MoUsesS OolDf Out, "The old funMounrt niolaiwei ii rapidly dlHappcnriiiR hn hii article of conitneroe," dul'l a prominent Kroner, "and iu Hi plnoo lmvo coiuo u number of tiirupn, which lire more costly unci by no intuius im NiitiKfuotory, OHpvuiully to tlio littlo oiios, who deliglit, uh we did when we were young, iu having ' 'lnmv on their breutl. ' Mot of the iiioIunhoh koci into the diHtillcricH, whore it 1 made into rum, fur wbiuh, iiotwithntaudiiig the ellurtM of our tumpcrutico workurH, tlio dumiiwl in coimtuntly on the incrnuro, iHpeciully iu tlio Now Kiwlund Htitteg mid for tho export trudo. The rt'Kuluf Uriukcr of rum will takouo other liquor iu It pluee if ha can help it. It seeing to reach tho spot more directly than uuy ethor drum. Tho durk brown angara Imvo ul so disappeared, and they aro never likely to rotuni, owing to the methods of boiling and theniunufuatare. Cirauuliited sugur is of the sumo com po sition, as fur mm kitcchuriuo quulitieg are coiiccrnecl, uh loaf, out loaf, cube und orushed und differa from them only iu that its crystals do not coliero. This is bccitUKO it is constantly stirred during the process of orystulliziition, Tho lighter browu Hiigars tusto sweeter than the white, for tiie reason that there is some ujuIuhhl'8 iu them. "Housekeepers have difficulty these days iu finding coarse, durk sugars, which uro ulwuys preferred for nso iu putting up sweet pickles, making cukes und similar uses. As they cannot got brown sngiff uny nioro it may bo woll for them to remember that they can simulate browu sugar by adding a tea Npoonful of molasses to each quarter of ii pound of tho whito gruuulated sugar. This combination does us well in all household recipes that call for brown uiiKiir as the article itself, aud, besides, it saves them a great deal of hunting for brown sugar, whirh, us said before, 1ms disappeared from tho market." Wash ington Star. Till Bettur Bunt Frog. "Talk uuout your dog storios," said ii prominent sporting man tho other day. "I suw somothing out at Cutoff .'uko which beat unythiug I ovor heard nf. I was out thcro hunting snipe and kiiw u mini riding around on horseback, i.inl in front of him was oircliug un Irish setter. As tho fellow did not huve uny gun, my curiosity was aroused to u'limv what ho was doing, but I sup posed ho wits simply breuking his dog. in a few minutes I saw him ride up to where the dog was on a deud stund, and the horseman proceeded to jub a pole he was carrying down into the ground, ,ui(l, bringing it up, took something off i' lie end of it. My curiosity wus greuter nun ever, and, circling around, I came t:p with the lioisujiun and asked him what he was doing. " 'Hunting frogs,' was the reply. " 'Wbut is the dog doing?' said I. " 'Hunting frogs,' was the laoouio iiuswor. . " 'You don't mean to toll me that tho dog will sot the frogs, do you!' " 'I don't mean anything else.' "A few more qnostious and answers inought out the fact that the dog had i ecu bis master hunting around in the i,tuhs for frogs aud speuriug them aud hud of his own accord taken up the task tt locating the green beauties. lie was ii thoroughly truined hunter of birds, and he soon became very export in lo cating frogs, so his owner informed me, und my observations of his movements contlrmod the statements. " Omaha Uee. This Man Could Split Bain. Lucius Poole, whoso den in Spring fold street, Boston, is fuuious among uLitiquuriuns, oun do more woudorful t.'.iugs with a sheet of paper than any uue else in America perhups iu the world. Not only oun he dovetail, skive, i.plice and iuluy, but he cau split. That i.i the most difficult achiovemout in the whole art of book putahing. Mr. Poole will take a leaf from uny of tho current ungazinos and slice it three times iLrough its eutiro length aud width, thereby making four sheets iustoud of nmi, each of just ono-quurtor tho thick ness of the originul. Splitting hairs is ivngh work besido a job like thut. Olio of Mr. Poole's tricks is to out mi imperfect picture from u page and then ;;: sort one iu its stead so deftly thut r.:ily tho closest scrutiny will discover i hat a fiber 1ms been disturbed. Another i i to "pltuit" a photograph ou the pago r.f u book so that one cannot tell that it wi'.s not printed thcro origiuully. When Mr. Poolo is asked to tell how Ihi performs his feats, he says: "Oh, it's j;i ;t by work, partly natural and partly acquired. It would tako a year to ex plain the details. "New York Press. A GyimuMttla rig. A Kentucky pig bus suddenly devel '.eil a geuius for gyuiiiustios and en ...iceriug which eclipse tho proudest . vious achievements of his race. This .iiineut pig was recently placed by his -,iitr in a pasture surrounded by a '.;h wall aud ornamented by elm trees tooued with wild grapevines. Tho ...ills, however, could not confine his i.ild and vagraut spirit. Selecting a r e stundiug near the western wull of ii pasture, he carefully bit loose the t'Wcrendof a Btout grapevine, which . .s uttuchml by its tendrils to a limb u.i a tree, aud, takiug this improvised ?. ,w ill his mouth, swung himself iu .im air until he gathered an impetus ,, bich scut him entirely over the wall ,li1 lauded him in the next field. ncugh ofteu recaptured, he has oou ..iitly repeated this extraordinary feat, i. .1 his intelligent owner, instead of iKing down his elm trees to restrain pig's wauUeriug propensity, has tie .iiiid to educate him for the trapex l.usiness. St Louis (Jlobe-Democrat. Primitive WalM. an interesting fact, It ill an interesting fact, aud oue showing how little huve been the surface -h;i!igc wrought in agricultural Wulrs, i .i a well iu im( J Koiuan read exists I.. 1 1. is duy in li e very heart of Llaud . i.:it.d ami wit j a few breaks, cii be ,.,.ii. to t ' i.i..?'i.rts of Magos, u .i.u ! 1 1 mil i v- ANNUAL MEETINd. Report of Condition of Oregon City Schools, , ci.kiik'h IIKrOKT. To tho Honorable, the Hoard of Directors and Tuxnuyers of School Dint. No, 02 of the ( otinty of Cliu-kiiiiuiH, State of Oregon. Ladikh and (Iksti.kmkn: I respect fully siilniiit the following financial reMirt of clork of School Pist. .No. 62 for tho school year ending tho first (lay of March A. D. 1H117. I urn very sorry to report that there uro several hundred dollars duo from Clackamas county on account of delinquent tuxes, which hits occasioned a small deficiency, leaving the district indebted to the clerk in the amount of $07.64, when there should tic u small surplus in tho tho treasury. KKCKIITH. Tiiiliince in hands of tho clerk March 8d. 18'JO $ 8 3(1 Ain't borrowed during the year y500 00 Ain't realized from sale of bonds (iOOO 00 Ain't received (rum special tux levy of .00(1 4537 84 Ain't received from county ap portionment fund 3302 00 Ain't received from state ni- iKirtionnioiit fund 1159 20 Ain't received from tuition fees of non-residents 113 80 Itclmto on freight account 75 Total ain't ree'd from all sources 17081 95 DIKhTKHKMKNTH. Teachers' salaries for the year ending Feb. 19, 1897 $0509 54 Janitors salaries for tlio year ending March 1, 1897 597 05 I' or redemption of bonus issued in 1888 8-7's 6000 00 Interest on bonds of district... 724 75 For outstanding mites of district for money borrowed 2500 00 Interest on a hove notes ii uo New desks mid seats 330 20 School supplies, maps, stationery Fuel for school houses Itepuirsto buildings, furnaues.etc Water rent for year Hall rent for election and gradu ating exercises Diplomas Advertising nud printing of notices, bills, etc Printing rules und regulations. Tuning organ Drayago Stumps, htutionery, telephone .ana telegraph servhie, etc... Salary of clerk, taking consus,etc 312 87 202 60 270 28 30 OH 17 50 13 00 44 15 2") (JO 5 00 3 00 25 dO 100 00 T'l am't expenditures for year $17749 49 T'laui'tof receipts for year... 17673 59 Kxccsb of expenditures $75 90 IStilunce on hand March 3, '90. . 8 30 Balance due clerk. ..$67 54 SUMMARY OP CLERK'S ACCOUNT FOR YEAR ENDING MARCH 1, 1897. Dr Cash on hand March 3, 1896 $ 8 30 Am't received from all sources during the year 17673 59 $17081 95 Or By warrants poid by vote of directors $17749 49 Balance due clerk. $ 67 54 l.lAHli.irir.o-iir iilbi uinuuii, nAmu i, ai - 1 Q-. Six percent bonds due July 1, 1913, to the amount of $0000 00 Six percent bonds due December 1, 1910, to tiie amount ot uuuu uu Amount duo clerk 67 54 Total am't of liabilities . . .$12067 54 . 11991 64 Liabilities, Murch 3, 1890 , Increase inumouiitof liabilities $ 75 (0 OK SCHOOL AUK. Number of children of school ago enumerated in 1890 1104 1105 Number of children of school age enumerated in 1897 Increase during the yea.' 1 As shown by the above necount of the liabilities of tho district the issue of bonds sold by the district iu 1888 and which drew interest at the rate of 7 per cent have been refunded and six per cent bonds issued in lieu thereof. Average cost per capita as shown by enrollment, $12.40. Respectfully submitted, THOS. F. RYAN, Clerk School District No. 02. BITKKINTKXllKXT 8 HKl'ORT. To the Honorable Biard of Direct rs and the Patrons of the Oi-egm City Public Schools; In making a report in March the superintendent is somewhat at a dis advantage, because, if he compile it from this school has but five mom hs ; and if he compile it from nine months he must consider two fraction of different school years. I shall glean such data from both these sources as I consider will be of interest to you. During the five months just closed we have enrolled 713 pupils, and for the same time last year va enrolled 693, making a gain this year of 20 pupils or about three per cent. The number of pupils iu the district, as shown by the elerk's report, being the same as last year, this shows a satisfactory gain. Our avfraite daily attendance for these five months is 598; for the correspond ing time Ubt year it was 554, making gain in daily attendance of 44 or over nine per cent. The total enrollment for the nine months just closed is 763, for the previ ous year it was 762. In the average daily attendance, however, for the last nine months of school, are And quite a satisfactory gain, it being 578 as com pared with 5o3 for tb previous year, gain of 43 pupils or over eight perci i We have remodeled the course of study to conform with Portland' course, aud have bettered and, strengthened it in many particulars. We still promote most of the pupili on meritorious daily work, and believe it to be more satisfactory than any other system. In conclusion I wish to embrace tb'i opportunity of extending a cordial invl t dion to all patrons lo visit the schools When we send out special or persons! invitations, we feel called upon for, and you expect, some unusual program, which will hardly give you a correct ides of our dail) work. Consider yourselves each and all personally invited to visit our daily work. S. W. Hi i.MKs, Superintendent To the Taxpayers and Pulrons of School District No.62,ClackamaCounty , Oregon : The undersigned board of directors beg leave to submit the following report : school opened on September 2Slb with fourteen teachers, the salaries le muining the same as last year, with the exception of Prof. McAdam, whom yout board believes to be justified in raising from one hundred dollars per month tc one thousand per year. All the rot ins were well filled and some of them crow ti ed, especially the eighth grade, and ir distributing the work so as to avoid the expense of furnishing and procuring another room and employing anothtr teacher, it became necessary to transfet 19 pupils from the 8th grade, which is at the Eastham school, to the Barclay school, and assign their several recita tions tofoiirdifleientteachers. iVe id this after mature deliberation as for the best interest of taxpasers and patrons, and we hope that no parents will feel grieved at the fins 11 inconvenience thus placed upon their children. These pupi's were not neglected iu the least but simply inconvenienced in going to Oil fere nt rooms for recitations. Your board also, in compliance with a tax levied for that purpose oi.e year ago, reseated two rooms with new desks at $3.30 per desk ; also remodeled the fur nace pipes at the Kastham school at an expense of $10; ulso hud erected two storm doors at the same building at the south entrance. Total cost of repair to building $159.41. We have also purchased one set of maps complete at a cost of $80; also one map of Oregon and one combination globe for each building, and with the mathematical blocks, charts, maps, etc., previously purchased, we believe the schools to be well supplied with the necessary apparatus for the present. We would further suggest that steps be taken to hasten the completion of the cycle walk from Seventh to Eleventh streets on Jefferson, for the better ac- comuiodation of pupils from the southern part of the district,. J. W. Noble, Chairman of Board Electrlo Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed in the Spring, when the languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is lelt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevera. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting ant freeing the system from the malarial poison. Head ache, Indigestion. Constipation, Diz ziness yield to Electric Bitters. Only 50c and $1 per bottle at Charman & Co s Drug Store. Stands at the Head. Ani. J.Boirel, the leading drutrisiHt of Slirevf port, Lh., guvs: "'Driving's New Discovery is Ihs only tiling Hmt cures my cntiL'h, and it is the hex! seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Sall'.inl. Ariz, writes: "Dr Kinir's' New Discovery i all that in claimed for! it ; it never fails, and is a suri cure for Consumption, Couahn ami Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits " Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It his been tried for a quarter of n century, and to-dsv stands at the head, it never disappoint. Free trial bottle at Charman & Co.'s Drtis Store. For Over Fifty Years An Old and Well-Tried Rkmeoy Mrs. Winsluw' Soothing ynw has been uaed for over fifty venrs by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soniliea the child, softens the (films allays all pin, nines wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrluen. Ii pleasant to Ihetssle. Sold bv Druifgist in every part of the Wotld Tentv five ce'nls a bottle. Its value is in i-Hlctihihlu Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winsnw'a Soot hint; Syrup, and lake no other kind. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tut IU-nt Sai.vr in tiie world for Cuts Rr-iis-s, Sores, U'cera. Salt Rheum. Fever S ires. Tetter, C tapped Hhi ds. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Kruptioiis. nud positively cures Tile or no pity reqnhe I. It is ifiiaianteed to give peif-rt sati-fai'ti in or m "ey r ni'Hril Prii-i. ?. iitit ner bi X. ri t fsa'e by Hi irmin A Co. Biliousness Ii caused by torpid liver, which preveuts dlgea- tlon and permits food to ferment ana puiniy in Hhe stomach. Tben follow dizrlness, headache. Mood's Insomlruk, nenrousncsa, and, If not rrllerfd, bilious fever I fll .Ma or blood poisoning. Hood's III S Pills stlmuUte tbe stomach. muv the Hrer, cure beaiUrbe. dirtiness, coo stlptlon, etc S cento. ttoM by all druggists. Ihe only fills to take with Hood ijarsspariila.'n c. & E. R. R. Co Standard Seed and Plant Catalogue. Contains au that's New and Good. Always Reliable. The Guide and your choice One packet either Wonderful Branoliing Aster, Hew Japan Morning Glory or Pansy choioe mixed for IS ota. I Two packet 33 o., tbrM packet! 30s. JTull nun price w en. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine which tellshow to grow Plants, Flowers and Vegetables and is up to date on these subjects, for three months, the Guide, and One Packet of Seeds, (named above), for 25 cents. Every tenth person sending an Order as above will re ceive a coupon good for 50 I cents worth of Seeds. When ordering elate where you aw this adv. and we will aend a packet of Flo wer Seeds free. JAMES VICK'S SONS ROCHESTER, N. Y. THE JCCIDEHT8 OF LIFE A Writs to T. S. Qoiscev, pi S Jriwer J30, Chicjgo, Eccro tary i-f C STAft Accident s$!$p(J Ccitr.iKV, for Informatiou jjM&J'J regarding A:cideut Insur fmA n-tce. U:-.iUon this paper. r yy t3 di.t)-; jou can save membership -. K pai-i over tcaO.COMM fcr accidental ii; juries. Be your own Agpnt. NO MEDJCAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED CLUBBING LIST. Heenlar Unt' Price Pnpera Obeoon City CuritiKU and Weekly Orepmuin Thrice a-Wwk N. Y. World Thrlce a-Week Courier J"uriml Kolh J1 or 2 00 2 no 2 Ul 2 IKI 2 on 2 Ml 2 no 8 26 2 00 1 115 2 no i uo ...'J 6(1 ...2 50 ,...2 5U New Occasions Knral New Yorker Country (ientlemeti I'rulrie Farnn-r U'slh'B' Weekly American AKrictilturist Furm Journal Poultry Monthly American Poultry Journal 2 60 4 IKI 2 fill 6 611 2 PO' 2 00 2 50 2 CO This applies to new gtibscrlb era or old ones paying in auvanoe. To CONSUMPTIVE!! Tni andersbrned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To thore who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge a copy of the prescrip tion used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Cntarrh, Brouchi. tls and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as It is Invaluable. Those denlring the prescription, which will cost them iiotning, ana may prove s blessing, will pletse address, . RtV. tDW A WILSON. B'nnklyr, M Y Oa Yen Xi&B to Eead Bsea Sctsis 1 Enough For all the Winter Evenings ALMOST FRE'E, TOWN TOPICS, will send, on receipt of this and FIFTEEN cents in 208 5th Ave., IN. V. RtiLintvi. nr.v nno nf the following prlz.0 novels (TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY -Six paRes, regular pike FIFTY cts.); for FIFrY cents any FOUR; for ONE DOLLAR any TEN : for ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF the whole library of SIXTEEN volumes. 5 THE SALE OF A SOUL. By C. M. S. Mc- 7- THElCOCSIN OF THE KING. By A. 8. Van Vieatrum. . 8- SIX MONTHS IK HADES. By Clarice I. Cllnirl'ftin. i 4MT1E SKIRTS OF CHANCE. By Captain Alfred Thompson. 10-AN1'I!ONY KENT. Bv Charles Stokes Wayne, i 11 .V CUT mill i.O 1'Tlfn'i:V U,. .l.n,....l..n . .1 buuiriTb yjs a j uiuuiii'ivu Ulsaell. 13-AN UMSPKARABLE SIREN. By .John Gllllat. 13- 1'HAT DREADFUL WOMAN By Harold K. Vvnne. 14- A DEAL IK DENVER. By Gilmer McKeu-W-WHY6? SAY'S GLADYS. By David Christie 18 A VEItV REMARKABLE GIRL. By L. H. Blckford. 17-A MARRIAGE FOR HATE. By Harold R. ts-Ol'TOF THE 8PI.PHPR. By T. C. De Leon. 19 THE WRONG MAN. By Champion Blssell. SO-THE HUNT FOR HAPPINESS. By Anita Vlvntt Chsrtres. STRANGE EXPERIMENT By Harold It. Tynne. 49" Indicate by the numbers the novels yon want. WANTED YounfT men and women who are willing to work faithfully under our direction for six months or a year. We can yive you the best instruc tions obtainable in BOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY OR ENGLISH BHANCHES, an(l fintl 'ou employment when ynu are qualified for it. Send for catalog. Holmes Business College 414 T4MHILL MKLbf MANHOOD RESTORED tton of ft (niou xnxta or di-a-s 4 BEFORE AND AFT -H kl(j.,evsand tHmnryorrno U impur.ue. rrMDrVK tmrrthiAni retonil weak orcar., . a . , M AAlrwa BATl.SUICUi COP. C GEO. A. -- VAQUINA 31 A V 3tOUT3C ConnectliiR at Vmiulnit Pay with the San Kranclacn and Yanulna liajr Hleamslilp Company. 'steamship "Farallon" Rnlla from Yaiiiiiua every eluht ly fur San Francisco, Coos Uuy Pull Oxford, Trinidad and HumboU Buy. Passciitfcr accommodation! unsurpassed, shortest route between the Willametto Valley and California. Fnra from Albany or point west to Han Franuiseo: Cabin, rouud trip . IG 00 Hleeriixo 4 0" To Coos nay and Port Oxford: Cabin. ' 6 00 To HumboU liny: Cabin, ... 800 Iliiund trip, good for no days, RIVfcR DIVISION. Steamers "Albany" and "Wm. M. Hoax." newly furnished, leave Albany dally (except .Saturdays) at 7:-l& a. m., arriving at Portland llio done day at 6 p m. Itcliiruinir, bonis leave Portland same days at l):00 a. m., arriving at Albany at 7:45 p. m. I. C. MAYO, Supt Klver Division, Corvullls, Or. KDlVIN KTONK, Mgr.. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF TH SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Exoress Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. I Horth. .Mi p.m. I IV Portland Ar 8:10i.l I:3."ip.m. I Lv . Oregon City Lv 7:23a. ll:lhA.M. I Ar Sail Francisco Lv 7;Utir. The above trains stop at Knst Portland, Oregon Cltv, Woodburn, Salem, Turner. Marion, Jellet sou'. Albiinv, Tangent, Sbedds, llalsey. Harris, burg, Junction city, Irving. Eugene, Crcswell, Collage tirove, Oruliis, nud nil millions from Itoseburg to A.tlilaud, inclusive. rvOSCUt'RU MAIL DAILY i::ti)A. m. , Lv Portland Ar 4:4i P. :60P. 8:00 A. M 1:27 .M. Lv Vai) p. at. I Ar SALEM 4-.H0 P M I Lv 4:411 P M Ia 0:16 r M Ar Oregon City Kosebiirg PVSSKXliKH Port bind Orei'ini City Salem Lv Lv DAILY. Ar ' 10:15 A M Lv 11:27 A M Lv 8:00 A M DINING CARS ON OODEN KOUTE. PVLLMAS MIFFKT SLEEPKKS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. West Slim DIvIkIoii, It nt wer i. I'OKTl.ANO ami COHVALLJS XAII.TRA1N DAII.Y(KXCKPTSUMDA Y.) 7:80 A.M. I I.v Portland Ar6?20P.M. 12:15 P.M. Ar Corvailii. Lv 1 1:85P.M. At Albauyaiid Corvalils conneclwlth train, of Oregon Central & Kuslurti R. R. EXPRESS TRAIN DAII.YtKXCKPT SUNDAY.) 4T46P. M. I Lv Portland Ar8:2SA.Jl 7.2liP.M.Ar McMlnnvllle Lv5:6UA.M THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at the lowest rates from E. K. BOII, Aeon, Oreo - R. KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS, Manager, At-sl. n. K. P. Anelit Portland, Or. Portland, Or. MUSIC COUPON NO. 36. HThe rollowlnir beautiful new songs by Mandvillo-Kaslman, will be mailed to any address on the receipt of 10 cents each (Introductory price) or Ihe entire 5 sotws for4u cents, providing this coupon is sent with order. Kach piece has a handsome title pane and retails for 40c. I'm Dr -ntnlnir of the Past. If We fihoiild Meet Again. W recked, or You Wcto False, Not True tn Me. Onlv a Sone of Long Ago. I Have Lelt You Though I Love You. Addrtss: The Wiley B. Allen Co., 211 First St., I'orlliitiil. Oregon jt OSeomo 'onuOAV MIJ 09 k f qrid "OO V "H 8anaVHO J tn93 18 10 pajinm ejftnped did V -tmig -aonnqmnp m "w 'lusq uaaiujoAoa A 'uoiieisiaei lDiip 'aailis eaij uo iq9i(lnid k W jo spuOTiioui Aq 'JdQUU' (11 1 lltf M ta -ai 9i10B AVisas juaaojppodii) U Jill Will y j3op3N SAsiSJ3oj,j i Aq pog 4 '81N33 01 S3ld03 319NI8 S a :oo'i$ Noiidiuasans mm A ...onsil SJOYJtB'ilHlHOU ,-ninJl k. A 8i) oi jaaiwu tijoAt oi a'iuo HMsap pue 'paajo V ou in puiiou s i Buoiiaanb 9.i jo uoinsna A -dip b oi 89oa ni nU9do ENOISVOOO M3N k V 19(10 iin u pue 9doq )um Ul -toiwd jo auo A egiioiiiH!oauaaiidiuHouoaqpnoiuonn W 4 -OA9a aupaoaaiii wajifojiljoBjuuqasnidam W J 8JBIUO1IIOAJ) -9llSO(l B.HiirUI UOlHU JO a k .HiJ.i-mi qjiAUiiqiiKii(9illlu m dais pjn.ajoj jvau 8ti -JI punoq BAsq qoiqA V k suBioaqijapiuwo)tioqB siaj2ojj -S8KuBqo A IBiaoa )aHA JO piuquajq) ei) no a pJO eqx V SWVOV WVHdn X3lb303aj A3 031101 0 eujzeGcui v sSNGiS030 M3N PORTLAND, OREGON "CUFIDENE TfaincrMtV tabl VttAiizr.Uiprs('ii "rrrch fiij-aiciuti, will QUsoiiiy cur Too of all net of tbe f Ut-nHive rra turfi Luat Manbnort, nimujL I a(:iin ice ii.ick, omni tuias;mn, prrfwin ufouuy, P'mplfi, Vnlitnn U Wrry, KiiiuUin Dfl'tai Vnrtron) ftid tcstipallnn. It ito !1 ly br tav r nifrnL Prwfnw qatrk JVviSTTS.Sm FrJco,OC. JfarAKss- HAKIUNU. UraiM, Uirgoa Cily DOCTOR G.Y. SHORES' COMPLETE ATAKRM UKE. ISOTtl lAiVSV, , .... ... ) The unlv rtnilv (Uiiranlnd lo bolutlj euro catarrh and o mpl.ley rri) iut tli oUcasc liom thr I lo. d lein FULL SIZE, $1.00; THIAL SIZE, 2Sc. Each lull ue paikj, ci nmins una lull mniiih's kicai inimrni. iii-i-'tilt mm ill's tin ply ut ONrih liril li U ilt" ii n I .iii- lull month's supplt ul (.sitrrh, Ul.iJ und Swum, r- IM . If v.Mi ti'vi nv of iti fi'it'iwln? f vmri-im4, I)r ft, W. S'iu'm' Ciimp'fi C'li'rh C:r w II iivt vmi ln tnn rl'' snd cim'l'c'v and twimancnilvrurs you, r Ihe nnf inr-il in ? O'i's vnur an -hifii.? Is -tii no 'ir an-t if n.Kr? ihwr ri In In n- ' I'f iD l)ii vmi liswU in clur 'he ihrnaiV Is your llirml drv In ihi ranrnlni;? tlo vu sleep tt-nh vmr tnnulh upsn? Is vnur hesrlnir fnll-n ? I)n vnu' airs discliftre? Is Ihe wan drv In vnur enrs? Do V"U liet better sntne dsvs than others? I your harl"R wire when you hove cold? fr. 1 W. Shores' Cnuuh Curecurrnlliuujhv CU anil bronih' ' iflecilnns. One dn will ilup srasmoJiocr up Keep a b tile In Ihe hoiiss Lsrs tire hoiili'S 2sc It vuu hsve thi-se svmrlinns uss II ss dlrecie.t on ihe b il'le and II will cuie you. Have vou a crhvh? On vou lake colj easPv? Have you a rain In Ihe side? Ooyou raise Irnlhv material? Do you cninth In iht mo-ninss? Do you spit up Mule cheesy lumpsr Dr. O. Sltnrea' T"nicand Blood Pmlllrr clesn les and punlies Ihe b'iKid, gives strength and vigor, cures dyspepsia anJ all nervous Jiet.tses. 1'iice, $1 per buttle. It ,timantutly curst ilia toliuwlng sympionis: Is there nauiear I), i you belch up gas? Are you Constipate'? Is your tongue coaled? Do ynu bloat up alter eating? Uo vou teul you are growing weaker? Is there constant bad ta In Hit taouih? Dr. O. W. fhores' Kidney and Liver Curs cures all d stases ot Hit kidney, liver and bladder, Price. $1 per bolile. Do you gel dixy? Have you cold teet? Do you (eel miserable? I lo you gel tired easily? Do you luve hot Habits? Are your splnis U l limes? J., .UU lUVL I U.i .tli'll ill boV.Lli? D i your hands and t.e-i twill? 1 . this noiiced nunc at nigin? is ihu'e pjm in small ol t)jck? II js Hie leisi'iraiioii a bad odor' i 'here puiiines under tiieeyc D i you h.ive to gel up otieii ai night? Is there a deposit In urine it leu siandmg? Don 'I negleci llit-se signs and risk brigui dlseast kiilinc you. Dr. Si.or.s' Kidney and over cure will kuie yu il ustd as directed on the bottle. Dr. O. W. Shines' Alountiln MgeUU stops fit worst rain In one uiinuie. I'or headache, Hsiihacht, neuralgia, cramps or culic use 11 estcrnally nnd In ternally. Prevents and cures diphtheria II used II time K -en a hotile Price, .'c a buttle. Dr. O. W. Stt ires' lepln Vermliuire destroys Intestinal won-iis anl removes the lulls round mat whore they hatch and breed. It never lails. Pries 2sc a bone. Dr. O W Shirs' Wlnterureen bslvs cures all dlsetses of the lnn. Keraoves red spuis and black rjlmplcs froin ihe faca Heals old sores In 3 lo 5 days. I'fr'O ' W Sh'ires' Antl-Constlpntlon PH's tire chronic constipHlon, sick headache and bilinus rlacks Price. 2-c a boltle In all cases. II the bowels are constipated take nna ol Or G W. Shores' Antl-Omstlpatlon Pills al bedtime. Ii vnur trouble Is chronic and dep-sealed, wrlit Dr. G. W Sho es personally lor his new symptom list and have your case diagnosed and gel his expert ad vice tree. These famous remedies are prepared only by Uoc nrG W Shores, Zlnn'tMtdl:allnsHtmral' t-aVs -tty, Utah. For sale by a'l Druggists, or sent to vnv address o receipt uf price. For bale by G. AWARDING, SilAent Oregon Oity, Oregon, , TO THE EAST GIVES THK CHOICB OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL IR,0 TJ T E S VIA VIA UNION PACIFIC RY, DENVER OMAHA AND GREAT NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CITI LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIE8 OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR SAN FRANCISCO for full details call on or aiMresa W. II. H UK I.BURT, Geu'I F'hhh Atfpnl, T'lT.AMn. ( E. McNEIL, Pres. and Mgr. Trnlns arrive and dt-part (rnin Portland sa fnllowa: iH'part fo.ii For all Eastern polnts...6:! p. Dl " No. s The Pnlli-s Iron! ..H:10 a. m Arrive No. 1Kmm the Esst. . ;Hia. in " No. 7.-Frotn The I'all s 6:, p. m BO VIAH XPERKNCE. TRAD! MARKS. DCSICNt, ''MM COPVftlCHTS . Anyone sendtna? a akdrh and descrtptlon may quickly ascertain, free whether an Invention is protNstily patantAtile. t omm vnirmtinDB Btrlrtly eonadentlaL Oldest aerency foraecurins paientaj In America. We havs a Waeblnatnn otnea. Paienta taken tbrouith Mima A Co. raeclrt special uoiioa la tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Wasi-rated. husmt rlmtlatloa of ane srientlfle Juanul. wertiy. terma M.i a year; ai JO six mnnths. hpinil copies and itixa BuuK ox Patcxts sent tree. Address MUNN s CO., 3l BrMdssay, Hear York. 4s. tK ' AT