CITY COURIER. 17 14th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1897. NO. 48: 1 r 'Li SO You'll Ee Eaying riattiuj Soon nnd pnyitiK llio new price. Wo will Havo yon dollars ii you will my it immediately. Our "stock is in first-rate condition, nnd yet we'vo n few cut pieces wo will close out cheap. Suppose you investigate this right away. Forty yards of Matting for $3.50, in ono piece. HELLO MY & HUNCH, The Kouscfurnishprs. OREGON CITY, OR. LLLL SUCCESS IN BUSINESS Is attained by tho uso of good sound common sense. Tho merchant who gives fair, honest, values for tho price never will be without plentv of customers While wo will always meet tho prico of "bait" mer chants to cash trade, we never resort to fako sales or any other deceptions to attract trade. Our ap peals are to your pocket book, and we give the best all-round values. The average man or woman has sense enough to know that when -staple poods, like groceries, are offered for less than real value, they are of inferior quality or old and shop-worn. "Baits" were invented to' catch lish, not men. Va Solicit Your Trade. E. E. Williams, tii orocor, 'I'lioneiJ, Mimjnic lllilir. I I I I I ROSENTHAL SISTERS, Artistic Hair Dressers. WIG MAKING. MANICURING. COLTON. Sun is again shining. Victor Dickey commenced his third term of school hero last Monday. 0. 0. Hubbard went to Portland with a load of household furniture for G. .S. Dowell.' Thanks to Dewdrop for taking such an' interest in tho Col ton items. U. S. Dix was in tow n on business this week. Miss Meadie Hubbard has had slight attack of lagripie. Charley Gottbcrg, who has been work ing in Oregon City for some time, came home last Saturday to bring the news that his sister, Miss Nellie Gottlierg has gone to tho hospital. We hopo for her speedy recovery. April 4 I. Lybtkk Receive Country Orders Prompt Attention 1 63 Fourth St., Portland, Or. CLUBB1N0 LIST. Regular Doth I'nce Papers Oreoon City Coitmeb nwt linih Kor Weekly Oretrnnmn a (HI 2 00 Thrlco-a-Week N. Y. World 2 M 2 00 Thriee-n-W(ek Courier Jmirnal 2 SO 2 00 New Occunlons 2 50 2 00 Rural New Yorker 2 SO 2 00 Countrv (ientlenieii eO 2 Ml I'rnlrie Kiirmer 2 So 2 00 LoHlies' Weeklv o SO 3 2' American Ai-rlculturist 2 SO 2 00 Kiinn Jounml 2 (Kl 1 u.' Poultry Monthly 2 SO 2 00 Americuu Poultry Joucnul 2 00 1 00 This npplit-s to new subscribers or old ones pnying in advanec. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND BUY OUR NATIVE HERBS. The Original Herb Compound. GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND LIVER REGULATOR. Treatment for 200 days for $1.00. Po not fnll to (five them a trial and be con vinced. Apply to liKO. RKOOAWAY. Agt- forClackamnseoiinty. Agl. for Dr. Foot's plain Home Talk Medical Cornmou Sene. rrrf Dmn AUAV Confectionery and etna r Ptore, Seventh St., ntUUHVIHl i Kast ol Opera House. Oregon City, Oregon. f I ..BEE-HIVE. 1 1 nnn Manufacturers' Samples of LACE CURTAINS. Short Length, Suitable for Sash Curtains. Placed on Sale To-Day. You will have to Be on hand early If you get them As they won't last long. .WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER... UNION HALL. Some ugly man's don have been killing sheep in ibis vicinity. William Adkins, late of Cottage Grove, has been visiting at the homo of his parents on tho Molnlla. Several head of rattle have died of starvation in this locality within the last few days. II. II. Wheeler will start his mill to running pretty booh. He will not saw much this summer on account of not having logs. James Pierce of Park Place, who has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. II. S. Tice, returned homo a few days ago so as to be on hand when the fishing season opens. There will bea weddingin this locality Bhortly after Easter. AVe wish it distinctly understood that there will be no beer as it is going to be a church affair. ' Ola Adkins returned homo from Crescent yesterday, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Waldron School commenced today in this district, with Mr. Warner as teacher. April 5. Swekt Sixteen. RURAL DELL. The farmers of this vicinity have been taking advantage of the fine weather. Tho. Ogle and family were out latd Sunday to the burial of 11. Batty, who formerly lived near Molalla."- ""' ' '' The infant son of A. L. Kenzi is sick, which is probably caused by teething. Rev. Mm. Blair of the F. M. Church preached her last sermon here for this conference year Sunday. Mr. Lyman and many of our rural reople have been grubbing this past winter. Samuel Crocker ran a wire into his hand a few days ago wi.ich has become a verv severe wound. The supposed Mark Hanna, or the la'. Oh, yes, was out to the C. K. meeting last Sunday. G. E. Wyland is working for Mr. Spar. Emmet Lawler has been south and snys he has the hop business safe Our school is making preparations for Arbor Day exercises. Miss Ida Yodir seems to be well liked by the pupils as teacher. Arthur Sorencen and family who have been living on the old Sconce place, have moved on Iden Bourn's farm. There will be a free social given at the home of Mrs. Kebecca Yoder on next Friday evening. All are invited. Jiimes WaUon seems to feel rather on the sad order of late. Hay nnd grain seem to be very scarce throughout this part of the country. S me stock has been sulferinu. for the want of feed already, but probably will live through the panic. April 5th. Dew Ditoi'a. NEEDY. The dance S .turday niuht was a grand success. They tripped the light fantas tic toe until 2:110, when they departed for their peaceful homes. Noah and Malile Ilardesty of Silver ton were visiting friends here last week but returned home Monday. Hute Sorrels has rented Dun Wyland' hop yard for one year. Our school began Monday morning with G. Dimick as teacher. All the pupils were very glad to have their old teacher back again. Boys, get your old.shot guns ready, for there will he a rousing chaivairi up on Bair creek soon. Gilbert Wyland is working for John Spahr. W. If. Bair, ihe Gunny butcher, wbi out here la-t week buying cattle. Pi of. Mitts will have to give up mmin oo account of his eyesight. April 7th. Cons Aoain. ...BEE-HIVE... Caufieli Clock, : : Oregon City, Oregon. 1 j One hundred Doses One Dollar '.t . peculiar to and true only of Hood's t arsaparilla. It is economy to buy I Hood s. nOLALLA. The snow stems to havo left us but the rain still conies, which is making our roads almost impassible. Only a few of our fanners have done any seed ing yel. Sonie.if them urn complaining that their feed is netting short ami those who have run out of feed have taken their cattiti to the mountains. Kobbins & Son have the lUrless store building about completed, having re painted it throughout 'hihidu and also put up no shelves. They expect to move in a few days. Tho Rev.Crandall has been holding a series of meetings at the school house hall, assisted by the Rev. Loney, but owing to the had weather there Inn not been much interest manifested or many in attendance. The meetings for the present has been moved to the Sanders church. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Robert Uaty, who was interred in the family burial grounds on the Bty donation on Dickey prairie last Sunday. There has been considerable sickness here the latter part of I lie winter and so far this spring, resulting in several deaths. , Many are now conndainimr of colds of an unusual severity. Jacob Harless and others are prepar ing to start to their mines on the head- waters of the Molnlla and Santiam as soon as the snow gets away so that they can make a start. They expect to build a wagon road into that section soon. R. R. Hnnkins of Arlington and Chas. Holt of The Dalles, who are interested in the mines, will be here in a short time to work on the road. It is reported that all mountain ronds and trails leading from here to the Cascade mountains are unusually blocked with fallen timber. The trail to the High canifi berry patch is impassible to such an extent with fallen timber that it will bo almost im possible to open it tip. According tore- ports a new route will have to be located and a new trail cut out in order to get to High camp from here. Miss Julia Moody, formerly of Molalla, but now living at Silvertsn, is reported to be very sick. Ci . 1 ' . . . . several ot me oovs troiu hero are talking'ot emigrating "to Rossland and Trail creek, B. C. and oilier points east of tho Cascade mountains. James Dickey expects to start for B 0. on a prospecting tour as soon as he thinks the snow is out of the wav. The Molalla band is preparing to give an entertainment for the henelit of the band. They gave an entertainment not long ago but were compelled to be at such an expense to do so that they did not quite make expenses, though they had a full house. The boys now have all they need in the way of stage fixture and they will he at little expense and will perhaps derive some benefit from an entertainment. Thev are thinking ot rendering the drama, "Little Brown Jug," with a farce in connection. Uncle Tom Jackson has returne'd from visiting relatives in Caliiornta. He reports times about as hard in the land of gold as it is in Webfoot. Geo. B. Fox of Barlow was over heie lecently. He reports business being livelv at their new stand. He has adopted the old motto of quick sales and (no) small r jilts. F. McLearn of "tVilhoit is at Portland calking railroad. It seems as though all the molor line lalk from Oiegon City to Wilhoit has died out. Last xnrinir. there was reports that a line was con templated from Oregon City to Wilhoit via Molalla, but now no one ever hears m-itor line mentioned. All onecan hear now is "How is your feed holdingoiu" and "When is it going to stop raining." A telephone line from Mola 1 1 or Wilhoit is slighilv talked of here. F. C. Perry has about completed Die lower story ot his hotel s that he will ni ive into it in a snort thn i. J Bacon thieves have made their ap pearance again. One night recently a family living not Ur from heie, just after they had retired, bear I a noise and supposed it originated at the barn among the horses, but upon going out two men were seen to run from the vacinty of the smoke house. After investigating two boards were found to have been torn f -oin Ihe udeof thesmoke housein 'heir Kttempl to vain an entrance, us the building was locked. It was rather lucky lor the would be llitives that the owner of said sm ke limine did not have a gun of any kind about his premises or there might of been some shoolingdo'ie. His gun w as stolen lat summer wtien a raid was made upon hi place during his ab-ence. It was hoped that the bacon Hi ie vi g of this locality had been detected but it stems as tin o,'h thue ate a few left jet. X. Y. 'A. April "ih. CITY COUNCIL. Regular April Session Held on Wed nesday Evening. Saloon licenses of Pradwfc McDonough, A. Knapp, Wanda Zimmerman mid J. (I. liamlio continued. 1 I'oniinunieatiou from 0. 0. T. Co. in ! regard to warf rent and offering $ 1 50 in ' full settlement referred to Ilniiuci) coin ! mittee. I Communication from Dolan estate asking for rebate on Main street assess ment referred to finance committee. Ordered that 0. II. Dye collect judg ments against property owners on Main street nnd matter referred to finance committee. Recorder ordered to notify Stratton estato that bondfor $I!5K for street im provement has been advertised and not sold and that property will bo sold to satisfy same. Report of fmancu committee on sale of rock crusher to Labor Exchange re ferred back. Report of llnanco committee on con tract of attorneys L. L. Porter and V. W.Thayer ordered annunled as nothing had been done by them for l)g years. Special committee on cemetery recom mended that grounds be surveyed and map made and new ground purchased. Ordinance- making n quarterly license of $2.3 on second-hand stores laid on table. Recorder ordered to issue warrant for sale of property of S. P. R. R. for street ussessment. Receipts of recorder for March : W. L. Block, junk store 3 00 W.H.Cooke, dray 15 00 G. II. Young, junk store 3 00 Hill & Cole, liquor license 200 00 J. W. Charlton " " 2.10 00 P. Hemelgann " ' 200 00 Stieet commissioner ordered to put down sidewulks on Jefferson street and charge to property. Recordor instructed to advertise for bids for city printing. Matter of revising city ordinance re ferred to finance cominitteo. , 1III.I.8 ALLOWED. T F Ryan, recorder $25 00 Chas K Burns, chief of police ... 00 00 K L Shaw, nightwatcli (10 ( 0 Clms litibcock, street work 71 55 O II Dye, prosecutor, 5 00 P Ilemelgurn, mealsat jail....... 1 40 Joi Andrews, burying dogs '. 2 00 Supplies for Lovelio family 8 75 N M Moody, road tax acct 2 50 J W S uart, cleaning hydrants. . . 1 50 Hollister it Potter, 100 dog tags. . 5 (iO Pope A Co, repairs 5 25 Enterprise, pub notices .'. . 70 OorniEK, pub notices 4 50 Oregon ian, bond nntico 3 HO ii A Harding, electric lumps 2 10 V O E Co, lights 171 50 J Brown, cord wood 2 5n II E Straight, salary 3 mos 40 00 mm Absolutely Pure. f'ctelirnteil for Uk ureal lenveiilni; RtreiiKtli and hen 1 1 1 1 fn 1 iit-HH. miiren the food aviiltist nluin nml Mil terms of ailulternlleii common tu the cheap liriiinlM. HOY A I. IUKIM1 I'OWpl-n CO., NEW YOIIK. CANEHAH. Mm. Williams and family of Browns ville have moved into the house vacated by Mr. Blanchard. Mrs. Telford and family left to- lay for Bandon, where she will join herliusbaud, who is employed in tho woolen mill. Miss Clear and sister of Tualatin are visiting relatives of this place. Miss Jessie Riggs, who has been visit ing friends here for sometimo past, re turned to her home at Tillamook. William Marshall, the enterprising clerk at the Bazaar, has been quite sick for the past week but is able to be up and around at present. William Bowers, who has been down with typhoid fever for about six weeks, has so far recovered to be up and around. Wo are glad to see him on his feet again. Tho mock tiiij, given at tho literary last Friday night was witnessed by quite a numberof Oanemah people. The caso was for larceny of a wheelbarrow. After tho ottorneys on both sides tried their utmost to prove the innocence or guilt of the prisoner, tho jury went out but could not agree on n verdict nnd they wore discharged. The ij.-Uoner was therefore disharged and I Htipposo at liberty to borrow moro wheelbarrows without the owner's consent. ,. On Friday, April 0th, there will bo an ontortaiument Rnd a suitable program has been prepared for the occasion. A good time is anticipated. April Oth. PnooiiEHM. i Til tlt OASTOniA. Sunday School Convention. Following is the program of tho fifth annual convention to be held in M. E. church in Oregon City next week: WEDNESDAY, A PHIL 14 A KTKHNOON SESSION. 2:30 Song service J. M. Ileckait 2 :45 Business session. 3:15 Report from schools. 3:45 Our County Sunday Schools and . theirNceds. . .Rev. Win. Traverse 4 :15 General discussion led by Mrs. C.F. Chirk 4:30 How to cultivate Missionary Interests in the Sunday School Rev. A. A. Ilurd KVENINO HKHKION. 7 :30 Song service' Ed Maple 7 :45 Address of welcome, RcvTL Jones 8:00 Response Prof. T.J. (iary 8:10 Music ....quartette 8:15 Address ReV. Ncsbitt, , Pastor of 1st Christian church, Portland. TIICIISDAV, AI'IIIL 15 MKHNIXO SESSION 9:00 Song service G. II. Bestow 8:.'!0 Unlinished business. 10 :00 Hindrances and how toRemove Them E..V. Smith 10:20 Primary Work. ...Mrs. Ailen and Mrs Groom. 10:50 Song. 10:55 Practical llesulU in Normal Work J. K. Groom 11:15 Address Prof. Ihunill AFTEKNOO.N SESSION. 1:30 Song service. 2:00 The Sunday School as an Evan gelist Rev. A. E. Ilornschiich Discussion. 2:30 Support due the State Associa tion from County and Town ship Associations Rev. G. E. Hawes, State President 3:15 Study of the Lesson. (a) Preparation, Mrs G C P.rownell (b) Presenting, fH Gilman Parker fc) Results to Is; sought, Rev J Ware 4:00 Address Prof. HamiM EVKNI.N'O SESSION. 7 :30 Song service Geo. Howard Vocal Solo w ith harp accompan iment Miss Ix-na Nemyre 7:45 Address Prof. Harnill Male Quartette. 9:0f Closing exercises. .. .Prof. Hamill April Wisdom. Bo sure that your blood is pure, your appetite good, your digestion perfect. To purify your blood and build up your health, take Hood's Sursaparilla. This medicine has accomplished re markable cures of all blood diseases. It is tho Ono True Blood Purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to make you well by purifying and enrich ing your blood, giving you an appetite, and nerve, mental and digestive strength. Naturally fair complexions would bo tho rule rather than the exception, as unfortunately it is at present, if the ladies would wholly abandon cosmetics, and more generally keep the blood puro and vigorous by the use of Ayer's Sarsa parilla, tho only reliable blood-purifier. For Over Fifty years. An Old and W'ki.l-Thied Remedy. Mrs. Uinslow's Soothing Syrup has been ued for over fifty years bj' mil lions of mothers lor their children while teething, with perfect success. It soul lies the child, sofleim the gums allays all psio, cuits wind colic, and is ihe best remedy lor Diarrhiea. Is pleasant to Ihe taste. Sold by Druggist n every part of the Woild. Twenty live cents a bottle, lis value is in calcuhible. lie sure and ask for Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syru, and take no other kind. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salvk in the world for Cuts, Prnisee, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheiitn, Fever Sores. Teller, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, anil all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay require I. It is gnatanleed to give pei feel, satisfaction or money re funded. l'ri.:e 25 cents per box. For sale by Charm in A Co. Skwino Machines Cheap. Want sewing machine? Gel a good one for $25.00 with fiveyears guarantee; $5.00 down and $5.00 per month until paid. See liclloiny A Ituseh about it . The only safe and trustworthy -insurance here at actual cost is that of the Oregon Fire Relief Association or the Mc.Minnville Mutual. G. K. Hargreaves of Oregon City is agent for Clackamas county. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. i fa it a! It llfu'.art ' Ii n rrtrf I I hm'l forget where lo find the Ra-k-t Store, opjiosite Charman's drugstore. OASTOniA. ' it 9t titrf r:m; i ! ea frrf vrtfptfc