""OREGON CITY COURIER. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1806. 14th YEAR. NO. 12. FIRE, LIFE And Accident T i REPRESENTING. Royal of Liverpool- VakIIi Ds.ltle.1i . MtroanHlx. SOIl Of LOIldOIl 01'le,t PUT"1 Are Insurance office In the world. JStOS Of HirtfOrd Lret and best American company. Continental of N6W York one f th be,,t Am''""" companies AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES The Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford Largest, nlileat and beat accident Insurance cowuany In tlie world, also does a very larce life insurauue business, i .CALL OX HI FOB BLOTTRB8 AND CALENDARS i BUESTHB ItOWIkT Sunjnjei Just received at the PIONEER STORE AAA DIMITIES, DUCKS, NAINSOOKS, The Very Latest Styles of Silk competition. Shirt W aits T j CHAR MAN & SON, GENERAL MERCHANTS. J G. H. BESTOW & CO FOR DOORS WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICKS EVEB OFFERED FOK FIRST-CLASS tiOOIlS. Whop Opposite Congregational Church, WAK! WAR!! WAK!!! AT THE Gambrinus Cold Storage. Tlie only p'oe In the city which can supply yon with anythlne yon want In the liquor line and saves you money on every article you buy WINE, BtER AND LIQIIOKet because I sell to you at Portland prices aud save you your electric car lare aud expenses while in Portland. It will save ten years on your life's lease by trading at home with a reliable firm and not lielne held up by highwaymen on the electric car What you buy at the (iumbrinus Cold storage is guaranteed to be Just what you buy it (or or money refunded Largert Mock of Mquorsand the onlr complete stock of Wines at the Lowkst Prk xs. WHY HO TO A DKOUNTOKK aud pay WOO per gallon as a pastime when you can buy better wine at the following price: SWEET WXNES. California Port Wine, per gallon Sherry " " Angelica " " " Sweet Muscatel " " Tokay Wine " " Maderla " " Malnta " " KeislingHock" " Claret " Bottled Beer (quarts) per rloxen Porter, Domestic " Guineas' Kxtra Stout (pints) per dozen Hwan Whiskey, per gallon Phoenix Bourbon ' California Grape Brandy, per gallon California Blackberry Brandy, per gallou For keg bser, lesve order. The finest family N, F. ZIMMRMNA. Mgr., MANHOOD c s a lon 01 i Insomiils dia-aes of ConsllpaHon. 1 1 stops Dfssol oise:ianp, n REPOnE asjB Min kidneysand then-i-iarrorransol aU unpuritiea, ITPIDESE atrengtbensand r'estoresemau wesknnrans. , , Tlie reason sufferer are rot cured ltors Is beritnae ninety per rest are tmaweri wrtn Llltt Curl Mr, r. I" mefwny iimwn -r " ala. A written roarantr rtren ana ith"'-t iriumni hkh wxi-w wm w vuvi U a box, six for SVOO, by maiL Hn.I for mxacircular and teaUmooiaJs, iiUfmviToLauimicr.aiteBjarniicsi roroautt Oeoris A. Harding Druggist v.. OOEAXS OF CAlll'KT Quantities equal to every demand, quali ties that defy adverse criticism, beauti ful designs that take the eye of a pri ' soner, price that make buyers wonder ; all these things and more are presented to the vision in our Grand Exposition of carpet novelties . You can't get off the floor, and that makes it all important to have this basis of a room's atttactions a triumph of pleasing possibilities The top point of carpet-buying possibilities is reached in our stock of 50 different patterns in 5 different materials from 15c per yard and upwards. BELLOKY & LI M'Jl, The Housefurnishers, OREGON CITY. Leading Agency in Clackamas County Does largest business the world. Iw.""1 In the world. 86,- 000,000. i ixl F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank. 1 Pess Goods, j PERCALE, PIQUE, SATIRES. for Waists at Prices beyond j at prices to suit the buyer. j Wain Mreet, Oregon City, Oregon 1 50 1 i 1 SO 1 SO 1 so 1 60 1 60 75 "S 1 SO 1 SO 2 75 3 76 4 (10 8.10 300 rooms. This place is couducte.1 first-class' - PHOMC .19. XTH AM) Ma1 STREET RESTORED "CUPIDENC" Thla crest Vec .ttle Vlcaiuw.taepreevrip- the generative nrcans, sucb aa Lost Manboort, Talis in ueiiiicK.BMuiitai iajusion. rtervoos Ueoliity. rnfiirtfSS to Marrr. .xluuistli,r Drains. Vartrocele aod all Ins by nay or night Prevents qntrk- i.jca 11 noccnef Yen teats Ui npej mairn-TTHpa. anq J m, crewiiiMji n 4 t.e4tfy ernes qvlrkrr, permanently u --rt, w trs jiemorr, it ui pnun ruwr, poUtiacf rtin dlxsaar etuae . "rtJ "ihy..:.:a: T(f t-ocod plump. "if fir-n! ri -, T'. Writ Build Up Your Brain... Steady your nerves, and perfect your digestion by using bread made from our whole wheat flour. It is made from the whole wheat berry except the out side hull, or bran, which is a woody substance, irritating and indigestible. Bread made from this flour is not so white as that made from the pale white roller flour, but it is far superior for food as it contains all the gluten, germ, and oily matter of the wheat and is much sweeter than graham or any other bread not sweetened artificially. ONCE T It 1ED ALWAYS USED. E. E. WILLIAMS, The Grccer. CORRESPONDENCE. CANBY CAMP MEETING. The attendance at the Methodist camp meeting here has been large, notwith standing the heat. A small admission fee has been charged at the gate, and freely paid, to meet tlie expenses of fit ting up the grounds. This method was adopted instead of the old one of taking up a collection. The receipts have been greater than at any meeting for years past, and the amonnt has been equally distributed among saints and sinners. About a dozen preachers and several layman and woman, who are good lead ers, have been present to help in three or four meetings each day. The great tabernacle has been well whitewashed, giving it a fine, clean appearance, as seen through the green shade trees. dif ficult problem, touching an abundance of water to meet the demand of the crowds, has been successful! solved. A large new spring has been opened, and a pump worked by a water wheel run from the overflow, sends the water into a tank on the ground, convenient for all. The Bee-Hive 1st Semi-Annual Clearance Sale! Y Commencing Saturday, July nth, special reductions will be offered throughout our entire stock. We have done an unusal good business since we opened in Oregon City and are so well satisfied that we have placed very heavy orders on fall goods. They will commence arriving in August and we must make room for them. The first week of this sale we shall devote to odd lots and broken lines. Now the chances are among these lines and you will find just what you need. If you do you can make a half do a dollar's duty. Table No. 1 Everything on this table 9 cents, We are not going to tell you whats there. Come and see for yourself. Table No. 2 All go at 19 cents, You might not think we were truthful we told you the rich possibilities in store for you. Table No. 3 Choice 30 cents. If you are seekers you will be the Io.er. Table No. 4 I All on this table 49 cents. Don't leave yovr pocket book at home. Youll regret it if you do. 1 SBEE-HIVE riieBtroMgbarbed-wire fonco has made everything accuro, ami regulates the crowds, sending them out and in just where the authorities intend them to go More people are coming to camp this week, and it is expected this will be one of tlie moflt interesting and profitable meetings on the Can by .camp grounds lor years. July 20. 0. CANEMAH. Mrs. Alderman of Woods is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edmunds. Master Ben Day of Portland was visit ing friends in Stringtown Sunday. He lelt Stringtown about 8 years ago and moved to California, but recently came back to Portland. He was quite a small boy when he lived here but it seemed natural to him here. Mrs. Painter and son left for the Soda Springs Monday. On the Biune day Harry Kpeucer and some of the would be's started for tho coast. Canemah seems to be quite empty at present. The persons who read the news from Canemah may be a little puzzled as to the meaning of Stringtown. Stringtown is situated above Canemah, on the Willamette river. There is no distance between tho two places, for as soon as Canemah endB, Stringtown com mences. It is alxmt a mile long and a house wide ; so tho name has a simple origin. Prof. Griffith, the phrenologist, gave a series of lectures Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday evenings of last week. His lectures were very interesting but were poorly attended. He stated tha' the people were only half civilized, which, I think applies to Canemah in every respect, although he probably meant people outside of Canemah. The fruit as well as potatoes is a fail ure in this part of the country. The only pure crop that the farmers of String town see ahead is the tax levy of '97. The board of school directors have en gaged Mr. Hackett of Park Place and Miss Chase of Oregon City as teachers for the ensuing term, which will begin in the fall. Both persons have taught several successful terms of school here and have given satisfaction to the people. , July 2Lt ., Silverite. . -" -i m . ' , MULINO. Still hot and dry. Haying is about over. Wasco Kellogg of Falls City was out on his wheel to see his father last week. not among the earlv bajgain Glass & Smith's Old Stand, OREGON CITY, OREGON. Mr. Carlisle has tho frume of his new house up. Albert But ley has gone east of the mountains to look for work. Molalla grange took in six new mem' bers at their last meeting. W. A. Woodside to talking of buying an engine to run his separator. Edward Hammond is making garden r Dr, Goucher. The Dr. talk of going to the mines again soon. J. J. Mallatt and two of his boys are hoeing teazle for Mr. Sawtelle on Teazle creek. Mrs. C. E. Xash was out on a visit to her mother's last week. Wheat harvest will conimenco next week. If the new free silver Raints and half breed populists capture tho national populists organization there wont lie a corporals guard of populist votes cast here this fall. Dan Frozer and wife of McMinnvillc are visiting Mrs. Frazer's mother, Mrs. . L. Jones. E. B. Stalk is busy these days fixing up his new ranch, ready for occupancy this fall. Socialist. CLACKAMAS. Mrs. Humphrey went to the coast for a few days last week. Miss Wanuie Paddock came home from Salem Monday morning. She expects to remain two weeks. . Miss Laura Johnson and Miss Georgia Ruth went to Oregon City last Tuesday. Mr. Ferguson, from University Park, preached a good sermon at tho M. E. church Sunday. Rev. Curl of Tacoma worshiped at the M. E. church last Sunday. Miss Georgia Kuth was taken quite sick on Wednesday at the assembly and did not get home until Sunday. Miss Laura Johnson is home visiting and is resting up preparing for a trip out to the coast that she expects to make soon.. She is very much appreciated at church, Sundav school and League when at home. Miss Mollie Talbert lod a very inter esting League last Sunday evening, after which the League voted to visit the League .gect Sunday evening at Oregon Oity. .77 . Mr. J. 0. Paddock and Edward John son purchased a new Empire self-binder last Monday and expects to start it toon. The school board have hired Miss Strickler of Harmony to teach the fall and winter school. This was a wise act of the board. Mrs. Manning still tarries at Spokane and will not be home for a week yet. Mr. Manning is feeling very disconsolate over it. Mr. Health returned home a few days ago and will now remain for the future Mrs. Rodonald and Mrs. Knox united with the Congregational church last Sunday evening. Mr. Willis Johnson went ti camp meeting at Canby last Sunday. Mr. Ttunyon went to Oregon Oity on Tuesday on business. Quite a number of young people pass ed through our town last Sunday morn ing from Portland on their way to Baker bridge. On their return they disturbed the peace and quietness of our peaceful little town with their hideous noise. Mr. Wm. Foster has gone east of the mountains to assist in harvesting. Frank Laudis returned home a few days ago from east of the mountains. July 22. Onon. STAFFORD. The young people met last Friday and putting strong sills under the old school bouse moved it on to a corner of Mr, Pol ilka' s place, which he had kindly offered them for the purjiose, leaving the old school house hill vacant for the new building. The old house has stood there for nearly 23 years, and witnessed many changes. It was at first built by work and subscription, 20 feet square. The district then numbered 17 pupils all told, two of them Mrs. Larson aud Mrs. Barnes, now of Tualatin, being under age, were counted in by the enterprising clerk. After about seven years it had grown so that they saw fit to enlarge it 15 feet and now the pupils of school age number over 80, I believe. Thus the country grows. The young people are going to fit up the old building for literary puroses. Kichard Meuhaner has been very sick. His father also has been sick, caused, they thought, by the beat and hard work. It is very smoky, which has been a help to the grain fields shielding them from the fierce sun. A good portion of the early grain is baked when just in the milk, and it is thought fully one half is destroyed. send them to Stafford. Our directors (three promising young men), Messrs. Schattz, Weddle and Myer are getting used to being interviewed and begin to rather like it, as some less than three hundred have applied. Mr. Phillips talks of going to Hubbard with his family soon. They will be missed. A number from here attended the Chautauqua at Gladstone last week. They report a very instructive and pleasant time. July 21. X. From a Gold View Only. Mr. Editor: With your permission I should like to ask through the Courier if Mr. Latourette is willing to take silver in payment for any notes ho might hold, or is he thinking of calling in all his double-eagles and hoarding them up until silver gets down to where the green backs were during t he reliellion? July 21. E. P. Bands. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Fnn lihed Every Week by the Claokaiuat Abstract L Trust Company. The Clackamas Abstract A Trust r. Is ths swner f I lie copyright to the Thorns system of abstract indexes fur Clackaniaa county, and baa tha only oownlets aet uf abstracts In the county can furniaa information as to title to land at once on application. Loans, Investments, real estate, abstracts, slo Office ovar Batik of Oregon Cily. tTall and lnvestigats.. Adilma, box 377, Oregon City, Oregon, I L While to J B Morgan, tract 17, Oak Grove; (200. 8 M McCown t i John Graham, lots 10 and 20, blk 14, Gladstone ; CtOO. W T Bumey lo Chas 11 Caufield. )i of of n and a nf sec 35, 4-8 e ; and e of nw H and w of ne sea 2f n of s and sw )i of sw )i sec 3, e of sec 4, all sec 0 and 15 nw J4 of and w ) of sw M sec 10, w )i of w H of see 11, wjj of nw 4' and s y of sec 21, all in 6-3 e; 1150. W C Johnson to DeVore Johnson, blk. 67,0 0,M. Willamette Falls Co to Oist No 105, lota 1 to 12, bit 11, Willamette Falls ; $1. Theo Schmale to Pora Q iant, lots 3 and 0, blk 30, Milwaukie; 500. TL.Charman Jo Micheal Minarik, lots 20 and 21, bU 78, 8 O 0 No 3 ; $225. Paul OzaonetoE F Kiley, sw H of tec tl. 3-1 w; 03. J 0 Powman to W J Miller, 15 a in sec 30. 4-1 e; $200. E M Atkinson to J W Noble, lots 1 2 and 8, Wk Jft lark Add ; $40".. Paul Richards to F B D jdge. se M of ne M of sec 31, 3- 2ei $395. Two Llvet Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City III. was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's Discovery completely cured her and she says It saved her life. Mr. Thus. Epgera, 13!) Florida St. , San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Con sumption, tried without result every thing else then bought one bottle ;f Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such rsHtil 18. of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful pflicHcy of this medicine in CointliB and Colds. Free trial bottles at Char man. k Co.'s Drun Store. Regular size 50c. and fl GO Annual Teachers' Institute. The annual institute for Clackamas County will be held at the Eastham school building in Oregon City August 3d, beginning at one o'clock p. in., and continuing for eight days. All teachers and others Interested in school-work ' should not fall to attend Several of the ablest instructors of the state will he present, and a very interesting meeting is assured. . II. G. Stahkwsatiikb, Superintendent of Clackamas) County's Schools. MONEY LOANED. Firet morlgaues on improved farm property negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages upon im proved farms in Oregon. Washingtoo, and Idaho with eastern parties and foreign capitalists at the usual rate of interest. Mortgages renewed that havs been taken by other companies not out of business. Address (with stamp.) ' Mervin Sworts, Baker City, Oregon. Senators, congressman, judges, great lawyers, pr ifessors, ALL pronxtince the I. W. HARPER WHISKEY superior to the finest French brandy. The leading physicians prescribe it on account of its purity. For sale by Hill A Uele, Oregon City, Oregon. for Ossr Flfljr Years. A Old aau WeuTxixd Baainr. Mrs. Win slow's Soothing Syrup has been used for orer fiftr yearn by millions of mothers for their children whii teething, with perfect success. It soothes lbs ehilfl softens ths gums, allays all pain, cares s-lad colic, sad Is the best remedy fur DtarrboM. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists la every part of 0,0 World. Twsnty-Brs cents a botUe. lis talus lain calculable. Be aura and ask for Mrs. Wloslow' Soothing Syrup, and taks so ether kind. IT 8 A VEX LIVES EVERY DAY. Thousands of cases of Consumption. Asthma, Coughs, CoM atd Croup aie cure ! eery day by Shiloh's Cure, For sale ,f C. A. lUnlins. If there are- any .-li'il (earlier