Sam Bawiilkr. Sam Baechler, whose saloon license waa revoked by the council Wednesday night, was given a kearing at a special meeting held on Friday evening. Ilia statement waa offensive, and did not change the attitude of the council. It Included charges agalnat the chief of police, and before the meeting nded, Chief Burns arrested Baechlor In the council chamber, on the charge of robbing Mr. Egle, a baker, who haa a shop buck of Shively'a hull of $36 two years ago lust August. Two men were implicated in that affair, and warranta for both were issued at the time, but were not aerved because it was especially deaired to get the other fellow. He was released on bail until Monday when his case came up before Recorder Ryan and he was discharged. Mr. Egle could testify only as to the identify of Baechler by the sound of his voice. Baechler and liia aunt, with whom he lives', swore he was out of town when the robbery took place. 10 Big Ina. Companies F. E. Donaldson Coming. The Maginel-Mullin Concert Company, consisting of a sextet of musical adepts that formerly traveled with Liberati, is announced forShively's theater Thursday evening, October 22. They will come here from the Marquam Grand in Portland. The prices of ad' mission are 75, 60 and 35 centsjand tickets may be purchased at Huntley's This company is composed of artists and plays the best theaters in the big cities. It will be a treat for Oregon City people. The Washington Post says: "The grandest society concert ever given in Washington society was given by the Maginel-Mullin Concert Company, lute of Gilmore-Liberati'a Grand Concect Company, and will long be remembered the society event of the season. Lowest Fire Ins.Rates F. E Donaldson Locks Business. The quarterly state ment of the Portland General Electric Company of the traffic passing through the Oregon City locks during thequarter -ending September 30 has been filed with the governor. The report shows that during the month of July there were 195 trips made, carrying 3509 pas sengers, 40 head of cattle, 1 sheep, and 2706 tona of other freight. August 136 trips, carrying 1634 passenpers, 44 head of cattle, 1 sheep, and 1820 tons of other freight. September 128 trips, carrying 6008 passengers, 66 head of cattle, and J002 tons of other freight. Total for thequarter 459 trips, carrying 11,1271 passengers, 156 head of cattle, 2 sheep ; tonage, 6135. Lirgest fas. Business F. E. Donaldson Incorporated. The bladstone saw mill company Monday filed articles of incorporatfon in the office of the secre tary of state. The business of the new corporation will be that of manufactur ing lumber'. The capital stock of the com pany is given at $30,000, divided into 300 shares of $100 each. The principal place of business is given as Gladstone and the incorporators are H. E. Cross, James Roake, Orpha F. Cross and Sol Imel. Best Ins. Companies F. E. Donaldson. Social. On Wednesday evening. Oc tober 21st, there will be a free program rendered, and a social afterwards, at the Willamette Falls hall . Ladies will please bring a pie, which will be sold to the gentlemen. This social is given for the benefit of the Sunday school. Car leaves on the west side at 7:15 p. m. A cordial invitation to all. Fire Insurance F. E. Oonaldson. Highest Honors World' Fair. 2R; CREAM MEWS mnm MOST. MADE. f TOTfc Cnw- Cruuri of T. ilai Powder. Frw "A little more thin a year ago, injr hair began turning gray, and falling out, and although I tried vtr so nunv thin?s to Drevent a continuance of then conditions, i C It makes no difference obtained no satisfaction until 1 tried whether yOU answer or Ayer's Hair Vigor. After ui ing one . , bottle, my hair waa restored to I not. It 18 always true that vwwwwwwwwWWwwrwwwwv "a woman is as old as she looks." Nothing sets the seal of age upon a woman's beauty so deeply, as gray hair. The hair loses its color generally from lack of nutrition. If you nourish the hair, the original color will come back. That is the way that the normal color of the hair is restored by Ayer's Hair Vigor. This testimonial will be found handrcd others, free. Address J. C LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Miss Vera Cuuflcld la visiting in Sa lem. Miss Millie Holmes has returned from a trip to Alaska. Mrs. J. 0. Read visited ier husband at Sulem on lust Friday. , . Dr. Yeargaln of San Jose ia . visiting the family of T. A. McBride. Him Keey Co. haa opened a Chinese tailor shop opposite Armory hall.. Born, on Wednesday morning, to the wife of L. L. Pickens, a daughter. Miss Loudie Martin is .visiting her aiater in Salem, Miss Gertie Martin. , Mrs. Sarah Paquet and daughters will leave about November let for Arizona. Miis Carrie Gregeraon waa given a ausprise party by her friend on Monday. Mrs. E. E. Howell and Miss Effee Titua loft Monday for a visit to their parents atScio. The county board of equliration met last week and made few changes in the assessment roll. The Portland Presbytery last week elected Rev. A. J. Montgomery perma nent secretary. Smyth & Howard on Wednesday com menced work on the improvement of lower Seventh street. Mrs. J. E. McReynolds of Seattle re turned home Wednesday after a visit to her parents in this city. Miss Louise Rice leaves Saturduy for Stafford, where she will teach a six months' term of school. The DeMoss family gave a first-class musical entertainment at Congregational church Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldsmith of Eugene returned home Saturday after a visit to their daughters in Oregon City. The Degree of Honor dance atWillam- ette hall on Wednesday evening was a success both financially and socially. Thirty new members were taken into the Workman lodge here during the month of September, a very good show ing. Geo. A. Harding was elected vice- president of the State Pharmaceutical Association at its sixth annual session in Portland last Friday. Frank Blankenship, who clerked for G. A. Harding some time since, is now employed in th drugstore of Woodard, Clarke & Co. of Portland. H. H. Johnson has returned from a surveying contract in Idaho. His. partner, Earnest Rands, and balance of party will return in a few days. A large audience listened to the ad' dress of Dr. F. H . Wilkins of Chicago, general secretary of B. Y ,. P. of O. at Baptist church on Tuesday evening. Herman Schroder, aged 10 years, 6 months and 13 days, died on Monday evening. Funeral services were held at German church on Thursday at 2 p. m. Dr. D. J. McMillan of New York and Dr. Thos. Marshall of Chicago spoke at Presbyterian church Wednesday even ing in the interest of missionery work. Our old friend and former fellow citizen, W. L. Nutting, is one of the prominent free-silver orators of Port land. May his whiskers never grow less. Dr. Wm. Welch of Silverton, father of J. W. Welch, the dentist, moved his family to Oregon City Saturday and is occupying the Howell cottage on 12th street. The subject for next Sunday evening In the special series of sermons now be ing given in the Baptist church will be "America's Great Enemy." All are invited. Miss Ida Starkweather, a successful school teacher of Oregon City, is visit ing with A. N. Munsey of this- city. She will remain for a few weeks. Salem Journal. Judge J. W. Meldrum and party, con sisting of I. L. Hoffman, T. Meldrum, J. Bentler and E.J. Maple, returned Sat urday from a surveying contract in Southern Oregon. Last week Smyth & Howard moved their rock crusher from Elyville to the west side, where they will crush rock for the Seventh street impro'vement and for the Oswego road. Opening of Shively's opera house, season 1896-97, Saturday, Octolier 17th, "On, the Bowery," probably the most successful play in the way of sensational melo-drama of the century. Steve Brodie is a conspicuous personage. Few playa have caused as much applause and laughter. Do not fail to attend. How Old are You? i: ia full in Ayer's "Cure book" with a Ajer Co, Lowell, Mass. Friday ia A. 0. U. W. day at the Port land Exposition and Falla City lodge ex- Docts to turn out in a body. Fare on cara, including admission to expoaitlon will be 45 for round trip. The young ladies of the Episcopal church contemplate giving a concert and aocial shortly after election. They hope to secure the aeivices of the Silverton band for the occasion. Particulara later. A dime concert will be given at the Y M. 0. A. gymnasium on Saturday night consisting of music and gymnastics. Mr, JohnW. and Miss Gertrude Gwilt of Portland will assist in the musical part of the program and members of the Portland Y.M.O. A. will have charge of the gymnastics. Married on 14th by Rev. M. L. Rugg at Baptist paasonage, Celestia Melr and Arthur M. Russell ; on 15th by Rev. M L. Rugg, Helena Resumssen and Isaac W. Moser; on 10th by Justice Scheubel Mrs. Sarah E. French and Jefferson L Ryland. License to wed granted on 8th to Mary S. Aschoff and Paul Meining. The speech of Senator Tillman, ex governor of South Oarolina.on Thursday afternoon was a masterly effort and de served several yards of space in the Courier, did the limited compass of its columns admit it. That humorous frowning sneer and the theatrically up lifted hands many in the large audience will long remember. Never in the history of Oregon City has there been a musical . entertain ment that could possibly equal the Maginel - Mullin Concert Company which will be at Shively'a opera house on the 22d . The society people especially turn out to hear this rare concert. In the East the seats were at a premium selling at $3 to $5 each. Admission It, 50, 75 cents. Seats reserved at Huntley's book store. Oomic characters taken from life and placed in fancied scenes, which smack of reality and are spiced with abundant sensation, appear in that unequaled mirror of New York life, "On the Bow. ery," the play in wliich the most noted character of that noted street, Steve Brodie, takes a prominent part. No comedy d rama in recent years has evoked the same amount of enthusiasm and won as substantial monetary support. A t Shively's opera house, October 17th For Sale : Bicycles: $5 Cash and $1 per week. Prices $25 and up wards. Only five wheels left, come in and examine them at Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City. Children's hats and caps a specialty Miss Goldsmith. deorc) Francis Train's Peculiarities. George Francis Train's hair is a little whiter and his eccentricities a little more pronounced, and he has even in creased the size of the bouquet that he wears pinned to the lapel of his whya coat He is the most picturesque char acter to be found in Madison aquare, Now York, on a warm day. It was a good many, years ago when George Francis Train announced his determina tion to shake bands no more and ex pressed the opinion that the friendship of children waa worth more than that of their elders. He has cultivated the acquaintance of the children who play in Afadsion square, and every one of them knows him to be a good fellow. People who see him regularly have come to look upon his eccentricities with little interest, but be is one of the sights of Broadway to visitors who know anything about his career. He is not averse to notoriety and willingly talks with any one who addresses him. New York Letter. Ths Largest Described Snake. Speke, in his narrative of the journey to the source of the Nile, describes the largest snake that haa ever been seen by man. "I shuddered," be says, "as I looked upon the effect of his tremendous dying strength. For yards around where he lay grass, bushes and saplings in fact, everything except full grown trees were cut clean off, as if they had been trimmed with an immense scythe. The monster, when measured, waa 61 feet 2 inches in extreme length, while around the thickest portions of its body the girth was nearly 3 feet" A World Oat of Joint. A poor devil tells his latest misadven ture: "I had had nothing to eat for two days. In despair I threw myself into the Seine. A sailor fishes me out Well, tbey gave $5 to my rescuer and nothing to me. " Figaro. Men are often capable of greater things thin they perform. They are sent into the world with bills cf credit and seldom draw to their full extent Talpole. ' "T " Call and See... f THE FINEST SELECTION OF UMBRELLAS AND CANE IN THE UTY AT. .BURMEISTER POLITICS IN RHYME. They tell us, do these goldlte scholars, The melting pot will teat our dollars: That gold and silver, II they're good, ' Will eome out equal as they should. Just take the slug from white and yellow, ' And hie you to the minting fellow. Hay, here's some gold, been through the pot, ivmm .iiuf u again, 1110 UH. When weighed and tested, there's as much KUmped gold coin put lu your clutch, Then hand him silver to go through The minting mill, and sump for you. We eannot take the white, says he, The mill's been stopped since 7a. Except a few spaamodlo Jerks. The bosses have shut down the works. fontrary o the Constitution, They're canning silver's dissolution, And by ensuring this election, Will rivet on us gold protection' Above all powers, however great, Above all odlcrs of state, . Above the capital itself, , Is thus enthroned, this God of pelf. To those whose knees refuse to bow, Are waiting tires of veniream-e now. Ho fierce the object letion'i grown That gold's own votaries are o'erthrown. Mark Haiina Is the great high priest. This ogre bids us to the least To worship at this Mulwh's shrine, Proclaiming dollars gold, divine. The tody white Is flouted, cursed. Till '7she stood the first. For centuries two, the white and yellow In happy wedlock, ripened mellow. Went hand In hand and heatt to heart, Nor ever stood three points apart P aro-yj and avai ice doth blunder. Waal Golhasjoiued, they try tosunedr. What yet no biped e'er has done, Discard a leg, to go on one. The eagle, 'stead of soaring high, la trying with one wing to fly. The scales of Justice, by whose aid The commerce of the world is made, Are belug tampered with Unlay. One pivot's nearly toru away. No nation with two monies blessed, K'er this considered one the best. Paid debts in either as It choose, Aud thus Its people nothing lose. Oh! liberty, that guardour shore, With outstretched hand can'st thos once more Arouse the spirit of our aires, . Kindle In us the sacred ftresr Protect our hearths and homes, our wives, From loss and want, though modern diva. The poor, of whom Hod made so many, Requires our choice of care, if any? We may not dare to speak our thought. Our tyrant masters think they've bought, With wages small, their right to say For whom we'll vote, on polling day. Rut in that box, for one short spell, We are the rulers. None can tell Nor trace our action if for good We for the right aud truth have stood, Be not afraid then. Stand erect. We'll make these masters yet respect Our rlghta and our opinions too, itelure the linh century's through. Land of the free, by gold enslaved, Was this for what our fathers braved Their homes, their all. their verv blood To raise this supereillious brood? Who order brick without the straw, Demands our coin, but checks the flow. Who orders us to vote her straight - That they may rule the shipof state. Not vet are we the serfs of gold. ' Our fathers suffered woes untold In famous deeds, which we'll remember And emulate, in next November. Oregon City, Oregon. O. K. H. Agents wanted, male or female, op posite Oregon City bank. The prettiest trimmed hats aud caps and the lowest prices at the Red Front, Oregon Oity. For stylish hats and reasonable prices call on Miss Goldsmith. Are you "up to date?" Then call at Harris' Grocery for correct prices. Strictly one price to each ind all, Miss Goldsmith. For Over Fifty Years. AnOi.dand VVei.l-Tbied Rkmedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been ned for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. 1 snnihes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhrea. I pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggist in everv part of the World. Twenty Ave cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. See our ELEGANT VELVET TRIMMED HATS, trimmed in tips and plumes, at $3 4 $3.50. ATTEND OUR OF BLACK FELT TRIMMED FLATS for Ladies and Misses at $1.50 and $1.C5. BEST QUALITY FELT SAILORS, trimmed. 98c. FELT TRIMMED SAILORS, all colors, 65c, 6oc and We are showing the Largest Assortment of Trimmed Walking Hats at 63c, 75c,' 98o and $1.00 18-inch SILK DRESS VELVETS, Mack and all new shades, 75c per yard. QL ILLS, all colore, lc each. See our OSTRICH TIPS, at 30c and 49c per bunch, black, sold everywhere for $1.00. Feather Boas, 55c and 85c. "THE Morrison Street, a l 1 & ANDRESEN'S... "The Bazaar!" Boilers, 75c, $1, $1.25 Pudding Pana, 5, 6, 7, 9c Milk Pans, 12, 10, 20c Fry Pans, 12, 20, 30c Wash Basins, 5, 8, 10, 12c ' Tin Buckets, 8, 12, 16, 19c. Dinner Buckets, 23, 27, 35c Dippers, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11c Tin Pails, 12, 19, 24c Coffee Pots, 9, 12, 15, 17, 20c Egg Beaters, 6, 12c Fire Shovels, 5. 9c Strainers, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12c THE BAZAAR, L. A. Paterson & Co., Next to Postoffloe. GEO. T. HOWARD, DEALER IN New and Second-Hand Furniture, Stove?, Tinware, Etc. All Kinds Second-Hand Goods Bought ana soiu. Seventh St., Near Depot. C. N. GREENMAN, thr fionrrr Express and Drayniah (Established 1805 ) Parcels delivered to all parti of the city. CITY VIEW NURSERY CANBY, OREGON. Apples, Pears, Cherries, Hums and Prunes, Italian ana reuie, nectarine., auuouub and Peaoh Trees. Fl rat-Class lu Kvarjr Beapeet, Wholesale and Retail. I pnV Drnn Write (or Prices, ja. J. A. bUA. lIUC. R. FREYTAG'S.... ...Corner. Grocery Keeps a full line of STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. PROVIS IONS, FLOUR, FEED, FRUITS and VEGETABLES at Lowest Prices-- Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUBB IN TH1 CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President, Vice President. Cashier, Manager, Thomas Chains.! Oio. A. HARDiae X. O. Cabfiild CHARLES H.CAUniXD K General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. ' County and City Warrants Bought. . Loans Made on Available Securllv Exchange Bought and 4ild. Collection! Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part oi th. World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Sao Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Skwinq Machines Cheap. Want a Bewing machine? Get a good one for $25.00 with five years guarantee; $5.00 down and $5.00 per month until paid. See Belloray & Busch about it. ...THE WONDER... i nniiii give ii ii i PORTLAND 30 DAY EXPOSITION o o WONDER", y ry POOR? rctL EVERY ONE DOES- VOU FEEL AS IF EVERY X dollar ought to buy about twice aa mucn aa u did a couple of yeara ago. Bring your dollars here. No field like our atore for plan In ( dollars if you expect to get a bl crop of values in return. Our snoe atore ia now thronged with cuatomera and filled with the best .values ever known in this part of the country. KRAUSSE BR0S, Next Door to Burmelster A Audresen'i. GKO. C. BROWNRLL. J. V. CAMPBIU. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Cauneld Building ' Oregon City ,Ora , "TtfOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. Leading Iksurancr Aormcy or Olackama County. Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Hade. Drwlll50' numeuta a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6(h and 7th. OREGON CITY, OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law.. Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Coameroltl Bank Bulldlaa OREGON CITY. OREGON. E. F. DRIGGS, ATTQRlfCY At LAT7 OREGON CITY. Two Doora South of Courthouse Office J08EPH RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Oiegon City Bank Block. Orkoor City, .... tmsooi. - J. W. WELCH, . ZDZEILTTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Opfositr P. O.. Orkoor Cur, Orr. The Commercial Dank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transioti General Banking Business Loans mada. Hill. MnMt.taA u.b. lections. Buys and sells exohanie'on all noim. In the United States and Europe and on Hons Keng. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from (A.M. to 4 P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, F. E. DONALDSON, President Casblei HUMPHREY TREMBATH, FISH MARKET. Next to Albright'a Shop. Always keeD on hand fresh fish everv day, halibut, aalmon, smelt, oysters, clams and several other kinds j game in season. BOLTON DAIRY CHA3. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Holtoa Dairy and be Convinced . MISSES' TRIMMED SHANTAS SWc, $1.00 VELVET TAM O' trimmed at and $125. SALE ENGLISH 75c each. SPECIAL: , Portland, Oregon. i rrri 1