Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, July 03, 1896, Image 7

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derful, exclaimed a druggist, bow the people
ticks to Hood's BariaparilU. Ther til want
The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft,
Hood's PHI "re ill Llnr llli. 24 cent.
Too Much Knife I
The use of the surgeon's knife !s be
coming so general, resulting fatally
in such a large number of cases, as to
occasion general alarm. Tne press al
most daily announces the death of some
unfortunate whose system could not
withstand the shock of an operation,
and whose life was cruelly sacrificed to
the keen blade of the surgeon.
Of course, in some instances an
operation is necessary, and is the
only means of saving life, but such cases
re exceedingly rare. So many deaths
occur under these conditions, however,
that the public is beginning to realize
that the doctors are too hasty in resort
ing to the knife, and if such a state of
affairs continues, there will before long
be general uprising against such meas
ures It is but reasonable to believe
that the majority of operations are
unnecessary, but when the fatal mistake
is discovered too late, only the doctors
ever know of their error, and though a
precious life is given up, the public is
assured that death would have resulted
ia spite of the operation, and who is
ever the wiser i
The folly of resorting to the knife in
cases of cancer, is demonstrated every
time it is undertaken. The disease is
in the blood and the cancer or sore is
but the outward manifestation of a
terrible condition of the entire circula
tion. To cut out this sore, therefore,
does not in any way effect the disease,
and it can easily be seen that the only
correct treatment is to get at the seat of
the disease, and purify the blood; the
ore will then heal up naturally. S.S.S.
is the most powerful blood remedy made,
tad ia the only cure for cancer.
To submit to an operation, is to volun
tarily endanger one's life, without the
lightest hope of being benefitted.
Mr. William Walpole, is wealthy
planter residing at Walshtown, South
Dakota, and is well known all over the
state. 'Under date of January soth, 1896,
he writes; "About three years ago. there
came under my left eye a little blotch
about the size of a small pea. It grew
rapidly, and for the pastjear, shooting
pains ran.in every direction. I became
alarmed and consulted a good doctor,
who pronounced it cancer, and said that
it must be cut out This I would not
consent to, having little faith in the in
discriminate use of the knife, though I
was alarmed at my condition. Reading
of the many cures made by S.S.S., I
determined to give that medicine a trial,
and after I had taken it a few days, the
cancer became irritated and began to dis
charge. Tbisafterawhileceased, leaving
small scab, which finally dropped off,
and only a healthy looking little
scar remained to mark the place where
the destroyer had held full sway .Words
are inadequate to express my gratitude to
the great blood purifier, S. S. S., and I
write this hoping that it may be the means
of leading other sufferers toa cure."
Cancer is not incurable, but the only
means of curing it is to rid the blood of
the disease, S.S.S. aevsr fails ta do
this, but It is the only remedy to be re
jfeu upon. It is guaranteed purely
vegetable, and cures Cancer, Scrofula,
Eczema, Catarrh, Rheumatism and any
other disease of the blood. Other blood
diseases often develop into such alarm
ing conditions that the doctors think an
operation necessary. Scrofula, for in
stance, often diseases the glands of the
neck to such an extent that an operation
is looked upon as absolutely the only
relief. This is also grave error, as the
disease is in the blood and a real bla'l
remedy is the only cure.
An operation never did cure blood
disease. Beware of the knife I
Send for our books on cancer and
blood diseases, mailed free. Swift Spe
cific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
T$ tbi$ what ails you?!
Ban yon feellof
of wtifbt la tbt 1
Stomach Bloating 1
after eating Belch-
tngof Wind Vomit-
ln of Food Wltic
bratb Heartburn I
Bad Taste ia the
Month ia the Mora- 1
Inf Palpitation of'
the HearLdoetoDhH
tension of Stomach
Cankered Month I
lai la the Bowels I
Loia af Flesh .
fickle Appetite ,
Deareneed, Irritable
Condition af the ,
Mlad Dluloem
Headache Comtla-
ntlon or Diarrhea? 1
lU hot forts. The
itMr .-tt.of cms pi iat to
aoolUie care
ho malL orcoald. on recetnt of s cento
raum n. H"M ImrrtaL X Toi.
nil "I i"7:.Ti n'Ti-iii.j ii' u. ,
' ..:v' ral.lu.takfnaiU:rlDjeiiu.h&vecuredin.
ACKtR MED1C1JEC0., re i Chamber SC. S.T.
! ft u.0 -'o4. w b r r-'M r.i fOMO
toC in.xu - - r Dot. AHMA-Xo.0 fkUa, tm.
Not u Illfllt'iilt Tank to I'.nt
.)u.iil In Thirty Iuy.
"Tlii- lili'ii t lut t a inn tt cuiinot t'ut
iliuiil u il:iy fur thirty ilnys In nil IhmIi,"
filld Ir. TIioiiiiih Nnyxoii, while iIIkcuh
Ink' Hulling ntul eating ft'" it wit It hi'V
im'iiI coiiiiiiiiIiiiih tliu other ilny. lr.
Koymiu In well known iih h suwesHful
mining iniiii. When not examining
lead In tin- Sli'i-ni fotitlilllM liu loven
to kill time wherever the nslilng nud
hunting lire reported good. When the
bunking shark drove the "unit" and
wiliium friini the bight near Cnpltolii
a fortnight ago It was Dr. Boysoii who
illHcoveretl 1 1 ill t wpeurliig Bhurks Is All
Inspiring and providential sport. Ou
IiIh various expeditions the Doctor has
been forced, under stress of clreuni
HtnnccH, to eat everything from toasted
k'niHHlioppiTH to frlcnsstd shoe leather.
"It's (iiieer. too." reMinied the Doctor,
"how firm rooted some niiortninen are
In the quall-entlng theory. Several dnyl
aeo I was ihcuhmiiik tne iioiui in a
Hinall shooting party and one of them
promptly offered to wager $300 that no
one could eat a quail every day for
thirty days. No one was disposed to
take him up. In fact, the half dozen
sportsmen seemed to think there was
no winning such a bet, and that for
some unknown reason a quail a any
would turn the gorge of the most stead'
fast eater before the moon was up,
Now, I'm not ordinarily fond of quail
myself, but I linve an umruallfled re
spect for my own will and digestive
powers. Besides, as a professional
man, I dislike exceedingly to leave such
simple scientific questions for Idle spec
ulation and wagers. It Is so simple
to solve them with a trial. I told the
eating prophet I would take his wager.
the loser to pay for the quails.
"Then one of his cronies chipped In
with the remark: 'You'll never be able
to do It Why, man alive, it has been
tried hundreds of times and bowls out
the quail-eater every time. That bet Is
like finding money. I wish I bad one
like If
" 'Good,' said I. 'Suppose we make
It $300 more. I feel already as if one
quail would serve only as an appetizer
for the second. Positively, I would like
a second quail by all means.'
He promised another quail and an
other $300.
"Well, I started In on my quail, and
browsed along easily for nearly a week
In spite of the relentless chaffing of my
table companions.
"About the sixth day along came a
man who said: 'Oh, quails are all right
You may be able to eat a quel a day
for thirty days, but squabs are differ
ent. You never could eat one squab a
day for that time.'
"'You're just the man I'm looking
for,'' I said. 'All I require now Is at
least one squab a day to put the finish
lng relish to my two quails. Believe
me. I'm famishing for at least one
squab a day.'
"He thought I was bluffing, and said
something about placing $100 against
my ability to eat thirty squabs in as
many days. Of course, the others egged
him on. There was only one thing for
me to do. At the next meal a tempting
squab flanked my two quails."
Dr. Woodruff and Col. Taylor looked
at one another and Interchanged an
almost Imperceptible wink. '
"Oh, this Is a hard, stubborn fact,
solemn truth," protested Boysou, catch:
ing It. ..""
"Remember, you're at two quails and
a squab now, and In the first week of
the contest, $700 up," was all Dr. Wood
ruff vouchsafed. !
Dr. Boyson smiled good-naturedly at
the chaffing and went on: "I kept to
that trio of birds for thlrty-flve days
and nights, and might have kept It
longeri but I had exploded the theory
to my own satisfaction by that time.
No, I never felt any distaste for the
birds, and got along swimmingly at
every stage, or rather meal, of the con
test. Maybe at times I might have rel
ished some other dish much better than
straight birds, but I never had to force
myself to attack my daily brace of
"For breakfast I took a cup of coffee
and a roll. I rarely take anything heav
ier unless I am on a hunting or fishing
trip. At noon I picked a quail, flanked
by a bottle of light wine, and at dinner
I paid my respects to the remaining
quail and his brother, the squab. At
that meal I was allowed wine, coffee
and some assorted fruit.
"That's the reason I say bosh when
I hear quidnuncs say It It Impossible to
eat a qtinil a day for thirty days."
Springfleld Republican.
Good Manners.
After an apparently very savage dog
has nearly scared the life out of one, it
Is a small satisfaction to be told that
the dog won't bite.
Of course the owner of the dog knows
the animal won't bite; and therein be
has the gleeful advantage of those
whose hair turns white thinking he
And even though we know the dog
has never bitten anyone, we cannot txv
cept that as a positive assurance that he
never will. He may make an exception
to the rule In our particular case.
The expert, swiftly-gliding cycler
knows he Isn't going to run over the
pedestrian who walks unconscious of
the approach of the silent steed of steel
until it is almost upon him. But the
pedestrian isn't so sure of It, and he
gives himself the benefit of the doubt.
With a tremendous start, that almost
pulls bis nerves out by the roots, he
flees to a place of safety. And he
doesn't like wheelmen.
Don't scare folks to death. It Is about
as bad as killing them.
Vore Bagadooa than People.
The dog Is a sagacious animal. Kven
when he has a diinguished pedigree
he never has the foolish notion that he
Is entitled to any credit for it Truth.
The better a pie tastes the worse It
is for you.
A Small Fortune for Medicin
Mrs. Leek Spends $4,000 In the
Effort to Regain Health.
Mr. Bbulty'i Eiparlenee With Nervooe
Prostration and ltd Attend
Ing Kvlla.
From tbo Eiamlner, Sao Francisco, Cal.
"Wby everybody knows the good
that Dr. William-.' Fink Pills did me,'
was the cheerful generality with which
Mrs. Franoii Leek, of room 39, 1206
Market street, Ban Franoisoo, Cal.,
aniwered the qneation whether she bad
taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People, As she looks the picture
of health her story was the more sur
"Yon would hardly believe it," she
oontinned. "bat I was an invalid for
ten years. I spent $4,000 being treated
in hospitals in Chicago for rbeuma
tiim, nenralgia, nervous prostration
and fibrous tumors, and then to think
that I spent only $6 in Pink Pills and
am a well woman. 'It makes me mad
to think I spent so much and then got
well for $6, still I am glad I did get
well. No one oonld ever guess how I
oame to take the pills. I have a little
granddaughter, at least she calls me
'grandma,' though I am not really her
grandmother. One day we were rid'
ing in the oars in Chicago and she be'
gan to read, 'Pink Pills for Pale Peo
pla ' It seemed to tickle her and she
would rattle it off just as if she had
learned a line of poetry, and sometimes
the wonld get it turned about and say,
'grandma, what is Pale Pills for Pink
People for?'
Well, yon see I got familiarized
with the name of Pink Pills and one
day when I got a little book about
them I sat down and read it all
through. I was not good for much
else but sitting down or lying down,
and I thought I d give them a trial. J
guess there is not muoh more to say,
Look at me. I don't look muoh like
an invalid today, do I ? "
It was perfectly true that Mrs. Leek
did not look muoh like an invalid, and
it is no secret that she was married only
about six months ago. She said that
she always keeps the pills by her bed
side, and prodnoed handful of the
little ronnd boxes as evidenoe of her
faith in them. "I have had it on my
mind to write to Dr. Williams direct
and thank him for all 'the good they
have done me; but one thing and then
another oame up and I have not writ
ten yet. 1 have recommended them to
scores of people and probably that did
more good than writing. Oh I yon oan
pat me down for the Pink Pills every
time. I believe in them and I oan tell
the gennine pills, too, right off. There
is nothing that ia 'just ai good for me
I want the real pills every time.
Mr. Franoii Shnlty, of 713 Taylor
street, said: "Yea, the Pink Pills did
for me all that was olaimed for them.
I used them for about five months.
They were reoommended to me by a
druggist on the corner of Oak and
Gongh streets, the Eagle drug store is
the name, I think. I was ran down,
very nervous, and suffered irom indi
gestion. The ' dootor said my blood
was thin and that I needed change of
air and all that kind of thing. Well,
I oouldn't do that, and thia frienJ of
mine just told me kind of off hand to
try the Pink Pills. 1 have tried pills
before that were supposed to cure ev
erything and I did not have much con
fidence, but when a man is sick he
don't care what he tries if there is a
ohanoe to get well. I got the pills
one box, that is. It did me good, I
began to feel better right away and I
kept on with them. I have got over
all my nervousness and I must Bay they
did me' a world of good. "
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills oontain, in
condensed form, all the elments nec
essary to give new life and riohness to
the blood and restore shattered nerves.
They are an unfailing speoifio for such
diseases as looomotor ataxia, partial
paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, soiatioa,
neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous bead
ache, the after effect of la grippe, pal
pitation of the heart, pale and sallow
oomplexions, all forms of weakness
either in male or female. Pink Pilla
are sold by all dealers, or will be sent
post paid on reoeipt of price, 60 cents
box, or six boxes tjor $3. 60 (tbey are
never sold in bulk or by the 100), by
addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
French wheelmen have adopted a
code of signals by whistle. The whistle
is mnch used in Paris in preference to
the belL
By local applications, aa they cannot reor-h the
dmeased portion of the far. There i only one
i tnrHredeaffiem. and tbat la bTconKtltntion.
al n-medleii. Deafne-o mured by an Inflamrd
condition of th" mu!oni lint n ir of Eustachian
Tube. When thli 'u be Ren inllnmed you hare
a mmbllng onuna oi lmiwriect nearing ana
when ir In entirely closed deainers is the result.
and unless the Inflammation can re taken out
and llils tube restored lo it normal co anion,
hesrifff "111 be destroyed forever; nine ciisea
not of ten sre canaed by ca'arrn. which Is
nothing hut an Inflamed condition of the
mncoua surfaces.
We will rire One Hundred Tlollari for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not he cared by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for
circulars free.
r. J, ciiimi tu,, j oieao, u.
Bold by Drasirlsto. 76c.
Hail's Family Pilla are the beat.
. . n . ; I I
nso a lureior ionium pi ion naa lareu
me large doctor hills. C. L. Biker. 4228
D U PKilaAlnkU P tlur. U "U .
Will commence its sixth year Aagnst i'h.
In a b rat-class Home bchool ana pre
pares boy for admission to any Univer
sity, or Technical hchool. or lor r.ti
business, run lniorn shod ana catalogue
can be had br addressing
IUA O. HO ITT. Ph. D..
Bcbi isuams. Cat.
FIT ATI firs atnr re1 fro hy Pr. Kline's
Great Nero Kraiort-r So huofu-r ti e trot
dat'ans. Marr. Ions cnrn. Ireiitl-e and l-'OO
tnal t-.'tie tree t" Fit 'an. end to ill. kl:ue,
M Arch 81., r-iilladelpbia. Pa.
lax GuaiA ior breakfast.
Tbla Lady, Under Gomez, Commands
a Ki-ifimunt of -OO Inauraont.
Kfuoiii Allele Artlny do Pilot ro Is the
only woiiiiiu who Is a couiiiilHHloiicd of
ficer In the piitrlutlc uriny of Culm. This
Imly Ik it colonel In the army of Gomez
anil t'oiiitimiiilri u regiment of -IK) men.
She Iiiik a line estate in the province of
Miitiin.iiH, which Iiiih been the herltuge
of her family for iiiany generations.
Two years ago the seiiorn lived a eom
uionpliK'e life as the wife of a colonel
In the SpanlHli army. Now she Is an
ollleer herxelf aiitl may any day meet
faee to fiice on the field of battle with
her IiiikIiiiikI. who eoinmnnds a fivlnir
column of SpiiniHli troops. The pn-
trlotlc senora was given her commission
as a colonel by General Gomez because
she organized and equipped the troops
which she commands. Her husband
has known for many' years the differ
ence of opinion that exists between
them, but this knowledge has never
disturbed their loving relations. The
Filotro estate la one of the richest and
most pleasant in Cuba, and is famed
all over the Island for Its mineral
springs. The place has many mysteri
ous caves In which the patriots secret
ed their ammunition and arms before
the revolt was declared. 'Senora Pllo-
tro has yet had no engagement on the
field, but has managed to keep the dis
trict to which she Is assigned clear of
Spanish soldiers.
The First Fedal Action Bicycle Ever
A wooden bicycle alleged to have
been built in 1858 and to be the first
pedal action machine constructed is on
exhibition In the window of a bicycle
house In New York. The wheel has
many, novel features, despite Its antiquity.-
The owner discovered It in a
small town near Utlca, N. Y., and, ap
preciating Its worth, purchased It.
While the wheel Is quite old and has
no doubt suffered some rough usage,
it Is In good condition. It weighs 108
pounda, nearly 84 pounds heavier than
the average bicycle in use to-day. An
Ingenious and curious part Is the frame,
which Is a piece of Iron curved to fit
'the wheel. The steering gear, while
not elaborate In either finish or design,
Is very strong. A large Iron coaster is j
attached to the forks above the front
wheel. The saddle Is a large affair, be
ing of heavy wood, eighteen Inches
long and twelve Inches wide, and is ad
justable, As are also the pedals.
The diameter of the front wheel Is 30
Inches and the rear wheel Is 28 Inches
Both are made of ash. This bicycle,
which Is regarded as a novelty now, Is
valued at $500. When wheels of thib
design were In use cycling trips con
sisted of short rides, which were suf
ficient to exhaust the enthusiasm of the
most ardent rider.
Fast Ships. '
The Immense power required to pro
pel a vessel when a speed above twenty
knots an hour Is required Is realized, I
saya a technical Journal, by few peo-1
pie. Take, for Instance, the British
torpedo boat chasers, which are mere
racing machines, even from a naval
point of view. The most perfect speci
mens of this class, which have attain
ed thirty knots' speed, carry sixty tons
of coaL which Is full one-quarter of
their entire seagoing displacement
They burn three and one-naif tons of
coal per hour. To attain the three knots
over twenty-seven, which Is the highest
speed of ordinary torpedo boats, It was
necessary to increase the fuel expendi
ture fully 5 per cent
"Ilello, Sappy, where have you befn?" ,
I've been to the gymnasium, exercis
ing, old chap." "lou exercising?"
"Yn; watching the rest. Exercising
my eye, don't you know." I'ituburij
MADE IX 1858.
Neither are th obstinate naiad les, lo the re
moval ol which Hie gieal corrective, Hnstetler'a
Btomaoh Blttun. Is adxiited ouiable lu an hour.
To persist 1 1 the use ol t his standard remedy la
no more than just. Biliousness, constipation,
malaria, rheumatism, kidney comp sluts and
iiurmii-ness are among tl.e complaints which It
eradicates. .
Of the 40,000 species of beetles
widely diffused over the earth's sur
face not one is known to be venomous
or armed with a sting.
Dooly is the most prosperous county
in the state of Georgia. It has as
sessed no county taxes for two years
and baa just completed an $8,000 jail.
Yost will And one ea)apoa
Inalda eaek two ate bag,
and two eonpona ineMe each
foot- mm baa; af Black
wall's Daurham. Bof a hag
of this celebrated tobacco
ad read the ooapoa which
give a Hat of valuable prea"
ants susd how to get them.
I Win
fir M uw v-
in i i u whf m
ii -iriifif w i kw a j
"I find that Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast'Cocoa is
absolutely pure. It contains no trace of any substance
foreign to tne pure roasted cocoa-bean. The color is that
of pure cocoa; the flavor is natural, and not artificial ; and
the product is in every particular such as must have been
produced from the pure cocoa-bean without the addition
of any chemical, alkali, acid, or artificial flavoring sub
stance, which are to be detected in cocoas prepared by
the so-called '.Dutch process.' "
Walter Baker & Co LttL, Dorchester, Mass.
. lairaianairBira
IB ,
You may have "money to
burn' but even so. you needn't
throw it away. For 10 cents you
get almost twice as much "Battle
Ax" as you do of other high grades
for the same money.
77" jTTVT A. TNT reh'ffinwoman
w w -nanaae- aeaaveaaainaaki aaanjnaaai -nj utvifilvri ni'U
it the name of Woman's Friend. It is
foi in relieving the backaches, headaches
which bnrden and shorten a woman's
women teeciiy ior u. n win give neaim ana strengxn y . ran aajea
and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists. C 111
BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUtt CO.. Portia d. Aaenta.
Eighteen American women bear the
title of prinoess in Italy, and Russia
and nthr oonHnentsl ormnrTiM.
yuat Pn't Feol Wall,"
tairjiovuLtVm FtLL3
ara no Ono Talnf in aoa.
Onl, Ona for a Ooaa.
S'd tj Tr'fW at 25c. a bar
Bmvm nail4 fr. iodnMI
Or. Hesaase aieo. ta. Paiia. ia.
15rS."WINSL0W'S s7Wa
rnl, or oil lr.rrtu- a Ceato a knttla, 1
toa P.ASoneaojIe JMWB
rrof. w. H. reekA wbij
makes a aaectaPf mt
Epilepsy, has vaJaeafl
doubt treated and aw
ed more caara than any"
living Physician; hM
success ia astonishing
We have heard of caaaat
Of so years' ataadtna?
tie of his absolute cure, free to any auff
srno may aend their P. O. and Exoresa addi
We advise anv one wishing a cure to addr
nLW. B. mil. T. .. Cedar St, lew Tm
ia.7 0 a
v. CCC9
known Chemists
the Cake,"
Tne) very remarkable and certala
relief given woman by KUUKE'8
uniformly success
and weakness
life. Thousand of
In oTerjr tow, (or one ol thebxat selling unlet e
maita. I ted bT rerjr man, woman and cnllfl.
fredorlrka fanlinrj Tuoih Hra.h wlll
Tfinaua I Iranlna; lUsfhiiirst,
Endorsed j all the leailing phrolrlana anr)
dentists. facudlSe. lorsampl. Ke ollafos 2S
aud lor. 1 M. A FI S K CO ,
K1MI20 Market Street, Han Francisco, CTu!.
Bast Ouuaa arrup. tova IhkL Gar
N. P. X. U. So. 600.-8. F. . U. lo. 7