Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 08, 1897, Image 1

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    City Library
14th YEAR.
NO. -881
Imii there t are others in our stock.
Hookers; dining, parlor, n::d easy chairs ;
chuirs of all sorts and kinds await your
inspection at our establishment. More,
liner, handsomer cliuirH are here than
you cun sue elsewhere That's our
rcuson for claiming your attention to
our varied array of invitations to a seat.
In this case, si-cingdiscouiits description.
Chairs are too largo a fraction of your
furniture to bo lxnight haphazard. No
occasion to look further: Six chairs for
$2.10 and upwards.
The Housefurnishers, OREGON CITY, OR.
And' Accident
Leading Agency in
Clackamas County
Royal of Liverpool"0"" business m th world.
North British & Mercantile ' SSoToo""1 the worI,-00 -
SOU Of L0Ild0Il-o,'e,t pa'' lira) Insurance offlee Id the world.
JEtllS Of HartfOrd-L"r"e,t "' American company.
Continental of New York r Am-rion company
The Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford
Largest, oldest and belt aoclrient Insurance company In the world, and
also doe very Urn life Insurant)-, bualoeai.
You Can Live
Without buying your
groceries from us, but
whether you can live
quite so well or save so
much on your grocery
bill is quite a different
question. We don't
think you can, at least
we try very hard to
make it a fact that you
cannot. We will keep
right on selling grocer
ies as we have the past
seven years, and will
spare no effort to fur
nish them just as good
and as cheaply as we
possibly can. We are
sticklers for quality, in
fact, we would rather
you would buy a cheap
and consequently an
unsatisfactory article
somewhere else.
E.E. Williams, Th Grocer,
Phone 8, Mssoulc Bid.
.cm. oa s fob blottui abd culzmdabs
Bill Eft THE
F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial BankJ
First Meeting of New Council
( Last Friday.
Wni Kldd, special police 2 00
II Gilbert " 2 00
Wm Itisdon ' " 10 00
Geo Broughton, lumber.. 70 80
Maple & Hoffman, blacksmithing 1 45
Ccuhikk, election ticket, ordinance 13 00
( A. Harding, electric lamps.... 1 85
P Hennlgarn, jail meals 2 00
V A Huntley, supplies 3 70
C. N. tireenman, hauling , 1 80
Heckait Durham, " 50
P O ECo, lights 107 50
Wilson & Cooke, hardware 2 25
Regular Monthly fleeting on Wed
nesday Evening Officers and
Committees Elected.
Consisting of Fine- Black, French Novelties
in Plaids and : Fancy Veaves; French
Crepon and Astrachan Cloths; French Al
mas, Soleils, and Satin Imperials; Silk and
Double Warp French Henriettas; Benga-'
i lines, Foula and Extra Double Warp Serges.
The handsomest array of Fine Black Novel
ties ever shown or displayed by any dry
. goods house in Portland.
We will place very attractive lines of New
and desirable goods on sale this week at 25c
a yd; several lines of heavy, all-wool, fancy
Mixtures at 33c a yd.--our 50c quality;
four lines of 4c-inch, all-wool, fancy Suitings
at 36c a yard 27 pieces of 52-inch, strictly
all-wool, Extra Heavy double warp Serge
85c quality for 50c per yard.
We are and we claim to be the Great and Only EXCLUSIVE
DRY GOODS HOUSE in Portland for first-class
Goods, Cloaks, Capes and Jackets.
Mcaln & McDonnell,
Popular Dry Good House,
i;or. ra si Morrison,
Oregou .
A special meeting of the new city
council washeld on last Friday, pursuant
to a call by Mayor E. G. Caufield.
Couneilmen Koerner, Busch, Bittner,
Roake, Gault, Wilson and Harris were
present ; Oaples absent.
The mayor stated that the object of
the meeting was to elect a recorder,
which office was rendered vacant on
January 1st by charter.
Thos. F. Ryan was placed in nomi
nation for recorder by R. Koerner and
H. E. Harris nominated J. G.Pillsbury.
On ballot Ryan received 5 Totes and
Pillsbury 2.
The saloon license of T. Trembath
was ordered renewed.
A communication from R. & E. B.
Williams, attorneys for Siratton estate,
in regard to paying Seventh street as
sessment in installments laid over till
next meeting. Report of recorder also
laid over.
The committees for ensuing year were
elected by ihe following vote:
Finance Koerner (chairman) 7, Busch
10, Caples 5.
'Fire and Water Gault (chairman) 6,
Wilson 6, Bittner 4.
Streets and Public Property Bittner
(chairman) 7, Roake 6, Harris 6.
Health and Police Oaples (chairman)
5, Koerner 4, Gault 4.
The first Wednesday in every month
was designated as regular meeting day.
Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill.
Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. ,
Tw Shops. ....... Oregon City, Oregon
"2I?" 0. II. BESTOW & CO
h in '.! ilt Conir-st.i,na' :iincl-. Main Htreet, Oregon Clljr, Oregon
Is not the way to make a
man enter your store and
buy. We don't attempt to
force any one to purchase
Irom us, but by offering
value for money, seek to
show them that buyers' and
sellers' interests are really
(Several jyiercarjclise
Wednesday's fleeting.
Regular monthly meeting of the
council was held on Wednesday evening
with Mayor Caufield and Couneilmen
Bittner, Koerner, Bin-ch, Wilson, Roake,
Caples and Harris present; Gault
Petition from residents for a cross
walk on Houlh side ol Fourth Htreet at
intersection of Motnoe referred to Htreet
1'etiiioii ir Mil Mm. M. A. Stratton de
claring that the will ask to pay her
Seventh Htreet asserittiiient in iuelull
ments referred to committee.
Water commission ordernd notified
that they will be expected to pay inter
est on money due city.
Ordinance regulating auctioneers or
dered published, also amended ordi
nance for puichase of rock or gravel.
Koerner nominated Roake and Caples
ikewise Koerner (or president of council.
Vote : Koerner 5 j Koake 2.
Mayor Caufield appointed C. E. Burns
as chief of police and council approved
actio 1 unanimounh.
E. L. Shaw appointed nightwatcli
and he was confirmed by council.
C. II . Dye appointed city prosecutor
and he was confirmed.
D. W.Kiiuiaiid appointed city survey
or and he aa confirmed.
Chan. Babcock appointed street
superintendent and he was confiinied
Tlin Mayor's Menage.
In obedience to that section of the city
charter, requiring the rrayor to com
munirate by message annually to the
city council u ueneral statement of the
rondition of affairs of this municipal cor
poration, and to recommend the adop
tion of such measures as he may deem
expedient and proper, I respectfully sul
mit the following:
My limited experience in city affairs
however, induce me to roake very few
recommendations at this time, hut con
fine myself principally to a general state
ment of the city's financial affairs in the
past, present and the future prospects of
the same.
In making up the following statement
I have not deemed It necessary to give
anything but approximate figures on all
amounts. Exact (Inures and amounts in
detail will be kiven here this evening in
the annual reports of the different city
officials. My object will be to show in
as simple a manner as possible the con
dition of the city's financial affairs.
The growth of the present burden of
debt which the people of this corpora'
tion now bear, began practically in 1885,
when the city's debt was only about
This increased rapidly in a few years
nntil in 1800 it had grown to over $15000.
since then the debt has continued to
make progress at an increasing ratio
(with the exception ol the past year)
until now It amounts to about 165,000,
an annual increase since 1800 of over
18000. This is certainly a very serious
state of affairs, and were it not for the
fact that the past year has shown some
improvement the outlook for the tax
payers wcnld indeed be very gloomy
During the past year the revenue has
been about $12,230 and the expenses
$12057, an excess of expenditures oyer
revenue of $727. In making this esti
mate I have taken into account the
amount of Interest accrued dining the
past year on outstanding warrants, leas
the interest due the city on unpaid
claims, held on account of street im
provements. Although this interest
does not appear as an actual expendi
ture during the year, I believe it should
betaken into account when an estimate
is being made of the city's financial con
dition. I have also counted as part
of city's revenue the amount due from
water commission but not collected
The resiil last year seems bad enough
but when compared with previous ones
it is some cause for congratulation.
I find by inspection of items of expense
of the past year that about $2,000 of
same, consisting of such items as, fire
hose, engine house on the hill, bridge
on the Abernethy, fire bell lower, and
sundry other smaller matters will not
need to enter Into next year's estimate.
A -stiming that our revenue for the pres
ent year will at least equal last, and
taking it for grunted that our expenses
can be curtailed in different ways, leads
me to have the. fond hope that by the
end of this year we will have reached
that condition of affairs, to be desired
by eyery prudent man in hi own bust
ness, when our levenne will at least
equal, if not exceed our expenditures.
To bring about this desirable end
would urge on the council the mom ligid
economy in all matters, and would e
siectfully leinind you that a city with
a larire dent and heavy taxes oilers no
inducement to outside capital.
If our town is to become the manufac
turing centre we have all hoped for,
outside capital we urn t have.
Through the work of the water commie-don
ihe city now has a very complete
vctein of water works The reservoir
constructed the past year is a great im
provement, giving the city a reserve to
draw upon in case of any accident to the
pumps. The work seems to have been
done in a very substantial manner niak
ing a permanent imp-ovement thdt will
reipiire very little exiiense in future to
keep in repair. The cost of construct
ing same exceeded somewhat the esti
mate nude, leaving the commission wilh
outstanding warrants amounting to
$2,245. This is not a serous raitter
hweref, as the revenue from water
up liiis indebted-
not collected from the commission last
year on account of the extra expense in
curred 111 tlio construction ol I lie reatr
voir. In my opinion the water com
mission should pay interest on this
amount due the city, as an offset to the
Interest paid by the city on that part of
the city debt this payment would cancel
if paid.
The only reccommeiuUtion I desire to
make at this time is in regard to the di
vision of the city into wards. The resi
dents of the southern and eastern poi
tious of the city seem to feel as if they
had some cause for complaint ; and I am
not certain but that thev have. As the
city is now divided we must have either
two or four polling places. Having only
two polling places, it is very incon
venient to the voters of the southern
and eastern portion of the city. To ac
commodate them it would be neccessaiy
to have two additional polling places,one
!n each ward, in that part of town. If
the city was divided into three wards
making one ward of all that portion of
the the city, one additional polling place
would answer all the requirements.
This is one source of complaint, but
they have another and more serious one.
When city conventions are held the ma
jority attending them is naturally from
the lower and most populous part of the
city. The result is that candidates for
the council are always selected from this
portion of the city. .
The people from the southern and
eastern part of town begin to have some
of the feelinu-s of our Revolutionary
Fathers of "Taxation without represen
tation." I would suggest, if it meets
with your approbation, that wgiye our
earnest support to a proposed general
state law granting all incorporated towns
the right to change the number and size
of its wards, as its needs may suggest.
In conclusion I would respectfully
solicit in the city's interests the help
and assistance of every member of the
council in an honest endeavor to pro
mote the city's welfare and prosperity.
I would kindly ask of yon all forbear
ance and assure you that in my position
as presiding olficer over your delibera
tions, my only object will be to be true
to the city's interests and fair with you
11. , '
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for It (rent leavening strength ana
healthfuhies. iiiiri'i the food aidihitt alum
and all fnrmi of adulteration common to u
cheap branda. ,
Meat ncddler'a " 20 00 '
Shoniiug gallery license 10 67
Rowling alley " 10 l
8puidle wheel " 8 6
Doa licenses 64 OS
Hale of horses 9 0
Fines from recorder's court . , ' 40 US
Water eommiiHon, ner cent nl col
lections for Jan.. Fat), anil Mar. . 319
Fred It. Charman, balance scioiiiit HO da
Thonias Cbariiian, interest 011 note 84 tl
Miscelliiueoiis licences 67 2-
Main l real Innd lfii M
Seven Hi mrrei fund 887 81
Fifth ' 213 6!
W'einliard sewer " . 37 2
Recorder's Report.
Ohkgon Citt. Or.. Deo. 31. 1896.
To the Honorable, the Mayor and City
Council of Oregon City.
Gentlemen : In accordance with the
provision of section 48 of the city char
ter, I heiewilh submit a brief report of
the financial transactions of the city
during the year 180ti and of the present
financial standing nf the city; also a
resume of the transactions of the office
of the city recorder during the said year
Warrants drawn on general fund
Portland General Electric Co., light $2054 80
Utias, K. Burnt, chief of police .... 720 00
' " " lees from sale of
property a 25
E. h. tihaw, night waich 720 U0
Thou. F. Ryan, recorder 275 CO
' " ' work on city records S 0u
T. W. Fouls, salary as recorder ... 25 00
Frank T. GnllUh. oity proecutor.. 107 60
J. W. Boatman, experting- books... (JO 0)
J. W. Kellv and Chas. Nob iu. soe
cial police 6 CO
C. 1). & V. O. Latoutette, att'y lees 1H1 00
K. K. DriKKs. " " . 60 On
J. U. Campbell, " " . 27 60
Li. I.. 1'orti-r, ally and collection fees 117 W
H. E. Straight, salary as treasurer.. 1:0 01
R. h. Holinan, " " " .. 40 00
Insurance Company oforlh Amer
ica, insurance on hose house 2fl 00
Work on si reels, aravel ana cress-
walks 1056 62
Geo. Broughton, lumber 21 60
j. A. Nobel and Paul Hemnielarn,
meals at city jail 67 40
Mrs. U. w. uiiiircn, rent 01 nuse
house 24 00
Mrs. T. W. Clarke, rent of around
lor pound 20 0)
Hoard nf fade, advertising (HI UJ
Hixn tor street corners 5 tiO
Coui'it, ordinances, notices, etc 115 07
Kntskpkisk. blanks hnd ballots 0 00
K. D. Olds, hell to er HO Si
KepHirs and suiieriulendeiicv of
Abernethy bridge 301 50
llohiiii!.e 707 60
Hose for fire department , 712 37
Hvdrants and nozzles 241 60
Allowance to flrecoinpanirs 125 07
Miscellaneous expenses of fire dept. ltjU 40
Jessie Cooke, rebate on 7ib street
assessment 113 80
Sarah Mi Cown. rebate on 5th street
assessment 48 40
E inns McDonald, rebate on 5th
street assessment . . . 10 00
T. W. Clarke, rebate on Mait street
assessment 31 60
. J. Baecliler, rebate on saloon li
cense 32 20
Fred Meier, rebate on sale of horse
at ixiund 0 00
Expense of el'v election held in
December. !) 41 10
Kilihur ami burial of riom 15 CO
loK laics, brooms, shovels, pickj.re-
pairs lo sewers, etc mi m
Total : $13011 31
Warrants redeemed $11881 M
Interest 1111 warrants redeemed . , 1477 8t
" " homlsof wiy 2800 0
Total $10102 76
Cash hi treasury Jan.l,1800(accord-
ing to treasurer) $ 2207 0
Receipts for 1803 131)11 3t
Paid out by treasurer
..$10208 as
.. 1H182 7S
Balance In Ihe treasury... $ 48 OS
Outstanding warrants, Jan. 1, 1800,
(as per report of expert, J. W.
Boatman) $21040 M
Warrants Issued dining year 8091 43
Total j.. $10035 34
Warrants redeemed by treasurer.. 11884 M
Outstanding warrants (expert).... $IS7o0 46
Decrease in amount ol outstanding
warrants during year 8190 51
.$21840 M
The' .treasurer states however that
there is outstanding warrants to ttv-
amount of $21,609 12, making a difference- -
between reports of treasurer and expert
of $2758 72.
Cemetery fond
Balance 011 hand, Jan. 1, WH $128 7ft
Receipts from gravea ami lots 74 OS
Total ,
Wsrratits redeei
.$202 79
. 72 72
Balance, Deo. 31, 180.1 $130 07
Seventh street improvement fund
Amount received lor assHiuenls. . $180 OH
Note of Methodist cl.uicli trustees.. 320 06,
Total $506 m
Warrants redeemed $102 81
interest 011 same 58
Balsnce 111 treasury .1 77 2.1
Warrants endorsed Hint outstanding. 600 06
hkcoiidkb's COUIIT,
During the year 1890, there were 2i
cases heard for violation of city ordi-
nces, and fines amounting to $205 were
imposed, of which i-um $40 was paid in
cash and the halance was worked out by
imprisonment or by suaiiension of sen
tence during Kood behavior.
Thob. F. Ryan, Recorder.
Instruments and Fees.
During the year 189G the fees collected
by the county clerk amounted to $3003.74,
a gain of $280 over the preceding year.
The recorder of conveyances collude
$2037.13, which is a loss of $283. The
number of real estate instruments filed
for record last year, however, exceeded
those of tho previous year by 95, at
is shown by the following statement:
w.a Mm
Deeds 1029 111
Mortgages .585 4
Satisfactions of mortgages . .. . 347 38S
lAiuiiciln.an Harris aeked for removal rents will soon clear
ol arc liiiht from near woolen null to ' ness.
"Kansas City" bridge. Matter referred ln mv opinion the commission can be
to Htreet committee. 'confidently expected to not only pay off
bills allowed. ts 0wn indebtedness but be one of the
Thos. F. Ryan, recorder $25 OO Jmost important sources lo which we can
Cliis. E. Burns, chief 60 0J look for ihe reduction of our city indebt-
E. L. 8haw, police 60 00 sines. Our charter provides that 30
Cbas. Balcock et al, etreet work. 70 00 ' per cent of the grs proceeds shall be
II. E. Mraiglit, treasurer 40 00 j turned into Ihe gsi.erai fund. This as
Total warrants drawn $4'i0t 43
LiKius $30.14 80
Police depart ment 14A2 25
Streets and hridaet 1373 Hi
Salaries of offlcers 032 50
A'torner fees 370 30
B idlings ' 22
Kre department 1210 l
Prinliiia; 121 07
Rehatea for different purposes 240 84
Miscellaneous expenses . 418 15
Total $ 43
Jmxn, H4 $ 1 8M
- lHfti 5114 16
Haloon lueoaes 4-mOOl
Express - W4 17
Mho " 00
Billiard " 2M 10
Auctioneer's licenses 25 W
Totals 1971 20
There was an increase in the number
of dceas and satisfactions of mortgages
and a decrease in the number of mort
gages recorded. The comparison 189S
with 1894 showed an increase of 131
mortgages and a decrease of 21 dee l,
there being no record of the number of
satisfactions lor com pari win.
The number of marriage licenses issued
last year was 140, being 11 less than for
each of the previous years. Fifty-five
men declared their intentions of becom
ing citizens of the United States, and (l
certificates of full citizenship were
granted by the county court, the number
of new citizens being eight more than for
all of the previous three years. Twenty
persons were committed to the inaano
asylum, being three more than for the
previous year.
In the treatment of croup and whoop
ing cough, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral baa a
most marvelous effect. Thousands
lives are taved annually by the usrtf
this medicine. It frees the obstructr!
air-passages, allays inflammation, an!
controls the desire to cough.
Received at Clisrmaii A Sjo's a larpsi
invoice of wall paper, latest and pret
tiest deaiana.