Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, August 07, 1896, Image 7

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Musclna, atiaty ni'rvi'H. nl i,t.,.inu
rcircauing sucp cuiuu with WuoU made iui by
TheOncTrnoMonil Purifier. All dninlati, l
Hood's Pills nn'tlicliiirnfrcriiiiiui'MillU
Iiyxaiitine Art,
Not only hundred (if udiiiiruMo Sjri.
n churclics, but St. Sophia itself, hail
been completed Morn tlio eurly Chris
tinn basilica nt l'erigiipux wan U jriiii.
When wo think what thin must havo
been, with itH wooden ceiling ami scunt,
burbiirio attempt nt oriimiietit, mid
whnt St. Sophia is, with the most beau
tiful dome, thut Iiu ever yet been con
structed nnd a richness of finely devised
Mid perfectly wrought udornnient that
has never yet been equaled, can wo inar
rel that any kind or degreo of contact
with liyzantiuo art deeply impressed
western eyes nnd often guided western
Irnnds? Cun wo wonder thut the ehiircheg
of Constantinople were copied at llnven
tin. or that Charlemnf,'tio copied Kavenna
It Aix-lu-Chapello nnd sedulously en
fonraged tho immigration of Uy.:uitiiio
urtistH? Or is it Kin-prising that, in tho
tenth century, tho Venetians, perpetual
ly in commercial contact with every
eastern port, imitated a Constant inopoli
tan church amid their own lagoons? lie
tween tho sixth und thurlcvpnthceuturipg
western nrt Rumuiipsquo nrt was not
even sure whnt it wanted to try to do,
whilo in tho sixth century eastern nrt
Byzantine, art had already conceived
nnd perfected some of the most marvel
ous monuments of human intelligence
nnd taste. M. (J. Van lleusselaor iu
Century. .
Tho Philadelphia Record tells of a
schoolteacher who was instructing a
class of boys in geography. Everything
went well until, in order to uiuko tho
matter plainer, sho took nn ordinary i
globe nnd, pointing to tho portion cou-
taiuing tho United States, naked her
class where sho would como out if sho ,
should start from Philadelphia nnd go
straight through tho earth. Sho knew
they would all say Chiun, but she
wanted to see which of her scholars
would nnswer first. Sho waited fully a
minute and no answer came. Away back ,
in tho room a grimy hand was finally
held up. "Well, David," sho asked,
"where would I come out if I should go ,
straight though tho earth from here?" :
The silence was growing thicker every j
second. "Please, Miss Maude, you j
would como out of the hole, " was tho j
reply, nnd tho class in geography was :
dismissed for the dnr.
, Man Who Cnme Ncur Doing: a Vice
I'realtlriitlul C'omlldute.
John It. McLean, who was second In
the rneo for the Vice Presidential nom
ination In C'hlcnjro, Is plucky In every
i thing ho undertakes. lie was a base
i ball catcher ono time, and n more deter
j mined one never faced a pitcher. Harry
i Wright wns one of the men ho caught
for, nnd that was before the days of
mnsks mid sliiinaeh pads. After his
base-ball enthusiasm was partially
knocked out by a foul tip, which took
' him to a dark room for two months to
; repair nu Impaired eye, his next ambi
tion wait to print the best ucwspupci- In
lie Inherited the Cincinnati Enquire!
from his father, nnd while there tuny
be some question as to the realization
of Ills efforts he has certainly succeed
ed In building up nn extremely Inueii
tlnl nnd profitable newspaper. Then he
fell a victim to the wiles of Cupid nnd
married Miss Mary T. Hiiile, daughter
of General Edward V. lteiile, of Wash
ington. The bride was nbout 115 years
old at that time nnd the groom ten
'yenrs her senior. lie has one of the
swellest of the bwoII houses In Wash
ington, entertains handsomely nnd has
AKuf..1 .M. . v 2 I.. ' to. f '
Tbe Horse Nettle.
This pest of ninny a good meadow
farm is commonly found from Connecti
cut south to Florida nnd west to Tex-
ns. It Is very abundant In portions
of the prnlrlo Stntes, especlnlly Illi
nois nnd Missouri, occurring not only
In fields nnd along roadsides, but In
the streets of cities nnd on vacant lots
nnd too often In cultivated fields, where
It does grent Injury to crops. Jts con
mon name, horse nettle, botanical So-
lnnum Cnrollnensp, does not Indicate
that this weed 1 closely related to the
cultivated potato, .but the botanical
name of the genus shows close reln-
3 i.
ninong his guests the biggest men of
both the -Republican und Democratic
parties. Two or three years ago he said
ho would not accept any political posi
tion, but preferred the life of n private
citizen. Mr. McLean is very wealthy.
Some people estimate be is worth Slid,
000,000. He Is a large holder of real
estate In Cincinnati, a heavy owner of
street railway stock In Washington
and the chief stockholder iu the princi
pal gas plant of thnt city. He Is about
45 years of age, handsome, practical
and far-seeing Iu a business sense.
All Her Life.
Mr. E. D. Jenkinsi of Litbonia, Ga.,
ays that his daughter, Ida, inherited a
severe case of Eczema, which the usual
mercury and potash remedies failed to
relieve. Year by year she was treated
with various medicine i, external appli
cations and internal remedies, without
result. Her sufferings were intense,
and her condition grew steadily worse.
All the so-called blood remedies did not
6ectn tc reach tnedis
ease at all until S.
S.S. was given, when
an improvement
w as at once noticed.
The medicinfl( was
continuecd witn fav
orable results, and
now she is cured
I sound and well, bet
l skin is perfectly
clear and pure and
she has been saved
from what threat
ened to blight her life forever.
S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable)
cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu.
tuatistn, or any other blood trouble.
It is a real blocd remedy and always
cures even after all else fails.
A Real Blood Remedy.
Take a blood remedy for a blood disease;
a tonic won't cure it.
Our' books
on blood ana
skin diseases
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
your skirt edges with
Auroras in the Arctic Iteglnns.
The light wns lessening day by day.
though the beauty of this lee world
did not wane. 1 think I never felt
i the strength, the glory, of silence so
I vividly ns on the 2(Stli of the mouth,
; standing on a rocky height iibovi; the
bay. Across the heaveu beautiful au
roras streamed at frequent Intervals
In colors of faint orange, green, nnd
, blue, scarcely dimming the myriads
! of brilliant stars that glittered In the
deep bine vault, which lightened to tur-
I qnolse at the horizon. Majestic cliffs
swept away across the bay, with Its
j shadowy, greenish-blue bergs, all b-ilii-i
ed In one shimmering veil of trans
! parent gold from the light of the moon,
j In a silence that made the heating of
j the heart and the pulsation of the
' blood In the veins seem almost audible,
I I was suddenly attracted by a pecu
j llnr, occasional crackling sound. I'res
j ently the sound came very ncur. and.
j turning, I perceived a yellowish-white
i object, about three feet In length,
'steadily approaching. The little crea
ture gradually circled about, until it
paused about fifteen feet away. As
: I had remained motionless. Its eurlns-
ity led It to sit down upon Irs hauai li
; es and deliberately stare at me. Twice
; It seated Itself, and then, running be
hind a boulder, peeped over the edge,
until, satisfied or nlnrnied, It disap
peared. It was an Arctic fo;:. Century.
tlonship. An examination of the flow
ers shows they much resemble tboso
of tbe potato, being bluish or whitish
In color. The berry, commonly called
the seed, nlso resembles, thnt formed
on the potato. The leaves have large
prickles on the midrib and some of
the larger lateral ribs. They are also
slightly hairy. The stem Is beset with
numerous stout prickles. Many of the
relnted plants of this genus are anim
als, but horse nettle Is a deep-rooted
perennial. Its roots often extending
three feet or more into the soil. This
fact. makes It a very tenacious weed,
very difficult to exterminate. For this
renson the weed grows iu dense patch
es, which nre carefully nvolded by
stock In pastures. I would advise
plowing the land at this season, allow
ing none of the leaves to nppenr. The
plants siiouiu tie kept down the sue
feeding year. Plow the ground again
next cummer, sow thickly with rye
nnd keep watch of the nettle, allowing
none to grow. Careful work for two
seasons should remove It. Farm nnd
the young grain to take hold of. It
nlso Increases the tendency to fermen
tation of vegetable or animal manures
when iwed, ns It must be, In small
quantities. I.nrge dressings of salt
make, the soil barren for one or two
years until the rains hnvo washed
the surplus above what Is needed.
Cost of Growing; Corn.
I send you the result of keeping nn
account of the cost of producing a
field of corn, containing fourteen ncres.
I kept an account of time In break
ing, pulverizing, planting, cultivating,
harvesting, etc., and charged for the
same such costs ns the lnbor could
be hired for In this loculity nnd board
themselves. I could give nn Itemized
account, but will not tnke tho space.
The land, fourteen acres, wns valued
nt $40 per acre, and n charge of 8 per
cent. Interest was mnde on the Invest
ment. Cost of corn In crib per bush
el was 10 cents of C20 bushels to the
field. The fodder wns estimated at
twenty-one tons, or about one nnd one
hnlf tons per acre, and cost In the mow
per ton. The corn was husked
by a "corn husker." This Is the cost
should I have hired everything done.
The fodder cost In cash, not Including
any of my own lnbor or labor swap
ped for or boarding hands, etc., ?l.p3
per toil. Tho total cost of corn in crib
and fodder In mow, Including the 8
per cent. Interest, wns S192.20. The
value of the corn nt 25 cents per bush
el, nnd .the fodder nt $4 per ton was
$239, leaving n profit on tho fourteen
neres of $40.80, saying nothing about
loss of soil fertility, or bnruynrd ma
nure applied to the field. The fodder
to be worth ns much as the corn would
have to be worth $7.38 per ton. This
would increase the profit somewhat.
One thing about the account showed
the difference nbout estimating nnd
knowing. Wheu the corn was being
husked It wns estimated by good farm
ers at sixty bushels ner acre. But
when the corn nnd lnnd both were
mensured, It wns found to yield only
a fraction over forty-four bushels per
acre. C. L. Hawkins, in Indiana Farm
What High Breed Inn Pom.
Individual records of noted anlmnls
of certain breeds nre valuable nnd Im
portant lu mnny ways. While a farmer
may not have a cow equaling one with
a high record, yet the records of noted
cows are Indications of whnt enn be nc
compllshed by breeds. The breed Is
brought to n higher degree of improve
ment nlso by the endeavor of enterpris
ing breeders to suppress existing rec
ords. It Is the desire to compete and
excel with individuals that has made
the reputations of the breeds.
It keeps them dry and whole and it
never fades.
If your dealer will not
supply you we will.
Samples shcuirg !cb!s ar.d materials mallei free.
" Home Dressmaking Made Easy." new 72 pape
book by Miss EmmaM Hooter. of'the Ladies Home
journal, f iving valuable points, mailed for 25c.
S. H. & M.Co., P.O. Box 600, N.Y. City. .
"Just Pon't FmI Well,"
ax the On Thing to nte.
Only One for a Dose.
Sold by Pruviiita at 25c. box
Samples m!!i free. 4ddreM
Or. Bosinko r. f. Phila. I'a.
She Hcpectcd His Di-jn'ty.
A Scotch woman was returning by a
train from n market town, where she
had made a few purchases. Just as the
hist bell rung a fiiesy gentleman, ele
gantly dressed, nnd with a "lnlud-tliy-sell"
looking face, rushed into the com
partment, thing himself hastily Into a
corner, pulled out an eve nlng paper an 1
proceeded to devour its contents. Hard
ly had he become seated when the wom
an timidly addressed him: "I am very
sorry, sir, but "
"I never listen to beggars." fierce:;,
interrupted the gentleman. "If you an
noy me further I'll report you."
The woman's eyes Hashed, then twin
kled. She said no more, and the o!d
gentleman retired with an angry frown
behind his paper.
All went merrily ns t marriage bell
until 'the train nrrivvl at Crondnde,
when the "auld wife," In stepping out.
r.gain addressed the churlish individual
in the corner:
"I care nn. sir. whether ye report 1110
or no, but I want that pound of butter
ye've been sittin' on for these last six
mile." Cincinnati Enquirer.
Growinir Kurlv I'lnnts.
Au economical mode of growing enr-
ly touintoes, melons, etc., where but n
few are desired, to produce crops for
home use, is to use egg shells. Break
ti.3 shells near tho small ends, fill with
rich dirt and plant a few seeds of
the kind desired. The shells may be
set In a shallow pun or box of bran
and placed In the sunlight on warm
days, care being taken not to expose
tliem to cold at night. When trans
planting simply set the shell with the
plant In the ground. The roots of
the plant will soon break through the
A ( ant of the Sia.
A monster .iceberg stranded near
Hampden Beach, X. H., a few days
ago, but floated away the following
day. It was as big as' a church, nnd it
had a marked effect on the tempera
ture In the vicinity.
Tor Hanslnsr Milk In Welle.
Where ice is not nt hand, the custom
of hanging milk cans In the well, for
coolness, is often practiced. The Illus
tration shows a
device for hold
lug four cnn se
curely within the
well,' with n
chnnce to draw
up water between
the cans, tho
curved Iron rods
a ff o r d I n g this
chance. If the well is not large enough
for a square frame, a stout hoop can
be used, thus economizing space. It is
surprising how nicely milk and many
other articles can thus be kept In a
deep well, even in extraordinarily hot
weather. It Is equally surprising how
many families fail to lute this simple
device, which Is so easily made and so
very convenient.
"A woman's no means yes," said the
man of 2i, who naturally knows nil
about women. "That may be the rule,"
assented the married one. "but It doesn't
work both ways. Unfortunately a wo
man's yes doesn't mean no." Cincin
nati Enquirer.
CUStS ta Ail tlSt r.AllS. fii
lAufa &rruT. -imKm vwa. .r7I
Wraggles Well. Adam was a lucky
man. Barker In what particular
way? Wraggles He didn't have to
prance around the garden like a blam
ed Idiot holding Eve on a hundred
dollar bike. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Fall Freeh Com.
The annual yield of milk is easily 10
per cent greater from cows fresh In
the fall than from those which calve
with the coming grass. If well fed
and comfortably housed they yield a
good quantity of milk all winter, nnd
as the flow begins to cease materially
there comes the favorable change to
grass, and the yield Is Increased and
held for some time.
For Picking Fruit.
A very useful and convenient contriv
ance for picking penches, pears, etc.
Is mnde In the fol
lowing manner:
Tnke a strong but
t e r tub of the
smallest size, nnd
bore a hole in the
center of the bot
tom. In this hole
Insert a long polo
nnd nail firmly.
Xow drive n row of
small nails around
the top edge, nnd It
Is ready for use.
Thlfl will pick ns
wen as one uougnt rnriT i-k kf.r.
at a store, nnd costs nothing except
the labor of making.
Pelt with Phosphate.
It Is always a good plan to put some
salt with phosphate drilled In with
the seed grain. It keeps tbe mineral
In soluble condition for the roots of
t-heep nnl Phnrt GraxK.
Sheep are partial to short grass and
will travel over a field of long grass 10
select the short herbage. White clover
is the best of all the foods for sheep
and they prefer It to other kinds. When
seeding old pastures, or beginning with
the new, white clover seed should be
used liberally. Sheep will seek the
shade during tho day, preferring to
graze nfter the sun begins to set. nnd it
Is for that reason thnt they cannot b
shut up at nlgtit as a protection against
Odds nnd Kudu.
When tbe eyebrows and lashes are
scant rub them every night with vuse-llne.
To keep Insects out of bird cages sus
pend from the top of the cage a lutle
bag filled with sulphur.
Always buy small nutmegs In prefer
ence to the large ones. They have a
much .more delicate flavor.
Try a penny or large silver piece tor
readily removing paint from glass. Sim
ply wet It and rub the paint.
Sift a littl flour over suet when it is
being chopped and it will prevent the
pieces from adhering together.
Pon't forget to offer pure cold wnter
to the baby occasionally. The milk Is
for food, and Is not sufficient to quench
the thirst of the little one.
To make a cream soup yellow and
rich the yolks of eggs are used. The
eggs are first beaten thoroughly, am
after the crwim or milk has been added
to tbe soup they are stirred In Just be
fore It is taken from the fire.
A teaspoonful of borax put In the lust
water In which clothes are rinsed will
whiten them surprisingly, found the
borax so it will dissolve easily. This is j
especially good to remove the yellow !
that time gives to white garments that i
have been laid aside for two or three ;
Riling xt morning or evenlm from tnmelntr,
Imidt, often I'Hnlus iu Iu I11I1U tlie i'eii of 11111
liirla, Wheru mnlnilnl (over pruinll no onu la
iiitc, uiiluna iroU('icd hjr uniiio ettirlimt nicill
duel inl. Knur. I. lloxletier'a Sliunmih llltlen la
both a linnet-ltou end e remedy, Nu jht-oii
who inhnlilia, or snjniirna 111 1 mlHMiiNlli!
ri-Klon nr country, ahnuhl omit In nrneiire Una
forilMDK "Ki'iit wli Ich fa also tho flueal miowu
lemedy (nr iypo.la, constipation, kidney
trouble ud rlicuinnUiin,
There are 1,640 machines or devices
for the manufacture of cordage twine
and string.
My doctor said I would rile, but Plao's
Cure for Consumption mired me ino
Keluer, Cherry Vullpy, III.. Nov. 23, 'Wi.
At Burlingame, San Mateo Countv. Cal..
is one of the most thorough, careful and
practical "Home Schools" to be found on
the Fuel tin coast. It prepares hoys fir mi v
university, technics! school, or Tor active
busiuess; ia accre tiled at the Slate and
Stanford Universities, and under the able
management of Kx State Superintendent
Ira U. Jloitt. Ph. 1)., ranks among the first
schools in the Unite I States. Ke-openi
August 4. Mining and Scientific I'reti.
There l more raterrh In this teetlnn of the
country than all other dliciws put Ioki'iIiit,
and until the last lew yearn w auptuiwi to b.
lnciirahlo. Knr a'gri'at many vi ara tinctura pro
lioiiiict'd it a local diat'iite, and preaerllird I 'fid
remcdlea, and hy coimtantly falling In cure wllu
local treatment, iMuoiitircd It Iiic-ui-h h u.
H'-k'uee bus proven catarrh In be a connlilittlii
at disease, and therefore ri'quliesconailinlional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufiictiiii'd
by K. J. C'hoiioy A Co., Toledo, "lilo, la the onlv
constitutional euro nu the market, It la taken
internally In dosua from IU drops to a teaaiKHin.
fill. It acts directly on (he blood aad mucotia
aurfneea of the system. They offer one hiiiidr-d
dollara (or any case it fills to cure. 8eud lor
circulars and testimonials. Adre-a,
K. J. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by nnntKlsts, 7fw.
Hall'i family 1'llis are the best.
FITS All H i stopped free hv Ir. Kline's
Great Nerve Keatorer. No lltaafter II etlrat
day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and U0
trial bottle (ree to Kit caiea. Bend to Dr. Kliuo,
til Arch Ht., i'uiladelphia, Pa.
The net profits of the South Carolina
dispensary system for the quarter end
ing March 1 were $54,453.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the niuny phys
ical ills, which vanish In-fore proper ef
forts gent le e fforts pleaNiinl. v ff orts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness are not due to uny uctuul dis
ease, but simply to n constipated condi
tion of the system, which t lie pleasant
family luxtitive, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. Thut is why It is tho onb
remedy with miliionnuf families, and is
everywhere esteemed tto highly by all
who vuluo good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without deliililtiting the
organs on which It acts. It is therefore
ull important, in order to get its bene
llclul effects, to note- when you pur
chase, thut you have tho genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by tbe Cali
fornia 1 ig Syrup to. only und sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the eniovmeiit of good health,
and the system is regulur, luxutivesor
oilier remedies are then not needed. If
ntllicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative.
one should have the best, und with the
well-informed everywhere, pyrup of
i'igsstunds highest und is most largely
vk.'dandgives most general satisfaction.
.EST with a big n. Black well's Genuine Bull
Durham la In a class by Itaelf. You will And one
coupon Inside each two ounce bug, uud two cou
pons inside each (our ounce bag of
Genuine Durham
Smoking Tobacco
Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read t he xnipon
which gl es a Ustof valuable presents and now to get them.
i if " f?n rTZ i
ilBiTTLEM im?L ; 8
m pl li t3 f mm i m
1 r-w Wm 1
I ii i
I tes i
1 S Is
I Off for a Six Months' Trip. m
1 IPIiatUI
No matter how much you arc M
charged for a small piece of other m
brands, the chew is no better than Q
"Battle Ax" For 10 cents you
H get almost twice as much as of g
H other high grade goods g
Its wearing qualltlesare anmrawe'1,a:liilly
outlasting two boxea of any ntrer riraiwl Free
Irom Animal Olla. T fH K OR t; 1 !T sc.
and ealers generally.
lu&.ast 4vo4 tti.w1 H ibf frwultnr P )! rkU m i
ibt.i'av.tMUa.Mi a !'. e- i ''r.m Iin Trie
tte. kmuuMUu. lilt kOkA.NkU. fkUtv.
MAILED FREE 1, ..Special I'rlra Mat ot
Thla circilar la iwued for the benefit of our
country uaiomrra wbn canuot avail lliemslvea
of our Daiijr Hp r-ial ialea, Kend na jrour a1-dii-ss.
You will And iKitlnoodssnili rl. ea light.
ts a Market at rvi Hm Fraiifco, Cal.
I 1 1 T9 mIi hf mil Irtrrat. C.'i Out WttU, V
. F. X. U
N. P. X. U. No. 601. S
No. 733