Spring NEW DRESS GOODS NEW SILKS. New Shlit Waists and Separate Skirts... ...Is Black and Colors, Checks and Squares We have the most complete lines of Spring Novelties ever shown in the Northwest. We are the center of attraction on Dress Goods and fine Dress Material. No dry goods in the city can offer you better inducements or give you better yalue for your money. 147 pieces of 38 inch English Cheviot, handsome effects and coloring! good value at 40c a yard placed on sale at 25c a yard. 79 pieces of 42-inch All Wool Block Checks, in black and white, brown and white and blue and White all the rae for seperate skirts 50c value, placed on sale at 37c a yard. 97 pieces of 38-inch Silk and Wool Novelty Frencli. Suitings 75c values cn sale at 50c a yard. See our great lines of black and Colored French Dress Goods McAllen & McDonnells0 A XlSMIKI) I.MI'IIOVUMKNT IX TIII3 Cl!.MK- TKitv. The city will improve i s cemetery a greeahle to recommendations made ly the mayor. The council has appointed n committee to carry out the same. The idea is to have the present cemetery ro siirveyed and platted, locating all oc cupied spaco on same, and staking out what vacant land there is in a systematic 'manner. AVhen this is done, certificates will be given all present lot owners, so they will have something to show for their title to same. TIiobo who have lots and burial space not enclosed or staked, can bo of great assistance to the surveyor by placing stakes nt the four corners of lot claimed, with came on one of the stakes or on a board. The size of lots us fixed by ordinance is 12 by 18 feet and single burial space is 4x8 feet. This should be dono promptly as the surveyor will begin soon. It is hoped that all citizens will help in this matter as the cemetery is something in which all should ttiko a pride in making creditable to the city. Fine views and excellent water in Sunset. F. E. Donaldson. Catch Is iioht. Tho fishing season opened with a fair supply of salmon in the market, but not so many us had been expected. The supply from the Clackamas and Oregon City was nothing like what it was lust year, when several tons of salmon were shipped from this section every day for several days lifter the season opened. Last year it was no uncommon thing for a boat drifting below tho mouth of tho Clacka mas during tho first few nights of the season to take 100 fine big chinook sal mon. Last Friday night they went out ' early, and up to a late hour, very few boats had tuKen more than five fish. As there were gome fine catches made down ubout St. Helens, either the fish had not got up to the Clackamas and the falls, or tho fact that the dam in the Clackamas no longer stops them had led them to hurry on up that river. Reliable fire insurance son, agent. F. E. Donald- Laso Ofkicb IlKCKirrs. Receiver Gal loway's report of the receipts of the Oregon City land office for the first quarter of 1897, shows the total to have been 2217.91. Fiftv homestead entries 1 were made, covering 0900,97 acres; 81 ' final homestead proofs, covering 11,' 490.87 acres; state school selectiouscom prising 11,193.65, and wagon road selections of 22,9(17-57 acres, on which fees amoihiting to $1899.29 were paid. Steamshln tickets and anti seasick ( tablets. F. E. Oonaldson, aaent. ! j on j ; Installment Sunset lots. plan, easy payments F. E. Oonaldson. Choice Baking Powders at 15 cents per pound can, several kinds, at Ilorton's j Sunset lots are close to the mills and stores. F. E. Donaldson. Our low priced trimmed hats bring us lots ot customers. Try 'em and see. At Mrs. Sladen's Millinery Tarlor. "I don't believe there ever was so good a piM made an Ayer'sCathartic Pills. They will do alt you recom mend them for and even more. When I have a cold and ache from head to heels, a dose or two of these pills is all the medicine needed to set me right again. For headache. the sensitive palate. Some coats are too heavy ; they won't dissolve, and the pills they cover pass through the system, harmless as a bread pellet. Other coats are too light, and permit the speedy deterioration of the pilL After 30 years exposure, Ayer's Sugar Coated Pills have been found as effective as if just fresh from the laboratory. It's a good pill, with a good coat. Ask your druggist for This'tenimonial will be found in full io Ayer'l "Carebook." with hundred other. Fr. Address: J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. Mass. Arrivals! Corner Third and Morrison PUR'! LAND, UK. LOCAL SUA1MARY. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Commit ollico. Good English lireakfast Tea 20c or 3 lbs for oOc at Ilorton's. Prescriptions carefully compounded t. A. Harding's Hrnu store. For tho best shave or hair cut to be had go to P.G. Shark's shop. Shaving 10 cents, Ladies, do you like a cup of good tea? If so send to Marr & Andrews jor your teas in the future. County and city warrants, gold, silver, produce, wood, etc., taken at par for all accounts by tho Oiuhikk. For your strings and extras for all musical instruments jro to Burraeister & Andresen's, who keep a full supply. Before furnishing your house call at Young's seconddiand store and ho will fit you out for less than one-quarter of what new goods would cost. Those remnants of last years wall paper that Holman has been selling for Scndoublo row are about all gone, but he has a larger new lot that ho is selling very low. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. G ld crowns, porcelain crowns and brd;e work a specialty. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. If you want a nice steak, roast or boil cull at Albrfg. t's shop and get some of his cold-storage meat which is acknow edged by all to bo superior to tho meats commonly sold at butchers' shops. Ho also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome Re inember the old established shop on Alain street. Mrs. J. II. Strie'kler Shively's on May 4th. will sing nt Spring MedlcillO is a nece-sity which Hood's Sareapurilla uramlly supplies It. purifins snd vitalizes the blood and thus gives tone and strength to the whole system. Hood's Pills are the oiiiy pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cures all liver ills. The Franklin bicycle corduroy and the double knee hose are the best wear- ing for 15, 20 and 25c. The Racket Store. Hose from 5 cents per pair to the extra out size 25 and 35c. At the Racket Store. House Paints For Sale Cheap. For (10 days I will close out genuine leail and oil at reduced rates. It will pay you to investigate these prices. Do not let your house look old w hen H coat of p:,jnt will make it new. I will be glad t0 give yOU figures on your work. All work guaranteed. Ho not forget the place, Confectionery it Cigar Store, East of Shively's opera house, on Seventh street. Geo. Rkddaway, the Painter, Oregon City, Or. ' (Bring a can with you.) Pill Clothes. The good pill has a good coat. The pill coat serves two purposes; it protects ! the pill, and disguises it to LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Hon. Win. Galloway visited .Salem Sunday. Judge G. K. Hayes visited S.tlem Tuesday. The very latest styles in veils at Miss Goldsmith's. Leading insurance agency, F. K. Iton-J uldson, agent. The Misses Irapers will play nt Shiva ly's on May 4th. No ftepH to climb to Sunset. F. K Donaldson, agent. Miss Mabel Hugland will sing at Shi- vely'a on May 4th. II. L. Kelly is building a barn on his residence pioperty. Latest styles in sailor and walking hats at Miss Goldsmith's. Miss Minnie Kuerten will sin;' at Shively's on Mav -Kb. 1'tiy now in Sunset before the rise F. V.. Ditiuldson, aji'.-nt. Mrs. I!. Jennings returned oh'Moii day from a visit at Salem. uur fctyies are Hits latest uinl prices most reasonable. .Miss Goldsmith's Oregon City Auction House will Hell you a good cook stove for $4 and upward . A. l'utrow and Ibirlcv W isluirt have relumed from a trip to liuU-r City W. P. George, formerly of this city hut now ot halem, visited friends here last week. Oregon City Auction House will well good chairs from 2"c and up. Call and sec them. Charles Olds left on Tues lay evening for Citliforni i, where he will resi le in the future. Willamette Uchckah Lodge No. 2 will give an entertainment at Willamette hall on May 3d. Aaron Tilzer was one of the 45 that passed the medical examination in Port land last week. Look out next week for the program me of the sacred concert to bo given Sunday evening. The Clackamas County Sunday School Association has been in session tit M. E. church this week. For tho first time in Oregon City the wonderful cello-player Ilerr Fritz Zilm at Shivoly's on May 4th. Mrs. S. Sutton of Albany has rented tho Oriental hotel and is having same remodeled and repainted. Isaac Jacobs and son, Chess, left this week for an extended trip to Europe on j account of Chess' health. Mrs. Sarah Rinehnrt, formerly Mrs. Abraham McCubbin of this county, died near Loistine, Or., on 4th hist. I. Green bauin has removed "The Fair" store stock of goods to Astoriu, where ho was formerly located. Lost, between Parkplace and Oregon City, a cape. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at Parkplace grocery. Mrs. A. W. Schwan and children left on Saturday for St. Paul, her former home. Mr. Schwan has been in Spokane for some time. Clias. Galloway, llarley Stevens and Bert Beat io returned this week to Eugene after spending the spring vaca tion at their homes. C. C. Bobbins and D. S Livesay have been unable to secure a site for their sash and door factory and may not build as at first intended. Rev. A. J. Montgomery was appointed secretary and member of the home mis Eionery committee of Portland Presby tery on Wednesday. Licenses to wed granted by county clerk on 9th to Elizabeth E. Thomas and Samuel AV. Norton and to Mrs. Cora Huelat and John Potter. We were in error last week when we stated that Senor Ysaye would play at Shively's on May 4th. It is the great violinist, Herr Anton Zilm, that will play. W. P. Hawley left Tuesday for the East, where he will spend about a month buying new machinery for the addition to the Crown Paper mills. The bicycle damage suit of Clark vs Hannegan came up before Justice Scheulel on Friday last and was post poned until Friday of this week. Dr. J. M. Wells, formerly of Portland, has formed partnership with Dr. J. W. Powell. Now they will be able to attend to all business both outside and in office. H. A. I'ittcger has opened a real estate. Insurance and notary otliceiu the I'"'1'' e building. Mr. Pittenger was of a Purtland for three years cashier 'bank. j I Mrs. J. II. Strickler will commence n I I new term (beginners only) of singing I 1 lessons for children on Saturday nt 10:.'!0 J a. m. at M. E. church. Terms, $1 for ' three months. 1 ' Anyone having any old books or magazines that they do not care for w ill ! do the reading room a great favor by j notifying the 1 ibranan in charge w ho will call and get them. J. W. Cole has purchased John Hill's ! interest in the Safe saloon. Cu. j Kelly is now assisting in dispensing the 1 liquor refreshments to the many I customers of the place. 1 .. .. .. . lias anyone seen tlie write up edition of the Enterprise. Some of the financial supporters of the edition did not like the manner in which they were "lioomed" and would rather have paid more and 1wn "kept out." J There will be a acclal Easter sermon in the Baptist church Sunday morning. In the evening the paster will preach on "Rev. A. J. Diaz, tho apostle to Culm." His life in one of the nio lern marvels of Christianity, Tho board of directors of the Wil lamette Valley Chautauqua Association held a meeting Tuesday afternoon and discussed the program for the July assembly at Gladstone Park. A number of the departments were filled and lecturers engaged. James Alexander, an employe of the Pacific Bridge Co., which is building addition to electric power house, was struck on the head ami chest by a broken chain and seriously injured on Tuesday afternoon. Ho was taken to the Glad stone hospital for treatment. Tho children's singing class, under the direction of Mrs. J. H. Strickler, will give a recital in the M. E. church Mon day evening, Apr 1 !9th. Ten cents ad mission. All children free. Miss Florence Morey has very kindly con sented to sing a solo especially to the children. Don't fail to hear her. A movement is 011 foot to get the county court to build a six-foot sidewalk on tho north side of the suspension bridge. Thi-i will about balance the city water pipe on south si lc and will cost but about f!0l). If this can he done it will be a great accommodation to pedestrians. Mrs. Macdonald will give a concert and dunce at AYeinhard's hall on Sapi dity evening, April 24lh. Tho Spanish students off Portland and some of the best local talent wilt appear on the program, which 'will bo published next week. The dunce program will contain about 14 numlicrs. At tho last meeting of the board of directors of the Willamette Savings and Loan Association, tho resignation cf the present secretary, ji. K. Jones, was tendered and accepted and T. F. Ryan was elected to fill tho vacancy. Pay ments of dues can now bo made either to t lie secretary or the treasurer, Bank of Oregon City. Mrs. Lucinda Hamilton, aged 74 years, died at Ely on Saturday. Funeral services were held at M. E. Church on Monday. She left three, sons in this city and a daughter, Mrs. M. L. G. Wheeler, in North Yakima. Mrs. Hamilton came across the plains in 1804, settled in Salem, and afterwards moved to Molalla, where sho lived for a number of years. The last 10 years of hor iife she lived in this city. Charles B. Moores of Salem Wednes- filed a suit against Clackamas county in the matter of the taxes claimed by the county to be duo from Moores' property in Mintliorn addition to Portland . The prayer of the complaint is that thecounty be required to set forth the nature and extent of its claim ; that the claim be decreed wrongful, unluwful and without right us against this plaintiff, and that the county pay costsand disbursements. m . m Money saved 011 ruilroad tickets to all points east, i.b, Donaldson, agent. Forty acres of land half mile from Highland postollico for sulo at $10 per ucre. All under fence mid to ucres slashed. For particulars address (box 430, Oregon City, or call at Coukikk office. Oregon City Auction House will sell you bedroom sets from $0 up. It is not often that pur merchants sell goods to people living in Portland, but that is just what our wall paper man in the old Methodist church does you know him Hobnail. They say his stock and price are all right. m 11 We have seven hundred and fifty bolts of ribbons at the Racket Store. All widths of ribbon, from baby rib bon lc a yard to No. 40, 30c a yard, at tho Racket Store. Ladies, come and see our wrupor8, 80c to $1.15 each. The Racket Store. The th roe -year-old half Ilolstein and half Shorthorn bull of W. W. Stovall will make the season of 189 at the Seventh Street Stable. Six pound packages Soda or Salaratns for 25c at Ilorton's grocery and bakery That delicious flavor which you relish so mudi in coffee served at the liest caies, can be secured at homo by using Marr & Andrews' !est. We intend everyboly dealing with us shall be thoroughly satisfied. If through error any transaction should fall short of this i leal, we sh ill treat it us a favor and not an annoyance if you come back and tell us about it. Marr & Andrews, grocers. 12 Cents to Portland. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO 'S STR. RAMON A Will Make Dally Trips Between OREGON CITY PORTLAND FAItK 2.-,r for Kouurf Trip. l.r vr okiu.o itv HAVE ro::TIAN fT. taylob V :( A. M. tUt f. M. 6 V. M. ' Q M. '4 p. m. II I M I I WASHBURWT, YAR?AflLINS STRINQS AND EXTRAS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS. BURMEISTER UNDRESEN. Mull order for string will receive prompt attention. I I I I I I I r Blooming Plants! Blooming Plants! We wish to announce that we will place on sale the VlNKST J.INK of 1' LA NTS at the LOWEST TRICKS ever offered in Oregon C'ty: CARNATIONS, largs plants In bloom, 12 varieties 20c each. GERANIUMS, " " " lOo each. R0SFS, two year old bushes 25o each. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, wfl have a larga assortment of Chrysan themums, all priza winnnrs, inoluciny EUGENE DAILLtDOUZE, GEO. W. CHILDS, M AYFtl) -VER, MHS F. G. HILL, PHILA DELPHIA, and 23 others, lOo each, 75o per dozen. A lnra variety of other plants. Cut flow as in season. Vegetuhln Plants Cabbag-i, Tomatoes, Peppers, Etc. Greenhouse at uiaastone. visitors welcome t Hox 338, Oregon Clly, Or. Fishing Tackle Fishiti" Poles lush Lines Fish Hooks Flies Casting Lines All at the well-known . Prices of this store. THE BAZAAR" L. A. Patterson & Co., Stli unit Main Ntreets. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Oeputy County Surveyor Will bo 111 Court Homo on cueli SHturdny mid on regular neHvlnii (liivn of County Court. Geo. C. Brownbi.l. J. U. Campbell. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT 1.XW, CttufluM Building Oregon City ,Ore Bank of Oregon City. OI.DKMT BANKING H0G8B IN THB CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President. Vice ProBldont, Cashier, Manager, Thomas Chabman Gio. A. Harding K. 0. Cadfikld CHAKLB8 II. CAUPIKLD 4. Qvneral Ban king Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check! Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available BecurHv Exchange Bought and Hold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available lu Any Part or th. World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold ou Portland, Sao Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON UiTY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills uncounted. Makes co lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United Mtates and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A, M, to 4 P. M. D. C. LATOURKTTE, P. ft. DONALDSON Presldout. Cashier Spring Millinery Mrs. A. M. HA WES of 131 Fifth St., between Washington and. Alder, Portland, has the : : LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMED HATS From $1.00 up. Large Assortment. Hats made and trimmed to order. Call and see her dis play when in Portland. I I I I I I I I MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, AUTOHARPS, ACCORDIANS- I I I I I I I I 1 WILKINSON' I5I50S A WORD OF HEN'S SI!D3... Shoe bargains, but never bargain shoes. Do yon catch the idea ? If great buying if having large lots of shoes made if the im petus of this great shoe business helps to make prices abnormally small- then we have shoe bargain's. ' These causes and readjust ments of our stocks, as sizes become missing, bring all the shoe bargains we ever have. "Bargains Shoes" don't exist otherwise. For shoes ."made to sell," for shoe trash of any kind, we've no room. KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE . Next Door to Andresen's. BurnicUtcr A TIIOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LftADINd ISSURANCn AngMCV Of 0I.ACKAMA County. Money to Loan. AUMtrttct ot Title Made. Drawing ol Legal Doaumeiits a Speoialty Offlce on east side of Main street Uetweeu till" and 7th. OREGON CITV, OREGON, C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate ai.o Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial OREGON CITY. Bank Bulldl OREGON. J, W. WELCH, HDEHSTTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Oi-pomti P. O., OiiK.oo City, Oki. JOSEI'IC RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Otegon City Bunk Block. Ohkoom City. .... mioon.