OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. CITY Of'FICIAIi PAPKU. Kiituroilln Ort'Kiui City itH(:Mi,con-claM mutter. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS. If paid In atlvmicc, per year 1 M oiih y.mr 2 IH) Klx inirittm 1 K1 Tliri'O monllis 60 &'ho ilul npiiimitc yiiur ailtlrcmi on tho pii,cr iluii'iU'H I he lime to which yon huvu pulil. I'.tTllfJNIZK IIOMK IMUJSTItV. Si-oar IJkkt Skki) All Gonk. The Maniifuutiii't'nf' AnHwiutiim of I'oi'tlmul, who liuve 80 liberally Ruppliod the beet huuiI which the committee of tho board of trade Ikih unMcrtaken to diHtribute among the farmer of thin county, have Bent word that tin seed ban 'all been diHtributcd to over 21)0 farmers through out the statu wlii.ih will bo millldont to give them a thorough trial. As tho UHHociution bus been at considerable ex pense to get the Feed for the fanners, it is to lie hoped th.it each one will uii deaver to faithfully cultivato and follow explicitly tin; in.-ilnictioiis given and also return their report with sample of biiets so that the experiment may be thor oughly tested and it is hoped that the I smar ncrci'iit-ii'it u-ill In. uiifli.ii.Hv i I it. . I ! ...I:. . . . ii ! 1 .....w.... l"u ""y "luwiy are thut it .; Wlirr.,. thu eHtablish- oppose,l to the orl.nai.ee to prevent ment of a factory and the cultivation of liieni lion, iriuig nil ino m icwuiKa in .... ,, i okicfiox orrv, avm l 23, iso7. ri I'm 1.1. improve I parts of town where It IS : sc.de. Vilmoriu's i iniiitTiuI iinnrovvil nulmi- I u rt. .' I m impossible to ride in the street-. They j ,)lu ,llaity Ust ri bu tu, i an I should claim that the provision that requires a i ,iruvo lliuiivly .SiLti,fal,tlJ1.y ,viUl , rider to stop within I!;) fiet of a I cultivation lie lestr.uu on a walk should be grat.ted then, wliun they will use their influence to have same it. forced. 0. A. Simkckki.h, the sugar baron, mid one of the republican leaders of California, 1. is discharged every white man on bis plantation it. Hawaii and j (iuv. Lord ispr put orientals in their places. A desire to reduce his expenses is given us tUe reason. Mr. SjirockeU belongs to the arty which pruioncs to bring prosperity to the workiiigniau by lasingeveryibiug he consunies, yet he is not in favor of giving him employment except at ctur vation ju ices. (ioiin time! are coming 10 tiie stock in lustry of Oregon. For the next five years there is going to bo good profits in cattle, sheep and goats. This is not a result of conli lenco or tariff, but one of the natural laws ; simply a case where the supply does not equal the demand. Tho hard times of the past few years have played havoc with the stock inter ests. It has almost devastated the ranges of stock cattle. Everything was gold off that would bring u dollar in money until the ranges and farms were cloano l biire of stock cattle. It will take ut least live years to restock tho ranges. AVhile that process is going on stock is bound to bring a good price. Lender. Vi.w l.VDi-sr.iv. The Has committee 'of the Oreg ni Hiiy b.).ir I of tradu has received a communic.itinii from Mrs. AV. I'. Lord giving in.-iti'iiclions in regard to thecultiireof llix. The Oregon Women's flax Fiber Assitiition of which Mrs. e.-uMeiit wishes to contract wiin tanners to raise ll.tx, it agreeing to furnish seed mil deduct price of same from harve.-le ! crop. Tli,i seel costs about $2.51) p o- bushel and it requires ui.iiit two litinii d per acre. The ii.ssoci.i- lion agree to buy the products in the fall at from if ) per ton for 21-ini'Ii (1 ix to L';1 ier ton for IU inch. , Tlu aver.igo of Washington fl .is last year was lfl5 por ton an I three tons per acre. Any farmers wishing to bow flax and sell to this association can sej contract in hands of committee of which J. A Thayer is chairman. Scrofulajwelling On the Nock and Creat Weakness Caused by Impure Blood Was Constantly Crowing Worse. ' When my son was S year old ha wa In very poor health and wo could get nothing to relievo liim. At tho ago of 7 years he begun to complain oi soreness on both uldes f hia n-ck and soon lamps be pui to gV.hi'r cu one si'! and grew to half the bize of on c;.:f. Wo then became more uneasy and bc;;an to doctor him for B-Tofuia. Ilo grufiuully grew worjie, how ever, until at the ago of twelve years we had lost all hope of his recovery. He be came bo weak lie could sit up but a few minutes r.t a time. My wife Haw Hood'e f3ar.sapnrilln recommended as a great blood puriiier and we tent and got bottle. We iei-nii giving our boy the medicine ao fortiitig to direction!) and it was.nol long before v.e saw lit wns improving. He continued tukicg it until he was in very good licalt b. Ilo in now 13 years old and U well. We recommend Hood's Fnrsnpa iillii far all trouble cnused by Impnro Ll.;od." S. M. B't.vr.R, Grouse, Oregon. Uood'H SnrH.'UBirllli i.. .ll hy all clrapglsts, fl; six lor .''). tint only lluod'j. McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat the World! C. N. GREENMAN, TDK PIONlia it and Ex)ress. 1 -, Dra.vniau r IKi)iiIiIUIici! W& ) Parcels dclivcvd lo all parts of the city. ! No xteps to climb to Sunset. Donaldson, agent. F. E How comes it that so many of Port land's business men refuse to participate longer in the chamber of commerce meetings? Can it bo that they are in the dumps on account of the delayed ap pearance of general prosperity? If so I beg thorn to hope anew, for us soon as tho tariff bill becomes a law, und every thing is taxed from 25 to 00 per cent more, we cannot fail to lie prosperous. Nothing so fills tho purses of the poor as additional taxation, ihko neari, then, yo despou dents, for there Is a bright day ahead. It may he off some months or years, hut it is coming just the same. It may not reach us this side of the gr.ve, but the consolation that tho gold staf'.dard ami protection has won should satisfy every patriot in the land. Portland Tomahawk. Thk Mckinley tariff law labeled, 'A bill to.roduco the revenue and equalize tho duties on imports ami for other pur poses," went into operation Juno 30, J rt'JO. It did reduce tho revenue, for even before tho end of tho Harrison ad ministration a surplus of ovor!fK5,P()U, 000 in the treasury bail been sup-planted by n largo deticioncy. Now a bill is be fore congress entbled, "A bill to pro vide revenue for the government and to encourage tho industries of the United States," which is nearly identical in general structure to Mr. MclCinley disas trous pet measure, except as to tho sugar schedules, lioth bills are identical in making revenue incidental to pro tection of pet industries. Tho republi can party has the sumo remedy lor in creasing and decreasing revenue, exces sivo duties on imports. If tho Dingley bill becomes a law, tho American people will be ground under tho iron heels of the protected trusts und combines as they never were before. Let the voter take this medicine. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. WOIICE U IIKItKHY GIVEN THAT I SHALL apply t tlm city council of On-con Cltv. Oregon, fur a milium license, to continue my wuoon, wcuieil on Into of block 2.1 In Oregon City, Mcunso to iiule trom the sih day of Miiy, 18117. E. 5IAlvriIIE9. ORDINANCE NO.... An ordinance rcgi.ilntiiiq GirrlnRea, Ilicjcles, irlcyclns ami olh. r Vehicles. Oregon City does orilaln as follows: UKCTION 1. No person or persons shall drive, rule, use or prop-l any cuirlujre. wagon. track, ilelKh, slmt, bicycle, tricycle, velocipede wheelbarrow or hand cart (exoept hand car rlaues for children or Invalids) upon or along any of the. Bldeivulkij of Oregon Cit;, mui-an un proper orussius, 10 go into or out of a yard or lot. Provided, however, Unit the drawing, pushing or lending of bicycle on any Idewulk shall be and Is excepted iroin llie provisions of thin ordinance. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons lo rl.lo, drive or propel nny bicycle, tricycle, velocipede or other vehicle on or along or across any public road, street or alley In Oregon I'lly at a g-eater speed than eight miles mi hour between the hours of 6 A. M. mid fl P. Sl am six miles un hour from II 1'. M. to 0 A. M. See. 3. All persons rliliup, driving or propel ling any such bicycle, tricycle or velocipede shall linvo iiltaclii'd Ihcrcto a gong or bell and shall ring or sound the same when approaching und while crossing any Intersection of streets; I such bell to be siiilicli-nt to warn every one of the approach of such bicycle, tricycle, vcloclpi-di-or other vehicle. Sec. I. That any person or persons hIio shall violate any of the provision! of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction before tho Itecordor or Mayor shall ho lined not less than .l.00 or more than giVOO or Imprisoned In the city jill not more thiiu l." days or by both due and imprisonniuiit In the dlscielion of the It jcorder or Bluyor. SIIKitlL't-S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the state of On gun, for me comity oi uiacKtiinas. Tliomiulno Kndy, 1 riiiintiir, Alfred I.liidhe nud Aila Mary l.ludhe, icl't.'iilaiils. Slritenf Orcu'on. Coiinly of I'larknin-is, sw, JV Vlinl'K III-- A .ICDHMKM' (Mt'tKK, " ot'i-rce i ii mi cxi-ciiiion, uuiy issu-o oui of an 1 ii'i'h-r the seal of the alinv entitled court, In t!u- 'ill iv. t'liililt'd euui', lo in,. lu!v illii'i'ii'il ami il iii'il the LSI ii ciiiy o( M.u Hi, In.i7. upon a ju Igmeiil rendered and ciitcicd lo said court on the 'iiilh d-y of February. Is:i7, in favor of Ttioniii.iiie Kudv, plniiitlH, niid iignliist Alfred Liiidlii! mid Aila Mary Mud he di-rcmlnuis. for the sum of i;ls.im. with interest tlieruou at the rate of 10 per i-i-ut per Milium from tin itlth day of February, lhi)7, and the innlinr sum of 7(MK) as attorney's fee, mi I ihe furiher sum ol fi." IK) costs and disburseir.eiits, and the costs of and upon this writ, coiiiuiaii'liii me to ninke sale ol Ihe following described real properly situate In the county of Clacknnias, state o'f Oregon, lo-wit: The east hall of the soiilh half of Ihe southwest uuurter of section 21. tov nshlti. a smell, raiijo 4 ent of Ihe Willamette Meridian, coiil'iiiilug III acres, till iu Clackamas coiiutv, sla'e ol Ori'n'on. Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution, j judgment order, decree, ami in compliance with the rniniiinuils of snl writ, I will, on SiilurdavJ lhi'2llli ilnv of April, 1m7, at the hour ot one o'clock P. M , at the from door of t lie couiitu courl house In the city ol Oregon City, In sal counlv nud state, sell at public auction, subjci to redemption, to the hliihest bidder, for U. gold coin, cash In hand, ail the rlu'lit, title am interest which the wllhlii unineit defendiints o either of them, had on the date of tho morluagj Herein or si nee IniU In or to the above describe real pronerty or any part thereof, to sallsfv sal execution, Judgment order, decree, interest cosis uuu an accruing cost". li W. l,KAi:i., SherlfTof Clackamas CoiintyOregoi uuieu, uregon uity, ur., aiurcli Ik j OREGON HARNESS CO. OK.ti.i;its ix HaFess & Saddlery j j IiJMiprst Iloiise on ('oust. -:- CnH i:i Sco l's. ! . (ItV V1KW ...NURSERY... C.ANIIV, f OItl-:(i)N. Apple". Pears. Chornes, Plums and I'rtuiei, Italian and Petite, Niietarlues, Aliiiondl and IVtali Trees. rirst-ChiK In livery Itespeet. Wholesale ami Itepiil. I 1 pftV n..n ttrltoforlrii-is.ju J. A. bUA, flOp. t I ...OEGOM CITY AUCTION HOUSE... ir Xcmv iiml Secyml-JIaiid Furniture Uoiiiht Sold and Kxcli PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE Tinware, Hardware, Granitware, Etc. jOPHOSITE P. O. OKKOON CITV, OUKfi for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD FETZOLD'S CASH MARKETS Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OKKHON CITY, OKEtiOS, On tli a Streol bciwnnn Via Bridge and the Depot. , Douhie and single rlt;s ami saddlo horsei I nays on hand al Ihe lowest mtes, nnd a corral also coniii'i-ti-d with the Imhi for loose stock. Any information retarding any kind of stock promptly all'-mlcd to by letter or persou. lli)lisi;s uoimiiT on koi.ji GAH1BRIHUS COLD GUARDIAN'S NOTICE 0FALE. NOTICK IS HKREHY OIVKS THA'D IS PVR suance of an order and license of Jlie County Dour l of Chi. kuinus ciniuty, stiilp if orexon. made on the laih day of .M uch. l!S'.i7, li Iho mat ter of the estate of (lllhert KiikIc, u inor, the iiudersl(!ued. nuarilian ol said estate iid ward, will sell at piihlio aiiciloii lu Die hiirhcA hiddur for cash, Kold coin of the United HiaVs, and subject lo continuation by said county rtuirt. Ml NUiirilny, tne Wlirtayof May, 1MI7. M i ovlcokp m., at the front duor of Ihe piMtolllce al It liiln, ilhickiiniiis ci in Ml v. Ureiron. all tho rluhL dlle aim niierest mat- me shiu esuue iiml llie ifiiii (iillinrt Knitle, miii'ir ward, shall come to iJve us heir ut law in John llarless the present er, In ami to the fnllowliiLMlescrllicd real t eny, to wit: The norlli half of a certain ti-iil Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, Oregon City, Oregon. iiiuii comniciiciui,' ut tne smitm-ast c irni r ot i Wluitllelils D. L C No. 4H, in ti.wiililp ft stilli, ranee a east W. M : tliuin e north deerces resl lliii'i chiiins: thence north dearues east Mills liuliis to the north buiiuihirv ol s.ud c aim No. 4S llieine south S2 ileurees east, traeimrhaiii north bouniluiy to the northeast i oni.-r ufkniil niini; tiienee souiii s itenrc-s west. Irac n the 'list biiiimiarv Hue of stud claim, to ihe ohifc of Dciriiiuiiii,'. W. II. K.M-I (liiardliin of Kstutf a..d IVilm ol Dated April 8th, liW. liilbert liimle, ilnor. NOnC'K FOlt PUHUCATON I AND OKKICK AT OKI-COS CITY, OIllilON April ist, i'U,. Notice Is lierehvk'lveii lil.-.i of in 111 he l Ore- All oidliiii.ices or pails or ordinances In con- lllct herew ith are hereby repealed. Head ihe first lime and ordered published at special meetliiB of city council held on April lilh, 1H97. T1IOS. F. RYAN, City Recorder The Bazaar. Thk ultimate pruspucte for silver ro- luoiiotizatidii tiro not as gloomy aa tlioy Uligllt Ixi. TllO ll'SHOUS of llisilHtlT in Imlia, duo to the cloHtng of tho mints of tho rapid growth of commercial com petition, auffurcit from silver counties like Japan, already have served to create h cluiiigo of opinion in Great Britain on tho subject of iiioiKiiiietalliHin, which may soon grow to coiKiuering projior tions. The London Satiunul Review asserts that, including Mr. Balfour, whoso views are well known on this side, nine memliors of Lonl Salisbury's cabinet are convinced and consistent biiiietallints, and all are said to be vice presidents of tho British Bimetallic League, the avowed purpose of which is to "urge upon the British government the necessity of co-ojierating with other lending nations for the establishment by international agreement of hee coinage of gold and silver at a fixed ratio." Four other members of the minority are either favorable to or without pre judice against remonetiiation. ir Michael Hicks Beach is the one hide-J bound gold man in the cabinet, and as he is financial magnate and power his attitude is important, and will be sup ported, perhaps, by most of the great banking houses of the United Kinghom ; hut in spite of that it is fairly evident that the force of British opinion is not all one way as it was a lew years ago. I Now is the time to buy Wagons for the children. WOOPEN WAGONS, 50c, 75c, nniin. IKON WAGONS, with bicvclo wheels, fl, 1.50, 2 and 2.60. FISH LINE and FISH POLE, complete, for 10c. Just received a now lot of BIRD OAGES, cheap at the THE BAZAAR" L. A. Patterson & Co., 6th ami Main Ntreeta. A WORD OF HEN'S SHOES. . Shoe bargains, but never bargain shoes. Do you catch the idea? If great buving if having large lots of shoes made if the im petus of this great shoe business helps to make prices abnormally small then we have shoe bargains. These causes and readjust ments of our stocks, as sizes become missing, bring all tne snoe bargains we ever have. " Bargains that the followiuir-uamed settler lis notice of his Intention to make llioil i support oi nis claim, ami tnal said proof inane uemre uie iv,'i;isi"r aim it.'ceiver gon City, Oickoii, on May lsth, 1SH7, viz PKKUY WILLIAMS, II. E. slli, for the Sli) of Sec. Tp.fl si K. 2 E. tie names tne loiiowlnir witnesses prove iiis uotiiinuoiis resilience upon ami cultivation of, said hind, viz: William 11. MilJ-r, Alvis V. Havls, Henry Maziugo and John Ferguson, of Wllholt, Oregon. KQIIKItr A. MIt.LK, lieglntor. UrANTED FAITH K!L MEN OltWOMAS TO travel for responsible establisied house lu Oregon. Salary 7n and expenm. Position permanent. Reference. ICuclose -lf-adilressel stamped envelope. The Xullunal,8arlti8iiraiiee uiug., cnicdgo. WANTKU FAITHFUL MEN OH WOMEN TO travel lor .esnoiislhle estahlllhed house in Oregon. Salary 7o ami expenles. position permanent. Reference. Enclose Hf-addressed amped envelope. The National, fcarlucuranv UUIg., Chicago. Mow to Secure and Hold. The best trade is a perplexing problem to some people, but its solution is simple : FIRST Buy the best goods to be had, not once in a while, but always. SECOND Make the price low, and let the people know of it, early and often. Attention to these principles has placed HARRIS' GROCERY at the head. i Is the place to buy yfar WINKS and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at , reasonable ates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines frc'm 75c per gallon to $1.60. Family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N, F. ZIMMERMAN. Mgr. I'llONF 3), SIXTH AMI MAIN r r 1 -1 KEKTS. Bank of Oregon City. OI.DKST BANKING IN TUB CITY Paid Up cpltal, $50,000. Sarj)J;is, $20,850. President, Thomas CharmaM Vlco Preside'. Gbo. A. Hardims Cashier, G- CAnnitD Manager,- Charlbb H.Caufikld K General Ranking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. KonntT and. C'rty "'arrantii bought. Loans Made on AvalUbDfeuKr'" . ... ..... Exchange Bought and 4old, Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of ttu Vorld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold oil Portland, Sao Francisco, Chicago and Now York. Intercut Paid on Time Deposits ...Or TO.... G. H. BESTOW & CO. DOOffS WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWE3T CASH PRICK3 EVER OFFERED FOR KIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop 0)ipHito Cuiiifrtf&ratiunal Clnfcl', AIbIii htreet, Oregon City, Oregon Bids Wanted.! Notice in hereby riven thtt tlio Oitv Council of Oregon City will nceive sealed hida (or doing the city printing (or the enauing year, up to Wednewhy, May 6th, I8D7. Thecity council reservesthe riitlit to reject nny or all bids. ) By order of the City Council. Thok. F. Rvax, Recorder of Oregon City. COUNTY TKEASUUEIl'S NOTICE I HAVK NOW IN MY HANDS FUNDS applicable to the payment of all warrants endorsed prior to September h, 1S9J, also the following warrants endorsed September 9lh, No. 13a, 13.12; No. 1&83, 19H 27: No. 18582, 1542.63. Interest will cease on the above warrants after the date of this notice. JACOB SHADE, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregou Dated this 1st day of April, 18V7. don't exist otherwise. For shoes "made to sell," for shoe trash of any kind, we've no room. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. fJO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, NOTICI "cnuj givr" i amrr uiis aay nieo my Anal report as administrator of the estate of William O'Coaner, deceased, and that the court has set Monday, tbe 3d day of May, 197, as ; a time for hearinc said rpnnrt anil nh!win Shoes " thereto. If any there be, at which time all KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE Next Door to Bnrmeister A Andre sen s. persons interested are hereby notified to be prtwnt at the office of the County Judge, Clack amas county, state of Oregon. Dated this latk day of March. 1997. PATRICK T. OCONXIE. Admlnistiatorof the EsUte of WlIHaia O'Conoer, dseeaaed. Who eaa think of some stmpl tkis lo pataair Vanted-An Idea sra, siiakw. D. o, f. tswkr al.au snsa eCsr sl w ef tw kaaOfwl tarnuau waaiea. Not How High But how low can we make the price, is the question we ask ourselves when marking our goods for sale. That's what makes ours an ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. CHARM AN & SON, Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call at the Picneer Store ok Charman & Son before buying elsewhere. t WHY IS IT O J T That every day our store is filled with buyers from every part of the city, regardless of distance? -i- There must be some reason. People especially ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless there is a reason. IT IS UKCAUSE we have established a reputation for abso lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table -t- delicacies, and our customers are sure of a ' superior article and then the prices are right. ...GEO. F. HORTON... PROPRIETOR OF 1 HARDING'S BAKERY AND GROCERY Call and See. Tim fine Mock ot Confectionery Fruits, Etc. -AT- MRS. R. PRIER'S NEW STORE, Next Door to the "BEE-HIVE" i I GEO. A. HARDING, DEALER IN IP DRUGS IR, IE Standar Pat. Medicines Paints, Oils and Window Glass. Prescription Accurately Compounded harding's block. I JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsominp;. Leave Orders at Ely Bros., ou Seventh Street, Oregon City, Oregon. I BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. H. STRAIGHT, DEALS I!f GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Pla'ster. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA. Proprietor Oreiron City, Oregoa Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Baltoa Ualry mad bm Caavlae