OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. CITY OFFICIAL I'AI'KIi. Intend In Oregon City jtinic'i as idcunil-cliuM matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I' paid In advance, per year im Urm yonr j 00 Hlx mniithii i no Three mouthi 60 sTWThe date opposite vonr address on tlie paper dunnlcs Ihu time Hi whli'h you have paid. Tub Sulum branch o( tho Labor Ex chongo in progressing at u tutu even faster than the most sanguine antici pations. Thi'jr nre now prepared to exchange woolen goods, blankets, and rendy-mndo clothing for wool, hides, pelts, 'etc., thus enabling other branches to supply themselves with clothing at a nominal cost ami without tho use of legal tender. Inland Empire. PATK3MZK IIOMK IMMTXTHY. OREGON' OITV, MARCH 1!), 1897. Since his descent into tho cesspool of politics Kev. Dr. Driver is credited with having a "hull voice." Ti.mk shall hi ion know who rules the roost at Washington, President Mo Kinley or Manager Senator Iliinna. I.NnrsTitiAi. co-operation, the essential feature of tho Lulwr Exchange, together with the iHHiio of script, hus heen in vogue in the Morman communities for years. "Wiiks tho people complain, Raid Mira Imjhii, the people are right. II McKinley is t"o nvidious in frying the tariff fat out of tho people to rcimlmi-Ho thoxn n-lm secured him his high ollico ho will find ho is wrong. It used to he accepted asan undoubted fact among mining men that only quarts! rock carried gold. Two years ago gold was found in Utah in a sundstoiiu for mation j now it is taken from the lime stono of the Pluck hills. Asihikw Carnegie evidently knows a thing or two liesides charging our gov ernment twice as much for Hurvcyizcd steel plates as he does the Russian gov ernment. In an uddrrss the small great man delivered at JoluiNtown, Pa., he said: "When labor is not fully cm ployed and can lie obtained for the lowest wages, when there is little de inanil for his products, then theumployer never can he proHpcrous. In most canes he must not only make profits, but he must see his capital impaired mouth after month: ho cannot train, hut must ose. Pefore the employer can bo pros perous prosperity must exist throughout tho land, Ho is never prosperous be fore prosperity conies, ami ho is pros perous only after it conies." ets, and possibly a U. S. senator. An intelligent committee mudo up of dem ocrats, populists and silver republicans could, without great difficulty, agree upon a plan of union on a state and congressional ticket, and district and county tickets could he satisfactorily arranged. By such a union we could sweep the state and do something, and wo cannot accomplish anything with out it." LOCAL SUMMARY. Iiib trusts' lobbyist are besieging congress lor special fovors in the Dingley tariff bill. The wool trust anticipates making some millions net profits from the enormous quuniity of wool it has imported. The people pay the freight. SKcumuy Sherman is not following Olney's unpatriotic, anti-Cuban policy. He will not permit American citizens to rot or be murdered in Spanish dungeons. The antipathy of the late administration against tiie Cuban patriots was a stench in the nostrils of the American people. .bill deals tenderly trust is given a duty of K ol a cent oTi refined sugar, aggregating $5,000,000 annually, and manufactures of iron and steel are so highly protected that, though we export millions of these products annually, the Oamegies and the Rocke fellers will lie absolute master of the home market. McKinley is losing no time in making his administration unpopular with tho masses. . An act is before the Kansas legislature to enable cities and townsh ploy idle labor which provides for the issue of county bondsin small denomina. lions of H, $3, $4, and $5 respective iy, in convenient form for circulation oeanng i per cent interest, payable at me omce of the state treasurer at To. peka, Kus., and exempt from taxation Mini itonds to bo issued by the county uuinuusHioners ot tiie several counties in sums not to exceed 1 per cent of the assessed valuation of the projierty of said counties in any one year, and providing armor mat Hie total amount issued by any county glmll never exceed i per cent oi me assessed valuation. Onk of tho worst places to go to, even if distance does loud enchantment to tho view, is Itossland. A private letter recently received from there by a person in the upper part of the valley states that the country is boomed to death ami men f all trades and professions are idle. A house of 20 rooms will rent at 20 ' per month, and others in proportion according to size. City lots sell at from $1000 to $0000 ; board and lodging is from $7 to $10 per week. The average laborer will got $2 per day, while pro fessional men receive from $3 to $4 per day when they are lucky enough to find employment. Titer j are now 1000 idle men in Rossi a ml and those who com mand means sufficient, are leaving. Freight from Portland there is $j0 per ton and there is a 35 per cent duty. Snow four feet deep at Rossland. What it needs is what nearly every other place requires men with capital who will invest it. No party has control in the U. S senate, and although the republicans predominate in degree they are short oi a majority, even after counting the iree silver senators, like Walcott, Hans brough and Carter, who are true to the party, while differing with it on the moKt iniportantpolitieal issuoof the day. And lnisides it is a question whether tho two senators appointed from Kentucky and Oregon wiil bo' seated. As the senate now stands the republicans lack two of a majority. Tho senate stands: I Rapublieans 44 ii-mocrais 33 Populists !!!!!!!!! 7 Silver republicans.... 4 Independent .'.'!!!.'!." 1 Vacancies .' .' .' 1 Total - 70 "I call the atten tion of your honorable body," said Gov. Stevens of Missouri in his address to the legislature, "to the coercion of employees by corporations and other employers of. labor, with a tiaSjiSililJinK their political action. serious and more vitaTOalTTOii71!Ke. question, the tariff question or any other econonical question, bower important, dividing political parties. The question it presents is whether a free popular government shall be maintained in America. If coercion, moral or phys ical, such as we witnessed in the last campaign, is to go unrebuked, govern ment by the people is nearing its end and we are entering on an era of gov ernment by an olgarchy of opulent em ployers. I recommend tho enactment of such laws as well not only protect the voter in the free exercise of his franchise, hut will muke it iwrilous for any man to interfere with this right." Atx-oHDiNd to ti e New York World. J. D. Rockfeller hus an annual income of $8,i00,i:00. That is just $2:t,5t!2 a day, or not quite $1000 an hoer. On the basis of eight hours a day, he makes just $49 a minute. According to the United States census reinirt the average wages of the country are $22 a month. Rocke feller gets $4!t a minute, and the laborer gets $22 a month. Rockefeller has a good time; the lulmrer has a hell of a t . .1. .e .11 i. . nine. niHueu-iier lives nte a prince in a palace, the laborer lives in a hovel, which is not even his own. Fate ( 7) asisgna to one man less than a dollar a day while another has an income of $50 a minute without working. Is that Justice? Rockefeller gets as much in one day as 23,000 workingmen. Ig he worth as much? Io his services to Bun R. Tiuman, the Soutk Carolina statosmun, has no uncertain opinion con corning the appointment of the political monstrosity, Mark llunim, to the senate Ho writes: "Now thnt congress has convened in extra Bcssion and Hanna is himself a member of it-, his intimate re lations with the new president will naturally give him more weight than any man in the senate. Thus bribery, the wholesale debauchery of the ballot, is rewarded by the highest honor and influence. The highest honor in the gift of the state is the prize for the wholesale prostitution of the American people. Again I say it marks an epoch in our country's history, and it remains to be seen whether the triumph of wrong over right, of falsehood over truth, of dishonesty and corruption shall be per manent. I repeat that that the brazen effrontery which has brought about this object lesson is for tunate for the cause of humanity and patriotism. The nulls of the god grind slow, but they grind exceedingly tine. 4 lie people of great wealth who use such itnssrupulous methods to in crease their ill-gotten gains are are only damming up the water." Money to loan on good security by A . 8. Dresser. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at C'oi'uiKK office. A few cords Of wood wanted on sub. scription at OouittKR office ' Prescriptions carefully compounded j ft. A. Harding's drug store. I For tho best shave or hair cut to bo had go to P.G. Shark'sshop. Shaving 10 cents, Ladies, do you like a cup of good tea If so send to Marr & Andrews ;or you teas in the future. j We have double rib umbrellas, difi ferent prices; the wind will not tur hem inside out. At the R ickct Storel For your strings and extras for musical instruments go to Btirmeist & Andresen's, who keep a full suppl. L. L. Pickens, dentist, (lops all kincj of denial work. Gold crowns, porcela crowns ami hrclge work a specialt Olfice in Barclay building, corner Mai and Seventh streets. ; R. L. Holmnn has hint received large stock of new wall paper fnjn factory direct and is now prepared to furnish all the latest papers at vejy reasonable prices. New location in id M. E. church building. dl jjeggentlal to M blth. Every nook IMT I fffA tJ. corner of tho H I UUU gytem is reached by the blood, and on liquality the condition of every organ de ids. Good blood means strong nerves, Od digestion, robust health. Impure pod means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma am, catarrh or other diseases. The surest ny to have good blood is to take Hood's fcrsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi tlizes, and enriches the blood, and sends he elements of health and strength to very nerve, organ and tissue. It creates 1 good appetite, gives refreshing sleep ind cures that tired feeling. Remember, Inloodi Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. u j r-il cure Liver Ills; easy to llOOd S HlIlS take, sasy to operate. 250. Newveilings now in, also hair nits, at Miss Goldsmith. If you want a nice steak, roast or, toil call at Albrigi t's shop and get some of his cold-storage meat which is acktow- edged by all to be superior to the meats commonly sold at butchers' shops, j He also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome. Re member the old established - shop on Main street. STILL EXPLAINED. 1 prres continues -io sneer tft tHg1" lifitin 1 The poM: in the national election, lar impression will remain unchanged until there is an adequate explanation of the vote cast in some - of th' states To refresh the memories of these gen tlemen we repeat a few . figures.. Here they are: , "1 . Total malei of Number voting iiire: of voles census ol 18IH). counted. Ohio ,01fl,l(i4 1.014,548 Indiana 595.006 640.016 Illinois .1,072,693 1 091.166 West Virginia.... 181,400 .199,221 Kentucky 450,702 445,956 Iowa..." 520,332 521,203 county orricKits. Judge. ; O. E. Hayes Clerk uf CourM, Klmnr Pimm Shui-ir i. W llmco ltnc-onlnr A. ..(Milling Treitsurar Fiui'ib Stimio A-wtitiMir Lucleiie Slout Schnul Superintendent, . II. S'urkw-alhi-i Surveyor J. H. Wright Coroner, W. N. Oodfrey s F M ii r k s Frank .Inggsr Deputy Clerk fc. K. Hit-tin " Slierlir J. W. Orout " Recorder ('has, O. I.uellliig " Surveyor C. II. Iim County Court meeti on Drat Wednesday after flrat Monday of every mouth. Probate Court meeta on first Monday of every month. Circuit Court meeta on third Monday In April and first Monday in November. OREGON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor E.G. Caufleld Recorder, T. K. Ryan Chief uf Police, C E. Burns Treasurer H. E. Seral(ht City Attorney, C. II. Dye Street Commissioner, C. C. Babcock, Jr, Sup't. of Water Works, W. H. Howell City Engineer D. W. Kiniialrd Counollmen B Koerner, h. C. Cnples. T. B. Oault, John Bittner, Frank Busoh R. D. Wilson H. E. Harris and J ernes Hoke. Counoil meets first Wednesday of each month. CI I McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat the World! r. OREGON HARNESS CO. -DBA I. E II H IM JjlapQess & Saddlery llieniipst House on Coast. : Cull hikI Ne I's. Weliiluml II I (! Oopoalto ourtlioiifttt Ori-Koil City T.OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE.Tj ' sew and Second-Hami Furniture i lioug.it Sold and Exchanged f PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE APPLICATION FOR LICEN8E. 1JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH AT I SHALL apply to the city council of Oregon City, Ore gon, for saloon license to continue my saloon located on lot 8 of block 24 in Oregon City. License to date from April 15, 1897. a! knapp. Total 3.836,717 8,912,110 In these six slates there were 75,000 more votes counted than the whole male population of voting ai;e as shown by the census of 1890. No such count, inii was ever known. No possible in crease of population will account for it No satisfactory explanation has been made. None can be made. If the editor of a news paper were to snap at all the inducements held out, ho would soon be a millionaire. If he ran the paper according to the popular no tions he would be in the poorhouse. If he published half the Items sent him, he would be in jail half the time and in the hospital the other half. SHERIFF'S SALE. Tinware, Hardware, Granitware, Etc. OPFO OPPOSITK P. O. OREGON CITY, OKKGCN for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD PETZOLD'S CASH MARKETO Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, Oregon City, Oregon. Minnie Ham. Plaintiff, v Edward Lonney,1' Defendant 8tate ol Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. IJY VIRTUK OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, decree and an execution, duly issued out "i umier me aeai oi ineaoove entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dnted the loth dav of March, 1x97, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 18th day ol November, lMd, in favor of iiiuie nnni, uiaimiiT, ana against Edward Loonev. defendant, for tlia sum or a.',7:t ist. with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per miuiu iiuiu toe lain uav oi novemoer, isyo, and the further sum of tW.UU as attorney's fee, and the further sum of 110, costs and disburse ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sule of the following described real Dronertv situntn In th i.ritinru ..r Clackamas, state uf Oregon, to-wit: The north one-half 04) of the northeast quarter of section twenty (20), township three (3) south, range one (1; west of Willamette Meridian, Clackamas county, stale of Oregon, containing eignty (eO) acres cf land. Now. therefore, bv virtue nf rhI,i ormMitinn Judgement order and decree, and in compliance wuii me uijuiiuiitiig oi gum writ, j will, on Saturday, the 17th dav uf inrll imn oi n, h.,. of oue o'clock P. M. at the front door of the oounty court house in the oily of Oregon City, in sum county ami state, sea at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In baud, all tha right, title and interest which the within named drfpnH. anta or either of them, had on tha ,1m. ,,r ihu mortgage herein or since bad in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. W. GRACE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Or., March 16th, 187. It would scorn that tho rvform element in this county lias learned onoiijrh in the school of jMilitit'H to lie able to lay pas sion ami self-will aside and combine in tlio next statu t'aiiimi;ii. Now is the lo harmonize. An article in tl im M, SlinnvilleTolophone-KonisterthuM dour ly delineates the situation: "It is duty of the silver democrats, the pomilixts. and the silver republicans in this state to get together and form a union of forces for the next campaign. In 1SU8 there will boa full state ticket lo lie elected, and a division of the offices can bo so made that each of i',.e three silver parties will have a fair share, and such a union w ill be invircible. Jnst think of the officers there will be to elect ; two ! "You will have scandals growing out of the greed of the protected in terests that will fill the newspapers before July, superseding every, other fencation," says Senator Lindsay, of Kentucky. This is not a prophecy. It is an inevitable result of the extra session upon which the Presidential-elect has resolved. It became an avcnui lisliec' fact as soon as Mr. Dintley niHdn it clear that the Republicans hail aban doned their promised tariff fur rev enue and purposed te make a tariff for robbery N. Y. Wjrid. IV ANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMAN TO " travel fur ftrnnalhlA a.tdhli.kA i. Oregon. Salary 7o and expenses. Position permanent. Reference. Eticlime iu.ir.Hrtr,...,i stamped envelope. The National, Star Insurance male., vnicaKO. I50XD FOR SALE. jyOTICE IS IIKRKBY CIVKN THAT 8BALED proposals, addressed to the Finance Com mittee of City Counclr of Oregon City, will be received up to i P. M , Miireb 21, l.J7, for the purchase of an cregou City street-Improvement SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for h' County of Clackamas. p r- Gordon. Plaintiff, vs. Catherine Cecelia Thurman, Defeudant. To Catherine Cecelia Thurman named Defendant. ..How to Secure and Hold. The best trade is a perplexing problem to some people, but its solution is simple : FIRST Buy the best goods to be had. not once I . in a while, but always. A know of it, early, and often. Attchtion to' these principles has placed ' HARRIS' GROCERY- at the head. ..GO TO.., G. H. BESTOW & CO -FOR- DOORS WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Oppoatte Conirreitntiunal Church. Mala street. OreEou City, Oregon the above 1 N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOOV . you are hereby summoned to appear in-the . .. ." V""' "ea-in ana neia next after the expiration uf six weeks from the dale ,: summons, and you will take nutiee that if you fall to appearand answer the complaint tiled against von in the above entitled suit on or before said Aral day of said tetm of said court, the plaintiff will anplv to the ourt for the relief demanded In the complaint in this suit, which is for the foreclos "!",,?. oerain mortgage executed bv vou to plalutllt on the Istli dav of s..,,i,.ini., 'iw,-. ..... recoroerl on the Jlst day of September, lM'-'i, In u.n, ,t , miirigaKes on page 14fi of mnrtgane records of the oounty of rlackainas. stste of Oregon, and which mortgage is upon the follow ing descrilied property, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter and IHe smilh hull of the somiieasl quarter of the southwest nuartr nf il..n 1 l ...... i.in ., I niiii. .......... . ... ...7. V I1 bond for the a-ount of , dated February 1, wwinln7 .VreV . m 1I7, and due III years after date. Said bond to I mH" county, Oreirnn, and which mortKage is I., j US P - - i tit.i.tt-,,.,, Our Store As you Sec It To-Day... is a wonder of grandeur, beauty and liargains. Freshest of goods from home and abroad. A vast variety to select from. Many articles and styles not to be found anywhere else. Easy opportunities to see evervthinir. m compulsion , to keep after you have bought, if not satiffied. Perfect satis faction with qualities. Perfect confidence that prices are lowest. CHARMAF& son DBAlES IK Central Merchandise OREGON CITY draw Interest fiom date at the rate of S per ceut per annum, pyaM semi-annually, on the first day of August an l February in each year. Principal and Interest payable in fnlted States gold Cuid, at the office of the Treasurer, In Ore gon City. Said bonds Is Issued and will be disposed of under and In conformity with the provisions of the act of the Oregon legislature, tiled In the office of the Secretary of State Feb ruary 22, lu, entitled, "Aa art lo provide for the Issuance of bonds for the improvement of streets and laying of sewers In incorporated cities, and for the paymeut of the cost of such 1 WHY IS IT... 0 "1 munkind entitle liim to such reward 7 "'tt, a state treasurer, an attorner sen Does he create 25,000 times as much or ral, a juctice of the supreme court, a suite superintendent of schools, district judges, district attorneys, county tick- does he work 25,000 times as hard 25,000 laborers? congressman, a governor, a secretary of Improvement and laying of aewers by Install ment Tha committee reserves the right to reject any or all blda TU03. F. RYAN, Reeorler of Oregoo City, Or. Oregon City, Or., March II, Wl. wvureiiie payment ot the sum of tttti.21 with interest in accordance with the terms of said mortgage. M attorney's fees and costs and dis ntirscmetlts herein. And nUlniiiTwili .,,ni. . the court tor such other and lurthet relief as Is jui in me premises. This summons Is published by order of the .,t.iiiiiir'i,m uuiy ma'ie ana entered of iyv..r,i .mi me z,in aar ol rebruarv, li'.7. and signed by Alfred F. Sears, Jr.. judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, lor Multno mah county, state of Oregon; T. A. McBride, Judge of the circuit ccort of the state of Oregon, for i lark.maa county, being then absent from said Llackamaa county. C. D. D. C. LATOI KETTB. Attorneys for Plaintiff, WASTED-FAITHFTL MEJJ OR WOMA!l TO travel lor responsible established house in 5'"rI " ann expenses. Poaition permanent. Reference. Endow self-addmsed Z??pr$!:?rr0fe- T" National. Star twuranc Bldg., Chicago. ft.... i . i iu.i every aay our store is filled with buyers from every part of the city, regardless of distance? -r- I here must be some reason. People especially ..w.o KU uul U1C1- wa tfJ DUV Uness f there is a reason. ' IT IS UtCAUSE e have established a reputation for abso- lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table -i- delicacies, and our customers are sure of a I superior articleand then the prices are right GEO. F. HORTON... PROPRIETOR OF HARDING'S BAKERY AND GR0 ERY L BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY . i FOR FINE V ' "a (V TAILORING GO TO THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR