Best Results prora Hood 'I Barsanarllla the best blood purifier, appetiser and Dcrvatonlo. in loci IHood's Sarsaparilla Ii the One True Blood Purlflor. All druggists; 11. Mood's Pills cure ill Liver Illi. 25 oeulf. Iowa almost from the date of its ad mission bas been oalled the "Hawkeye state." Hawkeye was the name of a noted Indian ohief. The Elkhart (Ind.) Telephone Com pany is retailing "hellos" at five cents per day for residences, and seven ceuts for business house, VALUABLE FKANCHI8H BECCKED. The franchise of easy digestion-one of the most valuable In tlie iift of medical sclenne chu be secured by my person wle enough to use Hostotier'a Bloroach Bitters, either to sup press growing dyspepsia, or to uproot It nt ma turity. Hlllous, rhnimatio and fever and ague auflercrs, periona trouliled with nervousness and the constipated, should also secure the health frauchine by the Hume means. Pure lead bas been found some thirty feet under the grountd near Chester, 111. A company bas been organized to mine it I never used so quick a cure as Plso's Care tor Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box 1171, Seattle, Vann., Nov. 25, 1895. Professor Vanghan olaims to iave Invented a telephone by which conver sations can be oarried on between New York and London. The peat bogs of Great Britain and Ireland are estimated to oontain fuel equivalent in beat producing to 4,000, 000,000 tons of coal. DENTISTS IN ' PETTICOATS. Dr. Joaephine M, Kankln Managing a Larue Association In New York. The nm mi kit of one of the largest dental iihnocIiiUoiih In New York Is n Brooklyn woman young, pretty and thoroughly versed lu profesHloiiul ways. Dr. Josephine Mauilo Hunk In Inia liai, up to dale, nine years' experience In the somewhat active railing of dentis try. Before filtering college she was for three years assistant In the olllees of various well-known elty dentists. In '1K she graduated with honors from the Philadelphia Dental College, which meant a three-years' course of steady plodding, and since receiving her di ploma she has practiced constantly In .New York, lo prove her succcsx in her chosen profession It Is only neces sary to state that from the small of- i PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND The Best Remedy In the World It Mates People Well. FITS. -All fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Ore at Nerve Kestorer. Nofitsaflertbeflrst day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 12 00 trial bottle free to Fit canes. Bend to Llr. Kline, i atuu oft., ruiiKueipma, ra. fftf GILBERT BOWICK. Man Who Will Head the British U pedition to the Antarctica. Gilbert Bowlck will head the British expedition to the antarctlcs. Mr. Bo wlck is an expert antarctic traveler, and to his enthusiatfui Is due the suc cess of the preliminaries of the ex pedition. Ever since the International geographical congress decided six months ago that autartic discovery was a suhjoct of even higher impor tance than exploration In northern fields rumors of this expedition have been In the air. When Mr. (ioscheu refused government assistance Mr. Bowlck hit upon an Ingenious plan of combining scientific research with commercial profit,' and secured good backing In London. A whaler of UOO tons and a small steamer are "being fitted out. These will leave Sept. 1 with a good crew aud a dozen scien tific men. The experts will be landed on the south polar continent aud the ships will spend a year In catching whales and seals. The explorers will go Inland with Lieutenant Peary's dogs dk. josnrnixK .mai he iiankix. Try Gismia for breakfast. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pi easanl efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that bo many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value pood health. Its beneficial effects are duo to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating' the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia lg syrup to. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely ved and gives most general satisfaction. flee in which she began work she has enlarged her quarters until she now occupies an entire building, and has no less than ten men lu her employ. She Is, however, sole manager of the dental association as well as Its or ganizer. She Is nn active, progressive worker In her profession. One of the finest exhibits of dental work at the Atlanta Exposition was sent by Miss Rankin, and brought her high praise from dentists nil over the country. Miss Itaukln does not object to women as co-workers, but, strange to say. has never received nu application for work from a woman deutlst. The 200 wo men who are in the dental profession In the United States nre without excep tion in business for themselves. There is one true speoifio for diseases arising from impure blood and a de bilitated nervous system, and that is Paine's oelery compound, so generally prescribed by physicians. It is prob ably the most remarkable remedy that the soientifio research of this oonntry has produced. Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth college, first prescribed what is now known the world over as Paine's oelery oomponnd, a positive cure for dys pepsia, bilionsness, liver oomplaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. For the latter Paine's celery oomponnd has snooeeded again and again where everything else has failed. Street railway rails in Memphis, Tenn., are being welded together with molten steel. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Blood Poison. Contagious B'ood Poison has been ap. proprialely called the curse of mankind. It is the oue disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial aud potash remedies only bottle up the poison in the system; to surely break forth in a more virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominenl jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave., Wash ington, D.C., says: I was for a long time under treat ment of two of the best physi cians of this city, for a severe case of blood poison, but mv condition grew worse all S the while, not- wunsianaing me J fact that they Z charged me three My mouth was filled witn eating sores; my tongue wa9 almost eaten awav. go that for three months I was unable to taste any solid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I began to get better, and when I bad finished eighteen bottles, I was cured sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life of misery." S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) will cure any case of blood poison. Books on tbediiease and its treat ment, mailed free by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. fen mmrm The Giant Cabbage Tree. Everything in California seems to be big. Every school geography tells of the big trees which grow there trees larger than are found lu any other spot on the globe. This story hna to do with an enormous rabbnge. It has grown so tall that it Is really 11 tree. It is twelve feet high and the stalk is as large as n man's willst. For nine months this remarka ble plant has been growing, and it lias not stopped yet. It Is not the common cabbage, but belongs to the colewort or kale family. It resembles cabbage in ninny respects, but the leaves do not form the solid head which is character istic of the ordinary cabbage. In many Southern States kale is high ly esteemed as "greens.'' The small shoots nre tender and edible, tasting much like cabbage, which it resembles while growing, as well as nfter being cooked. The Isle of Jersey is the home of the kale plant. It Is used there as a food for the diminutive buff cattle which have made the name of the known nil over the world. This giant California Uale tree By local applications, ai they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf new, aud that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness is rauned by an inflamed condition of the mucous linlnir of KuBtuchlan Tube. When this tube Ken inflamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to lt normal coi dition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by caiarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed coudltion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused bv catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, send for circulars free. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. YOU 11, v jy) . swjtj; ing mm Mmmr IB 1 Not BUT THE GENUINE You will And one coupon iDslde each two ounce bag and two coupons Inside each fourounce bagof Blackwell'a Durham. Duy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a ' list of valuable presents and bow to get them. GILBERT BOWICK. To be perfectly proportioned it is claimed that a man should weigh twenty-eight pounds to every foot of his height. HOITT'S SCHOOL FOB BOYS At Burlingame, San Mateo County, Cal.. is one of the most thorough, careful and practical "Home Schools" to be found on the Paoitio coast. It prepares boys for any university, technical school, or for active business; is accredited at the State and Stanford Universi'ies, and under the able management of Ex State Superintendent Ira G. Hoitt. Ph. 1., rauks anion); the first schools in the Unit el States. lie-opens August i. Mining and Scientific Press. and gather a collection of botanical and mineraloglcal specimens while the sail ors are landing black and blue whales ! and seals which are said to be plenti-1 ful in the neighborhood of Cape Adair. ! A voyage will also he made to the Campbell Islands, and In December j of next year the ships will call at Cape j Adair to look after the expedition. ! Much Interest nttaches to Mr. Bowlck's venture, especially as inagifeTic obser- I vntlons are to be made, which. It Is be-1 Jleved, will prove of the highest Impor- ' tance. Its commercial enterprise will I be profitable. In writing to advertisers don't get to mention this paper. for grown on the grounds of the State Agri cultural College at Berkeley. The col lege authorities say that the leaves are much relished by chickens, and ns It produces green leaves the year round In the mild climate of California, it is highly regarded. The particular plant which has attained such an enormous growth does not differ from scores of others ou the farm except in the mat ter of size. The stalk has been stripped of leaves to a point ten feet from the ground. It tapers gracefully and re sembles a young hickory tree. The top Is surmounted by a bunch of yellow, feathery flowers. Some years ago a cabbage plant was exhibited at the Ohio State Fair, which was seven feet high. It took a prize, and was supposed to he the largest cabbage ever grown, but It was small rompared with the Berkeley monstros ity. Think of the quantity of corned beef if would take to make the proper proportion if all the leaves on this large plant should be cooked at one time! A whole steer would scarcely be sufficient, and two or three such nlants would make enough sauerkraut to last a Milwaukee family all winter. Mrs. Slawson's Econoiuiee. "My wife, " said Major Slawson, "can beat the world at economy, but it would be money in my pocket to have her oth erwise. Invariably when she buys a new gown ehe gets a yard too little at first, then ehe buys more stuff, and bas enough left over for a new waist. To save that, she buys usually a skirt and Island j gleeves of another sort, although she : way uo peiieuwy uuniuu duo win nave was j no use for an extra frock. But that is not qnite np to her ecouomy in eating. We asked people to tea the other night, and two of them failed to come, bo to save the ice cream and fixings they ought to have eaten, Mrs. Slawson ate them herself, after I had refused the job. The result was five days in bed, with $30 spent for doctor and nurse and the ice cream was only 60 cents a quart" New York Journal. TO READ HER FATHER'S POEMS, Mary French Field Preparing for Her Platform Debut Thle Fall. Mary French Field, eldest daughter of the late Eugene Field, Is preparing herself to carry 011 the platform work of her father, nnl will make her debut as a public reader early in the amnion. Miss Field, who Is known far and wide j among her father's friends as "Troftv." ! M v4 1 i) v 'ftMi Best Quality! Largest Size I Lowest Price! (IS) '23 hi' aMtaWias&oBktt 7i , MT MAItV KltKNCIl KIEI.I). The Quaker net Turkltth lliitlia Mt ftlome. Iry Hteniii Hatha ttt Hume. AlwIU'titfri ItMtliM hi Home. Ptiiphitr llMlhM at Home. The eggs of the gnat are arranged by the parent insect in the form of a raft which floats with its concave si do np permost. If upset, it speedily read junto itself and cannot be kept under the water. At the proper time a valve in the lower part of each egg opens and the insect escapes into the water be neath. A Ditcing Fish. The digging fish is a native of the lakes and rivers of central Africa. When the dry season approaches, it bur rows in the mnd at the bottom of its residence to the depth of two or three feet, goes to sleep and awaits the return of the wet wnnn. Ohioapo rhrnni'',' a pet name hcHlowed upon her In her Infancy, is a tall, handsome girl, good ligure, of rather blonde type, with fa Ik complexion and blue eyes. She Is LI) years of age and is the eldest of the poet's live surviving children. Miss Field will read exclusively from her father's writings and will probably give her first reading In Cincinnati in October. Scientific, Durable, Cheap, Neat, Light, Portable, Simple. Folds into Small space. PERMANENT AND VALUABLE LUXURY SUNT COMFLKTK with Kull Instructions on Receipt of Six Dollars (tJO.OU), Aririreis all Ordors to.. Local Agents Wanted Everywhere, QUAKER BATH CABINET CO., fJ..&V.: Liberal Terms. llaron Hirsch'n Son. A lady at present occupying1 a promi nent position at the Kussian court was, when a girl of 14. Invited to spend the day with poor young I.ucieu Hirsch, who was then living at the Chateau de Beauregard, near Versailles, with his father, the late Baron Hirsch. and his mother. Having feaxted ou all the deli cacies which the baron's generosity had lavished on his young guext, she went out with Lucien to play croquet. Paus ing on the terrace, ahe condescended to admire the view and the grounds, and her young companion asked, "If it were youra. mademoiselle, what would you do with it?" "First of all. I should turn yon all our." answered the enfant ter rible, prrilaably actuated by the Russian aristocrat's aversion to Jews, and for the moment practicing candor at the ex pense of good manners. She remembers Lucien Hirsch now as a charming and amiable youth and the late baron aa the Incarnation of generosity. FRAZER BEST IN 1HE WORLD. AXLE GREASE Barber in tb French Army. The regimental llgaro Is quite a char acter. He Is not always chosen for his skill in the tonsorial art. lie may have been a butcher, a baker or a candle stick maker before joining the corns. I His good conduct has promoted him to the post, and given him a most enviable position, for he receives a slight renin I iteration monthly from the pay of each I trooper. He also enjoys immunity from j a certain number of drills, and has the i right of remaining out of barracks until I 10 o'clock every evening. He Is re 1 sponsible for the heads of his comrade, j If a man's hair Is found to be too long j or If a soldier Is not shaved In the regu I lation nninner, the barher lias to suffer. W03VC.A.. ! The very remarkable and certain relief given woman by JIOOKE'8 ., . , i.ay ial.v.u nv.Mt.ux has given j it the name of Woman's Friend. It is -r--, uniformly success .ralinrel.evingthebackaclies.beadaches M (JIV. and weaknen which burden and shorten a woman's life. Thousands of : women testify for it. It will give health and strength v ... and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists. TT IJ I T j BLUMAUEK-FRANK. DRUG CO.. Pobtlasd. Aienta. ' Seaside and Country 1 oowns neea Diixbak lu wearinc qualities are unsiirpase1,actimlljr outlaAiiiiK two taxes of anv Ather brand Free from Animl Oils. T TUB UK LINK. FOR BALE BY OREGON AND aTWaSHLNOTON MEItCHANTS- and Dealers general! j. DO YOU W TO MAKE HOSEJ? SlS .SZ Mir country agenc.e. We are offering woudf-rf ul Indtioemenli for Che hanrllfnv of th Kirn!rir'1 Sewing machine. Anybody with common hdtim can pelt them at the prJcta we quote, and we fnarantee every much hi old. W litem lor full pnrtioulirt. We weut. n eenttneery townnthePai-iflc Coast. No is the time toUkeupthe wor, ami you cud ' maferiallr to 'our Income by doing o. drnu. Standard 8 wing Machine Co., 1 ' 6th St. Baa Franclaeo, Cal FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or "Just Don't Fi Well," PILLS ara th Od Thlnff to .m Only On for a Dot. Bold by Dnciista at 2&o. a box upl malltd frea. AddraM Or. Boaank Med. Co. FluUa. i-a. Never quarrel with a friend nnWs there is o much cause that you can i never make it up. MQ? WINCIflrVC Soothing mild. uiiiuLuii u ovrup - FOR CHILDHEN TEETHING ' For sol brail - t Carta a haul. The Maldlvian lslinilera. Maldivian Islander eat alone. lie fore a meal tliey retire to the most se cluded sjmt they can find and eat with drawn liliiiils or surrmiiideil ly a wreen. The explanation of this pre caution la more likely 10 be fear than modesty. In days gone by the savage no doubt concealed himself le.nt some man stronger than he should snatch the hard-earned food away. Wbut a Mramatiat Ha. to I nt Up W:th. Ilia Wife (reading a Sunday paper; Apropos of Hamlet they say that you and Shakapeare represent the very op posite pole of the dramatic art! He Ah, that's a nasty one for Shaks peare. I'unch. Ambignntia. Elder Why, Jock, I beard that ye were drowned. ( Jock Na, that wasna me; It was ma J britber. Elder Eh, mon, what a pity; what a ' most awfu pity. TM Bit. BIAS VELVETEEN BINDINQ on their skirt edges. It is rain proof, sheds water and never turns ijrey. 1 If your dealer will not upply you we will. , Samples showing labels ni materials mallei free. ' " Homa Dressmaking Mads Easy." a new book br Miss Emma M. Hoooer. o the Ladies' Home Journal, j sent for 25c,. posiaga paid. S. M. 4 M. Co.. P. O. Box 699. N. V. City. I ! AGENTS W1NTE0, w Wtn 1 In eyerjr town.foroneof the best selllnt; srtlcles made, L'mkI bj eiery man, woman and child, : Fredericks ranltary Tooth Hru.h wltb Tongue Meaning Attachment. Endoraed bjr all the leadlne physicians and denrlata, bend ISe. Ketailsfor 25c and Mr. WILL A FINK CO , i dlS-120 Market Street, Kan 'raocieco, CsL SURE CURE for PILES IttttBfl ft4 HUM, ei i r( tf fmrvlttit PlLsra jWM al mm is P. 0-A-KO' Pitt REMEDY. li.MwN Wart. a ( ,r n.ara a-el frt. frim Ibis Mails you?! Hon yaa a feellnf 1 of weight la tbs 1 Ktomatb Bloatlns ( aitercnuni Helen. Inf Wind Vomit- I Ins of Food Water. brasb Heartburn i Bad Taste la the Mouth In the Morn. 1 Int-Palpltatloa af thtHeart.duetofla.l teneita of Stomach Cankered Month I flas la the Rowels i Lot af rie-h Fickle Appetite ' Oeareawd, IrrltiMe ' Conrtltloa af ths , Mind lllulnew ' Headacks Canntlp. , atlaa a Illarrfajaf i n jn aavs DYSPEPSIA la nt f Hi mmnj hrm. The at pMitlvt cart " sii'-wni complaint m flckcr'i Dyspepsia Cablets, hj ajall, prtnald, ea receipt af i erata Issts: ' ! snBfrrd horrlliljr fn.m dyeji-pela, bnfj I " 1 '""KM.,MKcuiwrmraia,iiavecureuina. , ACKEB MEOICI.ieCO., it a it Chambers St. R.T. Li tuftts mm uttlsc f ails. buuxa ernip. Taawa mtua. I in v.rrn, "'Hi nr dmsaieta. N. P. S. TJ. o. 6508. F. N. U. No. 733