Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 01, 1897, Image 1

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    City Ubrry
14th YEAR.
NO, 34:
And Accident
Royal of Liverpool m ' fcnin th worw.
North British & fflcrcantJle-I'5Ko"g"eW ln the worW "
Sun of London -o,,,B,t mni' " offln
JEtna Of Hertford -Larg-eataaa awit Amerloan compaujr.
Continental of New York f ii.
The Tiavelers Insurance Company of Hartford
LitrffAat, olclmt Bad bnst aoeMaat laauraaoe eomnany In th world, aad
alio dost a very lre life laaraaoe bualneaa.
xiu ox mi tom lumu um cauxdam
Baies thk
F. E.
" TO- G. H. BESTOW & CO.
fikun Opposite Con.frirt.onal Uhnvob.
" .""for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to
Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill.
Main St., Opposite Caufield Block.
Two Shops, Creuon City, Oreaon
iiyrpiiryiiyir.yiNiiyiii.iyiiiifB iiiiiipjiiifiii.iifiiiiwiiiiiw'iiijiiiMiiijiiiiiiiip flii'iiijii'i
.BEE -
HTE inaugurate Satui
day, January 2, a gen
eral clean up sale of all
odds and ends from our
stock, cost or values will
cut no figure in this sale
as the goods have got to
go. You'll miss a golden
opportunity if you're not
on hand. : : : : : :
but there nro others in our ntwk.
Koekersjdining, parlor, a-d easy chairs ;
cliuirH of all sorts ami kinds await your
inspection at our estaUihhiiicnt. Mow,
finer, handsomer chairs are hero tluin
you can see elsewhere. That's our
reason for claiming your attention to
our vuriel array of invitations to a seat.
In thiH case, seeing discounts description.
Oliai'8 are too larj;o a fraction of your
furniture to bo Isiught haphazard. No
occasion to look further: ' Six chairs for
f 2.1U ami upwards.
Thft Housefurnishem. OREGON CITY, OR.
Leading Agency in
Clackamas County
DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank, j
Mala 8trnjfc, Orego. City; Or (ton
i I- I I I I
J For
You spend with us
you get it's true
value In return.
Our groceries claim
the table on their
quality. Any bill
of fare made up from
our supplies is gilt
edged. That's what
every bill of fare
1 should be. To live
well you must use
T only 'Al groceries.
When you prepare
TS to bake fruit cake,let
'1' us supply the citron ,
lemon and orange
peel, currants, rat
sins, cider, nuts
and spices necessary
to make a good one.
Our stock in this
line is unequaled
by any in the city.
E. E.Williams, Thu Qiocer,
'Phone 3, M.tuulc Bldij.
Geo. McOord is in Portland on busi
ness. Mike Mulvey who spent the summer
at The Dalles, is home for the winter.
Quite a number from here attended
the xmas tree and entertainment at
Liberal on xmas eve.
A meeting will be held on Tuesday
in the grange hall for the purpose of
building a creamery at this place. The
gaihering will be addressed by a practical
creamery man from Portland. We be
lieve if the required number of cows
can lie guaranteed the creamery will be
built in the sprung.
We bear Geo. McCord Intends erecting
a dwelling bouse in the spring. , 0. E.
Onuuiau alto intends Liiildii-tj a djreilirU-'
house here soo. ' ,' ., . -
C. T.: IfoVar I lit onjmged tbeserviee
of a first-class surveyor to lay out several
town lots and also several one acre tracts,
several of which have already been
spoken for.
Miss Ada Randal spent xmas at her
home in Central Point.
Mason Kellogg and wife of Montana
are visiting their father and mother here.
A gang of men are engaged cutting
sawlogs and shingle liolts for the new
sawmill, which will soon be in operation.
Dec. 28. ' O.A.
Astoria, Dec. 27, 1896.
Oy Shorter, Funk's Ohorners, or dear
Oy : Oi see be the papers thot a jiraffe
at redland is abusin' of me woife in
them, who's a Snorter, an' indade she is
thot. In case yous don't attend to 'im ,
Cy, Oi'll come to redland meself with me
shillalah to fix Mm. Oi'm thot mad Oi
can hardly button me vest.
yer Bruther-law,'patsy Mcduff.
Patsy is a bad man and your corres
pondent would kindly warn the Red
land gentleman to take to the brush.
I can stand any amount of villification
for my hide is thick, but my sister's
husband can't.
Our fiddle and violin factory has en
tered the trust, and it will probably
close, throwing 100 men out of work.
It seems we can't truit any one.
Felix Airtight bumped his nose last
week against the elbow of his skinny
wife. Now he can't blow it and carries
it in a sling.
Father Hubbard took his coat off last
, Mother Hubbard wore her new brogane
to church last Sunday.
Tupper's well has at last been moved,
but he spilled all the water out in
doing it. He has taken the job of moving
the spring out of Funk's cellar.
Nickel Beer received a pair of wooden
shoes on the Xmas tree.
Several Eastern tourists were here
last week to examine our mines. We
have so much gold probably Uncle
Sammy will start a mint here.
There is talk of riding one of our prin
cipal citizens on a rail.
One of the Sniggles got a licking Irom
his wife. Snortkh.
The xmas tree and enter ainment at
Bethel was a grand affair, there being
a good program rendered. Everyone
present received a present from the tree.
The Redland literary met last Satur
day night as usual and a short program
was rendered. The question for debate
was, "Resolved, That the United States
has done more for the Negro than for
the Indian." After lively discussion
the judges decided in favor of the affirm
ative. The question for next debate is,
"Resolved, That Foreign Immigration
lias Is-en Detrimental to the United
The Redland Star w ill come out in
black and white at the next meeting.
Jim Shannon of Heaver Greek, has
hooked onto a girl in our burg.
F. Ilarkfelt of Logan was visiting K.
Evans Sunday.
J. W, Linn visits Oregon City quite
often of late. What's the matter, Jim? A
new girl we supjKise.
Miss Mary and Bessie Hay of Poitland
spent xmas with friends in this vicinity.
D. II. Mosher will go down the river
today to stcnd New Years.
A. B, Linn and wife spent Christmas
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leek.
Mr. Commons and family of Treniont
spent Christmas with F. . Linn and
Some of our young folks attended the
dance at Logan last Friday night and
report the same old time. Say, boys,
when you go to Logan leave your tobacco
at home.
The dance at Linn's mill given by G.
J. Howell, J. diaries and J. W.Linn
was a grand affair. Those present re
port a good time. James, next time
you come bring a girl you can get along
Dec, 28. Engineer.
Mr. C. O. Rose formerly of this place,
but now of Salem, was visiting friends
here last Saturday and Sunday.
"' Mr. Oarothers who went to Montana
last spring returned home on a short
Mrs. Oathro has ' been quite sick
for some time past.
. Christmas came and passed as usual.
The Sunday school gave a ve.y good
entertainment. The chapel was crowd
ed to its full capacity. The last part of
the entertainment was Santa Claus.
. Miss Edith Smith was awarded the
prize for the best recitation at the
Oanemah echrol lft Friday. The prize
consisted of a ucat volume entitlod
"Tales From R'igkgpetw?:'" 1 Pbtxn.
mu .' "a" Airraca w.-'if " HC-
jgrftatwt improveav'.nt in penmanship
Idurir.ir the past month. The prize con
sisted of a volume entitled "Representa
tive Men.''
Dec. 29. XX.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
. mas Abstract & Trust Co.
II. Hannes to Get). A. Weliber, w
Kof blk E Paik Place.. 500
J. C Bradlev to M. L. Bradlev, lot'
8 blk 121, Oregon City 500
E. N. Wells lo H. J. Scott, lot 10
blk 28. Gladstone 100
W. P. Roberts to R. N. New. e of
sw K and w of se sec 32 2 n
5 50
R. T. New to Mrs. E. Roberts,
same land 50
T. K. Uaultto W. V. Hubbard,
21.85 acres in Latourette claim 1600
J. Cockelreas to M. Bailey, nw M of
ne M of sc 7 2 s 7 e 1
J. T. Mason to F. A. Schmidt, lots I
and 2 sec 28 3 s 3 e 703
E. B. Hawley to B. Sarver, 45 acres
in Harper & Waterbery claim. ... 800
J. W. Roots to W. P. Weismandel,
lots 1 Htid 2 blk 2t, Root's Add. . 100
J. B. Ze gler toThos. Uibbs, lots 1,
2,tl, 7 and 8 blk 32 and tract ad
joining in Caneniah and part of
tract 110 Gladstone 125
J. W. Roots to C. L. Rcadmimdel
3' acres in sec 8 2 a 2 e 200
T. I.. Turner to J. A. Tinner, 70
acres In n X soc 13 3 s 1 w.'. . . 2000
J. K. Mar ley to A. W. Cook, s Vt of
nw M and n XA of sw ! sec 34 t s
2e.7 10
W. W. Duncan to Jas. Simpson, 100
acres in claim 37 2 h 4 t 2000
Seth Austin toW. W. AiiMtin. lots 1
anrt '.' nml se V of ne i sec 6 (I
Nile 800
H Ifeiner to A. P. Barlow, blk 13
and nait of 14. Barlow 10
J. K. Slansbury lo II. A. Moser, na
V. of bh t and se M of ne H sec
2H22 e 445
K. fiiii-ev i W. A. A verv. nw M sc
14 B s i e 1500
W. A. A verv to I Allison, nw i sec
146s 2e 3000
Says S. P. Colbiirn in "The New Old
Philosophy of Life," in the January
Aresa : "These great souls, called mas
ters, who live upon these higher levels
are not gods, without knowledge of the
weaknesses, temptations, and suffering
in human life, but verily and truly our
elder brothers, whose feet have trodden
the same weary way, whose hearts have
rejoiced in the pleasure of living and
oinin havu tlirolilk-il with anituish un
speakable, but by steadfast, unwavering
purpose an.l unswerving, innomuaoie
will they have transmuted the base
metals of their nature, iron, lead, and
brass or the desires, passions, and
emotions of the animal soul, into the
priceless gems and pure gold of love,
mmniainn and nnwpr divine, and
i stand living realities of that old time.
much-nliculel science, aicnemy. aiiu
thank God, what man has done, man
can do."
Great ralutbn in trimml hat a
Mist Goldsmith's.
F. E. Donaldson of this city, u member
of the highway improvement committee
of tliu Oregon L. A. W., bands us the
followinge)lutions,tliat were adopted
at the Oregon Road Convention held in
the city of Portland on the 17th and 18th
of December ,at which there were pres
ent delegates from all all parts 6f the
state, including county judges, state
senators, representatives, fanners, mer
chants, engineers, wheelmen, and many
others itrerested in highway improve
ment: "Resolved, That it is the sense of the
Oregon road convention that road taxes
should hereafter be paid in money, and
not in labor, and' should be collected by
the regular tax collector, at the sume
time other taxes are collected. They
should be expended under the direction
and supervision of the county courts.
"Kesolveu, lurtlier, That the legiS'
lative committee be instructed to prepare
a bill accordingly, to oe lntrouuceu in
the next session of the legislature.
"Resolved, That it is the sense of the
Oregon road convention that the road
laws of this state should be amended so
as to allow the several county courts of
the state, in their discretion, to let con
tracts for the construction and mainten
ance of county roads.
"Resolved, That in the opinion of this
convention, suitable legislation should
be had authorizing the employment bv
the county courts of the several counties
of all able-bodied males, sentenced to
terms in the county jail, upon the public
roads and streets within their respective
"Resolved, That legislation should be
asked permitting the cov.r.ty courts to
set apart bicycle paths for the exclusive
useot pedestrians and wheelmen, within
the limi s of the rights of way of county
roads, and in their discretion to spend
moneys in their construction and main
tenance ; and that suitable penalties be
provided for the punishment of team
sters and others wanton'y trespassing on
such pathways.
"Resolved. That it is the sense of this
convention that legislation should be
had encouraging the use of broad-tire
vehicles upon I he public roads within
the state, and fixing the limit after which
the use of narrow tires for freight wagons
should be prohibited.
"Resolved, That the failure or inability
of our officers to collect the state poll
road tax is an evil which calls for u radi-
oil rcmedv.. To facilitate the collection
V n&nttr urovLiiut! that tM uerson
liable to pay euch taxes shall be Jr
mittcd to "ote at any general municipal
or school election, except upon presenta
tion of a pruper receipt, showing' the
payment by him of such taxes for the
preceding year. , , . , .,
"Resolved, that it is the sense of this
convention that a law be enacted pro
viding for the work of the convicts in
the state penitentiary upon the public
highwavs of the state, under the di
rotiin "of the nenitentiarv commission,
and that the first work thereon be the
building of a permanent turnpme com
mencing at Salem and running either
nbrth or south, or both, at the discretion
of the commission.
"Resolved, That the legislative com
mittee of this convention be instructed
to prepare bills in accordance with the
ntimia mid recommendations of this
convention and submit the same to the
next session of the legislature ot i ns
state for action, and that we individually
and collectively pledge ourselves to use
our influence to secure the passage of
such bills."
nn,..t nna nt tliu most, widely known
medical practitioners in the U. S. has
i .uu.ir.lina tlmm. "I have for
iv diij -
several years been more or less interest
ed in mind cure or iauii cure, bjb a
writer in ?Wr L , and I am in the
habit of asking the opinion of the various
classes of people I have occasion to meet
on this, to me, most interesting subject.
1 have iouna, as a nuw, vhi.uiiiiidluid ui
the gospel are of all men least inclined
a ,.:.n ntunnta fn t.tiH ntnripfl one hears
of persons "made whole" through faith,
',i i l: ,.,. flhriat
i...l.i in tiiia mnnnr. Havini? ocrafiion
IIU ui'" - . ,-,
recently to visit the ofllces of Dr. frank
lin Miles, in me masonic xeuine,
ri.;..un U ni'ciirri'il tn ms that the
author of "A New Era in Medical
Science, and the originator oi Allies
i..anr..tiu.. Wn'iriH uiid New Heart
imnuwiv.iiu ..... ' - , i
Cure, remedies, so extensively used
throughout the land, womu nave u m
ions on the subject of mind cure that
would be interesting io hear, and ao
cordingly I sat for an hour and a half in
.....lU Mnn nllfl urilitpd mil til HI
for an audience. I was afraid my errand
would annoy a person as busy as Dr:
Allies seemeu io oe, ui e icocn ..m
as graciously as if I were a millionaire
patient. In answer to my question as to
the doctor's opinion on the action of 'he
mind in overcoming uiseane, nm
was: "There is more in thia matter
than medical practitioners, are as a rule,
willing to admit. I have found in my
practice that the state of the patient's
mind has a very decided influence on
bis physical condition, and I attribute
much of my success personally as a
practitioner, as well as the popularity of
the remedies that lear my name, to the
faith patients have in my ability to help
them. It is pretty generally known
that mv medicines, as a rule, cure those
who take them. This knowledge allays
fear and worry, two very potent factors
in producing disease."
Hall's Hair Renewer con tains the natu
ral fool and color-nutter for the hair,
and medicinal herbs for the scalp, curing
grayness, baldness, dandruff, and scalp
Bbwino Machine Cukap. Wan t
spwinir machine? Gel a good one for
25.00 with five year guarantee; 5.00
don and 15.00 per month nntll paid.
See Belloiiiy 4 Bosch about U .
Absolutely Pure.
Olpbraied for It irrent leavening strenslh nn (I
hcnlthriilhexH. Anrniro the food Hwliifet slum
hikI all forms of ailullerulicn common to Ilia
cheap brand!!.
Money to loan on good seenrity by
A . S. Dresser.
The latest in lan's and walking hats,
Miss Goldsmith's.
Don't forget the Racket Store when
you are hunting bargains.
Bargains in trimmed and un trimmed
hats at Miss Goldsmith's.
Ladies' Kid Gloves, assorted colors
cheap, at the Racket Store.
Prescriptions carefully compounded
t. A. Harding's drug store.
Higligrade sewing machines from $'.4
to (20 for sale by O. A. Cheney.
You liavo not seen anything like it
ghost dance by the Indians, December 25
For the best shave or hair cut to
be had go to P.G. Shark's shop. Shaving
tO cents,
Ladies', gents and children's fall and
winter underwear just received at the
Racket Store.
Ladies, do you like a cup of good tea?
If so send to MarrA Andrews .'or your
teas in the future.-
JMawpeu until", lace orauia, uio S!1.
, i i i , i ...
at Miss G Idsmith'w. .
For you" strings amj extras for nil
musical instruments go to Biirnieister
& Aiidreseu's, who keep full supply.
The Everett piano Btands without peer
for sweetness of tone. 0. W. Durrette
has them on sale nt Mrs. E. E. Martin's
millinery store.
That delicious flavc r which you relish
so mu(h in coffee served at the best
cafes, can be secured at home by using
MarrA Andrews' best.
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and tiridge work a specialty.
Ollli e in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh "treets.
Mrs. M. A. Thomas has opened a
dressmaking pnrlor over the Rod Front
store and is prepared to do all kinds of
work in a first-class manner. Perfect fit
ting guaranUd. Give her a call.
O.W. Durrette has the famous Everett
piano with Plectophone attachment,
and the sweet-toned Miller organ on
sale at Mrs. E. E. Martin's millinery
store. Call and examine them.
A large Btock of fresh Limburger
cheese has just been received at the
Seventh Street Bakery of Jacob Koljer.
He also keeps pies, cakes, bread, con
fectionery and temperaufie drinks always
on hand.
Best lard 7c pound, bring pail; good
syrup (1 keg j nails cut to 4c per pound j
mackintoshes at cut prices; ovorshirts,
undershirts, pants and rubber coats cut
one-quarter ; overcoats at half price, at
Red Front, Oregon City.
Owing to an increase of business in
Portland, Dr. Frank P. Welch, dentist,
will hereafter be unable to make his
weekly visits to Oregon City to attend
to his patients here, but will be pleased
to see them at bis PorUand office, 612
Dekum Building.
I. J. Stratum has removed his grocery
from the Buck building on Seventh and
Center streets to the Williams building
on the opKsite corner. In addition to
his stock of groceries, provisions, hay,
feed, etc., he keeps a full stock oi leads,
paints, oils and varnishes, wliich be sells
at low prices.
Chas. Albright continues to deliver
the best of fresh cold storage meats to
bis customers. He also keeps a large
stock of salt and smoked meats, lard,
etc. If there is any wild meat or game
to 1) had you will find it at his shop on
Main street as he tries bis best to serve
and a '.commodate bis customers.
C A. Willey ha added to his harness
and repair shop second door west of
I depot, next to Coukikb office, a full
i stock of shoes, whnrn he will not only
keep a full line of first-class hand-made
harness, saddles, etc., bnt will do all
! kinds of harness and biot and hoe
' repairing at price that can't b dnp-
lica ted. Give hints call. Satisfaction
, guaranteed.