Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 06, 1896, Image 6

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(When I have time. Nil iniiny thlii); 'U do
Do iniike life happier iiml mure fulr'
ur Hume whimc lives tin- crowded now
' with run.
I'll help to lift litem from their low dp-
' When I have time
fV hf n I have lime, tin! friend I love m
Bhull know in luiiri- these weary, toiling
I'll li'inl her feel In pleasant patlm always.
Anil rlii'iT Iiit heart with word uf sweet
fut praise,
W'Uvu 1 have tinm. , , t
When tiiii have time! J be fripud you
hold no ilriir
Msy Ih' beyond the reach of all your
HWPCl illlCIlt
Mai never know tluil you do kindly meant
'J'u till hi-r lir with sweet output,
i Wlii'ii you had time.
Now Ik the time! Ah, friend, no longer
tTo scatter loving mulle anil words of
tTo those nrouml mIiohp lives are now no
Q'lipy may not meet you In I lie coming
y ear
Now Ih the timp. ,..
-Indianapolis Nuwh.
Kilt, uncle, I love my cousin."
"Jct out!" t j
"Don't bolder me!"
"It will In- my death!"
"Nonwiiw ! You'll console yourself
(with some older girl."
"Pray "
My iinele. (v.Iiomp bark bad binn to
ward inc. whirled u rou ixl. big fucp was
red to bursting, and brought his closed
lint down iiioii tlie counter with a heavy
l)ii in p.
"Never!" lie erled; "never! lo you
hear what 1 say?"
And n I lookeil at dim beseechingly
and with Jul mil hands lie went on:
"A pretty husband you look like!
Without it sou iiml dreaming of going
Into housekeeping! A nice moss 1 should
ninke of It li.v giving you my daughter!
It's no use your Insisting. You know
4 lint wIipii I have said 'No' nothing un
der the sun nin make me sny 'Yes!' "
I ceiiHed to miikp any furtder iiipeal.
1 knew my undo-about as headstrong
nu old fellow lis eoiild be found In u
day's search. I contented myself wild
giving veil t lo a drop sigh, and then
went on wild tde furbishing of n big
double-handed sword, rusty froiu point
to bill.
This ineiiiornblp conversation took
place, u fact. In Hip shop of my ma
ternal uncle, a well-known dealer In an
tiquities and objets d'urt, 5:1 Hue di
Clutucttcs, ut tde sign of tde "MnlteHp
i'rohs" a perfect iniiHeum of cuiiosl
. tleo.
Tlie wiiIIm were huug wild Marseilles
mill old Itoiieti clilnn, facing ancient
cuirasses, suiters and muskets nnil pic
ture frames; below tlie.se were itrrungiNl
old cabinets, coffers of nil sorts mill
statues of mi In In, one-uriiied or oiie
loggcd for the most part nnd dllnpldat
iM I us to l heir gliding; tben, hern nnil
there, In glims eases, deriiietlcnlly clos
ed nnd locked, lliere were knli kknarks
111 liitlnlle variety lachrymatories, tiny
Ali us, rings, precious slones. fragments
of mnrlile, bracelets, crosses, neck
laces, medals mid iiilulntiii'e Ivory stnt
,uett(H, the yellow tints of which In the
mm took iiioiiii'iiiarlly a lleslillke trniis
pareiicy, Time out or in I ml the simp had be
longed to t hi- ('imIiiImTIh. It passed reg
iiiarly frniii lather to sou, and my un
cle his neighbors said cnulil nut hut
lie Hie possessor of a nice llllle I'ut'luiie
llelil In esleciii by all. n municipal conn
clllor, Impressed liy the luipnrlaiicc anil
gravity of Ills olliee, sliol'l, fat, highly
choleric and demist roug, but at bottom
not In the least degree an unkind sort
of limn such was my uncle Humbert,
my only living male relative, who as
wiun ha I left Ncbool had elevated me tr.
tlie dlguity of chief anil only clerk anil
tttiopiiiitii of the "Maltese ('nvss.
Hut my uncle was not only a dealer
In antiquities and a municipal council
lor, be was yet more, nnd above all,
llie father of my cousin Bose, with
whom I was naturally In love.
To come back to the point at which I
Without paying any attention to the
iilKbs which exhaled from my bosom
wdlle scouring tde rust from my lotiK.
two-hnndPd sword, my uncle, miiKnl
fy Inn glass In hand, was etiKURed In the
examination of n lot of medals which
be ban purchased that morning. Sud
denly be raised bis head; 5 o'clock was
"The council !" be cried.
When my uncle pronounced that au
gust word It ninde u mouthful; for n
plii he would have saluted It barehead
ed. Hut this time, after a moment's
consideration, be tapped bis forehead
and added. In a tone of supreme relief:
"No, the ultting lois not take place
before to-morrow and I am forgetting
that I have to go to the railway station
to get the consignment of which I was
ailvWed this nmriillig."
Itislug from bis scat and lying down
bis glass, he called out:
"Hose, give me my cane and hat!"
Then, turning toward me, be added.
In a lower lour ninl niieaklng very
quickly: .
"As to you don't forget our con ver
nation. If you think you can make me
say 'Yes.' try It! but don't think you'll
nutreed. Meanwhile, not a word to
Hose, or, by St. Harthelemy, my patron
f b.ippy memory, I'll Instantly kick
you out of doors!" 1 1
At that moment Rose appeared with
my uncle' cane and bat. which she
liaudiil to hi in. lie ktased her on the
forehead: then, giving' me a last but
rloqueut look, hurried from the chop.
I went on scouring my double-handed
word. Hose came quietly toward urn,
"What Is the matter with my fath
or?" she asked. "Ilu mtuus to be an
gry with you."
I looked at her her eyes were ho
black, her look so kind, tier mouth ho
rosy and her teeth ho white that I told
her all my love, my milt'to dL'i'fatlier
and his rough refusal. l.cmiblyiotiJieip
It-urter nil, it wiu iuh rontt. Mie was
not there; I determined to brave his an
gcr. ItcsldcH, there Is nolsidy like timid
INrson for displaying courage under
certain clrctiiiiHtuucctt,
. My cousin said nothing; she only held
down: her eyes while her checks were
us red as those of cherries' In May."
I cheeked myself. t
"Are you angry with nieV' J asked
tremblingly. "Are you angry with me,
She held out to me her hand. On that,
my heart seething with audacity, my
head on flrp, 1 cried: ... .
Hose I awear it! 1 will be your
husband!" And us she shook her head
and looked at me sadly 1 .added: "OH.i
I well know that my uncle Is self-wllK
cd, but I will be more self-willed still;
and, since he m'ust be forced to say
'Yes,' I will force him to nay lt."y
"But liowr usked Hose.
Ah! bowV That was exactly the dif
ficulty. But, no matter; I would find
a way to surmount It.
At that moment u heavy step resound
ed In the street. Instinctively we niov
ed away from each other; ! returned to
my double-handed sword and Hose, to
keep herself lu countenance, set to
dusting with a corner of her apron a
little statuette lu Its faded red velvet
.My uncle entered. Surprised at And
Ing us together, lie stopped short and
looked liarply from one to tde other.
We each of us went on rubbing with
out raising our bends.
"Here, take this," Kaid my uncle
handing me a bulky parcel from under
his nnu. "A splendid purchase, you'll
The subject did not Interest me In the
I opened the parcel und from the en
veloping paper emerged a steel helmet
but not an ordinary helmet, oh, no
il superb, a monumental morion, with
gorget nnd pointed visor of strange
form. The visor was raised nnd I tried
to discover what prevented It from be
ing lowered. . ..
"It will not go down the hinges have
got out of order," 8iild my uncle, "but
It's a superb piece, and when It has
Ihh'U thoroughly denned and touched
up will look well that shall he your
to-morrow's job."
"Very good, uncle," I murmured, not
daring to raise my eyes to Ills.
That night, on returning to my room,
I at once went to IkhI. 1 was eager to'
1m alone and able to think at my ease.
Night brings counsel, It Is said, nud 1
dad great need flint tde proverb should
prove true, nut after lying awake
for an hour without receiving any as
sistance I fell to sleep and till next
morning did nothing but dream the odd
est dl'eiiius. 1 saw Hose on her way to
church in a strange bridal costume, a
fourteenth century cup three feet high
on her bend, but looking prettier than
ever. Then suddenly the scene chang
ed to moonlight, In which Innumerable
helmets and pieces of old china were
dancing a wild I'a rn ndole. while my
uncle, clad it) complete armor anil with
n formidable halberd in his band, con
ducted the bewildering whirl.
The next day nb! tlie next day! I
was no nearer. In vain, with clenched
teeth, I scoured the Immense helmet
brought by my uncle the previous evening-scoured
It with such fury as al
most to break the iron; not an idea
came to me. The helmet shone like a
sun. My uncle sat smoking his pipe
and watching me, but I could think of
nothing of no way of forcing hliu to
give me his daughter.
At :t o'clock Hose went Into the coun
try, whence she was not to return until
dinner time. In the evening. On the
threshold she could only make a sign
to me with her hand; my uncle had not
left us alone fur a single Instant. He
was tint easy in bis mind; 1 could see
that by his face. No doubt he had not
forgotten our conversation of the previ
ous evening.
I went on rubbing at my helmet.
"You bnve made It quite bright
enough put It down," said my uncle.
I put It down. The storm was gath
ering; 1 could not do better than allow
It to blow over.
Hut suddenly, as If ovprtnkeu by a
strange fancy, iny uncle took up the
enormous morion and turned and ex
amined It on all sides.
"A handsome piece of armor, there
Is no doubt about It; but It must have
weighed pretty heavily on Its wearer's
shoulders," be muttered; and, urged by
I know not what demon, he clapped
It on his bead and latched the gorget
piece nlxmt his neck.
Struck almost speechless, I w'atehed
what he was doing thinking only lion-
ugly he looked.
Suddenly there was a sharp sound-
as If a spring had snapped and crack!
lown fell the visor; and there was
my uncle, with his head In an Iron cage,
gesticulating and swearing like a pagan.
I could contain myself no longer, and
burst Into a roar of laughter; for my
uncle, stumpy, fat and rubicund, pre
vented nu Irresistibly comic appear
Threateningly he came toward me.
"The binges! the hluges, fool!" be
I could not see his face, but I felt that
It was red to bursting.
When yon bare done laughing.
Idiot!" be cried.
H ;t the helmet swayed so oddly on his
shoulders, his voice came from out It In
such strange tone, that the more be
Mestlculated, the more be yelled nnd
threatened uie, the louder I laughed.
At that moment the clock of the Hotel
de Ville striking r o'clock was beard.
"The municipal council!" murmured
my uncle, In a stifled voice. "Quick,
help me off with this beast of a ma
chine! , We'll settle' our business after
ward!" Hut, suddenly likewise, no Idea it
wild, extraordinary Idea came into my
bead; but then, whoever Is madder
than a lover? Besides, I had no choice
of means.
"No!" I replied.
My uncle fell back two paces In ter
rorand again, the enormous helmet
wabbled on his shoulders.
No," I repeated nrmly;.'Tll not, help
you out unless you give me the hand of
my cousin Hose!"
From the depths of the strangely
elongated visor came, not an angry ex
clumatloti, but a verltablo roar. I bad
"done It." I bad burned my ships.
"If you do not consent to do wdnt I
ask of you," I added, "not only will I
not delp you off with your dcluier, but
I will call in all your uelgldiors, and
then go and liud the municipal coun
"You'll end your days on. the scaf
fold!" cried my uncle. -
"The hand of Hose!" I repeated. -"You'
told me that It would only. be by-force
that yon would be made to say 'yes'
say Jt, or I will cull lu the neighbors."
The clock was still striking; my . uncle
raised his arms us If to curse me.
"Decide ut once," I cried, "somebody
Is coming!"
"Well, then yes!" murmured' my un
cle. "But mnke haste!"
"On your word of honor?" .
"On my word of honor.".
The visor gave way, the gorge piece
also, and my uncle's head Issued from
durance,- red as a poppy. '
Just In time. The chemist at the cor
ner, a colleague lu tlie municipal coun
cil, entered the shop. . ..
Are you coming?" he asked"; "they
will be beglifnlng tlie business without
"I'm coining," replied my uncle.
And, without looking at me, he took
up his hat and cane and hurried out.
The uext moment all my hopes had
vanished. My uncle would surely not
forgive me.
At dinner time 1 twk my.piace at ta
ble on his right hand, lu low spirits, ate
little and snld nothing.
'It will come with' the dessert," I
Hose looked at uie, and I avoided
meeting her eyes. As I had expected,
tlie dessert over, my uncle lit his pipe,
raised his bead and then
Rose went to him. ,
"Do you know what that fellow there
asked nie to do yesterday?"
I trembled like a leaf and Hose did
the same. ; ' c,'
"To give hi in your hand," he added.
"Do you love him?"
Hose cast down her eyes.
"Very well," continued my uncle, "on
tills side the wise Is complete. Come
here, you." - ; . ,
I approached. '
"Here I am. uncle." and. in a whisper,
I ndded quickly, "Forgive uie!"
He burst Into a hearty laugh.
-Marry tier, men, donkey since you
love her and I g-lve her to you!""
"All! dear pnpa!" . '
And Hose nnd I threw ourselves Into
dls arms. . i
"Very good! very good!" he cried, wip
ing his eyes. "He happy; that's all I
And, In turn, he whispered In my ear:
"I should have given her to you, all
the same, you big goose; but keep the
story of the helmet between us two!"
I give my word that I have never told
It but to Hose, my dear little wife. And
if ever you pass along flic Rue des Cla
quettes, 5, at the place of honor In the
old shop, I'll show you my uncle's hel
met, which we would never sell,
Straud Magazine.
Senator Daniel W, Voorbec Moj He
tire from Public lAte.
It Is expected in Indiana that Sen
ator Daniel W. Voorhees, who for new
ly twenty years has represented tde
Ilooslers In the upper house of .the Na
tional 'Legislature, will soon retire
from public life. He Is n filleted with
heart trouble and bis physicians advise
Mr. Voorhees Is one of tde pictur
esque figures of tde capital. Tall,
broad-shouldered, with a handsome
face, luxuriant auburn lialr and a
voice possessing a peculiar charm, be
would attract attention anywhere. His
appellation, the Tall Sycamore of the
Wabash, Is familiar in all parts of the
country. He i ueuring Ids 70td year.
From early life lie has deen a power
Jn Indiana politics. He was not yet
.'10 when de first ran for Congress as a
Democrat and was defeated. Four
years later, In 38(10. de was successful
and served two terms. TIipu de was
defeated twice for re-electlou and ap
plied himself diligently to the practice
of lu w. Had he kept out of politics and
devoted himself to bis 'profession be
would have been the foremost lawyer
of the West. But In LS08 lie returned
to tde political Held and was scut back
to Congress. In 18"X. he ;. succeeded
Oliver P. Morton as United States Sen
ator and still holds that seat. .
senator oorhees ability as au or
ator, no less than his political sagac
Ity, bus made bltn a power.-In .State
and . national affairs of 'the; 'Democrat
ic party. He has a strong voice. "Let
a mob come rushing down the street.
says a local historian, "Voorhees could
put them at buy with a single plea,
for all would stop to listen." .Voor-
LHi'' $fcnWi&l root 1,1 o11 " not contam-
hees is one of the giants of Indiana
politics who have made that State fa
moussued men as Morton, lleudiicks,
Harrison and Gresliam.
A Hnmriua'te Heater.
Tde heater Is made of galvanized
sheet Iron, is ." feet long and 10 Inches
In diameter. The pipe at the left for
carrying off the smoke Is ." inches in
diameter ordinary stove pipe; lis
height will be governed by the depth
of the tank. The pipe at the right Is
slanting. 7 Inches In diameter, and Is
provided with n cup for covering the
opening. Through this the fuel is put.
The cup must contain two boles which
will permit of a proper draft. At
night, till the wnter tank, nud the Inst
thing before going to bed put tlie Are
and the fuel In the beater. In spring,
remove It from the tank nnd store lu
some dry place. If properly token
care of, so that It will uot rust. It will
last for several years. Any kind of
fuel can be used, and It Is surprising
bow little it takes. For removing the
ashes, an old dipper is just the thing.
The original, from which a drawing
was made und is reproduced above,
cost $3.73.
Prices Too High.
One of the causes for loss in tde cat
tle feeding business is uot difficult to
tind, and it would be well to give tbls
subject careful consideration In cal
culating tde chances for profit. An
article well bougbt Is half sold" Is an
old adage among merchants, and It is
alike applicable In the business of cat
tle feeding. Of late, stock cattle and
feeders' have commanded prices out
of all proportion to the price obtained,
for the finished article, and It bus been
impossible, even with clieap food and
careful feeding, to realize much profit
froiii the Investment. Unfortunately,
a large proportion of both stackers aud
"It ain't everybody I'd put In this feeders offered for sale are not of the
room. Tills hero room is full of sacred "best quality nnd sued cuttle must be
Inaied wild hog manure will generally
keep healthy and will make healthy,
pork. In summer time, the hog house',.
Is mostly superlluous. Tlie hog likes '
to Is? cool and will root for himself it '
wallow In the moist soli, where he will .
lie In summer most of the time If well' 1
fed. and will keep In better health thau'
In the inoHt artistic hog pen ever built. J
Many of the experiments in hog grow
ing begin with much too expensive hogv
houses. These make the pork cost farV
more than the cheaply tfrowu dogs' of;
farmers, who can thus undersell the .
amateur farmer, wbb handicaps him
self by putting on too much style.
Farm Toola.
Whore are now the tools used In the
summer work in the bay nnd grain
harvest? IT they nre still In the fields
where used, or, what Is Just ns bad,
drawn up along tho roadside near the -
house. It Is safe to say that such x
farmer's tools will be rusted out before
he bus got enough out of them to pay
for their cost. A farm tool house makes
n better Interest on its cost tbnn most
farmers can get from an equal Invest
ment of money. It should be conveni
ent to the barn, and also with two
doors, so that the reaper aud mowing .
machine may be drawn into It with a
team, aud the team taken right through
on the opposite side. This will save a .
great deal of tugging by hand to sot
these heavy machines lu the right,
place. It is well to make the tool. house:
tight, so that with a lire It can be
made comfortable for doing work there
In winter. That will also be an excel
lent thing for the boys, testing wheth
er they have any ' inclination to me
chanics, ns most American boys have. ' '
The life bent of many a boy la thus - -brought
out on the farm by putting
different things before him. nnd his
parent can then better tell what course
his education should take.
A Cheerful Prospect.
A nervous young minister was filling
the pulpit for a country churge that was
without a regular pastor. A part of his
experience Is touchlngly related by the
local paper. The very pious old lady at '
whose house he stayed, In showing him
ills room, sal-J:
, Indian Corn.
A correspondent Inquires on what
authority tlie Youth's Companion re
cently spoke of Indian corn as not a
native of North America.
Indian corn Is one of the plants tde
origin of which Is unknown. Many
botanists have believed that It came
from the East, but the weight of pres
ent opinion Is opposed to that view.
Alphonse de Candolle, In his work on
"The Origin of Cultivated riant," con
cludes that maize probably originated
somewhere between .Mexico and Tern,
HThnps in Granada. The writer of the
article "Maize" in the "Encyclopedia
Britaunlca" says that the plant "to
moat probably Indigenous to tropical
America." Neither Candolle nor the
Britnnulca Intimates that any one has
ever suspected Indian corn of being a
native of tlie United States.
The Cominlon'8 reference to the
tnntter was in connection with the ques
tion of a national flower, and It would
have been sufficient for the writer's
purpose to say that Indian corn was
not a native of tlie United States. That.
Indeed, was what lie really had In
mind. He used the words North Amer
ica as it Is the custom of botanists and
toologists to use them, meaning the
North American continent nortd of
Mexico. See, for example. Cray's
"Synoptical Flora of North America"
aud the American Ornithologists' Un
ion's "Check List of North American
Birds," neither of which tuciudes Mexi
can species.
associations to me," she went on. "My
first husband died In that bed with his
head ou three pillows, and poor Mr.
Jeuks died sitting lu that corner. Some
times wlicn 1 come Into the room lu the
dark I think I see him sitting there
still. .My own father died lylii' light ou
that lounge right under the window
there. Poor pa lie was a spiritualist,
and lie alius said he'd appear lu this
room after he died, and sometimes I am
foolish. enough to look for him. If you
should see anything of him to-night
you'd better uot tell me. It'd be a sign
to me that there was something in spir
itualism, und I'd hate to thiuk that.
My sou by my llrst man fell dead' of
heart disease right where you stiiud.
He was a doctor, and there's two whole
skeletons lu that closet there belonging
to hlm.and half a do.eu skulls lu that
bought cheap or loss In tde feed lot is
When cattle nre well bred and have
Individual merit there is far less risk
Incurred In purchasing, eveu if the
price Is somewhat high, for with such
cuttle well finished a price close to the
top can be confidently anticipated. But
with the 111 bred ste,er. lacking style,
the most careful feediug can never
make amends for wdnt should have
been secured by breeding, and sued
cattle prove dear nt almost nny price.
It is sheer folly to embark lu the cat
tle feeding business making calcula
tions, ns feeders often do, upon ad
vanced prices when the cattle are ready
for market. No business man could
ever be successful by buying above
the market In anticipation of a rise in
values, aud the feediug of cattle, to
Kitchen Water Wnatea for Fru't Canea
I never give dish wnter to pigs, as I
believe it better to supply them with
fresh, cienn well water, says a corre
spondent of Farm and Home. Dish
wnter, the week's wash water, cham
ber slops and familiar wastes are put
In a barrel, which Is emptied every
evening around small fruit plants nnd
canes. As portrayed herewith, the bar
rel Is fastened on a two-wheeled cart;
a is a plutforin S feet long nnd 2V& feet
wide; b are handles 1 feet long and
f ' Jv
v N
2V4 feet apart; c Is a supprt, cl being
Wi feet nnd 2c 2 feet in length; Is is a
half-barrel with a faucet 0 Inches long.
In dry seasons our small fruits do not
dry out ns do our neighbors' ns a re
sult of the frequent watering with this
well-fertilized material.
lower drawer. If you are up early aud . be successful, must bo conducted on
want something to amuse yourself be
fore breakfast Just open that cupboard
there and you will find a lot of dead
men's bones. My poor boy thought a
lot of them. Well, good-nlgbt, aud
pleasant dreams." Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
French Army Muaenm.
Gen. Billot, the French Minister of
War, has Just founded an Army Mu
seum, to be situated In the Hotel des
Invalided. Paris, and to contain an his
torical collection of arms, flags and pic
ture dating back to the sixteenth cen
tury, when the first regular army was
established In France,
One Good Turn Deserves Another.
The coachman of the King of Han
over lost his wife. The King's chaplain
performed the funeral ceremony. Soon
afterward the chaplain received a visit
from the coachman, whose deep
mourning testified to appreciation of
his great bereavement.
Evidently in much embarrassment lie
stood turning dls banded hat round und
round, but at lost niunaged the follow
ing: "I've called, sir I've called, sir aa
I wish to ask and don't like to put It
off what I've got to pay you for that
'ere Job?"
"Oh." said the chaplain, "nothing, of
course. 1 nave no rees; out i reniemnei
now I am in your debt, and I must ask
you wdat I am to pay you for tlie two
pots of ointment you made for my
horse's cracked feet?"
"Bless you. sir, don't mention It!"
said the coachman. "Nothing, sir, noth
ing; one good turn deserves another all
the world over!"
sound business principles.
Waate Stable Ppnce.
The space under the stairway In a
stable is usually worse than wasted,
because it Is apt to be made the dump
ing ground for u thousand nnd one
odds nnd ends, resulting in a heap in
extricably confused. The accompany
lng illustration shows a way of util
izing this space that will add to stable
conveniences. The space Is boarded
up nnd that portion having the great
est height is made into a harness closet,
while the rest Is made a grain blu,
The "Know How" Principle.
The nioney value of "knowing how"
was forcibly illustrated not long ago.
An Intricate machine was taken to an
expert to be put In order. Iu a few
miuutes it was takeu to pieces, clean
ed, oiled, nnd put together again, when
it was found to be ail right. When the
workman was asked what bis charges
were, he asked $5. Upon the owner's
objection to the charge as excessive
for so short a Job, am his demand for
an itemized bill, the workman made
out oue somewhat as follows:
John Doe. Dr.
For one hour's time spent in repair
ing machine $0.50
For knowing how to do the work .. . 4.50
with one or more compartments. To
rtach the bottom of the bin when the
grain Is low. a part of the frout is
hinged, so as to turn down.
An Early Intimation "Johuuy," said
the boy's father. "I suppose that you
are going to hang up your stocking uexl
Christmas." "No, I'm not," was the
reply after some thought "Why not?"
"Because," he answered, looking bit
father straight In the eye, "you
couldn't put a bicycle In my stocking.",
Washington Star.
How people long for undisturbed
peace, as they grow older! And bow
the band plays on Just the same! I
A good many paint the town
should put It on their houses.
Cheap Hon Pena.
It does uot need an expensively built
pen to house a hog. unless it is one of
the variety that stands on two legs.
The genuine hog. w hich is the only kind
really profitable, goes in for comfort,
and not at all for style. A pen warm
in winter, with a tight roof over It
to exclude rain, and floor enough for
the hog to stand on while he is eating,
is better than a painted bouse of match
ed lumber that will cost a hundred
dollars. It Is a good thing in a bog
house to have a dirt floor, and that the
bog house be light and strong enoujb
so that It can easily be moved. Every
time the bouse Is moved there will be
a new floor, and the bog, if unrlnged.
will root It over. A bog left free to
Total ,.$5.00
This "knowing how" embraces a
principle that is especially applicable
in all departments of agriculture. The
man who knows bow has a decided
advantage over the one who doe not
In every wnlk of life. Verily, knowl
edge Is money. Profit thereby. -
Inereaae of I'ntato Hot.
Wherever potatoes are largely grown
the rot is apt to increase. Tbls it a
natural result, as there are more
chances In a large acreage for some of
the rot fungus to be kept through the
winter, and by being fed to stock get
ting into the manure heap. Owing
to the cheapness of potatoes a good
many last winter were fed to stock or
thrown away altogether. In either
case the result Is likely to be an in
crease in potato rot in that locality
this year.
Rat-Proof Corn Criba.
The loss of grain on a farm from rats
is quite an item, as tbey destroy a por
tion other than that consumed. Tbe
corncrib should be made rat-proof and
all harboring places made disagreea
ble. They can be prevented to a cer
tain extent by traps, poison and other
devices, but the best method. If possi
ble, is to provide no harboring places
for them.
It should be remembered that tbe re
moval of the feathers of geese la a
great drain on the system, and if tbe
most is to be made of the geese the pick
ing should never be done while they
are laying or setting.