Oregon City Coqrier. A, W. OHZNBT, Fabllsker. OREGON CITY OREGON EVENTS OF HIE DAY Interesting Collection of Items From tbe Two Hemispheres Presented la Condensed Form. Tbe state normal school at Drain has been opened fur its year'i work witb an attendance of 67 per cent greHtor than npon tbe opening day lam year. Tbe losses by the reoent severe fire at Montnonth are being rapidly adjust ed, and aa aoon as all aro nettled year ly all tbe firms will take immediate steps to rebuild tbeir respective places of buslnoss. Tbe annual exodus of bop-piokeri has began from Balein and other towns in Marion oounty, and, althoug'u tho piokeri will receive but 25 oeuts a box, the usual number are leaving lor tht fields with undiminished enthusiasm. The twenty-foot boat in which Cap tain Frank Cbarlsen and big brother John, of Nyaok, left New York on June 21 last for Qucenstown, wat lighted two weeka ago bottom up some 850 miles off tbe Irish coast, and the fate of her crew ii merely a matter ol conjecture. Right Rev. Edward O'Dca hag been oonseorated bishop of Washington. Tbe oonsecrator whs Archbishop Gross, metropolitan of the ecclesiastical prov ince, assisted by Bishops Glotieux,' Brondel and Leming. Tbe ceremony took place in Vancouver. About 100 priests from Oregon and Washington were present. There hag been an election bit made in Milwaukee, which for originality layi over anything which has been made thug far. Frod-W. Burke and Albert Donaldson are the parties to the wager. The former agrees to leave the oountry forever on or before Janu ary 1, 1807, if William MoKinley if elected president, and tbe latter will do the oountry a like service it W. J Bryan is elooted. Tbey have drawn up a contraot to this effect which hue been formally attested before a notary publio. Tbe appellate oourt of tbe fourth district, of Illinois, has deoided that plowing corn on Sunday in sight oi ohuroh-goers does not in itself consti tute a disturbance of the peace. In oonstruing geotion 201, which relates to disturbing the peace by labor on Bun day, under which Mr. Foil, a Seventh Day Aventist, wag arrested, the court holds that this geotion does not prohibit work or amusement on Sunday, but prohibits only such couduot as disturbs 1 the peace and good order of society. The defendant being a Seventh Day Adventist, observes Saturday aa the Sabbath, and plowed oorn on Sunday, and his arrest and conviotion resulted, y A waterworks system in the Wolh precinot of Spokane wag burned to the ground, entailing a loss of about $2,000. Tbe banks of Seattle will retaliate upon those of Canada for discounting ( Amerioan money, by demanding a dis count upon all coins presented, which come aoross the northern border. Officer Frank Toal, of Vallejo, Cal. , .while attempting to arrest Dan Wynne, was shot by the latter and killed Wynne was hit by a bullet from tbe oflloer'g revolver and is expected to die. Jospota Oiog wag hanged in Pitts burg, Pa., fur the murder of Toreat Bobak, whom be shot January. 8, be cause she refused to marry him. He also shot himself, but the wound did not prove serious. "Indians living in tbe vioinity of En terpirse. Or., are threatening to avenge the death of the half-breed who wag re cently lynohed at Asotin for outraging a young lady, by a general massacre ol the settlers in that locality. The set tlers have taken precautions against surprise by the dusky braves. The Freuoh mining syndicate wbiob has made extensive purohnsea of min ing properties in Oregon and Wash ington recently, has made another deal whereby it acquires possession of the placer grounds on Snake river neat Bturgill'sbar. The purohase price is not named, but tbe first payment iB $35,000. A Loudon dispatch says that in ofli oial oirolos it 1b believed the Marquis of Salisbury has determined to pursue his own cousro at Constantinople in future, aud has given tbe British am bassador, Sir Philip Currie, precise and aignifloaut instructions with greatei powers to command naval aid in en forcing the demands of Great Uritaiu. The stoppage of the pumps in the Lesdville mines where a strike is in progress will cause considerable dam age, aud a prominent miue otlloial says it will take months to repair the Ham age done in tbe Hooded mines. The strikers profess to view the situation as being more favorable to them, aud tuj have information that tbe compact be tweeu the managers is broken iiretriev- ably, and that some of the leading mines will resume work within a week, conceding the demands of tbe union. A meeting of the business men wan hold reoeutly to petition the union to declare tbe strike off, but did not de cide upon definite action. Tbe old publio school building, at Cheney, Wash., which had been pur chased by Kev. R. Mauler, has been burned. Tbe fire was doubtless of in cendiary origin. There is an intensely bitter feeling between two factious in Cheney, cue side asserting that it would retain control of affairs, even if it bad to resort to fire or other stroug methods. It is stated that the enemies of Rev. Manier are responsible for the loss of tbe building, but there is no clue to tbe perpetrators. Tbe building wat worth about f 1,600. Work of Fiend. .At Cbadron, Neb., an unknown fiend saturated the bedroom floor and beds upon which were sleeping Assistant Postmaster W. A. Dauley, bis wife and two children, with keroaene, then set fire to the room. When the fire men succeeded in removing the occu pants both babies were dead, and tbe parents unconscious. The motive for J the orime is unknown. Now Secretary Francis. Ex-Uovernor Franois, of Missouri, took tbe constitutional oath of office as seoretary of tbe interior, succeeding Hoke Smith. The Oath was adminis tered by Associate Justice Harlan, of the supreme court, in the oflloe of the seoretary of the treasury. Seoretary Franois will take formal charge of his department immediately. Earthquake In Iceland. A report comes from Iceland that tbe severest earthquake since 1784 occurred there. Tbe report states that two churches were destroyed, cattle killed and farms destroyed. No people were killed. Tbe center of the disturbances appeared to be the volcano Heola. (J rand Army Kleotlon, , The Grand Army of tbe Republic, At their annual meeting in St. Paul elocted Major Clarkson for commander-in-chief unanimously. All other can didates withdrew in his favor. Gen eral Mullen was tendered the position of vire-ooramander according to estab lished custom. To Expel Americans. Information is received that the local government at Mosul, Turkey, has got up a petition to the central government at Constantinople, asking for expulsion of the Amerioan missionaries from that district, on the ground that they are disturbers of tbe peace, stirrers up of sedition and rebellion. A dispatch to the London Times from Th. I I. 1 1 1 .... I .i . Uttvnlt. Hong Kong says the revolution in tbe Pbillipines is loss serious than it was at first reported, and tbat no danger is feared for tbe lives and property of foreign subjects. Unfounded Humors. The Pall Mall Gazette heads its edi torial column with the following: "The rumors industriously circulated tbat tbe editorship of tbe Pall Mall Gazette has been offered to Mr. Edward Bok are entirely unfounded." Another Bank Failure, Tbe First National bank, of Helena, Mont, has failed. The reasons stated in its published notioe is that it was jnable to meet withdrawals. The creditors will be paid in full. General SohouvalolT'i Condition. General Count von Sohoovaloff, governor-general of Ruaisan Poland, and formerly Russian ambasadcr at Berlin, is suffering from a puralytio stroke. His condition is critical. Hundred! Are Homeless. Fire destroyed the immense five story brick plow foundry and imple ment factory of S. R. White & Bros , in Norfolk, Va. A brisk wind scatter ed sparks in every direction, and de stroyed a number of dwellings. Hun dreds of families, white and oolored, are made homeless. Twenty-five houses were destroyed. Tbe total loss is $200,000. Accident on a Cable Line. Four people were injured, one per haps fatally, by an aooident on tbe de pot incline of the Ninth-street cable line in Kansas City. Tbe grip-book on the train broke and pormitted it to go backwards at a high rate of speed. Steel Works Close, The Edgar Thompson Steel Works, of Carnegie, Pa. , has closed down in definitely. Tbe suspension was a gen eral surprise. At least 1,600 men were thrown out of work. A Had Hallway Accident. A street oar was run into by a Min neapolis freight train near the state fairgrounds in Minneapolis and eight porsous injured. The engine struck the fore part of the car. Fire In a Mine. The Superior mine, in Hurley, Wis., caught fire aud has been burning foi some time. There is no possible way to save it, and it will prove a tota' loss. Itrownetl While Ha lilng-. Lieutenant James W. Benton, qurter master of the United States army at Fort Robinson, N. D., was drowned while bathing in a plunge. A lefenelve Alliance. Fire in the faotory of 8. White & Bra, at Norfolk, Va., totally destroyed j it A number of buildings in the lane leading to Main street caught fire and the flames spread rapidly, consuming the entire block. The union stock-' yards were destroyed. Tbe flames ' oomunicated witb the row of house ' adjoining the stockyards on the south, I and they were burned. One hundred families are made homeless. The loss is estimated at $20,000. Chill to Manufacture Cotton floods. Chili is contemplating a revision of her tariff laws, whioh, when effected will have an important bearing on a number of American products, princi pally cotton which Chili will place on the free list, with the hope that the in troduction of the raw product from the United States will encourage the manufacture of tbe finished product in Chili. Believing right has everything to do With feeling right The London City mission reclaimed , 1,718 drunkards last year. I THE VICEROY SHOCKED Li Hung Chang's Experience With Electricity. CUIII0SITY CAUSED HIM TROUBLE The Ambuiidnr Takes Particular In terest lu Kallroads-Flrst Might In a Sleepiug-Car. Niagara Falls, Sept. 8. Tbe speolal train bearing Li Hung Chang and bis party arrived here at noon today. Rain was failing at the time, and tbe : visitors dampened their silk 'blouses ! and gold lace somewhat in tbe journoy : to tbe Cataract bouse, where rooms had been engaged. Immediately upon arriving here, Li eat for a dentist, and bad bis teeth examined. Tbe rain was a great disappointment, as tbe viceroy was very desirous of visiting the Ameri i can Falls in the afternoon. There was no oessation in tbe downpour until af ter 8 o'clock, when tbe sun struggled I through tbe clouds. Carriages were summoned, and the visitors spent two hours in inspecting tbe wonders of Niagara. At the eleotrio power-house of tbe Niagara Falls Power Company, tbe distinguished visitor had an experience witb American electricity, tbe result being as startling as it was unexpected. With bis usual ourioBity and desire to make a personal investigation of the machinery before him, he poked at a switchboard witb bis walking stick. Tbe metal ferule closed tbe oircuit in stantly, and Li's stick was violently torn from bis grasp. He was naturally muob astonished at tbe effect of the stiok's contact witb the switchboard, but fortunately he suffered no damage beyond a good scare. However, he deoided tbat be bad Been enough, and i wn' "? r00U19' here he reinalued until bedtime. Last night Li and party passed their first night in an American sleeping car. Their meal, which was espeoally prepared by the Pennsylvania dining oar people, was quite elaborate. Tbe menu ourd was decorated with tbe American and Chinese flags intertwined and a fao-simile of the autograph of Earl Li, done in yellow.- After eating a rather bearty supper, Li sent for George W. Boyd, assistant general passenger agent of the Penn sylvania Company, who piloted tbe trains over the lines of his company and spent about two hours questioning him about railroads. He had a map of the United States before him, and once be branobed off to the war of the Rebel lion, asking the nams of tbe states tbat seceded from the Union. Li asked particularly about the battles in which Grant participated, and all of them were indioated on the map foil his bene fit. He dwelt long on this subject, and marveled that, although the South ern forces sucoeeded in approaohing quite olose to Washington, they were never able to capture that important point. The story of the assassination of Linooln also interested him greatly. He inquired what became of Booth, and where Lincoln is buried, and then queried: "Do not tbe American people regard Linooln as a very good many" The deep interest he shows in rail road matters convinoed those who paid attention to the subjeot that his prin cipal object in visiting this oountry is to study Amerioan railroad construc tion and management, with a view to the adoption of some of the features in a proposed general extension of tbe Chinese railway sytem. In fact, the vioeroy intimated today tbat he is ne gotiating fur the service of an Ameri can oivil engineer, wbo, if he aooepts the offer made him, would go to China in the near future and take oharge of the railway extension scheme now being outlined. Li says there are only about 200 miles of single-traok railroad in China at present. Only three trains are run each day, and there is no t radio at night, the system being orude and tbe liability to aooi dent a constant menaoe. Transplanted Lobsters, Ottawa, Sept 8. The department of fisheries has reoeived intelligence that the lobsters transported to British Columbia bave been Been. This indi cates that the experiment has proven successful, and it proves that the water is suitable and necessary ;ood is found there. Si-ven hundred lobsters were taken over and planted in five plaoes on July 9 last: One of the lobsters was caught a few days ago and shown in Victoira as a curiosity. A Dook Laborers Strike. London, Sept 8. It is reported among the delegates to the trades union oongress, which opens at Edinburgh next week, tbat all plans for a gigantio strike of dock laborers of the world at large has been perfected in everything j but tbe minutest details, and the most 1 important labor movement ever con' ceived may be commenced this autumn. Kuralarv at Spangle. Spangle, Wash., Sept. 8. Burglars j entered Knuth & Wise's saloon last j night, opened the safe by breaking the j combination, and secured a small amount of money, a watch and sonis jewelry. Small Boy Drowned, Aberdeen, Sept 8. flenry Sagen dart, aged 13 or 14 years, tbe son of A. Sagendarf, of this city, was drowned yesterday afternoon in tbe Cbehalis river just below town. The boy, in company with a number of others, was in swimming off the lower end of Weatberwax's boom, when be was taken witb a cramp, and, aftr long struggle in tbe water, be sack and was drowned. Tbe body has not been recovered. Tried to Kecape From Jail. Cincinnati, Sept. 0. Jackson ana Walling, Pearl Bryan's murderers, are not hereafter to have the privileges heretofore acoorded them in Irvington jail. Through visitors aud gifts of food a plan of esoape was made which I was to have been carried into effect at (I o'clock tbis morning. Jackson was disoovered in a whispered cor. versa t ion witb a oolored burglar named Walker. The plot was revealed by a prisoner. Walker was dragged from his cell and a new revolver was found in bis pocket and a saw in bis cell. Several saws were found in Waiting's cell. Jack son's oell was searched, but nothing was found. Visitors hereafter will be closely watched. Indiau Outbreak Threatened. Hermosillo, Mexico. Sept 9, There is much uneasiness felt throughout the western part of tbis state over tbe threatened outbreak of tbe Yaqnl In dians. Large numbers of the peace able Indians bave quit tbeir work on ranohes and railroads and are flocking into the mountains where the leaders are supplying them with arms and ammunition. An attack by tbe In dians on tbe town of Torres is threat ened and a strong guard has been plaoed around tbe place by the munici pal authorities. The Minas Prietas mining camp is also being well guard ed against the Inidans. Flrat to Faa the Looks. Cascade Locks, Or., Sept. 9. The big gates of tbe Cascade lrcks were thrown open today and tbe little Bteamer Sadie B. and two scows were permitted to float down through the canal to the lower river. Tbe gates worked admirably, not a ditoh occur ring to oheck the progress and every thing proved to be in perfect order. There was no particular demonstration or celebration of tbe event, though about all tbe residents of Cascade Locks were out to see the passage. Tbe bydraulio machinery that operates the gates proved to be adequate, for tbe work tbey are intended to perform, and oaused the ponderous gates to swing around like toys. I tbe World's Champion. Putney, England, Sept. 9 Jake Gaudaur. of Toronto, today won the rowing championship of the world and 2,500 in addition to the Sportsman cup, defeating James H. Stansbury, of Australia, wbo recently defeated "Wag" Harding for the championship. The course was the usual champion ship course, four straight miles straight away, from Putney to Mortlake. Troops lu 111- l'lillii)lnea. Madrid, Sept. 9. The cabinet has deoided to Fend a battalion of marines to tbe Philippine islands. TO OPEN THE B'G FAIR. Ureat Preparations lor tbe Eventful September IB. Portland, Or., Sept. 8. Great pre parations are being made for tbe open ing night of the Oregon Industrial Ex position, Saturday. September 19. Ol all tbe opening nights of expositions in Portland, that ol last year was the most pleasant and successful. Its musical features were especially de lightful. To this occasion the com mittee is devoting special attention, witb tbe determination to make it even more of a success than the initial night of a year ago. "Mayor Penncyerbas been invited to formally open the ex position, bb did tbe. late Mayor Frank a year ago, by prefBing the electrjo button that will set the tbe machinery in motion The president of the gen eral committee. Mr. Ellis G. Hughes, will deliver a brief address upon tbe purposes of the exposition, and the work of tbe committee in preparing it for tbe entertainment and instruction of tbe people, and for the benefit of the oommunity and the state. The choral leature of the evening will be one of speoial excellence, and the programme will soon le announced. The Apollo Choral Sooiety will be an imporant factor in tbe various great musioal events of th fair. Au Uzplo'slon at Sea. Madrid, Sept 8. An explosion, heard off the ooast near the town of Muros, in the province of Corrunna, during the night, is the cause of much excitement and speculation among the inhabitants. It seems evident that a disaster has occurred, as much wreck age is strewn along tbe coast It is supposed two vessels collided during tbe night and foundered. Nothing has beep disoovered to show the identity of tbe vessels, nor is it known how great was the loss of life accompanying the oatastrophe. Seven Million Women's Names. London, Sept. 8. The Chronicle announces that the queen has consented to receive a petition containing the singatures of 7.000,000 women against tbe liquor traffic and opium traffic. Tbe signatures were gathered by the world's W. C. T. U., and those of Miss Frances Willard and Lady Somerset head the list. Armenians Mysteriously Disappear. London, Sept 8. The Constanti nople correspondent of the Daily News notes tbe mysterious disappearance of Armenians from tbe city and says of it: "It is believed tbat tbey bave been done to death after being promised pro tection by tbe police." Aa Old Farmer Murdered. Exoelsior Springs. Ma, Sept 8. Matthew Clark, an old bachelor farmer, was today found murdered, lying on the roadside near bis borne. His head was norrilby battered and be bad evi dently been killed for bis money. There is no clew, and particulars are meager. Clark had lived alone for ! years, aud was well-to-do. If the word "boom" were not in ex istence no it would be bard to find a word to flttins-ly take its place. Evidence ot Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST From All the Cities and Towns of the Thriving Bister Htates Oregon. One hundred and twenty-five tons of Riverton coal went to San Franoisoo on the last trip of the steamer Moro,, from Coquille. About 120 men are now employed on tbe government works at Cascades. Twnety-flve are stonecutters, and the remainder laborers. The third annual district fair for Jackson and Josephine oonnties will be held at the Central Point fair grounds for five days, beginning September 22. Sawmill men of Elgin are (hipping considerable lumber to Utah points at present R. M. Steel has over 4,000, 000 feet at his Gordon creek mill, whioh he will plane and ship in the near future. Extensive arrangements are being made for tbe district fair which will be held at the grounds near Central Point, in Jackson county some time this month. Over $3, 600 are offered in purses and premiums. Some counterfeit 60-oent silver pieoes are in oiroulation in Salem. Tbey are of light weight, but otherwise the imi tation is excellent, there not beiug tbat greasy and glassy appearance notice able on other spurious coin. Many of tbe hopgrowers in the vi cinity of Independence have their pick ers already engaged. Tbe pioking sea son will begin this week, but there will not be more than half tbe acreage picked tbis year that there was last. A wagor of $200 was made the other day in The Dalles upon tbe result of the election ill California. A promi nent Democrat staked his money that Bryan will carry the state, while a prominent Republican put up his money on MoKinley. Hop contracts for 110,000 pounds have thus far been filed with tbe Linn county oierk. In years heretofore, but few hops have been contracted in that county, but this year the inability of growers to obtain picking money hae compelled them to contraot The Miuam is said to be fiirly alive with hunting and fishing parties. In addition to a number of Indians from the Umatilla reservation, there are many sportsmen from tbe Grand Ronde valley in there, besides quite a number from Baker and Wallowa oonnties. Preliminary work at the woollen mills at Pendleton, is progressing ranidly. In a few days sufficient wool will bave been dyed in eleven colors to supply material to warrant tbe man agement in accepting orders. Addi tional men have been employed and have been put to work making yarn. That Astorians are not yet perfectly familiar with railroads may be seen by this item from tbe Astorian: "A prominent physician the other day, in returning from Seaside on the 'flyer,' mistook the airbrake safety valve for the cardoor handle, and in attempting to open tbe door, suddenly stopped the train, muoh to the surprise of the con ductor and passengers. Explanations followed, and the train proceeded on its way." ; Washington. The Hughes sawmill has been moved from Montesano to Sat sop. Tbe property of the Spokane Falls Water Power Company has passed into the hands of a reoeiver. Walla Walla is overrun with bobos and tbe officers of tbat town are having hard work making them move on. The new mill being constructed by the Northwestern Lumber Company, at Hoquiam, is rapidly nearing comple tion. The Chinook trapmen are reported to have subscribed $40,000 f or tbepurpose of building a cannery, wbich they ex pect to operate themselves next season. North Yakima is to bave a new de pot. Tbe structure is to be of frame, with two waiting rooms, ticket office, baggage and express rooms, eta, with a special exhibit window at tbe corner, for tbe purpose of exhibiting fruits and flowers. Goldendale is now blessed with an excellent supply of water, pure and oool, since the pipe line has been com pleted. Tbe water supply of Golden dale now comes through, twelve miles of pipe from the headwaters of the Lit tle Klickitat Tbe stockmen above Grand Ronde river are making a general round-up of their cattle, separating those that are fit for beef, which they will dispose of, and the others will be driven to tbe high summer range, in order to keep the buncbgrass good on the winter range along Snake river. Tbe semi annual civil-service ex amination for customs positions in the Puget sound district will be held at Port Townsend, Tuesday, October 6. Parties desiring to take tbat examina tion should write for the proper blank?, addressing the secretary of the board of civil-service examiners at that place. The yearly run of smelt is on at Bel lingham bay. Any one wbo can use an ordinary garden rake and can spare the tim to walk to the beach when the tide begins to ebb may enjoy au abundance of this delicious food fih. Bushels of them bave been taken with rakes and scoop nets. Tbey generally ran until autumn, and may be caught this way almost any day when the tide is right Fourteen carloads of sbeep w" shipped from tbe Yakima range last week to Chicago. TO DESTROY KEY WEST. An improbable Story llrouglit Frun, Havana. Key West, Sept. 9. A letter was ro jeived from Havana last night by tho iteamer Masootte containing the in formation that the Spanish authority ire plotting the destruction of Key West A similar roport reached hero leveral days ago, but at tbe time it oras not oeuerallv believed. The letter was written by a Cuban in Havana to a friend.in this city, me writer says thut a few rlavs aizo he went to the government office in Havana and was Informed by a friend empioyeii mm that Knnnluh nnthnrlties bud determined to burn Key West and annihilate that nest of "insurgent snakes." The plan of the Spanish is to send emissaries to Key West in the guise of Cuban, sympathizers, who are to fire tbe city in as many places as possible when opportunity arises. It is said tbat Captain-General Woylor is cog nizant nf the tilan and approves of it. He is rpeorted to have said that if Key West and Tampa were laid in ashes he would soon be able to settle the rebel lion. It is said that in the event of the luooess of the plot Weyler has ordered tbat the emissaries be paid $10,000. Thn nnnnla here are so wrought np tbat it is feared an attaok may be made on Senor Gruse, the Spanish oousnl. I and bis assistant, Senor Hernandez. I It was reported today that these gentle men, beooming alarmed . for their 'safety, had gone aboard the United I Ktui-aa ravniinn nutter Winona and de manded protection, aud that they were told to remain on the vessel until the excitement died out. ' The citizens have determined to form a vigilance committee, and every per son who cannot give a good account of himself will be forced to leave' the oity. THE RELAY RACE ENDED. the Time Was a Little Over Thlrteer Days. New York, Sept 0. The Examiner Journal bicyole relay raco from Sail Franoisoo to New York was finished at City Hall park at 9 minutos past 3 o'clock this afternoon, tho race taking thirteen days 29 minutes 4 1-5 seconds. The number of milos covered was 8.885. Tbe last relay from Kings bridge to the finish was run by i red erick J. Titus, the well-known racing man, who wheeled bis part iu 20 minutos and 18 seconds. ' All along the line from Kings bridge was a great crowd guthered to greet Titus. He was heartily weloomed, and vociferously cheered. Following after him were many others, ann the upper drives were thronged with en thusiastic whoelmen. Four thoui-aud persons were in City Hall Park when TituB reached the end of the journey, and tbeir cheers ' were deafeuing. Annie St Tell aud A. H. Ward will go from tbe Battery to Governor's island in a water bicycle tomorrow to deliver the message. ARKANSAS ELECTION. .The Usual Majority 'or the Democratic Ticket. Little Rook, Sept. . The weather throughout, Arkansas was oool and pleasant, and, from special dispatches received by the Gazette, the indica tions are that a large vote wa polled. It is believed that General Dun W. JoncB' (Dem.' majority for governor will be not less than 60,000 and may possibly reach 60,000 In Faulkner, Lafayette and other Populist and I'.e publioan strongholds, the Democratic oounty tickets were elected by safe ma jorities. There was much scratching in Fulton county, and the probability is that tbe independent oandiute fo state senator in tbat district has carried the oounty against Hon. Jerry South, the regular Democratic nominee There were but two full tiokets in tbe field, the PopulistB contenting themselves with a candidate for gov ernor, Kneounter With a Footpad. San Franoisoo, Sept 9. Mrs. Sarab Hayden, the 'wife of a Ninth-street butcher, had a thrilling encounter with an armed highwayman early yesterday morning. Her husband being unwell, she paid off the employes and left tbe store shortly after midnight, carrying a small satchel in wbich Bbe had placed $110 and accompanied by her 12-year-old daughter, Btarted home ward. While standing on tbe corner waiting for a oar, a man poked a pitsol into her face and commanded her to give up the satchel. She screamed for help and two men rushed to her as sistance, but were threatened by the ruffian aud kept aloof. An officer ar riving at tbis juncture, the robber fled across some vacant lots and esoaped. Anrhoied a Whale. ' Taooma, Wash., Sept. 9. Tbe whale which has been towing its captorf amnnd the upper part of Puget sound for the past week was driven into Quartermaster habiur this morning aud anchored. Five harpoons are in tbe huite animal, which is still alive. Last night the whale towed the tugboat Laurel, to which it was attached by several lines, through the narrows, despite the efforts of the engineer to go the ohter way. It will be placed on exhibition in this oity. Try not only to be good but to be good for something. A Little Girl Fatally Horned. Taooma, Sept 8. Little Ella Myers, the 2-year-old daughter of B. H. Myers, a street-car employe, succumbed to injuries received by fire Saturday evening. She was playing in the yard, when her ' drew caught fire from some smonldeimg embers, and before, the flames could be extinguished, ah was fatally burned. Tbe first watch ever made by ma chinery in the United States was mad at Roxbury, Mass., in 1850.