Tin Bum Ohkkk Faik. The last nnnunl fuir of the Butte Creek Agricul tural aHHoclution wusaiuccoM finunclully and othurwine. Tlio nut profit to the -awocliitlon wui $78.50, which in a good showing coimiiluring tlutt tliu etuto fuir at Saluin did not pity, expenses.. Every nrtielo tuken from 1 1 1 i h fair to the ntuto fair received (lrwt promiun thure; some that received hccoihI pre m inn ul Itutto Greek received flrnt promiun ut the. Htate fair, Tliu aHHociation will reor giuiizo soon and now Htockwill bo insned anil the old takon up. Another fuir will bo held next fall. The following of ficer wuie elected lant week: J, It. White, president ; A. V. Pnvin, vleo-prui-l lont ; A. F.Jack, seitretary; F. .1. ItidingH, treasurer. Tlio ollicerd and A. V. Drake are directors. Reliable Insurance F. E Donaldson. I'io.vkkuh (Ionk. The following Oregon piontM'ra tlio 1 in Olackamaa county dur ing tho year 1800: Emigration of 1845 Peter W'u'im nenr Tualutiium Nov. 1 nnd Mary E.WiiiHton near DamaHcuson Dec. Oj 1847 Joseph T. Winglield at Oregon City on Jun. 17 J 1850 Mrs. E. J, Hedges at Cuneinah on Sept. 24; 1851 Lucius A. Body near Wilsonvillo on Nov. 6 ; 1852 Peter Puquet at Ore gon City on April 2 ; 1853 Mrs. Sarah L. Hayes at Salem on Dec. 0 (buried at Wilsonville) J year of emigration un knownJohn Higgins nenr Oregon City on Jan. 30 ; Seth Lewelling at Mil waukie on Feb. 21 ; Jacob Bobbins at Molalla on Feb. 15 ; Jacob Johnson near Clacka mas on May 25; Louis Hobhs at Mulino on July 6. 10 Big Ins. Companies F. E. Donaldson. New Excelsior Mill. Articles of in corporation of the Willamette Excelsior Co. were filed in the office of the county clerk on Tuesday. The capital stock is 5000, and the incorporators ar e : George Broughton, H. H. Johnson and A. W. Howard. The object of the corporation is to manufacture excelsior and shoddy in Oregon Oity. Two mills and a ware house will be erected just south of Broughton's sawmill. Work on the buildings will be begun very soon, and it is designed to have the concern in operation in 60 days. The new corpora tion will succeed to the business of the Willamette Falls Excelsior Co., whose plant was destroyed by fire a few months ago. Best Ins Companies F. E. Donaldson. Foa Damaobs. L. Toedtemeier on Monday begun an actien against Ohicka inas county for $710, $550 for the de struction of a threshing machine and 100 for injury to the team that was drawing the engine. Ihr loss was suf fered by the breaking of the bridge, over Kruse creek, near Wilsonville, the 17th of (last August, the engine, team and driver falling together a distance of 18 feet into the creek, and the driver mira culously escaping serious injury. The bridge is alleged to have been negligently nnd carelessly constructed and main tained. Lirgost Ins. Business F. E. Donalds on Grange Election. Warner Grange No. 11 f of New Era last week elected the following officers: Mrs. Label Mc Arthur, muster; Mrs. Clurama Martin, overseer ; Halsey Phelps, steward ; Ohas. Rider, assistant steward; Mrs. Geo. Lazelle, lecturer; James G. Foster, chaplain ; Lake Oasto, secretary ; D. Mc- Arthur, treasurer; Lorenu Lazelle, Pomona; Mrs. Ethel Waldron, Flora; Mrs. Benj. Hendrickson, Ceres; Mrs. Wink, lady ( assistant steward ; Barney Fredrick, gate-keeper. Lowest Fire Ins. Rates F. E Donaldson Stoi.b Pelts. Ike Lousignout, Wil liam Duval (alias George K. Kellogg) and Charles Hawk Saturday afternoon pleal guilty to the charge of petty larceny in having stolen 15 sheep pelts from Pe'zold & Gale, and in default of fines of $40 each were sent to jail for 20 days by Justice Schuebel.' The pelts were sold to the woolen mill. The first named is the son of A. J. Louisgnout, Who has served two terms in the penitentiary. Fire insurance F. E. Donaldson . Grange Notice. Theregularquarterly meeting of Clackamas District Pomona Grange will be held at Milwaukie, Janu ary 13th, at 10 a.m. An evening session will be held at which time the fifth degree will be conferred. All patrons in good standing are cordially invited to attend. Maky S. Howard, Secretary. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DO; MOST PERFECT MADE. A mir Crtne Cresm of Tartar Powder. Free v.ini An.mo.i'a, Alum or any other adulterant. -'O YilAKS THE STANDARD. MM P0HMD Labor Eiciu.swt. B. J. Sharp, a former resident of Oregon City and pastor of the M E. church at this place several years ago, will lecture at Pope's hall Monday night, Junuury 11th. Sub ject: 'Employment for the unemploy ed." Business men will find it to their interest to hear him. Ladies especially invited. Don't forgot tho hour, 7:1)0 p. m. Tnie St(k,kwhi,i.-1U,om Co. Edgar Keller, tho advance agent, arrived in this city today. Tho windows of this city will he decorated in a manner never before seen here. It is truly itrtintie. The following persons' are among those attending county court on business in Oregon Oity this week: Fred Ford, T. L. Jlintiu. Oscar Whitten, J. II. Kruso, II. Cans, 11. L. Pollock and J. B. Thomas of Oswego ; J. W. Boots, Jacob Johnston, Sunford Lawrence, Wash Smith of Clack amas; Geo. Handull of New Era; L. W. Shank, Prof. Dobbins, O. W. Armstrong and Jus. Hodges of Canity; Jacob and Carl Hueek of Barlow ; Geo J. nnd Hugh Currin of Currinsville ; Dr. S. B. Smith, J. Snter ami W. J. Hewlett of Eagle Creek ; Geo. Killin of Elliot Prairie ; W. II. Oounsell nnd R. Scott of Milwaukie ; Chas. Hoi man of Meadowbrook, G. W. Prossor of Oswego, T. L. Turner of Staf ford. The grip is all the rage now. During the past few days the following person s have been laid up with it: Thos. F. Ryan, H. O. Sloper, J. O. Bradley, O. Ohlson, F. R. Charman, W. L. Miller, Mrs W. A. White andmilies of R. L. Holman and S. Smyth. Merchants, business men, farmers, laborers, and those desiring to labor, will find it to their interest to hear B. J.Sharp next Monday night at 7:30 p. m., Pope's hall. Ladies especially invited. The police has notified the proprietors of all gambling games that sumo must cease operation. Probate Court. Wm. Stone, Jerry Young and D.C. Richardson appointed appraisers of estate of James T. Fullam. In matter of estate of SolomonAchom, new copies of original petition were substituted in place of others which were lost and petition of contestants dismissed. Estate of Almeda M. Anderson: Executor ordered to sell real property to pay expense of administration amount ing to $200, $1100 having already been paid on claims. W. II. Oooke aopointed executor of will of Mary E. Winston. . . Just Received, A large supply of the famous Gorman Washing Fluid. Try a bottle. E.E. Williams the grocer. We intend everybody dealing with us shall be thoroughly satisfied . If through error any transaction should fall short of this i leal, we shall treat it as a favor and not an annoyance if you come back and tell us about it. Marr & Andrews, grocers. You would be surprised to sea the bargains in new and second-hand goods at G. H. Young's second-hand store Give him a call. Save your hands, Save your back, Save your health, have labor, by using German Wash ing Fluid. E. E. Williams the grocer. CIRCUIT COURT. An Adjourned Session Held This Week. Judge T. A. MeBride presided on Mon day and Tuesday and then adjourned till Thursday, he having to hold court in Astoria on Wednesday. The following orders were made : C. W. Vonderahe vs AT m . and Sarah J. Shirley; heirs substituted for S. J. Shirley, deceased. R.E. Leandervs Thos. L. Sagar et als; A. T. Iluggins substituted for A. T. Higgins as on of defendants. Defau't taken against balance of defendants. Hop and Wool Advance Co. s. H. E. Wood and Ohing Chong Quie Co. ; judg ment for $100 lot damages against H. E. Wood and other defendants dismissed. Bobt. J. Batel vs Phelps S. and Jane N. Bates and II . W. Ooe; sheriff ordered to make deed to property sold and not re deemed. Harris W. Cook vs. W. H. Burghardt and wife ; default and decree of foreclos ure for $1000 and $100 attorney's fee, and 100 acres of land in section 22, 2 south, 3 east, ordered sold to satisfy the debt. Bobbins & Son vs. Mitchell and Mar garet Pelky ; default and .judgment for $63.85 on a store account. The Security Savings and Trust Co. vs. William O. Holman et al ; default and decree of foreclosure for $.358.40 and $50 attorney's fee, and land in section 1, 5 south, 2 east, ordered sold for the claim. State vs P. A.Marquam, allowed an extension Jof time until the first day of the April term of court in which to file and perfect a motion for a new trial. The first jury trial was that of the Cleveland Oil & Paint Co. vs. II. E. Cross, for $112. The claim was for ekid greasing compound, which thedefendant alleged to have Ix-en worthless. Verdict for plaintiff fur $42. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. J. S. Lovell left la-t week for California. Tho slate of Oregon has 1454 liquor dealers. Born, on Tuesday, to tho wife of H. T. Slinlen, a boy, Jesso Georgo of Saluin visited friends here on Tuesday. Don't forgot tho lecturo at Pope's hall next Monday night. Frank Confer hut been on tho sick list for tho past week. W. F. Hubbard left for White Salmon hatchery on Tuesday. Hurley Stevens returned to Eugene university on Tuesday. Li very man W II. Young made a trip to Silverton on Tuesday. W. II. Johnston returned Tuesday from a visit at Woodburn. It is wonderful how cheap you can get a hut nt Miss Goldsmith, Leighton Kelly will tako a courso in the Portland Business College. J. T. Drake of Marquam was in Ore gon City on business this week. J. E. Jack of Murquara visited the county seat on business Monday. The prince of palate pleasera, Blue label Catsup. E. E. Williams the grocer. The steamer Ramona broke her wheel on Saturday and was laid up a couple of days. The Misses Fuller ton of Alsea spent New Yeur's with their sister,Mrs. D. H. Glass. Ohas. Y. Galloway returned to Eugene University on Monday to resume his studies. The public school resumed work on Monday after being closed during the holidays. Edgar Keller, advance agent of the Stockwell-Bacon Co., was in town on Thursday. W. J. Beattie and J. H. Carrico have returned to their studies at Eugene University. E. L. Johnson of Farnsworth & John son left on Tuesday for a week's Visit at Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Tingle of Quincy spent the holidays with their daughter, Mrs. H. E. Cross. Mrs. N. B. Holland of Salem returned home Monday after a visit to her parents in Oregon City. Win. Krueger nas closed his tailor shop and left for Eagle Creek, to reside with his brother. MisBes Ana and Grace Baird of Port land visited their Bister, Mrs. A. S. Dresser, last week. Mrs. Alex Lewthwaite returned Satur day from Sherman, where a week was spent visiting her aunt. Dr. Kohler of Southern Oregon will assist in the singing at the revival meet ing at M. E. church this week. Miss Louise Rice left Sunday for her school at Mountain Road after spending the holidays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Evans of Kerns, Wash., were in this city last week visit ing Mrs. Evans' sister, Mrs. H. Tilbert. Miss Minnie Mader of Portland has been visiting friends in this city for the past week. She returned home Sunday. The proprietors of all nickol-in-the-slot machines that pay money were notified on Saturday not to operate same. Miss O. Goldsmith is selling her stock of winter millinery way below cost, mak ing room for her immense stock of spring goods. Ool. Isaac W. Smi th, chief engineer of Portland water works, died on Janu ary 1st. He built the Oregon Oity locks in 1871-73. License to wed granted on 4th to Maria Roberts and Ferdinand O. Miller, on 5th to Mrs. Gentrina Hornshuh and John Bentler. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams enter tained a number of their many friends last Thursday evening by giving a "watch party." For the month of DecemW thecounty clerk collected and turned into the treas ury fees amounting to $225.60, and the recorder $182.00. Owing to revival meeting, choir practice at the M E. church will not commence until 8:30 p. m. Mrs. Strickler desires a full attendance. Hon. Win. Galloway went to Salem Monday to attend a meeting of the executive committee of the soliders' home at Roseburg. F. W. Smith of Parkplace and W. H. Beach of Gladstone, who are attending Corvallis college, spent the holidays with their parents. f "1 have used Ayer's Cherry Pec- toralln my family for twenty years, asd recommend it to others fj coughs and colds, and whoopicj cough. Have never known a singlj case of whooping conh that it failed to relieve c 1 cure, when & tiatil Lo chacrjea Lip or changoa Lb cc.rti.i7 rssidesce. Cinjular, bn't itT, how man7 stubborn pocr-'D percist in camblinc, with Lealth C3 tho Btr.fce, v.hca lhs7 niijh'j bo c:'cctvLcJlj cured cf couch, col, cr l." trouble, b7 r. for cocea cf 8 The Y. M. 0. A. vocal music class promises to be a success. All who wish to Join should do so at next Tuesday nights meeting, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Kelly were given a surprise party by about 40 of their friends on last Friday evening. A very plenum time is reported. Born, on Tuesday, Decerning 2l)th, to the wife of Georgo Askins of Noedy, a duughtor. Mr. and Mrs. Askins former ly lived on tho west side. The ninth and tenth grades of the Purkpluco school lust week presented Prof. J.W.Gray with a tine Bilk urn brelht as a token of regard. Rev. Jos. De Forest held his first regit lur service at tho Episcopal church on Sunday. Ho will reside in Portland unless he finds a house to suit here. Fifteen new member will bo taken Into the Woodmen lodge in this city on Tujsday evening. The entrance fee has been placed ut $2 for a short time only. Tho Madison street bridge will he closed for about two weeks and Oregon City passengers will be transferred from East Sido by boat to Alder street dock. L. R. Stoekweel in "Mr. Porter of Texas' will appear at Shively's on next Wednesday evening. This is a first class show and should be well patronized. The residence of J. H. Howard was broken into on Monday evening but burglars were frightened before any thing was taken. The iron works were also entered. ' Bankrupt sale of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats, underwear, notions, etc. Goods going at ridiculously low prices. Second store north of Oregon Oity Bank. Sale now on. The Canemah Oemetery Ass'n has elected the following officers: Geo. Lazelle, Pres. ; J. E. Hedges, Sec. and Treas. ; Geo. Lazelle, Jas. Howell and Olempson directors. The annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. will be held next Monday night. Three directors will be elected and other business transacted. All members are invited to be present. The Multnomah county grand jury on Tuesday returned an indictment against the notorious Mrs. Jennie Melcher, charging her with perjury in trying to lay her criminal act on another. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Oatta gave a musical party at their home at Bolton on Sunday evening in honor of their guests, Miss Minnie Shumway, Miss Millie A. Hues and Mr. A. Magone. Last Thursday afternoon, the Arden Shakespeare Club met at the home of Mrs. Chas. D. Latourette, where the members were entertained by Prof. L. O. Carson of the university of Oregon, , Walt Wyland was arrested in Condon last week.charged with stealing a horse. Wyland escaped from the county jail at Oregon City about a year ago, where he was awaiting the action of the grand jury on a charge of burglarly. G. H. Young, of the second-hand store next to Pope's hardware, has purchased the stock of the second-hand store of F. E. Howe near depot. Mr. Young is a rustler and has built up a good trade since buying Mr. Howard out. Sanford Lawrence of Clackamas and Miss Martha Burton of Pusedena, Cal were married at the M. E. parsonage in uregon uity by Kev. T. L.. Jones on Thursday morning. The happy couple will make their future home at Clack amas. The G. A. R.andW. R. O installed their new officers Wednesday evening. Rev.' A. Hillebrand made an address which was well-received. 0. A. Miller sang two comic songs Hardtack and beans were a prominent feature to which the large audience did justice. The second annual state poultry show opened at Portland Monday. The follow ing fanciers from this city entered birds: Elmer Dixon, Brown Leghorns; Wm. Dixon, Barrod Plymouth Rocks; E.G. Farnsworth, Cornish Indian games; Lewis Scott, Black Japs and black pigons. A meeting will be held at Mulino on Monday, January 11th, to perfect ar rangements for the establishment of a creamery at that place. Nearly the required number of cows has been secured. Mulino now nas a saw and shingle mill in addition to the flouring mill. Woman's Relief Corps of this place sent as a New Year's present to the state Soldiers' Home at Roseburg two quilts, one of which is a mosaic consisting of 18 blocks, each bearing the name of the Union soldier nearest related to the lady who furnished it, together with the name of the company in which he served. Qpf,fJ rpf pn.jfrh I fJUiSI! tuiU Ucll! Tho man -wlzo ccc"j d v friendly acvico to "iilzo I coniething for that coujrh,'' A complete line of W Jewelry and Silverware Jl at U Burmeister No Use for Santa Clause... The MiiKiicllo .Attraction of our HOLIDAY GOODS... urn! LOW PRICES push tho Old Miin hhiIi. Wo liuual ul oil r bargains fur CHRISTMAS BUYERS... ' No matter how hard you are to milt, wo oh ii milt ynii, In now xoloolliini of TOYS. UAMKS, illll.I.S, FANCY (IODIIS. NOTIONS, Klc. Our HtH-lc 1m wiII HHHorti'd nnd romtirUt's tlio Qreatest Holiday Stock ever broiiKhl tit Oregon iiiy ah turn Is !Kr.Hi ami 1IKST awaits your 'lu-iectloii, and (he prior on all our gooil are EXTREMELY LOW. "The Bazaar!" 5th and Main Htreets. C. N. GREENMAN. THR PIONBB1 Express and Drayman "5 I Established 1804) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer I Deputy County Surveycr Will be at Court Iloute nn each Saturday and oo regular session days ol County Court. JOHN WELCH, Ken tint. Rooms 76, 77, 79, Dekum Building. Portland, orkoon. Many of my friends have trouble to Bud met benos this card. HARRIS' GROCERY TO-DAY HAS three cus tomers where a year ago it had one. It plainly shows that people will find the place where they can save money. 5c per lb. for Dried Plums. 6c " " Raisins. 20c " " Nice Tea. 35c for 2 lbs. Broken Java Coffee. 25c for 2 cans Table Peaches 20c for package Coffee. WILLAMETTE BLOCK, OPPOSITF POSTOFFICE... 1 Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOURS IN TBI CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President, Vice President, Thomas Charman Geo. A. Hakdima E. Q. Cadpiild CHAtXIl H. CaUPIKLD Cashier, Manager, 4 General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Securuv Exchange Bought and Hold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available In Anv Part of th. worm. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Ban Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. CITY VIEW ...NURSERY VANBY, OKUGON. Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums and Prunes, uauan aim rente, nectarines. Almonds and i'eaeh Trees. First-Class In Kvery Respect. Wholesale and Retail. I I PnV Dmn Write lor Prices. J, A. LUA. rlOD. GAMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $1.60. family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N, F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. PHOK 30. SIXTH AMI MAIN KTREKTS. o A & Andresen's jl o they! , Play Lr?. t Hard a And wear out lots of shoes, those youngsters of ours, nnd make the shoo bill pretty large for a limited purse ;not nearly so largo if you take ad vantugeof the close prices we are giving you on all sizes of Boys', Girls and Little Children's SHOES. KRADSSE BR0S, Next Door to Burmeister Andreien's. Oio. C. Bbowniu J. U. CAMraiLi. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . Caufield Building Oregon City ,On THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Iksubanci Aokkcy or Clackama County. Money to Loan. Abstracts ol Title Made, Drawing of Legal Documents a Hpecialtj Oltlce on east side of Main street Botweon 6th and 7th. OREGON CITY. OREGON, C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate ai t Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bank Bulldli. OREGON CITY, OREGON. E. F. ORIGGS, ATTORNEY at 1 OREGON CITY. Office: Two Doors South of Courthom. JOSEl'H RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office lu Oi'gon City Bank Block. Obeook City, .... Obioon. J. W. WELCH, IDEHsTTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Opposite P. O., Orkoon Citt, Ohi, The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking fusine Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes i. lections. Buys and sells exchange on all point In the United Htalos and Europe and on H11114 Kong. Deposit received subject to check. Bankopon from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. D.C. LATOURETTE, F. B. DONALDPOF President, Cast lit H. STRAIGHT, DEALJB IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregou City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton Dairy and be Convinces! JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Bf-moved from Hulmsn's Old Hland to Nex IxmrloCoi'Kixa Hmlilliig on tieventh Stret, Near l)i pt. Oregon City, On-gon.