useful purpose. This is in marked com parison with the idea formerly preva lent and used in the calculation of ground return circuits that the conduc tivity of the earth is infinite. ISrost'e Cure for Itig Hull. The men theater goers at Brest think they have solved the high-hat question. They carry with them big cushions by which they elevate themselves above the millinery obstructions in front, which is all right, provided there are women with big hats behind them. One Way of Doing. Friend Now, toll me the truth, Edith. Don't you find it rather hard to love, honor and obey? Mrs. Giddily Well, no. I love my husband's money, honor the family plate and obey my own wishes. Life. Paralyzed for Years. A CARPENTER SPENDS MANY MONTHS IN BED-PHYSICIANS DO HIM LITTLE GOOD. PARALYSIS CAME FItO.H A FALL. From the Express, Los Angeles, California. Just think of a busy, hardworking man paralyzed in the midst of his ca reer, and rendered useless. That was the misfortune that befell James A. Jones, of 1003 Alpine street, Los Angeles, Cal., in September, 1891. Mr. Jones was born in the state whore many of the presidents come from Ohio, but spent the greater part of his life during his younger years in Iowa, from which place he went to Colorado, and in 1882 came to Los Angeles. It was a small place then, before the boom came along and pushed us for ward a century in the road of progress, and Mr. Jones followed his occupation of carpenter and builder. While at work in September, 1801, he received a fall which jarred him considerably and he became confined to his bed. Shortly after lie lost the use of the lower part of his body entirely, and his legs be came a dead weight. A plaster cunt was put upon him by the doctors and they worked over him and did all things possible to assist his recovery. But he remained in the same condition. In April, 1893, he began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. The following June he noticed that he oould move his toes, and July 4, 1893, be got up out of bed and later in the month was able to walk without crutches. Shortly after, still continu ing the pills he went to work at his trade at Whittier's, where he sustained a fall and again injured himself and had to go to bed and the dread paraly sis came on again. Again the doctors worked with him but without relief, and he once more began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The doctors had given him bromides and iodides, but without effect. Again the pills drove the paralysis into the background. He said "I took them in accordance with directions, and in connection with the use of cold sponge baths, found they were exceedingly benefioial. " Mr. Jones is now able to walk again, and he feels that the pills are the only thing that has done him any good. In this connection he said: "The doctors who have treated me have done every thing in their power, but without effect, and it does seem marvelous that paralysis should be overcome by these little pills. But that has been my ex perience. If anyone doubts it let him write to me or come and see me and I will tell them the story." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements nec essary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuraliga, rheumatism, nervous head ache, the after effect of la grippe, pal pitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexion, all forms of weakness either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. ARE YOU A STRONG MAN? That p, t perfect man. the fellow who feels hiwMf above other men in those vital ele ments that you immt have to make man hood complete. lUi you ever we him? it is one of man' fan. U to Vie indiwreet, and a man nitiM he made different from the ret of us who htui not been. As inditM-retion in common, so ia its sequel weakness, waste of vital force, lost manhood. This is the train of evils tollowin? early mistake, and few men are free from them In a more or leas dejrree. II cure the need of natural stimulant is widespread. The only true remedy for this want of vital force is Kieo tricity, u given to the weakened porta by TRUMPET CALLS. Ram'i Horn Hound a Warning Not to the Unredeemed. k ,'T-IIKIIK Is no safe yfXj side lu uuy kind of s A7 f3 The man who keeps close to God will always be able to help others. When there Is a colli il lu the Inline there Is a welcome for the preacher. The eloctrlo Unlit In the suloon takes the caudle out of tiie drunkard's home. Nothing on n make people go blind nny quicker than UUIng their eyes with gold dust. Wieti the right kind of a ninn Is taken out of the miry clay ho knows ciiiuitili to stay out. There Is always hope for the man who en n be taught what u fool he bus been by one mistake. ' One linger lost lu a buzz-saw will do for most men, but n fool will fool with It again and lose two. One of the highest mountains upon which we may stand In this life Is to be able to look back upon a life well spent. The devil reaps n sure crop from among people who expect to become Christians after they commit one moru sin. f.et the priest and the Lovlto keep out of the Jeriebo rohd. and fewer un fortunates will be wounded and robbed there. No mutter liow One his reports may read, the prencbor is it failure whose ministry falls to move anybody toward Christ. When about to take his first drink, the young man should remember that every drunkard once stood where he stands. A wise man can lenrn something worth knowing from a fool, but n fool Is made all the more a fool by going to college. Nothing was done by Lot's home to try to lift Sodom, and so Lot's home wits brought down to the level of Hodom. It was because Puul knew that Christ could save the whole world that he was so anxious for the whole world to know it. 'Poo many people claim to be willing to serve the Lord, who want to say what they shall do and where they shall work. The fact that there Is so much stuff that shines like gold makes the story of disaster one of the saddest chapters ever written. The first evidence that a backslider has lost his communion with God Is shown lu his being usbauicd of his rela tionship to Christ. Will Shoot Sixteen Miles. The Wntervleit arsenul, near Troy, has begun work preliminary to the casting of the largest gun In the Uni ted States. It Is to be of slxteeu-luch bore. The United States has built two of the larger caliber for coast de fenses, but they were old-fashioned smooth-bores, and not to be compared to the new gun lu size, weight or any thing except caliber. There are two twenty-Inch guns, one of which is mounted at Fort Hamilton, and one of which lies on the ordnance dock at Governor's island. These guns were not startling successes. ' The oue at Fort Hamilton has been fired a few times, and each time Its recoil has raised the very dickens with its car riage. The new gnu will he nearly fifty feet long (to be accurate, 49.07 feet), will have a range of sixteen miles and be able to penetrate'tweuty-seven and one half inches of the best Bteel armor at a distance of two miles. The guu will weigh 125 tons and It will throw a solid armor-piercing projectile weigh ing 2,370 pounds. When the projectile leaves the muzzle of the gun It will be traveling at the rate of 2,000 feet a second, and If a plat? of harveyJzed steel thirty-three Inches In thickness were placed near the muzzle of the gun It would be penetrated by the flying mass of the projectile. This gun, mounted at Fort Wads worth, would be able to hurl a 2,370 pound projectile upon a hostile man-of-war before she got within seven miles of Sandy Hook. England has In her coast defenses and her navy sixteen guns of 10-Inch caliber, and France has eight. Italy has twenty-five guns of 17-Inch caliber. The new gun. work upon which has now begun at Water vllet. will be superior In effectiveness, however, to the Italian guns, although they do have one Inch more caliber. The maximum diameter of the breech of the new pin will be sixty-two Inch es. The diameter of the breech open ing Is twenty inches. To fire tills gun will require a charge of 1.000 pounds of powder. If the usual brown prismat ic kind Is used. Boston Glabe. The Feminine of "Iturglar." The habit of adding "ess" to form the feminine, as In poetess, authoress and similar words. Is not In accordance with the best English usage. The same plan of manufacturing a feminine i would give us burglaress, writeress nnd clerkess. In several other lan guages the feminine Is easily and nat urally made aeording to certain deft-1 uite rules, but the English language Is so variable and changes so much from age to age.in accordancewlth the needs of the jieople speaking It, that while these manufactured feminlnes cannot lie pronounced Incorrect, since they are In extensive employment and In these matters usage makes right they are hardly In accord with good taste as Il lustrated by the best writers of good English. The taste for matrimony is acquired, like the taste for olives. Mm MODJESKA THE GRAND. Found Paine's Celery Compound the Best of Remedies For the Nervous Exhaustion Consequent Upon Her Arduous Work The Remarkable Artiste Who Stands Pre-Eminently at the Head of Her Profession. The news of Modjeska's recovery from the recent severe sickness that compelled her to leave the stage will be a source of congratulation to the whole world. Modjeska, in a letter to Wells, Kich ardson & Company, says she has found (what thousands of people in every sta- tion of life have so often heartily testi fied) that Paine's celery compound is the very best of all remedies for nerv ous exhaustion. Joseph Haworth rightly calls Mod jeska "the peerless queen of artists." Modjeska's health is a matter of world-wide interest, and her testimo nial to the value of the great remedy which makes people well is of particu lar moment in the early spring, when from every quarter reports come of men, women and ohildren who are tak ing Pain's celery compound, and are gaining in nervous vigor, weight and every other indication of better health. The thoughful portion of the com munity knows the need of purifying the blood and regulatinng the nervous and alimentary systems as spring comes on. There is the danger that in their eagerness to take a spring remedy a thoughles8 person may carry home some ' bogus concoction prepared with only such a smattering of medical knowl- REASONS Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa. iff! a cup. t Be lure that ynu get the genuine article made by WALTER I BAKER 4 CO. Ltd., Dorchteter, Ma. Established I7SO. AAAaAAAAAA4AAAAi Water Power in Bwedrn. B The Swedish government has granted the necessary concessions to four com panies formed for the purpose of utiliz ing for industrial purposes a number of important waterfalls in the north of Sweden. The companies in question are the Angerman River Water-power Company, with a minimum capital of 2,000,000 kronen (t550,000); the In dalen Water-power Company, with a capital of 600,000 kronen (140,000); thd Jamtland Water-power Company, with a capital of 400,000 kronen; the Eodra-Medelpad Water-power Company, irith a capital of 600,000 kronen. A Scotchman once hired himself to a Chesihre farmer, and one of the famous cheeses of the couunty was set before him. His master said to him: "Sandy you take a long time to your breakfast.'' "Troth, master," replied the Scot, "a cheese o' this size is nae so soon eaten as ye may think." Household Words. edge as can be picked up behind a counter. Paine's celery compound is prepared in exact accordance with tho prescrip tion of Prof. Edward K Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth' college. Its curative effects have been closely watched by the ablest physicians of every school, and they are today agreed that it stands alone as the reliable rem edy for building up a person's health in the spring. I The most overwhelming testimony to the value of Paine's celery compound that has recently appeared from men and women of national reputation: Hon. George B. Swift, mayor of Chi cago; Francis Murphy, the foremost apostle of temperance in the world; Mrs. Matthew 8. Quay, wife of the great Republican senator from Pennsyl vania; Ex-President Cook, of the Na tional Teachers' Association;" Jiev, ' Charles L Thompson, D. D., the bril liant Presbyterian leader of New York city; Elizabeth Cady Stanton; Secro-1 tary Carlisle's private secretary; State Treasurer Addison B. Colvin of New j York; John Graham, the foremost man in American athletics; the wife of Rev. i Charles II. Parkhurst, the famous i preacher and reformer, Mayor Mo Hiiane, of Montreal, Major General Birney, Judgo Powers of Vermont, and FOR USING Because it is absolutely pure. Because it is net made by the so-called Dutch Process in which chemicals are used. Because beans of the finest quality are used. Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired the exquisite natural flavor ana oaor oi the neans. X Because it is the most economical, costing less than one cent WHEAT Make inruicr iiy nuc- ri.K,ul 'eulntlim In CliicHfro. We buy and I uhciit thrre on mar- f:iiix. J-i.rtnrien nave ikhmi mum in a miihn K-cinnlUK ly tru'liitK In iutuu"'. Write lor full partimlHrH. Meal l refrn-iire irlvcn. Sev eral years' expiTienee on the clnea'o Hoanl of Trale, Binl a thorough knowledge the bul liex. Iiownlriif, iloiikliiN A t'o., rhiemtn Hoard of Trade Krokern. ODIees :n Portland, Oregon, t-j.oVane and Seattle, Wash. $10. I-OR TIIE ON. ly perfect Incu tiator ma rte. Freieht Prepaid to vour n. arest Raif-oad Station or fiteamer Landing. The finest Incubator CaUlorat ever issued mailed free if you write and mention tbia paper miLUMA BrcUBATOX CO., Petalama, Cal. FINEST IN THE WORLD. .Finck'i "C. C." Bazor l-S. 6- and fi-S. I'rleat, t.M. fail be exehanired if not Ratis'artory. Bend (or General Catalogue or Catalogue of 8porting Goodi or Barber Supplies. WILL & FINCK CO., 20 Market St. Baa Francisco, Cal. 13 S JM nflTnno KAiuno 1 1 in sizes I a host more of prominent men and women, including no less than five U. S. congressmen, are among the thou sands of grateful people who have re cently sent to the proprietors of thiit wonderful remedy their expression of its unequaled value men and women who oan well afford, and do command, the highest medical adyice in the country. And then also the people in the ordi nary walks of life thero come thou- sands of honest, straighforward, heart-' felt letters, telling how Paine's celery compound hits made them well. Their testimony simply goes to show what New England's most vigorous ed itor bo aptly said in a letter telling of the benefit Paine's celery compound had been to a member of his family: "Paine's celery compound is not a patent meduine; it is not asarsaparilla; it is not a mere tonic; it is not an or dinary norvine it is as far beyond them all as tho diamond is superior to cheap glass." It makes people well. It is the one true specific recognizad and prescribed today by eminent practitioners for dig eases arising from a debilitated nervoul system. Prof. Phelps gave to his pro fession a positive cure for sleepless ness, wasting strength, dyspepsia, bil iousness, liver complaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. For all such com plaints Paine's ecle,ry compound hai succeeded again and again, where ev erything else Inn failed. When Modjeska in a letter published in Boston said: "I have found Paine's celery compound the very best of all remedies for the nervous exhaustion consequent uixm the arduous work of my profession," she voiced the experi ence of every tired-out, run-down, ex hausted woman whoever went to this greatest of all spring remedies for relief. No one ever yet failed to find strength and health returning who faithfully used nature's true remedy Paine's cel ery compound. 7 There has naver been s t me ers should guard saslnst failure. cars, -mora nsa onver Deen i errw .SVrrft were mure easentii . alwmya the heat. For aale he lisitlng JL dealers ererwhers. Insist on having Ihsnu rrtTBVie orrn auumi 1 renin o vceu hihiuhl ' (J full of In formation tnr Brriinira mnA 1 pfftNtfln. -riifir win ntwr n a brutr uro nan now to mo fl form iw ettitlon. Fret . m. rerry m. uo.. oetroit. Mich The rutverMl Supply Hoimc, KHtatMUhed W lZ SUPPLIES"" Groceries, Hardware, Agricultural Implements. Hame, Boots, Shops, Iiry (ioods, Mns'c, Etc. bend 4e for I.artre lllust rated CalaloucM. riKflll l K TAKKN IV KX II a;k. Iluiig Hi pn.r Co., i:iKruntHi.,Huii Krone S' o.Cal. f childiTen " T T h iVc. " " a Has. Wini.w's iMHjTiifsa hiaur .huui.1 always he P oel f'.rehiMrrn teelhli.g. It w..ih.- tt.e child.sort- a e.is the fruinil, sliayi all pia. cure wietl e(H-,sol Is C a tin twst reiYiiiN for (ImrrtKHk Twenty Ds teats a a r I . I. Ida ki A. all kaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaa. II PTI'KK and TlI.Ef4 enred; no pay on . til enred; send for book. Iota. .U"eir.L & foKTIkriELD, Market St., Una Francisco. N.P.N. U. No. 698. aF.N.U. No. 77 r7 ZliZl-l .i.i-Ui'iikjTl i CuS HtRt aOUSt fall. I I I Beat Cough eyrup. Tastes OuiaL Ces f J II tntlT rV.il dmi-glste. pi