Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, August 07, 1896, Image 2

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    Oregon City Courier.
A. W. CIIENttF, Publisher.
Aa Interaitlng Collection of Itanii Front
the Two Ifemliphere! Preieuted
la Conclenied Form,
A detaohment of company I, who
were guarding ue Drown hoisting
works, near Cleveland, O., fired upon
mob of striker, and wounded one of
them. Excitement rang high, and
more trouble is feared.
A special from Madrid says a great
fire rages at Rueda de Medina, a town
of about 4,000 inhabitants, twenty-five
miles southwest of Valadolid. Hun
dreds of buildings are Baid to have been
destroyed. Tbe inhabitants are report
ed as being in a state of panio.
Victoria to ltettra.
Tbe rumor thut (jueun Victoria in
tend! to retire in favor of the I'riuoe of
Wales is again current in London. It
is added that oourt oirolus are greatly
troubled regarding the condition of the
queen's health. Such reports have fre
quently appeared recently, only to be
semi-offiolally contradicted later, but it
seems that there may be some aotual
foundation for the statements made.
It ia added that her majesty has do
oided to spend her time in future at
lialmoral or Osborne, and will give tbe
Prince and Prlnoess of Wales the use !
of Buckingham palace and Windsor
To Run Between Yokohama
and Portland.
the Company, Alter I'ertnlmlon Mai
Ilacn i ranted, May Amalgamate
With Oriental Meamalilp Co.
It Deaf, Dumb and Blind.
An interesting experiment in educa
tion will be commenced at the deaf,
dumb and blind institution at Berkley,
C'al., on tbe opening of the school year
in August.
years, who was been stone blind from
childhood and is now almost deaf and
dumb, is to be made a special student
and eduoated at the expense of tbe
state. This obild will be given a nine
years' oourse and will roceivo instruc
tion from a special teacher employed
The syndicate of foreign bankers ,or bat purpose. This will be the
Taooma, Aug. 4. News has been re
ceived here of the establishment of an
other steamship company at Tokio, to
be called tbe Dai to Kisun Kaisha, with
a capitul of 2,000,000 yen. The Japan-
Grace O. Sperow, aged 10 ""r .
which came into existenoe to check tbe
drain on the United States treasury
reserve exerted by Europe bas been sig
nally successful in its efforts in that
direction, but the withdrawls of gold
for shipment to Canada continues.
James Fulton Shepard, a one-legged
boy of Alameda, Cal., saved a 12-year-old
lad named Durant from drowning
in tbe tidal canal. Shepard resoued
Durant as be was sinking for the last
time. The boy bad swallowed a quan
tity of water, and it required an hour's
hard work to bring him to.
Another rebellion is reported from
China. Two powerful bandit societies
are in revolt. Several villages have
been captured. Ilelplesa inhabitants
have been foully murdered and their
homes destroyed. Foreign missions
have beeu attacked, and two Frouoh
priests narrowly escapod with their
Governor Molntyre, of Colorado, bas
received a letter purporting to be from
William Sineiduth, for the murder of
whom Columbus 13. Sykos is serving a
life sentence. What were supposed to
be Smeiduth's remains .were found on
his ranch, near Dallas, Colo., March
13, 1804. Tbeohiof of police of San
Francisco has boon requested to find tbe
man claiming to be Smeiduth, who
writes that be is staying at the What
Cheer houBe on Saoramento street, San
Nothing in years has 'caused suoh a
flurry in commercial oiroles as the col
lapse of Moore Bros, in their efforts to
maintain oontrol of the Diamond Match
Company and the New York Bicouit
Company. A striking feature of the
failure is the faot that the Chioago
stock exohange for the first time in its
history adjourned indefinitely without
doing a dollar's worth of business.
The following notice was . posted:
"The Chioago stock exohange has ad
journed, subjeot to the action of tbe
governing committee. Wilkins, sec
retary." Stormi in West Virginia have ore
atod great havoc and railway traffic
has been suspended.
first attempt to educate a deaf, dumb
and blind person and in oousequence
great interest centers about tbe case.
a camping party
were forced to
madened bull de-
Trie members of
near Oakland, Cal.
climb trees, while a
atroyed tholr camp.
E. L. Harrison, who was formerly
traveling auditor for the Northern
Pacific railroad, committed suicide in
Taooma, by shooting himself in the
mouth, the bullet from his revolver
penetrating to the brain and killing
kirn almost instantly.
A freight train on the Vandalia rail
road run through a bridge near Craw
fordaville, lnd., killing Conductor
MoKeuzio 'and Fireman John Herber
and seriously injuring Hoadmnster J.
8. Brothers and Engineer Bowman.
Tbe wreck was caused by washouts.
Rov. Geo. P. Knapp, who was ar
rested in Bitlis, Eastern Turkey, on the
charge of conspiring against the Turk
ish goveruuiont, and who was once lib
erated, but refused to leave the country
before bis innocence was established,
has again beeu arrested and will be
tried on a charge of inciting riot.
E. L. Moody, a logger, made a oow
ardly attempt to murder Mrs. II. J.
Bunn in a hotel kept by the woman's
husband at Elnia, Vasb. Moody
stabbed his victim in the wrist aud iu
the right breast with a knife, and then
fled, leaving Mrs. Bunn seriously if not
fatally wounded. Moody is still at
A Havana dispatch says the police
have captured a collection of maps of
the inland, highly colored, Bhowing the
supposed insurgent headquarters iu
Cubitus, the rebel flag and picturing
various chiefs of the insurrection. The
maps bear the imprint of a Barcelona
firm. The Havana stationer, Don Fer
nandez, in whose possession they were
found, was arrested.
The two daring navigators who left
New York June 28, in a sailboat but
eighteen feet long, to cross the Atlan
tic, are all right. They were sighted
on July 19 iu latitude 63, longitude
SI. 55, by tbe American liner Indiana
and asked to be reported. Tbey ap
peared to be iu the best of spirits and
required no assistance whatever from
the Indiana, although provisions and
water were offered them.
While an attorney was looking over
the papers of the late Eugene Wilbelm
at bis home near Ntiraska City, Neb.,
-n express order was found for $1,600, ',
which had been issued in 18."3 at
I'lacerville, Cal.. sent by Wilhelui to
his wife, Martha Wilbelm, aud payable i
to her order. Why the order was
never cashed, Mis. Wilhelui, who is an
old woman, is uuable to explain. The
head of the company in New York bas
IxH-n notified that the order hat been
placed in the bank at Nebraska City
for collection.
Bchrader lu Texaa,
August Shrader, the so-called divine
healer, put in an appearanoe in Dallas,
Tex., where he treated 2,000 porsona in
four days. Some reported tbey had
been oured. He left suddenly, leaving
the following note: "I am called
from here, and obey my Father's will."
Buoeeaafiil Kllluuatera.
Passengers from Havana, arrived in
Key West by tbe steamer Masoott re
port a rumor of tbe successful landing
of a filibustering expedition in the vi
cinity of Cienfuegos. Tbe expedition
is believed to be nnder tbe commund
of Captain Cabrera.
Oregon's Hcliool Cental.
The state school census, which has
just been completed by Superintendent
Irwin, at Sulem, shows that there are
in Oregon at present 129,623 cihldren
of school age.
Itepublicun State Convention.
The Republican state committee of
Washington decided to hold the state
convention at Taooma on August 20.
The convention will be attended by
430 delegates.
Judge Carpenter Dead.
Word comes from Holland by cable
that Judge George M. Carpenter, of the
United States district oourt for the dis
trict of Rhode Island, died of jiarulysis
of the heart.
Epidemic of Sulcldei.
Driven to despair by different causes, :
six people attempted to end their own
lives by suicide, in Chicago in one day. :
Devastated bv tbe Storm. ,
The most destructive storm in the
history of Sunday Creek valley oc
curred at Gloucester, a mining town j
twelve miles north of Athens, O., re-1
suiting in the almost total destruction
of one of tbe prinoipal thoroughfares of
the town. Tbe fury of tbe wind is
almost indescribable. Buildings were
toppled over, trees torn from their roots,
and the town is a scene of desolation.
Nearly every building in the town is
damaged. To add to the horror, Sun
day oreek is a sweeping, raging torrent.
Several houses have been washed away,
and word was received that the list of
dead will reach flftoen.
: vioe of steamers between Yokohama
i and Portland with the object of effect
ing connection with Oregon railroads.
; According to tbs present plan, three
steamers of 6,000 tons each aro to bo
employed on the new line. Tbe signa
tures of the projectors are boing takeu
preparatory to applying to the authori-
' ties for a charter. It is said tbe pro
posed steamship company, after otlioial
permission bas been granted, may
amalgamate with the Toyo Kiseu
Kaisha (Oriental Steamship Com
pany), whoso formation bas been re
ceived with great popularity by the
publio in Japan.
The State Carried by the t'tual Demo
cratic Majority,
Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 5. Tho
size of the Doinocratio majority seems
all that remains iu doubt, with regard
to the result of today's election. Be
cause of the slow counting under the
; new ballot luw, returns are necessarily
slow in coming in, but there is no
doubt of a complete Democratic vic
tory. Incomplete returns from about
, half the counties so fur received indi
cate Demooratio gains in all but Mo
; bile and Macon. In the former, the
I Democrats appear to have lost some
500 votes by stay-at-homes, but the
county is still in the Democratic col
j umn by COO majority. In Macon
county, which gave Gates a majority
; of 800 in 1804, the result is close and
j doubtful.
I The Populists, on the other hund,
j have carried Tuscaloosa county by
j 1,000 majority. It gave Kolb 200 ma
' jority two years ago Marshall county,
which went for Kolb by 000, is close,
! and probably Democratic. Lee county,
wbioh had a Populist majority of GOO,
; is like Marshall. Chambers county,
; with 400 majority for Kolb in 1894,
is in tbe Demooratio column. Talla
' poosa county, with 600 majority for
Kolb at the last election, is close, and
may be Democratic Fayette, another
Populist county, is in tbe doubtful
column, as are also Coosa and DeKalb.
In the counties which Governor :
Oates carried two years ago, there have
been inoreased majorities in all so far
beard from, except two.
Came Together at a Diagonal
Railroad Crossing.
Hut a Narrow Etcane, However, for A.
V. Rom.
Astoria, Or., Aug. 4. About 8
o'clock this morning Jack Kenney, pro
prietor of a dancohall, shot A.Y. Ross,
one of the owners of the Astoria laun
dry. Ross and his wife loft the restaurant
after breakfast and started for the
laundry near by, and in passing a
crowd of men, among whom was Ken
ny, they were subjocted to vile lan
guage, and were followed by Kenny
into tbe laundry. Rosb requested him
to leave the place, but this only pro
voked the man to viler language in the
hearing of tbe women employes. Ross
then came from behind tbe counter and
pushed him into the street, whereupon
Kenny pulled a "gun" and Ross pick
ed np a brick and threw it, striking
Kenny on tbe arm. Kenny then fired,
the ball cutting into Ross,' shoulder
near the jugular vien, inflicting only a
flesh wound, however
Kenney was arrested and placed
nnder f 1,000 bonds, and this evening j
was committed to jail to await a pre- :
liminary trial, being unable to furnish
Mine liurned by Striken,
The mine of the old Pittsburg Coal
Company, at Hymoau, Sullivan oounty.
Ind., has been burned. A committee
from the miners' organization visited
the mine and sought to induce the
miuers to quit work. The watchman
was oaptured, carried some distance
and the works burned. The loss is
Italian Wnrnliip Destroyed.
The Italian armored wraship Rola,
of about 5,800 tons displacement, was
struck by lightning near Rome. Tbe
flames spread rapidly threatening to
reach the magazine. It was found ne-.
oessary to sink the ship by discharg
iug torpedoes.
lloth Are Dead.
Robert Stark and Abe Tinkey, the
former a merohant, the latter post
master nt Sequim, Wash., attempted
to acquire aoheap jag on wood alcohol.
The effect was such that within a few
hours after drinking the fiery decoc
tion both men died.
A Nebraika Farmer! Method of Foro-
lug a Retraction.
Elkhorn, Neb., Aug. 4. A a a result
of the reoent school election here, Wil
liam Clark was probably fatally in
jured by being struck with an ax in the
bands of George Frost. Both are
wealthy farmers. Clark was en route
from Elkhorn, and as he was passing
Frost's plaoe, he was bailed by the lat
ter and commanded to retract a state
ment he made at the sohool meeting,
or abide tbe consequences. Clark re
fused and was Btruck on the right side
of tbe head with the ax. Tbe blow
knocked Clark out of the buggy and
one of the wheels ran over his body.
He says Frost struck him while
he was lying on the ground, but
finally dosistud upon the tearful solici
tation of one of his sous. Besides a
,bad wound near his right eye, Clark is
injured internally. Frost is a school
director and Clark aooused him of
falsifying the school records. A war
rant was placed in an officer's hands,
but Frost eluded him.
The Astoria Itoad Contractor! Conuot
j Get Knough Men.
Portland, Or., Aug. 5. Mr. Hugh
Glenn, of the contracting firm of
Honeyman, DeHart & Glenn, who is
constructing a portion of the Astoria
Goble railroad, is at the St. Charles.
He has just returned from Seattle,
where he went to employ laborers. He
wants 800 more men, principally ax
men and station men, but finds it hard
to secure thorn.
"I have advertised for men," he
said, "and pay them $1.50 per day,
which is ten cents more than paid by
tbe railroad companies and other con
tractors for the same class of work; yet
it seems impossible to get them.
"It is our purpose to give everything
possible to Portland, and we still hope
to get men here, and on the Sound, in
stead of having to go to San Fran
oisoo." The firm yesterday chartered the
steamboat Kehani for nine months, to
be used in the transportation of sup
plies and camp equipage. Two otber '
boats are similarly employed.
The Cubaaa Thoroughly Whipped
Hpanlnh Troopi.
Havana, Aug. 5. A hot engagement
is reported to have ocourred between
Guayamas and Melones, in the district
of Manzanillo, in the province of San
tiago de Cuba, in which tbe loss suf
fered by tbe Spanish troops was exceed
ingly heavy. The official report gives
the number of Spaniards as 100 pitted
against 1,000 insurgents.
The official report further states that
Lieutenant Gonzales and Pintados, of
the Spanish forces, were killed, to
gether with fifty privates.
Colonel Maroo bas bad a fight with
the band of Sanguilly on tbe planta
tion of Condesa, province of Matanzas.
The insurgents lost eleven killed and
took many side arms. The troops had
two officers and uine soldiers wounded.
The insurgents have burned the plan
tation of San Joaquin, at Abanose, in
Matanzas, causing a damage estimated
at $400,000. The insurgent bands are
concentrating near the southern portion
of thottrocha, and it is reported that
they intend to attack it before long.
Itt Ulory Hat Departed.
The great auditorium in which the
Republicans and Populists held their
national conventions in St. Louis, will
be turned iuto a Madison square garden
for horse shows, bicycle meets and
otbor great indoor sporting enterprises
tbe coming fall aud winter.
Heavy Damage In Houth Dakota.
Dispatches from Melitto aud other
points iu South Dakota state that a hail
storm devastated a stretch of oountry
sixty miles long and five or six miles
wide. The damage amounts to hun
dreds of thousands of dollars.
England'! Naval Bulwark Ia Not Im
pregnable London, Aug. 4. The result of the
naval maneuvers just concluded have
given a shock to Englishmen, who im
agined that Great Britain's naval bill
1 wark was impregnable. The idea of
the maneuvers was that the foreign
fleet was trying to reach Loughswilly,
and that a British fleet, which was
much b tron ger and faster, had to pre
vent it. The foreign fleet met off Tor
bay and the British fleet was spread
from Laud's End to Lap cape, close by,
but tbe foreigbu lleet did not try to
pass up the Irish sea. It went around
the west ooast of Ireland and succeeded
iu reaching Loughswilly unmolested.
This was a complete reversal of what
was generally expected, and is held to
prove that the landing of an invading
force in Great Britain is quite possible,
even though a greatly superior naval
force will be trying to bar the way.
A Ten l'er Cent Iteilurtlon.
Bellefonte, Pa , Aug. 4. An order
has been issued at tbo Valeutine Com
pany's works that, commencing August
1, a ten per cent reduction of wages
would be effective. Over 500 men ure
effected by tbe reduction.
Tbe Englueer Killed and Eight I'afoeu
gen Injured.
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 5. Santa Fe
passenger train No. 1, which was due
in this city at 4:27 thisafternooou. col
lided with east-bouud local passenger
No. 18, near Bean Lake, Mo., shortly
before noon today. Fred Heady, of
Topeka, engineer on train No. 1, was
killed. Eight were injured.
No. 1 was ordered to wait at Bean
Lake ior the Kansas City local, but,
instead, proceeded to Bosworth. The
collision occurred about half way be
tween the two places. Tbe dead and
injured were brought to Topeka to
night. Tbe injuries of Joseph Hickey,
of San Jose, Cal. , are not so serious as
at first thought. His collar-bone is
fractured. Express Messenger Bulway
cannot live. The collision threw both
locomotives from the track, and they
rolled off into the ditch. The smok
ing car, in which all the passengers
injured were riding, was telescoped by
the express car.
An Expreai Catohet an Exeurilon Trulu
Broadside, Literally Cleaving
It In Twain,
Atlantio City, N. J., Aug. 8 A
railroad aooident, horrible in its details
and sickening in its results, oosurrod
this evening, just ontside of this city,
and as a result about 100 persons are
either killed or injured.
The Reading railroad express, which
left Philadelphia at 5:40 o'clock this
evening for Atlantic City, orashod into
a Pennsylvania railroad excursion train
at the second signal tower, about four
miles out from here.
The Pennsylvania train was return
ing to Bridgeton with a party of excur
sionists from that place, Millville aud
neighboring towns. It was loaded
with passengers, and a rough estimate
of the killed and injured at a late hour
places the number at 100. It is hoped
that this is an exaggeration, but tbe
number is undoubtedly more than fifty.
At the Beoond signal tower, the
tracks of tbe two roads diagonally
cross. Tbe Readirg train was given
the signal to stop, but the brakes either
failed to work or the speed of tbe ex
press was too great to be checked in
time. It caught tbe excursion train
broadside and ploughed through, liter
ally cleaving it in twain. Tbe engine
of the Reading train was shattered to
pieces. Every car on the excursion
train was jammed to its fullest ca
As soon as tbe news reached Atlantio
City, the utmost consternation pre
vailed, but the authorities were equal
to the emergency. Relief trains were
dispatohed to the scono, loaded with
oots and bearing staffs of surgeons.
As quick as tbe bodies were recovered,
they were carried into the local hos
pitals and undertaker's shops.
A general fire alarm was sounded,
and the department promptly respond
ed, and aided in the heartrending work
of digging for the viotims. Fear grew
into despair and horror as the vigorous
work of the relief gangs revealed tbe
awful extent of the disaster.
The first Reading relief train bore
into this city twenty-seven mangled
corpses, men, women and children
The next train, not an hour later, oar-
ried fifteen of the maimed and wound
ed, and two of these died soon after
reaohing the city.
As train after train plied to the
scene of the wreck, and came back
with its ghastly burdens, tbe Sani
tarium, which does duty as the city hos
pital, quiokly found its capaoity over
taxed. Meanwhile others of tbe dead
and injured were being carried to tbe
private hospital at Ocean and Pacific
Eward Farr, engineer on the Read
ing train, was killed outright, as was
another railroad man who rode on tbe
engine with him. This man, whose
name has not yet been learned, saw tbe
collision coming and leaped from the
cab an instant before the orash oame.
Almost at the same instant the engine
out its way through and caught bim
directly in its path. His body and that
of Farr were found under a heap of
debris, but tbe engineer lay in what
remained of the cab, and his right
band still olasped the throttle. He bad
been faithful unto death, and met it at
his post
Tbe fireman on that train leaped a
few seconds before and escaped with
trifling injuries.
Samuel Thornton, baggage-master
on tbe Reading train, is among the
Jame M. Bateman, a Bridgeton un
dertaker, is known to be killed. He
was in the third car, and his hat was
found lying among the mass of broken
Richard Trenobard, a Bridgeton ma
chinist, and his wife are both dead.
Conductor Kelly, of the Pennsylva
nia train, had both arms and legs
broken, and was internally injured.
Albert J. Mosebach, of No. 18 North
Eighth street, Philadelphia, was on the
Reading train. He escaped unhurt.
The excursion train wus made np of
fifteen cars, the foremost of which was
a baggage car. This aud the next two
coaches caught the full force of tbe
crash, and were utterly demolished.
What remained of tbe third car was
tumbled into a ditch at the roadside.
The responsibility for the accident can
not now be fixed.
William Tburlow, telegraph operator
in the tower-house, was arrested to
night and held, pending an inquiry.
Guarded by Malltla.
Cleveland, O., Aug 4. The labor sit
nation in this city is again critical.
One hundred aud fifty nonunion men
went to work at the Brown hoisting
works this morning, guarded by four
companies of militia and a large force
of police. A big crowd of union men.
were present, but no outbreak occur
red. The police and soldiars kept the
strikers moviug. A sympathetic strike,
threatened ever since the strike at the
Brown company's works began, eleven
weeks ago, whs inaugurated this morn
ing. Eighty-seven men employed by
the Van Wagner & Williams Com
pany, hardware manufacturers, laid
down their tools and walked ont.
Bold at Auction.
Seattle, Aug. 5. All of the lands of
the Northern Pacific railroad in the
state of Washington, comprising 11,.
002 seotions of patented and an indefi
nite quantity of unpatented laud, were
sold today at publio auction by Special
Master Alfred L. Carey. Tbe sale was
under decree of the United States cir
cuit oourt of tbe eastern district of
Wisconsin. The property was bought
in by Edwin W. Winter for the North
ern Pacifio Railway Company, of
which be is president, for $1,705,200.
Oakland llulliling Collapicd.
Oakland, Cal., Aug. 6. A two-story
building on Seventh and Clay streets
collapsed last night, and nine people
occupying the bouse had narrow es
capes from death, The underpinning
of the house gave way shortly before
midnight, and the building fell two
feet with a crush. Tbe building is still
standing, but tbe first wind probably
will topple it over. It wasjbuilt forty
years ago, and is one of the landmarks
of the city.
Three Were Drowned.
La Crosse, Wis., Aug. 5. While
boating last evening Henry Hendrick
sou, Anna Anisrud and Lizzie Oldj
stadt, three La Crosse young people,
were drowned in the Mississippi river
just below tbe city.
Murdered Three People.
Providence, N. Y., Aug. 5. Near
Clay, eight miles west of here, Tom
Brown, a farmer, 30 years old, butch
ered bis wife, mother-in-law and baby
last night. Brown comes of a feeble
minded family.
Hulldlng 111! Own Church.
San Franoisco, Aug. 4. Rev. Henry
Victor Morgan, pastor of tbe First
Christian church society of Alameda, is
building a meeting house with tbe as
sistance of several members of his con
gregation. In laborer's garb, with his
coat off, his sleeves rolled tip and a
straw hat on the back of bis head the
Rev. Morgan may be seen daily plying
the saw and hammer in the construc
tion of a bouse of worship.
I have always been handy with
tools and I am not afraid to work,"
said the Rev. Mr. Morgan. "I took it
upon myself t superintend the con
struction of our little meeting house. I
am being assisted by some members of
my congegation. This structure will
be used for a church only temporarily.
Inside of a year we expect to build a
church edifice and then this structure
will be moved back and attached to
the rear and used as a Sunday-school
room. I think I am doing good work
for the Lord in this way. I am anx
ious we should have a home."
A Terrlrlo Eiplotlon.
A special from Vienna Bays an ex
plosion in a powder magazine at Fnen
fkirchen resulted in the death of five
persons, injuring eighty others and
'recking the town hall.
Not raid to Do Campaign Duty.
Postmaster-General Wilson bas is
sued an order to tbe railway mail
clerks directing tbem not to take an
active interest in tbe political cam
paign such as would be involved in at
tending political conventions as dele
gates or making political speeches.
Tbe postmaster-general's circular ex
pressly states that be does not desire to
control their opinions on poliitcal mat
ters, but they must refrain from tak
ing an active part in political matters.
A Fight and a Drowning.
New York, Aug. 4. James Murphy,
35 years old, aud Stephen Garvey.aged
60, fought tonight at pier 25, North
river. During the struggle, both men
tumbled into tbe river and were
Han Franrlico't New l'ontofTtce.
San Francisco, Aug. 8. Work on
San Francisco's new postoffiee is soon
to commence. The tenants now oc
cupying buildings on the site, at Mis
sion and Seventh streets, have been
notified by the government to vacate
within tweuty days. The site cost over
$1,000,000, and the postoffice building
will cost about $J, 000,000 more when
The annual "cattle crop" of New
South Wales is about 400,000.
Del Molnet Hirer Overflowed.
Des Moines, Aug. 5. Due to recent
heavy rains, rivers here have risen
from four to seven feet. The Des
Moines is going over its banks, destroy,
ing many fields. Parts of the Keokuk
& Western railroad bridge over the
Kacjoon in this city went ont last
nigbt. Today's rains north are ex
pected to Increase tbe flood.
Textile Mill! Cloied.
Philadelphia. Aug. 5. Rhodes &
Bros.' big textile mills, on Chester
creek, closed today until further notice.
Over 600 bands are affected. The
rausa assigned is depression in the tex
tile trade.
I'rint Work! Start Cp.
Providence, Aug. 5. Allen's print
works, at the north end of the city,
itarted up todav, after a three weeks'
thut-down. The concern employs 300
European! Maoacred.
Paris, Aug. 3. Advioes from Ma
junga, Madagascar, report that a cara
van of two Frenchmen and three Eng
lishmen have been massacred by the
Fabavalos, near Ambolipiana.
Crop Failure In South RnMla.
London, Aug. 8. An Odessa dis
patch to the Times announces that offi
cial reports are to tbe effect that the
harvest bas been a failure throughout
the most fertile grain-produoing dis
tricts in tbe south of Russia.
Audree Delayed.
Stockholm, Aug. 4. News has been
received from Spitzbergen that Pro
fessor S. A. Andree's balloon bas been
filled and that be was ready to start
July 25. The Virgo, with Professor
Andree, hia two companions and his
apparatus on board, sailed from Strom
soe June 15. Sinoe June 20, the expe
dition bad been established in Pike's
house, in the northern half of West
Spitzbergen, opposite Dane's island.
The stores and equipments had already
been disembarked and tbe position con
sidered very fuvorable. As the explorer
bad planned that his preparations
would all be completed and his balloon
filled by the first week in July, it
seems probable that some unexpected
obstacle was met in completing the
Spain May Buy Warship! In Glaijrow.
Madrid, Aug. 4, The shipbuilders
at Genoa, with whom the Spanish gov
ernment has been negotiating for the
purchase of two ironclads, have finally
declined to sell to Spain the cruiser
Garibaldi, on tbe ground that Argen
tina has a prior right. Admiral Ber
anger, the minister of marine, will in
consequence send a commission of na
val officers to Glasgow to negotiate for
the purchase of two ironclads.
Carried Oir a Wife
Clinton, Mo., Aug. 4. Several
months ago Jim Carey came from
Iowa and made bis home with bis
uncle, W. S. Carey, near Clinton.
During the latter's absence yesterday
Mrs. Carey eloped with her husband's
nephew, taking her baby along A
warrant has been issued, but it is
thought they have fled to Iowa.
Oil Tank riploded.
New York, Aug. 8. Two men were
fatally injured and three others se
verely burned by the explosion of a
tank at tbe Standard Oil Company's
works, at CraTens Point, Jersey City,
today. Tbe fatallv injured are: Rich
ard Cunningham. nu.l John Goldsmith.
The works were t t on tire by the ex
olojuon. but the Cumej were extin
ruished tef ire roach damage was done.
The world's pnviej are estimated a
imploying COjO.uS mtu.
Loi Angelei Chineie Shot.
Los Angeles, Aug. 4. Wong Chee,
one of the most prominent and influ
ential Chinese in the city, was shot and
seriously wounded by one of his coun
trymen this evening. Three Chinamen
have been arrested and Wong Chew
Gow, one of the cumber, is believed to
be the man who did tbe shooting.
A Reward for Informera,
Havana, Aug. 4. The official ga
zette publishes a' decree offering a re
ward of $24,000 to any one enabling
the Spanish cruisers to effect the seiz
ure of filibustering steamers and offer
ing a further reward of $9,000 to any
person enabling the Spanish cruisers to
capture filibustering sailing vessels of
over 205 tons.
At least $750,000,000 worth of Brit
ish property is always on the sea.