Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 27, 1896, Image 7

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Tho Army Worm.
Wlillo we do nut think there In much
likelihood of a recurrence of t!ie army
worm nest next yenr. yet it nui y ! well
It caw we should have another Intile-
tlor to know a little more n limit it
Hie New York -Afrrlrnltuml Ijxperl
inert Station has devoted Rulkilu No,
104 to an Investigation of tne beaut,
and from it . we extract son facts
nhleb our renders would do well to
bear in mind. '
Tuo eggs are very uninll. globular in
foim. and nearly white In'co.or. They
are usually laid In tho leaf sheath of
Branat'8 and grains, and the early
Inocd, which does the mhchlef. ovl
pislt freely In the cut straw of old
Ktackft, in hay ricks, in old eons shocks,
and in bits of corn stalk that have Imcti
left upon the stirface of the g-otiml In
piittarcH. Tills will explain :i fact that
has been noted hy many, that thi'
worms started In blue gram pastures
on which cord fodder had Iven fed to
Tho young cnterplllars coin-? forth in
about tcu days from the t. r.n tiiu egg
are laid. In ensu the eggs, were placed
on fresh grass or grain, the young lar
vae feed for a time in 'ho sheath
where the eggs were placed, but final
ly inelude the whole blade In tho bill of
fare. They are full grown In about
four weeks. At this time a single lar
vao measures about an Inch and a half
In length and a quarter of an Inch in
diameter. They may be briefly de
scribed as being smooth, naked cater
pillars, moderately dark in color, with
longitudinal stripes running the full
length of the body. The third singe In
the Insects' life begins when the cater
pillars go Into the ground or under
stones to make the wonderful change
from an active caterpillar to an appar
ently lifeless creature. This stage Is
caned the pupa stage, or, in the vase
of the butterflies and moths, Is more
familiarly known as the chrysnllc
stage. A single chrysalis measures
aboat three-fourths of an inch In
Capacity of a Corn Crib.
It Is a safe rule in estimating the
sise of a crib, to allow two cubic feet
to each bushel of corn. By a cubic
bushel is meant 70 pounds of ear corn,
which Is equivalent to 50 pounds of
shelled corn. The rule is to allow 14
pounds for cob in the fall, and 12
pounds In the spring after the corn has
been dried out perfectly. Two cribs
thirty feet long, six feet wide and ten
feet high, will by this rule bold 1,800
bushels. Ten feet is too high to throw
com easily with a scoop shovel, but
there can be two openings for each crib
extending down to within four or Ave
feet of the floor, and when the crib Is
full to the bottom of these, short boards
, can be placed across them, as the crib
Is filled, and most of the filling can be
done with ease. When the cribs must
he filled to the top, a boy or man can
throw corn back to the ends and fill It,
so as to utilize all the space.
Freaierve a Record.
It would be no bad plan for every
farmer, and particularly for every
young farmer, to make a resolution
.nil keep it to preserve an Intelligible
record of all bis transactions, the
times, the seasons, the crops grown,
the dates of planting, with such his
tory of their progress as will throw
light upon the results reached. How
one's time has been employed, what
work was done, when, and in short
every fact relntlug to the economy of
the farm might be briefly but Intelli
gibly noted. Such a record, even for
a single year, would be of value In
nlnnnlne for the nest year, enabling
the fanner to better plan his work, be
cause the points at which he succeed
ed, as well as those at which be fniled
during the previous year, would be
full of suggestion and reminder.
The AdvnncB in When.
Tbe price of wheat has advanced in
all parts of the world, and Is due to
legitimate causes. First came a drouth
In Australia, which cut down the last
crop In tbe colontes very materially.
Later tbe advices from Adelaide ludl
cste great need of rain, and the next
crap there may be .dwarfed on that ac
count Two bad years in succession
Id Australia are Improbable, but not
Impossible. The crop In the Argen
tine Republic Is short for the same
reason, and this Is also true of India
and Russia. The spectacle of Califor
nia shipping wheat to Calcutta is one
tbe world bas never before beheld.
Par "ff :! Quit.
Whenever there Is sny misunder
stand log between employer and em-
ploye on the farm, and one or the other
focls that they have not had their Just
deserts. It Is time to pay off and quit.
These sores never heal up entirely,
and It dueau't pay to doctor them up.
and .hare them break out In a uuw
place worse than ever.
A lime for IIIiit illtT.
A little neighborly help aud counsel
may go a great way toward keeping
some pwiplu from failure. There are In
every community those who are In n
position to I'll her dlstrcxs or to help
their leu fiii'tunate neighbors. In most
oi Kin It will do these people no good to
draw the lines ton tightly, while such
action limy online the failure of some
who would otherwise have avoided It.
A man may be pretty hard up financial
ly, and yet be all right. If bin creditor
knows this and takes advantage of It
In a time of llnaucial unrest the debtor
and the whole htisim community are
wronged, usually with no advantage to
the creditor. No one is urged to take
any great rink for the sake of accom
modating a uclghbor, yet all should
realize the good that n little luuleimy
mny do, and the harm that may result
from the opposite count).
Ponltry I'eecllitir Ruck.
For the bottom take a board 1 Inch
tlriek, 0 Indies wide n ml t! feet long.
ends 1 Inch thick, (i Inches'wlde and IS
Inches long. Nail solid to ends of bot
tom; their ends (lush with underside of
bottom. Two strips half an Inch thick
and four Inches wide are nailed to the
edges of the bottom, thus making a
trough three Inches deep with ends
18 Inches high. Then take strips one
quarter Inch thick. 3 Inches wide and
IS Indies long, pointed at upper end.
and nail them to the sides of the trough,
leaving a space between pickets of lj
Inches for chicks or 2 Inches for fowls.
This gives a complete and durable fee l
rack, where the weak have equal
chance will, the strong, and uo waste
of feed-Farm and Home.
NO American Ft Stock Fhow.
There will be no American Fat Stock
Show lu Chicago this year. The Illinois
uf.itu ii...n-ri nt a ii-riiMiiiui'n hna Hi'dili'il
that the time Is too short to allow for
proper arriingenients belug made. The
stocknieu. too. are of the opinion that It
would not lie convenient for them to at-
tend, the time being too short for them
to get their herds in condition. It Is
probable that another cause has oper
ated to some extent. The Springfield
fair Involved them In debt about 15.-
000, and they had asked to have a guar
antee fund of $20,000 raised If the fat
stock show was to be held. Only $15,000
of the latter sum had been subscribed.
Dead Farrow n Nnlaance.
The dead furrow is always a nui
sance In preparing land for a crop.
unless It is upon wet lauds, which
must necessarily be thrown Into ridges
a couple of rods wide to carry off sur
face water. The reversing plow Is
now used and highly recommended
when It Is desirable to have lands
level. We shall Investigate this revers
ible plow and report upon Its practical
utility another season. '
Dairy Dot..
It Is well to remember that culls will
come with the best of breeding.
If a cow has a sore teat, milk very
carefully, and apply extract of witch
If a cow's teats are muddy or covered
with other tilth, they should be washed
with water and then wiped dry before
beginning to milk.
With temperature under control and i
churn In
dliwr nt tllB Hllt time the
butter will come solid so as to be easily
handled and free from buttermilk.
When the butter Is marbled, It Is
either caused by leaving too much but
termilk in the butter at the last work
ing or the salt has not been distributed
Much of the average farm butfr con
tains many or the essentials or goou
quality, but because It fails In one or
more essentials it falls to bring best
The laws enacted during tbe past two
years wltb reference to oleomargarine
seem to be slowly but surely reducing
the output of tbe stuff, and they are cer
tainly of great benefit to tbe legitimate
dairy Interests.
Agricultural Atom.
Chinch bugs winter over among
dead grass. In corn shocks, plies oi
rubbish, and along fences, especially
The potato blight Is on tbe Increase.
Bordeaux mixture for blight and Tal is
green for bugs will have to be kept In
stock by the potato grower.
For storing corn fodder, either shred
ded or bulk, any sort of a shed that has
a rainproof roof will do. All that Is
necessary Is that it be kept dry.
Land that is rich enough to produce
crops ou the "intensive" plan does not
need rest, .hut a judicious rotation
must be kept up, with clover mixed iu
' Make your cellars frost proof, white
wash tbem. aud let them at all times
have light, and be capable of frequent
ventilation. A cellar may be of great
er value, or a nulfance. '
Tbe preponderance of evidence seems
to be against the replowlng of ,-oni
land for wheat. ,Tbe land Is In yo.xl
condition without plowing. Cut tLc
corn off low and drill lu tbe wl.eat.
To tell when pGmpkins are ripe -bi;i
them with tbe finger nail. If the nail
makes a snapping noise when break
ing through the rind It is ripe, but If
it. makes no noise or the chip comes
wff soft it is cot ripe.
Mm. Nella Pmuolt nf Huston haa recently
written book, "raiiry Win It ami Art iH-cnra-tlunt,"
Hint given practical timtruciliitia tut
making dnlltcs, labls covers, scans, tray cloths,
pin cunhiolis, etc., etc., wllb liny llliiatiallmis.
Thin book, tu(f lh-
ar with "Huci-ess.
ml Homo 1 y
Ink," Kill be sew
(to in Hiiy n iuli i
who frirw Kill the
mtHCllI'll l'lllHMI
alidad-tent stamp
(u ttclls, Hlo)iri.
Kill ill Co., Bur
lington. VI.
COUPON NO. 716 "0."
Thti tnttllr-t any ttaA't
o thti pnprr to fine eojiy nj
'Maty H'D'tumt Art l)r
nrntlim:" and "Swatijul
llnme Diiriuu."
I lie niaive iiih'p
al niter Is made to advertise tliu reliable I'lii
iiiond llyuii, Mild In mi tholr book upon home
ilyi'lnK lino the hands n( women wlin Hum lu
driissaell by nittklnK tholr old clothing look
Ilka new.
Tim (not that Diamond Dye have been i nc
standard home dyi'a (or nearly twenty years,
and that their sale Increase (mill year lo rar,
la proof punitive that they have never had au
Fcotlnnri Yard Hotectlve Keen an Kyi
Upon Uiinaeroua Miurrifr.
There Is one ofllclnl at Scotiund Yard
who Is hut little known to the publle.
but who all the same works very hard
and successfully for tbe public good
by closely scanning, day In and day
out, the advertisements appearing lu
every London newspaper.
This official's primary duty Is to keep
a bright lookout for the very numerous
swindling class which advertises for
managers and so on prepared to Invest
money; but, quite beyond this, be. in
the most careful manner, notes all ad
vertisements as strike him In any way
as being suspicious, handing them over
to the heads of different department. J
lie Is himself an expert lu all matter I
that deal with cipher writing, and pun
pf bis duty Is to translate every cipher
that may appear, handing over a copy
of the translation to active members
of the staff when anything is revealed
that justifies such a course. . .
The writer hnd.the privilege the oth
er day of a short chat with this official
a blight young fellow, speaking sev
eral languages, who said:
"I am afraid that I am not allowed
i no fl.iv pvnr tvtsMPii wIMimit mv li'inrlllin
b .'to ,"
n ,., , . ... ..'
I ktfn recently, for It is an open
sccret tbat certain foreign catch nd-
! vertisement swindlers are expecien
ucre ere long.
"Besides, there have been exposed Id
j court many cases of swindling recent-
I ly which' have depended solely on nl-
: luring advertisements. Iu two of them
l gave warning long a,
:o, but no prose
cutor would como forward. Were I
allowed to do so, I could show you
hundreds of most mysterious cipher
advertisements In the book over there,
the bulk of these, of course, being be
twecn lovers, but many of tbem cou
tainlng warnings from one educated
swindler to another. ,
"Of course, you know that the thieve
even are all specialists nowadays, and
It is surprising how soon a bogus ad
vertisement swindler gets to work
again In the same direction when be
Is released from Jail. I am advised of
the release of these men, and the char
acteristics of their stylo are soon ob
servable again In ' the ' advertisement
columns. -
"We, as a rule, warn them at oncu
that we recognize the new plant, and Id
this way hundreds of warnings ar
sent ont yearly and do an amount ol
good that the public knows nothing of
My duty Is very monotonous, and I dar
not get even a single edition behind
hand." London Tit-Bits.
KUATION. Tho above clan of sclontlnta recnRiilzr, and
have rcnvaiinlly borne leatiiiiony, to Ihe etricacy I
ui noKieuor's einnincn nuieni us u remedy ana
Drnventive nf fpvnr mid - nffiin. rhi.iimHHni.
want of vigor, liver comiilnlnt, and mine other
'"'""",""'","' eonuiuoiia Ol me nyn uio
Kxperlenue nnd observation have taught thrm
Its value. They but echo the verdict long
Hlnce pronounced by the public and the prena.
Only the benightud now are Ignorant of Amer
ica'! toutc anil alterative.
The multitude is like the tea; it
either bears yon up or swallows you,
according to the wind.
By local application, ai they cannot reach the
dueaaed portion of the ear. There it only one
Way to cure deaf nesa, and that ia by constitu
tional rcmediea. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube la inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bear
ing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is
the result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to lis normal
condition, hearing will lie destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by eafarrli,
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous suriaces.
We will giro One Hundred Dollars for any
rase of deafness (caused by eainrrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, bend for
circulars; free.
P. J. CflENEY A CO, Toledo, O.
fold by druggists, 70c
Lull's Family Tills are tho best.
Great things are not accomplished by
idle dreams, but by years of patience
and wisely directed study, .
male Kmployed and nnemc
olovcd: send1
stamped self addressed envelope at once fori
registration application blank to Employees
inaustriai Association. Home omce, M rtaab
ington street, i'orlland, Oregon.
We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub
lished testimonials are pmven to he not
genuine. The I'rtio Co., Warren, Pa.
Wc want- your' tea-trade
for the rest of your life.
Do you see now how we
can afford to say : " Get
every sort of Schillings
Best of your grocer, and
get your money back on
what you don't like"?
A Sraitliat; Cnmpaay '
aM rtayf IK CS
Baa's Dora Hoondi a Warning Nota
' o tha Unredremed. ,
TO be a lion Is to
have a lion's en
emies. -
To girt less
than we should is
not to give as God
would. t
The man who
gives help to an
other learns how
host to lieln him-
3 self.
No gift will be
too small that
has a heart full of love behlud it '
Blessed are the meek. The rabbit
survives, but tbe wolf Is gone, .
Hiifferlng often puts Into the human
voice a tone thnt seems divine.
Tbe stronger of all men Is the one
who takes (od to be his strength.
Something Is sure to be accomplished
by the man who sticks to one thing.
If we see nothing good In others, tbey
will not be likely to see much good In
as. ' . . '
Not until we know a man's heart
have we any right to say tbat we know
him. '
We would all have less cause to blame
others If we bad fewer faults of our
Only God can tell how much wrong
doing Is prevented by one man doing
right ,
Before we can know much of God we
have to find out a good dtml about our
As much bitterness and hate can be
; expressed In a word as can be fired out
of a gun
It Is better to be able to suffer long
and be kind than to be able to talk like
au angel.
Tbe man who says no to himself In
nothing bas tbe devil for a traveling
The Christian who does not look
bnppy when be gives dims the polish,
I on jjB gjf
! . .
must w!rl and tUat Uo uavo
; a large heart. .
I goes, because the good In him brings
out good In others. . . .
The slothful man can never find that
, weeiu iu ureau wmcu uou puis iu
jit for the diligent man.
We often call upon God to take away
; our trials, when what be wants Is to
give us grace to stand them. ' '
The devil almost gains our consent to
stay, when be proves that nobody else Is
doing anything to make him go.
There Is probably a time in the life of
every man when bis band almost
touches tbe philosopher's stone.
There will be no revival when tbe
people can see clear across the bouse
that the' preacher Isn't'expectlng much.
Every mother should train her chil
dren as carefully as she would if she
knew tbey were to be kings and
"Many a man cheats himself out of a
blessing, because be Is not willing to
trust God with the way In which it
shall come. " .
David found the valley of tbe shadow
of death a better place than the green
pastures, but it is hard to convince
those who hate not tried It that It. Is
that w?y.
Trof. Tyndall's idea, expressed many
years ago, that nitration through a plug
of cotton wool was a most efilclent
method of freeing air from mlcroblc
germs, led to ntteuipts belug made to
sterilize water In the same way. Little
success has hitherto been attained, but
quite recently M. Henri Potevln claims
that he has evolved a method of so con
structing such filters that bo can com
pletely sterilize wntcr In large quanti
ties. The fibers of the cotton are Bnely
powdered nnd sifted, and then suspend
ed In water and allowed to settle. This
tbey do Is compact mass, forming a
paste, which,, allowed to dry slowly,
gives filter plates quite Impervious to
germs, etc. The best results arc gained
by placing the plates between two
plates of sandstone or perforated metal,
and If tbey arc arranged In a buttery,
like tbe Alter presses so commonly used
In Europe for sewage, sludge, etc., very
large quantities of water can be rapidly
eternized. Periodical cleanings are nec
essary, ns'no matter wfiat care Is taken,
tbe rule which holds good in nil other
filters serving the same end, that tho
microbes are able to get through tho
filtering material eventually by a pro
cess of growth, obtains. There Is. bow
eter, no great difficulty in this, as the
cells of the material are easily purified
by a fresh pulping In boiling water.
, Woman's Reason, ' -
Surprised Dame What? And yon
have refused Mr. De Ooode"? I thought
run tlkorl lilin
, , ' r...
Lovely Daughter I did, but to tell
yon the truth, none of . tho, othor girls
seemed to enro a snap for hlin. New
York Recorder.
A r'lire IVsy.
An agricultural exchange asks: "IIovz
can we prevent cider from workiusT
You nilgbt get It a government osl-tiouV-Tcsns
Wheel News.
"It Is queer how you Inexperienced
riders always take such long rides."
"No. It Isn't a hit queer; we are afraid
to stop and get off for fear we eau't get
on again." Detroit Free Tress.
.A man without enthusiasm Is a very
poor friend, but uc lakes good care of
This Is the season when those per
sons who have uever 'tr'cd 'possum
long for IL
two ounce bag,
coupons inside each four
ounce bag of Blackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get thenh
Cheapest Power.....
n H. P. Hercules, Gas or Caroline.
1-2 II. P. Ilcrcults. Gas or Gasoline.
1-2 II. P. Regan, Gas or Gasolin
i-3 H. P. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 II. P. Otto, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 H. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline.
i-6 II. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline,
t-io II. P. Ilcf culcs. Gas or Gasoline.
State Your Wants and Write for Prices
Hercules Gas
405-7 Sansome Street
Saa Francisco, Cal...
Gas, Gasoline and Oil
Of the Breast.
Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St.,
Memphis, Term., says that his . wife
paid no attention to a small lump which
appeared iu her breast, but it soon de
veloped into a cancer of the worst type,
and notwithstanding the treatment oi
the best physicians, it continued to
spread and grow rapidly, eating two
holes in her breast. The doctors
soon pronounced
her incurable, A
celebrated New York
specialist then treat
ed her, but she con
tinued to grow worse
and when informed
that both her aunt
and grandmother had
died from cancer he
gave the case up as
Someone then re
commended S.S.S.
and though little hope remained, she
begun it, aud an improvement was no
ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and
when she had taken several bottles it
disappeared entirely, and although sev
eral years have elapsed, not a sign of
the disease has ever returned.
A Real Blood Remedy.
S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable)
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
to care Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease
Our boo les
will be mailed
free to any ad
dress. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
MAILED FREE ' Special I'rlc List at
This circular Is Issued for the benefit nf our
coun try customers who cannot avail themselves
of our Dally Special Pale. Hend us your ad
dress. You will find both goods anil prices
right. WILL KINCK CO.,
81S-820 Market Street, Ean Francisco, Cul.
Make money by lue-
cckkIui inoculation in
Chicago. We buy and
sell wheat there on
margins. Fortunes have been made on a small
beginning by trading In futures, nrite :
full particulars. Hest of re.'erence given. Hev-1
eral veors' experience on the Chicago Hoard of '
Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi
ness. 4'ownlng, Hopkins A Co., Chicago Board
of Trade llrokers. Ctlices in Portland, Oregon,
nd Spokane, nasn.
Its wrarliigqnalltlesarenu'urpaiwsd, actually
utlaatliig t 'oxa of any er i'ra"d Free
Irom Anlm.l Oils. U - T Til !K !J INet.
and Pealeragi-nerallv. ' '
"Juat Don't Fol Wall,"
ra iha On Thing to us
On if On for a Dos.
Said tr Druggists at 36o. a too
aW Dr. Betiako fW. Co. PMU. i s.
A Kivajr bt-rvlve.
The African Lakes Company has be
come so careful that it compels its
agent to pay their own funeral ex
penses; so many agents died tl.nt an
order was actually Issued compelling
the agents to die at thIr own cxpetise.
For a long while the company bas eu
Joyed monopoly of trade.
Goreroestes in families of tbe nobil
ity seldom, if ever. -dins with the
beads of lbs eublihinenf. Tbey taks j
their nesls alona or with the younger
members of tbs family,
Many thousand dollars
worth of valuable articles
suitable for Christmas
gifts for tbe young and
old, are to be given to
smokers of Blackwell's
Genuine Durham To
bacco. You will find
one coupon inside each
ariMnilll w 1
VTobacco J
Rebuilt Gas and
Gasoline Engines.
....Engine Works
Engines, 1 to 200 H. F.
We will
Pay the
and send you
Consisting o! a 11-Inch broad knife, 12
Inoh cuke knifo and a paring knife, '
At 21 Cents tor the Three....
These knives cut bread nnd cake with
out crumbling, and If hot as
well as if cold. Also
1.', ,B fsMkfchsnii mm 1 II ifl
Rogers Bros.' Genuine Triple Flutes'
Knives and Forks
A T t Q r""r 'h" set of 0 knives and S
M I $JiUJ forks, as shown abovtf.
Or same style, only single plnled, AT Sit SO
y singU
for the sot
turner win
naid bv us.
turner who bus not received our new Kail Cat.
Mintage pain !
To each cos
alogue we will send it fne,
302 Waihlnpon St. PURILAND, OR.
MM15. A. Ft'prERT says: "1 appreciate His)
fsct that there i re thousands and thousands of
Ihe ladles of Ihe U.iited Wales that would Ilk
to try my World Kenowncd HACK BLKAUHi
hut have been kept irom doing so on account ol
the price, which is 2 per bollle, or 8 bottle
taken together j. In order that all of thee
may have an opportunity, I will mall free a
sample botlle, safely packed, plain wrapper, on
rereiut of !U rents. KKKCKLtS, pimples, molb,
sallowness. black head, acne, eczema, olllnes
rftnilinffts. fir anv dUcoloralinn or din
Ihe skin, and wrinkles (not caused by faelal
expresslon,)TACE HI.KAI If removes absolute
ly. It does not cover up, as cosmetics do, but
It Is a cure.
Fend tor my book "flow to be Bcoutlfnl," fres
on application. Address all eommunieallouS
or call ou
Itoom t, Golden Rule building, Portland, Or
Sr8rEcut Tkrais to Agents.
CD1T0M PSICEI. fend for Catalogue.
7S Msrhrt rlrrrl, SMH r- raillaen, CaJ.
J-)t!l'Tri!Ka4 I I l.irs cured: no pay tiatil
. enred: send tia lnKilr. !. MsNsnitLo A
oKTKanr.l.l.a:iH Market jit fcan Franeisco.
Ileitis ( SHnH. HIn-tii W frMrtvllof P1l, rlthl M mm H
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