Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, October 30, 1896, Image 1

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    Clty Ubrfy
14th YEAR.
NO. 28?
' fr
of it, and certainly too plain to be
denied. What is? Whv, the
superiority of our tables and furni
ture to anything shown else
where. We sell
Oak Extension Tables for. . . .$0.00
Large Center Stands 1.75
Kitchen Tables 1 00
Leaf Tables 2.00
And everything else proportionaly
The llonsefurnlshers,
And Accident
Leading Agency
Clackamas County
Royal of Liverpool ' world.
North British & Mercanme-Too""" ,n M 56-
SlIO Of LOIldOn 01le,t P"1 fl insurance office In the world.
JEtllS Of HartfOrd Lre,t nd b,t Americau company.
C0Iltln6ntal Of NOW Y0rk-"B f be,t American companies
The Tiavelers Insurance Company of Hartford
Largest, oldeat mnit beat accident Insurance company In the world, and
also doei a very large life Insurance business.
, .cull oh ill roa blottir. akd calihdabs .
F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank.
Build Up
Your Brain..
Steady your nerves, and
perfect your digestion
by using bread made
from our whole wheat
flour. It is made from
the whole wheat berry
except the out side hull,
or bran, which is a woody
substance, irritating and
indigestible. Bread made
from this flour is not so
white as that made from
the pale white roller flour,
but it is far superior for
food as it contains all the
gluten, germ, and oily
matter of the wheat and
is much sweeter than
graham or any other
bread not . sweetened
The Grccer.
Shop Oppoilte Confrecatloual Church, Main. Street,. Oregon City, Oregon
Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the
Main St., Opposite Caufield Block.
Two Shops, - ' Oregon City, Oregon.
Probate Court.
Wills of Ellen J. Hedges and Julia
Ann Metcalf filed on October 23d. Mrs
Metcalfe will gives to W. R. Metcalf
lots 4 and 5 of block 03 in Oregon City
and appoints W'm. Sheehan as his
guardian. Robert E. Metcalf, Anna J
Foster, Lieuellen McAUester, Mable
Simpson and Alice Lewis were men'
W. W. Dickinson was on 21st appoint
ed administrator of estate of Mary A
T. F. Ryan, 0. 0. T. Williams and A
8. Dresser appointed appraisers of R. K
Worsham estate ,and Ben. Faust, adminis
trator, ordered to pay funeral expenses
and debts.
Third report of administrator of T. A
Hutchins estate approved.
November 3d set as day for final hear
ing of Clara E. Morey, executive of Ed.
Eastham estate.
H. McGugin, L. Herrick and P. Mc-
Adams appointed appraisers of Fred
erick Sievers estate.
For Sale: Bicycles: $5 Cash
and $1 per week. Prices $25 and up
wards. Only five wheels left, come In
and examine them at Huntley's Book
Store, Oregon Oity.
Rooms 76, 77, 78, Dekum
Portland, Oregon.
Many of my friend, ham
trouble to find me; hence
this card.
Mishlnlst and Locksmith,
Bicycles, Umbrellas, Sewing Machines, Gum
and all kinds of small machinery re
paired. Prices reasonable.
Siio ; Seventh Street. Oppomte D'pot
Paper Hanging,
Artistic House Painting
And Kalsoming.
Removed from Holmnn's Old Stand to Nei
Door to Cuukiir Building on Seventh Street,
Near Depot, Oregon City, Oregon.
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
On the Street between the Bridge and the
Double aud single rig. and saddle horse a
ways on band at the lowest rates, nd a corral
also connected witn the barn for loose stock.
Any information regarding any Rina oi ssocs
promptly auenaeo to oy tetter or peivn.
iip'"iijflii"iiipiiiip finpwp"Hipiy
Standard Pat. Medicines.
Paints. OUt and Window Giaas.
Prtteriptumi AeearnUlf Compounded.
Job Printing at the
Courier Office
...BEE -HIVE...
Special Prices
Election Week I
Children's Merino Underwear, all sizes, 23c.
10 Dozen Girls Turban Hats, with plumes, 25c.
S Dozen Fine Tam O'Sharjters, 48c.
Gents' Fine Fedora Hats, $1, $1.25 and $1.98.
Gents' Gray Underwear, 19c.
50 Pieces No. 5, All Silk Satin Ribbon, all colors, 5c.
Ladies' Fine White Mull Aprons, with Swiss em
broidery, 19c, 29c and 48a
Gents' Heavy Natural Wool Underwear, 50c.
Ladies' Fine Cashmere C-Ioves, 25c.
300 Dozen New Handkerchiefs, 3c, 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c.
Ladies' Mackintoshes, $3.
We sell a Ladies' Vici Lid Shoe, never sold in Oregon
Citjjless than $2.50, at $1.98.
Gents' Working Pants, 59c, 85c, 89c, $1.25 and $1.50.
Very Best Engineer Overalls, 90c; Denims at 45a
Mr. Barney Leichtwela hi moved
his family from the Ike Lark ins place,
where ha has resided for over throe
years, to Mrs. Lichwels' birthplace, the
Callihan donation claim, where they
will reside until Mr. L. builds a house
of his own.
Fred. Shaffer is building a dwelling
house, barn, etc., on tlm old Albright
place, which is Mrs. bhauer's portion of
ineUMinnan u. L. u.
Mr. Wilbon, lale of Newhurg, has
purchased 40 acres from 8. tl. Dix and
Is building thereon, and expects to move
into tils new house next week,
Charles and George Robeson started
Monday for British America t" trap for
Mrs and sic inn during the coming win'
Tom Tenin has a new boy at his
house and J no Res a brandnew girl
Here Is our gff on your good luck,
John Comer and George Williams
have taken a contract for the winter to look a little surprising to gold standard
grub near Marquam . men that thoro can be any conversions
County Surveyor J. H.Wright has a 0r changes except in the direction of
orcein uirn ui9iung me new roau irom w u. ...... , 1 . . T 1.
M. E. Wright's to-Lilchweis Bros.' Mark Httl,na tt,,d h,s 8ack but 1 hoP
farm. This week the men are making there will be legions of them on election
a good 9 per cent, grade up the Carlyle day to.go to the polls to declare them-
"" solves in opposition to coercion and the
Before another issue of theCouBiEB. effort that being made by the gold
MV Isvill Itttnu Uf lialha tat a am m nnm.ln 0 '
re to throw off for ih h.v vok standard party to destroy American man
of the combined gold and syndicate hood, in order that equal justice may be
piwer as represented by Roths. hill, moted out to silver, the people's money,
McKinley 4 Co . and become in spirit in which at least three-fourths of their
as wen a. 111 itunr a ires ami mud- , ..... . in: .1
wndent nation under the leadership of buyinK and 8ulIin8 ig done
the American Cicero, W. J. Bryan, or
whether we are to bow down under
Henry flcQugln to H. L. Kelly.
Editor Courier : I most rostwctfully
ask for space in your paper to reply
briefly to the criticism, of Mr. Kelly.
In your issue of October 0th lie snys
that I was the most earnest advocate of
the gold standard among the eight dele
gates from this county to the democratic
state convention. This may be so, but
know that I was not so earnest and loud
in expressing my views that any one in
the convention tried to call me down.
I wish to say that previous to that con
vention I was reading gold standard
papers, including the Oregon ian (and
any one taking the lust named as au
thority is likely to do most any absurd
But I am a convert to the free coinage
of silver and believing its cause is just,
I have come to stay with it. It may
Question and Answer.
Editor Oouhikr: In our discussion of
the "dear dollar" you continually and
completely ignore the millions of wage
workers and assume the farmer to be
the only one entitled to consideration.
I contend that the former class is entitled
to a hearing. Further, you do not
relentless coercion before the golden
calf of Prince Hanna I Was it to hand
this nation down to such pirates as
Hanna, Quay, Carnegie and Huntington
that our sires suffered at Yallav Forge
and triumphed at York town? Was it
for such a surrender of our blood-pui
chased liberties that a hundred thou
sand mothers sent forth their sons to fill
a hundred thousand graves in the dark
days of the early sixties? If not, then
go to the polls next Tuesday and cast
your ballot for the emancipation - of
sixty millions of white slaves by voting
lor William Jenninxs Bryan.
October 20, 1890. Anti-Hanna.
Plenty of rain, politics and sunshine.
J. W. Linn, W. H. Howell and Miss
Matilda Linn attended the dance at Da
vis' Saturday night, which was a merry
one. The 'dance at Jim Fullun's last
Saturday-night waa a decided success.
About l2o'cloclt the participants wished
the nappr couple a long and prosperous
me ana wenuea meir way homewards.
F. F. Bellman and daughter Of Sandy would mnkn mv hnainnaa nrnfltnlila m-
in other words. I only got one-half the
'Mr- Kelly asks me many questions
that have been answered hundreds of
times, and if he had the disposition to
look at and examine the arguments and
claims of the equal coinage of silver advo'
cates, he would not be wholly carried
away in admiration of the Golden Oulf.
The paper containing the kelly letter is
not at hand, but I endorse the answer
you gave to his questions. Where would
the cheap dollar "get off at?" he asks.
Let me tell him that cheap silver and
dear gold would get off when W.J. Bryan
got on, and there can be no doubt of it
unless the gold bugs try to hold the
country down as they are now trying to
hold the voters down.
Mr. Kelly forgets there are two sides
to this subject when he asks if I ever
had a dollar that would buy too much
The farmer has to sell as well as buy.
When I took my last load of produce to
market I got three cents per pound for
dressed pork and other produce in pro
portion at about one-half the price that
were at Linn's Mill Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Cross of Oregon City
were the guests of nr. and Mrs. a. t.
Linn Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirchem of Logan were
visiting Mrs. McGrath one day last
C. flatten and J. Sprague of Stone,
were at Linn's Mill Sunday.
B. Sprugue has gone to the Lospital in
Al. Lacy of Springwater and Mr. Rig-
aton of Salem were visiting at Linn s
Mill Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Cora and Priucie Leek were vis
iting their sister, Mrs. Jennie Linn, one
day last week.
Mishes Milda Linn and Lena Spees
were visiting the Holcomb aud StricKliu
school last Wednesday.
School in district No. 21 is progressing
nely under the management of Miss
Ellen Maguire.
Jimmie Catto weut to Oakland, Cal . ,
recently. Miss Kate Catto is in Portland.
A. B., F. W. aud P. P. Linn went to
the mountains last Thursday and re
turned home with lots of bear meet.
Clemens Folks of Fremont was visit
ing F.;E. Linn Sunday.
Week after to-morrow Bryan will be
The Ocala brass band serenaded Jim
Fullan last .Tuesday night.
October 20. . . Enginkeb.
. Tflr
,i,mn AAawi t tk A
Victor Dickey as
second term here.
Mrs. Flora Hutchison and four chit
dren were the guests of her brother, W.
E. Bonney, last Tuesday night.
J. H. Sexton, his wife and daughter
Edna were the guests of Mrs. Mary
Wright of Meadow brook last Sunday.
Misses Ellen Bonney and Grace G r
bett were visiting the latter' sister,
Mm. P E. Bonney. last Tuesday night.
j. Gorbett and son Chester look two
beef steers to Oregon City last Tuesday.
Mrs. Stella Sexton and Mr. O. Gor
bett were the guests ot Mrs. P. E. Bon
ney last Friday.
William and Jay Dix went to Hub
bard last week on business, and this
week J. Henry Sexton and Chester
Gorbett to Marqiiain.
October 24. Lysi.eh
Cere for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electrjr; Bitters has proved to be the
best. It effects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded habitual sick head
aches yields to i s influence. We
urge all" who are afflicted to procure a
buttle, and give this remedy a fair trial
In cases of habitual constipation Electric
Bitters cures by giving the needed tone
the bowels, and few cases long reaist
the use of this medicine. Try it once.
50c and 1 at Charman k Co., Drug
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew-
er Is, unquestionably, the best preserva
tive of the hair. It is also curative of
dandruff, tetter, and all scalp affection.
number of dollars I should have got. '
Mr. Kelly asserts that Bryrn is not a
democrat. Well, if he is satisfied with
Palmer's democratic record I and all
other democrats can be well pleased with
Bryan's record.. But there is more in
the approaching election than whether
gold shall be declared king and every
thing else its vassal, whether gold shall
go up and everything else go down.
The issue is, shall American manhood
prevail or shall it be coerced by the
almighty gold, power? The words of
Washington are just as true now as when
uttered. Eternal vigilanceis the only price
of liberty. There is no way of judging
the future but by the past, and if our
country prospered for over eighty years
under free coinage, I feel more safe to
risk it than to risk McKinley, Hanna and
the trusts and combines that are sure to
rob the people.
Mr. Kelly says Bryan is an anarchist
and his free silver talk is rot. If Mr.
Kelly could lay aside thoBe gold rimed
spectacles and read what McKinley, Sher
man, Carlisle and other able statesmen
and financiers have said in favor of silver,
he might call it rot, but we believe it
was common sense. Hanna would give
a well filled sack for anything that Bryan
has said that favored anarchy. When
he was deprived of the freedom of speech
by those 500 college hoodlums, aristo
cratic sons of goldbug sires, he did not
try to excite any ill feeling.
In Mr. Kelly's departure from us I
hope he will not try to take the honored
name of our party with him. But when
Bryan is president and the silver wings
of prosperity have again been spread
over our fair land, we will see him back
again under the flag of a new democracy
with that broad and pleasant smile on
his face. ' ,
Sandy, Ore. Hxnby McGvoin.
in aTBB---'SBti "'
All we have ever said of the curative
virtues of Ayer's Saraparilla sinks into
insignificance when compared with the
statements made by those who have
been benefited by the use of this
wonderful blood-purifler. Many of the
cures seen indeed almost incredible.
Racket store,
horns and flags at the
Visit Miss O. Goldsmith's millinery
parlors. We are the leaders in low
prices. Our styles are the latest.
has placed in bi store, corner Seventh
and Center 8ts., in addition to his fine
line of groceries, )hay, rtzn, itc,
a full stock of LEAD, PAINTS, OILS
AKD VARNISH, which he will aell as
attempt to disprove my statement that
the fat pig or beef of to-day will purchase
just as much for the farmer as the pig or
beef of 25 years ago; as this may be
monotonous to you let me propound a few
question on another lino.
1st. Why do all the free coinage speak
ers ridicule Mitchell, Ellis,Hermann and
Tongue and others for standing squarely
on the St. Louis platform, and in the
next breath abuse sound-money demo
crats because they don't stand on the
Chicago platform? In other words, they
abuse democrats because they do bolt
and abuse republicans because they d'm't
bolt. This is somewhat perplexing to
the undersigned. Will you kindly re
concile the incongruity?
2d. The Bryan leaders say that when
a convention is held in due form, and a
maioritv adoDt a ohttform and nominate
a ticket, the minority should give the
same loyal support. By what authority
then does a handful of democrats in
Oregon remove the name of Mr. Sewall
from the ticket? Again am I perplexed.
"Do I wake or am I dreaming?" If the
silverite8 can take Mr. Sewall off the
ticket, why can't the gold bugs take Mr.
Bryan off? If one wing of the party
twists the tail, why should not the other
wing flout the head? If the silver men
monkey with the tail of the ticket why
all 1-1 II lil nnf f lia 'nanflarrnlil lmsra' Katraii
little fun with the head, and finally re
pudiate both?
Mr. Editor : Kindly give a reasonable
solution of the above and oblige,
Yours, H. L. Kelly.
Mr. Kelly is respectfully referred to
previous articlos in the Courier on the
dollar and the pig. Hair-splitting may
be funny but it is useless.
Reply to No. 1. Mitchell, Ellis, Her
mann and others acknowledged them
selves to be Bilver republicans before
the St. Louis convention, but after it
thpv flarallAWMl t.Ha nnlntnna fliav linit
expressed before it, and the best refu-.
tation of the speeches they deliver now
are their own speeches delivered before
the convention. . They were liars and
hypocrites before the St. Louis conven
tion or they are now. We will Jeave
Mr. Kflllv tn "Irtnrllv rnrnnnila flitt
incongruity." The free silver speakers
ridicule the democrats that bolt the
Chicago ticket and platform became
they have put up a ticket that they .
know does not stand a ghost of a chance
to be elected, in order that they may
assist the republican ticket. The re
publicans recognize this. The Oregonian,
which reeks with abusive lies against
Bryan and his followers, is extremely
frien dly to, and pats on the back, the
gold democrats, or, as Bob Ingersall calls
them, the republican "decoy ducks."
The "gold democrats" are in this cam
paign nothing but an oily of the re
publican party.
21. In twenty-nine states the pop
ulists and silver democrats have agreed
o .1 a fusion of the electoral vote. Oregon
s one of them, the electoral vote here
going to Bryan and Watson. The pure-'
ly populist electoral vote is published as
74, and this is the total number that
Watson will secure if the free silver
democrats carry the states they
anticipate they will. The "handful
of democrats" that took Mr. Sewall off
the ticket were the state central com
mittee, but there is not the slightest
reason why Mr. Kelly and a few more
gold democrats can't take Mr. Bryan off
their ticket and put Mr. McKinley on,
as they virtually will on election day.
Were it not for the machinations of the
kind republicans and gold democrats,
who have made Watson believe that to
vindicate his principles,he must stay on
the electoral ticket at all hazards, it is
very likely that the silver democratic
vote throughout the union would be
cast for Bryan and Sewall only. In fact,
the gold democrats have monkeyed both
with the head and tail of the silver
democratic ticket as much as they could
in order to defeat it, for they would much
prefer to see McKinley elected instead
of Bryan.
Oswboo, Oct. 24, 18(10.
Editor Courier :
I am not a subscriber to your paper
but I read it sometimes. I don't like
yonr silver doctrines, but what caught
my attention most in the columns of your
paper was the articles by a Mr. Kelly on
the gold side. I agree with him. I
have asked, some of my neighbors who
he is. Can you tell me?
Yours, Gold Democrat.
ILL. Helly is and old and prominent
citizen of Oregon City who holds a re
sponsible position in one of our banks.
Ladies' Kid Gloves, assorted colors
cheap, at the Racket Store.
Don't forget the Rarket Store when
you are hunting bargains.