Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 10, 1896, Image 7

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im.WJf Cet "mount of food lu the
OortMt tin and it the leaat expeuM by taking
TBS One Trie Blood Purlfler. All drungliti, II.
Hood's Pills araeaajr to take, easy to operate
the Breast.
The "Klaotrlo Mafnat."
Annie May Abbott, the famous "eleo.
trio magnet, " whom) feat of strength
created a considerable sensation some
fears ago, la amusing herself now wltb
the strong men of China and Janan.
The Japanese wrestlers, whose physical
strength is celebrated the world over,
were unable to raise Miss Abbott from
the floor, while with the tips of her An
gers she neutralized their most strenu
ous efforts to lift light objects, suoh as a
cane from a table. The Japanese papers
say this is hypnotism, while the Chinese
journals accuso her of being in league
With the powers of eviL
Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St.,
Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife
paid no attention to a small lump which
appeared in her breast, but it soon de
veloped into a cancer of the worst type,
and notwithstanding the treatment ol
the best physicians, it continued to
spread and grow rapidly, eating two
holes in her breast. The doctors
soon pronounced
her incurable. A
celebrated New York
specialist then treat
ed her, but she con
tinued to grow worse
ana wben informed
that both her aunt
and grandmother bad
.died from cancer he
' gave the case up as
I IrPy Someone then re-
commended S.S.S.
and though little hope remained, she
begun it, and an improvement was no
ticed. TUe cancer commenced to neal and
when she had taken several bottles it
disappeared entirely, and although sev
eral years have elapsed, not a sign of
ue disease Has ever returned,
A Real Blood Remedy.
S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable")
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease.
Uur books
will be mailed
free to any ad
dress. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
lout essential It it that you ihoald be pro-
ueu wnn Hime rename family meilldue.
l.otWUer's Btoinach Hitlers la the boil ol In
ol... , remedying thoroughly it don inch
common allmenta an Indltvitlon, constipation
mil biliousness, and affording sale and speedy
in niBiiirint uaaes, roeuioaiivm ana inac
tivity of tbekldueye.
The Cuban bonds are made payable
ten years after the evaluation of Cuba
by the Spanish forces.
I shall recommend Piso'a Cure for Con-
sumption far and wide Mrs. MulHean,
Plumstead, Kent, England, Nov. 8, 1895.
Will commence its lizth vear Arnni.t Ifh
It is a first-class Home School and pre
pares boys for admission to anv Univer
sity, or Technical School, or for active
business. Full information and rllnirn
can be had bv addressing
That la the Hecord Made by Tom
Linton, an KnglUh Hlcycliat.
Tom Linton, who linn Just crested a
new cycle record for the hour by going
thirty mill' and 214 yards at tlio Velo
drome do lit Heine, In i'urls, Is an Kuk
lUliman with u record. Many lutiK
dlstiiiiee riders have been trying for
some time to crowd thirty miles Into
one hour's riding, but Union Is the
first to iktoiii)HnIi It. A. A. flume wiih
the uext nearest, he having ridden
twenty-nine mile ami 3(KJ yard with
in the hour at the Wood liieen truck
In England on May 11). Linton's gi-eut
effort wn paced, of course, and by
the celebrated English liladlutor ten 111.
It wn timed by A. Moore und K. Clr-
nrd, and was witnessed by hiicIi well
known cycling authorities nx Leon
lluinelle, rreHldeut of the Union Cy-
cIlHte; Tatil Kenwird. Spoke and Had
uel, beside an army of enthusiasts,
Llnlon went at his task In u most (!('
termlned manner and began record
breaking almost at the start. At the
seventh kilometer he had beaten Rur
den's record, and then fell the records
of Houhours nnd Chase. Purlug all
hi ride ho kept up a furious pace,
Ills pacemakers could not ro fast
enough to keep out of his way. and he
was ready for another hour's ride
when his first hour was completed,
Linton's ride all the wny up to thirty
miles was remarkable, and the record
sors. The Sultan of Turkey has con-
trllmted a particularly fine collection
of treasures associated with his prede
cessors on the Turkish throne, whone
sovereignty wn acknowledged In Hun
gary, side by Hide with this rich dls-
plny of bygone times Is a no less exten.
Rvlno.1 .. ,1.. . v .l
j -jr. .iu.i.. ' iucj cauuui ream ill.
diseased portion of the ear. There la only one
way to cure deafness, and that la by constitution
al remedies. Deafneiw n earned by au Inflamed
CondlLion Of the tniionlia llninir nf Vinr.flhi.n
Tube. When Ihie tube tela Inflamed you have
a rumbling sound ol Imperfect heariiiir. and
when it la entirely cloned denfiiMU I. thu mnii
and unlesa the Inflammation can be taken out
and thla tube reatored 10 it normal condition,
hearing will be deatroved lor favar: tilnA misa.
out of ten are causal by catarrh, which la
nothing but an Inflamed condition of the
mucous aurlacea.
We will give One Hundred Dnll.r. lor .nv
caae of lieafneaa (caused by catarrh) that cau
not be cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure. Bend for
circulars free.
r. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by Druggist, ?6c.
Hall'a Family Pills are the beat.
FITS. All flla tnntuul fro hv IW. K1ln.li
Great Nerve Ileatfir.tr. Nn fir.Dfmr ihori-.t
day'a use. Marvelnua curea. Treatise and T2 00
trial bottle free to Fit caaea. Sand to Dr. Klh,
j bjvu ot., i uiiauujpuia, re.
Tbt Gebmia for breakfast.
Is the name
of the
that is rainproof and sheds water. It
wears like the other S. H. & M.'s and
does not turn gray like the cheap kinds.
Put it on your traveling and sea-side gowns
If your dealer will not
supply you we will.
Sanpltl ihowing labels and material! malUifrt.
" Home Dressmaking Made Easy," a new 72 paee
bw ujr miss cinma m. nooper, or me utdies
Home Journal, giving valuable pointa, mailed for
5. H. A M. Co., P, 0. Box 399, N. V. City.
Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually
outlasting two boxes of anv other brand. Free
from Animal Oils. U".T THK GENUINE.
and Dealers generally.
AGENTS WANTED, ies or Gentlemen,
In every town, for one of the best selling articles
made, I'ted by every man, hoiuuii and child,
Fredericka (sanitary Tooth Bruah with
'lotiRue Uemilng Attachment. -
Endorsed by all the leading plivslclans and
dentists. Send 16o. for sample. Kemtlafor 25o
SUU 000. n ILL oc FINK CO ,
818-820 Market Street, iSan Fraucisco, CaL
Farsa!ebrn!llrnr7lAta. Ceata a bttle.
"Jupt Don't Feel Well,"
DR. CUm-8 rri riM A
ara the On Thing to use.
Only Ono for n Doeo.
Bold rruiijlta at So. a box
Gamnles ma.!.-!! . aa .
i Cf. iiaunko t'.".i. c9.rhila. l'a.
It is estimated that it takes two
years for the water from the Gulf of
Mexico to travel from Florida to the
ooast of Norway.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millionsof families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene- j
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti- 1
cle, winch is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druffjjists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
vod and gives most general satisfaction.
Is Interesting. He did his first fire
miles In 0:42, ten In 19:30 1-5. fifteen In
29:33 2-5, twenty in 39:29 2-5. twenty
five In 49:34 3-5, and thirty In 59:40 1-5,
Chase, In his run at Wood Green, occu
pled 1:01:40 1-5 In going thirty miles,
his record for the hour being twenty
nine miles and 300 yards.
A Brave People Celebrate Their
l.OOOtb Birthday.
Just a thousand years ago the fore
fathers of modern Hungnry, who had
wandered westward from their orlgl
nal home in the. region of the Altnl
mountains, established themselves in
the country which has since borne their
name and laid the foundations of the
Hungarian state. For some months to
come the Hungarian nation will bo en
gaged in the appropriate celebration
of the l.OOOth year of its history. Fetes
and congresses of all kinds are to be
held at all the chief centers of the coun
try at Intervals throughout the next
few months, and great events of Hun
garian history are to be celebrated by
the erection of many monuments. ,
. The chief feature of the commemora
tion Is the great Millennial exhibition
which was opened at Budapest recent
ly by the Emperor-King Francis Jo
seph, and which forms an elaborately
faithful presentment of the gradual
development of the Htingnrlnn race
from a state of barbaric simplicity to
the complex civilization of the present
time. Most of the great historical
j buildings nre reproduced on nn exten
. slve scale in a rich medley ai different
j architectural styles Romnnesnue.
Gothic, Renaissance, and their succes-
FoitKsTiiv rAvti.inx.
Hl(rh Woods of Tropical America.
Of the High Woods, the dense prime
val forests of tropical America, ninny,
from Humboldt downward, have wilt
ten, and written well; yet mere words
can never adequately render their
grand, mysterious beauty. The brush,,
in the hund of genius, might succeed:
the pen must Inevltubly fail. It Is of
little service to tell of giant stems ris
ing to a height of 200 feet or more he-
fore they put forth their strong. Inter
lacing branches. The bare statement
of the fact conveys no Idea of the mas
sive nohlllty, the columnar dignity and;
grace of their trunks. They shoot
straight upward lu grand and erowded
array, the pillars of a dense roof of
dark-green foliage; and from their
branches hang festoons of bush rope,
in strenuous though invisible combat,
one with the other, to reach the soil,
even as the great trees are In similar
combat to force their way up into the
sunlight and the air So thickly matted
Is the roof of branch and leaf, of pendu
lous rope and Ivy, that the light is dim.
lou may travel for days and never
see the sun save for slanting shafts
and burnished gold that pierce the In
terstices of this naturul celling; or for
occasional clearances where some old
giant of the forest has fallen, crushing
down all the weaker trees that could
not withstnnd Its welcht. The atmos
phere Is almost Intolerably hot and
dank. The ground Is encumbered with
dense undergrowth of bush, making
progress painfully slow, even over au
Indian trail. The silence, too, is as
oppressive as the heat. Just before day
break, In the ten minutes or so of half
light, the forest will resound with the
cries of monkeys and the notes of birds.
Time to Go.
The late Sir Richard Burton was ex
ploring an unknown corner of Afghan
istan once, and had adopted the tils-
cruise of a Mohammedan fakir. He
played his part so well In one village
that the inhabitants formed a very high
Idea of his sanctity. Naturally, he
was pluming himself on his success,
when the elders came privately to him
one night and begged him to go away
at once.
"Do not the people like nie?" asked
Burton, In great surprise.
Indeed they do," was the reply;
they were considering whether it
would not be a good thing to-possess
your tomb.i they are so enchanted with
our holiness. Sir Richard made the
best of his speed away.
Don't let your troubles blind you to
the fact that your neighbor's sympathy
la two-thirds curiosity.
Unique Show Given
at Columbus, Ohio. Kncinca Under
Steam Dash Into Each Other.
The population of the world averages
109 women to every 100 men. Eight
ninths of the sudden deaths are those
of males.
The joints endure much nee because
they are constantly lubricated by an oil
secreted by glands specially adapted to
that pnrpose.
Mrs. Maybrick's mother savs in
New Orleans letter that she will work
for her daughter's release until she dies.
mi,:. J"'?., U --- -- i-U
To Oo
G&en Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
Tobacco 8
Yoa will find one coupon ia- J
side each j-ouncc bag, and two o
couoons inside each i-ounce P
ThO DeSt I bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon t
S SmOklngTobaCCOMadO and see how to get your share.
II iii. I...-1
At Columbus, Ohio, twenty-five thon
aand people eaw two monater locomotives
deliberately put In terrific collision. The
collision was arranged by the Hocking
Valley Railroad Company aa a means of
drawing people to their new park. The
machines were old-fashioned and worn
out. Neither had been used for some time
and both were early candidates for the
crap pile. A small expense put thpni
in safe condition for the purpose. A ajie
cial aide track a mile long had been pre
pared and the locomotives, with four old
freight cars attached to each and nndi-r
rail steam, were started, one frm each
end. It ia estimated that they were going
at the rate of fifty miles an hour when
they met The crash wai heard for miles.
The two monsters were of abont equal
weight and when they struck they mount
ed Dp in the air fully twenty-fire fveL
The freight cars piled up in a wreck un
der them and the wreck of the engines fell
hack upon them, a bisxing, smoking mnxa.
Dummy brukenicn and engineers had
been placed on the trains to make it all
the more realistic, nnd many women faint
ed, supposing they were rial men and
could not get off. Aa the eluuda of dust
and steam obscured the wreck there was
a tremendous shout, then, when the es
caping steam subsided t.'ie people clam
bered over the wreekiige and every loose
piece of iron that could le found was
carried away as a relic. Klnetoncopic and
eidoloseopic views of the wreck were
taken by experts. Chief Clerk Thomas
Feck, of the general ticket agent's ollice
was the victim of the only acrident. A
bolt from the wrecked er.x'.M flew about
100 yardi to where he afandina; and,
striking him on the leg, breaking it in two
Uses Paine's Celery Compound In His Family,
and Strongly Recommends It.
slve illuslratloii of tile chief features
In the life of modem Hungary. More
thnn 170 different pavilions of spacious
size are devoted to the exhibition of all
unit Is most representative of the coun
try, and, Indeed, of Its whole social and
political life.
Major-General Birney, who is now,
at the age of 75, practicing law and
doing departmental work in Washing
ton, in a letter to Wells & Rioharduon
Company, says:
"My wife, has been taking the
Paine's celery 00m pound for some time
past, and is to muoh pleased with it
that she wishes me to express to yon
her high opinion of its merits. She
thinks it is the best remedy she has
ever tried."
General Birney'i hearty acknowledg
ment of the great and lasting good that
his family has received from Paine's
celery compound is repeated, in sub
stance, in countless testimonials, writ
ten in the same grateful spirit and
sent from every part of the country.'
Don't sit with folded arms and do
nothing toward getting rid of poor
health. Drive out all impurities from
your blood; build up the vigor of the
body with Paine's celery oompound
the one remedy that has kept all its
promises in the past.
The tired nerves and brain need just
the aort of nourishment that this great
invigorator is able to supply. '
Now ii the time when Paice'i oelery
oompound, aided by the favorable in
fluences of the season, fairly outdoes it
self. It learohes out the hidden caoiea
of debility, neuralgia, rheumatism anA
those constantly recurring headaoh.
The worn-oat nervous tissues are in
vigorated. Paine'i oelery oompound '
is the one successful nerve regulator
that cures disease without any possi
bility of a return of the trouble.
Take Paine'i celery compound this
very day. It won't do to postpone get
ting strong and well nntil you have a
vaoation. Do ai thousands of others
have done to their great joy, take
Paine'i oelery oompound I It will in
vigorate at once your impoverished
uervoni system.
If yon really want to get well, read
the letters recently published from suoh
men as Justioe Powers, Congressman
Grout, Congressman Meredith of Vir
ginia, Assistant United States Attorney
John C. Capers, Congressman Wilbur
of hew York, Congressman Bell,
Lieut MoAllister, Congressman Neil
and many others who are fully ai care
fnl of what they recommend. The
perustl of a few of theso personally
signed, hearty testimonials of Paine'i
oelery oompound will give any one a
dear idea of what this wonderful rem
edy ii doing in every state in the
Union, and in every city and village.
It ii making people well.
"Pass Your Plate."
j rrv a a n n
m. w v . ' -4 .. a r. tat m:
1 -!J ?
Price's of all commodities &
have been reduced except tobacco.
uaiiK, ixa ls up LU dale.
Low Price; High Grade; Delicious
Flavor. For 10 cents you get
almost twice as much "Battle
Ax" as you do of any other high
grade plug.
mrmSCT N"TV if yV TVT Tu" Tei7 remarkable and certain
W 1 J IVI A- IX relief given woman by iiOORIi'3
TT , . a , . REVEALED REMEDY baa given
it the name of V oman'i Friend. It is -y T uniformly snccesi
fal ifl ireUving the i backaches, headaches J-t C3tv and weakneia
which bnrden and shorten a woman'i jjfe. Thousands ol
women testify for it. It will give health and strength m
nd make life a pleasure. For sale by all druezisti. Yfl 4
BLUMAUEB-FttiMC DRUG CO.. Portico. Airent.
PJWb,i ar.4 il iM. viit.r f fnf4!i; Ptie rtM at m
R. bO-SAM-KO'S PILI RE, Of. it
. t,i ij,fa). A pSHi' I isj I r ittra a-nt IT. frM
It. aVtitttuuMauU. I. UOftAftkU. VhllmPt.
1J !
a-yt.ii III it it fus.
i N. P. U. No. 657.-8. F. X. U. So. 754