OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. City and County Official Paper. lrtter lis or"gii City putofllci.aar'Wuinl-cliw. iiittttr, HUDsciiirrioN iutks. n ynnr . 2 00 MX nimitha 1 00 trw iii'inlha .VI HI hi uIvukt, per ymir 1 M City Board of Trade. Many persons, even members, Btem to have forgotten the Important factor the local board of trade bus been in the advancement of this lia-ality, and at the clone of another official year It may not be uiiiIkh to recall mime of the history of the organization. The Oregon City bourd of trade wan oruranixt'd Heptetiiber 2S. 1HH0. und at the Deceiiilur meeting the project of K'ttliiK a lirldge across the W lllniin'tte river here was set oi foot. At tlrst isr-nm Mii' i.,iv.n ymir a.mrji on iiio tlie county court declined to do any- ' ' tiiinir for the iirllg, tint the hoard or trade pii-ilifd the mutter and brought pumlc seulinieut to bcur on lite court ami the bridge was built, (.'lOOOO of tho C'nt belnif nontrlbiileil through the instrumentality or the board. The wagon road between Orem City and Oswcini wuh built through the efliirtx. mid to some extent, hy (lie money, of the board of trade, $331 iiO of tile cont coming from the treasury of the bourd. . 'I'lie ruined iokI through the Ah-r-nethy bottom tlilH hide of Moss hill was built through the work of tin liimrd of trade, an wn also the gravel ed turnpikH to I'll i k 1'hice. The coun ty Ma i to the United State hiitcherv and from there to Uiop creek wuh the result or the action or the Imam. The mutter of getting a roud to Euirle creek was a'so treat I v facilitated hv thia hoard. The river ro-id to New Era and the Molalla road really thesentl ment thut brought about theluaugura tion of a modern road system of the couuty originated wkli the Oregon iiy iioara or inula. '1 he cannery that was ho successful ly operat d hero in 880. was ttw-urwl through the elf rt of this board, AIVK!II-iXi JIAIKH. (Hiiudliiir iMmlticNN ii'h'MrllNcnicnlM: J't'r month I t -ll H.'J I.( 1 .V), .1 IIIClH'1.7', lllclll'H JB:fr Irtnlii'H i I'ciliimnif.' :i'.liiiiii'lii'(l1i'iiliiiiiii) H,'A Itu'liun ('!iiliiinii)Mt; yearly mir.i. I li per Will ll'-. Truiml.'iit ii'!v'rlli'iiii'iil: IVr wiM-k ' Ini'h ','Jlti"hi"i 7V. :i fl. 4 IiicIk-m fl2.i, I ok-Iii- 1 ..'41, In Infill . .VI, M Inchon A l."Kul ii WitiKmihmiIh: IVr Iw'li tint In ti I mi St. i.iich il l IiiImiiiiI Iiik.tIIiim !Ye. AIM rtiivlUnt p-rilli'iiti'iii will not trf turnip)!!.''! until olilii'iilliiii fi'i'N uri until. Imil ii'iili'i's: Flit! iimiIh ht lino for work. per iiuiiiili -iw y.XTH'tSl.r. IIOMK IMIIHTIIV. OKKCiON OITV, JANUARY 8, 1897. To Subscribers. The season of the year has arrived wlicn tlie proprietor of a newspaper autturully expects to receive some com pensation for his labors The amounts iuo us from subserilK'ra are individually amull, but taken in the aggregate they Mataint to quite a large sum. During tfwu hard times it tuxes all one's ener give to keep a paper alloat. Please try to end us a dollar or two on account, or if yon are unable to get the dollarandhave produce send or bring that and we will . allow you market price. LOCAL SUMMARY. Money to loan on good security by A , S. Dresser. The latest in tan's and walking hats, Minn (ioldsinith's. Don't forget the Racket Store when you are hunting barguins. Ilargains in trimmed and tintrimmed hutH at Miss Goldsmith's, Ladies' Kid Gloves, .assorted colors cheap, at the Kackct Store. Prescription carefully compounded '). A. Harding's drug store. For bargains go to Young's second hand store, next to Pope's hardware store For the best shave or hair cut to he had go to I'.G. Shark's shop. Shaving IU cents, Unties , gents ami ciiimrcn s tan nun winter underwear jUHt receive1.! at the Kuckct Store. Ladies, do you .like a cup of good tea? If so send to Marr A Andrews :or your teas in the future. Stumped linen", luce braids, tilo silks, stumping done and lessons in fancy work at Miss Goldsmith's. MULINO. Accokoino to census statistics, the average wealth produced annually by each manual labor worker is $2,000, of which ho receives as wages 34o. The - remaining $ 1,654 is appropriated by the "never-sweats." No sort of juggling can get around this uneven and unjust dis tribution of the fruits of toil. All those interested in the welfare of flio unemployed should attend the meet ig at Pope's hall on Monday evening, Mr. Sharp belongs to the Salem "Labor Exchange," which is a very successsul rganization. The "exchange" has built wharf and a warehouse, and will build aw efectric railroad from Salem to In dependence. A ot.anck at the report of Oity Treasurer II. E. Straight will show that the present incumbent knows how to loop books properly. You will also otice thut he does not' ca'ry 4000 r (TiOOO on hand when it can be used to edcem warrants and save interest on them for the city. The annual report, as are the quarterly oifes, is complete and you can tell by looking it over just Low the city staifds financially. As much can be salt of Recorder Ryan's repoit shell mill for poultrymen for sale cheap at the Ooi'kikk ollice. For your strings and extras for all musical Instruments go to Burmelster & Andresen's, who keep a full supply. The Everett piano stands without peer which was Instrumental in nutting fr sweetness of tone. U. W.Dunette about $10(10 of Im al money Into it and has them on sale at Mrs. E. E. Martin's was in do wle resoiiHible for the nils millinery store. unnVmtanrliiiir flint. i-funir.H In Mia ' stopping of the Institution. mat aeiieioua navcr wnicn you reiisn The Mount Pleasant Creamery was so much in coffee served at the best Wa are sorry to hear of the sickness of Willie Mulvey, but liope for his speedy recovery, Tlio entertainment held in the school house Friday night, under the auspices of the soelling school and literary so ciety, was so well attended that the school houso was filled to the doors. Quite a number from Liberal were pres ent. The program was nicely arranged and well rendered. The society will meet again Saturday night. The creamery mooting held, in the Grunge hall on Tuesday, December L'flth, was well attended. All present were highly pleased with the prospects and another meeting is appointed for Mon day, January 11th, when Mr. SlieuiiHon of Portland will bo present to address I the meeting, and perhaps conclude the llnal arrangements for erecting a cream ery. W'm. Kvana, who intends building here hood, is sick in laid. Wo hope nothing serious uils him. Geo. McOord intends moving the machinery for the new saw mill next week. The boiler and engine will lie An Enterprise dry bone and oyster pluced on sleds and drawn by several Treasurer's Report. To the Honorable, the Mayor and City Council of Oregon City. Gentlemen : I submit herewith a re port of the treasurer's office for 181)0: OKNKHAL FUND. Ui-culit Uttlanceaa per R. L. Holman'i re port $ 2M 04 City tuxes for la II 171 Wi is.tf..., filtrt HI Saloon liaime H'lu (liner " .T-'2 0 iMiiin Htri'Hl unii-miiienl l!Ki2 H'l Si-vencli" " (old) SH7 K't Kilil 2l!t US VVmi-r limit for i let., Nov., Dec.,'05 .'(I I W Oilier source l!!(l (XI To hi I Dixlilirn'itieiit" Warrants mini Interval on reileemi'd wurrants.. ' I'lllllMIIIH Ilulunee on liiiinl Irllt'lM ;ili .JUS! 1)1 . 1177 Hi , L'MIO (HI T) (HI ii AiimiJilniir&Hii jLiiiiili'iiiilA'iiiiiit&ii'iiiiiribiiii ilfilwiiiliiiiiiiflAii teams. January 4th. Xir. MACKSBURQ. another business extablishment which owed Its origin to thia board of trade. The board first took steps to have the government batebery located on the Clackamas. The activity of the board probably preveuted the division of the county in low ana again in cafes, can be secured at home by using Marr & Andrews' best' Furniture, stoves, guns, ammunition, hardware, etc., bought, sold and ex changed at Young's second-hand store, next to Pope's hardware- He will treat Eves staid Sew England is alarmed at (lie prevalent political corruption. A prominent Connecticut journal says of the "dealers in legislation:" "Let the mIca spread wide enough, sulllciently reinforced by the evidence of the eyes, that law is dealt in by brokers, furnished to order, made for the benefit of those ho can pay for it, and not to be had by those who can't set up schemes for it And then society itself is in danger. It aiay be the demagogue or it may be the mail reformer, but some day Bomebody will catch tho people at the height of thuir indignation and things will go Solaidy can look forward to such a crisis without extreme anxiety." Tub manufacturers are Hocking in crowds before the ways and means com mittee oi the house to secure in the Diuglcy tariff bill the degree of pro tection each one deeires on his special tfomiiiodity. It is freely acknowledged By republican congressmen that the primary object of the bill is protection, and that protection fosters trusts. The publican politicians are masters of the situation, and they will not fail to tuke advantage of it to the utmost. The peo ple put them where they are, anil the iplo will have to pay for bestowing that privilege. The unanimity of action among the American robber barons is as instructive as it is charming. Hv many socialism is regarded as an minima bugbear, dangerous to a stable form of government. They do not ob .rve that socialism is already estab lished here as well as in Europe in one rank of society, the rich. It is spread ing rapidly among the middle ami lower classes (conventionally so culled on ac count of their luck of great wealth), and tho time will come, not far hence, when they also w ill he fully organized. Then tlie rule of tho minority, the money lords, will cease. Were it not for the growing intelligence of the not-rich such an outcome of present social and eco nomic conditions would lie impossible. As it is, a return to vassalage of the nuisses is unthinkable. There must be advance, therefore, and that toward so cialism. The millionaires have Hazed the wav with trusts and combines. The Agitation for the imnrovement of von riobt. Vf-I.. alrt ... k...... ..: ..i. ..!., ' "ii" ii diictv wm uH " ii iu n irBuiuMiru I . . . ..... , , . , , adopted nv tii board of trail o,.t. 14. ricaena, aenusi, noes an xinus " 'I . . -..it !. 1SBU. ei aemai wore uoiu crowns, porceiam A preat deal of advertising of this nmorni anil hrtrlirA wnrlc it flnMrlftltV. lacalityhas been done by this board I i n i... k..m.i: ... u.i. ,wl urul ihn,...nH :iM llB ivmi; iu uuuu.un, been thus expended by it. Every Ira- and Seventh streets. uuriuui. uuuruveiueuii lu iuo town or Mra. M. A. Thnmns has orwnnn a county since the organization of the arBHHmntin nftr1nP nv. th, Rfl(i Frnnt hlurn huo hu1 t la uirlia ounnnrr nf I - i ' lI.Ih ho.lv of himliiwui n, 'I'lrrB lu store and is prepared to do all kinds of no other organization to do the work work in a first-class manner. Perfect fit- it diH-a. The regular meeting will be l.inv vniimntprl. Hiva hir a call. held Monday night and there will be iniiortaut business to come before It. J. M. Laurence, tiec'y. Total amount of money collected by the Treasurer of the Hoard from . tber 11th. 1830, to December 81. 1808 f3422 67 Treasurers report for the year ending utceinuer sin, i&uu. KKCKII'TS: O.W.Durrette has the famous Everett piano witn t'lectophone attachment, and the sweet-toned Miller organ on sale at Mrs. E. E. Martin's millinery store. Call and examine them. A large stock of fresh Limburger cheese has just been received at the Seventh Street Bakery of Jacob Kober. January 1600, balance er report, 2 29 He also keeps pies, cakes, bread, con fectionery and temperance drinks always on hand. Best lard 7c pound, bring pail ; good syrup f 1 keg ; nails cut to 4c per pound ; mackintoshes at cut prices ; overshirts, undershirts, pants and rubber coats cut one-quarter ! overcoats at half price, at Red Front, Oregon City. Owing to an increase ot business in Portland, Dr. Frank P. Welch, dentist, will hereafter be unable to make his weekly visits to Oregon Oity to attend to his patients here, but will be pleased Total reo'd fronitSeo'y 13 00 $135,29 disbursements: January 1800, to May 13, p'd out 133 60 Ueo. 31, balance on hand..,,.,. 170 $135 29 T. L. Chakman, Treasurer. Oh, yes! Macksburg is all right. There is lots of rain and plenty of mud here. Charley Knoxberger has returned to our burg. Herman Harms made a flying trip to Oregon Oi y last Saturday. Adam Lnmour of this place is in the hospital at Gladstone again. D. Harms' wife is on the sick list. Quite a number of our boys attended the Needy dance New Year's eve, and report a good time. J. H. Joyner lost a valuable horse which died with lung fever. Our merchant, Mr.Scramlin, is having a lot of grubbing done on his new farm. Fred Johann has a brass ring. Look out, ladies, this is not leap year. If the sun. moon and stars regulate right there will be a wedding here soon. Get there Bill, old boy ; you are all right. We are sorry to say Miss Lena Klcbe is going back east. Our Sabbath school is progressing nicely. Everybody is invited to attend every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. My brother Jack has lost his sweet heart. A suitable reward will be given to the finder. Boys, you ain't in it unless you shave your . head or get a set oi lulse teetli and a little bunch of whiskers on your chin. January 4th. Sxkkzer. Total IfKI.'dS 3'l Notes on Iniiiil Onus. AHirlxhl $ 200 00 I'Iiih. (.'liarniH iUD f.'l Helle lliinlhirf. IU 13 lntere.it ilueoii lioie 81 '7 Due on percentage from wuter luiid 11HKI 21 Total 27il) 57 WATKB FCNP Kalancen tr I lul miin.it report ...$.'1118 0:i Received (ruin T. I.. t'lmrniHii Uiot 13 Total $!)772 1(1 Warrants paid I)j!H 01 balance on hand $ TO 62 MAIN tTltEKT ri'HD. Receipts Balance an per Ifolmaiira report....! 224 24 llecelven mini It. I,. Holinau ftUl 67 Assessments HSl 17 Shively's Opera House... ONE NIGHT ONLY Wednesday, January 13th... Special engagement of the favorite Comedian, L. R. Stockwell in MR. POTTER of TEXAS MR. R. L. STOCKWELL as Mr. Totter, supported by Mr. Frank Uacon and the full strength of the BACON COMPANY PKICKS 25-35 and 50. Seats the usual place. at 8 I .$2107 tl2 .$ 234 in .. lUti2 86 REDLAND. Resolutions. Hall of Multnomah Lodge No, 1, A. F. & AM., to the Worsbipful Master, War dons and Brethren of Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A. M. Your memorial committee, intruated with the preparation of resolutions, ex pressing the sentiment of this lodge on the death of BrotbeiA. S. Law ton, re spectfully submit the following: On the 10th day of December, A. D., 18, the spirit of our boloved and honored Brother A. S. Lawton took flight from its earthly tabernacle. Death, in pur.su- Several of our noting folks attended the danca at Highland New Year' and report a fine tiuid. Those present at the leap-year dance at Twilight, report a lovely time, but forgot to go home when the time came. Bay, Mr, Man, when you have ai o her dance let us know. Some of the people oi this place at tended the dance at Viola, but got stuck Total Diubnmenienl Warrants paiil Trantiterred to general lum). Total J2107 02 CRMBTERT rtTHD. Balance sa per Hoinian's report.... f 128 70 Receipts 74 Ou Total J202 79 Warrants paid 72 72 Balance $130 07 (IVINTH STBKKT flTSD. Received on assessments $180 66 Warrants paid, witb interest 103 43 M. E. Balance $ 77 23 Note on hand cliuroli $336 RECAPITULATION. Cash Outstanding on hand warrants .$ 45 IX $21.A00 12 . 675 5i2 2,130 58 General fun.l.... Water " .... Main street fund Seventh " " 77 23 600 00 Cemetery " 130 0T .... Bonded indebtedness Citv bonds $ri0,000 Water " 10,000 Total $00,000 Respectfully submitted, H. , Steaioht, Treasurer. GEO. A. HARDING DBALKK IN IP DRUGS Standard Pat. Medicines Paints, Oils and Window Glass. PreteHpUoiu Accurately Compounded HAHMNe'l BLOCK. I T ADMINISTBATOK'8 NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MaY CONOEBN: NOTICE fa (..Mk. nllf.n til at T havA tiAn Htllv s i't'v; B ' ' - ' - . appointed admlnlalralor, wtlh the will annexed, of the estate ol John Fullaia, deceased; and that all persons having claim against the stld estate must present the- same to me properly Torlfied at the law office ttCD.s I. C. Lstou rette, Oregon Cl'r. Oregon, wlthlu six months from tht date of this notlee. Dated this 17th day of December, 1890. JAMES T. rVlXAM, Adm'inistrater with will annexed of Jbha Fnllam, deceased MUSIC COUPON NO. 36. The following beautiful new songs by ti Mandvllle-Kastraan, will be mailed to pb any Hiinress oa me receipt oi iv cciim to see them at his Portland office, 612 coming home. Viola is a good place for mud and we hope they will use some of it on the hill. Dekum Building. I. J. Stratton has removed his grocery from tho Buck building on Seventh and Center streets to the Williams building on the opposite corner. In addition to his stock of groceries, provisions, hay, feed, etc., he keeps a full stock of leads, paints, oils and varnishes, which he sells ance of tho unalterable law of nature has at low prices. gathered to her fold, one who in all his ife never wronged anyone knowinly, who was not envious of the prosperity and honors of others, who never spoke unkindly of anyone and who lived an honorable and upright life. We hunordd him iu his lifetime and Willi feelings oi iralernal altection, softened by sorrow would gladly pay a lilting tribute to his memory, therefore, ltetolved, That in tbede itli of lirotlier A. S. Liwton, his family wns deprived of a loving and ntreclionate husband and father, bis neighbors a good friend, the odge an honored and worthy member and the state a representative and up- ight citizen. Kesolve.l, Ttiat we offer our hearfelt sympathy to his bereaved family in the rief they must feel in this separation. ltesolved, That a copy of these resolu tions bo sent to the bereaved family, given to the Oregon City papers for pub- cation and thut they be spread upon the records of the lodge. Fraternally submitted, T. F. Kyan,' J. G. l'll.l.SlllBY, l F. Morey, Committee. Cha8. Albright continues to deliver tho best of fresh cold storage meats to his customers. He also keeps a large stock of salt and smoked meats, lard, etc. If there is any wild meat or game to be hail you will find it at his shop on Main street as he tries his best to serve and accommodate his customers. C. A. Willey has added to his harness and repair shop second door west of depot, next to Courikb ollice, a full stock of shoes, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., but will do all kinds of harness and bjot and shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated, (live him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Miss Ella Msguire closed a successful term of school at district No. 21. There was a dance at Mr. Ilayman's on last Saturday evening, and there was an enjoyable time until ten o'clock when the hapyy crowd disappeared. A. Wright of Heppner is in our burg looking after his business. Mrs. May Henry spent New Year's with her parents. J. W. Linn attended 109 dances during the year 1800 and W. E. Howell 83, D. II. Mosher4l. There is some talk of having a new school district in our neighbor hood. A sm-iAUBT in neurology claims that the numerous ganglia or nerve knots which are distributed throughout the human body, are little brains, which do their share of the thinking. Any one who has been under the influence of Stands at the Head. Aug. J.IWel, the loading druggist of Sbreveport, La., says: "Dr King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my couh, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchnnt of .Satrord, Ariz., writes: "Ir King's New Discovery is all thut is claimed for it ; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs ami Colds. I cannot Bay enough for its merits " Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs anil Colds is not an experiment. It Iihs been tried for a quarter of a century, and to-dav stands at the head, it never disappoints. Free trial bottle at Chartnan & Co.'s Drng Store. As the name indicates, Hall's Vegetable Sicilian HairKenewer is arenewerof the hair, including its growth , health , youth ful color, and beauty. It will please you ORDINANCE NO' Oregon City docs ordain as follows: THE COMMITTEE ON STREETS AND PUBLIC liwGii to ucicu .umuiuvu iv wnjuasi? '.50 oubic yards of crushed rock or grare! at the lowest market price, such rock or Riavcl to be used for the repair of streets,, whencrer satd committee shall find It necessary. The price of this rock or gravel shall be paid out of the general fund. Published hy order of City Council made at regular meeting of Council held on January Olh, 1807. THOS. F. BYAN, City Recorder. Sbwino Machines Ciirap. Wan sewing machine? Gel a good one for $25.00 with fiveyears guarantee; $5.00 down and $5.00 per month until paid. See Bellomy & Busch about it. each (introductory price) or the entire 6 sons for 4o cents, providing this coupon is sent with order. Kach piece has a handsome title page and retails for 40o. I'm Dreaming of tho Pan. If We Should Meet Again. Wrecked, or You Were False, Not True to Me. Only a Song of Long Ago. 1 Have Left You Though I Lore You. Address: The Wiley ft. Allesi Co., 211 First St., Portland, Oregon. ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed admtnis. tratrix of the estate of Peter Tiylor, deceased, by the county court of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, and has received letters of administra tion upon said estate. Therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to her at her residence at Alsea, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice, properly re'ltled ., Dated, December 2Uth, Laos. EDNA TAYLOR, Administratrix Great reduction Miss Goldsmi th's. in tritnrnai hit) a COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. ZHAVE NOW IN MY HANDS FUNDS anllnnK!A t fkA . . ,, a'iiivauio w tiiu yayuivui VI un warrants endorsed prior to August l'Jth, lx3. Interest will cease on the above with the date of this notice. JACOB SHADE, Treasurer of Clavkamas County, Oregon Dated this 17th day of December, 1896. GEO. F. HORTON .HAS PURCHASED. .HARDING'S BAKERY A.ND GR0ERY ...AND RESTOCKED IT WITH ...COriPLETE LINE OP... : GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Bread and Pastry a Specialty. ! a mild ovcrdoso of alcohol, knows that tost important feature of socialism is in that condition the brain can reason eopcration.withwhichwearefaiiillinr. (.trainhtly from cause to effect, while Yliat are the numerous secret societies, 'Corporations and assix'iations which r.imifv every community hut co-operative Indies? It is hy means of co-operation only that the disarmament of Europe N ptwible. The alvent of the era of sxaialisiu will inaugurate a policy of pcice throughout the civilined world. the lejjs are disposed to twist and swirl, the little brains lying back of the Htomash into which the stimulant was poured having Income so unduly excited that they arc unable to direct locomotion. When a fellow is half seas over it is very consoling, from the standpoint of physi ology, to know where he is at. Electric Bitters. Klectric Hitters is a medicine suited for anv season, hut perhaps more gener ally needed in the Spring, when the' languid exhausted feeling prevails, when ' the liver is torpid and sluggish ami tho need of a tonic and alterative is lelt. A prompt use of this medicine has olten averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial p.iison. Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation, Diz 7iness yield to Klectrir Hitters. Only ."HV anil' $1 per bottle at Charman Co's lrug Store. MUSIC STORE ...of The Wilcu B. Allen Co... The Oldest and Largest Music Store in the Pacific Northwest High Grade Pianos and Organs, embracing the Chickenng, Ludwig, Fischer, Har rington, "Mason & Hamlin" and Estey. -in i i M REGINA MUSIC BOXES, WASHBURN GUITARS, Etc., MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS every description, SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS. Fonr floors devoted to Mnsic and Merchandise Entirely. Write for prices. Send for Catalogues. Address all orders to TheWileyB.AllenCo.,Portland Of 2ii First Street. Branch Store, 268 Morrison.