CURED AT 73 YEARS. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Victorious. No other mc-dlrlnociin show such a record. Iloru Is a verltiihln patriarch, 73 yours of iiko. Willi si runic pn-Juiiico to overcome, wlm hud llrirt Durnnt l.'i yciir. Ho took tlio Now Heart euro and In now hound and well. Samuel O. Stonb. Oram Lake, Mich., Dec. 28, 1894. I have been troulilud with Ijeart disease IS Tears or mora. Mimtof the time 1 was so bad It was not safe for me to ko out alone, as dizzy spoils would ramie falling. I bud severe palpitation, shortniws of breath and Midden pains thairenuered me heloless. All physicians did for me was to advise keepln g quiot. In Auicust lust I conimuncud taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and before I had finished the Unit bottle I found the medicine was a God-send. I have now used four bottles in all and am feeling entirely well Iam73yearsof aireandhave held a grudge against patent medicines all my life, but I will not allow this to prevent giving my testimony to the greatcure your valuable remedy has wrought In me. I do this to show my appreciation of I)r. Miles' New HeartOure. SAMUEL O. BTONE. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. AH druggists sell ltatlL S bottles for (5, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price .by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure "SKS CHAUTAUQUA NOTKS. HKIM UKIlNI HIMV'H IIAII.V. j reside in this country 21 years before In' could become it citizen hud their origin .with tlic fiirnifi'H in tin) (inuiKt. AT TIIK l.ol'M) TAW.-; The Corvnllis Ladies' band, which was ! flit-1 1 a Kiiiilur fuiline of lust years' ii.-fiti i ii y , ii.'ii(i mis yciir s prouriiiiiiiic willi u selection The invocation wiih iii-oiioum-ed by I'm sideiit '1 Ik iiiiK Now liu, of New liiirif, 'J lien nunc llie ad dress of welcome I v the president of t lie association, ( nlmii'l liolert A. Miller, w lin hj.oki- jiricfly of tlu hiiri-oHH tlmt liml been iitlniiii'il mill tin assured permit nciue of llie assembly ii h one of the in llucnecs iicraliiif for bolter citizenship in the state, Itonii YmiScnv. of 1'ort- lanii I niversity, rcsM.n.lo. in a happy;, m,Ht,.r f Hie Crnnne; Juilw 11. i manner, ins remarks l eiin.' liiru'elv eon-. ii..,:,!,,! nu. .. .i. ratiilatory Jl.e heads of ll,e various (.ultiiriil Collctro; Mrs. Howard, Mrs ueiiiiuiiieiiiK were nuriMiiieeil anil a no.- kil. ...,.1 ,.tl..,i M. li....- !.'..,... , .... . . !' Mill, MIIIIO ll . WHtll l.jllUII en oi mem inline suiliiiiic remarks anil n,,,,,,,,,, -,i i.,ii ,., .i.:..i. culled fortli land applause. Tlio uudi- enci' then stood and rotieuted the 0. 1 S. 0. inottot-H and adjnurned till this Tlie events aliimt which the most in- fvoiiinjr, when the topic will he n review tercnt centered vostcrdiiv were the ! ' ''' rn years' work of tin U. L. S. C A most-enji v.ible hour was njieiit ul the round t : I le in the old Vesterdiiv, .Mr. .1. K. (ireelilield rorl land, state secretin y of thel'.L.S.C., presided and opened the session with a few appropriate remark, imiiouncinii Hie theme of the hour lis "What ('ait the ('liantiiu(iiii I'lanof Kdiieutinn Do fort lie Memliersof the (iriinue." The audience wiih then entertained Lv short and oiior- lietic speeches I y lion. Mortimer White lean, oi .M'w .icrscv v. iW . Jlillcurv A LARGE MANUFACTURER. i lie I Ir Mlvcr ami Minwa l't the I'.eul I DMioniMly In I ho Currency Iaaue, amioiincecl their rcs'ftivu clasn-s, out liiiiii)! the ppcciul features to lie dealt with. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT TF.A is a sure cure fur Headache and nervous liseases. Nothing relieves so quickly. I "or a'e hy G. A. llnrdinE. ALL RECOMMKSn IT. Ask your phvician, yur ilrii'r;ist ami yu rienils almut Shiloh's Cure fir Comuiniviinn. i 'hey will reconiiiiend it. Kor sale hy (i. A InnlinK- THE ILLS OP WOS AS. Conlipatiin, causes niore limn half t'ic i!N f women. kv LI ver K tot Ua i a llcasant cure for Consiipa ion. Kor sale hy !. A. I larding A FACT WORTH KSOWtSC: Consumption, I.aflrippe, Pnruinonin, ami illThroat anil l.ung iliease me cured hy Shiloh's Cure, Kor sale hy (!. A. Marling For flv.r Fifty Vtmr. An Olo amu Well-Tat kd Hmtnt. lira. Win .low'i Soothing Byruphu txn uiad fur ovnr Hfty .'Mn hy milltoniof mothers forlhlrchililren while 'mthlng, with perfect mcoees. Itaoothei the chili, nftens the guni,llsys all pain, ourin wind oulie, md Is the beat remedy for UUrrhm. U pleiuwiit to he Uste. Buld by Drugghts ID erjf irt of the World. Twesty-nve cents bottle. Its value is In aloulable. Be aura and uk for Mrs. Wlnslow' nothing Byrup, and take an other kind DOCTOR G.VLhiiUitr.ii COiV.Pl HTH 6 AU IM'Kt.V The diiIv rt-tnctlv i'Mirnn'rrd to nhxtfurelv cur cuiurilt uiiif C' nij i re tt-iii,.i ti.i lUease h urn 111. I loi U h-J fstrui FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE. 2Cc. Eatii full mzt' p:k.iKt :i-nitii' mit .nil n..ntili' local trt.iiineni, ,ihi lull m.'i'ih'" f : ' l t ' .olt Heal n g U.ilm iiii'l uiif lull iiH.ntji's Mi 1'ivt.t C:i Lirll, UIihkI iimJ Siuimi. Ii I'1'1'. If vnu htv in" n th f .C.iw'nv vi-' ' is. M' rt W, Stures' C.imrV'e (" 'linli Ctir w H r-i... vn 'm lnnl rl;ef mnl,l"'elv auj o-inuini-ii U due vmi Is the nose mi.rv1 lit V O.ies volir nne Us Mr.W Is n."! "!'' an' it" iV l then nii'n In Iron lie '? ho V"ll bswk t"fli' r In. liir. s'? Is vour ilrv In the muMinc? lo v.ill sleep wl'h v-ur moulh np?n? Is vour hearlne tsil-n ? Do voie ers Jl;' e? " Is the was ilrv In ear? Do vmi liesr hfltiT snme lv nlhors? I ymir Iwnrliiir worse wlien v"ulive a -1-1 f Dr. tl. W. Shores' C"iii!h Cure run s an omuiis rnlJs an.t hninrli' I nHni'ims. One I. s.- wli 'r nasnm.lii i r .iip Keep a It ttletatlie " l-t'w slie Nillli'S 2Vc. It vnu hive lh"se mi w use u s itlrecieJ on (he h"'le and It will f uie v. u Have vm a cuiieti? Do vnu lake M easdv? Have vou rain In llie si-fr? Do you raise frnihv maiffnl? Do you coiinh in the munimts? Do you aplt up Hole rhsv lumrs'r Or. O. Shores' Tonic and Blood I'ut ill. r ill an les anj purities llie h'ooJ. gives Mnnftn ,inJ vnnr. l ures Uvspepsia anl all nervuu Jnatas. I'm-. (I per buille. It t einiamnily cum Hie iiiiu.iiin symptoms: Is there niuiea? I In you belch up g.ts? Are you consiipairJr Is youi tongue coiited? Do you blujl up alter titing? Do vou leel you are xriiwirii; weaker? Is there constant bad tasta in ihe omuib? Dr. l. W. Mtorea' kl.lney and l.lver Curt nuts all d ieases ot llie kidnaya, liver and blajjci. I'rlce, $1 perjiiitile. Do you ifct dify? Ilavu ou coU leel? l)o you leel micraHe? Do you uel bred eoilvf Do you hive hot llasbes Are your spun lo at limes? Do ou luveruiublinu in bowels? D.i vour bands and l,ei swli Is this minted more ai ii'itln? Is theie pain in small ot bit k? lias llie peis'iranon a b.idodor? Is there pumneai under the eves? Do you have to ijei up uiien at nnhi? J Is there a dermit in unns it lei l siand ng D.m't neilecl these sitjns and risk rinnnl diea kulinir you. Dr. Snorts kidney and nvei tuie win luie you it used as directed on the Cuiile. Dr. O. W. Shores' Mountain MneUli stops t a Worst pain In one minute. Kif heads, he. I.M.ih.iche, neuralgia, cramps or Colic ue h esiernal and :n ternajiv. Prevents and cures diphlhuria it ued in lime Keep a Isitlle h in Iv. I'rlce. -"c a N.llle Dr. O. W. Shores' Pepsin Vermllu d. s:r,ns Intestinal worms and rem.ives On l ule r..uud n 'st where they lulch and bied It never lads. I'r . 2Sr a Kitte. lecture of )r CarloH Murtvn at 2 o'clock and the oratorio in the eveniii(i, hoth of wlncli HittiHlied the exiK'ctation tf t it- crowd. J)r. .Martvn's Hiihject wan "The Devil in I'oliticH,'' it theme hy no means new, hut made highly interesting ly the free treatment it received at the hands of the lecturer. The trinity of the devil in politics, in this country, lie said, were the tirotrseller, the camhler and the woman in n'arlet, which stand stead fastly tctrether, well organized, confident and impudent. Though the decent tK'ople outnumlKT them 10 to l.the lack o." oixanixation and the working at cross- ptiipoHes tut tlieir part pave the power in politic g to the corrupt few. Tliechurehes have heen swearing prayerniteiich otlier instead of unitiiii! to smite political vil lainy. " . The speaker made hold to say that municipal corruption in the ci.y of I'ortland was of the same kind and de gree of depravity that had cursed otlier c iinmunit ies in this county so frequt fitly, and that it was susceptal'le of the same remedy that had lice n found eflicaciotiH elsewhere in a few instances. He com mented on the political conditions that prevailed in I hicago prior to the ad ministration of the present Methodist mayor, and adverted to the situation in New York I efore the I ark hurst crusade ami retorm government now in vogue there, and showed how reforms hud heen wrought easily when Christian senti ment united in political action. Jr Ma tyn lecomnif uded the preachi" s take i;p the iiisciisMon ot pull I leal topics w hen then cong'egations g'ow listless and sleepy. In his leetil'e he di 1 not attempt a classical O'lition. it was popular in eveiy sense. 1'ehasa keen tongue and leaily wit, and he flavored his discourse with much spice g atefiil to the avtoage intellectual palate. At the "round tahle" in the afte noon. )r si n tyn gave a spirited talk on good citizenship. The oratorio given in the evening brought out an immense crowd and won laurels for Musical Director Buyer, as well as fttr all who were associated w ith him. The first huss solo, "Rolling and coaming Uillows," was Rung hv I rofes- sor Heritage in admirable style. Miss Illoch had the two soprano solos. "With Verdure (Mad'1 and "On Mighty Pens,1' abundantly fulfilling the high expecta tions of her auditors Prof. Heritage did his best with "Now Heaven in Full est (dory," which followedan admirable descriptive recitative, bringing out the merits ot tlio orchestra. "The Creation reaches its climax in the tenor solo "In Native Worth,' which was sung by Pro fessor Hover himself. The chorus of 110 voices did its most impressive work in 'The Heavens Aro Falling," and it was excellently done. Professor Kmil L. Winkler presnledat the organ and there was an effective orchestra of 23 pieces The presentation wasu great successaiid it uroiisetl m in n enthusiasm. .Mis. Alice llainill-llandcock made a ve y favo able inip'ession bvht" leading of "The 15i d" IK" a t is uncon scious, and she has a most pleasing p'es- nce anil style, llie Uhoiuawa Indian band smpiise.l most people by theexcel- lence of its iniisic. A L 4 there was a game of basket hall between clubs f'oni hast I'o tluml and Oregon City, which was so closely- contested thai at the use of the lime the seine was :i to Ii. It took ten minutes longer to give I jisi I'd Hand another tally and the game. llie ul tendance yesterday was mine than three times as great as on the lirst day last year, the number being esti nialisl at, ';!"( H). Though the number of ASK YCUBSElf THIS QUESTION 111 tin via die Httnyht, would then be euflieient carh to pay my debts art ive my family as good mpport as I now Drovide for Hum? no', lir w would rry family in Ihefe quiet times lire? ui r mte its a f eric lis ijuesiirp, bi t every bnsl m d si d fttiher should think of it You can ereatf an estate sufficient to pay all debts mid provide for the family in an annual cosi oi about 2 percent, of 'lie amount insured and it is cash at nee after your death, by taking a policy in the .Massachusetts .Mutual Life Ins Co. This Co. is 45 years old, jfimr sntee you against any loss of your inonty. after one year, give you annual cash dividends to reduce yearly pay ments, and will loan you money on your policy at 0 per cent intetfst. They write the safest policy and if you are interested in the subject write me for in formal ion . H. Ci. Colton Gen. Agt., Chamber of Commr rce, I'ortland Oregon. IT S.IVES I.IVES EVERY DAY. rhou-anils of cases of Consumption. .Vlhinn, Coughs. Ci'l'l and Croup are cureil every day by Sluloh'x Cure, Kor sale by G. A. llurding. .S.,(i-,i iSMf 6&M tents mi the grounds exceeded that ol last year's assembly w hen every bis ly had become settle I, the work of erecting ad ditional ones procedes today, and nearly Ml remain to be pitched.' There will probably be 2.VI tents in the park this vear. TREATMENT FOR W1REWORMS. Preventive Tested and Advised at the Ex pertinent Station and Elacwhere. Professor Smith of tiro Now Jersey ex pprinirut stem n has iccomiueuded, in Ids reports and other writings, kaiuit i.s u preventive of wireworm' injury Wo havo his testimony tbi)t "where' this luaicriul is r.scl before planting, coin, even cu old sod, cut-worms and w ire worms will do no iujrjry. " It is proper lo slate that the eCicacy of the above preventives lias not brrn sustaiin d experiments Inaile i;t tlio Cuinell uni versity experiment Ktutinn, but in viev of llie strn-iu t.liniony above tpjr.tcd Conutiy (roi.tleLiidi asks, "Li it not pos sible that whin te:ed in the litdd d.flev ent. results von Id bo obtained fromi be? given iu the cacs in tlm insect aty: ' D Cere i it t.)il co:u;t;ons might yield uii ilii' i inn ui. nils. Tlia J:rt Ci inelJ bulletin recomuieiid tiled FMiieion of l!io iniitured insect tlin beo'le by attracting to a pavis green p::; t::u -tl clover bait ; frequent inn! tluuoi gii plowing and piilveiizath::! cf iioesird lb-Ids for ihvco i.r four v,:t?ks i c; follov mis ! uiy 2n. f-r breaking tip I ho la;:, eaiili' :i cei!. in v. hkh tlio aiia is ct n I Ij.i tallied ;:t tl:fs t.i.)-.i t nd thereby killing jit, tlirr- h.t! v hv:;t w ryo may be ! so'.yii i-'.mit ruia' ir.ii i:f crn'ii, uiut One t f the fi n mist citizens and r: p il:ill.:f.i i f tb't ( .l'linitiiiiii ( Til v is lion. ot ! t..i... i: t. .. . i iv. ;.. ... ...i.. lonil tr. jjuoi..iliet. iiu in vimiiy wealthy mid u leader in nianufucturiiig in this gnut community of manufac turers, owning; and opt rating great ma cliinery shops, ( liiployin tlfl'tisamln (if hands and possessing largo investments in real estato mid otlier enterprises. IIo may safely bo placed in tlio category of millionaire manufacturers. Yet it would bo hard to find a in an who is moro ar dently devoted to tlio cause of silvei ban this successful inilliomiiro miimifactur er. Mr. Bookwaltor is n well Known globe trotter, and has mndo nn investi gation of tho commercial and financial conditions in almost every known coun try on tho grout, round earth, No man is better versed iu practicul political economy than lie, and when ho gives expression to any set of views they aro worthy of consideration. "I supposo Wall street will make an other attempt to bulldoze tho Democracy of Ohio on the financial question," was tho terse and vigorous fashion in which Mr. John W. Bookwaltor opened up on tho silver question. "I wus in Now York lust year when they sent out a man steeped up to the ears in wild and dangerous speculation mid whoso every business act for years bus been fur from proper to teuch tbo doctriuo of sound and honest currency to tho people of this stute. Just think of it u wild cat speculator teaching sound money. When he succeeded in having the miserable stradtllo of 1802 adopted by tho convention tbo Wall street agents that sent him out clupprd their bunds and said: 'That's good I Ohio, thank God, is for honest money. ' 'Yes, they have declured for it,' said I, 'but murk my words, the Democ racy will be fairly wiped out of exist ence. ' "I am for free silver, and am .willing to lend every effort ou my part to fur ther t ho cause. I seek no political prefer ment myself wouldn't touch a position of any kind but I stand ready and will ing to help uuy man who is for silver. I say to you that tho country stands in most perilous condition, because of the d::nger cf a single gold stundiud. Tho consequences aro fearful even to consider. They talk of English gold having been poured into this country to further free trade. If free trado was to England's interests the gold standard is immeasurably much so, and she could afford to send fur more to bring about such a result, if any is to be or wus ever sent. Take the writers and authorities on economics of Europe and you will lcaru that gold has appreciated from 2. to 40 per cent in the last 20 years. Thi(t brings us to a point that should be well inculcated into the mind of every voter. ."The charge is made that the friends of silver are desirous of repudiating their obligations they want to pay 100 cents of debt v.'ith a 75 cent dollar. This i3 an insult to every man's manhood, cud many hro deceived. I7cw, I do i ot t;c ccpt i;::y sue It statement. No he::;-.-1 wau dcsin s to do fiiiy such thing. lie wants to pay in t! e money lcrwhxh the debt v:;s t culroctcd. Eniland ha hihuv eld tfxt ; n:8 uxorrcd at the time in :u:.vcl n:r:i'.v goal, silver, pujier and en L:;t Cioiify. if fd-.o can bo rep.:;d i:i .;dd only, tlio deiin-st t,f all, will wt r.b iig:i'.lr.i:s be oiliaixi d that l.kcL? Ko, 1 o, the (lit-l.t -jifly is till ci tbo ollirr ::ide, if niciu!s aire to figure in l hi j quo lion. The crct.ilt r class is ci.tlo:vci-irg loprt 125ct ni:i rr r.xro fi r tvt .y H O ocr.tV worth f b!igaur,iis itl.t.lus, und they will ntimit that this is hx "Cisl:o:.r,t tbeuiselvt-s, thiy -Iii;rfC theft i;;?:..i:i t. ctbt rs. I:i this q.-.c ut n it is tlio cfi.inst tho west a; d scuib, h v ti e catt i- i.fir.g the s. ..i i:j i..::st; in erctlitr is that bi ll i:guiust tho whole cr-i w: l ';-t is m it-prcK-itie i.s :. .i t tdav. ry, i:i.d the t an- ;. I'.o i ui;.ij'iji;:t:o'.i if y.i t-j-.i -i:;-llc lil (O. ) Cir. Cii.eiiiUi. riity i ;:d is . Tbc Cut v..!! ii Lo- inn ; t-ll'l.l TIU I.MIAY S IIAII.V. Vester.lay was lirniige Day at the ('hiiutauiiia assembly, and many were surprised to see the farmers show up. ami take prominent part in the procec I nigs. The grangers all wore badges, lion. W. M. Ililleary, master of the state lirange, and I'resiilent Cardwell, of the State I lotieiiltural Society, and a num ber of farmers occupied the platform Alter I be opening chorus lion John Minlo, ol Sulem, gave a pleasant live- niiniite taiK on liortieulliiro ami wasi followed by Henry K Ihiseh.oneof the I liiieetots of the state ' s.ii lety, who real a puper on "Some, Ihu'tumltiinil I'roblenis." lie I'felaced i bisiaper with a l-rief ilissertatinn mil the dignity of labor w ith sieeial ap-1 liiieation to the tree, iuile-ndeiit and I honest lite of the fanner As to e Iu-' favored the pructieal rather than the theoretical, ami deprecated the i culture that ma le H'ople shun assiieia-. lions w ith nature on the farms and iu Ihe orchards and gardens. He gave il lustrations of successful farming where intelligently applied industry resulted in freeing the growei from the general market conditions and gave his products a big lr:el in the competition all had to meet. For instance, certain Hitato orovit-rm 1 1 . . r t':ml v li.-iv.. nn ..sf-ililwli...! Ir. O W Shnrea" Wlnteifreen Sale .nr. 1 1 ,,.,- i ', i t i i dlseisri o( ihe k.n. Keiamea tea mn ana i-i i " I'1".'""" unit "Mini iini.iin pimpiei from the tat tieaia uU aorta m ) to 4a . insures an eMr.i prin-in the San r..i - ;'o"w""shrea- An-I-Cnnatlr,..!... I'll:, I '"a.ket. un chnm ccunMip ilioa. ick heaJaclie jii4 b.lioua I In the a'ertlloon 1 loll. Mortimer W bite Price, lc a bottle. ! head gave a lecture on "t ri:anizati,.n of rJW.!" i !'' '!. as a It vour in'.ut-le la chronic anJ Jerp-ieaird. rne Dr. ', farmer, ami that all the great inovetnetit G. W Sho ea rernall t. h'a new vmp'"m l anJ have yourcax diannoaeJ anj jet hif eat en ai- Thee fammti remejiea are prerarej onlv rv ftG W Shorea. Zion'MeJl.allnM.lule. Sail La tv. Utah. Kor aaie bv a'l Druftlan, or aent to anv aJJreM ,r receipt ol rrice. G. A. HARDING," Sole Agent, OH-rilfll ,MTV. "RltnoN that bail resulted in the ierniai:ei t hem-lit ol the hniiian race had been l started by men close to the soil. Among ; the pending reforms which be claimed to have been suggested mid urged by the lirange mentioned ; the pnNKition to cKs t I'nite l State seliators I v sipn!ar vole, and be s.ii I the Mii-t;il savings bank, the income tax mid the idea of requiring a foreigner to k( et: V'' fie Ills i'l n id for r.i- year tv. o i t a time, and tla rou;;h cul tivu'.iui in I ho fail. Country Oentleinan says that (here is strong testimony to the eflieacy of a crop of buckwheat in preventing injury by I wireworms, and quotes Hon. A. B. Dickinson as saying : "After experi menting with salt and lime, and many other things recommended, lliavo found only one remedy for tho rus.cals, aud that i.s to break tho sod aud sow it to buckwheat. Plow late and us often us possible in the fall, and then sow it to peas iu the spring. With n liko plowing the next fall, thty will not injure any crop the following season. " Iu England a crop of masfiird is be lieved by many to beau absolute specific against wireworms. A farmer stated ut an agricultural meeting: "I sowed , with mustard a field of 44 acres, which had never repaid me for 19 years in consequence of nearly every crop having been destroyed by the wireworm. Not n single wireworm could be found the following year, and the crop of wheat throughout was superior to uuy tbut J have grown for 21 years." Many farmers have ussei ted that wet either destroys wireworms, drivrs theiu deeper into tho soil beyond the roots or renders the soil so obnoxious that the worms leave. Ou this subject cue cf the Cornell professors writes ns follows in Rural New Yorker: 'Troia a long series of experiments made in 1H90 and 1S91 at the Cornell inseetary we found that to ) kill wireworms salt must bensed at the rate cf abtmt eight tons to the acre, or over 1 per cent cf tbo soil to a depth of i fonr inches nina bs salt. Tais amount Would, f i-m-.i.-i-, L.U vi'pi'..uii.ii. J:i I!" I v,i th :; -..:i!y t. -t.d li e tii p r-t d effect tf air 1:1 driving tlie wireworms i ot:!I:n-et Fl'vcr Mn, tt. la.u's is the i;cc!i::g place f tla r i.i tic Kuuthwir!, !.::! i::::: y of them gal bored here to greet Tillman. They tell me that there will not be enough untisilver votes in tho Chicago convention from states west of the Mis sissippi to mako the number worth count ing. They expect also to split the Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin delegations. Whether their belief is justified or not, these men certainly talk with the con fidence that they have the western peo ple behind them. They havo ull tho in tensity of purpose of extremists, und it can bo accepted as a certainty that if they do net succeed in committing the Democratic national convention to free coinago und a freo coinago candidate they will appeal to the people with a candidate of their own. Quite as serious perhaps mere so in its ultimate effect is their determina tion to have none but free silver Demo crats nominated to congress this fa!L They have gono at the work with meth od and organization, and every western Democrat who has not stood with them in congress will be displaced, if it is possible to do so. Henry L. Stoddard in New York Mail und Express. AN ACT OF IMBECILITY. ItraMina Wliy Ami'ibn Hlinuld Not Allow ! i:ur to I ix tlie l'rlro of Silver. I Y,'h..t mo (lit) facts tudc.y in to the pn.uortion of silver, r.nd -1iito i.s it. be- I iny product d? Tho report of tho direct or cf tho mint da'lcd Juno 21, 1MM, rhuws that tbo world's prod md ion cf silver for tho year lb'Jo, rated lit the ratio of 1(1 to 1, amounted to iri'OH.aTl.OOO. Of this amount tlio United States produced $77, 57ft, 700, und Mi xico produced $07, 37.), (100. The amount produced in the United States und Mexico wus $134,021, SOO, and ull tho balanco of tho world pro- tluectl $73, 4 10,700. But of this f3, 419, 700 the South American ami Central American states, ull of which aro silver Using couuti ies and equally interested with tho United States in maintaining tho price of silver, produced 044, 700, aud tho Dominion of Cunadu produced 132 1.400. w hich mukes a total produc tion in American of tlCO.817.400, und all tho buluuco of tho world produced only 148,053,000. Tho nmount actually produced in Europe wus fl9,15u, 100. Tho amount produced in Great Britain, tho country that now assumes the pre rogutivo of fixing tho value of tho silver bullion of tho world, was $327,700. England's production cf silver is less than two mills on the dollar of tho total production. Instcud of being ablo to dictuto the valuo of silver bullion, she ought not to bo consulted at ulL She should huvo 110 voico in tho mutter. In fact Europo combined could not, us against tho wishes cf America, exert much, if uuy, influence on tho value of silver. Tho amount of their production or of their actual consumption of silver is too trifling to huvo uuy mutenul in- fluenco ou its market vuluo. Europo re quires a certain amount :l silver bullion annually to keep up her supply of token money, even though sho might discon tinue its uso us money of ultimate or final redemption. The amount now be ing consumed by her for coiuugo pur poses uverages ubout $32. 000,000 annu ally, to which if you udd tho amount consumed by her in the arts it will be found that instead of having silver to sell fbo nnnually consumes moro than double tho amount ot silver that she produces. It i::ay bo a fine thing for Europe to allow to fix tho price cf silver bul lion, but it is contrary to all precedent and an outruge on tho silver producing countries. America produces moro than threo times us much silver as ull tlie buluuco cf tho world und more than ten times us much us the amount produced in Europe. Tno total amount of silver produced in tho world, outsido of America, is not sufficient to supply tho demands of Eu rope for coinage purposes und for uso in tho arts. It is not sufficient to supply the demand of India for coinago pur poses uloue. It would hardly be suffi cient to keep the silver gods of China in decent repair, to say nothing about the necessity cf a new one now and then. Mexico and in fact all of tho South American and Central Amcricuu stales aro equally interested with us iu main taining the price of silver bullion and will gladly co-operate with us in any cfTci t v. o may miiko to restore silver to its former , posit ion and value in the monetary system of tho world. It would bo uu act of imbecility for America, producing its it does moro than three fourths of tho silver produced in the world und moro than ten times us much as tlio European production, to allow Europe lo fix tho price of our silver bul lion. Wo have no interests in common with Europo on tho silver question. We aro heavy producers cf silver. Wo have silver to sell, lb is to cur interest to maintain tlio prico of silver bullion. Europe i3 a heavy ccnsnr.ii r cf River. Sho ticcs not product; enough to supply her w mauds. Sho must cuter tho mar ket und buy silver not only for coinage purposes, but for uso in tho arts. It is to her interest to buy silver ut us low a i price a i possible. We cannot combine with Europe. Let uscombine with those who have interests in eoiiiuiui with us. A. J. Utky iu Arena. I FRENCH TANSY WAFERS. These wafers are for painful, scanty, profusu or irrm ular meiihcs, any cause und ladies will fin I that no belter remedy exists for these diUiciiltics. To j ii Void being imposed tipot' by base iniita ! lions buy from our agents and take French Tansy Wafers only. Prico by mail, IL'.OII, CO. JIunllcy, Druggist, Ciintli'ld Itlnek, Orego u City, Oregon CATARRH CLIIEll. Health and sweet breath secured by Sliiloh'f Cnlnrih Kemeily. I'rlce 50 cents. Nasal Injector free, b'or side by G, A. Harding, DON'T TAKE POISON I Cheap whiskies are a mild from o poison. Consumers urn warned unions 1 iheir use. I. W. Harper's Nelson County Whiskey is a standard, high grade Ken lucky Whiskey w hich reaches us direc from Kentucky, und whose party w can conscientiously giiHranteo toi tho seeking a stimulant for medicinal o ocial us e. Respectfully, Hill k 0 le Oregon City, Oregon Wbrn Batiy wan rick, we (?av her Caatortfc When she was a CblliL she cried for Contort, When (lis beoame Mlm. she clung to Castorta, actum aba bail Children, the gave them Coatorla NEURALGIA cured hy Dr. Miles' Pais Pillo. "One cunt u close." At, all drugging NOTICE OF SALE OF DELINQUENT STOCK. Notice N herehv given thut by virtue ot a certain Hssssmnton the share of capital stock of the Blue Iiiver Mining and Milling Uniupany, a c rportion, of three-fourths of one percent., declared by tin-stockholders thereof nt their meeting held on the (ith day of June, 1890, and by virtue nf the action of the board of directors nf said cororation, on the 6th lav of June, lS'.KJ, whereby said assess ment was declared to be delinquent and pursuant to the order thereof, now Iherfore : The following stock will on Saturday, AtiaruNt 81I1. 18'Jii, at2o. ni.. at the front door of the court h-rtise at Oregon City, sold by me at public auction, for cash in hand, to the liiginst binder. to make iIihhiii -hiiin of -iessiiien ts and est of ml vert i si n 4 t her.) hi, namely: SAMB SlUKK AMOUNT. C K. Driirgs :5 loi) I 23.02 G,i.i Ward 000 4.00 Da'edHtOreg mCity,Or..July I), 1896. J. J. COOKE, Secretary. 'Northern si rHuiriu ni. u N S Pullman Sleeping Cars Elc gllllll Tourist Dining Cars Sleeping Cars 'ST. PAUL MINNK Wltl.lS TO llULOTU FAHliO GRAND FOK KS VKOOKSTON WINN1PKO HELK.NA anil BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO VA.SHINQTON PHILADELPHIA XEV VOKK HOSTON and all POINTS) EAST and SOUTH. For Information tlce tit keU, call on or write carda, mapi anr) Dave H ill, Cuckinr. Senator Hill himself vast until re cently tin outspoken champion of free coiuugo. In July, ltJUy, ho wrote a let ter to The Constitution setting forth his views, and thut letter was made public, with .Senator Hill's consent, 110 longer than a yei.r ago. Ve believe that he was honest iu his convictions; (hut he leaily held the views which he expressed in his letter to 1 be Constitution. But ho bad rut then been to Washington in his official capacity. At that time be had not bad an pi.irtunity to sit ut the fa t cf Mr. Cleveland and study finance. The op portunity came when ho went to Wash- insti n. lie bad n conference with the j WANTED'AN I D EA Ke"impl pres.dent the public press teemed with tliinn to patent? Protect your ideas ; they may accounts t f it at the time una sni.'e mat rime Mr. tun nas notouiy enangeci 1 j q A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon 955 Morrlaou Street, Corner Third. I. . brine yon wealth, 1 liUKN A CO. dcrpir into the t-oil. Our result indi cated that l.f n j -.:!' 1 f r.ilt jwr ueio inteifertd v.i;ii tiu k. -.n::iM:icii if In nf, i:nd Le ti er i!r;iv" t!;e wireworsis deei'ir i':t 1 ti c soil m r c.r.icd tle.-in t.i ui:;ratij to uay ir-;; u:t.ii.ud. " The Workingman's Hollar." "1 11111 by silver like an old Irishman who heard Put Collins talk on Ihe cur rency ut Bestcn," says ex-(ovcnicr Tityh rt f Tennessee. "Collins pt t up iu a pompous way and held a polil dollar in one hai-d and a silver dollar i:i the otlier and said: " 'My hearers, I hold in my right hand a silver dollar and in n.y left a Kohl d'-l!::r, c::d the cue repn soils ."1:) tvitswi r.b f sllvtr ami is . w 1 : !y '.1 onr t.Kii a .titiy. The 1 :.- a t:; y th:;;:;. but it is worth f 1 v.: ;. v !. se ihe v.-t llu. "" v.-, which, my f. I.i w t'iti it 11s vriil yi a t;.ke?' ' -f h, Id irishman p- t tp : : d s:;!.'.: " 'V.eM. . r, as I have lu.y.ltr, I'll take ay; lit r. ' "Tli.:t is :;V-T.t tfce'.-n t t!: monry qu'-Mi a" his views on the financial question, bnr , ie one cf the most active and feanS. At- Write JOHN WEUDER- pHtent Attornevs, Washineton. for their $1,800 prize oiler. has Ui alert cncktTS in the whole luuta Constitution. Tl told Committee In the Saddle. Senati r Hill has been doing seme ts nrinjjo:! the possabil.ty cf the siiu; IX in 1 er;.ts ontrollin at Chicago ami has ct i::e to the conclusion that the re sult will depend npen a very narrow marp':;. I:i fat t, be fiun s that it is quite pessiLle that the l'i vt tes rf Ii'i- Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Company. YAriNA HAY UOUTS: Count cling at Vmi'i im Bmv Ith the Sart FraticiM-u iiii I Y.Kiuitia Bar Sienriihiii C'.'niiNii.r. Steamsliii "Fit i allon" A 1 me! flM-clai in evrv respoet. Paila braskit. one way or the other, may de- 1 fn-m Yit'inina mr smi Krtncisto aiut every citle the (vnttit. M is well known, . tiht 1"'"- there will lie two dt leirations from 2V- br::rka, one alleped to lie composed ef j Federal ofTiet boldi ti and Cher stmuii'i:ty men, and the other being the I n r rt ntutives of the silver faction of th" par'y. The national committee, whit h v. ill make up the temporary roll j t f the convention, has a uiajoriry t f ; p Id MamlaH men. it said, and upon 1 its t!' ii(-n as to the seating tf one of i ;: X br.tvka dt location the nh'do mt- ! (n.'-i'f the tt ::vt utio:i may binp Washington PtcL Pi-enj;er ai-ooramiHl.itiona nnntirpeflsed. Fan troni Alttany or pint wet to San Franctwo: Cahin - - ft 2 00 sipcmse . - - it 00 CaMi.. rMind trip, ff'md rtti lirtys - . 19 00 For aailinj lay apply to II. I,. WALDEX, Ar.t. Albany, Orflfin. I ll t LARK. Supt, f.irvallia. Or. j EIW1 tiT' fgr.,