OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. City and County Official Paper. Entered iu Urogun Ciljr MtiilHca u .ncoiid-claM mattor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. qn year 00 A HUMILIATING Sl'KCTACLE. We hope the nation will nover again be permitted to eo such a iitintle ami humiliating spectacle iih w.ih uilut'sHcJ every day for the punt three mouths at Canton, Ohio. There uuo could soo crowds of people, some, no doubt, genuine Idolaters paid by the day, and hauled in free by the railroads, to pay homaiie to a human being. Such IllOlllhS 1W- ,.., !..!. . .. !., Throe, months II paid In advance, per rear 1 ISO Tlin (Into niiiinnlKi votir address on til pauur denotes Hie time to which you have paid ADVEKTIHINO RATES. Standing business advertisements: Per month 1 Inch 11,3 Inches II Go, a I no hen SUA, 4 Inches fl,S Inches column) ttlMoliichcsfHeoliiinn) M, 20 inches (column) H; yearly contracts 10 per ccm less. . , , . Transient advertisements: I'er week 1 Inch AOe, 2 Inches T.'h;. 8 lnch" 1. 4 Inches 112b, li.. Iih Sim 111 liinliea i'2 AO. 20 Inches i. Legal advertisements: Per Inch Unit In ertlnn tl. each additional liiMirtlnn Sue. Alt) davit of publication will not be furnished until piitillraimn icci lire puici. local notices: Five renla per line per week, per month xve PATRONIZE IIO.MK IMDI'sTRY. OREGON CITY, X0VKMI5KR 13,1890 To Subscribers. The Bciifon of the v:tr 1ms arrived when the proprietor of u newspaper naturally expects to receive Homo com nunMition for bin lalxirs The amounts due us from MibHrrilierH are individuully small, but taken in the nfBregato they amount to quite a large film. During theno hard times it tuxes nil one's ener gies to keep a paper ailoat. l'lease try to send us a dollar or two on account, or if you are unable to get the dollnnuidhuve produce send or bring tlmt nnd we will allow you market price. PUBLIC 01'LXIO.y. One of tho most potent factors in the election of McKinley was Mark Uanna's sack. The millions uthis couimund hud been entrusted to him by the wealthy to defeat Bryan, leaving to his shrewd judgment tho selection of the mean Great newspapers and politicians of prominence by their utterances effect public opinion, and public opinion ex premies itself in votes on election day Mark the hand of Marcus Ilanna. The loading democratic journals almost with out exception opposed Bryan, and there were even democratic politicians who hud formerly occupied tho foremoBt rank in the management of tho party, who mounted the stump for McKinley Other old-time leaders sulked in their tents. The gre.it majority of tho capi talists of the country, regardless of former political affiliations, were on the side of McKinley, with all their power and influence over emyloyes and com munities. Immediately after the Chicago convention all this tremendous combination was turned iifiainst Bryan It is remarkable that scarcely any of the highly moral and eminently intel lectuul gentlemen whoedit tho scholarly magazines of the East, and till the pro fessors' chairs in its colleges, omitted an opportunity to cast abuse and ridicule at Bryan anil bin party of course in choice English. Evidently they held that "the end sanctities the means Mark Uanna's scheme worked beauti fully. The feara of tho conservative democratic voters were aroused, being convinced that BryaniHin meant chaos or what not. They turned their sympathies toward McKinley regardless of the anarchic,uuscrupulous means that wtre being used to compass his election . Thus tho 600,000 democratic majority and the populist vote of 1,000,000 in 1S92, disappeared, and enough besides to give McKinley a majority of nearly 1,000,000. A largo sack and a man with a "great head" to handle it, can accomplish wonders in a presidential campaign, but if business does not perceptibly grow better during McKinlcy's term of ollice it k doubtful whether money enough could Iks rako I together to again elect McKinley or any other gold-standard republican or denio-repiibliean. Mt'KiNLKY has been elected president of the United States. We did our best to prevent this, but weve not able, there fore, bow to the inevitable, and will en deavor to make the most of the situa tion, and ask our readers to do the same thing. McKinley has promised to bring about prosperity through the means of a high tariff. We wish him a pleasant time with the experiment, and hope he will lie eminently successful in his efforts. If he can do anything to lighten the burdens of the people, and place this country once more on the solid rock of prosperity, no paper will acknowledge it quicker and give him a more hearty support than the Column. But we doubt it. Russia. But that it could take place in America in a republic where one man il supposed to be the equal of tho other is to thinking people exceedingly om inous. It protends no good to republi can institutions. It looks to us like a return to the days when people believed in the "divine riant of kings" when the sod upon which a sovereign trod was considered holy. It betrays a flunkeyism bowing down to one man power a resurrection of the idea that "I am holier than thou." It shows that the American people are going back on the sublime truth that "all men are created equal" that they are becoming man worshippers that they are willing to scrape the very earth in the presence of one they consider better than them selves. It portends a return to serfdom and human vassalage which, if not checked, will one day inaugurate a titled aristocracy and place a monarch upon an American throne. The introduction of this un-American custom is due to that incarnate tyrant and infamous labor-crusher Mark Hanna. It illustrates 'the ideas of tlie man. It shows what his notions of hu man rights are. The practice exalts one man and and degrades another, and that is the Mark Hanna idea us exempli fied and illustrated in his dealings with his fellowmen. Whatever, therefore, be the result of the election, we pray that this will be the first and thelast attempt in this nation of transforming a man into a god. To us, the idea is revolting. Who is this William McKinley that his homo should be made a shrine, and that he should be lifted up to be idolized and worshipped by men ? Who? .simply a man seeking to become the chief ser vant of the people. Not their master, their owner, but their servant. Iu this country, it is claimed that the people are the eovereigns the masters the rulers. What a spectacle, then, to see the sov ereign people bowing down in adoration to their would-be servant! The whole system is the creature of monarchy a relic of barbarism, and 'should be dis countenanced at once and forever by every believer in tho equality of man , the piinciple of democracy. Salem Indrpendsnt. Tus country hasgiven Major McKinley carte blanche to carry out his policy, and it will hold him responsible for the results. If he intends to betray the national confidence and to give tho'peo- ple another Cleveland administration, he will incur prompt retribution. The Australian ballot can pull down as well as set up. It is manifest that something must be done. We cannot have a con tinuation of the hard times of the past three years. Wo cannot have a per petuation of our present crazy linum nil system. Mr. McKinley has been intra- luced to us 08 tho Advance Agent ot Prosperity. He has promised us good times, and an international agreement that will restoro the free use of Bilve r and gold. The time is near when we must honor the drafts he has drawn upon the future. If ho can do it all will lie well. If not, the issues now tempo rarily decided in his favor will have to come up for review four years hence. Examiner. Bbvan has been defeated; butlordy, the scare he gave the goldbugs. Never was such a vast sum of money spent or more desierate means used to defeat a candidate. It is simply wonderful that the Bryanltes made the showing they did, considering the immense odds that were against them . Times. Thk laboring man now pays $1.15 per sack for the same flour he could buy three months ago for 63 cents ;of course, he has his wages raised in the same proportion. ORDINANCE NO Oregon City docs ordain as follows: A UCTIONEEKS WHO FOLLOW THEIR VO. cations in the day or night time only and not In both, "hall pay a licence of Ave dollars per day or night, and auctioneers who follow their vocation both day and night shall pay a llccnne of eight dollars for said d.iy and. night. Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer within the meaning of this ordlnanoe who shall oner property for sulo at puhlio outcry. The provision of this ordlnanoe, however, ahall not apply to judicial or executive officers making auction aales by virtue of any decree of any court or to public salea by exccuturK or adminis trator, and ahall not apply to rusldonts of Oregon City selling out their household furni ture. All ordinances and pnrtt of ordinances In con II let herewith are hereby repealed. Read first time and ordered published at meeting of City Counoil held November 10, lKOII. TII08. f. RYAN,' City Recorder. ...u iwwvviNyvvwMvvvvvyvvvVvvvvvw ivwwsMasiswvwav ill and See Our New Lie BIO CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. VOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVKN THAT THERE are sufficient funda on hiind In Iho General Fund of Oregon City to pay all outstanding warrants endorsed prior to December Will, lm. Interest ceases with the date ul this notice. II. E. STRAIGHT, Oregon City, Nov. 11, 18W1. City Treasurer. NOTICE "OF EXECUTRIXES. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT.. THE undersigned have been appointed by the Hon. Gordon E. Hayes, county judge of. Clacka mas county, slate of Oregon, executrUes of the will and estate of John Cobery, deceased. All persons having clalmB against the said estate are hereby required to present the same duly veri fied and with proper vouchers within six monthi from the date hereof to ths undersigned execu- trlxes.'at the office of Hedges 3t Griffith, Oregon City, Oregou. Dated this nth day of November, 1MW. MARY COBEBY, MARY A. HALEY, Executrixes of Estate of John Cobery, Deceased We have a full line of Ladies' Kid Button Shoes in plain, opera or sqiiare toe, for $1.50, that beats J a,ny thing ever showed in -4N the market. : : : This week we show a line of Men's Full Dress Patent Calfskin Shoes in all the latest toes. : : : : New York and Chicago styles. 2 : : Ten" ariTir n rrnnr mj 11 mnr tcrmu rarr. w ) ITJIJAJlU. Jl Jd HSlHLXin. -H-fllU UUC lYilClll X'-"-.'W(0'l OITY ELECTION NOTICE. MUSIC COUPON NO. 36. The following beautiful new songs by Mandville-Eastman, will be mailed to any address on the receipt of 10 cents . each (introductory price) or the entire 5 solus for 40 cents, providing this coupon is sent with order. Each piece has a handsome title page and retails for 40c, I'm Dreaming of the Past. If We Bhould Meet Again. Wrecked, or You Were False, Nqt Truo to Me. ' ' Only a Song of Loug Ago. 1 Have Left You Though I Love You. . Address: The Wiley B. Allen Co., 211 First Bt,, Portland. Oregon. Tim "national democrats" want to re organize tho democracy. On what issue? There is no live iNstie except tho flnanuial one, and on that they nro diametrically opposite to the "new democracy." The ariff has been almost threshed to death. excepting tho tariff the whilom demo ratio leaders of the East are in harmony with the republicans. Unless a new issue is brought to the surface, over shadowing the financial one, which will array the two great parties in opposition, the democracy cannot "get together." It is amusing to see the republican poiiinmlers take tho democrats that lifted McKinley to their bosom. One would think from the Ortqon'um that Messrs. Palmer, Buckner, Whitney and other eminent gentlemen of democratic antecedents had joined the republican party for good and all. Party li nes have been obliterated. Thk republican declare thay have "saved the nation" and claim a monop oly of patriotism. Pretention are cheap. The bigots that rousted heretics for God's sake arrogated to themselves all the religion and patriotism there were Before the Chicago convention there were three parties. Now there are two. The republican party, composed of the gold standard republicans and the Cleve land democrats ; the democratic party, composed of the democratic nnd republican free silverites and the popu lists. It is lest to know where we're at. in the lienighted ages when they were I .the power behind tho throne. In ante- "McKisi.ev and Prosperity," was the l,cllum days the pro-slavery zealots pro- I bait that persuaded the gold-standard tended they were the patriots per cs- democrats to vote for McKinley and cellence Iwauso negro tdavery was ; elect him. I Ins promise will not le recognized in the' Constitution, which j fullnlled if the gol.l pirates are allowed, the rebellious abolitionist., the fore- unners of tho republican arty, vowel was "a covenant with death and a league ilk hell." Heboid the promised prosperity, has arrived, the republican say. It as thev have Wen, to loot the national treasury whenever they w ish. The "national democrats" are now talking of reorganizing the democratic party. This is cheek. From where will the generals draw their soldiers? Gurd . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f AND OFFICII AT OBEOON CITY, OREGON, H October 6th. 18110. Notice is herebv eiven that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention lo make final proof In support of his adjoining farm homestead, and that said proof will be made before tne Register and Re ceiver at Oregon uty, Oregon, oil November 2ld, 106, viz; THOMAS C. JUDB, II. E. No. 8589, for the Lots 1,2, 11 and 8 of Soc. 24, Tp. 3 South, Range 3 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of. aald land, viz: Jacob Ucrber, Jr., James H. Hayden, James M. Shllts and William H. Mnttoon, all or Viola, Oregon. ROHERT A. MILLER, Register. Notice is hereby given that there will be a regular general election for the city of Oregon City, Oregon, to be held in said city on Monday the 7th day of December, 1 896, Between the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p. m., for which elec tion there have been designated the fol lowing polling places, to-wit : 'Ward No. 1 The Cataract Engine House, corner of Main and Third streets of said city. Ward No. 2 The Fountain Hose Company's Engine House on Main street, between Seventh and Eighth streets.of said city. At said time and place there will be elected the following-named oilicers : A Mayor, ' TWO COUNCILMKH FOR THE FlllST AVauD. . ' TwoOoDjtcaMBNFORwmSucosuWARO. A Trkasurm- , Jkere have been appointed as judges aj)d clerks of said election by the council the. following-named : Ward No. 1 Jtvlges: Thos. F.Ryan, U. D. Wilson I "and J. A. Stuart Clerks: J. W. Boatman nnd D. E. I Shephard ; , Ward No. 2 Judges: J. U. Campbell, O. N. Green- ,man and Q. H. Bestow. Clerks: W. B. Wiggins and II. J. Thorne. . Published by order of the City Council at a regular meeting held on November 10 th' 1896. THOS. F. RYAN, ' '' ' City Recorder. T.mlins'. ffRntn' And children's fall mill winter underwear just received at the Racket Store. SEVENTH STREET ASSEESSMENT NOTICE. MOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS HAVU BEEN ASSESSED bv the City Counoil of Oregon City, Oregon, on the property abutting upon that portion of Seventh street between the easterly line of Main street and the wall known as tho westerly line of the S. F. R, R. right of way in said city, liable uudcr the Charter of said city, tor the Improvement of said Seventh street, and that said amounts of money are due and payable within twenty days from the first publication of this notice, November 13th, 1896: that If said sums are not paid at said time they will draw Interest, together with whatever costs may be Incurred. HI.OCK. lor. 25 Traot 1 and 2 owner's nami. Oregon & California Railway 2 Tract 1 and 2 John Welch DESCRIPTION, Twenty feet in width off the end of lots 1 and 2 tn block 25, adjoining Bluff street In Oregon City Commencing at a point 20 feet westerly from the N. E. corner of lot 1, block 25, on 7th street; thence westerly along said 7th street 40 feet; thence southerly at right angles with 7th street to a point 25 feet from the westerly line of Methodist property 90 feet, more or less; thence easterly at right angles with said last line 40 feet;, thence northerly to place of beginning, ail being tn lots 1 and 2, block 25 143 72 80 66 25 25 24 24 24 21 24 Track 1 and 2 45 feet off westerly end Lot 5 Lot 6 Ixt 5 H of 6 Traot 4 Tract 3 Tract 1 Trustees Methodist Episcopal Church M. A. Stratum estate 326 57 lot . 42 feet off westerly end. .15 feet off westerly end. Beginning at N. E. corner of lot 3 in block 24; thence along the easterly boundary of said lot .1 In a southerly direction 4 feet; thance at right angles in a westerly direction 70 feet; thence at right angles to the ' northerly boundary of said lot; thence at right angles along the northerly boundary of said lot 3-70 feet, to place of beginning 35.1 2S Siity-thrve feet off easterly end. Beginning at S. E, coruer of lot 3, block 24, in Oregon City; thence northerly along cast line of said lot 25 feet: thence at right angles In a westerly di rection 70 feet; thence at right angles in a soathcrly direction 25 feet; thenee at right angles in an easterly direction 70 feet to the place of beginning lii 4o Ordered published at a meeting ot City Council of Oregon Clty.Or held on November 10, Un. TU03. F. KTAS, City Recorder. 24 2t Tract 4 Tract S Ellraleth Fuehs I GREAT SALE Of CAPES AND JACKETS FOR 3 DAYS ONLY. The Greatest Values ever placed on the American market. All new and up-to-date goods. Don't hesitate a moment If you want a CAPE, JACKET or a PLUSH WRAP. We have them in stock at the correct prices, and every garment marked in plain figures at the following prices. Heavy Beaver Capes, $2iso, $2-71, $3, $3.50 and $5. Jackets, $2.50,. $2.75, $3, $3.50, $4.50 and upwardsjto $25.00. Great reductions in Dress Goods. Call and see us. SPECIAL A fine collection of Sealette Wrap, silk lined, very dressy, td. close at $4.65. Ladies you can save money by taking advantage of the treat, our Grand Cape and Jacket Sale. f McAILEJN k McDONNEL ! Popular Dry Good House, . wr, sra Morrison, 'Portland. - . . Ornirnn. Ageuti for Bazar Patternt and Jfaggioni Francueo Kid Glovet. Home First... .The World Afterwards I GOOD MOTTO THIS FOR EITHER INDIVIDUALS or .communities, and really finds its echo in the voice of j every merchant in town home stores adds to the industries. It helps the helping the growth of the more or. less dependent upon The great trade centers pay Every dollar spent in your development of the home .growth of the town by individual? for we are all each other, -r- h- At tribute to the bi? stock. We are keeping careful track of your wants, and constantly adding to the stock to meet them. Call and see our fall stock of Clothing, Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions, Etc. CHAHMAN & SON. THE PIONEER STORE, OREGON CITY, OR. To Help Business... 3 lbs; Green or Tea for f I. Black Rich Mild Cheese, fine flavor, 10c lb. Mocha and Java Coffee, best quality 35c !b. ...V. HARRIS... Choice Groceries. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATOX. LAND OKFIf K AT OREC.OV CITY, OREGON October 27th. 1J6. Notiea is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Ihe Register and Receiver at Ore gon City, Oreeon, on December tith, ly.iO, vii: WILLIAM NIEMANN, H. E. No. 135, for the SE of fee. 26, Tp. 4 R. 4 E. He names the following; ilnee to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, vii: John. T. M vera, Henrv Myer. Krank fiochel and benezer LKey, allot pringwater, Oreeon. . KOliEBT A. MILLER, Register. GAMBRINUS C LD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your VVINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $1.60. Family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F. ZIMMERMAN. Mgr. . PHONE 39. 8IXTH AND AIaIN STREETS. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE nndersUmed has been E. Hayes, county Judge of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, executor of the win of Ellen J. Hedges, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate aie hereby reaulred to urPHPnt tils am a duly verified and with proper vouchers within .1 momns irom ine date of this notice to the undersigned executor, at tho nfti... ha 4 Griffith, Barclay building, Oregon City, Oregon. -tid aay or October, lXi. JOSEPH KtT.vvp ncnc.rj Executor of the will and estate of Ellen J. Hedges, deceased. All pain banish 7 Vt. Miles' fain Mils, Wanted-An Idea "U. """i tuutKilL RN ft CO Patent Atto and list ot two hanund InTenuoo wanSdT Who can think tn some stmpl tblng to paleotr