Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, August 28, 1896, Image 1

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    -r--...-f-' "
.! T - .
14th YEAR.
Quantities equal to every demand, quali
ties that defy adverse criticism, beauti
ful designs that take the eye of a pri
soner, prices that make buyers wonder:,
all these things and more are presented
to the vision In our Grand Exposition of
carpet novelties . You can't get off the
floor, and that makes it all important to
have this basis of a room's att tactions a
triumph of pleasing possibilities The
top point of carpet-buying possibilities
is reached in our stock of 60 different
patterns in 5 different materials from
15c per yard and upwards.
The Housefurnisherg,
Fare, life
And Accident
- ' eading Agency
ROy&l Of LiV6rp00l-Doe' business in the world.
North British & MercantileoSo""' ln th ort, 56-
SUQ Of JjOndOQ oldelt purely Are Insurance office In the world.
tSft Of HirllOrd LrMt American) eompauy.
Conttnontfll of Now York n f American companies
The Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford
Lxrgent, oldest and. best accident Insurance company In the world, and
also does a very latrce life Insurance business.
-Clackamas County j If CE t.ED-AwAs veu.
F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank.
..GO TO-
Hhoo OBfoslte(Pone;reatlonal Voiaroh, . Mala Street,
... .
Glty, Oregon
aaMMBH .
, Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill.
.Main St., Opposite Caufield Block.
Twi Shops, - - ' . . Oregoi City, Ortgoi.
Your Brain..
. Steady your nerves, and
perfect your 'digestion
by using bread " made
from our whole wheat
flour. It is made from
the wnole wheat berry
except the out side hull,
or bran, which is a woody
substance, irritating and
indigestible. Bread made
from this flour is not so
white as that made from
k the pale white roller flour,
but it is far superior for
food as it contains all the
gluten, germ, and oily
matter of the wheat and
is much sweeter than
graham or any otheV
bread not sweetened
The Grocer. -v
Mr. and Airs. W. L. Miller Jiave re
turned from their outing at Newport.
Mr. Moore and family have moved
back to Parkplace, where they formerly
Mrs. Blanchard and daughter were
visiting Mr. John Kruse of( Wilsonville
two days last wee..
Mr. Midlam baa" been quite sick with
rheumatism. He is somewhat improved
now. . ., . .. i
Mr. Kinsy is putting up a new dwell
ing house. Mr. Mayvitta is doing the
work, and is making rapid progress.
Mn E. T, Fields returner from Ash
land and has gone to Portland where he
is employed a an operator. ' ... .
August 2(1. -,-v , . :e CINT. 4
W. Brooks of Rockwood was the guest
o( Q. W. BaU on the 14th.
J. Gorbett and wife were the guest of
J. Trullinger of Meadowbrook last
Bert Palmer, Annie Hunter and Fred
Mott and wife of Oanby come up on
visit to latter'a parents and also to go to
the huckleberry patch.
Mr. Wilson of Newberg has moved
one load of his household goods up
Welcome to our midst, Mr. Wilson.
The coyotes have got brave enough to
come into the yard and catch ducks.
August 2. Ltbtbr.
County Expenses for Year.
At the August term of the Clackamas
county court the annual reports of
George H. Horton, county clerk, and
M. L. Moore, county treasurer, were
filed for the year ending June 30th, 1806,
The clerk's exhibit of warrants drawn
on the treasurer for that period shows
the following totals:
Road and bridge acct, $9,969 85
Pauper acct, 5,199 48
Criminal " circuit court, 830 30
Criminal " justice court, 2,291 95
Stationery" 965 93
Court house and jail acct, ; 1,034 30
Clerk's acct 3.31000
Sheriff's " 4' 906 42
Bounty on wild animals, 262 00
Bailiff's acct 549 00
School superintendent's acct,. . 1,082 00
County judge's acct,.... 1,20000
County commissioners, 877 00
Insane acct, 156 60
Jury " 2,240 05
Coroner's " 300 35
Count y treasurer's acct, . 1 ,036 98
Assessor, 2,691 00
Election acct 1,41240
District attorney's acct, ...... . 707 60
Recorder's " 2,124 00
Court reporter, 397 00
Collection of delinquent taxes,. 24 72
Printing acct,..., 98160
Money refunded , 43 10
Indigent soldier, 165 00
Some PolnU.
Ohboox Oitv, Or., Aug. 22. (To
the Editor.) In the arguments of the
advocates of the gold standard, It seems
that two important points they try to
make against the free and unlimited coin
age of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, are :
(1) The coinage value of silver would be
brought down to the commercial value,
giving us a dollar with the purchasing
power of 63 cents, or, in other words, we
would have a 63-cent dollar. (2) That
the silver agitation is in tho interest
of the silver-mine owner, and in the
event of the passage of a free-coinage
law, ho would be enabled to take 53 cents'
worth of silver to the mint and have it
coined into a 100-cent dollar, thus mak
ing H7 cents by the transaction, or,
rather, having the government give him
47 cents just for the privilege of coining
his 53 cents' worth of silver.
Now, if the silver dollar was worth
only 53 cents, or the commercial value
of the amount of silver contained in the
dollar, how is the silver-mine owners
going to be benefited? Unless it was a
100-cent dollar, how would he receive 47
cents from the government whenever he
took 53 cents' worth of silver to the 2lnt?
If it was a 100-cent dollar, what does all.
the talk about the cheap dollar, the dis
honest dollar, the repudiutor's dollar
amount to?
Again, if this silver agitation is in tire
interest of the silver-mine owners, how
would he be benefitted If when he took 63
cents' worth of silver to the mint he got
back a dollar with purchasing power of
only 53 cents?
Chablks V. Galloway.
Most of the people in this vicinity have
finished thrashing.
J. Gorbett made a flying trip to Ore
gon City Friday.
Milton McCray is visiting with Willie
Ball and family at present.
Booms 76, 77, 7, Deknin
Pobtlahd, Oregon.
Usnj of mj frlands lum
trouble to nd me; bene
this card.
- H. W. JACK0N
Machinist and Locksmith,
Blcyclos, Umbrella, Sewing Machines, Gunt
and all kinds of small machinery re
paired. Prices reasonable.
Shop on Seventh Street. Opposite Depot
Unique, Efficient, Labor Saving.
Will sprinkle 4 times greater
area than any other
Sprinkler made.
Highest Award at the Chicago Exposition
Can be seen ln operation at the residence of
me tailor 01 mis paper.
fend for circulars giving testimonials and prices
Sole Manufacturers,
Springfield, - - - Mass.
Agents Wanted Can Hake Big Hooey.
Decorating .
Paper Hanging,
Artistic House-Painting
And Kalsoming.
Bemored from Holman'i Old Stand to Nes
Door to Col alia Bnildiut; on Seventh Street,
Near Uepot, Oregon City, Oregon.
That you can get your
printing done at the
Courier office cheaper
than in Portland.
Thousands of samples to
select from. Satisfaction
guaranteed. '
In order to clean up, the re.
mainder of our Shirt Waists
before September 1st we have
bunched the entire line into
3 lots, namely:
All goods up to
Reduced to .
All goods up to
Reduced to .
All goods up to
Reduced to
Armory, 300 00
Roadmasier,...r. 1,20000
Boys an & girls Aid Society, .... 16.60
SurveyQr's oet;-:it. )79 60
Contingent " . . . . , 244 85
Reward, prisoner, ...... 5000
Teachers' examination,. .... . 252 00
Fish and game protector....... 79 75
Grand jury,...; ' 9750
Forman vs Clackamas county, . 157 20
Attorney fee for county, 30 00
Reform school expense, 1135
Charman vs Clackamas county, . 2 00
M P Bradley vs Clackamas Co, . . 9 05
The total amount of wsrran'a issued
during the year commencing July 1st,
1895, and ending June 30th, 1896, was
$46,856.31. The treasurer's report shows
that $79,765.48 had been received into
the general fund during the year, and
there remained a balance of $14,945.87 ;
$20,570.14 had been received into the
road fund and there remained a balance
of $4,142.24; $41,138 had been received
in the school fund and a balance of
Glass & Smith's Old Stand,
Fnn-hhed Every Week by the Clackaimat
Abstract k Trust Company.
The Clackamas Atwtract A Trait Co. In tlio nwnei
of the eovyriKht to the Thorn lyilem of aUtrael
Indelei fur Cliuskamaa county, and baa tho only
complete let of abntracttln tbaoounty; ean furriUh
inionuaiioD ai 10 line to lanaatoacaon application.
Loans, investment!, real mtata. abatracta. ate. Offlia
orar Bank or Oregon City. Call and ioTestlgata.
Addreaa, box 377, Oregon City. Oregon.
F M Taylor and wife to Sally A Gualt,
small tract in Oregon City, J acre more
or less ; $1500. ;
Do to do, small tract in Oregon City ;
Charles B. Hawkins to Dan Lyons, lot
6 of block 109 of Oregon City; $580.
G W Stafford to O p Smith, assignee,
nw M of sw i and lot 1 of sec 29 and se
Hofnei and lots 3, 4 and 5 of sec 30,
in 1 2 s of r 4e of Will Mer, 157.78 acres ;
T R A Selwood and 1MB Selwood to
John Maubicen, part of the lot Whit
comb D L 0 38 in sec 36 in 1 1 s of r 1 e
of Will Mer, 1 acre more or less ; $200.
Emely Jarre tt and husband to Orplia
A Mack, all of nw of ne M of sec 32 in
1 1 of r 5 e of Will Mer, 40 acres ; $700,
Geo W Knight to Mrs C Knight, all of
lots 12 in block 4 in Canby; $1.
Emma Welch and husband to S t
Bi wer, a tract of landjin sec 2 of 1 2 3 of r
2eof Will Mer; $1.
Lonsut M Meuefer and husband to
Emma Welch, a tract in sec 2 in t 2 s of
r 2 e of Will Mer, 24 acres ; $3500.
Oregon Iron & Steel Co to Martha
Morrin, lots 9 and 10 in block 45 in O I
& S Co's 1st add to Oswego; $137.50.
First mortgages on improved farm
property negotiated. We are prepared
to negotiate first mortgages upon im
proved farms in Oregon, Washington,
and Idaho with eastern parties and
foreign capitalists at the nsoal rate of
interest. Mortgages renewed that have
been taken by other companies noa
oot of business. Address (with stamp.)
Mervin Sworts, Baker City, Oregon.
Prefix One to a row of ciphers, and
you represent the value of one insurance
polifey to many an estate. Thus 0000 is
by prefix made 10,000. Insurance must
be prefixed. There is no coming back
from the dead. 4 .
Ovxb Bixty-Thkbe Thousand, that is
the reported number of insane people in
the United States. This makes no ac
count of the uninsured J.
. It is Stated thai 29,649 stitches are
taken in making a : shirt, and 'fifteen
cents is the reward for the labor. Life
insurance has saved manya woman from,
a life of toil. 'How ia your family fixed?
Sat One. Business jIaw in thirty-three
leaves his family Anywhere near money
enough to continue the comforts he
has educated them to need and expect.
This suggests immediate action on their
part, in the direction of life insurance j
xne Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins Co
is over 45 years old, has over 20 million
assets, and over 1,500,000 surplus.
ine Massachusette Insurance law is
the safest for the insured. You can
make no better investment, than to carry
policy in this company. Write me
for information. ' '
H G. Colton Manager,
312-313 Chamber of Commerce,
' Portland, Oregon.
t May Do as Much for You.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, Ill writes
th'it be had a Severe Kidney trouble fo
many years, with serve pains in bis
back and alfo that his bladder was af
fected. He tried many so called Kidney
nitres but without any good results.
About - year ago he began use of Elec
tric Bitters and found relief at once.
Electric Bitters is especially adapted to
cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles
and often gives almost instant relief
On trial will prove our statement.
Prie 50c aud $1. At Charman & Co. 'a
LVuv Store.
The Ideal Panacea.
James L. Francis Alderman, Chicago,
saya: '1 regard Dr. King'a Hem Dis
covery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs,
Colds and Lung Complaints, having
used it in my family lor the last five
year, to the exclusion of physican's
perscriptions or other preparations."
Rey. John Burgu, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes : "I have been a Minister of the
Methodist Episcopal Church for 50 years
or more, and have never found anything
so beneficial, or tbat gave me sucb
speedy relief as Dr. King's New Dis
covery." Try this Idea Cough Remedy
no Trial bottles free at Charman &
Co., Druggist.
Trimmed hats, new goods, 50 to 75c
at Mrs, Sladen's.
Money to loan on good security by
A. 8. Dresser.
A new line of beautiful laces JubI are
rived at the Racket Store .
Prescriptions carefully compounded
G. A. Harding's drug store.
Cord wood taken on subscription at the
Courier office. Now is the time bring
Ladies' and uhildrens' summer under-
wear from 5 cents up at the Racket '
8 tore. ,
Received at Charman A Son's a large
Invoice of wall paper, latest and pret
tiest designs.
A five-room cottage for rent at corner
of Sixth and Jefferson. Inauire of
Burmeister & Andersen.
Shark, the barber, don't swim bat
he's In the swim when it conies to
shaving and hair cutting.
For your strings and extras for all
musical instruments go to Burmeister
4 Andresen'a, who keep a full supply.
Blank note and receipt books of all
kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc.,
cheaper than Portland wholesale prices
at Courier office. '
Jacob Kober. the Seventh street baker
keeps on hand a large stock of the best
country cider, soda water and other
temperance drinks. All drinks kepton
L.' L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold orowna, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specialty.
Office in Barclay building, oorner Main
and Seventh streets.
- Louis Fredrick, the fashionable tailor,
has moved his shop from opposite the
Electric hotel to opposite Armory hall. '
Nothing but first-class work done and
satisfaction guarnteed.
Your attention is called to the ad of
Dr. Kessler ln another column. The
Joctor formerly resided in this place and
is reliable and persons afflicted will not
make a mistake by visiting him at Port
land. r-
Owing to an increase of business hi
Portland, Dr. Frank P. Welch, dentist,
will, JwreaiUc -4UtUUaiMr,
weekly vtaitat. Oregon OUr-to- ttwt' .
to hie patient herer, but will be ploased
to see them at his Portland office, 012
Dekum Building.
O. A. Willey has added to hia harness
and repair shop second door went ol 1
depot, next to Courier office, a full
stock of shoes, where he will not only
keep a full line of first-class band-made
harness, saddles, etc., but will do all'
kinds of harness and bjot and shoe
repairing at prices that can't be dup
licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction
For" 30 Days. For the next 30 days I
will make a full upper or lower set of
teeth for $8. Crowns, bridges and fil
lings in proportion. All work guaran
teed. Office in Courier buildinar. T. L.
Good lot in Skamokawa, Wash., to
trade for a bicycle. Inquiro at Courier
The very latest sty !e of shirt wants,
beautiful patterns, at the Racket Store.
Buy your matches at the Racket Store
where you can get 3 bunches for 5 cents.
All other goods just as cheap.
ror tue accommodation of his many
customers on the hill Mr. Albright has
established a branch meat market in the
Sliively building on Seventh street,
where he keep a full stock of all kinds
of fresh and salted meats, bams, bacon,
lard, etc. No stale meat kept. Give
him a call.
A Offer ef $200.00.
R . II . Wood ward Com pan y . Bait i more .
Md., make a most liberal offer of 1200.00
to any agent who will sell 200 copies of
their book, "Arts of Beauty" or Studies
in Grace ; Health and Good Looks," by
Shirley Dare. This is a work of treat
popularity, and of special value to all
women. Endorsed by leading physi
cians. One agent sold 22 copies first
day, another 37 in 2 days, another 78 in
1 week. A gold watch is given in
addition to commission for selling: 60
copies in 30 days. Freight paid and
credit given. Complete outfit 35 cents.
Agents wanted also for other books and
Bibles. Write them immediately.
19 pounds dr granulated sugar $1 :
flour 75c aack. 8 lbs rice for 25c. Red
Front Trading Co.
to your doctor for
advice ; he Is the
best man to tell
you what medi
cine you need. Co to your druggist
for your medicines ; he knows more
about drugs than a dry-goods man.
Stick to your doctor and to your
druggist If you're a sick man, but don't
go to your druggist for advice, espeel- ,
ally If your doctor has told you what '
to get. If your doctor tells you to get
It is because he knows of scores of
cases which have been benefited by
its use ; because he knows that It has
a record of more than twenty years'
results back of It
You have no right to let your drug
gist advise you against this prepara
tion and Induce you to try an obscure
medicine, the value of which Is
doubtful, for the sake of the few cents
more he may make. Let your tailor,
or your butcher, or your grocer, foor
you if you will, but when It comes to
a matter of health, get what yen ask
All drngKistaeell Scott's Rmnlatj
Two sites cents and ft..
i I
A i