OREGON COURIER A, W. CHKNEY, Publisher. OB EG ON CITY OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY Aa Interesting Collection of Items From the Two Hemispheres Presented la a Condensed Form. A dispatch to the San Franoisoo Mer chants' Exchange say the bark Mo hare from Vanoonver for Santa Rosalia it ashore at Sooke inlet, and will prob ably be a total loss. The crew was saved. In Walla Walla fire destroyed two one-story buildings and the upper floor of a two-story building on Main street between Fonrtb and Fifth. The fire was oansed by a lamp exploding in the rear of a millinery establishment Yale was defeated, but not disgraoed in the third heat of the Grand Chal lenge cup, which was rowed at Henley -on-Thanies. Leander won by one and three-fourths lengtbB In 7 minutes and 14 seoonds. The rooord is 6 minutes and 61 seoonds. The rash of tourists to Alaska this season is remarkable. The Queen wbioh has just sailed, oarried as pas sengers 180 first-olass and almost as many more in the steerage. All the glaciers and points of interest are visit ed curing these summer trips. From advices reoeived by the Austra lian steamer Miowera, whioh has just arrived in Vanoouver, 13. C, it now seems probable that the Queensland government will join New South Wales and Canada in granting a sub sidy to the Canadian-Australian steam ship line. Captain Bird, on behalf of JameB Huddart, managing owner of the line, recently interviewed the Queensland government, and it is said the government will reoommend that parliament grant a subsidy of 6,000 per year for three years. The company is at present negotiating in England for the oonstruotion of larger steamers for the line. At the first day's session of the na tional Demooratio convention but little was accomplished. The convention was called to order by Chairman Har rity, of the national oommittee, who reported Hill as the choice of the na tional oommittee for temporary chair man. The announcement was greeted with great oheering from all parts of the house. Clayton, of Alabama, representing the silver foroes moved that the name of Daniels be substituted for that of Hill, and on a roll oall by states his motion prevailed, the silver men thus sooring their first viotory. The temporary chairman wag esoorted to his seat amidst the applause of the vast orowd. Mrs. Harriet Beeoher Stowe died at Hartford, Conn. Members of the fam ily were at her bedside. A touching appeal comes from the Greeks aBking for relief for starving women and obildren. It has been suggested that the United States send a vessel to rescue them. Captain-General Weyler has yielded to insistent requests to extend until August the time for remaining in the island allowed to Jose Yznnga, the Amorioan newspaper correspondent sen tenced to banishment. Rufus Buok, Louie Davis, Lucky Davis, Maonii July and Sum Sampson, comprising the "Buck gang," were executed in Fort Smith, Ark., Presi dent Cleveland refusing to interfore. They wero convicted of murder and criminal assault. Brazilian commercial oircles are not favorable to a treaty of commeroe with Argentina, not regarding the advan tages to bo obtained as of suflioient im portance. Purely Brazilian firms are favorable to renewal of the treaty of reciprocity with the Uuitod States. Within a few weeks will be oom meuoed one of the most gigantic opera tions in tho history of the war depart' niout Fortifications more powerful than those existing anywhero in the world will be built in New York har bor, the cost of the work being about $10,000,000. A special from Ileleua, Mont., says the Cheyenuo Indians have donned their war paint and are holding pow wows preparatory to a general uprising. Several troops of tho Tenth cavalry" havo been ordered from Fort Custer to the Cluyenno agency nt Lame Deer, Custer county, Mont. A letter received in Havana gives the details of an important engagement in Piuar del Rio, near C'ayo Kedondo. ! The rebel leader, Brigadier Frani Hiid i bis thirteen followers were killed and ' many wounded. They were carried from tho field. The insurgents were ; put to flight. The feeling in Piuar del Kio is now one of alarm. The New York World publishes the ; following: The Postal Cable Com pany has arranged for an extension of iu lines into Southern territory, where j it baa not had a single wire. Tho Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, of Texas, has been formed, and an agree- ; went entered into with the New York company for the transaction of business. Wires will tie strung to reach the lead- ' iug points, and ultimately will extend into .Mexico. About thirty members of the com mittee appointed at the St. Louis con vention, to officially notify the vice presidential candidate. G. A. Uobart, of bis nomination, proceeded to Pater son, N. J., the home of the nominee. Chairman Charles W. Fairbanks made the speech and be was replied to briefly by Mr. Hobart.who outlined hi future policy if elected. The ceremony was witnessed by over 8,000 people from various parts of the country. Charles W. Fairish, of Oregon, aud J. M. Gil bert, of Washington, were present Attempt Baldwin's Life. During the process of Lillian Aib ! ley's suit against E. J. Baldwin for j 175,000 for seduotion, in San Fran i oisoo, Emma Ashley, a sister of Lil ! lian, tried to shoot the millionaire de fendant She fired at Baldwin, but ! the bullet missed. Emma Ashley is believed to be insane. During the ; trial she bas spent her time in oourt ; reading the Bible. When taken to jail i aha sang "Nearer My God, to Tbee" j in a loud voioe. Baldwin was crazy with rage and wanted a obance to fight j some one. His hair was singed by the 1 powder and tbe ballet passed within an inch of his bead. His escape is i ascribed to the woman's inexperience with firearms. Tbe pistol was thrown upward by reooll after the trigger was pulled. Wheeling Injures Women. A remarkable ciroular has been is sued by tbe Women's Rescue League of Washington, D. C. It is signed by Charlotte Smith, president, and Vir- I . ginia N. Lount, secretary of the legis- .uu n a most sensational manner to what these ladies consider the moral and physical ill effect of the rid ng of bicycles by women. The oo- oasion of the issuanoe of the circular at this time is that next week there will be a bioyole parade in Washington in wbioh it is thought that fully 40,000 wheels will participate. Of the 45, 000 bicyclists in the city at least 15, 000 are women. Counterfeiters Caught. A St Louis detective has suooeeded in capturing a gang of counterfeiters. A oomplete set of tools was found in their possession. Those arrested have hitherto borne good characters, one of whom is a regular practicing female physioian. There was also found by tbe c eteotive a photographic engrav ing of a 20 bill, some of the bills, tbe oopper plates and all necessary para phernalia for etching the plates. Jury Disagreed. The jury in the oase of John D. Hart, Captain John O'Brien and tbe others of the steamship Bermuda, charged with violation of the neutral ity laws by aiding and abetting a mili tary expedition to Cuba, bave rendered a sealed statement of disagreement to Judge Brown. Tbey were discharged. Revolution in Bolivia. j Dispatches received from La Paz, ; the oapital of Bolivia, announce that ! a revolution has broken out at Sucre, j an important city, whioh was the capi-; tal of Bolivia until 1869. Eleotion j troubles are supposed to be the oause : of the uprising. The Lone Hlghwavman. Another stage robbery is reported from California. Tbe Sonora ooaoh wis held up by a lone highwayman. He seoured a few registered letters, one of whioh was valuable. He then made good his escape. Canadian Pacific In It. It has been decided that the Canadian Paoifio railway shall, at least tenta tively, beoome a party to the joint traffic agreement News From Peru. Severe earthquakes are reported as a daily occurrence near Lima, Peru. Much damage has been done to build ings. Cholera In Egypt. A dispatch from Cairo says that the oholera returns for June show 4,419 oases and 8,598 deaths. Squadron Drills. Washington, July 6. In the exeon- j tion of the broad plans for the instruo tion of our naval officers in squadron : drills and combined maneuvers, formu- j lated by Seoretary Herbert, the summer j drills of the North Atlantic squadron, which will begin on the lSth hist., ; will find their oountorpart in a series i of squadron movements, target practice aud fleet drills, to be conducted by the Paoifio Btation by Admiral Beardsley. Because many of tbe ships naturally attached to his Btation, have been nec essarily transferred to the Atlantic sta- i tion, Admiral Beardsley will not have i as many vessels available for his drills ; as will Admiral liuuoe, on the Atlantic coast. Consequently, in order to be able to carry out a programme of any value, from an educational standpoint, ho most make tho most of such ships as he can oommand, and it wll bo impos sible, therefore, this season to with draw any of the ships, evon temporar ily, from the cquadron.to attend the local celebrations at various points on tho Pacific coast, as has beeu custom ary in the past. KiiKllHh Company Shut Out, New York, July 6. The Hearld's correspondent in Rio Janeiro, tele graphs that despite the presidents of tbe English Cable Company, the Bra zilian government has granted to an other eompauy the privilege of estab lishing a land telephone service to con nect Rio with all ports north of Para. The concession is heartily supported by the press. Troops for Cuba. Madrid, July 6. The first portion i of the troops destined for Cuba will Adairsville who could keep order. embark on twenty steamers at tbe end . x . , of August. These troops will consist I An enterprising sta istioisn has dis of 85. 190 infantry, 467 cavalry, 283 ar- : eoverecl, . Philadelphia has 125 tillerv. 1.169 engineers, and several women s clubs devoted to political battalions of volunteers. Three Killed and One Injured. Houston, Tex., July 6. The explo-1 sion of a toiler in tbe office of the Evening Star, at 9:40 this afternoon, killed three persons, and severely wounded another. Tbe explosion was caused by letting oold water into an empty boiler. Dr. Pratt Of Chioago. is treating ! John A. C. Johnson, a consumptive, ! with the X rays, and the patient is said to suow decided improvement ON AN UPTURNED BOAT Perilous Adventure of Two Astoria Fishermen. BOTH BOAT AND SET WERE LOST Capsized la the Ocean, They Were Rescued by Men ou Board the Lightship. Astoria, Or., July 7. Simon Pakkalo and his boatpuller, Erick Paso, two fishermen working for Elmore, reap peared in this city today after an ab sence of several days, having been brought in from the lightship. Their boat was capsized on Thursday night, when a number of men ventured too far out and were caught in a heavy aumll Pulrlruln'fl Knu t ma a fclio nnl fl billoompanlon ; managed to cling to the upturned oraft ( j ge on boftrd ' lightship, when they were quickly , " Both boat and net were lost , Their fi fl frQm death wa mnQW i on . ' . . . .. a , . . 1 1. ' roanhaA u u iti,,. ship about daybreak. The ooronor today brought down from Bear creek the body of Samuel Farley, who died in a drunken spre Tbe man, with several companions, bail a gallon1 jug of whisky, ' and in the evening laid down in tbe road. Tbe others left bim, and the man rolled down a hill, landing faoe down. It is supposed he smothered in that position. He was SO years old, unmarried, and was employed in Frazer's logging camp. FRASER RIVER FLOOD. ' Canadian PaeiBo Tea Train Went into the Kiver. Vanoouver, B. C, July 7. The first fatality as a result of the high water in tbe Fraser river, occurred last night, about 11 o'clock, when a portion of a Canadian Paoifto freight train, laden with tea, went into tne river near Agassiz, and Edward Dearden, a brake man, was killed. It seems that the water bad washed away the bank, leaving the rails and ties in place. The engineer in the dark did not notioe this, and ran into the fatal spot, with the result that the enigne and eight cars went into the river. Engineer Carey and Fireman Coughliu jumped and escaped with a few minor injuries, but Brakeman i Dearden was never seen again, and is ; probably buried beneath the wreckage i in the river. I Reports from Fraser river points ' state that the river is steadily rising, i At Cbilliwaok considerable damage bas I been done to crops on low lands, and , tbe steamer Gladys has been busily en j gaged for the past few days in running ; oattle and settler's effects to high ground. Nioemen island is also suffering from high water, and all down tbe river on j both sides, wherever the low levels are , not fully protected by high dikes, they : are under water. The Mission City townsite will also ' be under water in many parts if the ! hot weather continues. At New ' Westminster the water at high tide is ; two feet two inches below the mark made during the floods of 1894, A ROYAL WEDDING. An Event That Will Snon Demand all ! of Londuu'e Attention. London, July 7. The wedding of ! Princess Maud of Wales to Prince : Chalres of Denmark, bas finally been fixed for July 22. The queen will at- I tend the ceremony, and it has been j praotioally deoided that the young j couple will traverse London while on j their way to Sandringbam, in order to i enable the masses to greet them. , It would take columns of space to briefly describe the host of charming costumes which have been prepared for ! the popular princess. The costumes ' are chiefly tailor-mado, and include a ! bioyoling costume of fawn-colored Venetian cloth with a narrowish skirt, i having little pockets at tho hem to ; bold shot, intended to keep the dress in place. Tho Princess of Wales, among I other gifts, has presented her daughter a superb ciroular Russian cape of pur ple velvet lined throughout with the ' finest sable and having a deep sable oollar. A Deadly Durl Russellville, Ky., July 7. A deadly duel took place near Adairsville late yesterday afternoon. Jliek Younger went to the town drunk, and as he rode out of town he tired his pistol. H. H. Harmon, the town marshal, mounted a horse and started after Younger. An hour later both men were found dead a mile from town. Both had been shot through the heart, and only one cham ber in each revolver had been dis charged. There were no witnesses. Younger was a relative of the famous Younger outlaws. Harmon killed two ' men in Tennessee several years ago. , He was the only man in the town of ! atudy. A Fisherman Drowned The Dalles. July 5. Jackson Onl- lick, a fishermen, aged 80 vears. was drowned this morning, while repairing a fitbwheel near town. The body bas not yet been recovered. Gulick wss an industrious young man, and the son of an old resident here. He leaves a wife. Tnrhl.h Reserves Called Out. Salonica July7. All the Turkish reset res in the district have been ulled out - : - "Three Friends" Pursued j Key West, July 8. The steamer i Three Friends passed here at 9 A. M.f , penned by the Spanish warship Alfonso . XIII. Both vessels were under fall ; steam. The Friends wss between : eigm ana ten miles aneaa oi tne war- ship. Observers say tbe warship fired I upon the Three Friends. The warship j is outting the three mile limit very close, and is trying to bead off the Three Friends. It is reported the! United States warship Maine, and United States cutters are getting up , steam preparatory to intercepting both I vessels. Great excitement prevails. ! i I'gly Feeling 1'revalent. I I Cleveland, July 8. Contrary to po- j I lioe fears, there was no violent demon-1 ; strations last evening after the funoral ; of William Rottger, tbe striker at the Brown Hoisting & Conveying Company ; who was shot by a nonunion man. i Tbere was, however, a great deal of feeling manifest, and the authorities think the prospect for trouble tonight, when the men in the works go home, ; are fully equal to those of the preced t L 3' . J VZ : ing nights. ) armories waiting orders. The funeral was an immense affair, fully 10,000 union men being in line. """' General Vouug Dead. i Washington, July 8. A dispatoh j was received by tbe state department ! today announcing that General Pierce J B. Young, United States minister to ! Guatemala and Honduras, died at New ! York at 11:80 today. 'General Young ! arrived in this country June 24. He submitted to an operation at tbe Pres ' byterian hospital, New York, aud 1 never recovered. He was a native of I Georgia, and bad a distinguished record ' for service in the Confederate army. Kurtliquake at Cyprus. Genoa, Italy, July 8. Jnst arrived reports from Larnica say the island of Cyprus has been suffering from earth- i quake shocks since July 1. A general panio is said to prevail at Larnica. The ! goverment ana military autnorities are pruviuiug lenis ior tne unngmea peo ple. The town is deserted. For Uuion with ureeoe. London, July 8 A dispatoh to the Standard from Athens says that the Cretans yesterday eleoted a provisional government, and decided to proclaim the union of the island with Greece, and, if pressed hope that autonomy will be granted to tbe island under surveillance of the powers. Tlnrrible Double Murder. Santa Barbara, Cal., July 8. A hor rible doable murder has been commit ted here. The bodies of Mrs. H. R. Richardson, aged 60, and her daugh ter, Ethel, were found. They had been Btabbed and beaten with a olub. Intense exoitement prevails. There is no due to the murder. Walling 8 ntenoed. Newport, Ky., July 8. Alonzo J. Walling, oonvioted of the murder of Pearl Bryan, whs sentenced today to be banged on August 7. The School Population. Washington, July 7. The total en rollment in eduoational institutions of all kinds in the United States for the j sohool year of 1893-94 was nearly 16, 000,000, according to tbe report for the year just promulgated by Commissioner of Education Harris. Of these all but 400,000 wore in the regular schools, an increase of about half a million for the year. The percentage of total popula tion enrolled in the schools was 20.63. Sohool property gained in value during the year over $26,000,000, and 1,103 more sohoolhousei were in operation. In the past twenty years the South has increased 54 per cent in population, but its school attendance has inoreased 130 per cent, more than twioe as fast as the population. In the twenty years from 1874 to 1894, the value of sohool property in the South increased from $16,000,000 to $51,000,000, signer euucauon nas aiso mane a of the offlce when Patrolman Gibbous, good record. The report includes Spe-1 who wag onoe a uniou workman, ad cialist McDonald's criminological in- j dre8aed the mob. flnd Barti, auioted it. vestigation. The latter seeks to prove that there can be no rational treatment of orime until the causes are investi gated. He estimates nine-tenths of the crime to be due to bad social conditions. Turkey's I'ollcy Condemned. Philippopolis, July 7. The consuls of the European powers are sending pessimistic accounts of the way in which hostilities are being conducted in Crete. The situation is such that should the porte insist in its conduct, ordering the Cleveland city guards and French men-of-war may laud troops on , company F to tho scene of the riot, the island. The Armenian patriarch, j The guards arrived just as the mob Isemiu, has asked permission to resign. was preparing for another effort to cap Further outbreaks seem inevitable. ture Saunders. As the soldiers came The Turkish battalions at .Toddah, who down the street, the mob howled, and mutinied on account of receiving no ' the gn irds were compelled to open a pay, have deserted their arms. There ; way for themselves with leve'ed bayo are no troops available to put down this revolt Tbe porte, foreseeing com plications in Greece, Macedonia and Syria, is about to mobilize all the troops of the bed iff, or landwehr. Tbe bones of the skull are arched because in eterngth is that form tbe geatest combined with the least weight and quantity of material. 8atolU's Succenaor. Rome, July 7. According to a newspaper statement, Bishop Fa Icon io, of Aoerenza, will replaoe Cardinal Sa- j a. in 1 .l,l. kA t';j' tolli as papal ablegate to the United States. Bishop Falconio was once en gaged at St Buenaventura college, Al legheny, N. Y. I , The Jiew Ablegate. Bradford, Pa., July 7. Bishop Falconio, now cf Acerenza, Italy, who has been appointed to succeed Monsig nore Satolli as papal representative in tbe United States, was for several years professor of philosophy and later presi dent of St Buenaventura college at Al legheny, Cattraugus county, N. Y. ' Bishop Falconio is fully in touch with American affairs, a splendid Enclish ' erh'1ar and orator. He is a native of Italy. A RIOT AT CLEVELAND j j One Striker Killed and Many Others Hurt STUDENT HELD FOR MUEDEE Militia Was Called Out and Charged the Mob -Attempt to Ljrnoh a Prisoner. Cleveland, July 6. The strike at tbe Brown Hoisting Company's works has reaobed a point where the authori ties, as well as tbe strikers, are in no mood for trifling. When the non union men left the works at 6 o'clock this afternoon, there was rioting. Two hundred and fifty polioe emerged from tbe gates guarding COO workmen. An immense orowd bad gathered a block away, but tbe police took a new route aDd elode1 th6mfor the mment 1 TV, ...ll,,..,, o . wall ..j ran " y n " " soon overtaking the marohing column, hooting and yelling. A huge moving van was in the rear tilled with strikers, and with it a small wagon, laden with empty beer bottles. The polioe sus pected that the bottles were intended as missies, and oompelled the driver of the wagon to tarn baok. At Wilson and Euclid avenues, a railroad train blocked the way, and an euort was made to arive tne van of the strikers through the guard of police. The officers dragged tbe driver, Fred W. Hearn, a moving oon traotor, to the ground, and also the man on tbe seat beside him, W. J. O'Neill, a paving oon traotor. These men resisted, and the polioe used their clubs on them with such effect that their heads were soon swollen masses of outs. One man's ankle was brokon. The strikers in the van jumped out, and tbe police charged the orowd. Frank Coopenhecker, a machinist re turning from work, and not a striker, I was caught in the crowd and severely j olubbed on the head. Hoarn was ar- i rested and looked up. The strikers ! were dispersed by the onslaught of the ! police, and the nonunion men were j sent home. I Meanwhile, a tragedy had taken iplaoe at tbe Brown works. Albert Saunders, a young student at the case i . : .u. ..u. ! lives at 831 Prospect street, has been miiiiiiiii in Miimitrii running, nuuan latum working for tbe Brown oompany dur l ing vacation for tbe practical knowl i edge it would give him. He did not leave with tbe nonunion men, under I polioe guard, bnt mounted his bicycle j aud sought to reach home alone. As j he turned up Hamilton street, a knot : of strikers saw him and shouted to him j to stop. He did not obey, and they ; began to throw Btones and bricks at him. A brick struck bim on the head, and knooked him off his wheel, and he olaiins that after he was down, tbey continued to stone him. Rising to his knees, he drew bis revolver ana fired. Tbe ball missed his assailants, sped across a vaoant lot and buried itself in the breast of William Rettger, one of tne BCriker8 who was.walking through an alley with several companions. Rettger was sent to the hospital, where he died in a few minutes. He was a single man. 25 years old, boarding on Hoadley street, and waa a brother of Pitcher Rettger, of the Milwaukee buseball olub. Patrolman Gibbous heard the shot fired, and, rushing up, seized young Saunders, and hurried him into the office of the Bishop-Babcock Company. In a wonderfully short space of time, a furious mob packed the streets as far as the eye could reach aud surged against the front of the office demand ing that Saunders be given up to it. Some one brought a rope, and tbe cry to lynoh him was raised. A few began to pry at the windows Two patrol wagon loads of police ar rived and a guurd was posted in front of the building. Long before this, Mayor McKissen, Police Director Ab bott, Lintenaut-Colouel Whitney, of the Fifth regiment, and others were gathered for consultation in this city. Word of the oritical condition of affairs was telephoned from the Bishop Babcock office, and request made for the militia. The mayor respoudod by nets. Several men and boys were ; wounded slightly by the soldiers. The guards formed in front of the offlce, and just then company F was seen alighting from street cars a block away. Amid the frenzy of excitement on the part of the dense crowd, a pa trol wagon was backed to tbe door of the office, and Saunders was jerked into it and made to lie on the bottom. The guards formed around it, with bay onets at "charge," and forced their way down Hamilton street, part of the howling mob surging along with them Saunders, whose head is badly cut, j and his body a mass of bruises, is a I prisoner charged with the killing ot j Rettger. ! ; j Drunkard Rocked the Boat. Loon Lake, Wash., July 6. Andrew Hessner, a rancher, was di owned in the lake here Sunday evening. In com pany with another man he was rowing Ole Nelson across the lake. Nelson was drunk, and rocked the boat Tbe t boat capsized, and all were thrown into the water. In the scramble for the shore and the efforts of neighbors tc help, Hessner wss drowned. Tbe body sank in 103 feet of water, and has not been found. DISPLAY OF YELLOrV METAL A Grand Gold Exhibit to Be Hade a Chicago. Cbioago, July 6. Chioago is to have a gold exhibit next fall, in whioh tbe gold fields of every section of the globe will be represented. A meeting to fur ther arrangements which have been go ing on for some time was held yester day at tbe Wellington hotel under the auspices of the Chicago Western So oiety. Colorado, California, Wash ington, British Columbia, Oregon and even tbe Georgia gold regions were' represented, aud enongh gold was. pledged to start a national bank. The Carriboo district will exhibit a brick worth $42,000, representing a 20-day wash-up on one olaim. Tbe Frenoh creek aud Trail creek districts, will make an immense exhibit, for which they are already preparing, and the Canadian Pacific road, through ita agent, J. F. Lee, bas promised oarloads of ore and quartz. Other Western, roads have promised to transport ex hibits to Chicago free of charge, and L. I C. Ferre. of Cripple Creek, guarantees. 1 mat tne uoioraao mines win vo a represented. . . . , , II i lf tne mine0wners do half what they promised yesterday, several life-sized quartz orusbers will be in operation under oover in Chioago this fall. All the machinery for reduoing gold ore will be exhibited, and with several railroads hauling quartz free, visitors will bave an opportunity of seeing just j how g0i,j jg extracted and prepared for the mint OEFF DAVIS MONUMENT. i at Richmond Vee- Corner Stone Laid terdajr. Richmond, Va., July 6. The cor nerstone of the monument to be erected in Monroe Park to the memory of Jeff erson Davis was laid this afternoon with ceremonies wbioh were impressive and pathetio. Under a bright, sunny sky, through densely packed streets and with the applause of oountless thou sands to cheer them on, the followers of the lost cause marched today through the oity which is deader to the old Con federates than any in the land. Two hundred children, boys and girls, wear ing white and red sashes, followed the polioe, who cleared the way and led the procession. Mrs. Jefferson Daivs- . , j i .i waB lu v"u and smiled as cheers greeted her on. . w evLry Blda The sponsors and maids of honor, : chosen for their beauty from all the Southern states, rode in carriages , following that of Mrs. Davis. North ; Carolina was the first state to exhibit ' a tattered battle-flag, and as it fluttor : ed in the breeze it was greeted with : great oheering. The veterans made . the pathetio feature of the parade. ! Nearly all are old and for tbe most j part weak and feeble, but, summoning j their remaining strength, they marobed I with pride and pleasure. A large ! number of them carried sticks for sop ! port, and many were oompelled to use umbrellas in order to withstand the i rays of the sun. THE SANGUILLY CASE. Consul Lee Mnkoa Iuqulrlee Matter. Into the- I Havana, July 6. In response to Consul-General Lee's formal inquiries as to tho status of Julio Sanguilly's case, Captain-General Weyler offi cially stated that the affair was now beyond his jurisdiction, and wholly ; in the hands of the oivil courts. When Sangnilly was tried in December last, certain exceptions to the proceedings were noted by bis counsel. Then Consul-General WilliamB objected to the fact that his sentence was based on th original testimony taken at the couri 1 martial. These exoeptious have gone ! to the supreme court of Madrid for : consideration, whore the eminent Spanish statesman and jurist Senor Saloneron is acting counsel for the prisoner. Sauguilly himself remains in Cabanas 1 castle here, pending a final verdict. Heccupies the most luxurious quar ters in the castle, and the Spanish ' officials treat him with great considera tion. His wife and most intimate Cuban friends are allowed to visit him whenever tbey desire and he receives bis meals from a nord Havana restau rant. He has, in fact, every comfort possible under the cucuiustunccs. iat lie ring lorm-umtfnti. Olympia, Wash., July 6 Tho lioird of state land commissioners has cot a.-i jet formulated the rules for leasing harbor line areas. Tho form of in quiry covering information desired oo this subject has been sent out to tho United States consuls at seaports abroad, and to barlwr officials of the leading cities of this country, with a view to securing the benefit of experi ence on this subjact, ani a book con taining tbe results of these inqniriea will soon be issued by tbe government. This work will materially aid the com missioners in tbe compilation of the rules to obtain in this state. Burned to Death. Buffalo, N. Y., July 6. Mrs. Dooley, aged 60, was burned to death in the destruction by fire of her home in this city. On tbe way to the fire two trucks collided, killing the horses attached to one of them and injuring two firemen. Walling Must Hang. Cincinnati, July 6. At Newport, Ky., today. Judge Holm overruled tho motion for a new trial for Alonzo Wal ling, convicted as an acomplice of Ssott Jackson in the murder of Pearl Bryan. Chicago, July 6. The Times-Herald's Deadwood, S. D., special says that in Dark Horse irin, in Bald mountain district, a tw'vf it vein of ore bas been struck that feys $2,300 ton.