OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W, CHENEY. City and County Official Paper KiiUroil in Oregon City poiturHiv a seeuiHl-cUe loader. SUIiiiCRII'TION RATES. Con year 2 00 HlX months 1 HO Three minih W) II paid In advance, per year ... . 1 M fatTho date opposite your address on Iho paper denotes lliu lime in which you hare paid. AIIVKMTHING IIATKH. Htandlnir business advertisements: Pit month 1 lueli al, l inehos II All, :t mc li.n f 1 . 7., 4 lilr!i- 2,S Inches lU column) ti.i!M Inches ( , column) 14, 20 inches (uuluinii) tf; yearly contracts It) per ceiil less. . .... Transient advertisements: Per week 1 Inch Win, !! Inehes 7.V, 8 lnnli 11. 4 Inches t inches ll.JiO, 111 Inches fi .V), ill Indies J.1 I"gal advertisements: Per Inch first In sertion II, each additional Insertion We. Affi davits of publication will not hi furnished unlll publication Icen nr.' paid. . Local iuiIIpimi Five cent! per line per wet, per month 20a. PATR9NI.K IIOMK INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, NOVEMBER 20,1890. To Subscribers. The season of the year lias arrived when the proprietor of a newspaper naturally expects to reeeivo some com jieniMition for his labors The amounts luo us from Riibsoriliers are indivitltially Miall, but taken in the Hereunto they amount to quite a large sum. Pttring these hard times it t:ix"s all one'a einr g'uw to keep a piper ,uUit. l'lease try to send us a dollar or two on iti-cotint, or if you are unable to get the dollar ami have produce send or bring that and we will allow you market price. A ciianuk of 25,003 votes in the t tates of California, Delaware, Indiana, Ken tucky, North Dakota, Oregon, West Virginia and Wyoming would have given liryau a majority in the electoral college. Ace ikoinu to the Silom Journal $30,000 was spunt in Portland on the eve of the rocent election in buying "voters," ti "saVJ the nation" and our "national gold-standard honor " Truly, the cam- piign just close 1 covered with infamy tho moral lepers that managed the republican machine. Of the seventeen states carried by Mr. Harrison in 1892, Mr. MeKinley carried fotirt6en and Mr. llryan three. Of tho twenty-three states carried by Mr. Olevo land in 1892, Mr. McK inley got eleven and Mr. Hryan twelve. Of Mr. Mc Kinlev's 281 electoral votes. l.iJ, or nearly one-half, came from states car ried by Cleveland. Tim career of the Silve ton lad, Homer Davenport, shows w hat pluck and perse verance can accomplish, five years ago he was a nobody, and now lie is the greatest cartoonist in America with salary of $16,000. It is true Homer had a working capital of talent to start with, but many a talented man has no more vim than a goose, It seems from the returns reasonably eertain that repeating was practised, in tho iiitereNt of tho republican party, in Clackamas, Multnomah, Marion and e her Willainetto valley counties. Every honest man must admit that. Oregon needs a registration law, unless elections nro to become a farce.' What will the legislature do in this matter? It happens sometimes that the defeat ed one in a eonllict is tho acu.il victor. W. J. llryan occupies a warmer pluae in tho hears of tho American people, and is far more tho object of their a liniration, than Major MeKinley. Tho seed ho lias sown through the length and breadth of the land will not fail of abun taut fruitage, and Mirk II inn i kn .v it for ho is advising liU fellow gol lliugs to keep tho fences in good repair. Ir is not in goo I form to be in ill 1 minor ov.'r the ubun laneo of moisture that is deluging tho country. The time w ill come in man's history when water wi'l be the most precious thing on earth, exceeding In value all the g ild an 1 diamonds. Then the millionaire will lie tho individual who has the monopoly of tho water in a large reservoir or a poronniil stream and navigation of the extinct o.io.ms will have fang lveu superceded by aortal multicycles. In 1851 the wheat production of the United States was 100,140,000 bushels, representing four and one-third bushels per capita of population. For the ten years from 18U2 to 1871, inclusive, the wheat production was advancod to an annual average of five and one-half bushels per capita for the entire period. For the ten years from 188H to 1S95, inclusive, the average was over seven and three-quarters bushels per capita for the entire period. MiKini.ky will be in duty bound to the sjiectilators in bonds and gold who contributed republican boodle to con tinue the disastrous financial policy be gun during the Harrison administration and continued by Secretary Carlisle. More bonds will have to bo sold to ob tain gold, thus increasing our national lebt. We cannot hope that MeKinley will bring order out of confusion in the treasury unless ho has sufficient man liixi I and independence to shake bim-i-H Ioo from the money sharks whose patriotism and religion is centered in i liie twenty-dollar pieces. Da. II Maxwell give it as the result of fifty yearn' investigation and experi ence, that cancer is chiefly catinej ly eating too much meat, and cRjiccially pork, Tmk mugmuirip organs of tliu Kant ridicule the thought that there will lie even on attempt by the MeKinley ul uilnihtration to secure international bimetallism. The plank in the repub lican platform pledging the party to such a policy was merely inolansea to catch flies merely a campaign lie. Undkr the administration of Mr. McKinlev we mav look for an era of trusts and high protection, saystho New York World. His name is identified with an excessive tariff, and there is nothing in his history to show that lie is un friendly to oppressive corporations and aggregations of capital. Many of the grievances of which the people have complained, and complained justly, are likely to be increased before HM). K. II. O'abiibbt of the Canyonvillo Avalanche-Journal says: "Clackamas county, which went overwhelmingly populist, last June, rolled up a big majority for MeKinley. The credit tor this is duo Secretary Kyan, of the county central committee, who was opposed in his plans by members of his own party." low do Bro. Dresser et al like this, who tried so hard when they thought the county was lost for MeKinley to lay the blame for expecte 1 dufj.it on Mr. Kyan? (iKNKUAL Mas er Workman Sovereign, of the Knightsof Labor, says in his ad dress to the general assembly that the window-glass manufacturers havo built up an enormous monopoly at tho ex pense of tho American p ople, but that, notwithstanding this fact, the increase of labor employed is not American. He recommends that the General Executive Board be instructed to urge, that instead of prohibitory tariff on glass, tho tariff be transferred to the immigrant glass worker, so that the industry shall be retained in the control of national work men and the foreign workmen kept where they lielong. Is nearly allot the states the fertilizers offered for sale within their borders are analyzed by authority of the state and priced in accordance with their intrinsic value. The farmer is thus protected against adulterated fertilizers. Similar results can unquestionably be obtained from an extonsion of thi- at pornal over sight to other materials, such as liquors, spices, coffee, iron, steel, cast iron, oils, paints and soaps. At present it is very difficult to get a paint which is genuine, or a good lubricating oil et a reasonable price, and many of the soaps sold throughout the country are so injurious to clothes as to tie worse than useless. Is this not, after all, a matter for govern mental control? It is the duty of the government to detect and punish fraud wnerever found, and the' e is consider able room here for tho exercise of this function. Have not all classes as much right for protection against fraud as the agricultural, if that class would not be the principal beneficiaries of government inspection? With the object of secur ng accesi for her navy and expanding commerce to the Atlantic, the ltus8.an government has begun tho construction of a now port and city at a place called Ekatrinograd, si tinted on tho Murnuin coast of Lap land, between tho White Sea and the Norwegian boundary, and at a point which, thanks to the Gulf stream, is free from ice the whole winter through A ine has likewise been begun to connect by rail tho new port with St. Petersburg. Tho building of this new city and port on the dreary shores of Russian Lap'.and bids fair to prove one of the groatevents in Russian history, comparable only to tho construction of St. Petersburg, by Peter the Great, t the mouth of the Neva. At the present moment the acceBS to all Russia's ports in the north could lie barred by the powers holding the entrance to the Haiti,!, while in the same way it is the power cotuimu ding the entrance to the Dardanelles upon whom the Czar must depend for access to his mrts in the southern portion of his empire. The possession oi a great pon opening out upon the Atlantic will vastly increase tho importance of Russia as one of the great maritime powers of the world. MoNstRi'K Chaqnette,an old Frenchman of Bridgeport, Conn., has invented a machine that develops a large amount of power by means of air pressure at so low a cost that electrical devices cannot compete with it. It consists of an iron wheel, 82 feet in diameter (on which rests a cylindical iron cage), running horizontally, on ball bearings, on a firm pier of iron and brick. The 10 spokes of the wheel consist of double iron "latticed" girders and at the end of each spoke is a set of three wheels, side by side, weighing four and a half tons. Tho inner of the three wheels runs on tho upper edge of the iron cage on the big wheel, while the two outer wheels strike and pass over, at short intervals, tho "rocker bars" which drive the 200 air compressors distributed both inside and outside of the cage. The air is led by pipes from the compressors to an air tank. A 140-horseiMwerengine revolves the big w heel at the rate of 10 revolu tions per minute ) this gives motion to the 20 smaller wheels which strike the rtvker bars that comnress the air. and tho air tank develops a iwer nearly ; SM ((.r ront greater than that ol the , sttMtn engine. The Companion Calendar. It is said that tho expense of making the Cuiniiiiiiin . rt cmrmter for 181)7 was so great that had it lieen published in tho usual quantity it could not be sold for less than one dollar Four beautiful female figures nro reproduced on four folding pages. Each figure is lithograph ed in twelve colors, being a true repro duction of the original wiitur-culur paint ing, which was selected lccausu of its excellence of design and charm of color and tone. The sizo of each of the four folding pages is lti by II inchcH. It is by far the best piece of color work the L'um'imni has ever offered. Both as a calendar ami as a gem of the lithographer's srt.it is so attractive that it becomes a valuable ad litiini to the mantel or cen: re-table of any room. It is given free to all new subscribers sunn ing $l.7.i to the uiiiititiiin for the year 18iW, who receives ul the paper free from the time ttie subscription is received till January 1, 1897. Celebrating in 189' its seventy-first birthday, the I'oinininimi offers its read ers many exceptional I v brilliant features. Fully two hundred of the most famous men and women of both continents havo coutributud to the next year's volume of tho paper. For free Illustrated Pros pectus address, Tiik Youth's Companion, 2 5 Columbus Ave , liustoii, Mass. NOfluE. I M1EII ,3'l'Aibe LANU 1t'r.lL, t .IJ. II. IfeJO. iu uiAcO u) PcU-r IvjaiU.j)' ofc.i.uai CuWtli W. Lu. ii to' "aau'i-iU ""l,.(1 Rntry No. 7ll).'. (IhUmI Jiiiih 111, IS 18. upon the ,'. rt Srt t nt Hrrll m 14, Townsliln 2s, Kunxc .') F In I'liU'kHiniis com. IV, I'lcKou, with a vk in lilt- niiii'clliilioli of '.M eniiy, tic .ihl paiU'H sre lii'ivlcr Miiiiinioiiei to np;iiMr t.t I'. S. I.mid Ottio.! hi On-KOii Oily, Ori-Hon, onllie tiih J y of .liuiumy, 1H7, Ht 10 o'clock a in , to re-pond nml InruUh li-ctlinoiiy coiicenilnx bulil allujid sliHUiloniueht. KOIIKHT A. MIU.KIt, Kt'trltlvr. WM. HAI.LllWAY, Ktevlver. . NOTICE OF EXKCUTRIXF.S. JJOriCB 18 HtRKIIV" OIVKN THAT TIE tiiidiTsiKiUHl hiKe hi-t'ii Hppnlntui! by the Hon. Uonloii K. Ilityw, oumy Judn of Clink li mns county, mule of Oruuou, uxuctitrUus of the will mnl estntd of John t'oberjr, drovaseil. All pcrnoua having rtulnui nnulint the mid ratulesru hereby required to preSHlit the smile duly veri fied and with roper vouchers within six months from the dute hereof to the undersigned exeeu trlxea, Rt the ofllce of Hedges, It Urltflth, Oregon City, Oregon. Dated this Utli dy of November, IK. ' MARY COIIKBY, , MARY A. II ALKY, Exoi ulrlxes of E,-tn ic of John Cubiry, HccoBseil MUSIC COUPON N3. 36. The following beautiful new songs by Hundville-Knalmaii, will he mulled to any address on the reeelpl of 10 (nils eaeh (Introductory prieu) or he entire 6 soils for 4o cents, providing this o upon In sent v til order. Ka"h piece has a handsome. Htle page and retails for 40o. I'm Dreaming of the I'ust. . II Wo Hh-uilil Meet Again. Wreeki-tl, or You Weio false, Not True" to Mo. - : Only h Song of Long Ago. I Have Led You Though I Love You. Address: The Wiley B. Allen Co., 211 KifttKt., f.Tllnll l, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.; J AND OFFTf'E AT ORKflOM CITY. OK El N, i October 6th, 18!Mi. Nutli-p Is herehv given that the following-name I settler has II led notice of his Inleiillcn In make flnnl proof In support of his sdjiiiiing farm liomeslcn.l, and ih,u aald proof will he made hi f ire the Iteglstcr anil lie civer at Oregon City, O egou, on November 2ld, ISM, viz: THOMAS t JIHIB, II . E. No. 8181), for the l.uN 1, 2, :1 'ind S of Sec 24, I p 8 South, KmiKe 3 ti. He names the following uiineKsex to prove Ins com in inii resilience upon and cul lvatlon of anl Mini, vis: Jneoti (ieriier, Jr., Jumen M llayden. Jumes M. Shllts and Willhiiu II. M.iiin oi, all of Viola, Oregon. KlHIKkT A. M1LI.KH, Keglster. SKVESTH 1ST it HET MOTK.'K H 1IEREI1Y OIVKN THAT TIIK FOI.L0WIKO AMOUNTS HAVK BEES ASSESSED be the Uty Council of Oreson city, Oremin, ou the property abutting upon that portion ol Seu'tilh street between the eastetly line ol Main slreot and the wall known as the westerly Una of the S. I. K, K rli(htof way in said city, liable under the Charter ol said eity, for the improvement of suld Seventh street, and that said amounts of in iney ft'O due and piyable wltlil i twenty dAys from the first publication of tlilc notice, No vein her Mill, 181: thatlf said sums are not paid at said time they wilt draw Interest, together with winterer costs may ba Incurred BLOCK. tOT. il Truct 1 and 2 OHNKR'S HA MB. Oregon & djlllotnla Rullw !H Trast 1 ami 2 John Welch 2: Track 1 and t 4o feet off westerly end Lot & Lot t 1-ot S ! of 6 Tract 4 Tract S Tract I Trustees Methodist Episcopal Church 25 26 21 21 24 21 24 M. A. Stratton estate of lot 3 In block 24; thence along Ihe easterly bounds, y of said loi 3 In a southerly direction 4 feci; thsnce at right angles In westerly direction 70 feet; thence at right angles to the northerly boundary of said hit; thence at right angles along the northerly boundary of said lot 8-70 feet, to plai-e of beginning S53 23 84 Tract 4 Elisabeth Fuchs Sixty-three feet off easterly end. 24 Tract 3 Beginning at S. E. corner of lot 3, block 24, In Oregon City: thence northerly along east line of said lot 25 feet; thence at right ang'es la a westerly di rection 70 let; thence at right angles In a sontherly direction 25 feet; thence at right angles in an eastrr'y !iretlon 71 feet to the place of beeinning 1S5 tf. Ordered p-ibltihed at a meeting o! c r Canncilof Or.-gnn City, Or., hM on X.iremb?r M, lw. TII03. F. KYAN'. City Recorder. m We have a full line of Ladies' Kid Button Shoes in plain, opera or square toe, for $1.50, that beats anything ever showed in This week we of Men's Full Dress Patent Calfskin Shoes in all the latest toes. : : : : New York and Chicago styles. : : : McKlTTflSECK, "The CITY ELEOTION NOTICE. ' Notice Is hereby (fiven that there will he u reguhii general election for the city of Oregon City, Oregon, to be held in said city on Monday the 7th day of December, 1896, Between the hours of nine o'clock a. ni. and seven o'clock p in., for which elec tion there have lieen designated the fol lowing polling places, to-wii : Ward No. 1 The Cataract Engine House, corner of Main and Third streets of said city. "VVabd No. 2 The Fountain Hose Company's Engine House on Main street, between Seventh and Eighth streets ,of said ci y . At said time and place there will be elected the following-named officers : A Mayor, tlvo couxcilmen fob tiik flrst ward. TwoCou.ncilmknfortheSbcond Waru. - A Tkkabirkr. There have been appointed as judges and clerks of said election by thecounc 1 the following-named : Waro No 1 Judges: Thos. F. Ryan, R. D. Wilson and J A . Stuart Clerks: J. W, Boatman and D. E. Sliephard Ward No. 2 Ju.lgus: J.U. Campbell, 0. N. Green , man and fi. H. Bestow. Clerks: W. B. Wiggins and H. J. Thorne. Published by order of the City Council at a regular meeting held on November lt.th, 1896. THOS. F. KYAN, City Recorder. Ladies', gents' and children's fall and winter underwear just received at the R.icket Store. ASiiSS l EN T NOTICE iy DKlW.'B.PTION. Twenty (eel In wldtn off tho end of lots 1 and 2 in I. lock 25, adjOinitiK Uut street III Oregon illy $43 72 Cnmnii neliiK at a point 20 f'ct westerly from the N. E comer , of lot I, block ib, on 7th ta-et: Ihenei wefteily along sild 7th street 40 leet; thence soiuher'y al right aiitiles with 7th st-eet to -B p'. tut 25 feet from the westerly line of Methodist property 90 feet, mora or less : thence easterly at rlsht smiles with said last line 4U feet; them-e northerly to plnee ol beglnnlnv, all bring In lots 1 and 2, block 23 SO 6C 320 57 Southerly lot . 42 fett off westerly end. 85 feet off westerly end. B-'ginnlng at N. E. corner w GREAT SALE Of GAPES AND JACKETS FOR 3 DAYS ONLY. The Greatest Values ever placed on the American market. All new and up-to-date goods. Don't hesitate a moment. If you want a CAPE, JACKET or a PLUS H WRAP. We have them in stock at the conect prices, and every garment marked in plain figures at the following prices. Heavy Beaver Capes. and $5. Jackets. $2.50, $2.75. $3, $3.50, $4.50 and upwards to $25.00. Great n d ictions in Dress Goods. Call and see us. SPECIAL A fine collection of Sealette Wrap, silk. lined, very dressv, tii cltise at $465. Ladies cm can saw iimnev by taking advantage of the treat, our Gr.tipl Ca;j and Jacket Sale. McALLEN & McDONNI- Ll,?y$MttX' y 'Portland, .... Oregon AyaUi for Bazar Palterm anil .Vujgionl FranceKu Kid Gloees. iHome First... ...The World Afterwards GOOD MOTTO THIS or communities, and really every merchant in town. home stores adds to the industries. It helps the helping the growth of the more -r less dependent upon The great trade centers pay We are keeping careful track ui adding to the stock to meet them. ot Clothing, Dress Goods. Groceries, Notions, Etc. CHAHMAN & SON. MANHOOD RESTOMS tlon of a frniou-i Tn.,,m ,1a. l-.il.. Bfss nt disc :a.-.Tc. " kid lersaild fienr a-vrornv w .t..i..r. ,.n,l .... .. re? vjy The reason sufferer are not rnrivl Iwarcrn is hernuse ninety Twr rsnt ara tmnhinl aini Preauslltla. CDPIDKNEIs the only known re-ncrtr toeorewiihouian operation? KtaonU alv A written jronmntce given and money relume.) ( six boxes doea not eilact a uaruuwntannT f 1.00 a bo, six fr iOJ, by mail. Si-nd for frkb circular and testimonials. psnuaueoi cur Address DAVoL BEDICIXB COM P. C. Box S076, Ban Francisco, CaL ibr Oau 0 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. VOTICK 18 HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THI 1 undersigned has been appointed by Gordon E Hayes, county Judge of Clackamas county. state of Oregon, executor of the will and estate of Elleu J. II ed ires, deceased. All persons having claims acalnst the said est.ite aie hereby required to prvsrat Ihe same duly verified and with proper vouchers within six mouths from Ihe date of this nollae to the undersigned executor, at the offices of Hedges & Gri tilth, Barclay building. Oregon City. Oregon. Dated this 20th day of October, 1496. JOSEPII El'GESE HEDGES, Executor of the will and estate of Ellen J. Hedges, deceased. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATOX. rASD OFFirg AT ORErtok CITY. OBEOON, October x7th, 1-96. Notice Is hrehy given that the following-named stiler his liKd nmiee of his Intention to make flnsl proof In siippoit of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and fereiver t Or gou City, Oieiron, on leerober U;h, 1ji, via: WILUAM NIEMANN, H. K Na 11 for the SE !( of flee. 35, TP t R. 4 E. Il nsmes the fo'lowina; witnesm to prove bis eimTiniions residence ti(wn and culti vation of. said land, vis: John T. Meen. Henrv wrera. Frank linrorl and Eiwnexer Laeey, all ht pringwater, Oregon. ItohEItT A. MILLER, Rjg'.ter. Wanted-fln Idea Who eaa think of some simple taiM locatrat? Project yoT tdas: thev may brtna y.e wealth Writ JOHN WEUDF.KUrRS Ct) Patrol Attor aevs. WaaAinatoa. I t Ihlr gt.fsn pmi oCcr aail 11k oi twa auoured iBvecuona wastaU. lew Lie.. r the market. : : : h show a line Shoe Man."! I f $2. so. $2.71. JvStIO FOR EITHER INDIVIDUALS ! finds its echo in the voice nf ! Every dollar spent in your development r.f the home growth of the. town bv ! individual, for we are all I each other, -s- J tribute to the big stock. I your wants, and constantly '-ail and see our fa stock T TIIK 1'IONEKK SJTORK, OREGON CITY, OR. COFIDENE" This e:rnai.t7a.. ,nhl French physician, will Quickljouro von ofair VltF.llx,.r,U)eprescrip- J" oi si ui r. in tho I,...l7 CT.-.f" J" " iluimooO, v ...ch if notchclrrt .iKJT;L" ' "lnKL iiarvorirannJall lnm,l,l.. "-""""ranw i ; . GAMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $1.60. Family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F. ZIMMERMAN. Mgr. THOSE 39. ASO MAIJf STREET.. SIXTH CITY TREACHER'S NOTICE. 'OTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERi, are sufficient funds on hand in the iner Fnnd of Oregon cty to p.v ,H outstanding warrants endorsed prior 0 UttemV, lh VH. Iutere.t ceae with ike da.. A this notice. H. E. tTRAI.jlH, Or-.-a rjty, Xor. n. 15 t Uj lnt.ant