Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, October 16, 1896, Image 7

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    Terrors of a Crowd.
... Apropos of tbe tragedy, In Itself bap.
, baric, tausod by,tlie ninii,'l('5.of a. vast
iMwlfliJly(,,rowd,tl)nt concluded the
barbarlcispleiulorti o( 'the Moscow cor
onation; .tamca Payn says: "No one
who liii h not experienced something of
.Its power enn Judge of the. horrors of
pressure freed from scientific control.
What holocausts would have been
made of the crowds that pressed to
see the executions before Newgate In
old times but for the barriers that
were erected to stem the human cur
rent! At the fete In the Champ de
Mars In Paris in 1827, numbers of peo
ple lost their lives standing, and wero
carried about hither and thither In the
crowd all night, side by side with their
living companions."
Virtue's Crown of Hones.
Th crown of roses and the title of
the Itosarle for one year to given an
nually as a prize for vlrluu In some of
the provincial towns of France, notubly
In Nanterre, a little town near Paris.
The city confers the crown of roses
and other gifts upon the fair maid who
has been prouounced worthy by the
municipality, who have met in solemn
convocation to consider the merits of
all tbe maids of the town. -
Every man likes a little woman with
a big bunch of hair on her head.
Will be rendored more beuellclnl, and the fa
tiKUenof travel counteracted, if the vovager
will take aluiiK with li i tit Hosteller's Stomach
Kitten, and use that protective and enabling
tonic, nerve invigorata and appetizer regu
larly. Impurities in air and watur is neutral
ized by it, and it In a matchless tranquilizer
and regulator of the Ktoiuuch, liver and bowels.
It counteracts miliaria, rheumatism, and a
tendency to kidney and bladder ailments.
The oity of Marseilles, France, has
just completed its drainage system on
the plan of Paris, at a oost of $7,000,
000. l'iso's Cure for Consumption litis saved
me Urge doctor bills. C. L. linker, 4228
Uegen t tiq., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, 'IK.
' The members of the Boston Aero
nautical Society have deoided that tbe
kite is an instrument of value.
The bioycle is the evangelist of the
most progressive era ever known. A
new name for it is "the farmer's
We offer OnHn'ired Dollars Reward for any
esse nf catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the tiudersiKiiel, have known K. J.
Chenev for the last 15 yeira. and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business triinsiinjions
and financially anle to carry out auy obligations
made by tlitir firm.
tt'wrr A Troix,
Wholesale DriiMUt". Toledo. O.
WaMiino, KinnanA Marvin,
Wholesnle OriiKiilhU, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood ami mucous sttrlaces of
the system. Textimoniais sent free, trice 75e.
per bottle, fold bv all drugulsta.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
Beinald Renault, the French scien
tist, has discovered fossil miobrobes in
the earliest geologic! formations.
Sharply to the condition of your blood.
At this ceason peculiar per Is assail tbe
system. There are sudden changes in tem
perature ; fogs and dampness, chilly
nights, lowering clouds, drenching rains.
These sudden changes bring on colds,
fevers, pneumonia, bronchitis and other
ailments. Keep the blood pure, rich and
full of vitality and you will be well.
Is tbe Best In fact the OneTruo Blood Purifier.
IIaaiI'o DMIo are the best after-dinner
nOUU S rUIS puis, iJ diirestiou. 24c
Of the Face.
Mrs. Laura E. Mims.of Smithville.Ga,,
Says: "A small pimple of a strawberry
color appeared on my cheek; it soon
began to grow rapidly, notwithstand
ing all efforts to check it.. My
eye Decatne tenioiy
inflamed, and was so
swollen that for quite
a while I could not
see. The doctors
. v t 1 I
jfifkf j5i sa,a 1 nau cancer oi
Jp"f&? the most malignant
yyvffiS ypei and a,ter
ieJ hansting their effort
I' s"- without doing me
Xe? any good, they gave
np the case as hopeless. When in
formed that my father had died from
the same disease, they said I must die,
as hereditary Cancer was incurable.
"At this crisis, I was advised to try
S.S.ii., and in a short while the Cancer
began to discharge and continued to do
so for three months, then it began to
heal. I continued the medicine a while
longer until the Cancer disappeared en
tirely. This was several years ago and
there has been no return of the disease."
A Real Blood Remedy.
Cancer is a blood disease, and on7y a
blood remedy will cure it. S. S. S.
(guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real I
blood remedy, and never fails to per- j
manentlv cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, i
Rheumatism or any other disease oi tne
blood. Send for our books
oa Cancer ana
Blood Diseases,
mailed free to '
tny address.
Swift Speci6c
Co. Atlanta, Ga.
"Just Don't Fool WeU,"
ESpUYER pills
im -
tea Oo Taraa; tow
On Mr Ona for a DOM.
Sltf by Iracflna at asc. a tm
Barn's Horn Bounds a' Warning Not
fo'tbr Uni-edf toted."
UK devtl wastes
no bait oil .'dead
Faith Is always
the basis of joy
In religion.
ict a man to
think right, mid
(iod will get blm
to do right.
( iod sends his
witnesses where
they nre needed
the most.
The more we love (iod, the more we
will be willing to do for man.
The devil always goes to the wedding
when people marry for money.
God sees heroci where men see only
the commonest kind of people.
We may be able to gt rid of God's
man, but never of God's truth.
Every dollar some men got Increases
their chance of 'missing heaven.
When some people hnv nothing to
eny they seem to talk the most.
The aim of many sermt ns Is too low
for nngcla, and too high for men.
A man may wear religion as a clonk,
and yet freeze his soul (o dunth.
Man's blindest ey- Is on the side
where he thinks It will pay to win. .
The real chosen people of God are
those who know his will and do it.
A doubt Is the heaviest burden the
devil can bind on a Christian's buck.
No mnu prays In en nest who does
not expect to get Just what he asks.
Obscurity on earth will not keep nny
body from becoming famous In heaven.
The man who walks with God must
keep step with everything that Is good.
It Is doubtful If we can truly own
anything for which we are not grate
ful. The devil has not yet found out how
to make the niiurpoo!' who loves to
The Lord's army was never defeated
because the opposing army had gluuts
In It.
The first dnrt the devil alms at a
young convert Is always pointed with
ti doubt.
The devil has no dart In his quiver
that may not be quenched by the shield
of faith.
The more a mean man has to sny In
church, the more It hurts the cause of
true religion.
The man who would have the power
to , move mountains must begin ou
grains of sand.
Let a vote be taken to determine w ho
is the wisest man, and every fool will
vote for himself. :
We know exactly what kind of a man
Ada in was, when we become well' ac
quainted with ourselves. .
The devil Is often made welcome In
a home where there is a handsome
Bible on the center table.
Ever since Eve ate the apple, one of
woman's greatest troubles has been
about something to wear.- ,
There is something wrong With a
Christian's life. If It never makes a sin
ner feel ashamed of himself. . .
God has never been concerned about
the slue of the church, br.t he has al
ways been particular ubou who should
be In It.
The Call of Duty.
There are two things in the world of
which Mrs. Spllker Is very fond a
party and her husband. She never
lulls to accept an invitation to one, or
to carry the other with her; and, with
ul. she Is very deaf.
Not long since t,hey attended a birth
day party, and the major Mis. Spll
ker's husband was to propose the
health of "The Babies." Being very
fond of children, it was thought that
this toast would Just suit him.
Unfortunately for Major Spllker nnd
the assembled guests, he changed his
toast to "The Ladles," without warr
nig his wife of the fact, who, of course,
thought her husband would confine
himself to the toast of the little ones.
"Now, Major. Spllker,". said Mrs.
Barker, the hostess, as the dinner ad
vanced, "it is your turn to give your
toast, and pray say something compli
mentary to our sex."
"When my charming hostess," said
the major, rising, "requests me to do a
thing it is my duty to obey; therefore I
take pleasure in drinking the health of
the ladies. The ladles cherish us In
prosperity, soothe us In adversity, ami
by their tender ministeriugs. lighten
1 tie burden of life. I driuk to the
When the applause subsided. Mrs.
Fpilker, Ignorant of the true subject of
be toast, but glowing with pride n:i t
admiration, said:
"Ah. Mrs. Barker, you don't
how found the major is of them! I
have seen hi'tn with two or three on his
iap at once, and " - . . .
"Agatha!" gasped the major.
"Just teasing the life out of the poor
t! ar things. He is such it favorite with
them, and every chance he gets he is :
sure to have them in bis arms, or Ik;
loinping with them. He's got the lov
liigest nature of any man I ever saw; j
iind somehow, they come, to him. when
rbey won't to anyone else." j
Major Spilker fell back in his chair i
Training ot Jewish Chil !ifn. j
Within rcveut years the Jewish ele
ment in Ibi country has given a larjre
amount of attention to the manual
training of the young. There h.i also
been a notable increase in the nninlx-r
of technical schools for Jewish Iwys.
or'LL:; pz!"f' liie rie"J" i
Ha Was a Quiet-Looking Man, bnt Ms
The ticket ajjent at Big Bend was not
I I'm?" man for tiu' IduccV and 'he jfoaJIzed
It as weH as ninny .other. - He was a
nice man and knew Ills business, but
ho lacked wind. The fare from Big
pciid to Black Hill was a dollar, but
when any of the crowd wanted to go
tlowu they handed In two or three quar
ters, ns the case might be, poked Ave or
six Inches of ft revolver through tbe
window, and called out :
"Ticket fur Black Hill, 'Hiid don't
waste too much time over It!"
The agent alwnyg handed out a ticket
Mid pretended that things were all
.Ight, and the boys played It on him
till he hud to throw up his Job. One day
I he old man went and Iho new oue took
his place, and four or five of tho gang
went down to the depot to size tbe lat
ter tip. When they returned to camp
there was a majority und a minority re
port. Bill Thompson was' spokesman
for the majority, nnd he said: '
"He's the softest thing In these .vere
parts. I'm not goin' to buy any more
tickets, but I'll scare 'cm outer him.
The sight of a gun will muke bis ha'r
curl." '
Bob Williams was spokesman for tne
minority, and wns also the minority hs
well. He looked very serious as be
"He's a pule-faced, humble-looklti'
critter, but don't make no mistake on
hlin. IIeVarrlc8 his forefinger curled
up, ns If ptillln' trigger, and the first
man who shoves a gun In on him Is
goin' to glt hot lend in return."
The ramp was divided on the ques
tion, nnd nfter much talk Bill Thotnp
fion offered to make the test nnd settle
the problem. In a day or two a score
of us went down to witness the per
formance. We were lounging about
the waiting-room when In walked Bill
with n whoop, nnd advancing to tbe
Vcket window he grullly luquired the
fare to Block Hill.
"One dollar," was the reply. .
"A dollar fur nte-BUI Thompson?" .
"Yes. sir, for you or anybody else."
"And you won't take n half?"
"No, sir."
"You won't take it with this thing
fichind It?" continued Bill as he shoved
the coin along with the muzzle of his
"No, sir, and !" And thero was a
pep! pop! pop! and six bullc.'s were
chasing each other into William's an
i tomy. He lost u tinger, bad nn ear
Kplit, and an eyebrow shot, off, got a
rake across the chin ami another across
the scnlp, and he didn't have time to
fall until nil was over.. Then the agent
opened the door of his ofllce and looked
us over and sttid:
"I didn't shoot to kill, and he Isn't
hurt much. The fare to Black Hill Is
one dollar exactly oiie dollar. Any
one else want to get to Black Hill for a
Without' a word In reply we picked
Bill up and lugged hlin off. He wns
nlso a very sllrr.t man, We had got
him nil bandaged up nnd put to bed be
fore he wits ready to talk, and then ho
simply inquired: i ';' ' t
"Boys, who did all that shootin'?"
Why, the feller you said.you could,
bluff," answered one of the boys. .
" ! but 1 thought I did!" he growl
ed, as he turned his face to the wall
and shed tears. M. Quad, in Washing
ton Star. ' '
The Editor' Little Joke.
The proprietors of the Scotsman had
once to pay damages because their
famous editor, Alexander Russell, In
a leading article, called some local ce
lebrity a "serpent.". As the calling of
"hod"' names is illegal In Scotlahdi Bus
sell hud practically no defense. Yet
he made a fight, and ou being worsted
he went straight buck to his otllce to
attack the triumphant "serpent"' anew.
On his arrival, by a singular accident,
he found ou his table a pamphlet which
the "serpent" had just Issued. This
pamphlet, then, he proceeded to make
the subject of a leading article; and In
It he presently noticed certain statistics
which Bomchow were all wrong In their
additions. So he quoted the statistics,
pointed out their blunders, and then
wrote: : "' . I
"Thus, If Mr. Is not a serpent, he
yet seems to be a particularly bud
LI Hung Chang's Nernion.
Here's a short sermon that the vice
roy delivered to one pretty young wo
init n who told him that she wasn't mar
ried. "A woman c-nn afford to be ca
pricious as long ns she(ls young: but
even American women, beautiful as
;hey nre, must eventually grow old.
Time creeps on, even In the cases of
the fairest, and when n woman reaches
40 years she will Und she cannot make
the conquests she did ut .'10. Every
woman should get married. Marriage
Is her mission, and she will be happier
with a good husband than alone, wan
dering about the world." LI can preach
us well nsv.ecan prolie. Pittsburg Dis
Infant Mortality in London. -
During 1S!5 7,."-!7 Inquests were held
In London, an Increase of 14 per cent
ou the number in One hundred
and seven persons of the "subjects"
died from "want, cold and exposure."
I-'lve hundred and seventy-two children
were suffocated during the year by
You probably pay too
much a month for tea; it is
probably not very good. ,
Try Schillings Best. II
you don't like it, your gro
cer returns your money.
You may find unexpected
pleasure and profit in t
fpwlnl Ciirrciqioiidenrc,
J tortiMudL.Qr.Oct , J4.18ay...lat.
week. I .tpjd yon (hat . this U a pretty
gay town; well, it is more than that,
1'U tell :you, by gosh I It's a town Of
invention,, invention in law, too, which
is more than mere disoovery in soienoe.
The deputy oity attorney, one Mr.
Davii, nice gentleman, I bear, but I
gaesi that won't go as to bis law, tried
to pot a defendant man on tbe stand to
testify agalnat himself; sure, onr own
old iqutre knows, more than tbatl
Well, anyway, tbe judge. Mr.
Sweek, who wai on the bench, he over-1
ruled the deputy oity attorney, who is ;
bis partner in the practice of law, or j
was, then; but whether or not his hon
or will continue in league with a fel-'
low with that kind of idea of tbe law,
I ain't got no way of finding out. I
Look you, here's a real good 'an.
You can spring it on either side. 1 1
ain't got enough tense to know much i
about politics, and bo as I see one's one
way and one's another way, I say, in 1
tbe name of peace, let's go easy. Any
how, here's one I beard, and it fits !
either side: !
What is tbe difference between
(either MoKinley or Bryan, just as one
ohoosei) and Buffalo Bill?" j
Answer Oue has a show." I
I'll tell you, one is mighty apt to ',
lose faith in human nature, hanging '
around this burg. Politiosl Heavens,
how each tells stories about 'tot her I
One charges tbe other with repudia-1
tion, and the other charges tbe former !
with oreating a double-baok-aotion dol- j
lar that gets bigger with every change
of tbe moon. Now, my own idea of 1
money is that is the best money that i
comes easiest, and stays longest in the j
old woolen stooking n the ohimbley
corner. EZEKIEL. :
Judge I.onell't Iimtruutlom to Pen-
dlrtou (IrHntl Jury.
Pendleton, .Or., Oct. 14. Judge
Stephen A. Lowell, addressing tbe '
grand jury today, referring to selling I
of intoxicating drink to Indians, said:
"Tbe white population cannot es
cape responsibility which rests upon it.
The native race is among ns a weaker
and morally inferior people, and we :
owe them such protection as tbey can
not exert for themselves. The appe-'l
tite for intoxioants seems with them
uncontrollable if liquors are obtaiua-
ble. - We protect by stern enforcements
of tbe statutes other wards of the law; :
minors and feeble-minded and common
drunkards; and we have permitted tbe
statute enacted to remain dead, ne- J
gleoted: First, beoanse tbe federal
governmcut assumed jurisdiction and
latterly beuauee the federal courts .
have declared the alloted Indian a citi
zen. Even though be is a oitizen I am ,
of tbe opinion that the constitution and 1
courts npon tbe ground of pnblio inter
est will sustain the law plaoing men of j
Indian blood in category named above, i
reqnring tbe shield and protection of j
tbe state. . What is now needed is a
calm, candid, examination by yon of,
the whole situation and suoh report as
shall in the fntnre be a guide to officers '
and -magistrate', that the publio may
be conversant with the situation and
the Taw in the future be enforoed."
A Boy Burned to Death. '
Stockton, Cal, Oot. 14. At 9:80 ,
o'clock last night the home of James .
Gardner, at Oakesdale, Stanislaus;.
county, took nre, caused by tbe explo
sion of a ooaloil lamp. Mr. Gardner
was reading, and bis 12 -year-old son f
was in bed. When the lamp exploded j
the father became greatly exoited, and
extinguished the flaming olothing,
seeming to forget all about the boy. j
He ruBhed ont of the house, his cloth-1
ing and flesh burning, and then thought .
of bis ion. He then attempted to msb '
back into tbe building, but was seized
by tbe townspeople. When tbe house
was all aflame he gave np the struggle
and walked away. He was seen later
njaking toward the river. He said all
was over and be would kill himself.
He was taken baok to town, where he
beoame a raving maniac. ,
Tbe boy was burned to death. His
remains were found in the corner of I
the room.- The mother and elder son
were in ohnrob at tbe time. The
mother is also nearly crazed. .
Two Logger Killed. 1
Vancouver, B. C, Oot. 14. John
Nor good, employed by the Channe Min
ing Company, on Valdea island, was
killed by a falling tree while clearing
land belonging to the oompany. A oor
oner's jury censured tbe workmen for
not taking proper precautions, no warn
ina havinir been taken that the tree
was about to fall. John Myers, a
logger, was killed on Howe sound Hat
urday by being crushed
between two
Patent Medicine Fxploded.
Cbardon, O., Oct. 14 While Pre
terred (Jrant was compounding a pat
ent medicine today, tbe mixture ex
ploded and caught fire. Grant was
badly burned, bis daughter, Mrs. Perry,
who was in tbe room, lost both her
eyes and ber bands were badly burned
and they dropped off. Tbe body of
Mrs. Perrr'i child was burned almost
to a crisp. Mrs.
will die.
Perry and the child i ChlcaKO. We boy and ell aoeat there on mar
(int. Knriui e have lvii ml ra a mll be
m glnnliif hy tr.dmit In fntnre.. Wrfte for full
The literature of chess is more exten
sive than that of auy other amusement.
Conld Not Blow Up a Sae..
Colville. Wash.. Oct 14. Burglars!
made an ineffectual attempt to rob the j
uKt,Ae.a V.. Mm Mr 'nTthrn ruilvflf
safe last night. Tbey drilled a bole .
and touched off a fuse, but tbe charge '
failed to explode. Tbe safe contained
several thousand dollars.
Wholeaal Keiorms Promised.
Berlin, Ost U. Tbe Frankfurter
Zeitong ssys the sultan baa issued an
irade promising sUte reforms for the
whole of Turkey.
' KifeyA:iiiS ' Tou wul nnd OM ooupn I
' tyy'ClMw ' " - ' J Inside each two otitic baf
v I 3 ; I .ndtomin.ln.ld..Uh
I I wXS, 1 'ilS'l 1 .
E iTWiwii I' v fourounceougoiniacitwem
2Jr JJilri celebrated tobacoo and read
Best Quality !
Largest Size !
Lowest Price !
JPlQ .H ri k I V
,ji xKBsaru r .ti l
I V.lsAS.fi. ' VI I I.I II I
- rss- v Ilk.
Mi -m ihu .d 'in .-' iM - ,m -
HERCULES Gasoline Engines.
4 to 25 H. P.
Started In'tantly,
Tube or Electrio Igniter. ,
Clean. Safe. Sure.
2ff Kr
Hercules Gas Engine "Works.
Oaa, Oil and Gaaollne Kuglnee, 1 to SOO-hone Power.
' Iftee, 109 Ud 407 Sansome Street,
WOHKS. 215 - 217 - 219 - ?l - 22.'5 - 227 - 2
It wrariiig qHalitlenare tiniurpaMeil, actually
outlawing two txixin of aur "tlier hrand. Kree
from Animal Oils. U-T THK OKtJINIt.
and Dealer! generally.
Make money br tnro. abful i peril l lion In
artieuitra. v oi reirnre rivkd. wrvcrai
ter experience n "ik Chli'aito Board ol
Trade, and a trior iih kiiowb-dse ol the hu.
ne-a. jMwniiiK Ho, kin. A i o.. rhuwo Ho. til
of Trade Hrokn. OWcea iu furUuid Oregon
and gpokaue Waah. .
MAILED FREE 1 .V7.C7ri iTui if
TblselrPiilaris fumed for the berieot of our
eniintrv rnaiomrri wooramioiavail themselvi
of our fially Sie-cial ale, Vend ns your ad
dreaa. You will Dud b..th sumi.and tri- right.
Jlh-Sjo Market street. San Fraiie.lM. Cal.
pa. bo-san-ko'
I mtu. i
u. iMMAkhM. rau. re.
V t rr v. ,m it j.u.-Sa. mhl.h,:h .
J J?7 " fWJ t of valuable presents ana
how to get them. ' -
Tbey Are the Beet to Buy,
Cbespeat to Operate.
. . Most BetUfaotory,
O&snot afford to use Solsts that
aro unreliable-. Tbe EEKCUTJE3
S0I3T la Absolutely Sale. Al
ways Heady. Oaa man operates
Engine aad Hoist. Satisfaction
guaranteed or your money back.
San Francisco, Cal.
- l9 - ZU BAY ST. wrtw tor t:.inimm.
The best tjiey say
of other bindings
is that they are
" just as
Ask for the new
S. H.
If your dealer WILL NOT
supply you we will.
. Samplrl thomr.j tubt'.s and r.attriatt mcilidfrte.
" Home Dressmaking Made Easy," a new 72 pa(je
book by Mlsi EmmiM. Hooper, of the Udlea Home
Jejunal, tells in plain vords how to make dresses at
home without prerlous training f mailed for 25c
5. H. A M. Ce.. P. O. Box 649. N. V. City.
rf1 .:!' irr3
Ti ' '"tuSSTiniRt Ad fiSt faiLi. t y
I I Beat Dough bymp. Taatva (n'A. Cat f 1
f 1 Int'ii.e. Nl hr dmartata l"
; N. P. N. U. No. 671. 8. F. N. U. No. 74
Dr. bmvu 84. C. Phi
tea ( laariens