Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 06, 1896, Image 4

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City and County Official Paper.
Entered In Oregon City postnAc m sncond -class matter.
One year : 2 00
Hlx months 1 OU
' Throe months ,. 60
If paid In advinco, per year 1 AO
fyThe dale niwllu your address, on the
paper aonotes ine lime to wmcn yuu uaie pam.
Rtamlhix biiDliii-nH ml vor(UorniiitH: Tor month
1 Inch II, 2 Inchon 1 AO, 3 luetic f 1.7,4 Inches
12, t Inches column) J ir.HHiiflii'K( , enliinui)
04.20 Indies (column) o; yturly ci)iiirwt la per
cent lens.
Transient advertlernnls: I'er week 1 Inch
lc, 2 Inches 7. S Inolico II. 4 Inches fl.2!i, S
Inches II. Ml, in Indies I.' .VI, -in Inolic ."
Legal ailvvrlimmii'iiu: I'er Inch first in
sertlnn II. each additional hmcrtinn Win. Affi
davits of pii'illi'iiiinn will mil li (uriilxlied until
publication fees lire pllill.
Local notice.: Five cents, per lino pur week,
per month uoe.
To Sulwcrllier1?.
'IllO H"ISllll of till! JVIir IlllH ill'riVU'i
when tli iroiriHor of n iiewHnjM'r
naturally expectn to rwcivu homio coin
ponwition for lii lnlxirg Tlio umoiintH
duo us from HiiliHeriliorn iiris iniliviilnnlly
mull, but taken in tlio iincregato they
nmonnt to quite n Inrjio num. Purine
tlit'He lmi'il tiiiR'rt li taxes all uiio'h i:mr
gitiH to keep ft paper nlliwt. l'lenw try to
end us n dollar or two on uccount, or if
yon aro unable to net the ilolliiriiiul have
.product) send or lirin' Unit and we will
; allow you market price.
Only 21 of the 3S2 tovnn of Miihhii
chiiHettH nro without u public library.
Oregon City needs an institution of this
kind, and Homo of our wealthy citizens
could in no better or nobler way seek
. historic immortality.
Jsoiv that eefl are two hits per dozen,
it may interest rotllleis of the lazy hen
to know that artilieial eggs are made
ifrom sulphur, carbon and beef fat for
the white, und beef blood and magnesia
colored with chromo yellow for the yolk.
The shells aro produced by a blow'pipe
from ft moist composition of lime and
gypsum. '
Tim theory has for years been held
by chemists that fundamentally all
mutter is coniiMised of the sumo same
primitive substance, the differences, re
sulting in the 00 qdd elements, being
due to atomic combination of the
molecules. It is not a matter of astonish
ment, therefore, among scientists, that
Pr. S. If. Emmons of New York has
found a method by which silver may ho
transformed in'o gold, lly completely
breaking up silver molecules into their
constituent atoms, and uniting them
again, he has produced u metal ho
names argentarium, which possesses
properties akin to those of gold and
silver, and, didiit nut have t!ie density
of silver instead of gold, would pans the
gold test of any govei inneiit mint in
the world, lly transforming all the sil
ver into gold, the ratio of 10 to 1, or any
other, would he relegated to the history
of the past as childish bugaboo.
Tun potato has of late years fallen into
something of the contempt with which
twits considered in Europe on it lirst
introduction in the 10th century. The
scientists of the cuisine, such as Pr.
Edson and Mrs. Purer, are warning
eaters not to depend too much upon the
potato for nutriment. Leguminous food
should largely supplement its use.
Furthermore, overindulgence in a potato
diet conduces to dyspepsia, and herein
may he revealed the org n of the
prevalence of that distressing complaint
in Anieiiui. The pota'o is not a root,
as so many are accustomed to stylo
it; it is an underground stem, swollen
by accumulated starch stored up for
future use. Its exact place in tlio
dietary bus not yet been settled. It is a
curious thing to note, too, that to the
same genus (Solatium) lielongs tobocco,
which was given to Europe nt about
tho sumo time as the potato. Eat beans.
Tim purchase of n farm by the county
' on which to colonize the paupers it sup
ports, would relieve tho county treasury
of those who aro able to work but will
not; however, as economy in expendi
tures should lie tho first consideration, it
would bo unwiso to purchase a 32D-ucre
farm for tho purpose when a 40-uere
farm would answer as well and even
better. A largo farm would require two
teams at any rate, and one or two extra
hired hands, which would give oppor-
tunity for jobbery and wasting of monev J
whereas a small farm could lie conducted
entirely by the man in charge and tho
paupers, with ono team. In addition
the purchase of largo farm, like that
of W.W. Myers, at S000, in warrants at
8 per cent., would increase the county's
indebtedness much more than a farm
costing about one-third of that. As the
paupers cost the county during the last
sis months $2900, it is plain that on a
small farm, where they could be made
partly self-supporting ami their food
bought at wholesale rates, the cost would
lie considerably less.
Arbucklcs or Lion Coffee, 20c; starch
5c a pound ; best soda, 6 pounds for 2oc ;
dry granulated sugar, 5c .Ked Fbont.
We, the Funk's Oornorers, are way
up the Molalla in the foothills. Wo aro
high up and way up to snuff.
Mrs. Sniggles took her baby out in the
wheelbarrow on election day and tho
little brat mewled to awfully that it set
our storekeeper's burn a fire and burned
up 102 tons of hay.
Tony Hops has nuilod a picket to his
fence. He is chopping a tree down for
another picket.
My brother, John, made a trip to town
lust week to see the electric car. It
frightened him so that he caught the
fits and baa had the fits ever since. I am
dieting him on pork and frijoles.
. Sandy Hanks has built a bog pen
Ho is boiling soap for his wife and has
a boil on his nose.
We had adance at the sawmill. Every
thing was "wide open." Supper and
dance 10 cents, with a drink of prune
juice thrown in. Whew, didn't we boy
shake the timbers. I got into a scrap
with an 'ornery galoot from Oregon City
that tried to hook unto my girl. I am
a dandy around a sawmill, and so I just
innked him under the circular and
well, I won't tell the rest. We had
three biscuit shooters at the supper to
bund around the hash.'
I went out hunting last week and shot
three fat bull-frogs and a chipmunk
You bet, big game is plenty out here.
Father Hubbard huB signed the pledge
Mother Hubbard is taking in sowing to
pay for her new set of store teeth .
This mining town soon will boom 1
W. S. Sconce and John Crocker have
come back from Willamette Falls where
they were cutting cordwood for
Budorf Bros. T. J. Bigelow is there
Mr. McKenzie has left grandfather
Samson's. There is another old man
working for Mr. Samson.
Miss Ida Yoder seems to be well liked
as teacher of our school.
We understand that Ohas. Oglo in
tends to start for Southern Oregon on
November 2d. L. Ogle andson, Eugene,
went to Canby last Saturday.
Rev. J. Blair preached to a crowd of
almost one dozen immediately after
Sunday school on Sunday.
Fred Palmer has "moved to O. W.
Sturgoss' place. J. O. Palmer has
moved to his own farm again.
Mamie Crocker is working for Mrs.
Oosgroves on French Prairie.
November 2d. Anti G; O. P.
Joe Eaton is building a stone milk
house. .'i i, .
H. C. Inskeep will build a new barn
this winter as will also Mr. Hayhurst.
Mr. Lewis will grub about 20 acres of
new ground this winter.
O'Connor's sawmill will move down to
Mulino next spring.
Eph Jones has dug a well anil is pre
paring to move his house to where the
well is.
R. Scheubel and Mr. Kreigeruro haul
ing flour from Trullinge.r's mill to Ore
gon City.
Humphrey Jones is clearing up some
new ground.
Archie Cooper is hauling lumber to
board up his barn and cellar.
Elmer Armstrong lost one of his horses
last week.
Plowing for wheat is tho order of the
day since these nice rains have come.
Mrs. Kullrleish is going to make a visit
to her old home in Kansas this winter.
November 2. Gra.nokr.
O. Stone had the misfortune to sprain
his wrist a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Cuurtright were visiting
with friends in the vicinity of Spring
water this week.
W. E. Howell got his foot caught be
tween tho carriage and head block,
which will lay him up for few weeks.
The church services Sunday at Bethel
were well attended.
Thero will be a masquerade ball at
Linn's Mill on Thanksgiving evening.
Everybody cordially invited to attend.
Ticket, including supper, 75 cents.
Jim Shannon was at Linn's Mill Mon
day. .
Bird killing is the occupation of many
of tho young men in this vicinity.
Conner and Armstrong are running a
Mr. A. B. Linn and wife were visiting
Mrs. Leek Saturday and Sunday.
Prayer meeting every Tuesday night a t
the Bethel, and the M. E. church ever
Thursday night
Ed Haley has sold hii farm to G. Specs.
There will be a birthday dance at Ed
Baylei one week from Saturday night.
T. McCubbin of Logan was in town
November 24th. Engineer.
The prettiest trimmed hats and caps
and the lowest prices at the Red Front,
Oregon City.
has placed in hi store, corner Seventh
and Center Sts., in addition to bis fine
full stock of LEAP, PAINTS, OILS
AND VARNISH, which be will sell as
"Farm Journal" Asks the Help of
Farmers to Answer the Question
The total value of all cereals, tobacco
and cotton grown in the United States
in 1891, was $2,539,434,476.
The total value of these same products
grown in 1895, was $1,810,712,527.
This shows a shrinkage in value of
farm crops in 1805 under those of 1891 of
$728,721,949. (Crop values and farm
values have been steadily shrinking
since 1873.)
The cost of labor, taxes, insurance, in
terest, repairs, etc., were nearly as great
in 1895 as in 1891, so there must be a
loss of at least $500,000,000 to the Ameri
can farmer in the year 1895. Now, we
want to know who has that money?
By a careful study of the statistics,
native and foreign, we learn that nearly
all tho governments, and national and
private banks of Europe, have been in
creasing their stock of gold, in the ag
gregate a sum not less than $250,000,000;
that the English exchequer is full and
running over; that the profit of Great
Britan alone from her foreign trade was
$250,000,000 greater than in previous
years, that she is spending $109,000000
of this sum in battle ships and naval
armaments, and that steamships have
been busy all summer hauling gold out
of the United States. ($74,000,000 in
eleven months )
Much complaint comes to us from all
parts of this country of a great scarcity
of money ; props are abundant but prices
very low ; many of the exchanges of the
people are being carried on by barter,
by trading eggs and butter for sugar and
coffee, fruits and vegetables for boots
and calicoes; and it is a well-known
fact that there was withdrawn from cir
culation during the first six months of
the present year $85,000,000, and since
July 1, 1895, no less a sum than $154,
000,000. Therefore, in behalf of the
farmers of the United States, who are
great sufferers by the above conditions,
we demand to know :i.
who has that money ?
We want those $500,000,000 accounted
for, and we want farmers to help us find
out what has become of them and how
they may be recovered. ,
Possibly the Corner in Gold has some
thing to do with it I If the farmers'
crops, when they came to be sold were
measured by the gold London Shylock
owns, might this not be the reason the
price is so low? The dollar now seems
to be able to buy two bushels of wheat
instead of one; soon.it will buy three
bushels. As Shylock tightens his grip
on gold, which measures property, down
goes the price of crops, and
Down goes the Farm, ' '
Down goes the Farmer,'
Down goes the Merchant,
Down goes the Manufacturer,
Down goes the Laborer, ,
Down goes the Doctor,
Down goes the Carpenter,
Down goes the Blacksmith,
Down goes the Poor Debtor,
Down goes Independence, .
Down goes Liberty,
Down goes the Flag,
Down goes everybody else and every
thing else but the Ddlur and London
Once more we demand to know
Fnri ished Every Week by the Clackamat
Abstract & Trust Company.
A B Richardson to L A Carter, lot 1
John Welch (by sheriff) to Anna
Gardner, 105 a in sec 36 also 100 a in sec
27 and the n of Welch cl in 4 s, 2 e;
II F W Goltra to A Schultz, w )i of
ne U f ne H 8CC 30, 4 s, 1 e ; $1.
A Schultz to F Denell, same land;
W O More to O E Smith, lot 14 blk 11,
Windsor; $80.
C B Jackson to Cora E Smith et al, s
i of se 4' of sec 8, 4 s, 2 e ; $1900.
O E Smith to M M Jackson, lots 14 15
16 blk 11, Windsor; $1200. ,
E M Atkinson to Anna S Warren, lots
0 7 and s of 8 blk 10, Park Add ; $250.
S S Oasad to D 0 Latourette, part of
blk 1, Darlings add; $85.
W II Lyons to J S Giltner, same as
lust; $1.
Henry Schroeder to Anna A Schroeiler,
no ,!4 of nw M of sec 11 3-1 w ; $5.
Philip Nehren to PeteNehren, lots 1 2
3 4 5 6 and part of 7 and 8 blk 132, Ore
gon City; $1.
Frank Nehren et al to Tete Nehren,
lots 1 and 2 blk 132,0 0;$l.
Frank Nehren et al to Maggie Mat
thies, lots 3 and 4 blk 132, O O ; $1.
Franks ehren et al to Gertrude Bock,
lots 5 and 6 blk 132, OC;l.
Pete Nehren et al to Frank Nehren,
par t of lots 7 and 8 blk 132. O O ; $1.
Possen Seed Store to J A Bamford, ne
H of ne i of sec 7 2 s, 3 e; $1200.
Cornelia MeCown to M Tucholk, lots
3 4 5 6 15 16 17 and 18 blk 14, Glad
stone ; $1000. .
J S tiiltner to S J Lyons, lots 10 and
11 blk 43, Oswego; $1.
Th lollowtn autifnt new nonirs bjr
Uamlvillc-Kvtman, will be moiled to
njr adrirvM on the receipt o( 10 eenu
each (Introductory price) or the entire &
ton lor 4i rent, providing this coupon
in tent with order. Ech piece ha a
bandaome title page and retail! lor 40c
I'm Dreaming of the Part.
If We Should Meet Aaln.
Wrecked, or You Were False, Not True
to Me.
On It a Song ol Long Ago.
1 Have Left Yon Though I Lot Yon.
Addreia: The Wiley B. Allea Co.,
311 Firal t.. romaad. Oregon.
Call aiiil
We have a full line of Ladies' Kid Button
Shoes in
for $im that
ever showed in
This week we
of Men's
Shoes in all the latest
New York and Chicago
MeKlTTRlCK, "Tiic
1) s
To the Wlllamelte Steam
Laundry of Oregon City.
Guarantees sJtUfacllon.
Unusually low rales for
family washings. Work
called for and delivered
Mill Feed, Lime, Cement
and Land Plaster.
Ve Can Do It.
The Courier has just
added several hundred
dollars' worth of new
material to its plant, and
is now better prepared
than ever to do any job
of printing of whatever description
at Prtland prices. Call and see
samples. .
October 6th, 1890. Notice Is hereby given
that the fnllnwinir-named settler has Aled notice
of bis Intention to make final proof in support of
hla adjoining farm homestead, and tlmt sum
Droof will be made before the Register and Ite-
ceiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on November
2Jd, 1896, viz:
H. E. No. 8589. for the Lota 1,2, 3 and 8 of See. 14,
Tp. S South, Range 3 K. He names the fullowlng
witnesses to prove bia continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, vl: Jiicnb
Oerber, ir'. James M.Haydcn, James M. ShllU
and William II. Mattoon, all of Viola, Oregon.
ROHERT A. MlLl.fcK, Ueb'liiter.
Ladies' Kid Gloves, assorted colors.
cheap, at the Racket Store.
Don't forget the Racket Store when
you are hunting bargains.
For Sale: Bicycles: $5 Cash
and fl per week. Prices $25 and up
wards. Only five wheels left, come in
and examine them at Huntley's Hook
Store, Oregon City.
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy for nil forma of Headache
Electric Hitters has proved to lie the
best. It effects a permanent cure and
in most dreaded hnhitual sick head
aches yields to i I influence. We
urge all' who aro atllicted to procure a
buttle, and eive this remedy a (air trial
In casesof habitual constipation Electric
Bitters cures by giving the needed tone
the howel.s, and few rases long resist
the use of this medicine. Tryitnncel
50c and fl at Chnrmun & Co., Drug
Out-door life and Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with
Hypophosphites have cured
thousands of cases of consump
tion in the early stages. They
cure old, advanced cases too;
hut not so many, nor so prompt
ly. When a case is so far ad
vanced that a cure cannot he
made, even then SCOTT'S
EMULSION checks the rapfd
ity of the disease, relieves the
pains in the chest, reduces the
night sweats, and makes the
cough easier. In these cases it
comforts and prolongs life.
Don't experiment with cures
that destroy the digestion. Pin
your faith to the one remedy
which ha teen THE STAN
dard for Over 20 Years.
Book &bout it free for tlx asking.
For tak by all druggisti at 50c and
h h
plain, opera
Full Dress Patent Calfskin
yaw. f
The Greatest Values ever placed on the
American market. All new and up-to-date
goods. Don't hesitate a moment. If you
want a CAPE, JACKET or a PLUSH' "
WRAP. Wc have, them in stock at the
correct prices, and every garment marked
in plain figures at the following prices.'
Heavy Beaver Capes,
and $5. Jackets, $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.50, . ,
$4.50 and upwards to $25.00.
Great reductions in Dress Goods.
Call, and see us. ,, .,
SPECIAL A fine collection of Sealette Wrap,
silk lined, very dressy, to close at $465. Ladies
you can save, money by taking advantage of the'
treat, our Grand Cape apd, Jacket Sale. : "" '
TTrtTo li :rvn.T.rlT t
- 1 1- -.- -
Atjenlt far Bazar PtMem and
...The World Afterwards
or communities, and really finds its echo in the ' voice of
every merchant in town,
home stores adds to the
industries. It helps the
helping the growth of the
more or less dependent upon
The great trade centers pay
We are keeping careful track
adding to the stock to meet them. Lall and see our fall stock
of Clothing, Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions, Etc. ,
3 lbs. Green
Tea for 1.
or Black
Rich Mild Cheese, fine
flavor, lOo lb.
Mocha and Java Coffee,
best quality 35o tb.
October 27th. IS. Notic is hereby given
that the followtnr -named settler has filed
notice of hia intention to make fiaal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will be
maue before the Keg liter and Receiver at Orv
gou City, Oregon, on December L!to, IS'., Tlx:
H. E. Xo. SUSS, for the BE M of See. 26, Tp. 4 8
LIE. 11. names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of, said land, vis: John T. Hirers, Henry
Mvera. Frank Goebel and Ebenexer Lacey, all of
Bprincwater, Oregon.
Ail pain banish! oy In. Miiea fain Pllia
li ...V. HARRIS...
I Choice Groceries.
lew Lie..
or square toe,
beats anything
the market. : : :
1 show a line
toes. :
Shoe Man."
$2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.50 .. :
Popular Dry Good's rlousa,
''i Cor; 8id oVMorritiDn
Haggtonl francemo Kid Olova:
Portland, - - - . Oregon.
0 Every dollar spent in your
,1 1 -r ' ii i
utvciupint.il i. vi me iiuine
growth of the town by
individual, for we are all
each other. 4- -s-tribute
to the big stock.
of your wants, and constantly
N Is the place to buy your
It's the place where you
buy at reasonable rates,
and you can rely on what
you buy. Wines from 75c
per gallon to $ 1 .60. Family
entrance on Sixth street
Call and be convinced
Yours Truly,
akd main streets.
undersigned has been appointed by Gordon
E. Hayes, county Judge of Clackamas county,
state of Oregon, executor of the will and estate
of Ellen J. Hedges, deceased.
All persona having claims against the said
estate are hereby required to present the same
duly verified and with proper vouchers within
six monthi from the date of this noUce to the
undersigned executor, at the offices of Hedgei
A Griffith, Barclay building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Dated this Mth day of October, lm.
Ixecutor of the will and estate of Ellen J. Hedgei,
Wanted-An Idea
Who eaa thmk
of some slmpss
Protect TmrrM.T thr may bring jam waaita.
mm. Waablnetoa. D. C for tbelr sjl.S pria otTat
aadllM e two koadnd Wvaaueaa waa&L