I GREAT CLEARANCE Greatest SALE Barg ains on Earth... .. Ladies Don't Miss It I T INCLUDES EVERYTHING IN STOCK. Every Cape, every Jacket, both Misses and Children's at HALE PRICE. No garment will be carried over. If you have not as yet purchased a cape or Jacket, don't delay, call on us at once, and make your selection. You will save at least one-half the original price of the garment. OUR GREAT DRESS GOODS Department, which has no superior on the Pacific Coast. The goods i this department wil also be sacrificed. All of our joc quality for 25c a yard. Several lines of Fine Klack French Dress Goods, 85c quality for 47c a yard. CALL AND SEE US. Corner Third and Morrioon, PORTLAND, . - OREGON. T Ghand Mubical Concert. TheTreblo Coming Attkactionb. Mr. Shivuly Clef Quartette, under the direction of , lias at last succeeded in booking the Mra. E. E. Williams, ass'iHted by Port-1 famous Oarnita and her company for land and local talent, will give a grand the opera house for one night only, Fri , musical concert for the benefit of 'r?io Y. M. 0. A. in this city at Shively's opera house on Friday, Feb ruary 20th. The contata, ''The Old Clock on the Stairs," will be rendered, also a violin solo by Prof. Anton Zilm of Portlun 1, a p!.iiio sjlo by Miss Beatrice Barlow, and vocal solos by Mrs. G. E. Hayes and Miss Mabel Ruglund, be sidos numerous other specialties which appear on the program that will be published later. It will undoubtedly be one of tho most eventful concerts of the season and all bIiouM attend. About Completbo. The concrete walls of the extension to the Portland General Electric Company's station B on tho west sidu were completed Saturday evening by tho Pacific Bridge Co.. which has the contract for the work, and the roof will Ixj on in about a week. The new build ing is 88x112 feet, and contains seven suctions, in each of which tlio casings, etc., are rwuly for a OOO horsepower watorwlieel. The canal wall U also about completed, 20 of thu 22 bents re quired1 being in place. The work of re building this wall without interfering with tho water supply to tho factories or the passage of boats vhrough tho canal has been quite a dilibult job, calling for some skilliul engineering. day, February 19th. . This talented artiste comes fresh from her eastern suc cesses and the press speak in the high est terms of commendation of her wonderful dance creations and the very strong specialty features of her company. But the faintest conception of the reality can be formed of her five startling and realistic dances. "This is a rare treat in storo for the theatre goers of Oregon City, and Manager bhivdiy is to be complimented upon his ability to secure so meritorious acompany. The company includes, besides Oarnita, Chas. II. Whiting, Helen Lurvene, Edward Shields, A. D. Chase, the original Addie Favart, Mrs. Edward Shields und Alice Howard.' Nn.ua Y Won. Tlio oratoriail prizj contest of Portland University took place last Friday evening in the chapel. The contestants were Miss Edna Hngg, of Oregon City ; B.F.YanDyke, of Medford, and Clinton Haight.of Albina. Mr. Haight, wlio belongs to iho senior class, carried off the honors. This will entitle him to contend in tho state oratorical contest at Newherg the 2lith of this month. Mr. Huiglit'a subject was "The Qualities of I'olitical Greatness." The speakers all did well, und the markings A Fad Social. The lecture room of the Congregational church was filled to its utmost capacity Wednesday evening with people who had gathered to observe tlio nature of a fad social. Among the various representations were : Tho Dude, Astronomer, Mother Goose, Pagmn tin liiiitahi-, Peacemaker, Housemitid, News piper Agent, Religious Crank, Fancy Workers and Vuisin!ere. The judges, a.'ter careful consideration, conferred t'ao metliiilln m r.nir to Miss Ivy Itouke fur tho most elegant costume and to Mrs. Godfrey for being the star guesser of the evening Games were indulged in by) those present, and the distribution of prices by Mr. Dya, in his usual witty siye, cause I much laughter. Tho social throughout was an amusing, utiiquj ami unjoyalilo function. We inten 1 everyba'.y dealing with us shall be thoraughlysatisfied. If through error any transaction should fall short of this i leal, we sh ill treat it as a favor and not an annoyance if you come back and tell us about it. Marr & Andrews, grocers. were very close between Miss Itug and! Jt is wonderful how cheap you can Mr. Haight. got a hat at Miss Goldsmith. Asa Sandkhb. Asa Sunders, nged 73 years, died last T uralay morning at the Gladstone hospital. Since 1853 he was a resident of Molalla, living on a part of the Matthias Swegle donaiion claim. He was an early settler in the AVillame.to vahey, taking a donation land claim on Howell prairie, in Marion county. He served one term as county commissioner about 20 years ago. He was a man of much stability of character, and was highly esteemed. The widow und Mrs. C. T. Howard of Mulino and Mrs. A. S. Milligan of Mt. Tabor survive. LABOR EXCHANGE NOTICE. The Lkaves op Nature's Book. The face of the cut at the hea 1 of Fifth street shows about 33 well define.! stra a, and if it was made deeper no doubt many morj wotill bj revi.tleJ. Thousands of years passed while the exposed strata were being deposits 1 by the sea. The house upon the bluff on the south side of the cut will, after some years, have to be anchored to balloons, unless steps are taken betimes to prevent the caving in which oceura every winter. A meeting of tho charter members of Oregon City Branch, No. 185, of tho Labor Exchange, will be held at Justice Scheubel's ollice on next Monday even ing to complete the organization. A charter has lieen received from the head quarter at Independence, Mo., and the branch is now ready tocoinmenre active worit. All those who wish to join or help the down-trodden laboring class should be present. The initiation fee is I which entitles you to a life member ship without any extra cost. Anyone wishing to become a member and can not bo present on Monday evening, can sign obligation and leave fee with A. W. Oheney, secretary, at Oxhihr office, at any time. We could fill a page of this paper tell ing the good qualities of Tim Rural New-Yorker, but would rather let it speak for itself. We would like your opinion of it. Get a Iree sample copy, ami then you will want us to send it and the Courier both one year for fJ.00. For sample, address Tim Rurai, New Yorker, New York. X "I suffered with bronchitis for nearly Cvc years. ?.:y rl-.ysicicn prescribed for ir.e wilhm.t prori::. Ticklish Tlte. ciu;; favorable rc-uU . aUvijiJ n:c lu I y A: Pictors'.. 1 hai- t tiei (if tlii i BttC-.iJu;, .1.. 1 l.rr, Ciiti ' : : T t .. it ill t id como nearer be::-; trae, than cousi:. Do vou kr.o-n- to. f, threat, thct 70U vrritho ct lost you break out Y7hy cot ccro tho coush and enjoy unbroken rest? i cu can go co by usinj r.ro ticklish f . 'wiifro dofc3 tho t- : "I U-I:i . I'D :o-tv tin c.r o (1 c rover 0 0 fetjlinrr? I'.io ticliilcrr Li f.ia under :.ud flj!:t rsslnst, until in r. parczysm of co"?hinrr? i-. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This testimonial hundred ciUers. J-'ree. be fonrd ia fu!l in Ayer's Aiiureii J. C Ayer Co., Lowell, Curebook " with a Mass. I LOCAL NEWS ITliMS. j lr. U'. K. Carll visited Salem lar-t Saturday. Mrs. Albert Schilling 1h visiting friends in the city. W. 15. Shively made a business trip to MeMiiinviHo Ibis week. Mrs. 8. W. Hiilmes vi-iled relatives in Saltan during pant week. W. J. Lewellen of Springwa'er hi' 8 been appointed a notary. ihkm i'.ngiiH!i ureakfast Tea 20c or 3 lbs forwent Norton's. D. W. Somplo of Kvening Telegram visited Oregen City Thursday. Rev. T. L. Jones, who has been very low, is reported as improving. Senator Rrownell and Representative L 'Ren sjient Sunday at home. Miss Mablo David of Newbcrg has U-en visiting Miss Winnie Williams. Six pound packages Soda or Salaratus for 23c at Morton's grocery and bakery Alliert Fuller arrive! Monday from California to join his wife and children. P. E. Cox, special clerk in the U. S. land olliee, will soon leave for tho East E. G. Farnsworth and Jake Rinear- son left on Monday for Rowland, 15. 0. Llmer Dixon and G. 0. Woods have been laid up part of tho week by illness. J. Prichard is very low with quick consumption and is notexpectedto live. License to wed issued on 10th to Mary L. Pelky and John U. Stewart Choice Raking Powders at 15 cents per pound can, several kinds, at Norton's Mrs. J. Gleason who has been quite sick for several weeks is tlowly recover ing. Jake Charles of Dalles woolen mills arrived Wednesday to visit friends in this city. W. A. and F. F. White received word on last Friday of thedeath of theirsister in tho East. T. W. Clark of Bin Jon woolen mills arrived Tuesday and is spending a few days in town. Joseph Kuorton.of tho Oregon City Soap Works, made a business trip up the valley lust week. The three-year-old daughter of George Marr gave a party to her little friends on last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Merosso gave a party to a few of their friends at their home on Monday evening. Prof. Swiuiton will give a Valentine piuty at Weinlmrd's hall on Saturday evening, February 13th. Geo. Case, who has been in San Fran cisco for some time, came home Tuesday to visit his parents here. Tho impurities in the blood which cause scrofulous eruntion are thoroughly eradicated by Mood's Sarsiiparilla.,. Married, 011 Sunday, by Rev. A. J. Montgomery at Presbyterian parsonage, Evan R. Williams and Clarabellq Ely. Carl Grillith returned to Salem Satur day. He has been spending some time with his sister, Mrs. R. A. Miller, at Gladstone. There are 37 candidates at the county school examination at court house this week and one candidate for state life diploma. Tho notorious Mrs. Jennie Melcher, formerly of this county, was this week convicted of perjury in tho Multnomah circuit court. v There will be preaching at the M. E. church next Sunday morning and eve ning. Rev. E. F. Zimmerman will occupy the pulpit. Edwards Bros, have moved their general merchandise store from Elyville to the Ruck building near head of Seventh street steps. On Saturday W. S. Tull of Barlow as signed to B. C. Curry for benefit of his creditors. His liabilitcs are (1431.74 with no assets to speak of. The salmon eggs shipped from Cali fornia to Clackamas hatchery have hatched and now Superintendent Hub bard has over 3,000,000 young fry. A novel party in the style of a geo graphical social will be given by the Ladies' Aid Society at the residence of O. E. Albright on Friday evening. Lawrence k Church have commenced the excavation for E. L. Johnson's new barbershop building on H. O. Stevens' property next to T. F. Ryan's office. II. J. Thorn has sold his abstract bueine'B to Clackamas Abstract Co., J. F. Clark, manager, and will shortly leave for Montana, where his brother resides. Columbia H. A L Co. will give a dance on February 22d, Washington's birthday. Every citizen of the town should buy a ticket to the dance and help the fire boys along. Burnieister & Andersen have received a large new burglar proof safe and the safe formerly used by them will take the place of the one blown open by robbers in the postoflke. In the suit of Sarah Blackburn vs S. P. R. It. O. in supreme court, the former has been allowed till March 15th to serve and file brief. This case was appealed from the circuit court of this county. R. L. Holman has just received a large stock of new wall paper from factory direct and is now prepared to furni.-h all the latest papers at very reasonable prices. Xew location in old I M. Evcburch building. j F Tho class of "i)7 of tho high school was organised last week. tieo.Swafford was elected president, Miss Mabel Ilanne gan secretary and Miss Annie Dunjio treasurer. By an unanimous vote tho members sehrte I white and blue as the class colors. The delinquct tax list for lH'.io has been turned over t sheriff and will bo re-advertised in a few days. About 113,000 remain uncollected. This is the list that was advertised once at a cost of aliout $ 12-iO and declared illegally done by circuit court. Richard IYtzokl. the leading meat market man, lias just received a car load of Eastern Oregon steers whic h 1 will convert into tender steaks for his customers. He can be relied upon to look out for good things for the cus tomers of his two shops. The Courier in under obligations for an invitation to the marriage of Miss Inez Naomi Marshall and Thos Ryan, which takes place on Wednesda evening, February 24th, at tho residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs A. J. Marshall, 303 Lincoln street Portland. The body of a in tie infant was found under the iron works in Oregon City last week and was turned over to Coroner Godfrey. Ho summoned a jury and adjourned for one week. The mother of the child lives jiear Macksburg, ac cording to reports, an 1 is a pjr ignorant girl that is to be pitied. Dr. J. H. Miller.dentist, has opened a dental office in the office formorly occu pied by Dr. John Welch. Dr. Mille does all kinds of dentistry and has nr rangements whereby lie can fill teeth at night as in day. 0.11 :e on Seventh street, near Sjutharii Paciflc depot Prices to suit thd hard times. George A. Grossmiller of Mink died of lung fever last Thursday morning at the residence of his son, Jacob, at that place being 69 years of age. Thirteen years ago the family came from Germany to ibis country, Mrs. Grossmiller dying in New York. Nine children are living in different parts of the Willamette valley Edison's most wonderful production is his Vitascope, an instrument which produces the actual movements of tho body, as though the persons were actu ally before the audience. The people of Oregon City are to be given a, oppor tunity of seeing this most wondorfu invention at Shively's opera house on next Monday evening, und an entertain ment will be given which will pack the house from stage to door. Accompany ing the Vitascope is Prof. D. W. Prince with illustrated views of Lieut Schwatka's expedition to the North Pole, a trip to the World's Fair and Mexico. Seats to any part of the house 25 cents. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I taawtaiim isnmnw sj animiMi iMnmwssm i iimHunmim imnnsljtriii: 9 thiWASHDUT m vi- j j . f STRINGS AND EXTRAS fUR ALL INSTRUMENTS. The bankrupt miIm of dry g imlH and clothing is rapidly drawing in h i-.m Immense bartrains Hre being flleri-ii, Did jou see iIh-hh ladies' gloves at 1 Or a pair and the r-bk veiling at 8: a yard? These goods NieaM ' i 11 it goldd-d up fast. It will lie to your interest, to talt advantage of Ibis siiIh. id l -r 1ht jIikt, tci t i;d kK le iioilh of the Oregon City Bank. Special Corporate fleeting W.S. & L. A. A special corporate meeting of the shareholders of the Willamette Savings and Loan Association will be hel I at the ollice of the Bank of Oregon City, Febru ary 10th, 18'J", at 7:3 1 p. in., for the purpose of nominating directors mid auditors to be voted for at tho annual oarporato meeting tu bo held on M irch 20th, 1897, also for the purpose of elect ing two tellers to aj at sail annual cm. porate meeting. By order of E. G. Caukiei.d, Pres. Attest : II. K. Jux'km, Sec. Miss 0. Goldsmith is selling her stock of winter millinery way below cost.mak ing room for her immense stock of spring goods. Sewing Machines Cheap Want a sewing machine? Gel a good out foi $35.00 with fi vt-years giiitriiiiice ; $5 III) down and $5.00 per month until paid. See Bellomy it Busch about II. flore rioney in Poultry For amount invested and time devoted to it than anything else the farmer raises, it has become a ninxin, "Raise poultry and raise the mortgage on your farm.'' The "Poultry Keeper," Box BB, Parkesburg, Pa., at liity cents a year is the leading authority on poultry raising, sample copy Iree. . . ' Old People. ' Old people li rt-cpnre nifdiriiip to regulate the Iiowpm mid kidm-vx will find the true remedy in Electric BitP-n. This meuiciiiH cI.im. not hM'miiIhi and contains no whisky nor other int. .x ic.in r vut acts as a l"iiic ami alterative. It acts mildly on hiomihi-Ii mm b'els. adding streniili and givimt t ine tu th" orifans. thereby Hiding Nature in the performance of Iho fiiiif.-liiin. EifLirie Bitters is an pxctdlent w.ipwizer and aids digestion- Old IVple find it just exactly what they need. Price 'tOcHiidll per bottle at Cbaruian & V t.'n Drug .Store. Ail the elements that nature demands to make the hair abundant and lieauli ful, are supplied by Acer's Hair Vigor. It keeps the scalp free from dandru!!, prevents the hair from Incoming dry and harsh, and causes it to be rich. flexible, and glossy. I BURMEISTER UNURESEN. Mall order, for atriiix will receive prompt allcullnu. MANDOLINS, CUITARS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, AUTOHAEPS, ACCORDIONS II HMkBMftBHHBHIkVBVHHBIMMRSBlttaSW I I I I I I I I Valentines ! Valentines I COMIC AND SENTIMENTAL... As I brenlho my mossnxe tohck-rly To the tlowors they .ecm to lee I II, O happy llnwers O Imt'pk'r I If to you llity but reveal II. "The Bazaar!" L. A. Patterson & Co., Sth nod Main Mtreeta. C. N. GREENMAN, IHS riONXtR Express and (Established 1805) Prnymah r Parceli delivered to all parti of the city. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer L Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on each Saturday uu ou reitiMHr session oars or County court. JOSEPH RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office In Oiogon city Bank Block. OK BOOH CITY. .... I.BROON. Bank of Oregon City. OI.DKST BANKING IMUSK IN Till CITY I'ii Id Up Capital, f. 10,000. Surplus,- $20,850. President. Vice President. 'ashler. Manager, . Thohas ('harm AH Oko. A. IlAKniMfl K. O. Cahhiu.d Charlks II.Caiikikld Theyj Play Hard And wear out lots of shoes, tlione youiigHteriJ of ours, and make the shoe bill )retty large for a limited rnirt ;not nearly bo large if you take ad vantage of the uIoho iriues we are giving you on all sizes of Hoys', (Jirls and Little Children's SHOES. KRAUSSE BROS Buruielstcr A Next Door to Audresem. .J Oxo. C. Baowmu. J. U. Campbili BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Caudeld BulldltiR '' Oregon City ,Orr THbS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker ' Lkadino Insurance Aiikkcy nr Clackama County, Monev to Loan. Abstract of Title Marin. Drawing of Legal I)hiiiiii'iiIb a Spui'ialtt Ollice on east side or Hum street Between 6lh aud 7lli. OREGON CITY, OREGON. K General Hunting Business Transacted Deposit Kecelved Subject in Cheek. Approved Bills hiuI Notes Discounted. County and City Wrrmu bought. Loans Mrnleou Available Security KKclianire Bought and -Md. Collections Made Promptly, Draft Sold Available in Anv Part al th. nri'i. Telegraphic Kxchange Hold on Portland, Sao Francisco, Chicago and New York, Interest Paid ou Time Deposit CITY VIKJV ..NURSERY... Apples, Pears. Cherries. I'lunis and Prunei, Hillinn ami f,ilii, 'vrM'tarloei, Almonds ami Penal) Trees. Flrsr-Cliss In Kvery llcspect. holcsale and llel.ill. I t nnV 'R,.. rile for rrices. j. J. fl. LUA. NOD. , r Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. OKKGON, n the Street between the Bridge and tht Depot. Double and slititle rigs and saddle hones ' ways on hand at the lowest rates, and a corral slso connected wan the tisrn lor loose stock. Any Information rea-ardlnir anv kind of itonk prompt It attended to by letter or person. HURNEN IIOUmiT OK NOLI) AMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you bqy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what .1 w you Dtiy. wines irom 75c per gallon to $1.60. I-aniily entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. C. D. & D. C. LATODRETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate ti, Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial ORE60N CITY, Bank Bulldla OREGON. E. F. ORIGGS. ATTORNEY at LAW Ollke OREGON CITY. Two Doom South of Courthoun J. W. WELCH, WII.LAJIKTTE BLOCK, Oppusiti P. O., Oiikoom City, Oiii, The Commercial Ban! OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Builne. Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes lections. Hnys and sells exchange on all poll lu the United Htates and Kurope and on Hot , Kong. Deposits received sullied to check. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P, M. D.C.LATtltTRETTE, F. K. DONALDHO President. Caabh H. STRAIGHT, PEA 1.3 It IN I'llflXK 30. SIXTH AND MAIN iTitEi;rs. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cnstoria. & I GEO. A. HARDING, DKAI.fR IX IP DRUGS Standard Pat. Madlci nes. Fnlntfi, Oil uri'l Wfri'low dn, PrefCriptionm ArcttrfiUtg tj wtpvundetf frAKIMSfl'ff IllJCtf. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA. Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measui given ; delivered to any ' part of the city. Try Holtmi iiitlrjr nil be Con vliinsd JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsominjr. Leave O-rlcrs at Eljr Pros., on Keventh Strex ' Oregon ' it jr, Oregon . Wanted-in Idea S Who mo thlr ' tomi ilmp thlDsT to It1I Pmtet Tonr Mmn; thrr rrf trio 70a wli Wrlt JOHN H fcJjDKHlil'k.H A CO., Haunt Att. Bert. Wanhlnfflon, It. C, f. r thlr !. tim ofl-. mad llflt. 1st iNw tiunurtxl luvcaiwut wauus1.