JUST ONE YEAR OLD. Just one short yonr ago he came, Our little son, God bless lilm! A heaven-sent treasure lit is ours, To cure for nnd cares liiin. No matter If the days be tlrenr, Our hearts lie never fail to cheer. When to my work I go uwny I stoon anil softly kiss him; And through the long, long hours of day 1 sadly, Kiully miss him; Until at last, nt net of miiii I go to bi in when work in (lone. With outstretched nniin imJ winning Rmile, lie COO n loving greeting: 'Tig hurd to tell which one of us 1 hnppieHt nt our meeting. This joyous frolleiiome yomiK elf, His loving imimiiin, or myHelf. Hi dimpled urum nroiind my neck Ollnir close III Koft caresses; While 'gainst my bronzed mid bearded cheek, His dewy Hps lie presses. Oh. little love! Oh, buby mine! You closely round my heart-strings twine. God grant t lint in the years to come He ne'er may know n sorrow; Mny peace nml hnppiness be his, With every coming morrow, And mny Thine everlasting linn, Protect and keep him safe from harm. Oh, bnby mine, when years have flown, And I am old and hoary, When yon to man's estate have crown, And strong In manhood's glory, Oh, never may our hearts crow cold, Dear baby boy, just one year old. Leisure Hours. Til E FORT UNE TELLER "Da !" "Oh 1 pnpn, prill ! how enn you?" The old high lmlllff of Krohn pushed nwny the pretty little hnnd that his eldest daughter sought to place over bis mouth. "No," he said, "I will not keep quiet. I repent that the whole custom of send ing New Year's cards Is a d n lmd one, and It Is time to put an end to It. What are the results of such nonsense? "First, I get my mnll ling later than usunl, and, secondly, It Is crammed so full with the stupid stuff that I can hardly get It open!" At length the old gentleman's efforts were rewarded, the bag sprang open, and he emptied Its contents with Im patience on the breakfast table. " 'ToFrauleln Kathnrlna von Krohn,' he read. ".My God! are they all for you, KiithlnkaV" "Don't lie so unbearable, papa, and please don't call me Kathlnka." The old gentleman replied to bis daughter's request with an unintelligi ble growl and went on drinking his cof fee. "Just look what a lot there are for me!" cried Katliarlmi, piling the letters upon the table In front of her and her face lighting up with plensure. , "Are they all for yon?" "Yes, all. Now you can see what It Is to be known as a beauty." "And an heiress," added the father. "Yes, and an heiress, she repeated, thoughtfully. "Hut Is there nothing there for my lit tle Mil?" asked her father. .Knthnrlnii shrugged her shapely shoulders Impatiently. "Why, of course not. If a girl ex pects to be shown much attention she must bo a little more pushing and Im portant." "And an heiress, too," was the fath er's laconic addition to the sentence. "I really should be very grateful, father, If you would not allude so much to my money," was the rather curt pro test. "I can't help It. Kathnrlna. when I see my little I. Ill here, as beautiful as the flower that gave her the name, and well, she Is not an heiress, do you un derstand? That's the whole thing." Kathiirlun made no answer. She was busily studying the handwriting on the envelopes. , A young girl who had hitherto sat op posite to her In silence left her seat, went up to the high bailiff, and putting Iter fair young arms round his neck, gave him a kiss. A world of love shone In his eyes ns be looked nt her with pleasure and stroked her soft cheeks. "Never mind, 1,111," he said, slowly, "I ntn glad that you don't get such a pile of letters. I'm grateful, too, that you'ro not an heiress. Perhaps then no one will take you away from me." Tears came Into the girl's eyes, for, though she said no word, yet the thought that no one hud remembered her or cared enough for her to send her a New Year's card made her sad. Hut slie forced herself not to cry and tried to conceal the few tears that would not be kept back by kissing her father again lovingly on the eyes and lips. The high bailiff of Krohn, the father of these two girls, had married twice. His first wife, n lovely, proud, but vain, woman, died soon after the birth of a little daughter, and left her the whole of a large fortune. Ills second wife, the daughter of a country clergyman, brought him no wealth but a sweet and beautiful disposition. When she, too, died after two years' married life he felt overwhelmed and had never since wholly recovered from the blow. Katharlnn, the elder of tne stepchll chlldrcn, had just finished her twen tieth year, and, as she was as proud, pretty, and Just as vain as her mother, bad already laughed at ninny proposals for her hand and money. No one had no far been able to take her fancy. L11I was In almost every respect the opposite of h.r sister. Small of figure, quiet and retiring. It happened that she was often entirely overlooked. It cer tainly was not right of father to love one d.mghter more than another. Still he did so, and it was plain to everybody that It was the soft, sweet, patient Llll who was his favorite. It made Katharlna feel annoyed to ee her father so gentle and affectionate toward her sister, for she said, with a sharp look at them both: "What! kissing again! I en u not tin derstand how you find pleasure In ill ways lying round each other's necks." "You are out of sorts, Katharlna, said her father. "One of the .curds you expected has not come, perhaps. I would ulmost wuger that among all those letters there la none from Huron Horn! Kb?" Kathnrlna grew u shade paler at these words. "I certainly expected n card from Huron Horn," she replied, trying to con ceal her aiinoyiince. "Me surely has sent me one! Are you sure you emp tied the mall bug thoroughly?" "Yes, I think so. Hut you ha. better look yourself; It would not be the first time thut a letter bus remained stuck In one of the corners." "Ah! I thought so," exclaimed Knth arliia, pulling a crumpled letter out of a deep corner of the bag. She glanced quickly and sharply ut the address, and then with an cxclama tioli of vexation let the letter hurriedly drop. Not from Huron Horn, after nil?' asked her father, picking it up. "and yet that Is his writing. Heavens! why, It Is for you, Mil; It's addressed to you. 'Oh! Impossible!" said Mil, quietly, while a fulnt blush rose to her pretty cheeks. "It must be a mistake. "Hy no means," returned her father, smiling. "Here, open It. Let us all see It. Oh,' what a lovely card! Why Kathnrlna, where are you going?" Hnt the father received no answer. Katharlna hurriedly gathered up her letters and left the room In a whirl wind. The nbove-iiietitioned Harnn Horn was a young noblemiiu who bad Just re turned from Afrifli. It was well known that he took great pleasure In visiting the Yon Krohn family, and under all inn nner of pretexts took every oppor t unity to be with them. Of course ev- ry one thought that the attraction was the rich and beautiful Katliarlmi, and she herself took particular pains to spread this view of the ma! tor. Accustomed as she was to a large number of enthusiastic admirers, she had never for a moment Imagined that the baron could interest himself in he quiet little sister until she was remlnd- d to-day In a rather unpleasant man ner of the possibility of such a thing. She read her letters through and be came better humored. How stupid of nie to get so cross," she said, as she smiled at her lovely face In the glass. "It is not possible that he favors I. Ill when he knows me." There came a gentle knock at the door, and the servant girl came In and announced that the carriage was at the door. Katharlnn at once remembered that Huron Horn had promised to go for a drive with her, and with this thought her face grew bright once again. A charitable ba.nar was to be open ed In a neighboring town, and, as the father was not able to go, Huron Horn hud offered his escort to the two young ladles. The baron was as punctual ns most lovers that Is to say, he came half an hour before the time, and found Kath arlna quite ready, to his great astonish ment, for as a rule she kept everybody waiting half an hour, at least. Her purpose of frustrating a teto-n- tcte between Llll and the baron was completely successful, for she did not move from his side until they all three were ready to get Into the carriage. The father stood with beaming face on the doorstep and waved a fond fare well after them. "This Horn Is a very sensible fellow," he thought to himself, "and I admire his choice. It will be very hard to lose Llll, but I would let him have her rath er t hn u any one else.'" Although the bii.aur was crowded the arrival of Huron Horn and his two lovely companions caused considerable excitement, and they were speedily sur rounded by acquaintances. Among these was a Cnpt. Mnke, a tall, blonde fellow, and one of Kath- nrina's most sincere and faithful ad mirers. "How glad I am to see you here," he said. "Really? Why?" "May I show you why? I'lease come with me. At the other end of the hall there Is a fortune teller, nud I want you to see what she will tell you." "May we join you'.'" asked the baron. "Certainly. Come, we will all go to gether." The mysterious room that held the fortune teller was reached. The for tune teller proved to be a little ilgure In the middle of a disc. Round the disc were figures and numbers and slips of paper arranged. Auyone who wanted to see into the fu ture paid a mark, sejt the figure revolv ing, and took the slip of paper opposite which It stopped. "Now, my genacdlges frauleln," said the captain, taking out his purse, "won't you try your luck?" Hut Katharlna refused positively to le a party to such nonsense, and, Inas much as I.ili could not be persuaded either, the baron asked permission to inquire of the oracle himself. He set the figure In motion and took the slip of paper opposite which it stop ped. "Seek her band and buy the ring. Thy life will then be full of Joy," ran the words on it. The baron tried to catch a glance from Llll. but she appeared to be ab sorbed In the nature and character of the floor anil would not raise her eyes. "I'oti Blitz!" cried the captain, turn ing to Katharlnn, "that is famous; you really must be persuaded to try It now. Or. shnll I do It for your "You may do it for me." she replied In such sharp tones that everyone look ed st her. Thi captain turned the the figure and read the words: "Hast thou not often heard It said " Ho hesitated; then tore the pnper up and threw It on the floor. The conclusion of the sentence seemed to suit the ninny proposals that Katherlna had received too well for him to read I. "What was the rest, captain?" asked the baron, In all Innocence. Hut the'eap- tain looked so displeased that the ques tion was not pressed. "I wonder what It was?" Llll wills- pored to the baron. "Wo shall learn later, perhaps." he eplleil, "Hut did you get my New Year's card this morning? "Yes," she answered softly, with a blush. "And do you remember what the for tune teller told me Just now? If I buy the ring will you wear It?" He drew a deep sigh of relief as he saw his answer in her happy, blushing face. She lowered her eyes and snld: "I don't know. You must first speak to papa." From the (ieriuan. A 1'olito Haider. A correspondent of the London Times has discovered, In the French archives. an original memorandum In which the famous searover. Haul Jones, told the story of one of the oivurrcncos connect ed with his raid on the British coasts In 1778. Jones wrote: 'Upturning on board the Hanger, the wind being favorable, I sailed for the Scottish coast. My Intention was to capture the Karl of Selkirk and detain him as a hostage. Accordingly tiro same day, -'lid April. 177.S, about noon, having with me a single boat, only two officers and a small guard, I landed ou that nobleman's estate. On landing I met some of the Inhabit ants, who, taking me for an English man, told me that Lord Selkirk win then in Loudon, but that my lady, his ! wife, and several lady friends were nt home. This made me resolve to return Immediately to my boat, and go back to the Hanger. This moderate conduct j was not to the taste of my men, who were Inclined to pillage, burn and de-1 vastate all they could. Though this ! would have been making war after the ; fashion of the English, I did not think ; It fit to Imitate them, especially ou this : occasion, considering what was due to a lady. i "It was necessary, however, to find some compromise to satisfy the etipid- Ity of my crew and to spare Lady Sel- kirk. 1 had only a moment for choice. What seemed to me best to reconcile , everything was to order the two officers to go to the mansion with my guard, which was to remain outside under arms, while they alone entered. They , were then politely to ask for the fain-1 Ily plate, to stay only a few minutes, to take what was given them without j demanding anything more, and return immediately afterward without pro- ceedlng to any search. I I was strictly obeyed. The plate was i given up. Lady Selkirk told the officers j several times over that she was very sensible of the moderation shown by I me. She even wished to conic to the! bench, a mile from her mansion, to In vite me to dine with her; but the oflicers : begged her not to take the trouble to do this." Coyotes Itecovered Their l'uppies. An amusing Incident occurred the other day on tho Lemon farm, nenr (iarfleld, Wash. Burt Lemon and an employe of the farm were plowing, when they came across three young ..... L I coyote pups WHICH Had not Vet opoiltd their eyes. While they were examln-l1 lug them the old ones appeared ami approached to within fifty yards. Mr. i Lemon went to the house for a gun and a sack, and placed the young ones j In the sack, which was tied up and left In the field until time to go In from work. The old coyotes kept a respectful dis tance from the rifle, but hovered around. Several turns of the field were made with the plyw, and, finally, when the men came in sight of where they had left the sack containing the young coyotes, they saw one of the old ones with tho sack, puppies and all, streak ing It over the hill, and that was the ast seen of them. Spokane Spokes- ma n-Review. Deplorable Ignorance. Gen. John McNeil, who was a broth er-in-law of President Fierce, and ma jor-general of the New Hampshire mi litia at one time, Is said to have been considerably Incensed when he met any one who appeared to be Ignorant of the wounds and honors he had won on the field of battle. During the war with Groat Hritaln he was shot while mounted on his faithful horse, receiving a severe wound in the knee, which caused him to walk stitlly for the rest of his life. How did you hurt your knee, gen eral?" asked a young man whom the old otllcer characterized as a "whipper snapper" one day, from a certain lack of respectfulness In his air and man ner. "Did you have a fall?" Yes, sir," snorted the general, indig nantly. "I fell off a horse! You neve, read the history of your country, did you, sir?" A Wonderful Flower. The most wonderful flower In the world, as well as one of the very larg est "blossoms Known, is a native or ; jchuds. Vots, Livs, fcstfts, Tartars, .o the Malay peninsula. It is simply a jals, Meshtcherjaks, Bashkirs, Kirghiz, gigantic flower without either stem or j Yakuts, Buriats, Tungusians, Ainos, Chi leaves. and has more the apearanee 1 nese, Calmucks. Snmoyeds. Ostiaks. Vt of a fungus than anything else. It is J. 'Ll GrTvlr ... , . , ., . . , i Georgians, lsgmans, urnsians, l er about three rert In diameter and has a ! g Armenians. Turks, Jews, Greeks, globular central cup which has a ca- Mel iCore of others, whose name pacity of marly two gallons. This cup-' mTt eTen fess known than these. Some of is always filled with a fetid liquor which attracts nn Immense swann of flics and other insects. The pistils o.' this queer flower distill the liquid and It is believed thnt Ihe rank odor attracts the flics in or.!, r that the flower may be fertilized. I i When a minister takes "Woman" for Uls text, he never tells her anything that will make her more appreciative, of her husbuud. I RUSSIAN PEASANTS. SHIFTLESSNESS AND IMPROVI. DENCEOF QUONDAM SERFS. The Kind of People Who Trampled Each Other to Death at the Corona tion Feast Number and Variety of the Nationalities In the Km pi re. Subjects of the Czar. The awful panic in which over 2,000 persons lost their live on the Iludynsky l'laiii, just outside the walls of Moscow, did not seem to mar the festivities of the coronation, for, although the Czar and Czarina went through the form of visit lug the hospitals and speaking to those who, though inaiuied, were fortunate enough to esciqie death, the dancing and rejoicings went on according to the pro gram already arranged, and the ghastly Incident seemed to make little impression on Ihe court circle. Those who perished In the terrible rush for the food provided KSql'IMAl-X IX KUSSIA. by the bcueliccnce of the Czar were only peasants, ami that the death of a few hun dreds or even a few thousands of peasants should be permitted to Interfere with the general joyousnesa of the ocension when a young Czar is crowned was not to be thought of for a moment, go the merry making and the funerals progressed at the same time, and while the strains of the j waltz floated out from the windows of the j Kremlin palaces, the wails of widows and j orpnans went up rrom tne plain outside, wuer l,,e u 1 up" ur ereftt ! jnchM' '!'' rcli: m.ore tonmfht : than would be shown in the case of so mnny cattle, I - MM i t A TYPICAL PEASANT GROUr. Showing, as it docs, the little esteem in which the mass of Russian population is held by the court and better classes, the Incident is painfully suggestive, for it in dicates that between the rulers and the ruled In that vast empire there is a great I d t J ,L.. L 1,.. 1. A i sun uxeo mat unruiy can ue uriugeu eveu thu winX of humnn sympathy. For I Kug3ia i3 but " CQ'nl8rr gK"Wtoa of A PEASANT DISSKn. conquered provinces, held together by the Iron hand of despotism, the IL'0,000,000 human unit which make up the popula tion being regarded only as so many items of wealth or so much material for the merciless conscription when the Czar needs soldiers to fight his battles. In gueh a miscellaneous and heterogen eous mass of peoples as make up the em pire it is impossible that there should be any cohesion. No State on the earth, not even the British, contains so varied a col lection of nationalities as the Russian Empire. Over 100 nations, speaking near ly as mnny languages and dialects, ac knowledge the authority of the Czar, and o wide is the dominion of this potentate that he governs alike sealskin-clad Esqui maux of the polar circle and half-naked savages on the torrid plains to the east of the Caspian, where the heat of the sun, reflected from burning sands, renders life almost unendurable. Between these extremes are crowded Russians, Foles, Lithuanians, Finns, Lapps, Germans from tne lialtlc prov inces of Germany, Holes, Hungarians, Serb. Slavs, Cossacks of a dozen tribes, these tribes comprise only a few hundred thousand of the population, bnt, on the other hand, several number millions, and annually send thousands of soldier into the armies of the Czar. So far a Europe Is concerned", however, the great bolk of the popalatioa I Russian, and it is proba ble that most of the unfortunate who were trampled to death at the coronation feast were of that nationality tad of the lowest and poorest classes of the peas antry. Attracted by the unusual occa sion and by the prodigality, barbarian la ! m life . til S& ki&ntf It profusion, with which the populace tre always entertained ut inch an event, they came by hundred of thousands, an undis ciplined, half-starved rabble, nud when the signal was given to approach the tables prepared, there was a rush like that of a stampeded herd of cattle and whole sale death was the natural result. Tho wretched peasants who trod one another Into the earth to get n meal were the product of ages of iron oppression, Historians paint gruphic pictures of the condition of the commons, the farmers, farm luborers and country people general ly In the days when all Lurope was owue by kings and barons, and when the tillers of the soil were bought and sold with the estates ou which Ihey lired, hut wv do not need lo go back five centuries to wit ness such n state of affairs, for it exists in Hussia to-day. lu the laud of the Czar, the Middle Ages and their ideas still pre vnil; Hussia has not yet emerged from the darkness of the feudal system. It Is true that the Kmperor Alexander Issued a decree abolishing serfdom, and thereby technically emancipated over 'JO.OOO.IM") serfs, but emancipation, to men unpre pared to take advantage of it, is a mock cry, and lo the present day the great masses of Hiissian Hasaulry are free only in name. They may not be sold with the estates, but without means to move elsi1 where, without the knowledge that they can belter their condition by moving, and under the belief thai they would be brought back if Ihey did go, the name of freedom becomes a hollow delusion. In fact, though they hare the name, It is all in reality that they do have, and to all Intents nud niirnoses they are just as much in slavery now us liefore the Czar'; decree. The bulk of Russian laborers are ngrl cultural, and In this vast empire agricul ture is carried on in a fashion only less primitive than in Palestine or Egypt. In our patent nllice may lc seen over 10.IMK) models of plows; in Russia there is but one, and that one n clumsy affair which from time immemorial, has been in iisi among the peasantry, nor can ihey be per suaded to change it for a better, for of all human beings the Russian peasant is the most conservative. He is now what his fathers were HOO years ago; wears the same kind of clothing they wore, keeps himself warm in winter and roasts in sum nier .under the same kind of sheepskin cloak that was in common use nil over Europe in the days of the Kmpress Anna and cannot be induced to make a change, for what was good enough for his father is gooil enough for him. In the country districts a sort of com mune system, apparently contrived with extreme ingenuity to keep the people poor. is in vogue almost everywhere, ihe farm ers live in a village, having a sort of local self-government, which every year or two partitions out the fields among the popu lation, making a reassignment so frequent ly that no farmer feels any particular in- terest in the permanent improvement of the ground allotted to him, for he knows that in a year or two he will be given an other field, and thnt the rewards of his im provements, should he muke any, will be renped by another. The result is, no one improves the ground to which ne is as signed; each strives to get from it all he can during the season he holds it, anil to put on it as little labor and expense ns possible. All the agricultural community of Russia thus, after a fashion, lives from hand to mouth, no one feeling called on to make nuy especial exertion, for when a man grows old the community is bound to take care of him, and one of the strong est incentives to providence unu self-denying exertion is taken away. This system alone would be enough to account for the general poverty and mis ery of the peasuutry in the Russian Em pire, but there are others quite ns potent. The people ore grossly ignorant nud sup erstitious beyond belief. There is a pre tense of popular education, It is true, but to the peasant farmers it is only a pre tense, for not one in ten can read a line. The clergy of the Greek Church, always passively and frequently actively, oppose efforts nt advancement, and the result is thnt schools, when they exist at nil, are devoted rather to the devotional than to the intellectual training of the young and thus the ignorance is perpetuated. The home life of the Russian peasant is exceedingly rude and primitive. In the country districts log houses, greatly re sembling those once in use in the early days of this country, are very common, while in regions where stone is more easily obtained than lumber, the houses are of that material. The lower class Russian is not noted for his cleanliness, and. though he may take a vapor bath every Saturday night, his company is not always rendered the more agreeable. In virtue of that fact, the rest of the week, for his ideas of cleanliness do not nlways extend as far as clean clothing, and his illl.KMAIP. COACHMA.V. sheepskin jacket and cloak frequently s war id with vermin. Long beards and hair are the rule rather than the excep tion, despite the efforts of IVter the Great to abolish both, and these capillary at tractions are usually so unkempt and un cared for ns to detract greatly from the personal appearance of the wearer. The home is no more attractive than its owner. Two or three miserably dark rooms, often shared with domestic animals, a big brick itove on one aide, which, in very cold weather, serve a the bed of all the In mate of the hotis. a bench, a table, a few crnde cooking utensil and a lacred picture in the corner, eoncitute the fnr niihing and furniture, whUe pork, milk. IS w cheese and black bread, to coarse and Ill smelling a often to be repulsive, form tho lending article of diet. Poor and lu ulilclent a hi food may be, however, every Russian peasant consider himself fully compensated if, on the frequent holi day, he ha the mean of getting an ade quate supply of vodki, and of all the meno drink that ever went down the human thront, thl is probably the vilest. Imag ine the worst possible brand of whisky, mingled with the stalest beer ever drawn by n bum from a three-day-old beer keg, tinctured with asnfoetidn, tobacco juice, a little essence of "jlnisou weed," a flavor ing of wormwood and gall und a taste of liquid fire, and there Is vodki. Only a Russian throat can stand It, and even a Russian throat cun endure It only on holi day occasions. The Russians do not drink as Incidental to occasions of sociability. The Englishman, Frenchman. German and American may get drunk, but it i generally because they are with frieuds, and, flushed with social t tlon nud con versation, transcend the limits of pru dent drinking. The Russian gets drunk with premeditation nud malice afore thought; deliberately goes to a shop where his favorite tipple is sold, pays his money, and in a moment swallows enough to mnke n beast of him for twenty-four hours, a nd even longer, for it is u pecu liarity of vodki that it can make a man drunker for a longer time and for less money tbau any other drink known to the tippler. It is even said in Russia that after a vodki drunk has apparently run its course and gone the way of all drunk, the subject may revive it by going and lying in the sun, and in a quarter of an hour will be ns drunk as ever. So the student of Russian political economics must lake into account, not only the number of holi days, but also the number of days after the holidays, for working the day after n vodki drunk is nn Impossibility, and thus is the effectiveness of the Russian laborer still further reduced. If he enn make enough to support his family and get drunk, too, so much the better, If not, the family goes hungry, for to the Rus sian peasant a holiday without vodki i but a barren ideality. Such are the ignorant, shiftless, I in prov ident people who crowded the neighbor hood of the ancient capital in anticipation of a free feast from the hand of the Czar. That they trampled each other to death at the tables, thnt they were drowned In the beer provided for their use, is not to be wondered nt, for n herd of cattle would act quite as intelligently ns the degraded creature who starved themselves for a whole day that they might be better pre pared to profit by the Czar's generosity. The future of this vast mass of ignorance mar well be viewed with apprehension. The Russian peasants do not now know their strength, just as the equally ignor ant nnd down-trodden French peasnntry a century niro were ignorant of their power, but when they discover It, ns some day they surely will, the aristocracy of Russia mny fare ns badly as did the no bility thnt crowded the gay court of Louis XVI. The day of reckoning may be dis tant. for national movements are gen erally slow, but, on the other hand, the world moves faster and goes further now in a decade than it formerly did in a cen tury, so there may be men living who will see the social earthquake that will occur when the Russian peasants discover their wrongs and rise to take vengeance on their oppressors. Most Unexpected. Wonderful things happen In th!s world, and many other things, possibly. more wonderful still, are said to han- peu. Thus the .New lorK rrinuue re ports that a company of American trav elers were telling stories in the smok ing-room of a steamer. One thing led to another, till a member of the party capped the climax by narrating an odd adventure that once befell him In Ger many. "There is In Hanover, as some of you know," he began, "a beautiful garden, Herrenhausen, on which the kings of Hanover, when there were kings of Hanover, lavished much attention. Some years ago I visited Herrenhau sen with my wife and children, nnd some persons whose acquaintance we had made ou the steamer. It was a beautiful day in summer, and we all felt in the highest spirits. It happened that at the hotel some one had told me of the statue of a form er margravine of Hanover, which was soon to be unveiled in Herrenhausen. It was to stand In a shell-shaped struc ture, the whole of which was boarded over nt thnt time. When our party reached this shed like affair, I began to tell what it was there for, who the margravine was, nnd so on, pretending a vast knowledge of the whole business. One of my chil dren then wanted to know if we could not see the statue. In a joking way I said certainly, and going up to tho gate of the shed, drew a bunch of keys from my pocket. I made ns if I were going to open the lock, and actually put a key Into It, taking the first that came to hand. I turned the key to carry out the Joke, and was astonished beyond measure to find the lock yield and the door open. My little daughter clapped her hands and exclaimed, "Oh, papa's opened the door!' and rushed in to see the statue. The others followed, while I for a mo ment was too dazed to say a word. I began to feel more or less alarmed. I had heard a great deal about the strict ness of German enforcement of law. nnd knew that technically I had com mitted burglary. "The question also arose in my mind whether I could not be haled up for lese-majesty and sent to prison for six months. At the same time it would have been enilarrassing and humilia ting to confess to my children that I had made a mistake, and had no right in there. The statue was covered with cloth. and so I managed to hustle the parry out of the shed after a short time. One of the lalsjrers chanced to pass, and he was evidently surprised to sec us la there He must have taken me for the sculptor or something of the kind, and did not summon a policeman. "I was in the greatest trepidation un til I relocked the door and finally got away with my family and friends. There were probably a million chances to one that my key wouldn't fit that particular lock, but I haven't liked to be too practical in my Jokes since that time,"