V McAllen & ..Special Announcement... To the Trade in General : We have this day placed on sale several lines imported FRENCH DRESS GOODS... 42 inch Very Neat and Handsome; Standard value $1.00 per yard. Will place on sale for a few days at 50c PER YARD... Ladies, examine this cloth for your own special benefit. 147 PIECES of 40-inch ALL-WOOL CHECKS, STRIPES AND PLAIDS... Extra heavy and extra quality; in Light and Medium Colorings; standard value for 50c per yard in any first class dry goods house in American. Will place the entire lot on sale for a few days, at 25c PER YARD... Ladies, this is an Extraordinary Offering and a Genuine Hargain. The only Exclusive Dry Goods House in Oregon . Corner Third PORTLAND, Corporate Meeting. A special cor porate meeting of the shareholders o( the Willamette Savings and Loan Asso ciation of Oregon City was held in the parlors of the Oregon City bank on Tuesday evening. The following nomi nations for the nine directors to be elected at the annual meeting on March 20th were made: E. G. Oaugeld, G. A. Harding, W. P. Hawley, L. L. Porter, W. A. Huntley, E. E. Ohurman, Geo. Broughton, J. P. Logan, Ohas. P. Thore, R. Koerner and 0. F.Olsen. The nomi nations for auditors were: N. 0. Walden, M. Bollack, 0. H. OauBeld, A. W. France, H. L. Kelly, A. W. Cheney and E. A. Smith. The asso ciation is now about three years old and has issued three series of stock. It lias an increasing list of members but still not as many as it should have. A fourth series will soon be issued and all those that can save a few dollars a month should apply for stock and more '. than doublo their investment. Gkioraphical Party. Over a hundred Were in attendance at the geographical party leld at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Albrighton last Friday even ing. Each one of the party represented a geographical name and the evening was spent in chatting and guessing each other's representations. Freddie Char man won first prize by guessing 60 out a pos'sible 82, and Mrs. R. D. Wilson won second. The party was given by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Congre gational church and with the kind hospitality of Mrs. Albright it was a grand success, netting the society about $10. Miss Ora Spanglcr and Mrs. E. E. Williams favored the gathering with Beveral piano boIob during the evening. A Pioneer Goke. Mrs. Nancy Athey, aged 70 years, wife of James Athey (agod 80 years), died last Thursday of pneumonia. Funeral services were held at the residence on -Sunday, a spiritualist lady from Portland officiating. She with Mr. Athey crossed the plains to Oregon City in 1813, in the first immigration train and was well known and highly esteemed by all. She was born in Missouri and had been married nearly 69 years and leaves three daughters, Mrs. Holland of Salem, Mrs. Sarah Campbell and Mrs. Baiter of Oregon City, and three sons, one of whom is Charles Athey of this city. Free Lecture. "The General Con ference at Cleveland" will be the subject of Dr. Parson's lecture at the Methodist Church this evening. The Epworth League extends an invitation to all to be present and hear the doctor tell of the session which met in Cleveland last May and to which he was sen t as delegate from this district. They will make no charge for the lecture, but will take a collection at the close. (i3 1 Billies or Medals. 1 " Best sarsaparillas." When you think of it how contradic- l&f torv that term is. For there can be only one best i:i anything one 0 " Best sarsaparillas." When you think of it how contradic- , tory that term is. For there can be only one best i:i anything one best sarsaparilla, as there is one highest mountain, one longest river.onc deepest ocean. And that best sarsaparilla is ? .... There's the rub ! You can measure mountain height and ocean depth, but how test sarsaparilla ? You could if you were chemists. But then do you need to test it? The World's Fair Committee tested it, and thoroughly. They went behind the label on the 'bottle. What did this sarsaparilla test result in ? Every make of sarsaparilla shut out of the Fair, except Ayer's. So it was that Ayer's was the or.ly sarsaparilla admitted to the World's Fair. 'The committee found it the best. They had no room for anvthing that was not the best And as the best, Ayer's Sarsa parilla received the medal and awards due its merits. Remember the word best " is a bubble any breath can blow ; but there are pins to prick such bubbles, those others are blowing more " best sarsaparilla " bubbles since the World's Fair pricked the old ones. True, but Ayer's Sarsaparilla has the medal. The pin that scratches the medal proves it gold. The pin that pricks the bubble proves it wind. We point o medds, cot LuUblcs, when we say : The best sarsaparilla is Ayer's. & McDonnells $ is i and Morrison, OREGON Robert Thompson Dead. Robert "Thompson, one of the old pioneers of 1862, died at his home in Marquam on the list inst., aged 73 years, 3 months and 6 days. Mr. Thompson was born in Morgan county, 0., November 5, 1823. At the age of 22 years he married Miss Rachael Harris. They emigrated to Oregon in 1852, locating on tho old homestead, now adjoining the town of Marquam, where the deceased lived until his death. October 11, 1880, his wife died, and November 22, 1888, he married Mrs. Jane Becket, of Salem, Or., who survives him. Ten children were born by his first wife, butonly four are now living, 0. D. Thompson of Oor vallis, Mrs. Rose Robbins of Elliott Praririe, Mrs. Mary Robbins of Molalla and Mrs. Rhoda Gray of Marquam. John Pritchard Dead. John Pritch- ard, aged 31 years, 9 months and 8 days, die(1 on Saturday, of quick consumption The funeral services were held at Pres- byterian church on Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. J. Montgomery officiating. The Woodmen attended in a body and inarched to the cemetery. The church was crowded and many were unable to gain admittance. Mr. Pritchard came to Oregon in 1890. His parents are both dead but ho lias two brothers, both ministers, one in New York and another in Wilkesbarre, Pa. He was born in Wales. In Vacaville. L. A. Noble, former proprietor of Depot Hotel in this city, who left for San Francisco over a year ago, has purchased a general merchandise business in Vacaville, Solano county, Calif., where he says "the outlook is very good, and the valley is altogether a fruit country and in summer the greater part of the business is done." Benefit Entehtainment A social entertainment will bo given in the brick hall, Clackamas, Friday night, February 26, 7 o'clock p. m. for the benefit of Len Jones, irho recently met with an ac cident which rendered him totally blind It is proposed to xise the proceeds to complete the house and home for Mr. Jones and his worthy family. All are cordially invited. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Wortliington, Ind , "Sun" writes: "'You have h valuable prescription in Electric Bittern, aniljl can cheerfully reoommeri'l it fur con btioation and sick headaclit, and as a general system tonic it has no equal.'', Mrs. Annie Stehlp, 2023 C ittaiiB lirove Ave , Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, hi I a buc'nciij which never left her and felt tirol ami weary, but six bottles of Electric BiUffa restored her health and renewed her strength. Price 50 cents and 00. Geta bottle at Charman & Co 's drug tore. AVe have double rib umbrellas, dif ferent prices; the wind will not turn hem inside out. At the Racket Store. s f rg r- f n LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Friday night Caruita. Dr. L. M. Andrew is very ill. I Mini , (in lltii, to Mrs. Fred Jh1, axon. Tim l'iiinigiiii returned Monday from Montana. I'orn, 011 Saturday, to Mrs. U.S. Cram, a son. tiood mandolin for sale cheap at Ooliuek ollice. J. D. Stevens of Cunby was in tho city on Monday. Mr. Durxt of Milwaukio was in town Monday on business. Jacob Crader, the New Era hotel keeper, was in town Saturday. Carnita has 25,000 candle power con centrated upon her in tho color dance. Six pound packages Soda or Salaratus for 25c at Ilorton's grocery and bakery Prof. Swuntou has quite a large class at his dancing ajuduiny in the Weiuhard block. California butter takes the lead at our stores. What's tho matter with the wehfoot cows ? Tuition in a business college at Port land to trade for bicycle. Inquire at OoURiEU-olIico. Helen Lurvene, the clever comedienne, will cauBo you to forget hard times, with the Carnita Co. The Portlanders are now able to get a shave for 5 cents as well as a meal for 5 cents and a bed for 5 cents. Mrs. R. Prier will soon remove her confectionery store to the Caulield block, next to II. Straight's grocery. W. Yakeda will soon occupy the Schram building and enlarge his stock now located opposite Huntley's. Rev. M. L. Rugg of the Oregon City Baptist church has been holding meet ings at Mt. Tabor Baptist church. Geo. C. Brownell.T. F. Cowing, Jr., and Miss Oora McOown, legislative resi dents of Salem, spent Tuesday in the city. , Rev. A. P. Anderson, formerly rector of Episcopal church in this city, died in Santa Clara, Oal., on 12th, at 71 years of age. The subject of Mr. De Forest's sermon at the Episcopal church Sunday evening will be "The Struggle of the Sinless One with Sin." . License to wed issued on 15th to Bee M. Kinney and Robert Adams ; on 16th to Drusilla A. Mutton and Albert S. lhompson. Mrs.1 John Wri.jht and daughter left i on Friday to join Mr. Wright, who has j been employedat miningnearRossland, B. C, for some time. E. E. Oharm.in has received from Houston, Texas, a full-blooded Partridge Cochin rooster and is going intar tbe poultry business in the near future. The fancy, dross party to be given by Prof. Swunton will be postponed, on account of the entertainment given for the beneflt of the Y. M. O. A., until Thursday, March 4th. You don't want to miss Chas. H. Whiting with Carnita Co. ' A voice that lias the melody of the heavenly choir, and that causes sympathetic vi bration in every soul. Chattanooga Call. Quite a number of people were dis- appoin'ed at tho failure of the Viascope entertainment to take place. Carnita company has an animated picture ma chine, which is the latest and most perfect in existence. Members of the G. A. R.and V. R.O. will attend Washington's birthday exer cises at Eustham school on Friday after noon Experience proves the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cures all forms of blood diseases, tones the stomach, builds up the nerves. Al White, sent to the penitentiary from Clackamas county on August 10, 1881, for rape, was discharged on Satur day. He served 15 years, 5 months and 28 days. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Steel and their niece, Mrs. Harry Harper, have moved to their new home at Moldrum Place, near Gladstone, on the line of the East Side Railway. A child of J. W. Hicks of West Side, aged 2 months and six days, died on Sunday and was buried on Monday Services were held at grave, Rev. A. J Montgomery officiating. Charle9 Meserve was called to Colum. bia county last Friday to the bedside of his mother, who has been quite ill. Dr Somers went down to attend her She is somewhat better now. Judson Howell has nearly finished aking the school census for Clerk T. F. Ryan. There - will be about the same number of children of school age (4 to 20 years) as last year, about 1 100. Mrs. E. F. Martin, of the Racket Store, visited her old home in Salem Monday. She was accompanied home by her daughter, Miss Gertie, who has been attending school at that place for the past four months. J. E. Long has exchanged his farm in the Sandy country for the half section of V. B. Trapp in Juniper Flat, 40 miles from The Dalles. Mr. Trapp also ac quired a place adjoining Mr. Long's and is now a resilient of Sandy. The second quarterly meeting of this charge will lie held on Sunday and Mon day evenings. Dr. Parson of Salem will preach Sunday evening. Rev. K. F. Zimmerman will occupy pulpit in j morning. At the M. E. church. Thu Senior und Junior Y. M.C. A. bucket ball teams of Portland will play with the Oregon City teams tit the Y. M.O. A. rooms on Saturday evening. ('has. Allen, a former real estate agent of Oregon City, died at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 11th inst. of pneumonia at ago of 52 years. He done considerable business for James Shaw, Charuiun Bros, and others. A nieetin g for those that wish to join the Woodmen Circle will be held at Willamette hall on Saturday at 2 p. m. All Woodmen an Itheii' wives are eligible for membership and can take out from f500 to f2000 insurance if they wish. The Attraction of the Season. A grand muscat concert, under the auspices of tho Treble Clef Quartette, Mrs. E. E. Williams, director, will tie given at Sbively's opera house- on Fri day evening, February 20th. Following is tho program : (a) "Greeting to Spring".. .CD. Wilson (b) "The Bridge" Lindsley Treiii.e Oukk Quartette. "Good Bve Sweet Day". .'.Kate Vannali 'V. H. BimuiiARDT, Jr. "Hungaiitin Rhapsodic" No. 2 ....Liszt Misses Li la and Mattie Draper. "O Wondrous Youth" Abt Mrs. G. E. Hayes. Violin obligato by Miss Draper. "Invitation to Dance" Weber Miss Haoi.asd. (a) "Old Oaken Bucket". . . .F. W. Root (b) "Jack and Jill" C. R.Ford Tkeiii.e Clef Quartette. Violin solo. ."Scene Do Ballet (Fantasie) Prop. Antom Zilm of Portland. Statuary (black). Oontata,"The Old Clock on the Stairs." Tkehi.k Clef Quartette. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Y.M.O.A. All should attend. Re served seats at Huntley's bookstore. Firemen's Doings. The following officers of Cataract Hose Co. No. 2 were elected : Walter Little, president; J. F.Clark secretary J Wm. Sheehan, foreman; Dave Henderson, 1st assistant; Geo. Wilehart, 2d assistant. The company nominated John F. Clark for chief and endorsed no one for assistant. Tho officers and nominations of Foun tain Hose Co. and Columbia H. & L. Co. were published last week. Fountain Hobo Co. will give a ball on Washington's birthday. Oregon City Hose Co. No. 3 elected the following officers on Tuesday eve ning: H S. Strange, president; C. A. Rands, secretary; W.O. Green, treas urer ;'lohn Jones, foreman ; O. E. Cross, 1st assistant ; A. Wickham, 2d assistant. The company nominated A. Robertson for assistant chief and nono for chief. The Mountain View company have not elected their officers yet. m ' ' aw Qradmother's Tea Party. Miss Florence Morey, assisted by Mies Bisbee, of Portland, gave grandmothers' tea party Friday afternoon that was a charming social affair. The windows wore darkened and the house illuminated with electric lights. Tho parlors were decorated with daffodils and jonquils, and the tables were tastefully adorned with stephan otes and violets. Those present and t lie costumes were as follows : Miss Ilixon, of Seattle, empire gown moire antique silk, lavender ami brown, lace kerchief, ornaments a buckle worn by her great grand mother. Miss Beasly, of Portland, Scotch plaid silk with white ribbons, powdered hair. Miss Miller, black silk with green pol anaise, green parasol, black silk jacket, worn abwt CO years ago. Cameo orna ments. Miss Morey, green and black striped silk, style of 44 years ago. Powdered hair. ' Mrs. Lovett, striped silk black and garnet, full skirt, l.uvo sleeves. A me dallion pin with picture of Major Char man taken forty years ago. Mrs. Griffith, pearl silk, full skirt, en traine, style of 30 years ago. Miss Hsttie Cochran, corn filk, pull back entraine, style of 20 years aso. . Miss l'illnbury represented a bride of 30 years ago, gray poplin, full skirt en 'raine, decollette with real flschue, shawl bonnet and white kid slippers of same date. Miss Azalie Cochran, pale blue irides cent silk, entraine, style of I860. Miss Lou Cochran, gray ami blue cos (nine of 30 years ago, crape scarf and poke bonnet brought fo this country by the Hudson Bay company. Miss May Kelly, brocaded i-ilk skirt, black waist, lavender bonnet, style 35 years ago. Mis Mina Kelly, pale blue empire dreis, style 30 years ago, poke bonnet. Miss Amy Kelly, black brocaded silk with cape, style 20 years ago, with bat brought by the Hudson Bay company. Miss Ragland, lavender silk, real luce trimming, costume of 70 years ago. Lace mantilla and poke bonnet. Miss Vera Caufield, baby waist of lotted swiss, blue ribbons. Miss Steven, purple silk gown, ker chief and cork screw curls, representing spinster of 60 years ago. A snuff box and snuff brought by her great grand mother from England. The only Wool-purifier admitted on exhibition at the Chicago World's Fair was Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, all others being ; excluded an secret preparations and patent medicine. With doctor and j pharmacinte, it has aU ayn been con 1 sidered a standard remedy. I I I I I I I WASHBUrW STRINGS AND EXTRAS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS. BURM EISTER & ANDRESEN. ADTOHARPS, Mall orders for Hiring will receive prompt HtU'iitlim. I I I I I I I All at Our Well -Known Prices TINWARE, GRANITJiYVARE, GLASSWARE, VVOODENWARE, COMBS. BRUSHES, PICTURE FARMES SMOKING PIPES, STATIONERY, JEWELRY, HAIR CURLERS, TOILET SOAP. THE BAZAAR" L. A. Patterson & Co., 5th and Main Htreeti. C. N. GREENMAN, Tim rioNKR Express and Drayman r (Established 1HM) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer 1 Deputy County Surveyor Will bo at Court Home nn each Saturday . . .1 nn Hnm.lna .axlnn ll t. I'M t f KIIU UH II .IMdl nn. urn . m County Court. JOSEPH RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office lu Oiegon City Bank Block. Orbook City, .... I.bkooh. Bank of Oregon City. 0I.DBST BANKING HOU8K IN TBE CITY Paid Up Capital, $.'0,0()0. Surplus, $20,850. President. Vice President, Cashier, Manager, - Thomas Charman Geo. a. Habdino K. O. CAtiritxD Charles H. Caufield t General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Disoounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Secnnlv Exchange Bought and ld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of th. World. Tolcgraphic Kxchange 8oId on Poi tind, Sao Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. CITY VIEW NURSERY CANI1Y, . OKKGON. Apples, Pears. Cherries. Plums and Prunes, iianan aim reiue, nectarines, Aimonus and Peaeh Trees. First-Class lu Every Itespeot. Wholesalo and Retail. J. A. COX, Prop. Write for 1 Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, , On the Street between the Bridge end tht Depot. Double and ilusle Hits and saddle horses wavs on hand at the lowest rates, and a corral also connected with the barn for loose stock. Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOUGHT OR SOLO GAMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $1.60. Family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. PIIONK 30. SIXTH AM MAIN KTKEET8. GEO. A. HARDING, DEALER 111 DP DBUGS El Standard Pat. Medicines Paints, Oils and Window Glass. PreeriittUmi Accurately Compounded msmso'e block. I I I I I I I I MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, ACCORDIANS - I I I I I I I I Theyi Play L Hard And wear out lots of shoos, those youngHtera of oiith, and niuku the shoe bill pretty large for a limited puree ;not nearly bo large if you lake ad vantage of the close prices we are giving you on all sizes of ltovu', Girls nnd Little Children's bllOKS.' KRAUSSE BROS Next Donr to Burmclster A Audreieii's. GEO. a Bbohnii.l. J. U. Camtbel. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Caufield BulldlnK Oregon City ,Or THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broke ' Lsadino Insurance Aukncy or Clack ah County. ' Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Mid. DrawinK n( l.i'Kul Doeiiimxil a Speomli Ollice nn past side of Main street Uutweeu tilli und 7Ui. OREGON CITV. - OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETT Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate a Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bank Build! OREGON CITY. OREGON. E. F. DRIGGS. ATTORNEY1 at z&Y OREGON CITY. Office: Two Doors South of Courtbou ... ' J. W. WELCH, DENTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Oppurits P. 0., Orkqoh City, Ohs, The Commercial Ban' OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Traniacts a General Banking Buiint" Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes lections. Buys and sells exchange on all pol' In the United Htates and K 11 rope and on Hi Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from (A.M. to 4 P. M. D.O.LATOURETTB, F. K. DONALD8I Presldeut. Cash' ' H. STRAIGHT, DKAL2R IN GROCERIES AMD PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Orenon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measu.. given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Holtou llalrjr and ba Convinced JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Bros., on Heventh Btr 1 Oregon City, Oregon . Wanted-An Idea Who Ma thto of Dora imp rrnUtet jtmr Mmu thr mnf bring y welti Myi WtMbinfton, l. -',, for thMr il.lM prla vttw b4 111 of iwu bmkXrtxl luveaUvu wttiitcO