OREGON CITY COURIER. .7- J 14th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1896. NO.-&7; FIRE, LIFE t And Accident, REPRESENTING Royal of Liverpool -Doe " business th world, North British & Mercantile'oWo""1" ,B th orW' " SUIl Of LOIldOIl oldet flr" Insurance office III the world. tna Of HartlOrd1 "' nd American oompauy. Conttnontal of Now York ua f be,t Amerioma companies AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES The Tiavelers Insurance Company of Hartford Largest, oldest and beat accident luinranee company In the world, and alio doe a very large life Insurance business. .CALL OX 111 ro BLOTTIBS AM OALIRDABS . . nit. BA1R8 THK LOWEST -G. H. BESTOW & CO. roB , ' DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. AOWE8T CASH PBICE8 KVEB OFFERED FOK FIBST-flASS GOODS. I Shop Opposite Ooncrecatlaaat Church. Main Wreet, 'Oregon City, Oregon """ for" CHOICE CUTSandTENDEITMEATS go to PETZOLD & GALE'S CASK MARKETS. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St.,. Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, - Oregon City, Oregon. JOHN WELCH, Dentist. Rooms 76, 77, 78, Dekum Building. Portland, Oregon. Msny of mjr friends h trouble to find me; hence this csrd. H. W. JACKON Michinist and Locksmith, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Sewing- Machines, Guns and all kinds of small machinery re paired. Prices reasonable. Shop on Seventh Street, Opposite Depot JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Beraoved from Holman's Old Stand to ex Door to Coukiih Building on Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City, Oregon. Noblitt Livery - and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge end tbt Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horses a ways on hand at the lowest rates, nd a corral also connected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOUGHT OS BOLD GEO. A. HARDING, DCALEB IN IP DIRTXOS IE Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints. Oils and Window Glass. PrescripHoM Accurately Compounded. HAROIRO'l BLOCK. .Job Printing at the Courier OiUce A BAD BREAK fa-sffi but there are others in our stock. Rockers ; dining, parlor, and easy chuirs ; chairs of all sorts and kinds await your inspection at our establishment. More, finer, handsomer chuirs are here than you can see elsewhere. That's our reason for claiming your attention to our varied array of invitations to a seat. In this case, seeing discounts description . Chairs are too large a fraction of your furniture to be bought haphazard. Mo occasion to look further: Six chairs for $2.10 and upwards. BELLOMY & MJSCH, The Housefurnlshers. OREGON CITY, OR. .Leading Agency Clackamas County F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank, ( siSRTTVi iTjwtn"'Biin munp1" iipti"'''! wirewii'""iipi""" nni"""iBP'M ...BEE - A"TrTl'p 1? "D T T All X JJ.1V PICNIC! on the dollar, the invoice price was twenty-two hundred and seventy-six dollars. We bought the lot for eleven hundred and thirty-eight dollars. Now you're going to get the bene fit if you are there on time. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14th, we place them on sale, and every dollars' worth must go before the 22d, as we must have room for our immense line of holiday goods now on the way. Here are a few of the thousand and one articles that will be found in this great lot: Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hosiery. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Gloves and Mittens. Ladies', Gents and Children's Handkerchiefs. Ladies' and Children's Jersey Leggins. Knit Goods and Skirts. Shawls and Spreads. Ladies' Fine Lace Neckwear. We can not commence to enumerate the line or the BARGAINS that are in store for you. Be on hand early or pou will be the loser. THE BEE-HIVE,! CAUFIED BLOCK. BuildUp . Your Brain.. Steady your nerves, and perfect your digestion by using bread made from our whole wheat flour. It is made from the whole wheat berry except the out side hull, or bran, which is a woody substance, irritating and indigestible. Bread made from this flour is not so white as that made from the pale white roller flour, but it is far superior for food as it contains all the gluten, germ, and oily matter of" the wheat and is much sweeter than graham or any other bread not sweetened artificially. ONCE TRlED-t-ALWAYS TJ8ED. E. E. WILLIAMS, The Grocer. W. J. BRYAN'S ADDRESS. Oincols, Nob., Nov. 6. Bryan to day gave out the following: To Bimetallism of the United States: ''Conscious that the millions of loyal hearts are saddened by temporary defeat, I beg to offer a word of hope and en couragement. No cause ever had sup porters more brave and devoted than those who have espoused the cause of bimetallism. They have fought from conviction, and have fought with all the zeal which conviction inspires. Events will prove whether they were right or wrong. Having done their duty as they saw it, they have nothing to regret. The republican candidate has been heralded as the advance agent of pros perity. . If his policies bring real pros perity to the American people those who opposed him will share in that prosperity. If on the other hand, his policies' prove an injury to the people generally, those supporters, who do not belong to the office-holding class, or to the privileged class, will suffer in com inon with those who opposed . him The friends of bimetallism have not been vanquished; they have simply been overcome. They believe the gold "ifFifiw HIVE... We have purchased from one of New York's largest job- bing dry goods houses their entire line of samples at 50c OREGON CITY. ( eUndard Is a connplracy of the money changers against the welfare of the human race, and until convinced of their error, they will continue the warfare gainst it. The contest lias been waged this year under great embarrassments and against great odds. Jut in spite of the efforts of the administration and its supporters, in spite of the threats of money lenders at home and abroad, in spite of the coercion practiced by the corporations on employes, and in Spite of the trusts and syndicates, in Spite of the enormous republican campaign fund, and in spite of the influences of the hostile daily prese, bimetallism has almost triumphed in its first great fight ; but bimetallism emerges from the con test stronger than it was four months ago. I deaire to commend the work of the three national committees, which have joined in the management of this campaign. They have laid the foun dation for future success and they will be remembered as pioneers whin the victory is at last secured. No per sonal or political friend need grieve be cause of my defeat. My ambition has been to secure immediate legislation, rather than enjoy the honors of office Therefore defeat brings to me no feeling of loss. Speaking of the wife who shared my labors, as well as for myself, I desire to say that we have been amply re paid for all that we have done, in love by millions of our follow-citirens so kindly expressed. In the knowledge gained by personal contact with the people and in broadened sympathies we find full compensation for whatever efforts we have put forth. In the face of the enemy rejoicing in its victory, let the roll be called for the engagement, and urge all friends of bimetallism 10 renew their allegiance of the cause. If we are right, as I believe we are, we Bhall yet triumph. The year 1900 is' not far away. Before that year arrives, inter national bimetallism will cease to de ceive. Before that year arrives those who have called themselves gold stand ard democrats will become bimetallists and unite with our party or become re publicans and thus open enemies. Be fore that year arrives, trusts will have convinced still more of the people that a trust ; is a menace to private welfare and to public safety ; before that year arrives, the evils of the gold standard will be even more evident than they are noWrOnd people will be ready to demand an American financial policy for Ameri can people, and will join with us in the immediate restorarion of free and un limited coinage of gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation." REDLAND. The health of the community is good. Sunshine is over and rain has come at last. It will be well appreciated by the farmers. Miss Ida Young is out home again. A. Barret made a flying trip home Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society met at Mrs. Behyners last Tuesday. J. Gaskel who went to bunchgrass last spring returned last Saturday. Miss Lena Spees was visiting at Linn's mill Sunday. Bill and Frank Whiteman are batchin. Girls, what is the matter 1 This is leap year. Mr. Noblitt of Oregon City was visit ing at Mr. Linn's one day last week. F. Wisemantle is in our burg again. November 9. Enoineeb. CAN EH AH. Canemah has been very quiet during the past few weeks so that there is hardly anything to write about. Mr. Lawrv. the ianitor of the school house, has quit the job on account of illness and Mr. Armstrong has succeed ed him. The total number of votes cast here last Tuesday were 114, of which 66 were for McKinley and 48 for Bryan. Now as McKinley is elected and confidence is restored, we can live on confidence. 0. K. Spauldingof Newberg lost about 150 saw-logs which went over the falls yesterday. November 11. Progress. Did Yen Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, ft a bottle new and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief andcore of all Female Complaint, exerting a rouder'ul direct influence in (riving strength and lone to me organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion. Headache. Fainline Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable. Mel ancholy or troubled with Dizzv Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed byitsnse. Only SOcand 11 atCharman k (Jo's Drug Store. NECEALGIA cured by Dr. MIW Pai Puxa. "Xiue cent a ke.H At all draggbtt CITY COUNCIL. Regular November fleeting on Wednesday Evening. Present Mayor Straight, Oouncilmen Mcldrum,Oaplea, Porter, Oooke. Moffatt, Bittner, Koerner and Gault, Recorder Ryan, Chief Burns. Saloon license of E. Matties renewed. Sidney Smith granted 30 days in which to finish improvements of Sev enth street. , Petition from business men asking that city order an auctioneers' license granted and L. L. Porter appointed to draft an ordinance accordingly. Communication from R. Koehler, manager of S. P. R. R., stating that the company will refuse to pay for Seventh street improvement east of block lino, placed on file. Recorder Ryan rejKirted following re ceipta from licenses for month : Brady &. McDonough, saloon .... $200 00 billiard table 2 60 0. N. Greenman, express 10 00 J.F.Montgomery, " 5 00 HeckertADurhan, " 10 0l Wm. Savage, " 6 00 J. N. Miller, saloon k.,200 00 W. Zimmerman, " 200 00 A.Knapp, " 200 00 " billiard table 2 10 $835 00 Warrants issued during month. . 475 35 HILLS ALLOWED. Thos. F. Ryan, recorder $ 25 00 Unas, isums, ciiici police W w L. L. Niaw, police 60 00 0. O. Babcock, street work 83 20 F. T. Griffith, case Gus Schnoor. 5 00 Paul Hemelgarn, meals for jail. . 4 40 Pope & Co, work on sewer, closet 6 09 Enterprise, ballots for fire depart 2 00 P.G.E.Co., lights, claimed $174.55 171 15 . J. caecliler. saloon license rebate 32 2o C. D. & D. O. Latourette. fees. Oregon Oitv vs Punnet A Burin loo oo u. v. x v. v . iacourutte, trial lees. supreme court 6 oo C. E. Burns, collection fees 3 75 On Seventh street f und D. W.Kinnaird, surveying, maps 81 oo Courier, publishing notices.... IB So Oregonian, advertising 3 lo D. W. Kinnaird, Supt. 7th street 38 00 Report of city treasurer for past quarter accepted and placed on file. Street committee recommended that 125 yards of gravel lie put on upper Seventh street and 25 yards on Singer hill. Ordinance fixing fees of auctioneers at $5 per day or $8 for day and - night ordered published. " W Street improvement read second time and passed. City recorder ordered to give notice of collection of Seventh street improvement Judges and clerks of election in pre cincts 1 and 2 at last election appointed to act in same capacity in city election in December. 1 Street committee recommended that city engineer prepare plans for a sewetj system on the hill, but after considerable discussion the matter was laid over till next meeting. LOCAL SUMMARY. Trimmed hats, new goods, 60 to 75c at Mrs, Sladen's. Money to loan on good security by A. S. Dresser. Prescriptions carefully compounded . G. A. Harding's drug store. My styles are correct, practical and original, price modeate. Miss O. Gold smith. Received at Charraan & Son's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. For your strings and extras for all musical instruments go to Burmeister & Andresen's, who keep a full supply. L. L. Pickens, dentist, dues all kinds ef dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns anil bridge work a specialty. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. 1 Louis Fredrick, the fashionable tailor, has moved his shop from opposite Electric hotel to opposite Armory hall. Nothing but first-class work done and satisfaction guarnteed. Owing to an increase of business in Portland, Dr. Frank P. Welch, dentist, will hereafter be unable to make his weekly visits to Oregon City to attend to his patients here, but will be pleased to see them at his Portland office, 612 Dekum Building. For the accommodation of his many customers on the hill Mr. Albright has established a branch meat market in the Williams' building on Seventh street. where he keeps a full stock of all kinds of fresh and salted meats, hams, bacon, lard, etc. No stale meat kept. Give him a call. C. A. Willey has added to his harness and repair shop second door west of depot, next to Courieb office, a full stock of shoes, where he will cot only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., bnt will do all kinds of harness and bxt and shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. HIbIioI of all In travelling strength. Lutct United States Government Fonii Ketnirt. Royal Bakino row nun Co., New York. CIRCUIT COURT. Proceedings of November Session Continued From Last Week. I L White vs M Hartman et al J sheriff's sale confirmed. George Herren vs Wm A Baston ; com plaint amended. Laura J Slover vs D J Slover ; divorce on grounds of non-support and cruel and inhuman treatment and plaintiff allowed to resume her maiden name, Mrs Laura J Rowan. Harris W Cook vs Ella R Burghardt; judgment by default. Ernest O Chapman vs Hannah Chap man ; decree of divorce for desertion. A II Cone vs H E Wood ; judgment for $104.65 and costs and sale of 30 acres in sections 13 and 14, 1 4 s, r 2 w, ordered. Eliza J Palmateer vs Ohas Palinateer; decree of divorce for desertion and cus tody of three children given to plaintiff. Josiah Osburn vs Frank Osburn et al ; J W Lodor appointed guardian ad litem of Ernest Hickey, one of defendants. Frank Welch vs E P Elliott and wife; judgment for $230 and costs. State vs Stephen Helbock ; grand jury verdict of guilty of the "crime of larceny of a cow," and sentenced to one year in state penitentiary. R Dundas vs Marlon Johnson ; con tinued. J D Cook vs Marion Johnson; con tinued. D M Osborne & Oo vs O S Hibbard ; judgment of costs for defendant. School district No 47 vs JO Haines; judgment for costs. Mathew Athey vs II E Hayes ; dis missed and half of costs taxed to. each party. Allie B Neff vs John Noff J default. cases dismissed: Charles Moehnke vs Peter A Weiss. E G Caufield vs Joseph Knight. Barlow-Will Mercantile Oo vs Joseph Knight. Phillip Tatro vs Charley Marten et al. Francis Weiss vs Ernest Covey et al. ' State vs Henry Koehler; two cases. R Dunn vs H S Moody. . Ladies' Kid Gloves, assorted colors cheap, at the Racket Store. Don't forget the Racket Store when you are hunting bargains. H. STRAIGHT, DIALER IK GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Mill' Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. Give Your Laundry Work To the Willamette Steam Laundry of Oregon City Guarantees Satlafactlou. 0 Unu.uslly low rates lor family washings Rough dry work at 3 cents a pound. Work called for and delivered free.. .... Shively's Opera House... JUST A WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY NOV. 16 MISS ORIS 0BER AND HER EASTERN COMPANY OF 15...ARTISTS...15 DIRECTION OF W. H. WEAVER IN A NEW PLAY EACH MONDAY NIGHT. The Political Satire ... "A RACE FOR CONGRESS," .. A Rosring Comedy in 3 Acts. PRICES: io-ao-3oc. Seats now on Sale ri