it8 E. McNElL, Keceirer. TO THE EAST elVCS THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL BOTJTB S . VIA GREAT , NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL vu UNION PACIFIC RY, DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITT LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY -....FOE DAYS SAN FRANCISCO for full detaila call on or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen'l Piiks. Atrenl, Portland, Oa. Train arrive and depart Iiom Portland u iDepirl No. 2-For all Kaitern poluU ....7:10 p.H " N. S-Tbe Dalles local 8:0 A.M .Arrive No. I-From the East 8:30 a.m " No. 7 From Tbe Dalles 6:00 m EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Kxaress Trains Leare Portland Daily. JSoutkJ 2jorth. 7fl r.u. Lt Portland Ar sTlOi.M '9:84 p. m. Lt Oregon City Lt 7:28 A. at 14:4 A.N. Ar Ban Krancisco Lt t:OUP. a The aaore tralm atop at Bast Portland, Oreron -City, Weodeurn, Salem, Turner, Manou, Jeffer raon, Albany, Albany JuuoUon, Tangent, Shedds llaiaaf. llarrisburg. Juacuuu City, lrrlng, Ku(jeu, CrMwoll, Drains. RO 8 K B U lTdM A I L DAILY '::)0i.M. Lt 1'orlland Ar 4:40P.M '9:27 4. a. Lt Oregon CHy I.t 8:Mf.H 63 r. at. Ar Koaebtirg Lt 8:01) a. BALKPASSES'UKR'OAILYI r Lt Portland Ar 10:15 AM l:Mf Lt Or.iroii City Lt :27 A M 'S:ltPM Ar Salt a Lt I t:Ut A M DINING CARS ON OQDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BVrrST SL&EPKRS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. WeatSlUe Division, Katween POKTi.ANU and COKVALL1B M AILTRAIM DAILY! IXC KPT SUNDAY.) Portland Corvalha Ari 6:40 P.M. Lt I l:(C P. 11. At Albany and Oorralila connect with train of Oregon Panlflc Rallread. inraasi train d a ii.y( except sondaY.i 4:45 P. M. 7.25 P.M. Lt Ar Portland MnMlnnTllle Ar Lt 8:29 A. M S:MA.M THROUGH TICKF.TS TO ALL POINTS IN TUP. EA8TTJRN STATES, CANADA AND KtJROPK Can be obtalied at the lowest rate from I.. B.MOORE, Agent, Oregon City R. COKHLER. K. P. ROGKRS, Mana'er. wt. O . A P. Anl, Portland. 'V To COK3UMPTXVE8 Tm nnderslrned having been restored t bealth by simple means, after suffering lor several years with a aerer lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means f cure. To thote who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge a copy of the prescrip tion used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchi tis and all throat and lung Maladiea. He hopes all sufferers will try bis remedy, as It la invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may proT a bleating, will please address, .flev. Edward A. Wilson, Brooklyn, N.Y. RIPA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. ts!entifio American" Agency Tor Jf - CAVEAT. J4 1V"I'' THBti MARK, SljiJ CC3ICN PATCMTS. COPYRfOHT. OtoJ For rnfonnatI''n anl free Handbooa write to MUSS A CO, :M L'bo.dwat. Mw Toaar. Oldest bnrean lr iwviinnsr pairnta tn Amerlea. Znrrrrr.t taken out hy ns la brooirht tm tbeponuebyaBotioe glren tree o charge a BMl TArr-aS errenltn-n of mvr artentWe paper to woriL p;en .i-.T i .ivArttd. K IntellK'nt snaa atwnld be !ihout it. VfeeHy, .4M a rear: a I jn six moot la. A4dram. MOST A caa trrr- - j Sal Bnadwaj, Hat Cxy. rao f WW v MRllWEST BREVITIES Evidence ot Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST From All the Cltlee and Towni of the Thriving Slater State Oregon. Strawberry ahipmenta have about ceased at The Dalles and Hosier. A barbers' union has been formed in Salem, tbe object being to establish uniform rules and uniform hours on Sundays. Tbe sawmill on Lobster creek, in Curry oounnty, will soon be at work cutting lumber with which to build a fish butchery. The streets of Westport have been under water, because of the flood, and the inhabitants have been compelled to travel on elevated sidewalks. A telephone line is being oonstrnoted from Willamina, through Sheridan and Ballston, to MoMinnville, where it will oonnect with tbe long-distance line. Mrs. Malinda Cole, aged 60, a well known pioneer of Bakor and Malheur counties, died at her home on William creek in Malheur oounty last week. Philip Brogan, jr., who lost a num ber of sheep from poisoning in Dry Hollow, near Tbe Dalles, has found j that COO head, iustoad of 150, as was I at first thought, were killed. A. Field found a young sea bird in bis spring four miles below The Dalles last week, apparently enjoying a bath in fresh water. He thinks tbe bird waa blown over the Cascades by the ! high winds. The Qoodale logging crew have com menced scaling and rolling logs at Co burg. The drive will consist of be tween 4,000,000 and 5,000,000 feet It is not known just when the run will be commenced. Charles Raymond and R. S. Radford, two Southern Oregon miners, are re ported to have made a rioh strike on the Umpqua divide, near the head of Salt creek. Their discovery, it is said, is a large porphyry reef, which shows up rich in free gold and will, accord ing to reports, run from f 300 to $500 a ton. County Treasurer Kern, of Umatilla oounty, has remitted $3,000 of state tax to Treasurer Metchan, at Salem. This mnlraa 297 AOO wrhlnli hod Ytaan aant r Hya. .,o0.o- ii $5,500 yet to be remitted to satisfy as- sessment of state tax upon Umatilla county of $33,000, as compared with $38,000 for last year. ' The Southern Faoifio company is re pairing tbe roadbed of its lines through out tbe valley. A train of twenty-nine fiat oars, carrying about 7,0.00 ties, are being distributed between Portland and Salem along the main line. Other trains are distributing ties along the branches and south of Salem, and as rapidly as possible the material will be used in repairing bad plaoes along the line. A hop contract was reoently sighed by Salem growers in which they agree to furnish a Cincinnati firm 10,000 pounds of hops, for which they are to be paid 7 1 cents per pound for the first year's crop, and oents for the two following years. An advance of 4 cents is to be made annually at pick ing time, and tbe porduct is to be de livered at Uervais not later than Goto ber 15. Waahlng;ton. The first annual fair of Paoifio ooun ty will be held at South Bend Septem ber 23, 34, 25. The direotors of the Adams County bunk, atRitzville, contemplate increas ing its capital stock to $50,000. The Spokane river apparently has reached about its highest for this year. It is still three feet below high-water mark. Colfax's school population bas in creased to 784 from 631 since last year, according to the school census just taken. The county commissioners of Pacifio county have been officially notified that that county is entitled to a free scholarship at the state agricultural college at Pullman. One thousand oords of wood burned near Uartlord, on tbe Monte Cristo railway last week. Tbe forests were on fire in that vicinity and much valu able timber was burned. The cargo shipments from fourteen mills in Washington during May were: Foreign Lumber, 15,266,587 feet; lath, 1,105,670. Coastwise Lumber, 20,747,503; lath, 4,611,500. Large quantities of cedar and spruce Biding, and cedar roofing and siding are being shipped from New Whatcom to Eastern points. Tbe spruce tiding sells in some sections for white pine. The hot' wave which has been preva lent in tbe Walla Walla valley bas re tarded tbe shipments of fruit to a marked degree. It it said that tbe strawberries have been ripened so fast that they will not now stand shipment : to a market at any great distance, and ! will barely bold up to points at far at ! Spokane. Work on the new ateel bridge over Stuck river, between Seattle and Ta corua. will be begun next week by tbe Northern Pacifio engineering depart ment Tbe bridge will be of three tpana, 185 feet long in alL The West Coast and Puget Sound Lumberman notes that British Colum bia mills have supplied tbe United States with 29,795,000 shingle during the fiscal yaar ending June 1, while we shipped 800,000 shingles ctom tbe line. Tbe exchange of other lumber and ooal products are la proportion. BRUTAL. DOUBLE MURDER. A Woman and Her Daughter Killed Near Sauta Barbara. Santa Barbara, Cul. , July 8. A double murder vat committed last night in the Monteoito valley, the vio timi being Mrs. H. C. Riobardon, aged 66, and ber 1 7-year-old daughter Ethel. A workman discovered the body of the daughter in a vacant field near the Richardson bouse, and ber throat bad been out and there were several wounds on ber bead. Near the body was a club, wbiob had evidently been broken in tbe bands of tbe murderer. The newi of the crime soon roused the whole oials, the state employes claiming that countryside. ! the United States bat no jurisdiction Tbe Richardson house was found over quarantine matters in San Fran looked, and when an entranoe was ! oisoo bay. Collector Wise had threat forced, the ooroner and sheriff found a ! ened to refuse entry to vessels not in tra il of blood leading from tbe front ' tpected by the United States officials, door to Mrs. Riohardson's bedroom, but today - he received instructions Near tbe bed lay tbe body of Mrs. from Washington that certificates from Riohardson, face downward, in a pool either local or national health officers of blood. A ballet bole in the head of ! were sufficient. the bed and one in the window-casing j told of ber efforts to escape the pistol of her assasin. Below the woman's j left eye was a bullet hole, and there t I wag another through tbe left band, j j Abont the face and forehead were deep , been beaten by a stick loaded with' lead. When found Mrt. Riohardson ; waa still alive, but did not recover j consciousness and died at noon. Tbe murder was probably oommitted i last nigbt, the victims being in tbeir j night-clothes. Citizens are greatly ex- ( cited, and tbe murderer, if caught, will ! undoubtedly be lynched. I The suspicions that the offioera first entertained, throwing the hlame on j Thomas A. Riohardson, were entirely dispelled by the startling developments tonight. If Cyrus Barnard was tha man who murdered the Ricbardsons, he was oertainly brought to a swift reckoning for bis crime. While re sisting tbe attempt of Officer W. W. Hopkins to arrest him tonight, and af ter he had shot twice at the officer, the iof.. . j ,u . mu utm i. IMUVVl IPIIU1UCU HUD U1U, AAAAA1AK UiUI ALA stantly. Barnard was under strong suspicion oi having commited the orimo, and was kept under oloBe sur veillance. About 0 o'olock tonight, Hopkins saw Barnard on bis way home, and followed him. Approaching him juBt as he was entering his bouse, he called to him, asking bim to go to bis offioe. Barnard at first objected, but finally agreed, telling the officer to wait until he left a paokage in his bouse. The officer followed bim to the door and struok a match. Almost in stantly two shots were fired and two bullets whizzed by the officer's head. Hopkins fired one shot, the ball pass- i ing through Barnard's head, killing moa in8tany- RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. I Report of What They Have Done Dur- Ing the Laat Sis Mentha. j Salem, Or., July 8 The board of i railroad commissioners was in session at the capitol today. A new freight - and passenger schedule for the seashore j railroad is being considered. Now that trains are being run, freight handled and passengers carried from Astoria to ! the seaside, instead of from Young's Bay bridge, as before, it is necessary to make some obanges. .Since its last meeting, the board has made its semi-annual inspeotion of the roadbed, trestles, bridges and equip ments of the Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad Company. The commission found that a great deal of work bd been dene since the last inspection. The bridges and trestles east of Albany are in fair oonditiou, and new ties are being put down rapidly. The bridges and trestles from Albany to Yaquina have been overhauled and strengthened, and a number renewed entire. New ties have taken the place of old ones, and many more are distributed along the line of the road ready to be put in. A force of bridge and traokmen was found at work. The road is in very fair condition for tbe summer travel. During the last week of June, an official inspection was made of the Coos Bay, Roseburg& Eastern railroad. This road extends from Marsh field to Myrtle Point, having a branch to Beaver Hill, a town of 600 inhabitants, where are the Beaver Hill ooal mines. The railroad is about 32 miles in length, and has been built about three years, It is well constructed, and the track is of 68-pound steel. a ue uriugHs j are uniform standard, well built and substantial. Tbe motive power and equipment are sufficient for the traffic demand, and are kept in good condi tion. Tbe road was found to be in very fair condition throughout. When the road is extended to Roseburg, 63 miles from Myrtle Point, the present eastern terminus, it will give rail con nection to a thrifty Bection of a now comparatively isolated country. Flood in West Virginia. Wheeling, W. Va., July 8. Trarfio on tbe Baltimore & Ohio River roads is practically suspended, many bridges having been washed out between bere and Parkersburg and Grafton. Tbe bridge at tbe passenger station of the Baltimore & Ohio in this city baa just fallen, and the Ohio river railroad bridge is in great danger. An Official inquiry. I Wilkesbarre, Pa., Jnly 8. OHcial sary to pay $S for filing tbe suit only, investigation, into tbe Twin shaft dig- The county will now be compelled to aster began today by three inspectors refund several thousand dollars to pro appointed by Governor Hastings. j testing litigants. An Inault to General J nhn.nn. TTn Jnlw RAn in .1,-1 Spanish army publishes in the Bin the new fiscal year having put Lucba a card addressed to "Bradley T. . the "P0"1 of 106 naT7 dePartnlPnt Johnson, Genpral," which is very i,. tppropriationt for work long post boriously insulting to that gentleman. P". order, have gone forward for ; immedute resumption of operations. An Ariatocratle Suicide. Qf ftig yj done t ,be London, July 8. Lady Mary Bligh, UUn(1 MTT T,rfj. In thli yarrJ need daughter of the Earl of Dartney, bat j,, e the Bennington, Petrel, been found drowned in a pond at Cob- B-ltimore, Concord, Ranger, Mobican bam ball, near Gravewnd. It it be- ,d Hartford.1 The work of renovating hered she oommitted suicide in come- ,nd Mag tteit engines and boilers quenon of diaappoiatment in lore. will B0W proo8ed with rapidity. EITHER CERTIFICATE GOOD Decision rrom Washington In the Quarantine Caae. San Frsnolsoo, July 8. The United State. ud California bad a dsagree meut about quarautine affairs today. Tbe steamship Mariposa arrived from Honolulu and Australia, and wai boarded first by tbe itate quarantine officers, wbo issued tbe proper health I certificates. Shortly after, the United ! States quarantine officer boarded the vessol and went through tbe same per formnnoe. There bas been a clash be tween the two sets of quarantine oQl- Washington, July 6. Dr. Wyman, of the marine hospital servioe, in com- j mentiug on the action of the San Fran- oisco board of health in protesting i against the action of tbe government j in establishing a quarantine plant on ; Angel island, in San Franoisoo bay, and in exercising authority in quaran-; tine matters at that point, said that j tbe pliiut was established and tbe neo- j essary jurisdiction given by special act of cougross, and that, until tbe act was repealed, it would be enforced. Hith erto the quarantine regulations in force at that port, he Baid, had been inade quate and the facilities for disinfeot-: ing bagwge, etc, were of no practioal ! use. The government had erected a plant with two largo steam disinfeot ors, with rooms for the use of detained ; passengers, etc., and a boarding steam er bad been put in commission, and be had no doubt that good results would i be obtained. Dr. Wyman was at a loss to know upon what ground the ao- ; tion of the board could be justified, but expressed the wish and hope that all I-,' , , , , , x . - j differences would be amicably settled. ,1 THE PITTSTON ACCIDENT. Governor Hnatlngs Want the Cause of the Illaaater Inveatlgated. Wilkesbarre, Pa., July 6. The men at work in tbe Twin-shaft mine at Pittston made fair progress today, ao cording to tbe official report. Mr. Fuller, sooretary of the Newton Coal j Company, produced a map of the mine and shewed wnat had been done, a dis canoe of about 800 feet down the slope, or about 700 feet from tbe foot of the slope, having been unoovered. Secre tary Fuller said tbat tbe report of tbe pillars ot the mine all being worked ont, leaving no support for the roof, is untrue. Another mass meeting was held in Musio ball tonight. Additional sub scriptions to the amount of $1,200 were received. ' Governor Hastings has written to the state mine inspectors, suggesting that they meet at the Twin-haft mine to investigate the cause of tbe recent dis aster. The inspectors are asked to re port in writing to the governor what in their opinion was the cause of tbe aooident, whether any precaution was ommitted which would have tended to prevent it, and what legislation would in their judgment secure the miners of tbe state immunity from risks of this olass. FISHERMEN STRIKE. The Cennerymen Send Down to Victoria for Police Protection. Viotoria, B. C, July 6. Tbe differ ences which for the past few months have existed between the northern can neries and tbe fishermen, with respeot to wages, culminated last week in tbe declaration of a general strike by the fishermen who are employed in the five canneries at Rivers inlet The news was brought tonight by the steamer Chieftain, Captain Foster, which brought dispatches to Victoria from tbe managers of the canneries, asking fur police protection, the strikers having assumed a threatening attitude, in timidating many cf tbe Indians who were desirous of fishing at the old rate. The Chieftain called at the Union wharf on the way down, and from therrt Cantain Foster informed Superintendent Hussey of the difficulty j,y telegraph. He at once swore in four special constables and sent them north by tbe Danube, which sailed last nigbt They are to report to Constable Woloott, of Alert bay, wbo will go on the Danube to Rivers inlet. Fee Illegally. Collected. ! Fresno, Cal., July 6. One of the ! most important decisions in the history of the county was banded down by Judge Carter, concerning the collec tion of fees by the county clerk. For tbe past year the clerk, on tbe advice of the district attorney, bas collected $3 for filing complaints and for placing the cause on tbe trial calendar, a like am being charged for every record preliminary to and during tbe pen dency of tbe enit Under this system tbe trial of one case alone involved tbe payment of over $150, some cases ao- tually being kept out of court alto- cether. Tbe decision makes it neces- Washington, July 6. Tbe begin PORTLAND MARKETS. Theie is nothing new to report in Vb butter market. The receipts ooiitinue heavy, but a good demand from Cali fornia has kept the market well oleaned up in this city. The demand for old potatoes it growing less eaob day, and prices are drooping. There is plenty of new stock fully matured in the market, and, at much of the old stock is beoomiug soft and spotted, it is no longer in demand. California onions both red and yellow are in good supply at low prices. With the exoeption of ououmbers, there it plenty of home-grown vegetables of all kinds, peas being especially plentiful and obeap. Tbe stawberry market it weak. Wheat Market. There is an air of dullness hovering over the local wheat market during the closing days of the 1895-08 season. Tbe new orop is now ooming into the California markets, and harvesting will begin in some parts of Oregon In two or three weeks. Quotations are: Walla Walla, 49 to 50o; Valley, 52 to 53o per bushel. Proauc Market. Flour Portland, Salem, Cascadia and Dayton, 2.85; Benton county and ! White Lily, $2.85: graham, (2.50; su ! per tine, (2 25 per barrel. OATsC'hoice white, 2(J28c per bush i el; choice gray, 24(ri 2(ic. Rolled oats ! are quoted as follows : Bags, $4.25(3 j 5.25; barrels, $4.507; cases, e3.75. Hay Timothy, T11.00 per ton; cheat, 1 $7.00 ; clover, d($7 ; oat, $5S.50 ; wheat, j $5.50(6.50. i Baulky Feed barley, $13.50 per ton; j brewing, $1416. Millstukfb Bran, $14.50; shorts, $15.50; middlings, tl820; rye, 90c per cental, ; Bdttbh Fancv creamery it quoted at j 25c; fancy dairy, 20c; fair to good, loc ; common, l 'uc per roll. PorAToas Burbanks, 4045c per sack; G.trnet Chiles, 4045c; Early Rose, 50. ; new. $1.40 per sack; sweets, best, 4s(5)ic per pound. Onions lev, 75c per eacic. Podltby Chickens, mixed. $2.50(9 3.00; broilers, 11.50(33: geese, 536; turkeys, live, 12c; dressed 15(gl7c per pound; ducks, $4.00(36.50 per dozen. Eggs (Jregon, 11c per dozen. Cukbsk Oregon, 10c; California 9c; Young America, 10c per pound. Tropical Fkuit Cahiornia lemons, $3.00(34.00; choice. $3.003.50; bicily, $0.50; bananas, $1.753.00 per bunch; California navels, $3.253.50 per box; pineapplu i. $3.50(25.00 per dozen. Obbqon vkgktablks Garlic, new, 10o per pound; artichokes, 35c; green onions, 10c ; hothouse lettuce, 20c per dozen ; Oregon peas, 2c ; new cabbage, 1c per lb; tomatoes, $1.752 par crate; rhubarb, i;a(J2c; asparagus, tic; string beans, 910c per lb; raiishes, 15c per dozen; cauliflower, 7075c per dozen; Oregon, do, $1 per dozen ; cucumbers, 75e(i!fl per dozen. Fbkbh Fbuit Tasmania apples, $2.50 2.75; California, do, $176; Oregon cherries, 50c(a$l per box; gooseberries, 2(S21io per pound; currants, 7c per pound; peaches, 75cl per box; apri cots, 75c. Bbiko Fruits Applet, evaporated, bleached, i($ic; sun-dried, 3i(j4c; pears, sun and evaporated. 5tic : plums, pitlt en, 3(g4c ; prunes, 3(g5 per pound. Wool Vallev. c, per pound; East ern Oregon, 6 (3 7c. Hops Choice, Oregon 2(23o per pound ; medium, neglected. Nuts Peanuts, 67c per pound for j raw, 10c for roasted ; cocoanu s, 90c per uozen; walnuts, iz($i4c; pine nuts, 15c; hic.ory nuts, 8(wl0c: chestnuts, 17c; Brazil, 12c; pecans, large, 14c; Jumbo, loc; filberts, 12c; fancy, large, 14c; hard-shell, 8c; paper-shell, lu 12'4C Provisions Portland pack : Smoked hams are quoted at 10($ltttC per lb; picnic bams, c; boneless hauls, 7jc; breakfast bacon, 10c; bacon, 7c; ury Bait siiles, tic; lard, 5-pound pails, 7c; 10b, i,'jc; bOs, 7,'bc; tierces, 7c per pounu. 1-1 rtttfH TWw IiIHam Kii InViA. al, n A per pound, ll12c; dry kip and calf skin, 10llc: culls, 3c less; Baited, 60 lbs and over, 5c; 60 to (10 lbs, 44lc; JV , ri .... -!- I l , tu uuu uu, ic; Kip anu yeai emus, 10 to 30 lbs, 4c; calfskin, sound, 3 to 10 lbs, 6c; green, unsalted, lc less ; culls, l-2c less ; sheepskins, shear lings, 10il5c; short wool, 2030c; medium, 30(g40c; long wool, 50($70c. Merchandise Market. Salmon Columbia, river No. 1. talis, $1.251.60; No. 2, taht, $2.25(32.00; fancy, Ko. 1, flats, $1.751.85: Alaska, Ho. 1, tails, $1.20(31.30; No. 2, tails, $1.90 2.26. Bkans Small white, No. 1, 2c per pound; butter, 3c; bayou, lc; Lima, 3s4c Cokuagb Manilla rope, lj-inch, is quoted at 8c, and Sisal, Oj4c per pound. Sugar Golden C, ic ; extra O, 4c; dry granulated, S.'c; cube crushed and powdered, 0,'u c per pound ; c per pound discount on all grades for prompt cash ; nan narreis, ic more than barrels; maple suuar, 15(4 16c per pound. CoFFEg-CoBta Rica, 2023c ; R!o, 20 22c; Salvador, 1922c: Mocha, 2(&3lc; FadangJava, 30c; Palembang Java. 2028c; Labat Java, 23 26c; Ar buckle't Mokaska and Lion. $20.30 per 100-pound case; Columbia, $20.30 per 100-pound case. Ku e Island, $3.60(2.4 per Back ; Ja pan, $3.75(44. Coal bteady; domestic, $6.0007.60 per ton; foreign, $8.50(311.00. Meat Market. Bg Groes, top steers, $3.25; cows, 4(f5c per $2.25(42.50; dressed beef, pound. Mutton G roes, best sheep, wethers, $3.00; ewes, $1.50(32.75; dressed mut ton, 5c per pound. Vbal Gross, small, 4ic; large, 8( 3jc per pound. iloos Gross, choice, heavy, $3.00Q 3.25; light and feeders, $2.60(2.75; dressed, 3Sfi4c per pound. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. F Loot Net cask prices : Family ex tras, $3.75(43.86 per barrel; bakers' g. traa, $3.563.6; to per fine, $2.8503 00. Bablby Feed, fair to good, 714c; choir, 73?4 c; brewing, 6ti'4c Whbat Shipping. Jio. 1, $1.07); choice, $1.10; milling, $1.171(31.22 ' Oats Milling, 76(3H2!-c; surprise, 90(495; fancy feed, 82 ; gwvl to choice, 7680c; poor to fair, MiJ 72c; gray. 72L,9-0c. Potato bs rwu. $2.5032.75; B ur ban ki, Oregon,JW(3j0c. . TWENTY-NINE TIMES A MOTHER. Mra. Maria Roblee of California and tier Remarkable Family. Up in Canada the government gives a fine farm to every woman who boa borne a twentieth child. 1 That Is to en. courage multiplica tion and help popu late tbe Dominion. Mrs. Maria An tonio Itoblcs, of Mountain View, Cul., could have won a lot of real estate long ago If she had happened toe mother. to live lu Canada. Mrs. Roblea bus been mother to twenty-nine children and Is well and happy yet. She in 80 years old and has enter ed the lists as a competitor for the sli ver plate offered by the San Francisco Examiner to the parents having tbe greatest number of children. Little and chunky and active, she married Secundio Robles at Santa Clara when she was 15 years old. She says be was a t p 1 e ndld fellow, THE FATHER. over six feet tall, brave, and generous, and one of the best horsemen that ever threw a leg over a bronco. At one time they were very wealthy. They owned so much land that you could scarcely ride over lt In a day, but Secuudlo was so generous that he lost It all. Some of their twenty-nine children are dead; Bonie are still living. Asked if any of her children were twins, Mrs. Robloa Bald: "O, yes; I've bad them three to once, two to twice, and one ever to many times." FRANK MAYO. Bia Career aa an Actor Waa Moat Bucceagful One. The drama lost one of Its most able and distinguished exponents by the death of Frank Mayo, on a train en jroute from Denver to Omaha, Neb., re cently. Mr. Mayo was one of the best ,known and most popular of American actors. He will be most widely and most pleasantly remembered In th character of Davy Crockett in the play ;of that name, which had a run of many; years. The past two seasons he bas been acting tbe part of Pudd'nhead Wilson In tbe dramatization of Mark Twain's story. He was born In Boa ton In 1830. He began his theatrical career as a "super" at the American Theater In San Francisco, where be had gone with his parents In 1850. He continued to follow the stage for sev eral years In parts of Increasing Impor tance until In 18C") he came east He then went on a starring tour which proved very successful. Ills repertoire Included all tbe standard Shakspear Ian dramas, as well as Vlrglnlus, Rich elieu, The Robbers, The Three Guards men, The Marble Heart, Damon and Tythlas, Jack Cade and The Streets of New York. In 1872 be first pro duced Davy Crockett In Rochester. Int 1870 he took It to New England. Ho appeared In It altogether more than 2,000 times. Philadelphia was bis home. Invented by Women. Cella Thaxter, the poetess, had not an exalted opinion of the capacities of her sex. She once said: "Womon never Invent ed knitting nor any other art." Yet It la an undisputed fact that the first but ton establishment was due to a woman, Tbe machine for making satchel bot tomed paper bags was tbe Invention of ' a woman, men having tried long and! unsuccessfully to produce such an ar ticle. A foundry owner declares that the first stove he ever saw was Invented by a woman, though tbe patent was taken out by a man, and tbe original Declaration of Independence was printed by one Katberlne Goddard. There! Failure of France's May Crop. France's hay crop being a failure, M. Mellne, the Premier, has ordered pro fessors of agriculture throughout the country to suspend their lectures and i proceed to the rural districts, where they will try to persuade the farmers to sow vetches, corn, and other fodder to make up for the bay, and to make use of oil cake, straw, bran, and corn. Pleaaant Attraction for Onesta. A man to bang by tbe neck thirteen dayt and nights was tbe attraction at a Montmartre cafe recently. The doc tors, however, stopped the performance I at tbe end of tbe fourth day, tbe man being In a critical condition. Ills name is Durand. I There are three things women should not do: Spit In public, yawn In public, i or blow their nose In public.