Suffering Women. Alas t women do suffer. Why. we often cannot tell.but we know there is one great cause, and that is weakness. The headaches, the depressed feelings, the pains, the discouragements, indeed, almost all the misery has a common cause weakness. At such times a woman always needs a friend that can be relied upon, and such a friend, for more than twenty years, has been that greatest of ail remedies, By its purity and Its power it furnishes a prompt relief for women in their hours of need, and if the grateful expressions which come up from the homes of the land about what SAFE CURE has done were printed, X they would fill volumes, if you, f reader, are a sutterer, can you ;; not take hope from this sug- '' gestion? lrge bottle1, a m style, tm tiler one, at your ', drusifitU. s TOO MUCH BAKK. It is not the best watchdog that barks the most. The old watchdog lays low and seizes the burKliir before ho knows it. In the treatment of rheumatism many suf ferers talk too much and do too little. If they want to find out what is best for it, let them get tit. Jacobs Oil and use it. It is a good watchdog agniuxt the intrusion of pain. It goes to work quickly and sure ly, and seizes hold of rheuniutism for the purpose of driving it out, mid holds on un iil Its purpose is accomplished. It is, therefore, the best remedy, because it takes the best means to accomplish its end, as many who have sull'cred fur yeurs with the ailment will testify. The cure is the same in chronic or intluinutory cases. 'With pa tience and a free use of it, the worst cases of long standing huve been iinully cured by it. Imperfect teeth are a sure sign of civ ilization. Perfect teeth are found, as a rule, only among savages. DON'T GIVE WAY TO DESPAIR, Although you hare suffered for a long time from malaria, dyspepsia, kidney trouble, ner vousness or till loutmeaa. K now that 11 oste Iter's Stomach Hitlers hua cured worse cases than yours, and is potent to help you as it hHS helped hosts of others. Hut alwavs remember that trite saying, "Delays are dangerous." Mole hills grow to be mountains in consequence of disregarding it. Check disease at the outset with this incomparable defensive medicine. The anniversary of the coronation of the pope was celebrated in Rome. HOME PRODUCTS AND PORK FOOD. All Eastern Byrup, so-called, usually vary light colored and of nea.vy body, is made from glucose. "Tea Garden Dript'' is made from ugar Cane and is strlotly pure. It is for sale by first-class grocers, In cans only. . Manufac tured by the Pacific Coast Syrup Co. All gen uine "Tea Harden Dript" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine. The Fiso Co., Warren, Pa. - BOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred . Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure. - F. J. CHENKY A CO., Props., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tmjax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. W ALBINO, KINNAN dl MARVIN, ' Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 7flc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Best in the World XT '96 Models '97 Models . . . - 80 '96 Ideals 39 Second-hand Machines of all makes from . . . , . ...$20 to $40 Cash... Or on Installments. Write for Catalog and Second-hand List. LIVE AGENTS WASTED. Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. PORTLAND, OR. SPOKANE, WASH. Then has neTer been tlm whf n frow- "emhonld sraard ifiinit failure with mora 1 can. invrs a as never pewn iHmnwiifm twen fttimowben C rBscntial. They an 1 r ule by fading A on hTln them. i Terry't wcr more essential, . always I be brut, r or dvalara everywhere. Insist FERRY'S SEED hWJLl im fnll nf fnformttion for rardeneri and 1 hlmUM. thn will imrrrM ft hotter time kluan now to sena inr.De jnv. eaiuon. r rem . D. m. Ferry Co., DetroiijMicn. IINDISTENSABLI TO ANT HPS SMOKKK. "AWT with MAKESHIFTS." Osslers' Best teller. CLEANERS ) 0IiI vuns,t soc ECLIPSE MFC. CO. By Mail, iinu Wanted. Portland, Dr., D- 8. A. TjCPTCRB and PILES enred ; no pay until ri en red; send for book. Iaa. MiMsnixo A t ominm, sat Market St.. San Francisco. pAHC roT tradnr. and locating Gold or Silver or (racing loq IWNini v,oiu vt rii.r, . ore. lost or taidlen treasures. M. X. FO W- us, isox m Boaunncton. loan. nPIHl1HA"nDRUNKEK?iESS W I Cwrrah.iete !. wPwrtlU I I r Vr'tW'' fef$&' I m,J woo,p'f,,y to the crowth and np llvfe' ;Y"3Ur$t' Mr '"'"'if Prauee of the plant. It Is, In fnct. a i mm M Jfyy The Garden. . The mnrgin between the possibilities and the actualities of the average farm garden Is a thing of goodly dimension. It Is, naturally enough, a difficult thing for the farmer to realize to what extent of practical usefulness he may put a single acre of ground provided be Is willing and careful to bestow upon It the right kind of attention. This, says West Kentucky Farmer, Is so because of the fact that In bis farm work he looks more to general results. But when he comes down to work on a smaller scale be tluds things quite different It Is only recently that a committee took upon Itself to Investigate somewhat as to what was actually being done on some of the small truck farms near one of our large cities, and they reported that one farm of forty acres yielded an nually $1(1,000 worth of fruits and vege tables: another of six acres yielded $(i,0(JO; another of ninety acre- yielded $20,000. and another of twenty acres returned $8,000. These figures repre sent good receipts, but even after mak ing reductions for fertilizers and other necessary expenditures, the net returns, although not stated, were no doubt handsome. Apart, however, from tbe profits from exclusive truck farming, the garden acre on the farm can be made nn Importnnt Item In the domestic econon7 of tbe home, If we take Into consideration all tbe expense attaching to the purchase of garden produce nec essary to the health, comfort and well being of tbe family. Old Wheels Made Ueeful. Don't throw away old wheels; tbey can be put to as good use, sometimes, as they were on the vehicles on which tbey were bought, as frequent and varied illustrations In Farm and Home each month have shown. The Ulustra- tlons herewith show bow wheels may be made serviceable by constructing a barrel wheelbarrow and a reel for fence wire. The barrel wheelbarrow, Is sim ply a barrel on wheels; balanced so that It will tip easily. Tbe hooks In front are for a shovel and hoe to hang on. For many purposes tbla Is better for farm work than are ordinary wheel barrows. A heavier load can be car ried. The wheel reel for fence wire Is made by taking two wheels of a light wagon attached to their axle. Place FENCE WIBK WHEEL BE EL. fourpleces of board through the wheels at regular Intervals and wire to the felloes, it makes a large and conven ient wire or cordage reel. These con veniences can be made during early spring so as to be ready for the first out door work. Barn the Fcreeninc. Since the Improved fanning mills en able the farmer to separate all the de fective and broken grains while It Is cleaned, there Is no longer any reason for grinding or feeding screenings. They are mostly composed of weed seeds and have little nutritive value, while some kinds of weed seeds are positively In jurious to stock. Least of all should such weed seeds be given to poultry with the idea that passing through the gizzard will destroy their vitality. This la not tbe fact. It Is in the crops of mi gratory birds that many kinds of plants and trees have been so widely spread as they have been. As for grinding the screenings, they are no longer worth the trouble. Grain Is too cheap. If some broken grain Is burned with tbe weed seeds it Is no great loss. Ammonia for Boose PI an taw Every housekeeper has her bottle of "Household Ammonia" or some prep aration of ammonia, beside ber kitchen sink or In the bathroom. It Is very use ful In many ways, as tbe housekeeper knows. It has also another use. F1U a teacup with tepid water In the morn- in and add to It three drops of house hold ammonia. Pour this on tbe soil of the geranium or other rapid-growlns; nlant In vonr window. An application . BARREL WHEELBARROW, of this kind once or twice a week will concentrated liquid fertilizer that Is effective, cheap and bandy. For a nuni bcr of plants, twelve or fifteen drops to a quart of water la sufficient. Twice a week on a sunny morning Is enough. Agriculturist To Make the Form Par. One of the greatest hindrances to profitable farming Is a desire to go too fnst at first, and to purchase things one could get along without. Tbe obliging agents tell you that you need not trou ble about the money; your note will do Just as well; but you will And that you miifit pay big Interest for the privilege of going into debt, and you are always at a disadvantage with your creditor. 'Haye the money ready to pay and you can then make your half of tbe bargain. Take good care for your farm and your stock, and they will furnish the money for the necessary outlays. I will Just say to young men who ex pect to make farming their occupation, that they may expect hard work and plenty of It, and they will not need to Join any baseball nine for exercise; but If they take care of their health and habits It will not hurt them. I have tried It for over sixty years, and am to-day a well-preserved man. I can truly say that with the blessing of our Heaveuly Father upon the labor of myself and family, I have made farm ing pay, and what I have done others can do. John Laramour, before Bloom lugburg, Ohio, Institute. Wella in Barn Baaementa. Every basement barn built for hous' lng stock should have a well under It. In this way water of proper warmth can be always secured for cattle, and a tub or kettle kept full all the time will add greatly to their comfort It is well for all stock to run out of doors In cold weather for awhile each day, but the animals ought never to be forced to drink water nearly or-quite down to the freezing temperature. We have scores of times seen cows turn away from the water under a hole In tbe Ico because tbey were so chilled that fur ther drinking of Icy water was Impossi ble. Much of the lack of thrift of cattle In winter Is due to drinking ice cold water, and will be remedied by having a supply of water from a well in the barn basement. American Cultivator. Feed for Hone and Mnacle. In feeding all young animals thrifty growth Is much more lmportant than to fatten them. Many people suppose that the only way to lessen fat Is to restrict diet, until near starvation point. - But tbey find by trial that if the food given .contains the iat-forniing nntritjon, re stricting Its amount makes what Is giv en so much better, digested that :he fattening process goes on as before. A far surer and. better, way to accomplish what Is Wished Is to give food plentiful ly, but not of the kind that builds up fat, and especially to give what makes bone and muscle.' It Is for this reason that wheat bran and wheat middlings are so valuable for feeding. They will not fatten If fed moderately with hay. straw or roots, and they will keep young stock thriftily growing. Cleanings. ' A great advance In theory and fact has been made over the old notion that good beeves could not be made before they are 4 years old. Better blood, breeding and management now make them most profitable at half that age. A consensus of opinion among poul try keepers is that buckwheat is an ex cellent food for fowls. Some ascribe their profit to Its use, briefly. Of course, this means that all the other conditions of care and food are properly supplied. Old sheep are more profitable than young ones as long as they are healthy. It Is claimed by some that any sheep falling to regain her flesh properly after her lamb is sold should not be kept, as there Is danger of ber not liv ing through the next lambing. No animal upon the farm requires so long a time to overcome tbe effects of over-feeding as does tbe sheep, and when a steady gain Is necessary In fat tening special care must be taken In regard to this point. There Is tbe same risk In feeding growing lambs. The Unlry. Sudden changes in feed will cause the cows to shrink In milk. A good remedy for swollen teat on a milk cow, Is equal parts of glycerine and lobelia. The food for the cows should be of such a nature that no bad taste will be Imparted to the milk. Raise all the feed you can for your cows at home on your own ground. In that way you can get good money for the crops themselves. The Importance of healthy cows and sound milk cannot be overestimated. Too little attention has been given to the matter In the past In addition to corn meal, tbe cow needs something more nitrogenous in ber feed. A combination of corn meal, gluten and cotton seed meal gives much better results than the former only. It will make one-third more milk and be better In quality. ' Nervousness and riciousness are en gendered In tbe llltreated cow, and are transmitted to ber offspring. Tbe more docile tbe cow, tbe more are ber ener gies likely to be devoted to the dairy man's interest. We cannot be too watchful ever irresponsible help. He Took tha Money. Now Clerk (anxious to show his sa gaoity) "This silver dollar you just took in is counterfeit." i Proprietor (nervously) "I was wait ing on the ministers' wife." "But you don't take counterfeit money from women just because they happen to be miniHtcis' wives, do you?" "No, of course not." "Didn't yon see that was counter feit?" "Consarn itl young man, if you must know, Unit's the dollar I dropped into the contribution box last Sunduy." Chnna;e of llart. Socialistic Mob "Bring liim outt Hang himl Down mit monopoly!" Inventor (putting his head out of tho window) "Goodness me! What does this mean?" Mob Spokesman "You moost diel Ve hear yon invent a machine vat do do vork off von hootulret men. You duke breat out off deir mouths; you " Inventor "This maohine of mino is an attachment for breweries, and will bring beer down to one cent a glass." Mob (wildly) "Ilooruyl" Care of Property. Small Boy "Papa, will yon lend me your knife?" Papa "Lend you my knife? It isnt'a week since I bought you a new knife. What have you done with it? Lost it?" "Oh, no; I've got it yet" "Then why don't you use it?" "You said I should take good care of it, and I want to tuke up tacks." The very small eyes of the bats (dis tinctly nocturnal) is due to the partial replacement of sight by their very highly developed sense of feeling. Passing beside a stall, a liveryman of Hopkinsville, Ky., lost a part of one ear which a horse ..reaohed out and seized with its teeth. A Second Experience. There Will Be No Doubt as to What Physicians Will Be Called In Future By Btra. Hurlbnrt. ' From the Republican, Fronno, Cat. An interesting ease comes from Kingsburg, in Fresno county, Califor nia. Mrs. Mattie Hurlburt tolls her own story, and as she is a lady who is well and favorably known and well worthy of credence, it will be found in teresting: : "While I was living in Fresno City in 1893,'' Mrs. Hurlburt said, "short ly after the birth of what was then my youngest child, I began to lose all strength and vitality, and was in a very serious ' condition. ' Dr.' Hayden of. Fresno,' had been attending me, but his efforts to help me 'proved unavailing, and I 'was gradually growing worse, though I tried all; the dootors and remedies. within reach. One day I heard of Dr. Williams' Pink: Pills for Pale People, and I also read an adver tisement about these pills in a newspa per, and made up my mind to give them a trial as a dernier resort. I at once procured a supply,, and took them acording to rule until I had used four boxes. By that time I was so much improved in every way that I could do my own housework and was in exu berant spirits at my returned health. ' I felt splendidly until one year and a half ago when another baby was born, and I was taken just as before, and brought very low . again. The attend ing physician feared that my illness this time 'would result seriously, but he was not able to help me, so I again turned to Dr. Williams' remedy, and after taking two boxes was up and about my work again. I shall always keep Pink Pills in my house from this time on, and shall turn to to them alone for medical comfort in the time of illness. (Signed) "MATTIE HURLBURT." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements neo essary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a speciflo for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppres sions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Mr. Grocer: we can't get along without you. Here are thousands of people who want good tea, and tons of Schilling's Best for them. Will you say to your customers for us: "Here is a tea that I am sure of. I'll give your money back if you don't like it"? A Schlllinr. a Company ban Francisco 41s WHEAT. Make monejr hf ue eeniul i.TiiIation in Chicago. We buy and aell wneat there oil maririna. Fortunes nave been made on a imall befiiinini; br trading in futures. Write for lull particular!. hvt of re:erence given. Sev eral reara' experience on the Chicago hoard of Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the bul ne. lovninft Hoj-kins it Co., i'hinaga Board of Trade Brokers. Orticea in Portland, Oregon, Spokane and Seattle, Waah. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or "Juat Don't Pact Wall," K'JaUtVER pills -Tt atthOnThlntow. .mpm fr . a llama ITS MARVELOUS POWER. Painc's Celery Compound Better Than 1 cars of Doctoring. There never was a remedy so emi nently successful, so far above and be yond all competition, as Paine's celery compound. Paine's celery compound effects mar velous cures. Where other remedies miserably fail, and where dootors do not succeed, there Paine's celery compound is found curing disease, making people well and happy. Here is the case of Mrs. Huff, who lives at. 140 Summer ave., Newark, N. J., and whose portrait is printed here. "My doctor," Bhe says, "culled my disease liver oompluint,stomach troublo, nervous dyspepsia, and almost every other name yon could think of. When I was in Portland, Ore., I had enlarge ment of the liver, and the doctor thought all the troubles came from that severe spell of illness.- That was twelve years ago, and I have done nothing but doctor ever since. I have had the best physicians examine me, and see if they could do anything for me. For months at a time my stomach and, liver have been so sore that I could Only lie in bed in misery, and with such severe pain, in my baok, and so weak that-1 could hardly talk. - '" ' "After I had a bad night I would Bend for the doctor, and he would leave me a small box 6f powders and one or two other medicines, and it would oost me 4 every time I had one of these spells. v I - believe I have taken more medicine than any other living Woman. "Last March I had a call from a lady friend of mine, who asked me, "What is the matter with you?" 1 replied by saying; "How well you look I" "Yes," she said, "I n over felt so well in my life." She is a woman of 45. "And REASONS Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa. t cup. Be sure that you get the genuine article made by WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Maas. Established 1780. AaAaaaaAAAaaaaa1 For (onsumpfioic For the last 20 years we sumption in stock, and would sooner think a groceryman could get along without sugar in his store than we could without Piso's Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Drueirists, Ceresco, Michigan, September Sent Free! To any person Interested in hnmane matters, or who loves animals, we will send free, nnon application, a copv of the "ALI.I ANCK," theorran of this Society. In addition to its in tensely interVatinir reailiiiK. it con tains a list nf 'he valuable and un usual premiums given by the paper. Address THE JUTI0XAL HUMAXB ALLIANCE, 410-411 Cnlted Charities Bulldinr, New York. SURE CURE for PILES Eft. BO-SAM-KO't PILI RCMCDV. ii"1i( a frtro4lt)K r1 !f rWM a frM. Prift now," she said, "I want to give you a little advioe. I have been almost at death's door with liver trouble. After the doctor had done' all that he could for mo I told him not to come again. I showed him a bottle of Paine's celery compound and told him I was going to ' give that a fair trial. As a result I am strong and well. "I sent right over to the drug store and got a bottle of Paino's celery com pound, and when I had taken two bot tles the soreness had loft my stomach and my side felt niuuh better. After I had taken four bottles my side was much stronger, and I wub in better spirits and felt as though I might live and not be in such misery. Working people nowadays work the vitality all out every week, and all I ask is to ba able to earn the money I have to every week. "Paine's celery compound has ena bled me to do this, and has done mo more good than all the doctors put to gether, "Why, my nervous system is so en tirely strengthened that I feel like a new. being,1! and what is more, . I look the.- good the ..nittdiolne has done me, right in my face and eyes., just tell all the poor .women for me that for a medicine to build one up, give Paine'a celery compound a fair trial, and if it does not do it, then they might as well die. I have rocommended it to' several and' it has helped in every case. I havo a great deal to worry me, and a dose of the compound gives me quiet sleep and then I can work. If any one wishes to write me they can do so." ' Why should a sick person do any thing elge but try a bottle of Paine'a celery compound? ' FOR USING Because it is absolutely pure. Because It is not made by the so-called Dutch Process in which chemicals are used. Because beans of the finest quality are used. . Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans. Because it is the most economical, costing less than one cent m pas have kept Piso's Cure for Con 2, 1896. n EVERY HEN UalctiM la Ptlum Incubators start' 4 rtgbt, and la belter pr!rrl M STOAt abl raCQtlM bCftUM UWrtM u mariitne xcltuiftlj 1m bly th teactirM whteb pre doc tl jfrMiMt nmbtr of viffnrou Chtckona. lll4Mratad CttAI-irua lnenlmt'rrt from $10 atx Patatama, IncutMitor Co Si "cjHii"wMfcrit 'ia? & Wis.v'Tj;' I I Coiuh brrno. Taa Goua, Vm I I Inr.-a, rn'i wnmitnn r m N.P.N. U. No. 693. EF.N.U. No. 76 -DR...I-.TCPHEN8.1-UAua,viuv. I i nr. Desuw mm. U. ran, fa.