J GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Greatest Bargains on Earth... .. Ladies Don't Miss It JT INCLUDES EVERYTHING IN STOCK. Every Cape, every Jacket, both Misses and Children's at HALF PRICE. No fjarment will be carried over. If you have not as yet purchased a cape or Jacket, don't delay, call on us at once, and make your selection. You will save at least one-half the original price of the garment. OUR GREAT DRESS GOODS Department, which has no superior on the Pacific Coast. The goods i this department will also be sacrificed. All of our Oc quality for 25c a yard. Several lines of Fine Black French Dress Goods, 85c quality for 47c a yard. CALL AND SEE US. Corner Third and Morrison, FORI LAND, . OREGON. Maodelbx Homk. The Magdelen Home, which has been on East Twen tieth and Oregon streets, Portland, for several years past, has moved into new and commodious quarters about a mile north of Oregon City. The institution has very fine buildings in the new lo cality, and has besides considerable grounds surrounding it. The home has several buildings out on Oregon street, occupying about a block of ground. They are now deserted . It is not known What will be done with the property. The new location is regarded as an im provement over the former one, says the Oregonian. It is more retired, but is not far from the East Side railway. The institution accomplished much good Work while located in Portland, which Will no doubt be continued in the new building. - Lowest Fire Ini. Rates F. E. Donaldson Y. M. 0. A. Officers. At the annual meeting of the board of directors of the Young Men's Christian Association, the former officers were re-elected for the ensuing year, as follows : L. 0. Oaples, president ;Robert Warner .vice-president ; E. E. Martin, recording secretary ; F. E. Donaldson, treasurer. Levi Johnson, general secretary. Tho finance com mittee was instructed to arrange for a systematic canvass of the city for funds to buy a lot and erect a building for the association . Reliable Insurance F. E Donaldson. Tis Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. August Krickson of Muliuo entertained about 70 of their friends and neighbors last Tuesday evening, the occasion being their tenth wedding anniversary. The (presents consisted of nearly 40 useful articles of tinware. A bountiful supper Was served at 11 o'clock. The evening Was spent in games, social conversation and dancing. Everyone enjoyed him self. A Guest. Lirgost Ins. Business F. E. Donaldson Basket-Ball Contest The contest between the East Side Y. M. C. A. basket-ball team and the team from the Oregon City Y. M;0. A. concluded Sat urday evening in the boys' brigade -armony. This was the third of the series of games between the two teams. The two teams are regarded as the best an uie siaie in uasKei-uuu, ana uiey are evenly-matched. (reuonian. Best Ins Companies F. E. Donaldson, We intend everybody dealing with us eliull be thoroughly satisfied . If through error any transaction should fall short of this ideal, we shall treat it as a favor and not an annoyance if you come back and tell us about it. Marr & Andrews, grocers. 10 Big Ins. Companies F. E. Donaldson. Do you kuow a good farm paper when you see it? Send your address for a free copy of Tub Rubal Nkw-Yohker this Week. When you see it, you will want it. Then we will send it and the Cockier both one year for $2.00. For the sample, 1 1 rw t- - ir v York. . " My daughter, seventeen years of . age, was in very poor health by reason of weak lungs and a dis- tressing cough. At la?t we gave I her Aycr's Cherry Iettoral, an J after taking i'.wte bjitlej. the ) cough was cured. Che is no- iu excellent health, anil rapidly cough '13 somewhat like the email pebblo on tho mountain Bide. It appears utterly insignificant, until a mouae, perhaps, starts it rolling, and tho pebble be gets an avalanche that buries a town. Fatal diseases begin with "a slight cough." "But cziy coujrh, taken in time, can bo cured by tho uso cf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This testimonial will be found hundred others. Free. Address I. C. A hundred others. I Probate Court. Hiram Stralgh't appointed adminis trator of estate of H. A. Straight, and O. C. Babcock, J. W. Boatman and Wm. Kidd appraisers. Will filad bequeathing all his property equally among his six children: Mary E. Lucas, Jane Bing mau, Julia Frost, 0. B. Straight, Hiram Straight and John Straight. Final report of, C. S. and E. Ohase administrator of estate of H. B. Ohase received and March 1st appointed as day for final settlement. John P, Mobemann appointed admin istrator of estate of Herman August Mohemann and A. Petzold, Emil Jaeg ers and August Jaeger appointed ap praisers. Will of Angeline Ravely of California filed. . Resolutions of Respect. Whereas, in view of the loss we have sustained by the death of our brother and associate, Christian Wintermantle, and still greater loss sustained by those who were nearest and dearest to him, therefore be it R'toheii, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the departed that in regretting his removal from our midst we mourn for one who was worthy of respect and regard. Kefolved, That we sincerely condole with the family of the deceased upon the loss which 'it has pleased Divine Provi dence to afflict on them, and commend them for consolation to him who orders all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant in mercy. Resohtd, That our charter be draped for a period of thirty days and a copy of these resolutions be sent to the fumily of the deceased brother J also recorded upon the minutes of this Order and published in the leading papers of the county and North West Pacific Fanner, H. A. Waldkon, Mrs. Lucy Sciiindler, D. B. Martin, Committee, Warner Grange, P. of H No. 117. Just Received, A large supply of the famous German Washing Fluid. Try a bottle. E. E. Williams the grocer. Bankrupt sale of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats, underwear, notions, etc Goods going at ridiculously low prices Second store north of Oregon City Bank Sale now on. The prince of palate please rs, Blue label Catsup. E.E. Williams the grocer, Miss 0. Goldsmith is selling her stock of winter millinery way below cost,raak ing room for her immense stock of spring goods. You would be surprised to see the bargains in new and second-hand goods at G. II.. Young's second-hand store. Give him a call. It is wonderful how cheap you can get a hat at Miss Goldsmith. ' Save your hands, Save your back, Save your health, Save labor, by using German Wash ing Fluid. E. E. Williams the grocer. I A Gouge's Coffer! E may not ba so full a3 ho wishes, but if ho ho will neglect iia cof- I 1C1C1 awmio UiJU ULMJL 9 - .u;l i -n d to that cough. A clight in full in Ayer's "Cnrebook' Ayer Co., Lowell, Mau. with a LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. P. V. Moroy visited Salomon Tuosday, M. Kllngor visited Salem Wednesday. Postmaster S. It. Green visited Salem Tuesday. W. S. U'Ren visited Oregon City on Wodnesduy. George McDride, Jr. of Astoria was in town this week. G. R. Miller of Highland has been appointed a notary. Born, on Sunday, to wife of O.Mather of Clackamas, a son. Miss Bertha Goldsmith returned Mon day from a visit at Eugene.. Mrs. McCue has been sick for some time and is not able to be up. License to wed granted on 28th to Viola E. Stubbs and Wm. H. Engle. Prof. Swanton will give a social dance at Weinhard's hall on Saturday evening. Mrs. I. Selling has been seriously sick for a week past with pneumonia. Editor Ohas. A. Fitch visited the leg islature at Salem last Friday and Sat- urday. .Mrs. Nellie Fuller of San Francisco is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Harding. A widow's Indian war pension was granted Mrs. Martha Jennings of Oregon City lust, week. John Lewthwaite will take a course in the Portland business college, commenc ing nest Monday. Oapt. J. T. Apperson and Dr. S. B. Smith of Eagle Creek left for Salem Thursday morning. Miss Angie McOlure of La Mar. Cel., has been visiting at the home of ex Treasurer M. L. Moore. Mr. Mosher, who was in the lunch counter business here, is conducting a restaurant in Rossland. E. J. Swafford of Salem was in town over Sunday visiting his father who is laid up with a fractured arm. The state council of the A. P. A. met at Salem last week. Clyde Evans of Stafford was elected as state guard. "Miss Pearl Carter returned to her home in Salem Monday after a visit with Miss Greta Strickler of this place. Editor Olinton of the Portland Toma hawk stopped in Oregon City a short time on Wednesday on his way to Salem. Mrs. F. T. Rogers returned Saturday from Gervais where she was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Hill. L. B. Moore of Junction City, formerly S. P. agent at Oregon City, accompanied by his wife, visito I relatives here this week. Mrs. E. T. GrMur of Bandon arrived during the week to be present during the fatal illness of hur daughter, Mrs. Har mon Greei. , A patent for a beer-keg guard has been g.anted Alexander H. Schram of Ore gon City. He h:is assigned one-half to M. E. Moore. Arthur Cliff left for Washington on Tuesday to get out 20,000 young cotton wood trees for the W. P. & P. Co., for transplanting. ' Married, in Sacremento, Oal., on No vember 28th, by Justice W. A. Henry, Charles Charles of Oregon City, Or., to Laura A. Nobel of Sacramento. Twenty-nine new members were elected at the Tuesday evening meeting of the Woodmen. A special meeting will be'held next Tuesday evening. Joseph Hess, a young man who re sided on the Hess homestead, near the Hatton neighborhood, died last Wednes day and was buried Friday at Arthur's Prairie. It is reported that thieves attempted to break into the postofflce on Monchy evening. Some one tried to enter J. P. Lovett's house on west side Saturday evening. When the organization of the Labor Exchange has been completed in Oregon City the Courikr will be pleased to take the checks of the concern at par on ac counts due it. Col. Alley's newspaper plant at Baker City was attached last week by E. C. Steffen, the city editor, for wages due. Mr. Steffen was formerly employed on an Oregon City newspaper. The Woodmen this week erected a fine monument over the grave of Henry Stock, a member who died last summer. Besides paying the insurance this order erects a monument for every deceased member. This being the first in Oregon City. Died, on Wednesday, at Clackamas Heights, Mrs. Ruth N. Green, aged 21 years, 4 months and 4 days, wile of Harmon Green. Funeral services were held at Mrs. Strickland's on Thursday morning, Rev. A. J. Montgomery offici ating. Dr. J. Miller will open a Dental office in the well established office of Dr. John Welch on February 1st, 1897, on Seventh St. near 8. P. depot. Dr. Miller fills teeth as nearly painless as can be done, and extracts teeth without pain, and will make artificial plates very cheap, and prices to suit the hard times. The most enjoyable party of the season was the one given by the Junior Dancing Club at Armory hall on last Friday eve ning. Sociability prevailed throughout the entire evening and after the dancing of twenty numbers on the program the party dispersed. Music was furnished by Cooke's full orchestra. The parties given by this club are always rechtrelte. Y. M. C. A. Concert. The following program will be rendor ed at the Y. M. C. A. musical and gym nastic concert at Shively's opera house this Friday evening: Part First- Overture, "HomeCircle" . Schlepesgrell Ground and lofty Tumbling Treble-Cliff Quartet "Morning Invita tion," G A Veagie. .Treble Cliff Quartette. Clarinet 80I0, "Coming Thro' the Rye" E S Thornton. Double Horizontal Bars. Part Second Balancing and Juggling. "Lullaby," Ernime Treble Cliff Quartet Solo, "Fleeting Day," Barley.... Miss Mable Ragland. Living Pyramids March, "The Thunder" Pousa The Athenaeum Club of Portland give living pyramids, and H. W. Wetzler, Dayton Ryman and A. B. Lamberson the triple brother act, Arthur Bowman and M unlock McDonald the double bar and James Duff the juggling. The Treble Clef Quartet consists of Misses Mary Conyers, Mable Ragland, May Kelly and Mertie Stevens and Mr. A. S. Dresser, sopranos, and Misses Imo Harding and Mattie Draper and Mesdamei G. E. Hayes and O. H. Cau field altos; Mrs. E. E. Williams ac companist and director. Cooke's orchestra will furnish the music. ' By The Falls. The joint meeting of the Hesperian and Willamette Falls societies was a most remarkable and long to be remem bered event in the history of those two literary clubs. Bavdorf'a hall, the largest public ball in the city, was filled to its utmost capacity, 100 or more being unable to secure seats. The two clul 1 ought well to be proud of their ability in bringing together such an aggregation of intelligence, wealth and culture as assembled to greet them. The program was well prepared and was well received Dy tne auenuve audience. Mr. Miller of West SideR, R. Co. sang an inspiring solo and re sponded to an encore. Miss Eva Kinney recited a much appreciated declamation. The dramatic club of Willamette Falls exhibited their matchless ability in two pathetic and charming dialogues. Miss Echo Samson sang a beautiful solo. Miss Maud Winslow delighted the audience with a fine recitation. Miss M. Persiful also delivered a Btiring de clamation. The debate then took place, question, Resolved, That Increased Wealth Does not Benefit the Morals of the People." The Heeperians supported the affirma tive and were represented by Ed.Meresae, Chas. Babcock, Fred Meindleand Presi dent Geo. Swafford. The negative was sustained successfully and victoriously by Messrs. Brady, Beach, Baker and Geo. Kinney of Willamette Falls. All the speakers spoke decisively and logically and the vast throng showered vociferous applause upon them. It was a aremarkable display of machless oratory After 'having heard a vocal selection by the Hesperian quartette which was well appreciated the meeting adjourned among a volley of cheers and huzzas Ofg Present. We have double rib umbrellas, dif ferent prices; the wind will not turn them inside out. At the Racket Store. Great reduction in .rimmed hats a Miss Goldsmith's. 50 lbs. of Coal A day would keep your rooms warm in winter. But that small stove will burn only twenty-five. Hence, discomfort and misery. A certain amount of fat, burned daily, would keep your body warm and healthy. But your digestion is bad, and you don't get it from ordinary fat food. Hence you are chilly, you catch cold easily, you have coughs and shivers) while pneumonia, bronchitis, or con sumption finds you with no re sistive power. Do this. Burn better fuel. Use SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver OiL Appetite z nd digestive power will revive j and soon a warm coating of good flesh will protect the vital organs against thi cold and the body against disease. Two tixct, 50 eta. and $1.00 Book free for the asking. SCOTT & BOWXE, New Vol. I GEO. A. HARDING SCALES IH HP ZDZRUG-S J3 Standard Pat. Medicines Palnta, Oils and Window Glass, PrtKriytimt Accurately Conpoundet HABDIWa'g BLOCK. I I I I I I I """WASHBURN STRINOS AND EXTRAS FUK ALL INSTRUMENTS. BURMEISTERJJNORESEN. Hall ordera for string will receive prompt auununii. I I I I I I I How to Secure and Hold.. The best trade is a perplexing problem to some people, but it's solution is simple : FIRST Buy the best goods to be had, not once in a while, but always. SECOND Make the price know of it, earl and Attention to these HARRIS' GROCERY. at the head. BARGAINS Tracing Wheels, 5 and 10c ; Gim lets, 4 and tic: Iron Bolts. 7. 9 and 12c; Tea Pot Stands, 4 and 7c; f adlocks. 7, 9 and I2c ; Uan Openers, 6c ; Carpet Tacks, 2 and 3o; Monkey Wrenches, 10 and 25c; Mouse Traps, 9 and 16c ; Rat Traps, 12 and 20c ; Carpen ter's Square, 26c; Screw Drivers, 3, 6 and 7c ; 23 yards picture wire, 6 and 8c ; Hat Hooks, per dozen, 12c; Gate Hasps, 5c ; Gate or Shutter Hooks, 2 and Sc. "The Bazaar!" U A. Patterson A Co., Bth and Main Street. C. N. GREENMAN, IHR PIONEER Express and Draymah 1 - T ( Established 1865 ) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be ai Court Home on each Saturday and on regular seiulnii day of County Court. JOSEPH RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Iu Oiegon City Bank Block. Okkoon City, .... Obeqon. JOHN WELCH, Ilentlnt. Rooms 76, 77, 79, Dokum Building. Portland, OkeooN. Many of my friends hat. trouble to nud mo) bene tliia card Bank of'Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING B017SI IN THE CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President, Thomas Crabkam Gbo. A. Habdino ' E. O. CAUriILD Charles H. Caufibld Vice President, Cashier, Manager, K General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Hade on Available Secant Exchange Bought and 4nld. Collections Hade Promptly. Drafts Hold Available in Anv Part of th. World. Telegraphlo Exchange Sold on Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. GAMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $ 1 .60. Family entrance on bixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. PHONE 39. SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS. JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Bros., on Seventh Street, Oregon Hit, Oregon. I I I I 1 I M MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, AUTOHABPS, ACCORDIANS I I I I I I I his 10 uc nau, nui um-c vays. low, and let the people Tj nd often. principles has placed Play L Hard And wear out lots of shoes, those youngsters of ours, and make the shoe hill pretty large for a limited purse ;not nearly so large if you take ad vantage of the close prices we are giving you on all sizes of Boys', Girls and Little Children's SHOES. KRADSSE BROS Next Poor to Burineiater AHdrewu'i, Oso. C. BaowNai.L. J. U. Camfiii. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Oaufleld Building: Oregon City ,Or THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Publlo and Real Estate Brokei Leading Insuranci Aokncy of Olackama County. Money to Loan. Alislracti of Title Made. ' Drawing of Legal Dnaumttuta a Hpeoialt; Office on eiut aide of Main Direct Between 6th and 7to. OREGON CITY, OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTI Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real , Estate an Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bank Bulldh. OREGON CITY, OREGON. E. F. ORIGGS, ATTORNEY at LAW OREGON CITY. Office: Two Doors South of Courthou.- J. W. WELCH, ZDEIISrTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Opposite P. O., Oiibook City, Ore. The Commercial Dani OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Traniaoti a General Banking Builnti Loans made. Bills discounted. Hakes i lections. Buys and sells exchange on all polo" In the United mates and Europe and on Hoi Kong, veposlta received aub)ect to check. Bank open from 9 A. H. to t P. II. D.C.LATOOBETTE, F. I, DONALDflO ' rresmeut. t;ahi H. STRAIGHT, DEAL! IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measurl given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton Ualry and b Coarlneea) Wanted-An Idea Protacl roar Meat; they may bring jam wwiu WrIU 6HH WlllDEKBDRN CaTPimM Attn r. Wathlatton, I). C for their l.a prta edit ad list of hiuKlnd laranuooa wasted.