Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, February 12, 1897, Image 4

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f-lty a.nl County O.Tlclal Paper.
Ktll.-ri-iMtl !. i t'lly p,liifnVi.ii...c,.i,,., l,i,., m.ill..
One v'nr . , , .
Bit tin .'.
Tnr.... tviuiii )i
II pm I III alVAiiep, pir jrviir
aTOI'lle (tu". oiioiihilii V'Mir R'lllri'oN fill Hip
PUti .Km l;- I liu time l lilll.'ll )ou lluvi- paid.
Aiivi:uri.siNii lun-.H.
little Juo run only hive full swing .every
a ir. )j ri 1 1 i ii will lu! mi 11 par witli tint
extravagance displuye I in the HO clerks
of tin; senate.
I -v ii it ' 1 1 rtfH didivcrcl by TIiuh. V.
(!ator to thu members of the Labor Kx
change of San l'runeiaco ho declared
Hint tlio exchange wuh offering tlio
I ....I u,.i..ii.. (,...,..,.. ,.f . I...
2 00 I ,"1 ' 1 ri'lltll'IH .'..u ...
1 (xi l most gigantic problems ol lliu ugc. 1 lie
' ' . .1 I . I 1
in) store oi mo latoor j'.xcmiiigo in run
Luis Obispo wan tlio strongest com
mercial iiihtitnlion in that county
Tlio succens of lliu exchange started by
Ht'i't.llfi-f IhiIiiohh nilvrllxi-ito-ulM: IVr inonlh I on l....,;....oo, ....... I.. A 1,.......!.. 1...
-1 Ii-., -l.j. .,.., M .llincli... 1 1 4I.I..I ... --'" " ".,.
iii'ii''-i!ji'iiiiiinii)l."i.liiliii'iii-(iai'oiiiiiiii) waH tin) moHt practii:al(leiniinHtrut!on of
KnTi''-"""""' K""m"1" l" ',ur tl.o valuo of genu ino ccoH,rutivo insti-
I ri'l)"'lt lll'..rtNim..nl. t.e r....lr1 Itw.h ! tf- n...... .......I.
fji. , , ,. . ,j i : , " " unions ill exiicnt;e. .or. vuur niruun
w, in . In:i , , I 1111. 'M SI D . .
- HM. U ineln-a v .vi, hi InoIiph (li at tho root of tlio lnlor problem when
l.t'il a lv rilH(.tniniM: IVr Inch ttritt In- . . ... . , . i
K'TllMii 41. h,i,. a.l.lill.Mial iiiuotlo.. An,. A I . llO stilted tllllt tllO old System llllS gOIIO
flavin of ii i ,il aw iii will not Uv fiirnlalied until
l" .ii ... iii-ii nr.. pal. I
l'i"Hl ii'i'I"..:
per iiiiiiilli 'ill".
Klvu centa per lino per week.
to need aiid does not (III tlio economic
wants of to-iluy. Tlio exchange move-
inent in fprt-.i'linK rapidly. A shingle
mill hits liecn making largo profits for
u Labor Exchange of 400 members in
Kureka. Labor Kxeliangu saw mills
liavo also been oj..'iic.I at. other places
along tho Const.
Made and Merit Maintains thoconddenco
of the people, in Hood's Barsnparllla. Ifa
medicine cure you when nick; If It makes
all question that. iiudicint possesses merit.
Tib l'riM4 mtkesa mm of straw, labelo
him nil tniliist, mi l ilion proceo ls to Somb of tho New York preachers Hjieak
hcoI.1 him in n manner that would turn with a lxd'lnesfl in the pulpit that shocks
th, nel.ibra'.o I Sfr-i. O.mdlu green with tho prii'l inli into mental paralysis. In
vnvy. hiHiliscotirso on Sunday last at the Acu-
demy of Music, Itev. Thomas Dixon
AVinu and women form an important da'cd tho enmity of the Four Hundred
And conspicuous feature, of thu "bold- by classifying mankind Into tho "masses
up" n. Silem. Seemingly, when and ihe us," Ho explaine I : "Any
bl irioyin the voters, tn iny f tho legis- man who s iys lie is out of tho mass is
liitord hu 1 an eyo singly to the fun there, an am ami stainpg himself as a fool I
is in their job. know personally two or throe of tho
richest men in thin city, and I wouldn't
Dji.i.mih arts oonsidero 1 of more im- swap tho life of my dog for theirs
prtinuj th in human lives. The ex- wouldn't have it; you can't givo it to
. pu.i lituro oi a qui rter of million dollars mo. I don't say it's wrong to roil in
or m tro in tho Bradley Martin hull at riches, but there nro higher, nobler
thj W.il l irf, New York, is thu ciuso of wuys to use hf. Any attempt to rouse
iniiM niiv),)ip!r mil pulpit comment a scare on account of this clique is
Tbat l Just the truth about Hood's 8a r
ta parllla. We know It possesses merit
because It cures, not once or twice or a
hundred times, but In thousands and
thousand of cases. We know it cures,
absolutely, permanently, when all others
fall to do any good whatever. We repeat
Is the best In fact the One True blood Purifier.
thin t'u mirUtrin.; of 10) (Jab.m
piieihVod by tho Spanish butchers.
T.i Si'u.'iun railway will co.n$l7.i,-
00J,0iJ. I s length, including branches
t) tb j priu iiptl rivjM, will b 4725
mil j i. Td in Mint linous nature of
enljr.i Siluria brings tlio total co.-jt pjr
mil l t.i $17,000. This region is rich in
gjJdi,)niH. Next year tho road will
bj ! u,ilet.i I to Irkutsh, which point is
h.ilf w ly b.'twouu tho eastuau and west
em termini.
Lv.M.i v J. Uago, M.ijun MoKinley's
Pclecti.in fir Hei rutary of the treasury,
oxprj).ies the opinion that "our whole
iiiiiiuury system is the resultant of
nmkj.-iliil't 1 gislation an I iiuseieulilic
0j.n;)r.j.uiai)S." It U furtunato that u
nun his Ik-mi Hulected for thu must im-
)n'liii'- pi.it in the presidential cabinet
wrong. ben tlio little girl was tola
not to fear the dog, lecause it was wag
ging its lail.shosuid site wasn't afraid
of that end. That cliquo is no cause for
alarm. It contains the seeds of its own
death and do-truction. It ill rot from
within, and it would never be missed.
'Tin a humbug with methods con
temptible, and customs the essence of
vulgarity. 'Tin tho dog's tail. Any
man can enter its circle who lias money,
no matter how ho got it whether by
the salo of liquor, speculation, or semi-
piratical commerce. Thu question is
not 'Did hogjtit honestly?' butslinply,
"lias he got it?'"
Tills is the Time to (live Attention to
Your Physical Condition.
Tho warmer weather which will como
wlu has suiliuient insight to discern at with the approaching spring months
lo.ist one c iiisu of the country's linancial
T.IK total gold dupjsit in a tract of
ci'intiy I)) miles in length in Smith
Airi.ii i estimate I at $;l,.")i)i),O0J,Oi)J.
i this auriferous h ilt is sai 1 10 hav o
n Ijujlli oi 1200 mile), tlio number of
billimi oi dollars tli.it thu mines oi
Africi will prjluco is practically iucon
cjivible. linglislinicn are buying up tho
bj.4t luliusin tli j Unitjd States an litis
. j.Ht likj .lolin Bull to attuiupt to corny r
the g-ild output thu world over.
should lind you strong and in robust
health, your blood pure and yourap
polite good. Otherwiso you will be in
lunger of serious illness. Purify and
enrich your blood witli Hood's Sarsu
parillii ami thus "prepare for spring.'
This medicine makes rich, red blood
and gives vigor und vitality. It will
guard you against danger from the I
changes which will soon take place
(An i.r.lliiiiiieo iiutlii.rlr.iHK lkxiiiincc of Imii'lii
f.ir utrc'ct Improvement.)
Ori-ip.u City iliM-a nnliilii iik fnllnnn' (
SJKCI'IO.S. 1. THU riXAXtJK cdjimitti:
uf tin; City C'omti'I if Orrui.il ('ity,-(iilrlliiKf
Itii.lnipli Ko'Tiiit, Krank Hnieti anil 1.0. Cuplm,
....,l..W..I..PM.vnrt'u-lHrA.thin Uwl lire iiere.7 i.uior,wu . i.,p,iw,.r.M. u. prepro
j .. .r ..l.ll.ti. tl.i.t .tf wi.lil ii.iikiiii .'1... (I.
to lie known im On-ifim CltyHtrvct linprovi'iiiuiit
II11111I, duo 10 youra from Kelirmiry lot, 1'J7, for
tno anion lit of Tlireo lliinilrcil and Klfly KIrIiI
und No Onu-If iinilruiltha Liollar (I3;8.0U), to
ibiw Inlurciit from Kubruary lnt, Iwi7, at the rate
of nix 1T cent pur aniiiuii, payable lemt
aiiiniHllyi mild bond 10 ho drawn In conformity
with the provision! of the lianerolt liiindiiis
Acl; Haiti bond to bo nlKiied by the Mayor and
Kecordur of Oregon Cliy. 8ald bond iha'l hate
attached twenty lnterot con pom for the at-ml
annual biturvnt a it mutiiria lliereon aa afore.
aid, which ahall alao be signed by the Mayor
and City Kucortur, cither by original or fact
ilmllo aiKiiaturoa.
Sec. 2. I'pon the preaontatloii of aald imp rest
coupons to tho city treasurer of Bal l city, at or
after their maturity, he aliall pay the aauie out of
any fiiuda he muy have applieublo thereto
Sec. 3. The aald finance committee ahall adver
line the iaaulnifof aiild boiiil, u-klnu bida there
for, and ahall aell tho name to the hixheat bidder
provided, however, that if no aatiafaetory otter
la received, the commltlve la authorized to reject
any or all bida,
Sec. i. On aaleof aald bonds tho money there
from ahull at one be paid to the city treaaurorof
auid city, and he shall Immediately apply the
aame to the payment of the amount asaeaacd
aualiiat the property of the II. A. titration Eatate
for the Improvement of Seventh etrcet in aald
city and for the payment of the coat attaching
to the laauai.ee ar.d aaleof aald bond.
See. S. That the coata or expenae attaching to
the advertialug, preparation, selling, etc., of
aaid bond, and tho discount, If any, occasioned
by selling aald bond leas than par, ahall be
aaaeaaed and charged up to aald estate, aa a part
ol the coat attending aald improvement, and the
recorder ia hereby Instructed to enter the aame
In lien docket against aald property.
!-. D... cure nausea, Indigestion,
nOOd S PlIlS biliousness. 20 cents.
Mot rnni.M mnsacnger of earthly caro,
K'en a.nl'l-i orlnccly manhood bow.
If oiiglililHIuriM thy woildly aharp,
Up iii mniiiiulfiil of mother now:
Aa all mIi.iu life's ni'liing tide.
(lb v.i 1 nee; I hi friend Indeed,
And wlih many olli r Ihlnga besldp.
MuiInT de-erviM thy trusting heed.
A fostpr parent, brave and trnc.
Star of hopu Hu t plpaslug Joy,
Sytut.athy prof .uu l, do imt 11 into,
'N.ir her iilMaaiitrv of Hie d.troy;
A 10 her It ia auprpuiely given, ' .
Unylpl.liii lfvnl..ii, llily trace,
The h.iiai ul life, aii't Ikht of h -aveu,
fur tyof m.i.j, do not ctluce.
Ever 111 slekneaa, or peril wrought,
Thu preel.i is a. 111 1 1 standing by.
With ready h.ind and kludiipsa Irauglit,
A alpadfaat purpoip, not lu defy,
basting devotion, ami pureneaa uf heart.
Deep sliipprlty, and f.iiihful decree.
The slr.iiiK.Kl f.M'liugof love to llnp.nt,
The grcatu t friend on earth tu me.
Then father, brother, sister, I lend,
or the laila of vuiuiiful 1111. 11.
With oiipohhitlug purpoae lend.
When disluriii. g eleineiiia lutervenv;
And respect thy niolii 't's pr.'cioiis will,
Kver Hi.r.Htlng ner helpfiilueaa,
Anil with thy loviugalihe lolill,
A cup of obliging Kliidnvea.
While she onVrt a faultless l.lesalng,
Ami life and toll ineeu fiiee to faoe,
Mother'a word aeeina oil ref estiing,
With none living t lilt her l.'e.
Then with iiuaultlah wt-dnm, rally,
Unrlliii life's previiilhig slrite,
And uteer clear ol I. lie lolly,
Wlille inothur'a enilearl.ig spirit, ia life.
1 Ohkn.
Vlck's Floral Guide, 1897
For iiutIv half a century tiis Cata
logue of flower mid vegetable seeds,
plants, bulbs, roses, grains, potatoes,
etc., has come us regularly us spring
time. Hero it is iignin to remind us that
i 's time to think about our gardens.
This iss je contains hull' a dozen full page j
half-tone illustrations of roses, asters,
. Sec. 6. That nothing In this ordinance sbal
in any enr, be construed to meau tnut the city
hai assumed to pay or be responsible for the
payment of the amount aaaeaaed again t the
above-mentioned property for aald improvement,
or to release the lien against said properly, on
account of aald improvement, or to do any act
forbidden or which the aald city la not autho
rized to do by its charter.
Read flrat time and ordered published at a
regular meet lug of the City Council held uu
Kebiuary 3d, Is'j". '
Recorder of Oregon City.
Oregon city diva ordain aa follows:
w tun u.n 1. o rjsKso.N 011 fikm shall,
wiuiiu toe corporate bunla ol Oregon City
Oregon, conduct 11 billiard room or oard room,
or a bioinrd or card room 111 Cuiiucclluu with
h hieii cuara, lobuueo, uutioua or oilier ineruhan-
dleu laeoKl w.tlioul urst obtaining a license.
Sec. No licetiM! under this ordlijunee ihall
be Iralialeiablu or iiasiguablii wliuoat lliat ob-
tilluoirf lilt co.ii.uiit of lliu council. All licenses
granted liiiuir thia ordinau. o aioih oe aubject
to ruvociiiou til any tuau by ton council
bee. 3. Kvery pirsou or linn proctiihig a
II. ...... 11...I. p iliih ..r.li. ... ...... mi. hi. 1.. .1...
gold llowers, earnations und tomatoes. Cit). lmllllrc, 1U BU1U of i weu., !'..' lA.nar.
It seems full of the necessary informa- pn ijuuiter, toereupoa will: too uucipi ot me
tion for either amateur or professional. ' eny i'vuuicr mey shall upply .0 m. c.iy
Send lo cents to Ji.mes Yiek's Sons, I or,k'l' ,,v" """" '" bei.-..iuii.upuii.
, .. , , . , . , iippijing In uicoidancu Willi the nceipl ui Uic
Uochester, N. .. for 11 packet of either j l,uisurul,1,u11 lwcumiallKU by UlB ,,,,,,,,.
Yiek's Branching Aster, New dupan uii an mep.ovisioaa 01 ihiaomiuaiio..
Morning Glory or extra choice Pansy , . ,,,, un,,L.rsluo(i .,0,1,,,,, u(
ami a copy ui ick s tiorai uutiie. n j this ouiiua.ico do not apply to inner .nuou
you state where you saw this notice you 01 private cuius liuviu biinuru ruii..
will roceivj 11 package of flower seeds
Beat the World I
Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill;
Maiii St, Opposite Caufield lilock.
Two Shops. .... . Oregon Cltyr (Hregon.
.How to Secure and Hold..
The best trade is a perplexing problem
to some people, but its solution is simple':
FIRST Buy the best goods to be had, not once
in a while, but always. -
SECOND Make the price low, and let the peopl
know of it, early and often.
Attention to these principles has placed
at the head.
D 0073
Shop Opposite Coiijrrenutionul lib 11 '-oh. Main street, Oregon City, Oraa
T.lK tot d sum outstanding in lo tus, of
tluS ixm rami Loan Association, was
at t!u end of 18'.li 111,800.0011. The
inorlyajie certificates of tliu organization,
par viluu 100 murks, are quoted in tho
ljitl st .:!; market at 102.(15 marks for
tho oj.j pjr cent and 10;t,80 for tlio 4 per
cjnt certificates. The association is
undjr guvj nnieiit supervision, having
bjo.i ett!)lished by decree of the Saxon
ki t in l.S 1 1, and has prove I a hlusiiug
to tho fanners of Clermany.
T.n: tot tl apropriations of tlio present
congress, for the past two years, foot up
H.OjJ,0,M,000. One-third of tho circu-
lutin; medium of tlieeonntry isamm ally
uxpenlil in appropriations hy the
nalionil government. Congress has
never heeu more extravagant. The
Advei-t Isi'd l.oltcrH
lndlowitiijis the lint of letters reimiiu-
ug iiueuiieii lor 111 ll ie uregon uity
putt. irce. I'lhiuiiiy 10, 1S97 :
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ilenew.
er hits restored yray hair to its original
color and prevented Luldness in thous
ands of cases. It w ill do so to von.
Adkins, Sieve
Aldneh, (i'lliert
lluliler, M
llillingioii, A r
lSt'iiiler, Joe
('11111 i'h(, J II
Davis, 1 K 2
Gammcl, Henry
( ioldstein, II
Jesse. Sum
Jensen, T
Jones, W T
Kennedv, M 0
Miller, J C
1'rriee, Jacob
Hidgewuy, V M
Kiteliet, Frank
TliouiiiH, Win
Wliitton, Oscar
Otirruii, Myrtle Mervin, Mrs Mary
I'.vit.iih, Ali-ri. h Smith, Airs I'.lla
Jackson, Mrs Mary Wlntlock, Myia H
liore, Ida
If culled for say wlienadvertised .
S. It. Gbkkn, r. M.
XOiktK I'Olt I'lI'.I.IUATON.
J.iiiu.iry UHi, In;. .Si.tii i- is litTidiy (jlven
that lliu i.itlovviiiiihiiiK.i settlor li'ia lil.d
u.ilt.'u ot lua litifiiiiuii 1.1 111. ike tin ii iro..f ill
Mipp'trt of bia eta 111, and tbat m.i.I pro.. I will be
nia'if bf.ire (He It .'Ut.'r aii'l lljfiover at Or
Xuii City, 11 I'KOo, 011 Kelirii.uy 'J'.ili. I8.1", viz:
Pllil.il' A. MAIlQUAM,
II. K So. HW, f ir tbe NWlt .if.Se. 2S, Tp 6 f.,
K. t h. lit. uainea tlie f i.l.iw inu wiin hm-ii lo
(rove Ida t'. . 1 1 1 it . ui r.'slil'li.'e upon ami eulti
Villi. hi nl, mil I Inn. I. viz: William II. M izliiK".
H illliiin I" M il nine., I'rn.'n i '. W ll.iniiis ai.d
Henry J. TIioiiiiim. all of Willmit, (irnion.
ItOilElir A. MII.I.KK, ItvKlater.
Ons Hundred Dollars an Acre.
Oan only he made from onco source
. ......... - 1IM . . . I ... . .
average increase in expenditures during " T m-i rru uo 1101 pay.
.. , . . . .. l erliaps you may smile but have you
the last years has k'en $'.10,573,000 ....... i. .. .i ..,:...,, ti i....i...
ii i 1 1 mi 1 1 v , far in excess of the propor- comes in haiid' now in these scarce
tionate increase in poiiiiltttioii. When inoney times. The leading authority
or how Will this wastefulness be stopped? 1 IM1U '"'j" pounry Keeping is iiik
Wil . mill iililv Pfi tM tit'tv inntd ii vmir ir
Instc.M) irf cut ting down the expenses twenty-live cents for six months, or for
of the general government to meet the
ina leipi ite income, the McKinley ud
niiiiistr.ition proposes to take measures
to increase the revenues sullicieiitly to
meet tlu delieieucy. This means noth
iu.i but im increase of indirect taxation,
ul th.-expense uf tlio penple. Tinkering
with tliv' titrilT. it seems. w ill not end nn-
one dollar yen can get with it the four
Idt l.THV KKKI'k'K ll.l.t STRATDKS the IllOSt
wonderful Isioks published, with infor
mation on every subject connected with
the raising und comaining information
worth hundreds of dollars. Tint l'oi'i.
thy Kkki'kii is an nstonisher and leads
the world. Dolls for tho girls, games
for the boys and premiums for all who
get a lew suliscritHTS. lwo subscribers
til it will cease to bo necessary to make f''f six months, at twenty-live cents
t hancs in it to reimburse the contribu
tor. oi republican campaign boodle,
lly this method the laimlle is collected
fr m the people picking their pockets
w ilh aa act of congress.
luiierslttneit haa been duly appointed, by
the County Court of Clie k im ia County, Oregon.
executor of tlio lnt will ninl testament of
lllrain A. StralKlit, iltreiKe.l. All person hav
ing elaiina against aald eatate tire hereby untitled
Pi preaenl Ihrf aame duly verified, Willi voucher,
to imh at the utile i of C. I). .1 l. :. I.atoiiretle.
attorney at law, ill Oregon City, Uregon, tvltlini
six liiiinllis fr.nu this ilnte.
Dated, January 22 1, IW.
Exeeutiir Af..reaa!d
sptily lo t''e city eonncll of Oreifnii Coy. "
toil, for a a iloou livense to continue my saloon
Waled on lot 1 of bl.x k 4 iu tireiton t.'itv.
License to ilnlu fnim Fibruary . Imi"
riee. 5. A perauii or linn nuking application
lor liceonj n.iioi' lliid oivlui iiioj, sii.nl, upturn
leeeiving too a.iute, ex.'ente 10 I'm c ty ul
Oit'Koii City, Oregon, a bond in too a. mi of
1 iVo lluiiotid Lu.ii.rt, with ivo hui:ieieiii ai.
caiilies, tu bu u,.pioVud by tliu recurdi-r, oou
Uilioi.mi loal t.icy will not pL'r.oit uoy uo.a.viiu
j giiiuinif, or uisoiUeriy uouuilt.t in or aboiu tiua-
p.aee ol busiiiesa; and llinl tney will not imvc
any room or rooina iu oouuuctiou ,vnu loeir
piuce oi uusiiiosa lo ivtuuh auy ooicjroi too uliy
tai.uut liuva lieu and liiaunl aeeeas daring
bua.iicss iioora; also ttiat lliey will not u.loiv auy
uaiuu or K.oiiua lo be pla)J u.eel lu u ni .u
puoilc rueui.
6ee. ii. Any person violating any of thu pio.
visions ul una ordinance, ahall be dte.ueu eiiiity
ol a iu. a .eiuuanvr, and upon i 0.ivxa..u lliureoi,
aliall Ou iiuprioi.IKd iu lliu c.ty juil not uioiu
li.au Uiiity days, or auull bo ihioj m any sum
not eAUeeiiiiig onu liuudred Uol.ar?, aou aucli
Iiliu und custa alia disbursement ul mo acuoi.,
and toe cost of keipiugaueli prisoner in jn.l may
be rueoverud in an aotiou by loo city ol Oru.'un
City iigainal li.e aunties of me boii.i i.fu.osaid
Kead first lliliu and ordered published al t
regular meeting of City Coition lul.l on
Feuruary IIJ, lit!.
TI108. F. 11YAN,
C.tv Kevorder.
'S A ORACHRunrtnnrt'MATWM relieved
OVlfVtiy Dr. Milcii' Nerve Plasters,
Our Store
As Sec It
is a wonder of grandeur,
1 unity n nd Laignins.
1 id In tt cf jiccds frtm
line rrd abroad. A
vii tt variety to e elect frcm.
Mu.y articles and styles
i.tt to 1 e IcitLd any w line
cite, litty oiiortunitic8
lo eve everything. Ko
it nij ttlf-h n to keep nfltr
jtu Iiuac Icmtht, if not
mlilitd. l'irltct Eiitip
Ir.ilitn i"h quulitiis.
Ittkit icntidiuce tint
.iiits pie It west.
Ciritul Merchandise
Me t
That every clay our store is filled with buyers t
from every part of the city, regardless of distance? I
There must be some reason. People especially t
ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless
there is a reasoin. f
IT IS 11ECAUSK we have established a reputation for abso
lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table
delicacies, and, our customers ase sure; of a
superior article and then the prices are right.
NErTHALGl A cured Vy
f-n.Li Onocont u close '
Dr. Miles' Pain
At all aruegbib).
1 w mm. I 111 lliu
t'OCNTY OK nc m:.-.
l ie. k .f Ceurts,
Slier J . .
Coin m Usionra,
SiNi r. republicans form a large majority
of 'he lower house of the legislature, we
mini 1 iy the blame for tho present fiasco
nt t!u door of the "grand old party."
Th it ih.'y are divided into Mitchell and
aiiti-Mitiiiell factions cuts no ice. It
i .in.Mier waj oi saying that they have allsys all pain, cures wind colic, and is
fallen o it over the spoils. The almighty i the best remedy for Piarrhioa. I
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Lire of tie dear people, is at the Imt torn
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M.m.iUv tf ev.-rv iti..iiili.
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Ol. 'Mill.
Cimili C.inrt meets "ii lliinl toti.Uy in April and
first M..nUy la Nuvenilr.
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oi:t:iioN cii'Y orrici:r.s.
i:. c.
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Iiv Penll a to.lllu lla -lii.. ia in I It 1 Alio! 'let .
.ft:i.M:.v'ra.fful s.,uabl.le. Sometime 1 calculable, lie sure ar.d ask for Mrs. I iVVtveZ'K'". ".'
or an. :!., r, the people of Oregon will ; insow's Soothing Syrup, and take no i nv i.;u.i,M. . " ..
-t .1 Ih-ilvfull of reimlilicaniMii, and if '0,l'er kh"1- ! C u -iim-n-r. K.-r.er. t. ,
tli. y liave imt now, they need a few i lireat reduction in '.rimmed hat? at I " J
inoro heroic duces of Simonisin. If Mi.. i:,d.ll.;il,'. I Council 3 WeJ.i..Uj of nth mo. Hi
Can Aetd
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