Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, February 19, 1897, Image 4

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fcfitryJii onwui City potiij
jn.'Ciiiid'cliiM !iuiit'r.
hi;iis;ku'Tion katks.
If lU III inlvnnno, pcrycnr 1 '0
Dim ymir .. 2 Mi
Ilx moiithK '. 1 (W
Tlint iiimiiiIh SO
"Tlm ilalo nppniillu ynur mlilrom on the
tiip"r iIi'ikiip IMo lime l'i wnirn you nnru pnin
S10X. Tlio following from tliu leading edi
torial of tlio Newark, N. J., Cull, of
January 24tli, un inllueiitiul republican
paper, con taiiifl admiHHioiiH allowing that
tlio truth, however bitter, cannot longer
lie suppreHed :
"Tlio euiiHo of tlio people ban no r!
premutation in tlio republican policy of
to-day. Thero if) not a statesman
Among those who aro able to rino above
partiHamdiip who fails to perceive that
the republicans aro re-entering power nt
Wachington upon a fictitious basin, nnd
that they aro in great danger of arousing
aiitagoiiisms which will bring on populii
revulsion. Tlio republican partisa
recognizes Mark Jlanna as his real
leader; tlio party confesses debt to tlio
money-power ; its president is an avowei
advocate of extreme protection ; its vice
president is identified with corporate
monopolies nnd trusts; many of its
(senators are similarly interested; it bus
apcnt its energies during the campaig
in denouncing Bryunmm, without dig
tinguishing between the sober protest
of independence against monopoly am
the shrieks of anarohy ngainst order
The republican party is compelled at
present to ussumo the position of acting
as the agent and servant of combined
wealth ami legalized monopoly. That
is just as far from tlio purposes of the
people us tlio socialism of Bryan. The
party may perceive its danger, and rise
above it, but it must ho at the expense
of losing tlio allies who made the big
subscriptions to tlio campaign funds
last full.
There aro now two great national
issues tho growth of trusts ami cor
poruto wealth, and tho corruption in
politics. The questions of revenue am
finance aro subordinate to these, just as
everygovernmentnl measure is secondary
to principle always, nnd linancnil policie
.and revenue measures are matters i
liusineHS. The aggrandizement of tl
few and tho sapping of the roots of
power through corrupting influences nr
subjects beyond tho realm of ordinary
economies, for they touch tho vitals o
government, and unless they are eon
trolled, nuiko government a failure
These issues are recognized throughout
Europe as tho chief cause of distrust of
the American system, and while we
know tlio people of this country aro
capable of meeting them, there is no
iso disguising tho fact they must bo
met. The real question is what politi
oal pany or body of men shall assume the
task? Tho republicans are hnndicnpjH'd
ty tlte late campaign ; the democrats by
thedr iiryans. Of t he two the democratic
party lias greater "freedom of action."
SILVF.lt .V F.VliOI'E.
lx spite of tho scorn of tho ultra, gold
monopolists, says the Outlook of New
York of February, wo do not doubt that
Senator Hour of Massachusetts was
Tyaito within tho bounds of truth when
ho said that there were evident indica
tions of a strong interest in favor of
liiinetnllism in Germany, England,
Hussia and especially in France. The
agricultural populations, in so far as
they are active-minded on this question
ait all, aro bimetallic, abroad as well as
in this country. So are tho laboring
classes. Tho financial centers -ire op
posed to bimetallism, ami tho cummer
eial and manufacturing classes aro
.divided in opinion. It is clear from the
lust election that un overwhelming
majority of tho people of tho United
Mates favor bimetallism, and a large
minority aro so enthusiastically in favor
of it that they are willing to try the
experiment of establishing it without
international co-operation. I'lidcr these
t'ircumstunccB political wisdom requires
the incoming administration to make an
holiest effort to secure it; and as its
platform explicit) p'etl.ren it to make
HUch an effort, pdiiiivd honesty rein
forces political policy. Nor is it by any
means clear that we need wait until all
other nations agree with us in tho
Attempt. The resolution adopted . by
the senate to provide for an international 1
monetary conference wisely leaves this!
Ucstion open, as it does the question of
tho ratio to be lixel between the two
metals. It is worthy of note that in the
February number 'f the "National
Keview" Lord Aldeuhum, ex-governor
Fob inconsistency the Oivgnniin de
serves the leather medal. In venting its
malice against Senator Mitchell, tho
scar left by a squabble years ago between
its editor ami him, it can flu 1 no utter
ance against th ) Senator and his sup
porters that is too scurrilous or too con
temptible. Heretofore It has been
friendly to Senator lirownell, and it had
no reason, in all conscience, for bejng
otherwise ; hut on account of his friend
ship for Senator Mitchell it has suddenly
become hostile to him. It cann it bj
that one of our prominent citizens sinks
so low in 21 or 48 hours that "he is
detested and despised by all men and all
parties alike," as the Uregonian ended
tlio editorial bucket of mil I it slung at
Senator lirownell on Friday lust. I
never disputed hitherio that he was a
trustworthy and prominent represent!!
tive of the republican party of Clackamas
county, but alack! Mr. Brownell has
the hardihood to utter a word in tho
senate chamber against the Orcgonian,
and straightway it findsthat"Brownell is
lower in the estimation of the people of
Oregon than any man they know."
What sane man will give any more
heed to the scolding of an editor than he
would to the braying of a burro? Con
sidering the Oregonian's well known
luck of all principle for Instance at one
time ruthlessly assailing that most cor
rupt of politicans, Joe Simon, and at
another time, as now. "standing in
with him to beat Mitchell it is to the
credit of .Mr. Brownell that it villifies
him. AU nien of sense and thought
have long ceased to suck their political
pabulum from the ''great daily's"
lacteal bottle. While the Coubikb is op-
p ised to Mr. Brownell politically, it
must admit that, from a republican
point of view, he is faithful to his prom
ises. Ever since coming to Oregon Mr.
Brownell has been an ardent supporter
of Senator Mitchell and stands better
among the republicans of the county now
than when he was elected, and is recog
nized as a republican leader in the county
as well as the state.
Mi'ltiti'dks of men and women in the
East and middle West aro in a most
pitiable state of poverty, because there
is no work. II. 0. Havemeyer, presi
dent of the sugar trust, declared before
the investigating committee of the New
York legislature that ho did not engage
in any business in which he could not
make from 1") to 20 per cent. How do
you like the picture? That is the kind
of prosperity which is startling the
country as a fulfillment of the roseate
promises made to tho workingmeu by
tho trusts and syndicates, before the
November election, to secure their votes.
What shall wo say, usks mi exchange,
of tho heartless wretches who used the
working classes and then deceived them?
What can wo say of those who held out
words of hope and cheer, and gave
promises of steady work to the laborero,
and then, having accomplished' their
own object, turned the employee out
n tho depths of a terrible winter? Only
this: There is a just God above and lie
will pay lull measure oi vengeance some
lay to these millionaire murderers for
they have proved themselves to bo
nothing else. Their victims aro daily
lying in tho inclement East, nnd the
nd of the massacre is not yet.
I Iloss I lamia owes his prominence to
I Ins Hiiccess as a manager of political cor
ruption. Corruption in politics is the
gravest menace to liberty, which Is the
foundation of out government. The
most jiowcrful and therefore most dan
genius anarchists in tho country
country are In tho republican party.
Johanii Most, when howling blood and
fire, is but a flea in comparison with
such revolutionists as Quay and Ifanna,
and II. O. Havemeyer of tho sugar trust
Kkfoumkiis should not lose courage be
cause they mnnlier but a small minority.
In ideal matters numbers count for little.
How many Christians were there fifty
years after Christ diel? Yet the truth
was with them. How many Abolition
ists in 18(11? Yet they swayed tho
nation. How many Evolutionists at
Darwin's death? Yet his philosophy
is transforming modern thought.
Pkkmidknt-Io-Ihj, Major McKinley,
intends to inaugurate his protective sys
tem as so.in as possible after his inaugu
ration in order to stimulate business
and give idle men work. Both inaugu
rations are to follow each other as closely
as possible. The country is anxiously
waiting for the tariff prosperity.
A M.usKyunkeo bus invented an engine
that will run until it wears out without
stopping or an ounce of fuel. Its motive
power is compressed air, supplied by an
air-pump having a capacity of 144 cubic
feet. The force latent in air as enormous
I'erliaps this genius has solved the
problem of perpetual motion.
"Merit talks" tho
Intrinsic value of H 3) fi fL
Hood'aSareaparllla. CI!
Merit In medicine means the powor to
cure. Ilood'iSarsaparllla possesses actual
and unequalled curative power and there
fore it has true merit. When you buy
Hood's Sarsaparllla.and take it according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
cure any of the many blood diseases, you
are morally certain to receive benefit.
The power to cure Is there. You are not
trying an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and inus
drive out the germs of disease, strengthen
the nerves and build up the whole system.
Is the best, In tact the One True Blood Purifier.
Prepared only by 0.1. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.
Beat the World!
- .-JiM..jua-.-
Hood's Pills KifaffM
"Wk are pleased to note that the
OouniEK, of Oregon City, Or., has taken
up the Labor Exchange question. Every
newspaper should explain this new
movement to the people. Vancouver
A Query Answered.
Okeuox City, Or., Feb. 4, 1897
Gentlemen : I have written, or rather
started, a story which I would like to
have sent out. You no doubt take
stories, etc., from those outside and if
you consider it worth your time, please
state conditions, etc., and what you will
pay for a good story. If ibis one proves
acceptable I shall have more ready.
Very respectfully,
Aiiimiiam Lincoln said in his inatigu-
al address on March' 4, 1801 : "If the
Almighty Huler of Nations, with His
ternal truth nnd justice, be on your
side of tho North, or on yours of the
South, that truth and that justice will
surely prevail, by tlio judgment of this
great tribunal of the American people."
Lincoln had faith that the fratomal war
n which ho bore so conspicuous a part,
ould bo settled right because he
had faith in God. Should we not
have faith that the contest now waging
between tho masses and the classes, for
tified by their enormous wealth wrung
rom the masses, will also lie settled
It is with great reluctanco that we
must inform tlio gifted lady who is the
author of this note that we have on
hand more than a over-supply of origi
nal s'ories as well as essays on a variety
of topics. Only last week a bulky story
was offered us for publication, entitled,
The Wanderings of a Wondorer,"
abounding in wit, pathos and startling
incidents. Lack of space forced us to
declino it with thanks. If tlio lady will
pardon us for giving advise where it is
not asked, we would suggest that she
try the magazines, such as Scrihners,
Tlio Century, etc., who pay generously
for meritorious productions. En.
Demorest's Magazino forMarcli,i8 rich
In fiction. It contains charming stories
by Gilbert Parker, Madeline S. llridges,
Mrs. W. K. Clifford, and Grace Mac-
Gowan Cooke, which it would be a pity
not to read. .
Julia 0. E. Hiivex
('lurk of Court. KlmnrlMxnn
Hlierlf .M. W Una'O
llwunlvr A. Jeitl lin k
Trnuiirer Jacub Simile
AxNUMuir l.llcieiia Slimt
School Superintendent, H. gtarktvonihei
Siinwjr.ir, J. II. Wrlirlil
Curvnor, V. N. Gwlfn-jr
" fSkAS
Di'I'iity Clerk K. K. Mm tin
sneritr j. w. orout
" Ki-corik-r Cha, O. I.uelllnit
" Surveyor (J. II. Ixom
County Court meeH on Ant Wednesday after Sri!
Monday o( every month,
rmbate Court nieeu on drat Monday of entry
Circuit Court meet! On third Mondur In Anrll and
Una Monday In Noreuiber.
Mayor K. 0. CauAeld
Bi-aonlur, T. F. Km
CIUf of Police, C. K. Burns
TreMiirnr, H. E. Straight
Clly Attoraoy, , C. II. Dye
Stiti-t CniiitiiiMloner, C. 0. Bnlicock, Jr,
Sup't. of Wutur Work W. II. Howell
Cny Engineer D. W. Kinuulrd
Councllinen B. Koerner, L. 0. Caplet. T. B. Oaull,
jonn Dinner, rranK Huecn a. 1). Wiuon M. K.
HarrU and 1 amea Hoke.
Council meetiOrat Wedneaday of each month.
Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Mill.
Main St., Opposite Caufiekl Block.
Two Shaps. .... . Oregon City, Oregon.
Sawiwo Machines Cheap. Want a
sewing machine Gel a good one for
25.00 with five years guarantee; f) 01)
down and $.i.00 per month until paid
See Bellomy & Buseh about It .
apply l the clly council of Oregon City.
uregn, ior a khiooii ui'eime to continue my
SHliion, located on 4 of block '-'4 In Oregon City
Mco!k to date from the 7th day of Miirch, lsu'
.How to Secure and Hold.;
The best trade is a perplexing problem
to some people, but its solution is simple :
FIRST Buy the best goods to be had, not once
in a while, but always.
SECOND Make the price low,
know of it, early and
Attention to these principles has placed
at the head.
s. VJ
v, and let the people Tj
00 TO...
Shop Opposite Conifreitittlonal Church, JUulu Street, Oregon City, Oregon
rioj u,iy wmnuii oi iiregou L;iiy, uro-
Kon, for a aalonn lleeuao to continue our saloon
located on lot 5 of block 24 In Oregon Cltv
Urenae to flute from the 28th of February, lsil
Great reduction
Miss Uoldsmith's.
in trimmed huts at
Good English Breakfast Tea 20e or
3 lbs for 50c at Horton's.
AVo intend everybody dealing with us
shall be thoroughly satisfied. If through
error any transact ion should fall short
of this i deal, we shall treat it as a favor
and not an annoyance if you come hack
and tell us nlxmt it. Marr & Andrews,
lr. J. II. Miller, dentist, lias opened a
lental otlice in the otlioo formerly occu
pied by Dr. John Welch. Pr. Miller
does all kinds of dentistry and has ar
rangements whereby lie can fill teeth at
Prices to suit the hard times.
I . ! 1 . - . 1 .
.Kht? Justice will t.revail .v the""" a8 ln ""V-
judgment of the great tribunal of tho "tr't' ne;'r Southern
merican people." The voice of the
ople is tlio voice of God even if this
oico speaks through war and infinite
suffering of the pure and innocent.
he martyrdom of man will not end
until the millenium.
Ollice on Seventh
Pacific depot.
' Jimnary nth. H7. Nolieo is Imrehv irlvnn.
mm mu ioiiovm-iiHiueu Hoiiier mis l ion
noilee of Ills Intention to make llnnl proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will be
nimle oefore the Register and Receiver nt Oro.
gou wiy, uiegon, ou February anth, l:i7, viz:
II. E No. 8370, for the NWK of Sec. 2S, Tp. C-jj,
R. & E- He names Iho following wltuesscx to
prove hlsaiintinnoiMi residence unon and cnltk.
vaiton of, said laud, viz: William H. Mazlngo,
niiiiaM r. unuuin, vines t.. Ullaills uhd
Henry J. Thomas, nil of Wilholt, Oregon.
undersigned has been duly appointed, by
the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon,
executor of the last will and testament f
Hiram A. Straight, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate are hereby nottStd
to present the same duly verified, with voniHters,
to mo at the ofliee of C. D. Se I). C. Latouretle.
attorneys at law, In Oregon city, Oregon, within
six (mouths from this dale.
Dated, Jan i wry 22,1, iw.
Executor Aforettaid.
Tiik sugar trust has made a net profit
in 11 years of $.'U)0,0HVX)0. It produces
1,00,000 of the 1!,100,000 tons of sugar
consumed in the coui.trv. The trust is
milking herculean efforts to secure a
place fur one of its lawyers in Mo
Kinicy's cabinet. McKinley will in
ci ease the duty mi Migar to hasten
prosperity and rcinibuive the trust for
its campaign contribution. The total
investments of the trust in refineries
are not over $20,000,000.
The bankrupt cale of dry jjonds and
cb'tbing is rapiillv drawing in a close.
Immense bargains are being otfered.
Did en fee those Imiies' gloves at 10c
a pair mid the siik veiling at Sc a yard?
These goods are all being gobbled up
faat. It will be to your interest to take
advantstre of Ibis utile. Kcmeniber the
pln e, rFcrrd sli re noith of Hie Oregon
City Bank.
apply lo the city council of Oregon City, Ore
gon, for a saloon license to continue my saloon
located ou lot 1 of block 4 in Oregon City.
License to date from February 28, 18U7
Our Store
As you Sec It
is a wonder of grandeur,
beauty, and bargains.
Freshest of goods frtm
heme and abroad. A
vast variety to select frcm.
llnny articles and styles
not to he found anywhere
else. Easy opportunities
to see evervtiiing. No
compulsion to keep after
you have bought, if not
-'satiffied. Perfect satis
faction wi:h qualities.
Perfect confidence that
prices are lowest.
WHY IS IT... .f .
That every day our store is filled with buyers
from every part of the city, regardless of distance?
-e- There must be some reason. People especially
ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless
there is a reason.
IT IS ItKCAUSK we have established a reputation for abso
lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table
j . i: - i "
t- utiicaues, anu our customers are sure oi a 4
superior article and then the prices are right .
...GEO. F. HORTON... j
It is wonderful how chei
get a hat at Miss (.ioldsmitli.
p you can
Tiikkb has liegun at IVnver, Col., a
movement, in which all denominations
are invited to combine, to set up a civil
church, one of the main articles of whose
creed is "that the city is the latest and
fullest development of that organized
Choice I'aking Powders at 15 cents
per pound can, several kinds, at Ilorton'g
Miss 0. Goldsmith is selling her stock
of wintermilliuery way below eost, mak
ing room for her immense stock of spring
Firemen's Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given that a firemen's
election will le held on Monday, March
1st, 1S07, for the purpose of electing
a chief and assistant chief engineer fori
the Oregon City tire department for the '
liL tliriilii.il U'Ki.'li tli.i lirntli.iV'liswtl tf
...... t ... I- 1 1. 1 1 ... . , . I "P.'" ....... ...V- ........... nr.. . .
o, toe ,.a K ot r.ngl; n at,,, president ol j man , ,K, r0iliml thrtt reform
the English li.me nllic Le,gue, con-' of ,ivi, glWTnnwul h nrt onlv htlnliuii.
fUl.icsan aruc.e on u.e preseui summon UThm ,mt aIw ni,i(.iolls in the .j, ensuing year. The polls will he at the
a follows: "There is no doubt that .niHM.f the word." Fountain Hose Co.'i rooms and will be
r ranee anu me 1. nutu niaica, ny agree- rom 1Q oVo(,k a m. to 4 0-cIock
ing together, couhl themselves maintain Tuts Pullman Car Company recently
a bimetallic law ;but for greater certainty discharged 200 employes and as a pen-
and confidence it would K reasonable aee for this will purchase a fY.,000 resi-'
that tney siiouui asa me co-operation 01 , deuce to present to Gen. Miles. The!
Knglund an I Germany. Tins ex-, Pullman company urged its employes to , j Job Printing at the
pro-cs the general icmper 01 mnieiai- vote lor McKinley, the "advance guard" j L,
lists abroad. i of iirostieritv and hither wanes. V
p. m. E. G. Cai'fielp,
Mayor of Oregon City, Or.
February 17, 1S!7.
juu riiuuuy at
Courier OUice.
...of The Wiley B.. Allen Co...
Tlis Oldest and Largest Music Store in the Pacific Northwest
M'il I '
High Grade Pianos and Organs, embracing
the Chickering, Ludwig, Fischer, Har
rington, "Mason & Hanilin" and Estey.
- Ml P HI ' I ,
every description, SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS. Fonr floors devoted
to Mnsic and Merchandise Entirely. Write for prices.
Send for Catalogues. Address all orders to
The Wile yB. Allen Co.,Portland
211 First Street. Branch Store, 268 Morrison.