Cltytlbrry COURIER. TA OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1806. 14th YEAR. NO. 13. Ul 1 FIRE, LIFE And Accident REPRESENTING. Royil of Llvorpool nn ,rt 'ui" ,n wr,'. North British & fflercantUe.-,',,u7;oB,"e,, '" ,,,e wo"",, I Sun of London o,,,,"t vumy ,ir iauraiice m,, ' ,,,e worm : jEtllll Of Hertford Lartfeatuml Continental of New York0" f ,i,e bet A,,'rp n'pn AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES The Tiavelers Insurance Company of Hartford Largest, oldest mill neat Hccldi'lit Insurance coinimny In tlia wurlil, and rnlnu doe it very litrice life Insurance ....CALL OH ME rOR BLOTTERS AMD CALKNDAIIB t LoHKsT , ... T F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial Bankj -lv3 G. H. BESTOW & CO. FOR DOORS- WINDOWS, MOULDING and MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER OFFERED KOK FIRST-CLASS (iOOIig. Shop Opposite CuiiKreiCHtM.iint I'linecr. Main kti-Mt, Oregon City, Oregon for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to FETZOLD & GALE'S CASH MARKETS. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, Oregon City, Oregon JOHN WELCH, ltentlst. Ronun 7li, 77, j, Hokum lluilcliiiit. 1'llUTLA.Nl), OKKIKlN. Will be iu Oreinm riiv ofnee. Courier Many of v rrlewln lia baiiding, cYery Snt- truulilo to nuil me; heuo urday. "il and. H. W. JACKOM MachIalstjniJi3Disinitli, j Bicycles,, Sewing Machln iuu , and all kimla of small machinery re paired. Prices reasonable. Shop oi fiwewh aiwt. Uiimn b'tioi j The "TWIN COMET" "LITTLE tilAXT" it ii.l LAWN SPRINKLERS. best maim:. I Unique, Efficient, L;ibor Saving j Will sprinkle 4 times greater area than any other : Sprinkler made. ! Highest Award at the Chicago Imposition Can be awn in nueriitlmi at tin resilience of I the Kilitur uf tins paper. Send for circulars sivlng testimonials ami prices . E. STEEBINS MFG. CO., Sole .M'imifuoti:rer. Sl'RIXGKIKI.D. - - - Mass. I A?ent Wiiiitc. t an Make Ilia Money. JAMES MURrtOW. Decorating Paper Hanging:. Artistic House Fainting Ami KaNoniing. Removed from H.ilmaii ' did -ihii.I to Ne Door to CiM'kif.4 HmloiMK mi r-mn -treet, Near Depot. Orex.m i ily. tlnip. DON'T YOU KNOW That you can get jouri printing done at the j CoLKitK otlice cheaperj than in Portland, v ; Th'uand.s of samples to; select from. Sit;faction i ijuarantt-ed. O -5 O ! OVEAXH OF CAlll'KT Quantities eitial to every iUmiiiitl, quali ties tluit defy adverse criticism, bcauti tul designs Hint tako tlio eye of a pri Miner, prices that make buyers womfer; all these things and more tire presented, to the vision in our (irund Exposition of cariH't novelties . You can't get off the Hour, und that makes it all important to have this basis of a room's atttnctions a triumph of pleasing possibilities The top jioint of earpct-buving possibilities is readied in our stock of 50 different patterns in 5 different materials from 15c per yiiril and upwards. UK 1, 1,0 MY k 1IIM1I, The llouscfurnisliris, OKEUON CITY. 1 Leading Agency in Clackamas County 't merlcaii compa.iy. business BUILDING THE BEE-HIVE! o UR CLE A RANCH SALE is making business lively with 1 us. It you don t making things hum, take a look 1 in our store any That's when you crowds. The people know a good thing when they see it, and they realize we are offering them better values than they in Oregon City. have traded with us to come in and price; with what paying for various articles. It we cant convince you we are money savers fur you then we Jon't expect your BEE-HIVE 1 Build Up Your Brain Steady your nerves, and perfect your digestion by using bread made from our whole wheat flour. It is made from the whole wheat berry except the out side hull, or bran, which is a woody substance, irritating and indigestible. Bread made from this flour is not so white as that made from the pale white roller flour, but it is far superior for food as it contains all the gluten, germ, and oily matter of the wheat and is much sweeter than graham or any other . bread not sweetened artificially. OIUCK TltlED ALWAYS I'HKIl. E. E. WILLIAMS, The (Jrxcpr. . CORRESPONDENCE. CLACKAMAS. Mr. Milo Thompson went to Wool burn a few days ago. Mr Strite expects to start soon for the coast, and will be gone two or throe weeks. Mrs. J. C. Paddock and daughter, Nannie, went to Portland Thursday, re turning on Friday. Mr. Levy of Portland, a clerk in the employ of Meier & Frank, dined nt Mr. J. C. Paddock's Sunday. A Mir. Purier from Portland was in the neighborhood setting up and adjust ing a new self binding harvester for Mr. J. C. Paddock this week. ,.. The MisseB Strange are visiting friends here and went with the League to Oregon City Sunday evening. They resided here several years ago. Thirty-four Leaguers went to Oregon City last Sunday evening. They had a very interesting time and were highly en tertained by the League of Oregon City. think we are 1 clay in the week. will sec the ever saw before If you never we want you compare our you nave been traJe. Glass Si Smith's Old Stand, OR KG ON CITY, OREGON'. Miss Nannie Taddock went to Forest Grovo last Tuesday on a short visit. Mr. Kuth isalwut to trade his property here for property at Falls City, Polk County, and will remove there in the near future. Your correspotitlenec took u stroll through the court house the other day to get a glimpse of the new jiopulists olllcers. Our republican friends told us that they were a hard looking set of men ; ignorant and not capable of filling the resjiective offices, to which they were elected. We belelve wo saw all of them but Mr. Marks and Mr. Starkweather (Mr. Starkweather we are a little ac quainted with and know him to be a fine lookinggentleman) and ca n say, ac cording to our judgement, they will com pare favorably with those they succeeded July 27. X X STAFFORD. We hear that P. A. linker has a much needed new binder. J.Q.Gage is still rusticating at Nestue ca Bay, putting up hay, he says . Mr. Neubauer is able to lie in the field again, anil his son, Richard, is t-ome better. People generally are complaining of not feeling well, owing to the un usually hot weather. .Wells are drying up, but number of the farmers have built cisterns, so there will not be quite so much hauling of water from Mat Athey's spring. Mrs. Mary Seheive has been near death's door the past week, with neu ralgia of the heart, caused by a decay ing tooth ; and she is not considered yet out of danger. The weather still continues dry and warm, though the mercury since last Monday has ranged down from 99 to 82, and the smoke, which has not yet becouie ho dense as to affect the eyes, serves as an umbrella, shielding us from the sun. July 27. X. . COLTON. -Curl SUongreen has slashing 011 fire. v3ii Nellie Gottberg has been home on ti visit. Born to the wife of M. T. Freeman, the Kith, a son. Chester Gorbett started his binder last Thursday. The Misses Holdens tire staying nt A. Strongreen's. Mr. and Mrs. J. (iorbett were the guests of John Dennison of Meadow-bi-ook last Sunday. The saw mill has shut down 011 ac count of low water. Pres and Burt Bonney came home last Thursday from Aurora. M Preston of Damascus is visiting H. Dix and family this week. Hev.J. Blair of Rural Dell pivach.-d at the (Jolton school house Sunday Frank Countryman and family were visiting his sister, Mrs. William linker, last Sunday. Miss Julia Oswalt of Highland was vi iting friends in this vUiniiy a few days this week, VI. Preston, John, Oscar, and Otis Dix went fishing over on the Molallu two days last week and caught 284 fish. We hear that the grasshoppers are so thick at the big burn that you can pick them up by the haudfull. Why is it that some boys forget them selves Sunday evening and got ho far j past their home before they could think I to go back. j July 25. Lvstek. REDLAND. i Jimev I atto has rettirne I home nine I 1 again. j We are having cloudy weather at I present. j Some of our people w.-re out to Mt. i Hood recently. j K. Mattoon of Tillamook is visiting ! friends in Iiedland. 1 I B. Spritgue was visiting in l'oi tl.ind I a few days last week. j F.E.Linn and D. If. M'x-her were ! in Maple Lane Sunday. , J. W. Linn and G. E.Spces visit-; inz at Mr. Catto's Sunday. ; ' ! Our young folks are preparing for a , litglloll time al llie picnn: at r.giu 1 Siirinvs August 1 and 2. The picnic will le a grand affair, so 1... .,! rv cue tum out mid . ' help the Oteola brass taind. There was a ws-ial dance at W. Sprague's Saturday night. Tho pres ent en joyed theniselves till a late hour. ! Julv 27. F.M.lM.fc. CANEMAH. Mrs. McGrath has gone to Salein where she will reside for the future. Mrs. II. P. Spencer went to Wilson ville Monday to visit her home of forim r days. Mrs. May and son have returned from an extended visit to her mother at Silverton. Willie Morse went out to tho Molallu last week with Mr. Painter, who has a ranch in that vicinity. Miss Delhi Young, who has lieen visit ing at Mrs. Marshall, left Saturday for her homo at the Dalles. William Morse is working in the Enterprise and will nt some future date start a newspaper at Canemah. A pump company of Portland have been putting in and repairing pumps luring the first part of the week. Mr. Porter and family accompanied by his son-in-law, Mr. Lalier, and Mr. Kensie, left for tho coast last week. Neita Stokes has a very nice specimen of mumps. It seems as if that disease has come to Canemah for the future. Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds have gono to the coast. If nianv more families leave, Canemah will be almost deserted. Mr. Andrew Clear of Sherwood made a short visit to relatives hero the latter part of last week. He brought with him his nephew, Arthur Dickerson, who has been visiting his relatives at Sherwood. July 2!). Doxnkh-uni)-1!i.itzi:v. QEOROE. Some grain has U'en cut and most will lc cut this week. Hay is good about all in the barns, and most of the jmms cut. Potatoes will lie light and we will not be able to pick them up with a fork. The fall sown grain is good, the spring sown is light but has a good color yet. M. Grafenhain lost his saw mill by fire. The first one he built was too small and this one went up in smoke when it was about finished. He is not discouraged and intends to build again July 27. .0. RURAL DELL. Mr. Kilo has lieen burning logs. Chas. Bigelow is recovering slowly. Geo. Oglewas out visiting last Sunday. Geo. Killen was through this county Monday. Thomas Ogle commenced Monday morning to cut his wheat. Rain is needed very much, the spring grain will certainly bo a failure. The people are picking the wild black berries about as fast 11s they get ripe. Mr. Oswalt iiinl ,:olin Bailey have lieen building fences during the past week. Mr. M atkins ami family 01 Hubbard were visiting at J. O. Valiners last Sun day. The iHiopli! seem to feel better since they have learned who tin) next presi dent will lie. July 27. Dkw Dkoiv. ASK YJUHSELr THIS QUESTION. It. I ah nld i.V iiiniijhl, wniild 1 bete be sullii-ieiil ti pay my di bls and .rive mr family as uninl mi ,irl us I now UU'Vide fur tliein ? no', Imw wuiiM my imiiily in these quiet limes live? Of eoiirae jls a serious ipieHiion, Inn every hilslmiid and lather should think of it. Yuit can cieaif ho entail) siitlicient, (o OH)' all debls and provi t fur the family si an annual com of hIi nil 2 per cent, of the amount insured and it is cash at cIich a!li r your dentil, by taking a polirv in the .MiixsaeliiisHits Mutual Life Ins 'o. This I'o. is -J.j yi-ars old, guar aiitee you agriiiiHt. any losi of your money, alter one year, nivo you annual cash dividends to ri-.l-ice yearly pay ments, and will loan you money on your policy 111 ri per cei't inleirxt. They write the safest policy and if you are iiiM-resteil in the HiiioVct write me for in'onnm jon. If. Cohoii Gen. A 111., Chamber of Ci.intin rce, Portland Oregon. FRENCH TANSY WAFERS. ., , , . , , Iheai; wafers are f.-r painful, scanty, proline r irrei iii'-imcs, any cause Ja'lics will tin I that 110 be'ler rwiniolv cy1i for iIihm- (lillicolti.-H. To I .void tN-ingimpr,,! p.irby base iuiila-! Hons buy from our auents ami take ' Preni'll TmtmV Waters fllllv Prii-fl fiv ; . ' ' . . - j . . . . ... mail, (2.00. C. ti. Huntley, Drugnist.i Cmitiel.l I'.hn k,Oi g n ( it). On 11 The very l.ite-t styli a of hhiit waiots, 1,,'Hlltil'll tatteins, at toe llai'ket More. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Fnri-ished Every Week by the Clackawai Abstract & Trust Company. The Clackamas Alxlrnrl A Tm.l Co. la !! nwnoi of Hie oiipyrlKlit to Hi" Tliuiua tyMrm of abatrut Imlfiea for t'lachsniKi county, anil has Ibn only nmipleta wt of altrarl III thr isniiily! oan furnlili Infiiraiailon aa to title to land al otic on application, biaiii, liiviliniiu, real rt.tte, nlwtracu, eio Offlee nrrr Hank uf Orrfcm ( Ily. Call and luVMtlgiUe. AdilnMS, box Ttl, Oregon I Ily. Ori'K"ii. Frank Yoorlicis to V M Yoorheis, nc tfof sw '4' of secO, (l--2e; m. JD Young to W D Mathews, 125.40 acres in sec 8, 3-1 w ; $1 . Sheriff to S M ltamsby, lots 7 8 9 and 10, blk 39, Clackamas Heights; t.18. L L Porter to Portland, lot 1 and e of nw '- and sw ,'4 of nw '4 sec HO, 1-tt w; f)00. S D Wills to May Wills, lots 11 mid 12, Orchard Hill; 1200. William liuchcr to J A Wells, w a of Be '4' and lota 3 and 4 sec 20, 3-2 e ; f400. E G Jones to R E Moss, se l sec 29, 4--(le, n fs of sw, ml lot 4 sec, 3H, 4-5 e; $11(00. Mary E. Stevens to J Paddock, 5 a in sec 28, 3-1 e ; $:t00. Josuo Elmer to It L Iiingo, I aero of lot 8 sec 20, 4-3 e; $40. Ind Pub Co to 11 W Hull et al, 2-3 a in tract 110 Gladstone; f0. John Meyers to Anna Jones, lot 8, blk 25, Co Add ; 200. J Kenner, of lot 8, blk 25, Co Add ; f5. Sheriff to G B Jacobs, small tract adjoining City, in sec 31 ; $31.55. J W Shaw to A Freytag, lot 7, blk 3, Shaw's First Add to Oregon City; $250. D Olds to (i Olds, h.ts 4, blk 2, Falls View; fl. G OldB to I) Olds lot 5 and (I, blk 2, Falls View; $1. J S Jennings to Al II Riebhoff, lots 1 2 and 3, blk 2, Gladstone ; $400. S Randall to A Rowan, 17 j' acre in Caulield CI ; fS75. 50 Cords of Wood for Court House. Notice is hereby given of bids to fur nish the Court Hon e with 50 cordB sea soned body live fir wood will lie re ceived by the undersigned at tho Court House until August 5th, 18IKI, at 10 o'clock, a. in. The right to reject any and all bills is reserved. ELMER DIXON, County Clerk. July 21st, 18. , Bids for County - Physician". "' Notice is hereby given that bids to furnish all medical treatment and all medicine necessary for the inmates of the county jail and the county poor for one year, commencing August 0th, 1890, will be receive 1 by the undersigned at the Court House until AugtiHt 5th, 181WI, at lOo'elock, a. m. Tho right to reject any and all bids is reserved. ELMER DIXON, County Clerk. Julv 21st, 1S!)5. Annual Teachers' Institute. The annual institute for Clackamas Count v will be held at the EuHthara scl 1 buililini; iii Oregon City August l.l.ln nii'i; nt i re 'clin k 1 . 10 . and cniit'iiiMi'u 1 'i' Hiiht dav. All leaciiors and itnrs i..i.r,wic 111 kiImimI work should iir. I iil 1.1 tit.nel S-Vtfrnl of llie mIiIc-i iu.sirii 'loi s of the Mtate will lie ineaeni, an I a very iuturosting 11. 1 I Hi t: is Ur h 111 . II. ti. .-TAItKM K.1TIIKII, SiiiH r 1 1 1 1 I i 1 1 1 old ickatnas O ointy's Schools. MONEY LOANfD. KbM inoritMues on improved farm propel ly iii'ioii 1i.1l. We are piepared to neiioiiine lirst iuortiigeH upon Im proved farms in )rrii:. VnHtiingtOD, slid Idaho wiili eastern purties and foreiirn ci'i'ilMiisih nt '.he nt-niil rate of inleiesl Mi'ityuges renewed I hat have been Ink m I y oinr conipnnieH now out of bnsinesH. .ililiess (wiili stamp,) Mi rvin llrts, Bakei City, Oregon. Senators, eoiiirre-isiimn. judges, great Imvyers, pr (feasors ALL pronounce the I. W. HARPER WHISKEY superior to tlip'linest French brandy. The leading physicians prescribx it on account of its purity. For sain by Hill & Celt?, Oregon City. Oretfon. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tim Bkst Sai.vk in the werld for Cuts, Bruircs, Sores. Ulcers, salt Kheum, Fever Sores. Teltur, Chapped Hands, ( iiilhlaiiis. Corns, and all Kkin Erup- i lions, und po-iiively cuies Piles, or no I pay reipiired It im uunrHiiteed to give pHiiici satisfai'iion or inouev refunded. I Price 25 cents per taix Kr sale by ' CliMinniii V Co. Ywr tMrr 'lrty irr. Aa Olu in, Wcll-Tbiid Ilmror. -In, Win low'a Soothing Hyup baa bwD niwd for over fifty yuan by uiIIIhhii f mth"i fur tln-ir childron whll lM.ll.liia wllh n.rfwl .lici-.nHa. It .tfilliMI tl, rhILl rt,.n il.a g.oi,,.i:) all paiu.ciirn wind colic, and la tin Ut iriu-lf f.,r IMarrbiaa. la plaaaant to "'"" 'M h ' P-rt f U.. World. Twanty-Bra rrnu a bottle. Ila aln iiln calculable. B aura tud ask for Mrs. Window' u...i.:.. u..... , i-k. nA .V... 1.1. .! i7,,g l J I 1 ' J' , .III, MR, ,,W V., IB. 1 1 1 V. . it .1.1 1: uvf.x i:imy dm: riiuu-.iii'l of c.i-e of (,'onsumption. A-diina, Cough. '' '1 1 anl Croup aie cured every day hv 'i ili' Cure, K,ir sale by (.. A. II rhnj.