TO Never ro to bed with cold or dump feet. Never lenn the back upou anything tbnt lg cold. Never tnke hot drink, nnd then go Immediately out Into the cold. Never boiiln n Journey until nfier a (tood breakfast linx hwn i-aten. The Juice of two or three lemons add ed to the buth In a great tonic and benutlfler. Dust partlcleg lu the lung may eauso . Inflammation, or even laceration, by tnoir sharp otigex. Food for tho sick should always be prepared In the most careful maimer nnd served iuntly. In diseases of the thorax radioscopy Rives Information comparable In all points to that obtained by percussion. Never breathe with the mouth open In sleeping in a cold room, but estab lish a habit or breathing through the nose. Never fall to keep the back well cov ered, especially between the shoulder blades; also, tho chest well protected. Sajte tea sweetened with honey and a bit of alum dissolved in it Is good to use as a garglo for sore throat. Never omit regular bathing, for un less the skin is in active condition tho cold will close the pores and favor con gestion and other diseases. ' Coal miners ns a class are not very susceptible to consumption, their trou bles being more asthmatic and bron chltlc, while where the air particles are sharp and cut the lung tissues tuber culosis will Intervene, and the mortal ity among miners of tin, umoug grind ers a ud that class is large. Use the Only Spring Remedy in the World Stood Every Test of Time, - r FAME'S CELERY COMPOUND MAKES ONE WELL In March, April and May nee Paine's celery compound. And only Paine's celery compound 1 For it is nature's remedy. t Do not for a moment confound it with any of the ignorant, catchpenny, Bhort-lived patent remedies snrsapii- rillus, nervines and tonics that bear as much . resemblance to Paine's celery compound as the parasite vines do to the oaks that they live on. Paino's celery compound cures dis ease. It makes people well. It has saved the lives of thousands of suffer ers. It makes the weak strong. It purifies the blood and enriches the nerves. Every condition of winter life has been detrimental to health. There has been a steady decline in nervous vigor. Now thnt spring comes the body is ready to cast off unhealthy tissues if it is onlv given a chance. This opportunity comes when the excretory organs, kidneys. skin and bowels are made to work ac tively and the nerves ure ablo to fur nish snfllciunt energv to tho digestive organs. No remedy in the world accomplishes those resultB like Paine's celery com pound. It nourishes, regulates and in vigorates the entire nervous system from the brain to the minutest nerve filament. It causes an increased appe tite and tones up the stomach to deal with the increased food. Its nourish ing action is immediately manifest in a clearing up of the muddy, unhealthy skin, an increase in weight and more refreshing sleep. First discovered after laborious, scientific research by the ablest physi cian America has produced, Prof. Ed ward E. Phelps, M. D. , LL. D., of Dartmouth college, it is prescribed and publicly indorsed by the best practi tioners in every city in America. It has been so enthusiastically recom mended by grateful men and women in every walk of life that it is today in every sense the most popular remedy the world ever knew. It has proven itself the greatest of all spring medicines. In New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, St. Louis and two or three, other large cities, the leading newspa pers, making their own canvasses again this year, have found that the demand for Paine's celery compound surpasses that of all other remedies togethorl ' ' Paine's celery compound, taken dur ing the early spring days, has even more than its usual remarkable effi ciency in making people well. It makes short work of disease. It rapid ly drives out neuralgia, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and rheumatism from the system. It removes that lassitude, or "tired feeling," which betokens weak ened nerves and poor blood. AVoinen working in close offices, sales women tired out and nervous from long hours' standing on their feet and wait ing on impatient, irritating customers; overworked, worried and disheartened men and women everywhere will bo astonished to find how much happier life becomes when their nerves have been strengthened and their blood puri- j system, welcomed in so many intelligent, pru dent homes where pains is taken to get only the best in so vital a matter. In such families all over tho country mine's celery compound is the lirst, last and only remedy used. Prof. Phelps had studied the nerves in health and disease when well nourished and when nndcr-noiirishcd, in men and woman and children years before he looked for the remedy. Paine's celery compound is the outcome of his entire professional life. Jt is tho one remedy that tho world could not lose today at any price. Paine's colery compound induces the body to tako on solid flesh. Physicians recognize Paine's celnry compound as tho one scientific spring remedy, and it is universally prescribed by them wherever there is great need of a vigorous and prompt restoring of health and . strength to tho worn-out fled by means of this great remedv No other remedy has the heartv nn- proval of a like body of educated men and women and professional men, nor has there ever been a remedy that was Paine's celery compound is tho best spring remedy because it is more than a mere spring remedy. It brings about a healthy appetite, complete digestion, regular action of tho bowels and the other oxorotory organs whenever taken, whether in summer or in winter, but as tho greatest of spring remedies it has extraordinary opportunities for induo ing the body to throw off morbid hu mors that poison it and cause rheuma tism, neuralgia, neart trouble and a general low stato of the health, as in spring the system is more pliable ami chronio diseases so securely lodged in tho system that they are with diflloulty ousted, become more tractable. Thousands of men and women have found from personal experience that Paine's celery compound makes people well, and keeps all from sickness who tuke it in the spring. Many a father and mother have no ticed the unmistakable improvement in the health of their children from tak ing Paine's celery compound in the spring. . It Js the one scientifically ac curate remedy fitted by its composition to thoroughly purify the blood nnd dis pel that exhausted feeling and get rid of skin diseases, headache and fits of de pression with which children with weak, uurvoiis systems, as well us grown people, are afllicted. WAS AN ELEVATOR BOY. Within Three Year Thin Negro Uai i Achieved Literary Fame I Paul Lawrence Dunbar Is one of the outposts of culture among the negroes of America. He Is a poet, a strong writer and a philosopher who has Just gone to Europe on a lecturing tour. i Perhaps Dunbar is the most Interest ing and picturesque figure In the field of literature td-rtuy. He was born twenty-five years ago In Dayton, Ohio, and was educated In the public schools of It has been ascertained that in Russia 57? per 1,000 girls marry before reach ing the age of twenty. Mrs Humphrey AVard, the English i novelist, has turned her energies to- j wards writing a play. j A clever Parisian has invented a ma- chine that can split a human hair I lengthwise into thirty-six strips. j fwii If Nine women obtained the doctor's de- j grees at the University of Berne, Swit-' zerluud, at the last examination. A dust excluder for vehicle hubs con-' gists of a oap secured to the outer end I of the hub, being easily removable. An electric roller for massage pur poses is composed of plated copper and zino and generates its own eleotricity. WISE AS AN OWL. , PAVr. LAWRENCE iUNBAIt. that town. Until four years ago he was an elevator boy In a big building In Dayton, and, like most of his race, he seemed to be marked for a life of un eventful toil. Yet, since tbnt time ho has published three books, has contrib uted to the best magazines and news papers, has established a solid reputa tion and has recited his verses to many audiences of the highest culture. And now, at 23, with the encouraging plaud its of his first success ringing In his ears, lie goes abroad for new conquests. In England Mr. Dunbar will be receiv ed by. the most highly cultured and aristocratic people lu the land, because he has genius. In his stories he tells something of his own people, but he does not limit his art to the treatment of negro life. The owl is said to be the wisest of birds because he keeps both eyes and ears wide open, says nothing and keeps up a good deal of thinking. When sciatica takes hold of a man, he is wisest who says nothing but keeps his eyes and ears open for the best remedy, -who thinks and knows it hiav result in crippling, and. who linds by trial that St. Jacobs Oil is the best known rem edy for its treatment and permanent cure. It penetrates to the seat of the exerutihtine ! pain, soothes and cures it, and prevents : what sometimes happens the use of the ' surgeon's knife' to get rid of the torment, j The owl thinks and then acts quickly, and j the sciatica sullercr should act promptly to j arrest the progress of the disease and to re I store the nerve by the use of St. Jacobs I Oil to its natural condition, The lady manager of a California in surance company is credited with the largest salary paid to any 'woman 110,000 a year. OVER THE PRECIPICE ; Hosts of Invalids tumble to destruction simply because they will exercise no discretion In tho mutters of eating, drinking and the avoidance of exciting causes, and, above all, In the item of medication. They persist In dosing them selves in season and out of season With drastic and violent remedies, opiates and mineral poisons. The best, the salest, the pleasantest substitute for such hurtful no-rumedies is Hos teller's Stomach Bitters, potent for malarial, rheumatic, dyspeptic, nervous and bilious complaints. Illinois spends at least $2, 000, 000 a year in punshing criminals. It spends scarcely anything for their reform. GREAT dial of nonsense has been written and be lieved, about blood purifiers. 'What purifies the blood? N M M THE KIDNEYS PURIFY tTe BLOOD AND THEY ALONE. If diseased, however, they cannot, and the blood continually becomes more impure. Every drop of blood in the body goes through the kidneys, the sewers of the system, every three minutes, night and day, while life . 1 EMI puts the kidneys in perfect health, and nature does the rest. The heavy, dragged out feeling, the bilious attacks, headaches, nervous unrest, fickle appetite, all caused by poisoned blood, will disappear when the kidneys properly perform their functions. : . , , t ' i . There is no' doubt about this. Thousands , have so testified. The , theory is right, the cure is right and neaitn toiiows as a natural sequence. Be. . self-convinced through per sonal proof. Mill atism The Sliding Pole. Firemen use the sliding poles In the engine houses when descending from the dormitory floors to the street floor j about their ordinary affairs, just as i they do when hustling down for a fire, j It is the quickest and easiest way to i go, and naturally they go that way al- j ways. To a man not a fireman, how-j ever, and so unaccustomed to It, the . commonplace use of the sliding pole ! seems at first strange. ' He has seen It i usually, perhaps only, from below; and I the use of It Is associated In his mind j with the sound of the gong, the pound- j lng of the horses' boofs, the snapping ! of harness and the general bustle of preparation. To see the firemen come dropping down the sliding poles into this scene of activity seems all right. It seems like a part of the general scheme. But if one who has been accustomed only to seeing them come down the poles in this way should happen at a time of quiet In the house to be on an upper floor, and instead of seeing fire men shoot into view should see one sud denly and silently disappear, that sight probably would at first be surprising to bim. At first It seems strange to see any man, fireman or not, slide down a pole to start for his dinner, for Instance, but that is what the fireman does, and it Is Just the same if be Is going below for any duty In the house. He goes down the ple habitually, because that is the simplest and easiest way to go. But he doesn't go back that way; easy as It is to slide down the pole, it would be mighty hard work to shin up It. When the fireman goes tip, then, like every body else, he ciiiiibs the stairs. Nevr .York Run. HOME PRODUCTS AND FORK FOOD. All Eastern Syrup, so-called, iigui coioreu ana 01 neavv noav, usually rsrv is made from is made from It in .nil. Dy nrst-ciass grocers, In cans only. Manufac tured by the Pacific Coast SYKi'f Co. All gen uine "'fen Garden Drip" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. glucose, "lea harden brhm" bugar Cane and is strictlv pure. HOW'S THIS T We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHKNKY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the last lb years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. . West 4 Tar ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waliuno, Kinsan it .Mahvin, Wholesale bruggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur face.! the system. Price 7c. per bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. , Piso's Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine used in tnv house. I). (,. Albrit'ht, Miiilinborg, Pa., 'Dec. 11, 1S95. Is a blood d isease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi-' bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve.' I took many patent medicines' 'but they' did ' not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle, myself in any way; I was abso?. lutely helpless, Three bottles .of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I was soon able to move fiiii' Swept Away in a Flood. Mr. K. V. Suialley relates In a Chi cugo newspaper a tunning and very j Ftvuuai experience wmcn ne under went a few years ago In traveling lu the Northwest. With three friends he attempted to ford a slough of the Ya kima Blver In Washington, In a big wagon drawn by four horses. Mr. Smal ley says: The river was very high, and the broad slough was running like a mill race. We know that the fording-plaee was narrow and the water deep, but we expected nothing more serious than to get our feet wet But when we were about half-way across, the lead horses got. Uielr hind .feet -over the - double trees and became unmanageable; and then the wagon was swept off the ford and, Into deep water..;; . ..; One of my friends swam ashore, and two others climbed out of the 'tall of the wagou and managed to keep their footing until they were rescued. I at tempted to get out In the same way, but before I could do so the wagon was wept Into very deep water, overturned, and wagon, horses and I were soon floundering In the current. ' I could. not swim, and gave tip all hdpe of my 'lifer I went under water. audi, there had a very clear experience of what psychologists' call tbe double consciousness. It seemed as if I were two persdus, one a physical man. still Intelligent enough tq struggle among the horses, and- the other a' 'conselous ,ness thia was entirely jerene and. hap py, looking with admiration at the beautiful water overhead, and wonder ing ' If the , body would come ashore somewhere Sown the stream and be re covered. .' ' w . . .. k This: part of me felt quite delighted at being released from partnership with the other fellow. How long this lasted I do not know. I did not have any of that vivid recollection of all the events of life which men restored from drown ing usually tell about. The higher con sciousness only felt that it was an in dependent, spiritual .existence, now for the first time released from dwelling in i.'physical boJy.' ' But now the body, In Its desperate struggles, clutched the ear of one of ; the; horses. The horse got its head above water, and the man's head came up with It The. nian was rescued by a boat, and with extreme regret my hlch- ,er cthsolous'ness Was forced'io re-enter its old dwelling-place. . , Gladness, Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before nroneref- rforts gentloolfOrts-pleasanteftortp- rightly directed. . There is comfort In ' the knowledge, that so many forms of sicKness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant ly removes. That is why it is the onlv remedy with mill ions of families, autl is every where esteemed bo highly byiall who value good lurultli. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, thut itis the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs pn which it acts.,, It is therefore ail important, in order to get its bene nciul. ertects, to note when you pur chase, mm you nave tiie genuino arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. ' If in .the enjoyment of good health, and the. 6ystem is rcgtilur, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but If In need of b Juxative, one should have the, best, and TJTui the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest arid is most lurgely Jsed and gives most general sathif action. BEST IN THE WORLD. '06 Models '97 Models '06 Ideals . . . v. - 80 . 30 second-hand Machines of all makes from 20 to H) cash, or on Installments. Write for Cat. aloK :nd tiecond'hand! UVE- AUENT8 WAJtt'BU. ; .., .. ..... ... . , ' KltKO MEItKII.r, CYCLE CO., PORTLAND, OR. SPOKANE, WAIH. Sent Free! ' Tq any person interested In humane matters, or who loves animals, we will send free, upon application, a ; '.copy of the "Al.r.I ANCK," theorgan of this Society. In addition to its in , tensely interesting reading, it con ' ' tains a list of the valuable and un - . ; -usual premiums given by the paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE. 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. SURE CURE for PILES ffrliT xr?w"RU flum, REMEDY, WHEAT. Make money by suc cessful speculation In Chicago. We buy and SI.I1 U'llCMt 111 lira nn niacins. Fortunes have been made nn a small bejiiuniiiLt by tradinir ln futures. WrlLa tat full particulars. . Uesi ol.roiernce ntven. Sev eral years' experience on the CIiIchko Hoard ot Trade, and a tlioroiiKh knowledge of the busi ness. DowniiiK, Hopkins Si Co., ChicaKo Board of Trade Hrokers. Olllces in 1'ortlaud, Oregon. Spokane and Seattle, Wash, Ml T EVERY HEN Incubators iti start ed rtghtf mnd ) buitar pifpHied w givt profit Ablo "tut Di bscMiiui thase nut'imittB eicluMvely mm bnl y tho to. ami which pro duce ma Rrtt.t number or Tin'n(ut chleken. We piy fre-Khi, I Him rated Catalogue r rte. Potaluraa Incubator Co., Pitaluma, Oat ECLIPSE A(iiU WanltMi. MFC CO fiirtiniid. Or. INDIHPKNSABLS TO ANY pick smokkr. "away with MAKKSHirm." Cislsrs' Best Seller. SAMPI.K, Wo. ON It UOIKN, 804 liy Mall. V, H. A. FRAZER AXLE CREASE SWIM iuk- Utt. HOUVI. d, hll.. P., " Kicercleed Him, "Thg bicycle craze, hif! done me worldiof eood." ' declared Gloomier uijr iigui arm; ueiorc - AVby, you, don t xid! V Urpcfiii, nr mall N.P.N. U. No. 603. S.F.N.U. No, 770 BEST IN THE WORL0. Its wearing oualltlesitre unsurnaisml.aniiian outlastliiK two boxes of anv other brand. Frea from Aulinsl Oils. UK.T TIIK UKWINK. KOK HA I. ft BY OKKIION and WASHINGTON MKKCHANTS and Dealers generally. J Mas. Wislw' Huoimxa Sviiuf ulioiUd slwnys h 1 P uwmI forullUUnm tenthlng. Jt Hnnthfm the -lillU,Mrt- f p cim tlx. iriiMis, nllnyH All puin, cures wind i-nllc .ntnl is 4 k the bent remedr f"r diarrhoea. Twaiitr flva cunts a 2 LIili'i'i"'"h"t0,"- &awJ T) UI'TIJKE and PILES cured; no pay until It cured; send for book. Dks. Manshkld 4 Fortkkpikld, ftiirt Market Ht., San Francisco. Schillings Dcst'xs simply good honest tea, well grad ed, fresh - roasted, packed air-tight If you don't like it, your grocer returns your money in full. There is no other such in tea. dealing A ScriJirf k 'ompur alt long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well aa ever. I now weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy S.S.S. cores Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine S.S.S. (euaianlced purely vezeta- table) is exclusively for the blood and" is recommended for nothing else. It forces out tbe poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our ralnable books. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. "No; but I've been knocked a total of at least 1,000 feet and have run miles In my effort to dodge scorchers." Detrolf Free Press. flNEST IN THE WORLD. Finck'g "C. C." Eazor In sizes 4-S. 5-8 and 6-8. Prim. 3.SO. exi'Jihnge'l If not Hattxiaetory. Send for General CataloKue or Catalogue of Sporting Goods or Sarber Supplies. WILL & FINCK CO., 820 Market St.- Hun Frain lco, f ill. A. 1 . I wr uss 1 1 mm .1 Afajl JI A combined Binding and swl Its Facing. Ouw.ars all oihrrs. nnncrj PirrilP I'nstproof.Waterproof. ( an- UflfcjJ rALlflu not sliriiikor crinkle. Can he washed witlioul rcmov- I Leading dealers everywhere sell FERRY'S SEEDS Pogtriifc tb )om nf tin. lmW and gmmd of pianwn,TeaMi of tin Known qoJ- 17. 1 n mtrkt w nil of 'hup, nnniimi!. FERRT'IUCOI f fjiuui. ixi add a, f rta. D. M. FERRY CO.. Detroit intr. Makers the skirt hans ffrarpfullv dH!er will net rupplr yon, adrp .VatiiirMcttiriitc to., (famine J Market bt.. Konnu Z1. San fiotirt to Ijrfilrre are optn for exclusive agencies. FOR PE0H.E THAT ARE SICK or "Just Don't FmI Wall fe'AUlVER PILLS ar th On Tbln to dm Only Ona for a Dot. 8itd by Prufftfsta At 9Sa. a hoc ur. Bounko fed. Co. Pblia. Pa. For the last 20 years we have kect Pisa's Cure fnt- Con. wJhS: sumption in stock, and would sooner think a rocervman rotiM VTanri-a get along; without sugar in his store than we could without t. potion. piso's cUre. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Drueeists. ueresco, ivucnigan, oeptemoer it myb. RODS For tracirif n1 lormtinf Uol'l or 8ijvr or. lot vr bUi)n triur-a. M. Ij. i'OVV hoi IT Hfulhii)fioD, Conn. 1 . 1 Bert U -I if aiL liSi (ilia. Ujira trraw. T'U0d. Cat I l in I -a. f i rrcil'M Cheapest Power.. Rebuilt Gas and .. Gasoline Engines FOR SALE CHEAP Hercules Gas ....Engine Works IX GUARANTEED ORDER. 405-7 San some Street Saa Francisco, Cal...