McAllen & Special To the Trade in General : We have this day placed on sale several lines imported FRENCH DRESS GOODS... 42 inch Very Neat and Handsome; Standard value $1.00 per yard. Will place on sale for a few days at 50c PER TARD... Ladies, examine this cloth lor your own special benefit. 147 PIECES of 40-inch ALL-WOOL CHECKS, STRIPES AND PLAIDS... Extra heavy and extra quality; in Light and Medium Colorings; standard value for 50c per yard in any first class dry goods house in American. Will place the entire lot on sale for a few days, at 25c PER YARD... Ladies, this is an Extraordinary Offering and a Genuine bargain. The only Exclusive Dry Goods House in Oregon . S M'TibEISI&M'POyyEIiIi, I v! I nriwr Third PORTLAND. r3 Stockholdkkh Mkktino. The annual meeting of Willamette Savings and Loan Association was held on Saturday even ing at olllce of treasurer, the Bank of Oregon City, and the following directors were elected: VV. P. Hawley, Geo. Broughton, W. A. Huntley, Geo. A. Harding, Rudolph Koerner, J. P.Logan, E. G. Oaufleld, L. L. Porter and E. E. Charman. The auditors elected were C. P. Thore, Max Bollaok and A. W. Cheney. The board elected E. G. Cau field president, A. W. Huntley vice president, H. K. Jones secret iry, Bank of Oregon City treasurer, and L.L.Porter attorney. An adjourned meeting will be . held on March 29th to increase the capital stork from $50,000 to $100,000, the first shares of stock having been 'nearly subscribed for. The association is in a prosperous condition and expenses of running the business is but $11 per month or about 3 cents per share. The dissociation now has some money on hand for loans' on real estate. ; Town Topics. One of the, most an noying features that actors have ,to con tend with, are the cries which' some 'ti mes come from noisy wags in the house. ?These usually prqvoki,the mirth of ap audience, but . are demoralizing to the nerves of the persons at whom they are directed. One of the most amusing of these experiences is told . by Comedian William Keller of the "Town Topics" company. The incident occurred in the course of a scene in Richard the Third, between Edwin Booth as Richard and T .).... 1, T ,. .1 .. A.... Richard offered his sword to Katherine and on bended knee besought her to kill him if she would not pardon the wrongs he had done her, Anne, with the sword in her hand raised her eyes towards the gallery and exclaimed. "What shall I do? Direct me heaven." In a boyish voice, the answer came down from one of the nut-strewn seats of "heaven," "stick him." At Slavery's opera house, March 27th. Tickets on sale at postofBce. Dr. L. M. Andrews. Dr. Luther M. Andrews died March 18th at his home in this city. He was born in Ohio, October 16, 1824. During "the civil was he was surgeon of the 47th Illinois volunteers. Six years ago the. .family moved to Oregon City, and the doctor was in the drug business,, here until about a year ago. The deceased was a man of -sterling character." - He was a member of the Congregational church, the Grand Army of the Republic and a Free Mason. He left a widow and four children Forrest O.. Edwin B.', Fannie (Mrs. O. H. Wright), and Louise (Mrs. George Marr). . The funeral took place from the residence in Falls View at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, under G. A. S. and Masonic rites. ' Rattlesnakes, Butterflies, and ... ? Washington Irving said, he supposed a certain hill was called "Rattlesnake Hill" because it abounded in butterflies. The " rule of contrary " governs other names. Some bottles are, sup posedly. laie!ed "Sarsaparilla" because they are full of . . .well, we don't know what they are full of, but we knew it's not sarsapa rilla; except, perhaps, enough for a flavor. There's only one make of sarsaparilla that can be relied on to le all it claims. It's Ayer's. It has no secret to keep, la formula Li open to all physicians. This formula was examine! by the Com mittee at the World's Fair with the result that while every other make of sarsaparilla wis excluded from the Fair, Ayer's Sarsapa rilla was admitted and honored by awards. It was admitted be cause it was the best sarsaparilla. It received the medal as the best No other sarsaparilla has been so tested or so honored. Good motto for the family as well as the Fair: Admit the best, exclude the rest ' Aay doubt .bet? Sead forth. "Corebook." It kill doubts ud can doabten. Address: J. C Arc Co., LoIl, Km McDonnells unil AlorriflOll. s ' OREGON LOCAL SUMMARY. Money to loan on good Security by A . S. Dresser. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Col'rikk office. A few cords of woo 1 wanted on sub scription at Courikr office. Prescriptions carefully compounded Q. A. Harding's drug store. For the best shave or hair cut to be had go to P. G. Shark's shop. Shaving 10 cents, Ladies, do you like a cup of good tea? If so send to Marr & Andrews i or your teas in the future. For your strings and extras for all musical instruments go to Burmeister & Andresen's, who keep a full supply. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. R. L. Holman has just received a large stock of new wall paper from factory direct and is now prepared to furnish all the latest papers at . very reasonable prices.! New location in old M. E. church building. New veilings now in, also hair nets, at Miss Goldsmith. If you want a nice steak, roast or boil call at Albrigu t's shop and get some of his cold-storage meat which is acknowl edged by all to be superior to the meats commonly sold at butchers' shops. He also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome Re member the old established shop on Main street. Good English Breakfast Tea 20c or 3 lbs for 50c at Horton's. , If you want to fare well, trade at Th e Fair. See their goods and prices. Do not try to solve the problem how they can sell so cheap. But take advantage of the opportunity, and make your purchases there. Goods sold at less than manufacturer's cost. A general as sortment of dry goods, clothing, hats, Underwear, umbrellas, blankets, etc., etc.; 2nd store north of the Oregon City Bank. All wool suits to order from $12.50 up at Louis Friedrick's. Call at Mrs. Sladen's and see the turbans and flowers for spring wear. The new violets and roses are now in. Before furnishing your house call at Young's second-hand store and he will fit you out for less than one-quarter of what new goods would cost. re m LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Mrs. Frank Oamplicll is quite ill with lung fever. J. E. Ifodgus left Monday for Tucoma on busim'SH. 0. D. Lntourette returned Tuesday front a trip to .Sent tie. Mix- Lou Ware of Sweet Home is visit ing frii'iuls in the city. LicuiiHu to we 1 issued on lUth to Clara Haiton and K. K. Dart. Mm. S. E. l'aijnet will soon return from Arizona to Oregon City. The Eastern Star gave a social und entertainment on Tuesday evening. Miss Pearl Meldruin returned Satur day from a visit to friends in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Purdom have removed to Josephine county where they are located 011 a farm. Minn Jennie Iieattio visited friends in Salem and Eugene during week. ' Remember that the Racket Store is still located opposite Electric hotel. Choice Baking Powders at 15 cents per pound ran, several kinds, at llorton' Mrs R, Glass of Ljnn county returned homo Saturday after a visit to hur son, D. 11. Glaus. Dr. Win. AVulch.wifo and daughter will return to their former homo at Silverton about April 1st. The Crescent quartet will sing at the afternoon meeting at Y. M. C. A. rooms on Sunday. All are invited. Miss Anna 8a mules of Oorvallis return ed home Friday last after a visit with Misses Lawrence and Spangler. A surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. Rusmusscn at their home at Wil lamette Falls on Wednesday evening. If you want to show your form to a good advantage get a fine fitting suit made atLouis Friedrick's, the fashionable tailor. . ' Miss Nettie Hixon of Seattle returned home Friday last after visiting her sister, Mrs. R. L. Holman, for several weeks. ' ' ' Rev. Henry Wall and daughter, Miss Marguerete Wall, -leave Friday for Portland, where they will hereafter reside. Mrs. J. H. Burford returned to her home in Brownsville Saturday after nursing her son, Sherman, who has been very 111. Mr. Kellogg has taken Mr. Sleeper's position as foreman of Enterprise and Mr. Sleeper is now employed in the Semi-Weakly office.; ' " ' v1 ' W. A. Huntley is making arrange ments to build a fine co tage opposite W. 0. Johnson's place, on a lot he pur chased sqme time since of Mrs. Frank Campbell. -...;;; .;X.:. ' i( 1 1.4, 'Col. H. W. Love of Troutdale.Was visiting his old friend, Geo. F. Smith, on Wednesday. Mr. Love was superin tendent of patent office at Washington for 12 years. The musical recital of Mrs. E. E. Charman on last Friday evening was an enjoyable affair. Twenty-two solos by her pupils and a song by the Halcyon chorus, were rendered. A musical entertainment for. the benefit of the free reading room will be given at Congregational church on Tues day evening next. A good program has been prepared and admis sion fee of 10 cents will be charged, . The CptiBiEB' office has the best equipped job plant in Oregon City and is prepared to do first-class work at the lowest possible rates., We furnish printed envelopes for $1.25 per 1000 and upwards and guarantee work. We respectfully inform you the spring opeoing of millinery goods and imported pattern hats will take place at Miss O. Goldsmith's millinery parlors March 26, 27 and 29, Friday. Saturday and Monday. It is safe to predict that all amusement goers who delight in pretty songs, catchy music and comedy in general, will be pleased at the announcement of the appearance of the Columbia Opera Company at Shively's opera house Mon day, April Ith, presenting "Mascott". Scott Bozorth and W. I. Stanley of Salem, who were employed by the county court to examine the books of the sheriff and treasurer, with particular reference to straightening out the special district school funds of the county, began their work Monday. There will be a "search party" at the Congregational church on April 2d. Mrs. E. E. Charman's Halcyon chorus will the musical program and Mrs. Brownell will act several charades bacn person attending win receive a souvernir. The windstorm on Thursday morning caused the suHjKjnsion bridge in the city to be sprung out of shape, which may entail considerable expense upon the county. Several awnings were destroyed and a tree fell across Mr. Secor's house cutting it in two in the middle. D. J. Slover, Chas. BoldsandW.S. Gibbs have been appointed as chief committee for the Indian War Veteran of this county by T. A. Wood, grand commander. The committee will ex amine all cases of comrades' willows or children needing relief and fe- port same to the county judge and make requisition for same. Mr Slover is chairman and will be found it T. F. Ryan's office. J The Columbia Opera Company con sisting of forty people will appear at Shively's opera house April 5th present ing "Mascott" with new and elaborate costumes. This organization is combin ed of a strong cast of principals, a strong chorus and an effective orchestra under the baton of W. A. Reynolds. The Evangelical Lutheran .ion Con gregation will soon erect a church build ing on a lot they recently purchased of F. F. White at corner of Jefferson and Eighth streets. When this building is completed there will he churches 011 three corners of that block, the Presby terian, German Lutheran und this one. Maj. Sidney Collins and Maj. Leonard 0. Jones, of brigade staff, will make an official visit to Co. Fou next Monday, when the regular quarterly inspection will take place. Capt. F, S. Kelly ex tends a cordial invitation to the public to be present on this and other Monday evenings and witness drills of the com pany. A social dance will be given at Wein hard's hall on Monday evening for the benefit of Mrs. Macdonald, the pianist, by the pupils of Prof. Swanton's danc ing academy. All those receiving invitations tothe masquerade nreinvited. Gents will be charged 50c and ladies 25c. The lady pupils of Prof. Swanton will be admitted free., II. AV. We8termun, who was for some time engaged in the tailoring and suit club business in Oregon City, was made defendant in a suit for divorce brough against him by his wife last week in Portland, charging cruelty and drunken ness. Mr. Westerman is now in Seattle and is doing well. When he left this city numerous creditors mourned his departure. Charles Miller, the boy whose leg was crushed under a freight train which he was attempting to board in this city last Wednesday evening, died Friday morn ing at the Gladstone hospital, having failed to rally from the amputation rendered necessary by the accident. He was a seventh-grade pupil at the Barclay school and the members of his class attended the funeral services on Sunday in a body. .Be sure to see the new style and im- porled novelties in spring millinery jj . , 1 goods at Miss O Goldsmith's. Date of opening March 26, 27 and 29, Friday, Saturday and Monday. For fine tailoring go to the fashionable tailor." '' ' ' " ' Ribbons! Ribbons! Any color, any width ' and any amount at the Racket , Suits made to order and finished in workmanship like' manner, from $12,50 up at Louis Friedrick's. ,1Hats are still going ata great reduction Miss Goldsmith. ' ' . Nothing but first-class work and perfect fit guaranteed at the fashionable tailor. ... Six pound packages Soda or Salaratus for 25c at Horton's grocery and bakery It is worthy to notice that Louis 'Friedrick turns out the best made and best fitting suits. ' That delicious flavcr which you relish so much in coffee, served at the best cafes, can be secured at home by using Marr A Andrews' best. We intend everybody dealing with us shall be thoroughly satisfied. If through error any transaction should fall short of thiB ideal, we shall treat it as a favor and nof Bn annoyance if you come back and tell us about it. Marr & Andrews, grocers. Call and See., r u. Th Pin db 9 btuck or 9 Confectionery Fruits, Etc,.. AT MRS. R. PRiER'S NEW STORE, Next Door to the "BEE-HIVE" Geo. C. Bbowkbix. J. I . Caxpbill. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT I. AW. Caufield Building Oregon City ,Ore JAMES MURR0W, Decorating Paper Hanging, . . Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders ! Ely Bros., on Kevemb Street, Oregon City, Oregon . Ill I M I THlWASHBURH STRINOS AND EXTRAS POJ ALL INSTRUMhNTS. rr- " r hli ; BURMEISTER UNDRESEN. , Mall onion fr string will twelve prompt mii'iuinii. I I I I I I I Bloominrr Plants ! We wish to announce that we will place on sale the KINKST LINK of V LA NTS at the LOWKST PRICKS ever offered in Oregon C'ty: CARNATIONS, large plants In bloom, 12 varieties 20o each. GERANIUMS, " " " Oo each. RUSES, two yearnld bushee....' 25o each. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, we have a Urge aMoMimnt or Chrysan themums, all priza winners, Iniluolng EUGENE DAILLID0UZF, GEO. W. CHILOS, MAYFiO iVER, MRS E. G. HILL, PHILA DELPHIA,1 and 25 others, lOo each, 73o per dozen. A large variety of other plants. Cut flowirs In season. Vegetable Plants Sabbags, Tomatoes, Peppers, Etc Greenhouss at Gladstone. Visitors welcome. 1 llox 238, Oregon City, Or. THE BAZAAR I Chitir 8eat, 0, 10, 11 anil lJc. (iKlvmilMMl Iron Tub., !ioj. ll(st Axe IIhixIUi., leio. ' Wooden Tiilw. UU. llroom. It, 'JO hii 2!c Hlove Hlmvela, 6 Mid Vo. Brow .lie Lunch llox. l. 'JO mid 25c. Carpenter Kulea, 6. 10 and 12c. Milk Pain, Pint Pn, Man Pan, Waah Bnlni, Dlpne-B, Funnels Potato Mashers, Strainer, I, adieu, and a thousand other articles all at our well-known low prices. . II THE BAZAAR" L. A. Patterson & Co., Sth and Main Htreeta. . C. N. GREENMAN, THK PIONMa Express and Drayman "V T (Established 1805 ) Parcels delivered lo all parts of the city. C. H. ISOM, ; -: Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be aw Qourt House' on each Saturday and on regular session davi of County Court." "JOSEPH RICE, ' ATTORNEY 'AT LAW, Office In Oiegon City Bank Blook, Orkoon City, ; (IBIOON. Bank of Oregon City. OLDfST BANKING HOOSI tit THE CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus. $20,850. President, Vice President, Thomas Ckakman ' Oio. A. HabdisS K. O. Caupiim) Charlis H.CAUrmo Cashier. Manager, A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Recelred Subject lo Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Lotus Made on Available 8ecurlt ' Exchange Bought and Hold. Collections Mad Promptly. Drafts Hold Available in Any Part ol th. World. Telegraphic Kxchang Sold on Portland, Ban Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Tim Deposits. cm. view NURSERY CArfHY, ' ORKOON. Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums and Prunes, Italian aun rente, nectarines, Aimonas and reach Trees. Flr.t-CUs. 1st JErery Respect. Wholesale and Ketall. I 1 AflV n..n Write for Prices, ju. J. A. IUA, nOp. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and tht Depet. Double ami single rigs and saddle horses i ways on hand at the lowest rates, nd a corral also connected with the barn for loose stock. Any In formation regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOUOIIT OR BOLD GAMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallofi to $t.6b. Family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. fHOE 39. SIXTH iXU MAIM STREETS. I I I I I I I MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, AUTOHABPS, ACC0BDIANS 1. 1 I Mill 1 Blooming Plants! WILKINSON BROS. They; Play Lr? Hard And wear out lots of shoes, those youngnters of ours, and uittko the shoe bill pretty large for a limited purse ;pot nearly so large if you lake ad vantage of the close prices we are giving you on all sizes of Boys', Girls and Little Children's SHOES. . KRJUJSSE BR0S , Next Door to Burmeister A T L Andresen s. . THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Publio and Real Estate Broker lsadiko 'insvsamci ac1mcy or cuackama County. Money to Loan. ' 'Abstracts of Title Made. Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty - Office on east side of Main street Between 6th and 7th. OREGON CITY, OREGON. C D. & D. C. LATODRETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bank Bulldls OREGON CITY, OREGON. J. W. WELCH, DB1TTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Oprosna P. O., Onaoon City, Orb. The Commercial Dank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Traniaoti a General Banking Bullae. Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes lections. Buys and .ells exchange on all polu In the United Htates and Rurope and on Hoi Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from A. M. to 4 P. hi. D. C. LATOURBTTK, t. B. DONALDBOf President. CaabM H. STRAIGHT, DCALXB IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Ori-goii City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure H iven; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton Ualrjr and hm Convinced I GEO. A. HARDING, DCALtB IN IP IR, Standard Pat. Medicines Paints, Oils and Window Glass. Prescription Accurately VtmpoundedU haboikq's BLOCK. WW