Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, October 30, 1896, Image 3

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Evidence of Steady Growth
and Enterprise.
from All the Cltlei ami Towns of the
Thriving Slater Duiil
A noinber of hogs were lold last
(reek in Milton for 2 cents per pound.
William Frazier It in Eastern Oregon
baying hornet to be nsed in the United
States oavalry.
' The ooaiity judge of Joiephine oouu
ty was fined recently $100 for baying
a small piece of Josephine ooonty scrip.
The John Day flouring mill, in
Grant ooonty, ia running sixteen hours
a day, and is grinding 400 bushels of
wheat a day.
Lee Mitchell, of Grant's Pas, re
oeived a painful wound from a salmon
bite on ti:e leg below tne knee, while
fUbing last week.
Two Albany boys have shipped into
the naval servioe, and are off on a
three-years' oruise on a man-of-war out
of San Franoisoo.
As the cannery at Marshfleld was
overstocked, the tug Triumph took
3,000 salmon from that plaoe to the
Coquille cannery hut week.
The new quarts mill machinery has .
all been put on the ground at the Black
Butte mine, with the exception of
small wheel, weighing 4,500 pounds.
The salmon oannery at Alsea bay is
making a fine pack, and nearly 10,000
oases will be put up if there is no abate
ment in the run before the season closes.
Most of the farmers of Powder valley
have about finished the fall round-up
of oattle and have now in pasture a
fine-looking lot of beef , steers and fat
A movement is on foot among lovers
of musio in Long Creek, Grant oounty,
to organize a band. A subscription
paper for that purpose is being circu
lated. City Marshal Logan, of Weston, in
sists that boys nnder IS years of age
must keep off the streets after 7 o'olock
in the evening, and warns parents that
he intends to enforce the curfew ordin
ance. There passed through Athena last
week a family that proposes making
an entire trip to Florida by team. They
make their expenses of the trip by giv
ing musical performances, the entire
family being musicians.
The semi-annual report of the oounty
clerk of Josephine oounty shows that
there were, on September 80, outstand
ing unpaid county warrants to the
amount of IK4.504.87. the estimated
interest on which is $7,000.
A number of the country papers are
fully alive to their own interests in
the present gratifying wheat situation.
JSncli notices as this are being run:
"D.in't neglect to settle that little sub
scription account when yon sell your
There are in the office of the treas
urer of Benton oounty funds amount
ing to $2, 824, with whioh old outstand
ing warrant otiuld be paid were thoy
printed for redemption. Some of
these warrants were issued as far back
us April, 1887.
A dredger will begin work on Olyni
pin harbor next mouth.
Tne school tax of the oity of Spokane
for next year amounts to $H5,000.
William Hopkins has extablisheJ a
broom-handle factory iu Burlington.
Blanche Bennet, a typewriter, was
pot in 1ail in Spokane Saturday,
charged with Bmoking opium. She
was found in Lee Jim's "joint," stupi
tied by the drug.
The superintendent of schools in
Whatcom oonuty is strongly advising
teachers to observe Admission day
this year. Washington was sdmitted
as a state November 11, 1889.
The commissioners' of Kings oounty
have fixed the tax levy for 1896 at
15 85 mills on all property within the
limits of Seattle. The rate on all
property in the county outside of
cities, and not included in sohool dis
trict specials, is 13 mills.
The mills for making oatmeal and
flour in Taooma and Seattle are run
ning night and day, and yet are behind
in their orders. The demand for flour
from the Orient has been simply phe
nomenal, and the rolled-oat trade can
not be supplied by the present mills.
Bishop Cranston and a committee of
thirteen Methodist ministers have com
pleted a thorough investigation of the
affairs of the Puget sound university,
resulting in an unanimous approval
and indorsement of the methods and
management of the college in all its
Tbe Northern Pacifio will construct
a big stone wall extending over 1,000
' feet along tbe bank on the west side of
tbe wharves in Tacoma. The wall
will be of solid masonry, and will be
thirty feet high and four and one-half
feet wide. It will be placed on a
solid rock or hardpan foundation.
Tbe board of county commissioners
of Stephens county baa granted a
license to J. H. Saville to conduct a,
steel cable ferry at China bend, a point
on tbe Spokane Falls & Northern rail
way about balf way between Marcus
. and North port. About 3,000 feet of
cable will be employed to span the Co
lumbia river at thU point, and the in
ducement for putting in ferry ia the
accessibility of the Flat creek and ad
jacent mines on the Indian reservation
One Hon Ha Will Try to Starve the
Havana, Oot 20. Captain General
Weyler has issued a proclamation con
taining tbe following provisions:
First All of tbe inhabitants of the
oouutry or outside tbe lines of fortifica
tions of the towns must betake them
selves to the towns occupied by troops
within a period of .eight days. Those
who are found outside the towns after
the expiration of that period will be
considered rebels and will be taken and
tried as such.
Heoond The witbdrawlof groceries
from towns is absolutely prohibited,
and also the transportation of them by
sea or land, without permit from the
military authorities, violators of this
provision to be tried and punished as
aiders of tbe rebels.
Third Proprietors of oattle must
csrry them to towns or make applica
tion immediatelv for protection.
Fourth Eight days after the publi
cation of this proclamation, all rebeli
surrendering in every municipality
will be subject to the csptain-general'i
disposal to order them where to reside,
and it will be a oommendation in theii
favor for them to give available newi
about tbe enemy and to surrender with
their firearms; and, moreover, to sur
render collectively in their organiza
tions. Fifth The proclamation is only
enforceable in the provinoe of Pinar del
The insurgents during the past twe
weeks have been continuing the work
of devastation, particularly in tbe prov
inoe of Matanzas, where tbey have re
duced to ashes eight tobaooo and sugai
plantations, together with many farm
houses and huts of laborers, the total
value being about $3,000,000. Hun
dreds of families are rendered homeless
Twe and a Half Milllonn Arrived on
the Mouowal.
San Francisoo, Oct. 36. The steamei
Monowai, whioh arrived from Australia
today, baa on board about $3,500,000
worth of English sovereigns, consigned
to Assistant United States Treasure!
Berry, to be melted down and milled
into doable eagles here and stored away
in the subtreasory.
About a month ago a shipment val
ued at $1,500,000 was received here
from Australia, and at that time Assist
ant Treasurer Berry was authorized by
tbe treasury department at Washington
to reoeive the coin at bullion value for
storage in the subtreasury and to aooept
additional shipments to the amount of
$6,000,000. Soon afterward dispatches
ftnnounoed that the second shipment
from Australia, amounting to $2,500,.
000 bullion value, had started on its
way from Australia. '
Tbe treasure will be taken to the
mint where the gold will be tested for
weight and fineness and afterwards
either ooined into $30 pieces or stored
in tbe subtreasury as bullion.
The gold thus shipped from Australia
is plaoed to the credit of merchants
who are buying in New York and
Europe to make up the balance of trade,
which is naturally in favor of New
York at this eoason. A dozen years
ago this plan was devised by Hugh
Craig and others, and by it the annual
saving in tbe exohange between here
and New York amounts to a large sum.
The next shipment, whioh will arrive
before the first of the year, will proba
bly be larger than either of the two
Conviction of '. O. llownlng of Em
beixlflinent Sustained,
Olympia. Wash., Oof. 26 The su
preme court today affirmed tbe lower
court's judgment in the case of State of
Washington, respondent, vs. C. O.
Downing, appellant. This was a case
wherein the appellant, as clerk of Spo
kane county, was convioted of em
bezzlement. Counsel for Downing
urged that the information was in
sufficient to charge an offense, under
the act of 1893, making it embezzle
ment for any county officer to whom a
salary is paid to fail to pay to the ooun
ty treasurer all sums that shall oome
into his bands for fees and charges in
his office; also that the information
did not nharge an offense under section
57, of th j penal code. The supreme
oourt h jld contrary to this contention
in the i.ase of the State vs. Isensee, the
defaulting oity treasurer of New What
oom, and concludes upon the authority
of that case, that no error was commit
ted in tbe lower court in overruling
the demurrer in this case. Tbe excep
tions taken by the appellant to oertain
charges of the lower court are held by
the supreme court to be untenable.
A Klondj Japanese Duel.
, Sah Francisco, Oot. 26. Kata Nish
amto and Harry Nismato, Japanese,
and cousins, fought a bloody duel to
day at their boarding-bouse. As a re
sult, both are at the receiving hospital,
Kata with one side of his head sliced
off and bis left cheek amputated and
bis left arm almost severed from his
body. Harry got off better, but his
bodv is covered with wounds and
gashes. Tbe row began over the pay- j
ment of a debt, and Harry used a big ,
butcher-knife, while Kata wielded a
Japanese naval sword. Both fainted
from loss of blood, but they may re
cover. !
More Armenian! ArrlTe. I
New York, Oct 26 There were 180
Armenian steerage passengers on tbe j
California, which arrived tbis after- j
soon from Hamburg and Havre. They j
were shipped in Havre and are booked j
for various destinations. The captain
states all have some mesns, and some
have as much a $50. He does not ;
anticipate any difficulty about landing :
them as they are not likely to become j
public charges. There are only a few i
women and children among them. I
Cargo Took firm at Sea.
New York, Ot 2K. The BrilUh
steamer Worsley Hall put into this port
tbis morning with her cargo on fire.
She left New Orleaus for Havre, Octo
ber 16. On October 23, 660 miles east
by south of Sandy Hook, during a
southerly gale, smoks was found issu
ing from the ventilators under tbe
bridge. An e xamiuatlon showed that
tbe cotton stowed forward in tbe now,
which constituted the major portion of
the cargo, was on fire. Tbe ship was
pot before tbe wind to lessen tbe
draught and tbe batch lifted. The
smoke was almost overpowering, but
the sailors managed to hoist out twenty
bales of cotton and pile them up on tbe
deck. Tbe ship was rolling with a
heavy orosa sea. Soon a huge wave
broke over tbe steamer and washed
the bales overboard.
CroMeit the Trocha.
Key West, Oot. 28. Well-informed
passengers who arrived from Havana
last night oonflrm advioes received by
mail that Maceo has crossed tbe trocha
at Artemisa and joined other insurgent
foroes in Havana provinoe. They de
clared that tbe report circulated by
Maceo of bis encampment at Caoara
jaoara and a contemplated attaok on
that town wai merely a feint of the
rebel leader to conoentrate the Spanish
troops at that point. ' That the ruse
was successful is proved by the fact
that General Gonzales Muniz, with
large forces, was sent in that direction
to attack Maoeo, but upon their arrival
at Cararajacara tbe Spaniards found
uothing but a deserted camp.
I'reveuteri a Paulo.
Chioago, Oct 27. By rare presenoe
of mind, Rev. Dr. James Vila Blake
prevented a panio and the possible aw
ful results of a fire, whioh broke out
just as the morning servioe was begin
ning at the Third Unitarian oburoh to
day, and whioh destroyed the main
part of the building. When the pastor
took his place in the pulpit, bis atten
tion was drawn to smoke in the lobby
leading to the Sunday sohool room.
He remained standing until the organ
ist had ceased playing, and then re
quested tbe congregation to retire
quietly by the rear exits. His manner
so reassured those assembled that a
panio was averted. The church was
entirely destroyed. The loss is $25,000.
, .
Large Quantity ot Lumber Burned.
8aginaw, Mioh.. Oot 27. Fire
broke out early this evening in the
lumber pile and on the mill plant
premises of tbe Center Lumber Com
pany, at Zilwaukee, six miles down
the river. It spread into a very large
conflagration, whioh destroyed about
8,000,000 feet of lumber. The saw
mill and salt works were in immient
danger, but were saved, and only
tmall buildings were burned. The fire
departments of Saginaw and Bay City
assisted in fighting tbe flames. The
loss will approach $150,000, and is un
derstood to be fairly covered by iusur
Hoy Mutderera.
Cornish, Me., Oof. 27. On October
6 Mrs. Betsy R. Hobbs was found dead.
She lived alone about one and a half
miles from Effingham, N. H. When
found the house was burning, and her
body was half cremated. The mystery
was oleared yesterday by the confession
of Charles Savage. He aoouses Frank
J. Palmer of the murder. A coroner's
jury has brought in a verdict against
Palmer of murder in tbe first degree.
Savage was held as a witness. Palmer
is 16 years old, and lives at West Par
sonficld. Savage is 20 years of age.
At the inquest Savage unflinchingly
withstood balf an hour's cross-examination,
but at last tbe coroner discovered
weakness, and he persistently qnes
tioued bini till ho finally sucoumbed
and related a tale implicating himself
and Frank Palmer in the murder and
attempted oremation of Mrs. Hobbs.
He and Palmer, he said, had been
drinking together the day before the
tragedy. Monday morning Savage
took his shotgun to go shooting. They
called at Mrs. Hobbs'. Savage left
Palmer in the hous6 while he went to
the woodshed on an errand. While
there he beard tbe report of a gun and
soon after found Mrs. Hobbs bleeding
upon the doorstep. Palmer soon ap
peared, and with an oath deolared that
now he had squared the grudge he
owed her for pulling $3 out of him in
payment for the glass be broke in ber
house three years ago. Palmer asked
Savage to help him carry tbe body in
the bouse. He says be was so fright
ened he did not realize what he was do
ing, but they got the body into the
bouse. Savage then took to the woods,
being shortly overtaken by Palmer, who
delcared that nobody would ever know
what had happened, for he bad set fire
to tbe bouse.
AraKo't Victims Waahed Anhore.
Marshfleld, Or., Oot. 27. Early this
morning the life-saving patrol found
on the ocean beaoh the remains of three
unfortunate victims of tbe wreck of tbe
ill-fated steamer Arago. They were
brought to Empire City, and a coro
ner's inquest held. The names of the
unfortunates are: Patience and Speck,
steerage passengers, snd Sanders, sea
man. The three were buried at Em
pire City this afternoon. Tbe Arago
is still in the same position. An etenr
fiou from nere today reports the bar
very smooth, snd it is probable that
what treasure is in tbe steamer will be
recovered by divers.
Mozambique, Oct 27. Major Albu
querque, governor-general, with 800
Portuguese snd 100 native troops, re
cently went to Msnicaland. While in
bivouac at Magenla, be was attacked
by 200 Massiaralloa. Tbe Portuguese
made a gallant defense, snd kept tbe
natives at bay for twenty-two hours,
bat were finally forced to retreat, ow
ing to lack of water. Two Portuguese
were killed, and twenty-three wound
ed, including the governor-generaL
Th enemv's loss was heavy.
Produce Market.
Fiiua Portland, Salem, Cascsdia
and Dayton, H.O0; Kenton county and
White Lily, -l.u0; graluiiu, 13.26; su
per tine, 2 60 H-r barrel.
Wimvi Walla Walla, 74(g75c; Val
ley, 77i 78o per bushel.
U.tth Cliuice wliiie, 33(g34c per bush
el; choice giay, 81(32e. liolleil oats
are quoted as follows: Bags, 14.260
6.25 ; barrela, 4.5U(n7 ; casus, S3.76.
Hat liinouiy. H0.6U rwr ton; cheat,
1(1(97.50:. -lover, .50tg7.50; oat, $7.60;
wheat 7.50
Bablst Feed barley, $10.00 per ton;
brewing, $14(310.
MiLUtTurrs Bran. 113.00; shorts,
$14 60; middlings, 123.00; rye, UOo
per cental.
BcrrsB Fancv creamery is quoted at
40.:; fancy dairy, 30c; fair to good,
Potatoes. California, 65c; Oregon,
40 1 a 60c per rack ; sweets, 2c per pound.
Onions 06c per cwt
Pooltky Chickens, mixed. $2 260
2.60. boilers, tl.OOg 175; geese. 10.00 ;
turkeys, live, 11c; ducks, 12.60(33.50
per dozen.
Eons Oregon, 22'Js per dozen.
Cueksx Oregon, 10c; California 8c;
Young America, 11c per pound.
Ykuktaiii.ks baruc, new, 7c per
pouud; cabbage, lo per pound; toma
toes, 20c per box; string beans, 2
3u per pound ; wax beans, 2)v6$3o per
pound; cucumbers, 16(2oc per box;
run plant, $1.60 per crate; corn, 10
12,'uo per dozen; summer squash, 26c
per oox ; green peppers, $1 per box.
' 'Ihoi'icai. t huh Uaiuoruia lemons,
fancy, are quoted at $3. 60i 4.60 per box;
bananas, S2.60 per bunch ; Valencia late
oranges, i4.5U(u5.00; pineapples, $3.00
(o 4.00 per dozen.
r-nnhii Km ir California apples, 11.00
(t 1.50; Oregon, $1 per box ; crab apples,
06c; pears, 76(s6e; prune, 2,'.jC per
pound ; f-aluw ay peaches, hO(t75c ; Snuue
river ami liuliuo Ueil, sue per uox; wa
termelons, Kogue river, $1.00 per dozen ;
Caliiormu, 1 2b per uozeu ; lanteloupes,
Oregon, Ouciw 1 per crute; quinces, $i;
grapes, 40u80u per crate; Hungarian
plums, Owe per box ; egg, 1 '-c per pound ;
Kaslui n Concord grapes, !!uc per basket.
JJiiiKD 1-nun's Apples, evaporated,
bleached, 4( 4c ; unbleached, 3,' (S4c ;
sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 4(t5c;
pears, sun and evaporated, 6(u.Uc;
prunes, 3w5c per pound; tigs. 10c per
Wooj Vallev. I)c, per pound; East
ern Oregon, 6g7c.
Hoi's New crop, 7,HJe; old, 2c.
Nurs Peanuts, Oyjcper pound for
raw, 10c lor roasted; cocoanu s, D0c per
dozen; waliuts, 12Hc; pine nuts,
153; hickory nuts, t(il0c; chestnuts,
17c; Brazil, 12c; pecans, large, 14c;
Jumbo, 10c; filberts, 12c; fancy, large,
14c; hard-shell, 8c; paper-shell, lu
Provisions Portland pack : Smoked
hams are quoted at lU(10jvC per lb;
picnic hams, 7c; boneless hams, 7'c;
breakfast bacon, 10c; bacon, 0c; dry
suit sides, (ic; lard, 5-pound pails, 7c;
10s. 0j8c; 60s, bW; tierces, 7o per
Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 10 pounds
and upward, IMlOe per pound; dry
kip, No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds, 7c per pound;
dry ca'f, No. 1, under 6 pounds, lie 13c;
dry salted, one-third lees than dry flint.
Salted hides, sound steers, 00 pounds,
and over. 6c: do, 50 to 60 pounds, 6c-;
do, under 60 pounds and cows, 3H4c;
do, kip, sound steers, 15 to 30 pounds,
4c; do, veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 5c; do,
calf, under 10 pounds, 6ift(!c; green (un
salted', lc per pound less; culls (bulls,
stags, uiotli-eaien, badly cut, scored,
hair slipped, weather-beaten or grubby)
one-third less.
Bkkkwax 20022 per pound.
Tallow Prime, per pound, 23c;
No. 2 and grease, 2(g2c.
Merchandise Market.
Salmon Columbia, river No. 1. tails,
$1.261.U0; No. 2. talis. $2.252.U0;
fancy, Mo. 1, fiats, $1.751.85; Alaska,
No. 1, tails, $1.201.30 ; No. 2, tails, $1.90
Cokoaos Manilla rope, lVZ-inch, is
ouoted at 8c; White eiBal, hard twisted :
Kope, lA-4-iri. cir. and upward, 04c;
rope, 12-th read, bc.
Scoab Uolden 0, 4c ; extra C, 4c ;
dry granulated, 6c ; cube crushed and
powdered, 6c per pound; c per pound
discount on all grades ior prompt cash ;
half ' barrels, iac more than barrels ;
maple sugar. 15(416c per pound.
Cot-FKK Mocha, 27(?31c per pound;
Java, lancy, 2Ks21tc; Costa Kica, 20(4
23Mc; Caracal, 22'u((C5c; Salvador, 19
(322o; Arbiickle, 1X.15; Lion, $18.15;
Columbia, $18.15 per case.
Kite Island, 410 5 Japan,
6c; JNew Orleans, 4("4c.
Coal Oil Cases, 10c; barrels,
176c; tanks, 15!sc per gallon.
Whsat Baos Calcutta, $4.254.37
for July and August deliveries.
Meat Market.
Bskf Gross, top steers, $2.25; cows,
$1.762.00; dressed beef, 34ic per
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers.
$1.76; ewes, $1.60; dressed mutton, 3jgC
per pound.
Viai Net, small, 636)40; large,
4c per pound.
Hoos Gross, choice, heavy, $3.00(3
3.26; light snd feeders, $2.60; dressed,
$).E03.76 per cwt
Potatoss Garnet Chile, 40(3 (50c;
Salinas liurbanks, 60(it05o; i-arly Kone,
25(ft3Ue; Kiver BurbankB, 26(o36c;
sweets, 76cCi.1.25 per cental.
onions 2(j30c per hack for yellow,
25c for pickle.
kMit tto'e, 20:0 :; ranch, 28,Kic;
Jucks, 2k ptr dizeu.
OBSksa fancy, mild, new, 010c;
fiir to good, 7l2'.a8c; l'otmir Atneuc.
U10i; Eastern. i2idi3 ' per pound.
Wool an Joaijuiu ami Southern
roast, poor, 4'3l5; do good,' 4 (Stic; r-an
Joaquin foothill, good to choice,
7)sc; do year's lleece, 4'i5,,1!c; ievala,
heavy, 6u7c; do. cnoice, 8 a,'-,c; North
ern, choice, lOcallc per pound.
.Hay Wheat, $8 00U: wheat and
oat, i'ralO; oat, 6s9 barley, 6.00r4
8 00; aifalla, first crop, do second
crop, 15.60(36.60 ; clover, $8; stock,
$4.605 50; per ton.
Vegetables Bay tomatoes, 102Oc;
bay encumbers, 2535c per box; pick
ls. rwflt. 1'jC per pound; bay squash,
20ft25c; egg; plant, 2o(340c; Alameda
corn, $1 ; Berkley, do, 60( GOc per crate:
green peppers, 25ff50c; green okra, 40'.
75c per box: Lima lieans, 60fg75c: string
bens, $1 per sack; garlic, l2c per
4 '
A Convenient .Hutcher'e Device.
The Illustration,; taken from Farm
and Home, represents an apparatus
which make the skinning and dressing
of beef on the farm a comparatively
easy matter. In the crotch or fork of a
good-slssed tree place oue end of a stout
pole. Itest the other end on a fork
formed by fastening together two 4x4
Inch scantlings or other similar tim
bers by means of n rope or stay chnln
and spreading apart "at the bottom. To
! the pole or cross piece attacu two
i strong rope long enough to reach the
ground. Tie to the ends of these rows
a 3x3 Inch onk or other hard wood
.scnntllug 4 foot long with two pins Iu-
I ....1 I,. Al,l,nH .,,,.1 ut .lrht nflirlMl tn
Bt-lieJ lit Uliui-I viiu mv ,.- ....e..
each other. About 8 Inches rrom eacn
Pinl of this smiaie timber round off a
space about 3 Inches long on which
place two Iron rings. To the rings at
tach Iron hooks or stay chnins. Atter
the animal Is killed and hind legs are
skinned. Insert the hooks In the large
teudou above the hock joiuu
Two men. nnn at each end of tile gam-
brel. can easily lift the carcass either
raisins' it off the ground at once or a
short distance nt a time. It can be se
cured at iinv helcht bv means of a
rope. A. which Is arranged with a series
of loops. These are slipped over tne
turning pins or bundles and thus pre-
veut unwinding. As the skinning pro
ceeds the men will have to stand on bar
rels or some other elevation to enable
them to swing the cnrc.TW clear of the
ground. This nppnratus can be used
for lifting hogs, sheep, etc., ,but need
not be made so strong or tall. The
whole thing Is entirely honie-inade and
easily constructed. If no tree Is con
venient to support one end of the polo,
a post can be set In Its place or three
rails, fastened near the top and set up
like a tripod, will do very well.
"Top-l'ollnB" a Ftone Wall.
In many sections of the country stone
walls ure the foundation of pasture
fences. These must be "top -poled" to
keep in sheep and in many fuses cut
tle. Animals will dislodge poles laid
In the angle formed by two stakes. A
good plan, that saves stakes olso. Is
shown Iu the diagram, a cross-section
being given. Oue stake Is driven firmly
Into the ground nnd bound to an upper
stone by wire. The pole Is bound also
to the stake by stout fence wire, mak
ing a fence that cannot be displaced,
and one requiring only half the usual
number of stakes. ' Farmers should
niiike greater use of stout wire In build
ing and repairing fences.
Proper Divleion nf Cropn,
Kvery yenr some article of farm pro
duce brings a fair price, and nine times
out of ten It Is the product that for one.
two or three previous yenr has Im-cii
unduly depressed. We do not know that
farmers are any more sheep-like In
their efforts to all move together than
are tbme engaged In other kinds of
liuxliieHx. It Is the universal complaint
of business men of all kinds that when
ever anything Is found to pay heavily.
no many go into Its manufacture that
the market Is oversupplled. The ad
vantage the fanner has over other peo
ple Is that with ordinary good manage
ment bis farm will make bis living,
and he can do something aside from
farming If he Is enterprising ."nd In
telligent to make his entire business
profitable aa a whole. c
Weete of Corn ftalke.
While It Is not true that corn stalks
exposed to rains will decay like clover
hay, there Is altogether too much Ios
.At Mil L-i ' ft
In It, If not secured In time, for any
farmer to afford. Green stalks dried
without rainfall retain their fresh color
Inside where not exposed to the ml
But the fading of the outside of the
stock does not affect Its nutritive value
or Its palatablcuess. We hove many
tlmea fed cows and . watched them
while they were eating. While tbey.
would select the stalks that had been.
slightly softened by heating, there was
no apparent preference for those tbat
had retained their green color over
those that sunlight had blenched. But
where rain had washed the outside of
the stock, and had not reached the In
side, the cose is doubtless very differ
ent. Bain cannot fnll on any partly
dried vegetable matter without carry
Ing off some of Its nutrition.
Handv Farm Curt.
This cart can be made from material
already on the farm. The body Is tbe
ordinary tw8-wheeled cart body. In
place of the straight axle a blacksmith
has made a "drop" with the necessary
fittings for attaching to the front axle.
On this front axle a mowing sent Is
fitted. Such a cart cannot be dumped,
but for nearly all farm operation t
will be found a great labor saver.
Poultry Point.
Systematic; regular work counts.
A "stunted" fowl better be killed at
once: They are useless.
Drain the poultry-yard; this applies
to the baru-yard also.
Have any of our renders tried a poul
try house with a glass roof?
Feed but one kind of grain at a time,
and cover It up with light litter.
If living, near a market, try turkeys.
Ducks are also profitable.
Both nesting and dusting material
should be renewed nt least monthly.
Keep fresh water continually before
the fowls, warmed a trifle on the colder
mornings. '
Corn Is probably the best cold-weather
food. Feed the kitchen scraps in the
morning In a clean place. ' 4P"
Select the best layers for breeding
stock, keeping size and color of plum
age as uniform as possible, (
A cat or dog has no place In the hen
house or yards. Bats and mice should
likewise be treated as Intruders. Shut
them out. V
Thoroughbred poultry pay best. Se
lect your breed, basing judgment npon
their characteristics and surroundings,
and then keep them pure; Introduce)
new blood every other year.
A Handy Feeding Arrangement,
' When bens are fed In open dishes,
they will persist In getting Into their
food, soiling It unci themselves. A han
dy und cleanly feeding arrangement Is
shown In the sketch.' A board, with a
rim In front, Is milled to the wall, six
Inches from the floor, and to this is
hinged a slat-work arrangement that
permits the fowls to feed through It,
but will not let them get Into the food.
It opens out from the top when one Is
putting food upon the board, and re
mains closed when shut.
The Dairy.
A good dairy cow Is a good eater and
A trotting match between the cows
and the dog may be Interesting, but It
will not Increase the yield of butter.
If the heifer Is a spring calf, as a role
the better plan Is to herd her so that she
will drop her calf when she Is two years
Just how much Increase In the feed of
the cows should lie made now must be
largely determined by the condition of
the cow. which should always be one
of thrift.
- Inasmuch as the'world's record for s
one day's public butter test Is held by
a Brown KwIhk cow, It Is a wonder tbat
the dairy public does not hear mors
alxmt the breed.
It is said that so many dairy cows
have been killed by order of the author
ities at San .low. Oul., that the price of
the remaining healthy cattle has ad
vanced 30 per cent.
Uniform good quality In butter i
what determines Its value. Xo matter
how careful one Is to get It to the con
sumer. If the quality Is not the Jjest.
good pricea will not be obtained.
The temperature for churning de
pends on the richness of the cream. Tbe
richer the cream the colder It is churn
ed, the mere of the fat Is secured aa but
ter, and tte better It is for tbe butter Us
all nays.