COURIER. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1896. NO. 16. 14th YEAR. OREGON Y FIRE, LIFE I And Accident REPRESENTING. I Royal ol Liverpool ,,,rM,t ,,u" 1 T It. nIUV. 0 Mnannntiln l.HrirM I nunu Diiuau at uiciuauuis- Sun of London ou,,",t p""' nr "'' ow" wurM. t tnE Of HjrtfOrd kanfe"'""'1 hf"tt enmiroiiy. t Continental of New York e f ,,,6 Awiomi co, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES The Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford Largest, olilnut and best Hcelilent Insurance ouniuaiiy In tlm world, and also (loea a very I rice life Insurance hnsliiess. .CALL OX ME rO BLOTTEBS AMD CALENDARS. LLuWEKT 00 T" G. H. BESTOW & CO - FOR DOORS. WINDOWS. MOULDING and BUILDINC MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS (lOODS. Shop Opposite ComtrenuKuiml Olmroh, for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to . PETZOLD & GALE'S CASH MARKETS. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, Oregon City, Oregon. JOHN WELCH, Jtentlat. Rooms 76, 77, 79, Dekum Builiiinir. Portland, Ohf.qon. Will he in OreKon Cllv oflice, Courier Mirny of my friends h. building, every Sat- trouble to fiud Die; bene, urday. this card. H. W. JACKON MnilaUt aai Locksmith, Bicycle, Tinbrellas, SewliiB Maohlties, Gum and all kinds ol small machinery re paired. Prices reasonable. S'lnu : 'fmh Street. 0ii'!t DrpOi The "TWIN' COMET" 1111. 1 "LITTLE GIANT" LAWN SPRIKLERS. BEST MADE. Unique, Efficient, Labor Saving Will sprinkle 4 times greater area than any other Sprinkler made. Highest Award at the Chicago Exposition ' be seen In operation at the residence of the Editor of this paper. !end for circulars giving testimonials aud price" E. STEBBINS MFG. CO., Sole Manufacturers. Springfield. - - - Mass. Agents Wanted Can Make Big Muney. JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. R-nioved from Hnlmaii'i Old Sund to N'ex Hour to Cockirr HuildlUK on iJeTenih street. Near uepot, Oreguo City, Oregon. DON'T YOU KNOW That you can get your printing done at the COURIER office cheaper than in Portland. Thousands of samples to select from. Satisfaction guaranteed. -3 -3 -3 OVEAXS OF CARPET Quantities equal to every demand, quiili tit'H thut defy adverse critii-inm, luauti ml designs that take the eyu of a pri soner, prices that make buyers wonder: all these things and more aro presented to the vision in our (Ira ml Exposition of carja't novelties . You can't get off the tl(M)r, and tliat makes it all important to have this I xiHtn of a room's atttnctions a triumph of pleasing tKissihilitics Tim top Mint of carpct-huvihg possibilities is reached in our stock of 00 different patterns in 5 different materials from loo jHir yard and upwards. 15 K 1X0 MY & HI Mil The Iloiispfurnisliprs, OKEtiON CITY. "1 Leading Agency in , Clackamas County slurs in iliu world. ruf't assets In I lie uuilil, W.VI,- OOO.OOO. F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank. - Malu Street, Oregon City, Oregon THE BEE-HIVE! fWJR CLEARAN'CK SALE is making business lively with ( us. it you don t making things hum, take a look in our store any day in the week. That's when you will see the crowds. The people know a good thing when they see it, and they realize we are offering them better l values than they ever saw before in Oregon City. have traded w ith to come in find prices with what you have been paying for various articles. If we cant convince vou we are money savers tor don't expect your BEE-HIVE Build Up Your Brain... Steady jour, nerves, and perfect your digestion by using bread made from our whole wheat flour. It is made from the whole wheat berry except the out side hull, or bran, which is a woody substance, irritating and indigestible. Dread made from this flour is not so white as that made from the pale white roller flour, but it is far superior for food as it contains all the gluten, germ, and oily matter of the wheat and is much sweeter than graham or any other bread not sweetened artificially. ONCE TIMED ALWAYS ISK1. E. E. WILLIAMS. The (J kcpi. COLTON. Miss Malik' Hall in home again. Mr. Gottberg got bin bin lar br kj this week. Miss Xellie Gottberg has been home on a short visit. Six nf T. Freeman's children have the whooping cough. Chester Gorbett is hauling lumber for J. Manning of El wood. Miss Meadie E. Hubbard Is visiting friends at Hubbard (his week. We have hid enough rain for a while as it lias rained for nearly a week. We Ilea that Mr. Wilson nf Xewberg expects to move his family up hers in two or three weeks. , , The Salvation Army capUiii, bis. wih , andlittle daughter and two other com rades, were out from Oregon City two or three day this week. J. Gorbett and wife, John Arquette , Fred Bonney, Misses Ellen Bonney an I Grace Gorbett were the guests of Wil liam Ball ami family last Sunday. Aug. 7. Lyster. . tnmk we arei If you never us we want you compare our you then we , trade. Glass & Smith's Old Stand, OREGON CITY, OREGON. M EXAHI- Scores of Teachers at the Courthouse Meeting. (Quarterly examination of teachers commenced last Wednesday at the court house with a large number in at tendance. State certificates were grant ed to Shirley Buck, Mary Bickner and Kdnetta Chase; state diplomas to Annie llickenbothain and Mrs. Anna Wells. II. G. Stark. veater.T. J. Gray and D. F. May were the sutlicient examining board. Following are the list in attend ance : Mnsa Barkley, Matie Godfrey, Ida Birkemeier, Edwin N. Bates, Mary Young, Matilda Weiss, Anna Dolan, Nora Currins, Elmer MuArthur, Geo. T. McArthur, Agnes McArthur, Kate Dolan, Alice Williams, Zona Mayfield, J. C. Zmser, N. W. Boland, Victor Dickey, II. E Hodges, W. F. Young, F. W. Cramer, Robert Ginther, Ella Brush, Nina B. Johnson, Oora Moore, Maude Salisbury, Minnie Bowman, Jessie M. Wakefield, Bona Johnson, Kose Miller, Cassia Eaton, C. E. Mini-r, A. H. Dunick, I'liema McDonald, Kjse Eby. REDLAND. T. V. Linn is on tlie sick list. Miss Cara Laek is again working in Oregon City. J. Patter was in town Tuesday to have a tootb pulled. Geo. Davis whs visiting friends at Linn's mill Monday. 1'. P. Linn was to a dance at Jones mill and reports a Hue time. P. P. Linn went over on tha Clacka mas river Monday oil business. The Oceola band picnic at Wrrights swing was grand so we hear. The potatoes crop looks flue after tlm rain, but the grain looks sick. Misg Mildaaud Hester Linn was visit ing friends at C'uriinsville Saturday and iMimlay. Mr. King of Felierville is working for Mr. McGralli lor a lew days. .. Mr. Mablock of Highland was visit ing IS. Eveson, Saturday and Sunday. .'J. W. Liun, D. H; Mashernnd C. A. Sprague, was uowu to the dance, at Preasters, Saturday night and reports a fine time. Some of our young men w eie out cut ting bee trees Sunday and they got lots of honey so we hoard, some of them couie home sick. A delightful birthday dinner party in honor of Jennie Linn was given at her home at Linn's mill last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leek. Princie Leek, T. W. Linn, J. W. Linn, P. P. Liun, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Linn were present. August 10. Enoinkkh. CANEMAH. Hurry Spencer and the other Canemali boys who went to the coast, returned last wwek, also Mr. Porter and f.tiniyl. They all enjoyed tliuir ontinuvery much. SiriiiKtn 11 is improving in every sec lion just now. Mr. Turney is piitim; p a neHt board fence in Iront of Ids lace, and. Mr. Linsey has b.jen digging a diicb Iroin bin meadow to tlie river. Earnest Lowry came up from Astoria yesterday, where he has been fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsler left last Wed- 1 nesday for their native country Austria, j They have tiee'i employed for several j years h the woolen mills They say j that times are as goo I there if i beiter than here. Mr. U.irothers ;in I family of the place I went lo the mountains last week for huckleberries. Mrs. Harry Spencer returned fr ini a vHt to relatives at Wils tnville. A nir. 12 Docroit. i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ! Fnn I shed Every Week by the Clackai.iai ! Abstrsct & Trust Company. The lackainu AUtrect & Trust Co. Is Oi .iwnei nf I lie cciyright lo tlm Tliorne lystriu uf almrael , index fur Clackanuu county, and haa lli only c.Mnlilet at of abstracts In the county; csu furnish information as to title to landatonceon application. ' Loans, invputlliellts, real sstste. abstracts, etc Oflice I 'iter liank of Ori-icon City. 'll and inrestigate. Addresa, box 377, Oregon City. Oregon. Emma M Coehran to Pope Anderson ! A Co, 320 acres, t 5 s, r 1 w ; 4430. Jacob Engle to Frank Switzer and wife, sw of nw of sec 4 ; $300. United States to Riley French, w of sw- i of sec 32 : . I Edward Graves and wife to John Mummer, ne i of lie J4' of sec 14; I'iOO. I Bolton Land Co to F S Kelly, lots 3 and 4 in block IS ; $475. 1 II I) Williams to Mac hell E Bain, lot 5 ; in block 14 ; 200. i Peter iabriel to S A I PuU r, ne U of j ,sec3;l. , . Frederick Janascky to William j Karmin, undivided intereet in sec 30 and j '31, containing 430 a more or less ; $250. : S A I Porter and w ife to E G Jones, 'ne.Uofmre29;$7.Vi. Albert C Krall't and w ile to II C Pit-, 't-nger. tra t in t 2 . r 2 ; l. , QUARTERLY TEACHERS' NATION. IN WESTERN OREQON. The Weather Crops Fruit Vege tables For Week Ending Angust 10th. Weather Showers continued from last week up lo Friday, in the northern portion and along tlie coast; in the southern counties but little rain fell. The total rainfall from August 1st to Htli at Portland was 1.13 Inches, decreasing to 0.11 ol an inch at Hnseburg. From one to two inches fell along the coast. This is the first rain on record, covering seven days, that has occurred the first part of August. Cloudy, cool weather continued up to the 10th, and today is clear though cool. The temperature averaged 04 degrees for the week being 2 degrees cooler than the preceding week. The night temper ature was the same, 50 degrees, but the deficiency was in the daytime, which averaged "2 degrees. The highest teir.perature for the week was72degrees, the lowest, 52 degrees. Crops The rains delayed harvesting, and may have done some slight damage to grain in shocks on low land, but as a whole, the rain did practically no dam age, except to delay work. Harvesting will begin at'sin today and will be actively prosecuted. Some little thresh, ing has been done and the result . have beeu better than was expected. A more general spirit of e conragement prevails throughout the country. It must be admitted thut the grain crop is not equal to former years, yet yields ol wheat 25 to 35 botdiels per acre and oats 50 to 60 bushels per acre are commonly reported. Failures are spoken of when the yields aie much less than those figures, yet there are few sections of the world that will produce wheat year after year and yield even 25 bushels of No. 1 wheat lo the acre, and th:s without manure eddod to the soil. As the greater portion of Velt r.i Oregon lias always grown 2'i or more bushels of wheat lo the acre, a less yield causes the former to be discouraged. Spring sown grain lias made some improve ment since the rain, but much ol it was so well advanced that the rains can be of but little if any benefit. Fruit- Some correspondents report that the rains caused more fruit to fall. All conditions appear to be against fruit Ibis year. Special reports as to fruit have been received, in addition to those repotted last week, The correspond ent at Langlois, Curry county, reports that the petite, silver and golden prunes have very good crops on tbe trees. The Tragedy prune has a fair crap . The Abundance; Satrnma and Rhine CI ouds have poor crops, while the Italian and German prunes are an entire failure. The young trees are making a pheno menal growth. The peach, apricot and applo crops continue to be reported as poor, while pears are generally a fair crop. It must be trankiy admitted that western Oregon has this year the poorest fruit crop, in iiantity and qual ity, that she has ever hid. Late berries are quite plentiful, but the peri id of dry wealher from June I'J to August I was very injurious to them. Vegetables The rains were of great benefit to gardens and vegetables. They were especially beneficial to late planted potatoes; before tbe rain there ash danger of the poiato crop being shoit, while now the crop will be fair. All vegetables are making rapid and good growth. Tbe rains were of inestimable beiielll lo pastures and the second bay crop. A correspondent in Tillamook county repcrts clover bay yielding live tons lo the acre. The rain put out the forest fires rind cleared the air of smoke. The wealher is now perfect. Math warmer weather ami no rair. will prevail this week. Hop Intelligence The bop maiket is 'wholly devoid of new features of interest. Crop advices do not in dicate any change in the posi tion from previous reports. The yield in this state will undoubtedly he much lighter than last year, but with con tinued favorable maturing weather it is thou slit the quantity will not show quite so great a shortage as expected from earlier estimates and there does not appear to be anv special anxiety shown to make contracts. Nothing new in loreign or Pacific coast advices. The movement here in spot goods is small, but current receipts are so light that slocks show a gradual reduction. Prices show no change but at best are little more than nominal. Purchasers would have to pay ab tut top doted figures, but lo go out to look fo: an out let it is uncertain what figures could b t obtained. .V. Y. Price Current. Buy your matches at the Racket Store w here you ran get 3 bunches for 5 cents. All other goods just as cheap. 19 pounds dr granulated sugar fl; flour 7 V sack, H His rice for 2V. Red Front Trading Co. NORMAL TEACHERS' INSTrnJTL. Closed Last Tuesday The At tendance Unusually Largo The Clackamas County Teacher?' Normal Institute closed last Tuesday after an eight day session. One hun dred and fifty-one teachers wero en rolled, exceeding theeirollment of ai" previous institiiio, and 102 of them ai et.titled to institiitu certificates, esc having attended three d.iys or in ire Prof. W. A. Wetzel, of Portland, on ducted tlie exercises in 17. S. history, grammar and orthography. Prof. C. W. Dinette, principal of the West Ore gon City school, exemplifies didactieR, ph.vchology and history of education. Ex-County Superintendent II. S. Uihunri handled arithmetic, and Prof. L. VY. McAdam conducted the exercises In pbysiologv and geography. Prof. Mc Adam and II. S. Gibson are capable instructors. Ow ing to the absence of Superintend' em G. M. Irwin, U.-v. M L Kugg gave the addi-ess to the leather at the Baptist church on last Friday evening. The Multopour ijiartette of Portlah t rendered smiie fnvor'te Helec'ions o music which wa warmly encored. Salmon Skasos Oi.oskii. The salmon fishing season on the Columbia river and its tributaries ended last .Monday. The close season lasts til' September 10, and in the Clackamas river until the 1st of October. The big run of saining which came into the river the last of July did not get very far up tlie rivci, and it is probable that they n desirous of being allowed to keep on fish ing in order to make up for the time lost by the strike. Fish have been taken in vast numbers In the lower river, ever since the big run came in, and mun that have liccn caught could not be care i for. A great many dead fish, which it was necessary to throw away, hav? been seen floating in the river !xilov Astoria. So far no fish to seak of have reached The Dalles, and some hopes aro entertained by fishermen there that tho flsb now in tho lower river may not pass there until after Septemlwr 10, when they will get their share of the school. A large numlior of persons are preparin for the fall fishing, the large amount n fall fish packed last year, and the read, sale for them, having given a boom, t ' tlie tail nailing business. Orkoon Hoe Phobi'kct. The Imp brokers' agent in Salem are watching the growing vines throughout the Wil lamette valley with jealous eyes and nothing every change in the conditions and prospects closely. They report the outlook fair for a good yield where tb yards have been cultivated carefully. In many fields not a day's work has been dono, while others have been cultivate I partly but not sufficient to have a very promising outlook. Only about one half of Oregon's acreage has liecn care fully cultivated and, in consequence, only alsiut 50,000 bales of hops can he expected to be placed on the tnarkc t this year, where 100,000 bales were sol.' last year. Lice in tbe yards are verv scarce at present, a very few being re ported, this being a very favorable show ing as compared to last year's condition at the this time. Diligent inquiry 1ms brought to light the fact that one grower. John Hornsberry, of (iervaic. has dono some spraying s i far this year, nr. 1 one hop dealer was heard to remark yester day that his was probably done only to be on the safe side in .case a few I ice should show themselves. There nro no new hop houses being built this y cm , as those already constructed will furnish ample room to take care of tbe crop. Contracts are being made at (1 mt cents per iMiuud, and, in a few cases, at GJ' to tlja, 4 cents of the purchasing price bciiij.' paid at picking time. About 13 to 15 percent, of this year's crop has already been contracted for and more contracts are lining made from time lotiinc. There, is now quite a little of last year's crop in the hands of growers and growers' creditors, alxmt 1,200 to 1,500 foaVx being still held in the State. Gnm'c in many sections have Set the pric '. ' picking at 25 cents a box owing to i prevailing low price for which tht-y bringing at the present time, and it said that it will not pay to pick unl' - they can lie gathered at a similar rate Twenty-five cents will no doubt b thv universal price paid by grow ers througl - out the valley. OF INTEREST TO ALL WOMEN. An Offer of $200.00. P.. H. Woodward Comoan v. Baltimore. Md., make a most lilieral offer of $2uU.G to any agent who will sell 200 copies their Issik, "Arts of Beauty" or Studies in (trace; Health and doo.1 lioks," : Shirley Dare. This is a work of irrei; popularity, and of special value to a! women, r.nilorseii !y leading pnys.- cians. One agent sold 22 conies first day, another 37 in 2 days, another 78 H 1 week A gold watch is given i" addition to commission for "elling f ) copies in 30 ilays. Freight paid S i t rredit given. omplete outfit 35 oeit Agt-nts wanlt'd also for other Ixsdrs ft i Billies Write them immediately.