Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, August 07, 1896, Image 3

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Alaska Whale Furnishes Mo
tive Power to a Boat.
Will lie llltchwl l'p and Driven hy Sua
to the Oregon C'uaat In Aug
Ho They Hay.
Colonol F. W. Bluck, of the customs
department, at Sand Point, Pup UtT
Island, situated in the Shunagin KruP 1
of islands olt the Alaskan poniusula
while in Taooma, told a story of a cap
tive whalo, which, if truo, proves that
the Pop Utf contains a guuius iu the
liuo of animal taming.
"We," said Colonel Black, "of the
island of Pop Off have iu Pirate Cove
bay tno first and only living whale
ever captured, tamed und trained,
and that will work at the will of its
"The whnle, whioh we named Bul
shoy, an Aleut word for immense, was
captured in the spring of 181)4, when a
calf of some eighteen or twenty months
old. It was then about fifteen or six
teen feet long and though so young and
Bmall was possessed ef considerable
strength, and I oan assure you that it
took tons of patience to bring the crea
ture into subjection, small as it was.
"Bulshoy'g capture was brought
about by an accident that cost two na
tives their lives, and the total destruc
tion of two large three-hatch bidarkas.
"During the confusion attending
the capture a large female, accom
panied by its calf, made for the west
ward, and in attempting to round a
sand spit that ran out several cable
lengths from the island, it grounded,
and as it was full flood tide, the more
efforts it made to free itself the more
firmly it became grounded. The calf,
when its mother grounded, kept swim
ming ronnd and round its mother, and
would stirke out to sea a short distance,
returning again to its stranded parent.
"About half a mile from the sand
spit where the whale grounded is the
entranoe to Pirate Cove bay, and when
the natives and the few whites came
alongside the stranded monster the pup
made a break for the cove and passed
into the bay, the entranoe to whioh is
not over 100 feet wide, though it is full
twenty fathoms deep. John C. Whiley,
the storekeeper at the island, stretched
across the mouth of the cove a strong
wire net. We had lots of sport chasing
the calf, which oould not get out.
"To celebrate the Fourth of July,
Whiley and his native servant, Efteha,
made an attempt to feed it and were
successful. Whiley rigged up a walrus
bladder to whioh was attached six or
seven feet of rubber tube. About one
half a gollon of cow's milk was put in
the bottle, and Whiley and Efteha put
it in the bidarka and paddled alongside
the pup, which by this time would
allow thorn to oome alongside him with
bidarkas. After several hours of pa
tient coaxing, tho Indian suocecded in
getting Bulshoy to drink from the rub
ber tube. When the bidarka turned for
the shore Bulshoy followed close be
hind it.
"For the next six weeks Whiley and
the Indian fed the pup twioe every
day. The pup would stick his ounning
head out of the water, close to the land
ing, and look for his nurses long before
feeding time. It was not until the fol
lowing spring that the actual training
of Bulshoy began to take any definite
"Whiley one day said, 'Iampoing
to train that pup so that I can clrh'o
him to Oouga or San Francisco.' Tho
rest of us laughed at such a crazy idea,
but Whiley stuck to his uction.
"While the process of taming was
goin on, Whiley had taken the pup's
measure for a set of harness, and both
he and bis native spent the nights for
several weeks in making it. The cli
max was reached on Friday, September
20, when for the first time, probably in
the history of the world, a 4-year-old
twenty-five foot whale was successfully
put in harness. When Whiley and
Eftoha, after putting on his harness
started for the shore, Bulshoy as usual
started the bidarka, and in doing so,
made the discovery that everything
was not as it should be, and then he
reared and plunged around at a lively
rate, lashing tho quiet water of Ihe bay
into foam in his efforts to free himself
of the offending harness. But the har
ness was well and strongly made, and
there was no shake off to it. liulshny i
kept up his antics for two whole days, j
and for the first time since the episode I
of the battle, next morning he refused i
to come at the call of either Whiley or j
the Alent. Hunger, however, soon
brought ibm to his senses, and on the
morning of the third day, as the native ;
was out on the bay in his bidarka,
Bulshoy came meekly alongside and
seemed to beg for his much-delayed
breakfast, which was given him.
"From that day Bulshoy made no j
more trouble, and Whiley could pull j
the guy ropes attached to his harness
as hard as he could without causing j
the pup to dive.
The novel outfit is expected to be off
the Oregon coast between August 5 and
10, as the party would not leave Kar
luk before July 20, and they will come
south in short and easy stages. i
" 'What are we going to do win, i
him?' That will depend on circum- !
stances, but it is our intention on our j
way south tostop for day or so at all
the varous summer resorts along the
Oregon and California coast, and 1 1
have no fear but what we will be able
to use Bulshoy'g wonderful power to i
make a barrel of money. Who knows (
but what. Colonel Sellers-like, 'there
may be millions in it,' for if one : In Massachusetts the lieutenant-gov-whale
can be tamed so can others. The : ernor does not brwrce governor on the
voyage will be the first of its kind dth of that functionary, but OLly
since th creation of the world. acting.
olltlcal Uncertainty Hit mi Uufavon
able Kll'uut.
New York, Aug. 8. Hrndstrcct's '
weekly review of trade says: Political
I uncertainty continues to have an unfa-'
I vorablu effect ou trade, and industrial ,
' and uiercautllo linos are unusually i
' dull. Mercantile credits aro closely ;
manned, and iu many cases shortened. :
' The iusriurtriul situation is loss favor- '
' able. Among manufacturer of iru
and steel it is regarded as serious in !
some lines, owing to tho surprising ;
: falling off in the demand. The reduo
! tion of pig iron is further curtailed.yet
1 stocks increase. The outlook is for a
1 further dooliue iu iron and steel prices.
Chicago offers concessions
on pig to
bring bids for round lots. Curtailments
of products in oottou fabrics continues,
yet fall purchasers iu prints are of
small volume. Tho demand for boots
and shoes is also smaller.
Exports of wheat Hour included as
wheat, from bo'b coasts of the United
States for last week amount to 2.484,
000 bushels, us compared with 3,074,
000 bushels for the corresponding week
of last year.
The total number of business fail
ures in the United States this week is
294, as compared with 280 last week.
The increase, as contrasted with the
corresponding total iu 1805, is seventy
three, or an averago of ten each day
during the week. Thore are thirty
seven failures reported in the Canadian
dominion this week, six more than last
week and thirteen more than in the
corresponding week laBt year, and only
six more than in the like week in 1804.
Shot Through the Heart While In the
Spokane Court Home.
Spokane, WaBh., Aug. 8. L. H.
Plattor, a well-known attorney and
Demooratio politician, was shot and
almost instantly killej in the oorridor
of the oourthouse shortly beiore o
o'clock this evening. The shot was
fired by Henry Seiffert, a restaurant
proprietor and sporting man, who is
also well known.
The tragedy resulted from remarks
made by Plattor in court, and whioh
Seiffert construed as a reflection upon
bis oharacter. Seiffert was being
pressed before the court as adminis
trator of the estate of Rudolph Gorkow,
a rich brewer, who died here this
week. Gorkow had marired a variety
aotress about a year ago, and the mar
riage wae an unhappy one. He brought
suit for divorce shortly before his
death, and in his will cut his wife off
with a dollar. She is contesting the
will, and there is a struggle over the
administration of the estate. Plattor
represented some of the benefloiaries of
the will, opposing Seiffert It had
been insinuated that Seiffert's relations
with Mrs. Gorkow were not of a prop
er nature.
l'roteeutlou of Hullway Claims,
Washington, Aug. 8. A complete
change of polioy in the method of gov
ernment prosecution of railroads in the
West to reoovor lands erroneously pat
ented to them, is provided for in direc
tions issued by the secretary of the in
terior to the commissioner of the gen
eral land office. In this a rule is laid
down that all railroads against which
suits are now pending for vacation of
patents under the art of March 3, 1887,
shall make a showing as to the bona
fide purchasers from the road of lands
patented, similar to the showing mado
in the cases of the Burlington & Mis
souri River and Union Paifio roads.
! Similar recommendations for the dis
! missal of suits wherein non-bona fide
! purchasers may retain titlo will here
' after be made by the department in all
cases. The proceedings aocrodiugly
can be hereafter instituted under the
j act of March 2, 1890.
A Brattle Mn' Long; Hide,
Cbioago, Aug. 8. Mr. Sheneman is
in Chicago, after a ride by wheel from
Seattle. He left the coast June 1, ex
j pecting to reach Columbus, O., by Oo-
tober 1. After he had crossed two
states on bis journey be made such
I good time that he decided to keep as
far ahead of his schedule as he could.
Shortly after leaving Seattle Sheneman
! reached the desert whioh exetnds from
Prosser Falls to Umatilla, and in at
tempting to cross the thirty-five miles
of sandy fields the tonrist nearly lost
his life. He could not ride the wheel
through the sand, and bad to dismount
and push it ahead of him. All the
water in his canteen had been con
sumed before he had covered half the
desert, and when he reahced the Co
lumbia river he fell exhausted on the
A Meat of Murderer.
Vienna, Aug. 8. After a six week's
trial at A grain, the Stenjue band of
thirty-six persons, charged with nine
teen murders and numerous assaults
and robberies, has been ended. Nine
teen members of the band, including
two women, have been sentenced to
death. Nine have been sentenced to
twenty years' imprisonment. Eight
were acquitted.
Female Raring f'nmleinned.
Toronto, Aug. 3. In the racing
board bulletin issued today, the Ona
dian board crnderr.ns female raring,
and announces that the board will htr
after blacklist nny track upon which
female riders are allowed to race be
fore the public.
Played Witli .Matrhm. 1
Grants Pass, Or., Aug. 3. The resi- 1
dence of George Burgas., in the out- .
skirts of town, took fire today and
burnd with almost its entire content".
Some little girls were playing with j
matches in one of the upper rooms and
set fire to a table cover. There is no
insurance. i
Evidence ot Steady Growth
and Enterprise.
From All the Cltlee and Town of the
Thriving; HMt State
Forest fires aro said to be raging
throughout the Nchulent oouutry.
Curry county's delinquent tax
amounts to about $0,000 this year.
Seventeen boxes of peaoh plums, the
first of the season, were shipped from
The Dalles last week.
Of the 801 students graduated from
the state normal school at Monnmoutb,
289 are at present teachers.
The Empire cannery, on Coos bay,
will run through this flBhiug season.
Preparations are being made to start np
next month.
The board of equalization for Coos
oounty will meet iu Empire August 81,
and will oontinue in session until Sep
tember 6, 1890.
The Oregon Contral & Eastern Rail
road Company will probably be a bid
der for the government work to be done
on Yaquina bay.
Citizens of Coauille are making great
preparations for the soldiers and pio
neers' reunion that will be held there
AugUBt 13, 14 and 15.
The county court of Curry oounty
has directed the oounty treasurer to pay
state taxes out of the county funds herev
after and to nse no school funds for
that purpose.
John Durbiu will celebrate his load
birthday at the home of his son, Isaac
on Howell prairie, September 18, and
every immigrant of 1845 in the state is
invited to be present.
The postal department has disap
proved of the proposition to establish a
mail line from Klamath agency to Sil
ver lake, and to increase service on the
route from Silver lake to Prineville.
The grain crop in Lane oounty has
proven to be muoh better than was
anticipated a few weeks ago. Some
fields of grain are very light, but the
I yield in most cases will be very good,
and much better than was expected.
' Smoke from fires in the Cascade
' mountains has been blown by western
I winds aoorss the valleys and plains un
' til it is thick and blue in Grant oounty,
nearly obscuring the sun, and impair
j ing the usefulness of the moon, says
I the Canoyn City News.
Reports from Sherman county are to
the effect that wheat is suffering from
the oontinued hot weather, and farmers
do not expeot the average yield of the
county will be more than 12 bushels
to the" aore. A month ago they expeot
ed the average yield would be twenty
five buhsela.
Mrs. Mary Henklo, who died recently
in Independence, was born in Green
county, Kentucky, July 29, 1817. She
crossed the plains with her husband in
1860, to California, and they came to
Oregon in 1807, locating two and one
half miles south of Philomath. She
was the mother of . fourteen children,
nine of whom survive; thirty-nine
grand-children, thirty-one of whom
survive, and thirteon great grandchil
dren, twelve of whom survive.
j The newspaper men of Seattle have
formed a press club. .
Grasshoppers are eating the potato
plants in the vicinity of Sprague.
A schoolhouse is to be built in the
Pleasant valley district, in Whatcom
I oounty.
Harvest has begun In Whitman
oounty, several headers having started
in within the week.
The warehouses at Garfield are all
being put in oondition to receive this
season's grain crop.
In theSteilaooom, Wash., insane asy
lum there ate at present 573 patients,
200 of whom are women.
A convention of the various church
societies of Lincoln county will be held
in Davenport, Thurpy, August 20.
Tuesday, Septem'ieJ 15, has been set
by the state land commi.en for bear
ing testimony concerning conflicting
applications to purchase tide lands hi
I Chehalis county.
j The committee of one hundred, whost)
task it was to find out who stole the
1 ballot boxes in Tacoma Las asked the
! judges of the superior court to at once
: call a session of the grand jury to in
: vestigate the crime.
Treasurer Lewis, of Chehalis cutiiity,
has remitted to the several towns tax
collections, as follows: Aberdeen,
$510.97; Montesano, 1100.05; Ho
quiam, 1240.81; Cosmopolis, $461.54;
Elma, (9.74; Ocosta, $12.71; and to
i the state treasurer, $14,131.14.
More net stealing than ever was
known in the history cf the river is
taking place this season, says the Cth
lamet Gazette. Some fishermen claim
there is a gasoline boat which is mak
ing a business of stealing web. The
men claim that the gasoline boat picks
up the web with a book that reaches to
the bottom and severs the lead and cork
line with one slash.
The statement of the treasurer of
Skagit county for the year ending June -30,
1896, shows that receipts have
amounted to $148,050.78, and disburse
ments to $95,489.06, leaving a cash
balance of $52,551.69.
Charles Frank, an Indian from the (
Lapwai reservation, was tried at Col- ,
fax the other day for the stealing of a
horse, and was acquitted. The evi- :
dence was plain that he bad tak-n tho
horse and ridden off, bat it was proved
to be a custom for the Indians to ride
one another's horses when they wished, i
More Salmon Thitn the Lower KWer
Cunnerlee Can Handle.
Astoria, Or., Aug. 8. The receipts
of salmon at the various lower liver I
canneries continue unusually heavy i
and are far iu excess of the oapnoity of
several of the packing establishments.
Today the fish were so plentiful tliHt
one of Kinuey's men delivered nearly
100, and near Sand Island it was re
ported that the water was almost alive
with large chiuooks. Many were re
ported to have been taken with gaff
hooks by some of the men who found
themselves in the midst of a great
school of fish. At one or two can
neries, where too many fish were re
ceived, the loss is heavy. Tons of the
fish aro being thrown overboard at
Kinney's on account of the lack of
means to preserve them until they oould
be canned. As many as possible have
been salted for the winter use by the
citizens in the west end of town, and
were freely given to all who would
carry them away.
Fishermen assert that never since the
canning industry began has suoh a run
been seen. If it oontinues until the
close of the season, the chances are fa
vorable for a muoh larger pack than
had been anticipated. An unusual
feature ot the situaton is the quality of
the fish, which is fully equal to those
taken in June, the flesh being excep
tionally red and firm and the quality
of oil abundant.
Texas Man Slays Ills Family and Die
poses of Their Bodies.
AuBtin, Tex., Aug. 8 T. E. But,
a member of one of the most respect
able families, murdered his wife and
two ohildren, aged 9 and 4 years, last
Friday night, and placed the dead
bodies in a oistern. He left the oity
Saturday night following the terrible
deed, after advising several neighbors
not to drink the water in his oistern,
as it was polluted. His relatives be
came alarmed at the disappearance of
his family, and began an investigation,
resulting in the finding of the bodies
today. Burt bound his wife in a
blanket, after tying her feet and neok
together, and then dropped the body
into the oistern. Both ohildren had
their brains knooked out. His brothers
have offered a reward of $300 for his
Burt was at one time a prominent
furniture dealer in this oity, but gam
bling got the best ot him, and last year
he failed and was indioted for embez
zlement, but his brothers succeeded in
getting him out of the trouble. The
crovfimor has offered a reward for his
arrest. Nothing is known aB to Burt's
whereabouts, although telegrams have
been sent all over the state and to out
side cities. No motive for the orime is
Grass Taller Suffered a Severe
From the Flames.
Grass Valley, Cal., Aug. 8. At 8:20
o'clock tonight, an alarm of fire was
sounded for a blaze in the opera house.
The fire started under a store occupied
by Ismert and Webbo, and spread with
great rapidity. Soon the whole build
ing was enveloped in flames, and the
adjoining buildings oommenoed to burn
and, despite the work of the firemen, it
looked as though the whole oenter por
tion of the town would be destroyed,
The tire department of Nevada City
came over lo assist the local depart
ment, but a soarcity of water hindered
them so they were of little service un
til an extra bead of water was turned
in to the supply ditch. The two de
partments did great work and oonflned
the fire to the block boundod by Neal,
Church, Auburn and Bank streets.
The loss will exceed $100,000, it is
thought Insurance in most oases is
small, and the blow is a hard one to
the city.
An Indiana Traced;,
Viucennes, Ind., Aug. 8.-
-Thomas ;
Prather, a farmer,
Delay, daughter of
and Miss Maud
wealthy farmer,
eloped from Sanborn, this county, and
drove to this oity and were married.
They then drove back to Sanborn, when !
an altercation took place between j
Pratber and Clyde Delay, a brother of
the bride. Prather fatally shot the
new brother-in-law in the abdomen.
The elopement was planned some time
ago, but Prather's marriage license
was forcibly taken from him by mem
bers of the young woman's family.
Neutrality Proclamation.
Washington, Aug. 3 The president
Vina iaanaH a nprvilantnHnti tuiainn A.,a
"; 7T. " v Z " r5"""".""!
of July 27, again commanding citizens '
to observe the neutrality laws in re-1
spect to the Cuban insurrection, and '
Y; Li . ,i, n ji ;
giving notice .that all violations will :
? . , . . ,.
,.Bv..v F.UTCu.Du. 1"'
dent cites the decision of
the supreme
court in the Wiborg case in order that
citizens may not be misled as to the
meaning of the military laws.
Oil Tank t.iploried.
New York, Aug. 8. Two men were
fatally injured and three others se
verely burned by the explosion of a
tank at the Standard Oil Company's
works, at Cravens Point, Jersey City, j
today. The fatally injured are: Rich
ard Cunningham, and John Uoldsmith.
The works were set on fire by the ex
plosion, but the flames were extin
guished before much damage was done.
Driven Out by Cretanii.
Athens, July 80. A large body of j
Mussulmans supported by Turkish 1
troops wbile engaged in pillaging the
Adomati district of Crete were attacked
by 1,500 insurgents. The latter drove
the Mussulmans aad Turkish troops
out of the district inflicting serious
A machine has teen Invented by
some genius which will do typewriting
and the addition of figures at the same
nil Opinion of the TraiiiTHl end It
Southampton, Aug. 4. Samuel
Clemens (Mark Twain), with bis wife
and dauchter. arrived today on tho
steamer Noruian from Table bay, Cape
Colony. Although be started out on
his tour of the world in feeble health,
being obliged often to take to bis bed
between the delivery of lectures, and,
notwithstanding an attack of sickness
in India, Mr. Clomens looked the pic
ture of health when he landod here.
He has gone far and soeu muoh, in the
Sansdwich islands, Australia, India,
South Africa. He expressed himself
as charmed with what he had seen in
South Africa.
"I consider the TranBvaal the coun
try of the future," said Mr. Clemens.
"It has a delightful climate and bound
less natural wealth. I bad presented
to me in Johannesburg g little nugget
with figures on it showing the enor
mous increase of the gold output The
bulk of trade there is in the hands of
EugliBh and Germans, but Americans
should be ablo to command the lion's
share of the trade in machinery, the
largest portion of the maohiuery in
the Transvaal being American. Mr.'
Hammond, the reform leader convicted
of treason, but whose sentence was
commuted, intends to bring baok from
the states with him $300,000. The
majority of Americans in the Trans
vaal are engaged in mining and en
gineering. The American element is
small, but the mass of the Boers make
no distinction between Americans and
English. Indeed, all foreigners, with
the exoeption of Germans, are deferred
"The exoitement over the Jameson
raid and subsequent trial of the re.
formers has subsided, but all the re
formers are agreed that the oause of
politio.il reform has been retarded a
decade by the Jameson flasoo."
It Is Estimated That
4,000 Chinese
Shanghai, Aug. 4. News of a most
terrible disaster, whioh occurred on
Sunday lftst in the province of Kiang
Su, has just been brought to this oity.
An immense tidal wave, fully five
miles in length and of great height,
swept i from the sea upon the coast
of Hayoiiau, whioh is in the southeast
ern part of the province, inundating
the entire oountry and destroying
numerous small villages in its path.
At present it is estimated that 4,000
people were drowned, but it is probable
that when a full investigation has been
made, that number will be increased.
In addition to the great loan ot hu
man life vast numbers of cattle were
drowned. Rioe fields were submerged,
and the crops almost totally destroyed,
and a famine is feared iu the distrlot
during the ooming autumn., Great
numbers of people who esoaped the
fury of the waves are left utterly desti
tute, without food or shelter or the
means of procuring it.
Hal Chau is situated opposite Yu
Chan island, on the coast of Kiang Su
provinoe, whioh is on the Whang Hai
or Yellow Bea. The surface is mostly
level, whioh may account for the great
loss of life. Kiang Su is one of the
most fertile provinces of the empire,
and exports more silk than any other
provinoe of China. The Yang-tse-Kiang
enters China through this prov
ince, the prinoipal oity of whioh is
Wellington Lumbermen Not Afraid
That It Will Be Broken.
Tanonia, Wash., Aug. 4. Manager1
W. II. Hanson, one ot the proprietors
of the Tacoma Mill Company, said
that the story sent out from San Fran-
! cisco, that there was likely to be a dis-
fOption of the lumber combine, is with
out foundation.
"The millmen of this coast," he
Saitl, "have been losing money long
! enough, ana present prices are du uc-
fi higher than the actual oost oi pro-
"If the retail dealer of Oakland or
any other oity sees to fit to oat rates,
that is his business, but he Cannot bt'
pect millmen to get in any cut rates to
them. My opinion of the whole
trouble is that several of the retailers
have been after the same business, and
some of those who failed to get cer
tain orders out under their
oessful competitor io try and get the
business away frotil them.
"It is safe to say there will be no re
duction in cargo rates, for two reasons.
There is no necessity for cutting, and
. . .,,
e f r6-e,lt no "tand i4' "
!le P'" ' tnPW
the greater distanoe the mills have to
, , , .
go for logs would make any such cut-
itimo nutnthnmi man
Killed hy m Falling Huildlnf.
Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 4. At Co
lumbus City, Ala., Maynard Covans
was esoorting Miss Dovie Proctor and
Delia Bishop, daughters of prominent j
families, out for a walk, when a wind
and rain storm came up, and the trio
stepped into an old building out of the
The wind increased in fury 1
until the building collapsed, and all
were caught in the debris. Covans and '
Miss Proctor were instantly killed, and ;
Miss Bishop so badly injured that
death will result
A KlteHrloc Kecord.
Boston, Aug. 4. All records of
kiteflying were broken at the Blue
Hill observatory today. A kite was
sent 7,338 feot into the air. This is
1,000 fet higher than the top of
Mount Washington, and 800 feet high
er than a kite bad ever been sent be
fore. Fifty members of the Appala
chian Club witnessed the exhibition.
- Glass bouses of a very substantial
kind can now be built
Business for the past week has been
satisfactory, the mouth of July far ex
ceeding expectations in most lines. A
noticeable featuro of the trade is the
fact that large orders for whioh prompt
payment is made have been ooming in
from sections where not a pound of
wool or a bushel of wheat) has been
sold, and where these two great staples
are the only orop. Tho closing days
of the fishing season are marked with
an unprecedented run of salmon, and
whoat has already begun to move.
Wheat Market.
The pioBpeots for a fair yield are
much better than they wore roportod a
few weeks ago, and conservative esti
mates now place the total output with
in 10 por cent of that of 1894, or fully
80 per cent greater than in 1805.
Some of this Inorease is due to increased
aoreage over last year. (Quotations are
as follows: Walla Walla, 49 to 60o;
Valley, 52 to 53o.
Produce Market.
Flour PortUnd, Salem, Cascadia
and Dayton, '.'.85; Benton county and
White Lily, $2.85; graham, $2.60; su
perfine, $2 25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 2()30c per bush
el; choice gray, 27(!i2rtc. Rolled oats
are quoted as follows: Bags, 4.25
6.25; barrels, $4.60C7 ; cases, $3.76.
Hay Timothv. 110.50 Der ton: cheat,
t.50ffl7 : clover, $0(j 7 j oat, $0.60 j wheat,
Baklsy Feed barley, $13.50 per ton;
brewing, $1416.
Millstuffs Bran. $14.50; shorts,
$15.60; middlings, $1820; rye, 90c
per cental.
Bcttsb Fancy creamery is quoted at
45c; fancy dairy, 35c; fair to good,
17i20c; common. 12c per roll.
Potatoks. 80UO for new, 00c per
sack for old. (
Onions Red, 75c ; white, $1 per sack.
Poultry Chickens, mixed. $3.00(3
3.50; broilers, 11.60(32.60: geese, $4.00;
turkeys, live. 10llc; ducks, $2.00(3
3.00 per dozen.
Eaas Oregon, 12c per dozen.
Ciikkbb Oregon, 9c; California 8c;
Young America, 0c per pound.
Tropical Fruit California lemons,
fancy, $4.505.00 per box; bananas,
$1.76(33.00 per bunch: California seed
ling oranges, $2.60(32.75 per box; Med
iterranean sweets, $4 per box j pineap
ples, $3.00(35.00 per dozen.
Orkoon Vkoktables Garlic, new, lOo
per pound ; Oregon peas, 2c; new cab
bage, l)c per lb; tomatoes, $1.00 per
box; striDg beans, 45c per lb; wax,
84cperlb: Oregon radishes, 10c per
dozen; cauliflower, 70(375o per dozen;
cucumbers, 15(S25c per dozen; egg
plant, 15176c per lb; rhubarb, I
Frbbh Fruit California apples, $1.21
1.50per box; cherries, Royal Anne,
loose, 6o per lb, 05c a box; Black Re
publicans, loose, 6c per lb, 00c per box;
gooseberries, 2(32$u per pound; cur
rants, 6c; raspberries, 4c; blackberries,
3c; apricots, $1 per box; peaches, 05c(9
75 per box; watermelons, $2(g3.00 per'
dozen. ,
Drisd Fruits Apples, evaporated,
bleached, 44c; sun-dried, 3634c;
pearB, sun and evaporated. 60c , plums,
uitless, 34c ; pruneB, 3(s6 per pound. '
Wool Valley. Oc, per pound; East
ern Oregon, 57c.
Hops Choice, Oregon 23o per
pound ; medium, nettlecied.
N uts Peanuts, 0(37c per pound for
raw, 10c for roasted ; cocoanu b, 00c per
dozen; walnuts, 1214c; pine nuts,
15.:; hickory nuts, 8(10c; chestnuts,
17c; Brazil, 12c; pecans, large, 14c;
Jumbo, 10c; filberts, 12c; fancy, large,
14c ; hard-shell, 8c; paper-shell, lvti
Provisions Portland pack : Smoked
hams are quoted at lOiirlOSjO per lb;
picnic hamB, 7c; boneless hams, 7)c;
breakfast bacon, 10c; bacon, 7c; dry
alt sides, 0c; lard, 6-pound pails, 7foi
10s, 7c; 60s, 7,ln'c; tierces, 7o per
Pun-. ' " 1 ' '.
IliUKH Dry hides, No. 1, 10 pounds
and upward, 06(SlOc per pound; dry
kip, No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds, 8c per pound;
dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, 11( 12c;
dry salted, one-third lots than dry Hint."
baited hides, sound steers, 00 pounds,
and over, 0c: do, 50 to 00 pounds, 6c;
do, under 50 pounds and cows, 4j(35c'
do, kip, sound steers, 15 to 30 pounds,
4c;tlo, VCal, 10 to 13 pounds, 6c; do,
calf, under 10 pounds, 6is7cj green (un
salted), lc per pound less; culls (bulls,
stags, uiotli-eaten, badly cut, scored,
hair slipped, weather-beaten or grubby)
one-third less.
Bbkkwax 20(322 per pound.
Tai.i.ow Prime, per pound, 3(2c;
No, 2 and grease, 2c.
Merchaudlee Market.
Salmon Columbia, river No. 1. tails,
$1.25(31.00; No. 2. talis, $2.252.00;
fancy, No. 1, flats. $1.761.85: Alaska,
No. 1, tails, $1.201.30 ; No. 2, tails, $1.80
CoHUABSMaaflIll f0pa, i-focli, iJ
quoted at oc; White sisal, hard twisted: 1.
Rope, V4-ia. cir. and upward, Ojcj
rope, 12-tiiread, 6c. k
bUOAB Uolden C. 4?kC: extra C. 4Un;
dry granulated, 5c ; cube crushed and
powdered, be per pound ; c per pound
discount on all grades lor prompt cash ;
half barrels, Ue more than barrels;
maple sugar. 18(31: Per pound.
Coffkk Mocfia, 27 a 31c per pound;
Java, Jancy, 21(jc2!)c; Costa Rica, 204
2;i4c; Caracal, 22''2(n'6c; Salvador, 1!)
(22.'j Arbuckle, f20.15; Lion, $20.15;
Columbia, 20.15 per case.
i Kick island, $3.60(34 per sack ; Ja-
i pan, S3.70(g4.
Coal Oil Cases, 20c; barrels,
17!ic; tanks, 16,'-c per gallon.
Whkat Bags Calcutta, $4.254.37)
for July and August deliveries.
Meat Market.
Bsir Gross, top steers, $3.25; cows,
$2.25(32.60; dressed beef, 4(g5j,c per
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers,
$3.00; ewes, $2.75; dressed mutton, 4'g
(a5c per pound.
Vsal GroBs, small, 4Jc; large, 5i3
33c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice, heavy, $3,001
3.25 : light and feeders, $2.76; dressed,
'i'A&ic per pound.
Potatoes Garnet Chile, 60(gC5c;
Early Hose, 35(t45c, in sacks; do, in
boxes, 40(ab5c; Burbanks, in boxes, 70
S5c; do in sacks, 40(?75c.
Oaioss Ked, 10(jl5c; yellow, j
45c per sack.
oosHtore, 13(3 15c; ranch, 10320c;
ducks, Z314c per dozen.
Xs J