LOCAL EVENTS. A Bio Dkive. Ohas. Spudding of Ore gon Oity, is In charge of a large drive of logs, Unit 1h being tuken to Oregon Oity on the river. Tlio drive consists of 3,000,000 feet, 2,500,000 feet of which are cotton-wood logs, wliilo the remaining 600,000 feet are white fir logs. Mr. Spaulding has a force of about 25 men, and they arc progressing quite nicely in their undertaking. The logs were ob tained at a point on the Suntium, about fifteen miles from its mouth, and are consigned to tho Willamette Paper Mills at Oregon Oity. Tho crew has been 20 days at work and expects to have the job completed in about 10 days more. The crow fare somewhat bolter than common people, since they enjoy four meals a day at the following houis: 4 :30 and 10 a. m., and 3 and 7 :30 p. m. They do not wink to loose any time dur ing this nice weather and are laboring un usually hard . The crew eats and sleeps in a "hotel" on logs, and are enjoying their their outing considerably. Salem Journal. Belntss. Companies F. E. Donaldson. Tub Chautauqua. Tho Chautauqua assembly at Gladstone Fark closed last Friday and was a success financially. The report presented at the annual busi ness meeting in the afternoon showed that it was fully self-supporting. The secretary's statement showed the re ceipts to have been about $2000, and the expenses, about $18!0. Tho principal items of expense were $350 for instruct ors, $550 for lecturers, and $280 for special features of entertainment. The receipts at tho gate exceeded those of last year by 60 per cent. LaBt year there was a deficit of $476. After the various reports had been presented the old board of directors and officers were re-elected as follows: R.A.Miller, presi dent; J. T. A pperson, vice-president ; D. O. Latourette, treasurer; C. H. Dye, secretary; H. E. Cross, ground mana ger ; James Steel, Rev. Gilman Parker, E. E. Charman, Chas. II. Oaufield and Geo. A. Harding, directors. Reliable Insurance F. E Donaldson. A.O. U. W. Deleoates. The follow ing delegates from the A. O. U. W. lodges of this county attended the grand lodge meeting in Portland last week : F. P. Hurst of Aurora No 21 ; M. 0. Young of Sunrise No43, Wilsonville ; 0. W. Armstrong of Gavel No 55, Oanby ; J. Roots of Clackamas No 57; F. T. Barlow of Falls City No 59, Oregon Oity ; L. M. Davidson of Pig Iron No 135, Oswego. Lowest Fire Ins. Bates F. E Donaldson Another Contest. Another contest has been started between the ''red" and "yellow" teams of the Y. M. O. A., this time in field sports, whicli will take place at Gladstone Park on Saturday, August 1st. Consisting of base ball, bicycle and foot races. The proceeds will be set aside for a building fund for the association. 10 Big Ins. Companies F. E. Donaldson Jones, Hk Pays tub FmcionT. Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide, with latest reductions and market reports, sent free to any address. Freight on 120 orders paid, to any point on the Willamette river reached by Portland boats. Jones' Cash Stobe, 105 Front Street, Portland Or. Largest Ins. Business F. E. Donaldson. Card op Thajjks. To those who so kindly rendered me aid and assistance at the time of the sad death of my little son, Gerald, I wish to return my heart felt thanks. Mrs. L. A.Winehet. Fire Insurance F. E. Donaldson. Greatest slaughter in hats ever known at Miss Goldsmith's. Circuit Court. Following actions filed in circuit court since July 6th : Thos Charman Son vs A. R. and S.J. Stephens, action for money. Geo. S. Robinson, agent, vs . II. Rucker, foreclosure. A. H. Cone vs H. E. Wood, action for money. S. B. Hutson vs M Taunler, action for money. John Holts vs M. A. Winne et al, foreclosure. A lovely mad hat for Goldsmith's. $1.36 at Miss Highest Hciiio.. v. -.:u & CREAM mum MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Gmpc Cream of Tartar Powder. Fiw from Annon.'u.. Alum or any other adulterant. Afi Yt-AKS THE STANDARD. Probate Court. Order made in probate since July 7th Estate of Chas Bunnell administrator empowered to settled with 0. B. Bun null, one of the heirs. Estate of Alexander McGarvey ; object ion to final report of Tlios. Charman as administrator filed. Estate of Isaac Frost ; order granted administrator to sell real estate to pay debts. Tract of 120 acres in sees. 21 and 28, T. 2 S., R I E. Estate of Uriah Payne; report and resignation of administrator John Brad ley accepted and Thos Payne appointed instead. Guardianship of Ezra Oressey; R. Scott, guardian, ordered to pay bills amounting to $260.30. Geo. Stock appointed administrator of tho estate of his son, Henry Stocky Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, It has pleased the Great and Supreme Ruler of the forest to remove by death the beloved wife of our esteemed neighbor, Chas. Moserve, be it Resolved, That this camp extend to neighbor Chas Meserve the heartfelt sympathies of its members in this hour of his sad affliction in losi ng the one dear to him and who was his faithful companion. And be it further, Resolved, That these resolutions bo spread uiion the minutes of the camp record, a copy sent to him and a copy to the Oregon Woodman for publication. (i. Olds, ) J. K. Morris,!- Committee. W. S. Maple,) Willamette Falls School. Following are the bids for the new school building a Willamette Falls as received by the school board of district No 105: Pope & Co, plumbing $ 248 00 A Schawu, " 273 00 Wm Abbott &Oo, " and tinning.. 365 00 T M Stark, plumbing 25 00 M M Olson, painting 270 00 KirtterBros, " 173 00 ODrinnier &Oo, " 160 00 Sam A Older Co, " ... 159 00 JIIKove, " 230 00 TSLJwrance, " 200 00 Merchant&Kankil, carpenter w. 2150 00 Horn & Wishart, " . A Cross, " . A D Shorns, " R H Wall, DRBWinniford&Ohivill" 2100 00 2169 00 2393 00 3474 00 1700 00 1968 00 2545 00 T S Lawrance, " Jackson & Scott, " Reams & Kinney, " IWu W T S Lawrance, plastering 130 00 The contract was awarded to Reams 4 Kinney of Willamette Falls, the lowest bid being by a Portland firm. ASK YOURSELr THIS QUESTION. It I h uld die mnighl, would there be sufficient cash to pay my debts and give my family as good Mtoport as I now provide for them? If no', how would my family in these quiet times live? Of course its a serious quern inn, but every husband and lather should think of it. You can create an estate sufficient to pay all debts and provide for the family at an annual cost of about 2 per cent, of the amount insured and it is cash at unco after your death, by taking a policy in the Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co. This Co. is 45 years old, guar antee you against any loss of your money, after one year, give you annual cash dividends to reduce yearly pay ments, and will loan you money on your policy at 6 per .cent interest. They write the safest policy and if you are interested in the subject write me for information. II. G. Colton Gen. Agt., Chamber of Commerce, Portland Oregon. ALL RECOMMEND IT. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about Shiloh's Cure for Consumption. They will recommend it. For sale by (!. A. Hirding. THE ILLS OF WOKAS. Constipation, causes more than half the ills of women. Karl s Clover Root Tea is a pleasant cure for Constipaiion. For sale by Ij. A. Harding A FACT WORTH K SOWING. Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, and all Throat and Lung disease9 are cured by shiloh i Cure, ror sale by It. A, Harding. FRENCH TANSY WAFERS. These wafers are for painful, scanty, profuse or irregular menses, any cause and ladies will find that no better remedy exists for these difficulties. To avoid being imposed upon by base imita tions buy from our agents and take French Tansy Wafers only. Price by mail, $2.00. C. G. Huntley, Druggist, Canrield Block, Oregon City. Oregon KARLS CLOVER ROOT TEA is a sure cure for Headache and nervous diseases. Nothing relieves so quickly. For sale by G. A. Harding. $3.00 for $2.00, $3.00 for $1.50 at Miss Goldsmith's. When Baby was sick, w gare her Castortfc. WVn tho vii a dull, sJie crW fur CMtorU. TVn she became Miss, she clung to CaatiirU. trtaa lb had Chadren, lb grra them Castcria LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Laramie Mayer was in town last week. Mrs. O. D. Austen is visiting relatives here. The Mystic Shriners visited Oregon Oity on Monday. Miss Ora Spangler left for her home in Oorvallis last Friday. Mrs. Cecil of Red Bluff, Cal., visited Mrs. Chas Albright last week. O. A. Willey and family will leave shortly for the Tillamook coast. Mrs J. T. Barton of Junction has been visiting Mrs. M. L. Moore. Mrs. Anna Belshaw was appointed postmistress at Redland on Monday. The Misses Griffith of Waldo Hills visited Mrs. R. A. Miller during past week. Mr. Oassady, formerly foreman of Enterprise, is now employed by tho Herald. A. O. Strange left on Thursday for Gearbart Park to attend the summer normal school, Louis Fredrick has moved his tailor shop from opposite Electric hotel to op posite Armory hall. W. W. Irvin of Barlow returned on Wednesday from Troutdale, where he drove his band of sheep. T. F. Ryan's trotting horse, "Prince," which is now in training at Irvington Park, won a race last week. Married on 18th by Rev. Father Ed ward Donnelly at Oswego, Joseph Lemery and Margaret Waters. Miss Mable Wiggins, who has been visiting her brother at Salem, left for an outing at Seal Rocks on the coast on Tuesday. About 40 of the shanties at Wil lamette Falls of the wood-choppers em ployed by Batdorf Bros, burned down last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Pusey, are occupying the E. E. Charman cottage at Seaview on Long Beach. License to wed issued by Clerk Elmer Dixon on 18th to Margaret Waters and Joseph Lemery ; on 20th to Minnie A. Thun and John H. Bottemiller. A picnic will be given at Wright Springs on August 1st and 2 1, by the Oceola band These will be public speaking, amusements, dancing and music. Seventh street, between depot and Main, will probably be improved with crushed rock instead of gravel as the , rtuf Ip Vnf lUtla mArfl anil tlio imnnwa ment much better. L. A. Nobel and family left Thursday of this week for the mountains, about 25 miles from Anderson, Josephine county, where they will reside for a time on account of Mrs. Nobel's health. Mr. NoIhjI will work several of his mining claims in that section. The appearance of the front of the Bank of Oregon City is decidedly im proved since new windows and doors have been put in. The room formerly occupied . by Holman's undertaking parlors and Roger's barber shop is also being remodeled and a new front put in. The Oregon Oity hose team and a Portland team will give a grand picnic at Oak Grove on Sunday July 26. Prizes will be awarded in the several races and contests. Dancing and other amusements will bo indulged in. The proceeds go towards paying expenses of the fire boys at the annual tournament this year. At the meeting of the execution com mittee of the state fair board last Satur day the following Oregon Cityites were appointed to positions during fair in October: J. G. Pilsbury and H. C. Stev ens, ticket sellers; Max Schulpius, ticket taker; Chas Galloway, ticket seller, grand stand. Frank Ridings of Marquam was in town this week and reports that the Butte Creek Association will hold an agricultural fair this year on its grounds near Marquam the first three days of Octolx-r. A lilieral premium list has prepared and a large attendance is ex pected at the tenth fair given by the society. There will be the usual services at the the Methodist church next Sunday morning. In the evening a sacred concert will be given by the choir. While special music will be furnished, some of the old hyms will be sung and the pastor will remark upon their origin and history. The public are cordially invited. A movement is on foot to have a race track and fair grounds established near Oregon City. The Rinearson farm is looked upon as being the most suitable location. If it had not been for a few cranks who are opposed to horse racing but still like to see athletic sports (man races, etc.) a race track would have been established here some years ago instead of at Irvington Park. M. E. Bain and J. M. Lawrence hare established a new republican paper in Oregon City. The paper is called "The Three Sisters," or in other words, it is the Barlow paper moved to this place and enlarged. Mr. Bain established the above par at Barlow several years ago, and has successfully carried on the publication. Mr. Lawn-nee wasformer ly associated with Mr. Meserve in the publication of the Enterprise nd is an experienced editor. Alxmt the loth of August they will isne the t-r wmi-wef-klv. EMOES MILLINERY. CLOSING OUT SALE KVERYTHING MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST. A large stock to choose from. Twelve Dozen Sailors all the latest shapes. Leghorn best quality going very cheap. Come -early and see for yourselves. MRS. SI-ADEN'S MILLINERY PARLORS, one door South of mkthodist A splendid grade of 'summer corsets at 48 cents st the Racket Store. Dr. W. Wallens is now assistant to Dr. J. W.Welch, dentist, opposite P. O. 19 pounds dr granulated sugar tl; flour 75c sack, 50o tea for 25e. Red Front Trading Co. You can get it at Harris' grocery I What? Peacock flour, made of the famous blue stem hard wheat. Try asack . ili Old People. , Old people who reoilire medicine to regulate the bowels and kidnevs will Bud the true remedy in Electric Bitters' This nieaicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicants )ut acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old People find it just exactly what they need. Priee 50c and $1 per bottle at Charman & Co.'s Dtug S tore. ... ..i For the accommodation of his many customers on the hill Mr. Albright has established a branch meat market in the Sliively building on Seventh street, where he keeps fui stock of all kinds of fresh and salted meats, bams, bacon, lard, etc. No stale meat kept. Give him h caM. , , Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tub Best Sai.vk in the world for Cuts, I! raises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or uo pay required, ft is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box Fur sale by Charman & Co. Jacob Kober, the Seven: li street baker keeps on hand a largo stock of the best country cider, soda water and other temperance drinks. All drinks kept on ce. A NATURAL BEAVTIFIER. Karl'slover Root Tea purities the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. for sale by U. A. Harding. Sewino Machines Cheap. Want a sewing machine? Gel a good one for $25.00 with five years guarantee; $5.00 down and $5.00 per month until paid. SeeBellomy & Hunch about it. 1 J. STRATTOX has placed in his store, corner Seventh nd Center Sts., in addition to his fine line of (iRocKiiiKS. ;hay. vkk, etc., a full stock of LEAD, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH, which be will sell as low as the lowest. For ladies', gent's and children's hosiery, good grade and lowest prices in the city, go to the Racket Store. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Comp'aint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer never fads to cure, ror sale U. A. Harding Silk umbrellas for one dollar at the Racket Store. The very latest styles of shht waists, beautiful patterns, at the Racket Store. CATARRH CURED. Health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cent?. Nasal Injector free. For sale by G. A. Harding. DON'T YOU KNOW That you can get your printing done at the Courier office cheaper than in Portland. Thousands of samples to select from. Satisfaction guaranteed. t t V. HARRIS, Star Grocery DEALER 13 GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, CROCKERY, ETC. Hare Your Eyes Tested... At ilurnietater k Andresen's Jewelry Store. They have one of . the finest eye-meters and will test jour eyes frteof charge. Glasses may be re turned if not suited to eyes. t CHURCH LOCAL SUMMARY. Trimmed hats, new goods, 50 to 75c at Mrs, S laden 's. Money to loan 011 good security by A. S. Dresser. A new line of beautiful laces just are rived at the Racket Store. Prescriptions carefully compounded a G. A. Harding's drug store. Coru wood taken on subscription at thu Courier office. Now is the time bring in. Ladies' and childrens' summer unde r wear from ft cents up at the Racket Store. Ret Jived at Charman A Son's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. Shark, the barber, don't swim but he's in the swim when it comes to shaving and hair cutting. ror your strings anu extras for all musical instruments go to Btirraeister & Andresen's, who keep a full supply Blank note and receipt books of all kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc cheaper than Portland wholesale prices at Courier office. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. Louis Ffediieh. the faahionable tailor has moved his shop to the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Dutcher's millinery store. Nothing but drst-class work done and satisfac tion guaranteed. Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will be in Oregon City office Thursday of eiidi week ; remainder of each week in Portland office, room 77 Dekiimbuilding. Mrs. M. L. Moore li us signed a con tract with the Viavi Co. to manage Clackamas county for the next three years, with headquarters corner Seventh and Adams streets, Oregon City. Mrs. Moore is much please I with Oregon City and expects to make her home among us and work the county from here. O. A. Willey ha added to his harness and repair shop second door west of depot, next to Courier office, a full stock or shoes, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., but will do all kinds of harness and bxit and shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THB CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President, Vice President. Cashier, Manager, Thomas Chaimar Geo. A. Hakdinq X. O. CAUflILD .CHARLES H.CAUrjELD 4 General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Hecurltr Exchange Bought and -told. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold A.il.M. in in. c... . .... World. ' " " Telegraphic Exchange Seld on Portland. Ban rrancisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Depodts. JOSEPH RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Willamette Block. Oiteons Citt Oreoon. J. W. WELCH, IDEILTTXST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, OrrAn P. O.. Onr..,o Citt. Ore. Job Printing at the Courier Office CRUELTY TO FEEL Is entirely done away with by our shoes. In fact, they are a regular "Society for the Preven tion of Cruelty to Feet." What are their methods? Perfect fit, piompted by respect to the shape of the human foot. A sim ple creed, but doesn't it cover the whole field? Then a shoe may treat a foot "shabbily" without being exactly cruel to it. That is to say, the shoe may lack style and wear ing capacity. But ours have the wearing capacity and style along with the lit, and that should be enough to make you buy them. KRADSSE BR0S, Next Door 10 Burmcinter A Ami renm'. Geo. c. Bkownsi.l. j. u. Campbell. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CAUllold Building Oregon City, Ore. THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance Aukncy or Clackama County. Money to Loan. AbulraoU of Title Made. Drawing of Lex! Document a Specialty Office on east side of Mnln street Between 6th and 7ib. OREGON CITY, OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bank BuildlHf OREGON CITY, OREGON. E. F. DRIGGS, ATTORNEY at ZAVT OREGON CITY. Two Doors South of Courthouse 0(H: C. N. GREENS! AN, u . THE PIONEER Express and Draymah. (KulablUhed 1805.) T. Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double anil slimle rim and sudrila hniinta ways on haud at Iho lowest rate, tud eorral alHo connected witb the barn for loose siock. Aiiyintormauon regarding any kind of stork promptly attended to by letter or person. HOK8E8 BOUGHT OR BOLD The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes eol lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United Htates and Europe and on Hong Kang. Deposits received subfecl to check, Bank open from 8 A.M. to 4 p. M. D.C. LATOURETTE, t, E. DONALDSON , President. Cashier R. FREYTAG'S.... s ...Corner Grocery Keeps a full line of STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. PROVIS IONS, FLOUR, FEED, FRlITS and VEGETABLES Lowest Prlces-- JOHN WELCH, ISrntlnt. Rooms 76, 71, 19, Dekum Building. , Portland, Oregon. ' Many of aiy friends hat trouble to flud me b.Doa this card. Wlll be In Oregon City oflice, Courier building, every Sat urday. New Fish Market. E. Richards, Prop. Oysters, Fresh and Salt Water Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs, Clams, Etc. Turkeys, Geese and Chickens for Thsoknglving Dinner. fret DeUrery. Two Doori South of Armory GEO. A. HARDING, DEALEB IN IP DEUGS E Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window Glass. PruerlptUxu AeeunUly Compounded HARniSO'l BLOCK. r i