Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, July 03, 1896, Image 5

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At Qiiautaikioa Ubouku.- Gmdulono
I'ailc affords a lively nee tie thc-edity
gettiiiu ready fur the brilliant events of
next week. Cum pern are Making out
their claims, the electric company is
putting up Its wires, the bicycle track
has been resurveyed and men are work
ing hard to vet it in shape in time lor
use. Mine Host Robinson of the Electric
Hotel is building a restaurant on an
extensive scale to feed the multitude.
All the debris has been cleaned out that
left by numerous picnicers who always
thouKhtlessly scatter papers nnd lunches
promiscuously around forgetful of the
(act that some one must be hired to
pick it all up after them. More campers
have already engaged space than were
ever there before. Large numbers are
coming in on Monday to get settled be
fore the crowd of Tuesday. Tuesday
morning the formal opening takes place
with music, addresses of welcome, in
troduction of heads of departments and
organization of clashes. Tuesday after
noun the famous Dr. Carlos Martyn of
Chicsgo gives his great lecture, "The
Devil in Politics," that was so popular
at the Eustern Chautauqua last year.
Tuesday night comes the great oratorio,
"The Creation," by the singers of alem
and Portland under Professor Buyer,
Kosa liloch and other soloing take part.
Wednesday the grangers cum in force,
Thursday the Oregon Road Club, Fri
day Frank Lincoln of New York City,
Saturday is Dr. Anna Shaw day.
Lowjst Fire Ins. Rates F. E Donaldson
Thk Opknino Da y. Next Tuesday Hie
:rd annual senmon of the Willamette
Valley Chautauqua opens at Gladstone
Park with one of the highest program
ever presented in the state of Oregon.
The great lecture of the afternoon is to
be given by - Dr. Carlos Martyn, the
fa ous oritor of Chicago. Dr. Martyn
'8 r ady n his way, spoaking to crowd
ed houses at Spokane, Tacoma and
S ttle. Nobody can afford to miss Dr.
C trl is Martyn. In the evenit g Pro.
esor W. H. Buyer agisted by the
leading musical talent of the state gives
the world famous oratorio ''The Crea
tion," with 200 singers of Portland and
Salem. Visa Rosa Bloch, the famous
soprano will sing solo parts, also Pro
fessor Buyer. Professor Wessi tiger and
others. A special orchestra' accompa
nies the choruses. This is the greatest
musical event in the history of Oreuon
Never before have the two leading cities
joined forces for a festival of song on
any platform and it Is a matter of con
gratulation to the Chautauqua at Ore
gon City is accorded this significant
honor. Not even the mother Chautau
qua in New York has ever had anything
to surpass this musical event that
marks a new era in Oregon musical
history. ..
Fire Insurance F. E. Donaldson.
" To Imi'rove Willamette. Money is
now on hand for improving Willamette
and Yamhill river, $40,000. to be ex
pended in accordance with report sub
mitted February 21, 1890. for Willamette
river from Portland to Eugene, and in
accordance with report of survey duied
March 6, 18t5, (or lock and dam on
lainhill river, t'rovided, that con
tracts may he entered into by the secre
tary of war for such materials and work
as may be necessary to complete such
improvements, or said materials may
be purchased and work may be done
otherwise thun by contract, to be pai'l
for as appropriations may from time to
time be made by lw, not exceeding in
the aggregate $200,000, including the
amount herein appropriated, and pro
vided further, that the sum of $ 10,000,
or so much thereof as may be necessary,
shall be available for the construction
or purchase of a snag boat, with suitable
appliances. Provided further, that the
secretary of war may in his discretion
use so much of the money herein ap
propriated as may be ne.-essary to pre
vent the erosion of the west bank ot the
Willamette river opposite Salem, and to
maintain the river channel at that point.
Largest Ins. Business F. E- Donaldson.
Chactaucjua Boakdkbs. Private
families who can accommodate visitors
with board and rooms during the Chau
tauqui at 25 cents per meal and 25 cents
or bed, will please send their names
to one of the entertainment committee,
and state whether rooms only or rooms
and board. Address, Mrs. M. M. Char
man, J. W. Gray, G. W. Beattie or
Mrs. Sievers, Oregon City; W. A.
Holmes, Parkplace.
Highest Honors World's Fair
A cure Ct r Cr. m of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammo ii. AUiir o: iny oilier adulterant
: Clackamas Fuanchisk .The county
court has to disposed tit I he pet il ion i.f !
the Clarkson & Mclrvin Boom Company
for a franchise on the Clackuums river.
Long petitions for and reiuniiNtrances
sgHiust were prvsunted. .r. C'rot-s was
the chiof reuiniiMi rant, and he argued at
length that it was against public policy
to tie up such a stream as theClackamas
with an exclusive franchise of the cha
racter, and that it was particularly un
just and damaging to his lumbering in
terests on the liver, inasmuch as it
would prevent him from running his
logs on the river and compel him to pay
toil to the corporation having the
franchises. The petitioners argued
that the improvement contemplated
would have the elfoct of improving the
market for a'l trie timber of the Clacka
mas basin, and that the company could
not afford to make the iinprovments
without the right to collect toll from
the business that should profit by its
investment. The court granted the
petition, after reducing the term from
25 to 10 years and reserving for Mr.
Cross the right to run bis cwn logs on
(lie river by paving 10 cents per 1000
feet for the general benefits to be
derived from the company's improve
ments. The river was also divided into
three Hiretclivs lor toll purposes, and
the toll was tlxed at (I'.t ami NJ cents
and 11 per 10IK) feet f-r driving the
timber anil rafting il nt die mouth t
the stream, The boom company is to
give a bond in iho sntii of $10,000 that
it will keep and preform all its agree
ments. Mr. (Won had 7lU niuucs on
the reuionstrHocti he pri-miiiiod to the
court, which he says, represent the
otvneraof priieiically all of Hie property
on each side oi the riv.-r for a stretch
of 12 miles, and nearly all of the properly
owners of Ctpringwuter precinct. The
petitioners nniiiliered nearly 250 names,
but of thohe picncnt to give oral testi
mony in court, by far Ihe greater
nu in Iter favored gianting f rmicliise, with
conditions. The company has promined
to expend fliOUO within a vear in im
proving the rivci .
10 Big Ins. Companies F. E. Donaldson
Bkiook.Tumcino Seth C. Maker and
Willism Fisher jumped off the Oregon
City bridge Snuiay,and Dana C.Thomp
son, the champion swimmer and diver,
turned a backward somersault from the
highest point on the bridge About
3 o'clock the boys made their appear
ance oil the bridgoin bathing suits, and,
after drooping several pieces of wo id
to see the e fleet of the wind, richer'
prepared for the jump. He took a posi-;
tion on the Portland t.iieof the bridge, '
and after a few wchuIh' (fauxe made tho j
lean. The fi.M ."Si feel ax a beautiful
drop, but tho r.i of distance he
was compeiici to use ins urms to im -
ance hininelf. lie struck square on his
feet, and swain to the shore without aid
or injury. Fisher was followed by
Thompson, hi started from the sam e
place, but nWesd of jumping feet tirst,
turned a complete reVol ution in the air,
and alighted in the. same pi ice and in
the same manner as Fisher, except that
his balance was perfect, he keeping
his hands on his hips ttie full distance,
until just uefom he struck the water,
when he traiglitei:ed his aitiis to avoid
the bhock. Maker jumped from the
opposite side of the bridle, from a point
two feet higher. He shot downward
with great rapidity in the onn of a ball.
lie struck feet first with a report that
was heard on both sides of the river.
Ad three escaped without injury .
Belntss. Companies F. E. Donaldson.
Poisoned. Tho family of John Fleil
man, who resides two milex east of
Damasca8, were poisoned on Monday
Sunday evening M'. Heilman, as is his
custom, drew a barrel of water from a
sprint; to tho house for family use.
Monday morning he rose early, took a
drink of water and went to the barn to
do his chores. An attack of nausea
soon emptied his HtooiHch. mid I tin r vns
followed by severe cramps that com
pelled In m to give up the work he hail
promised to do that day lor a neighbor.
Mrs. Heilman took water from the
barrel to cook breakfast, and during the
preparation of the meal a 22 months-old
boy that was toddlins abont asked for
and received apieceof a pancake freshly
baked, which he ate. .Soon afterward
he was seized with vomiting and severe
paini, as Ins lather iiau oeen a snon
lime before. At breakfast the father
diank only a cup of colFae, after which
he seemed to feel slightly better. The
mother also sipped a little coffee and
partook of nothing else.. The four
other children ate their meal as usu ;l,
and soon afterward they manifested the
same symptoms their father and little
brother had shown. Before madical
assistance could be summoned the boy
died. Theothers will probably get well .
The family cannot think who would be
guilty of putting poison in the water.
Reliable Insurance F. E Donaldson.
O.vlyOxe More Week. The Wiley
B. Alle,- Co., of Portland, will close
their special sale of pianos and organs
in Oregon City on Saturday, July lltb'
Until then they will give the lowest
prices and easiest term ever offered on
pianos and organ of the same grade.
Call and see the instruments , one door
north of the Post Office.
A atf AcnranflRHrrATi!rpllPTed
kbj lr. Miles" Here Flatr.
Miss Edit Kugg returned Ttiesda;
from a visit to Salem.
A. N. Munsey of Mem
friends here this week .
Mrs. W. C. Johnson returned
Saturday from a visit to Salem. .
Seventeen marriage licenses funned In
county during Juno.
Tho M'ilhoit Springs stage commenced
milking trips lust Monday,
John Keif .if New Era, aged 4:1. died
on Saturday. He leaves a widow.
Mis Annlo Armstrong went to Canby
Friday to make hor parents a short visit.
Dr. W. Wallens is now assistant t
Dr. J. W. Welch, dentist, opposite P. O
F. C. Morrill of New Ilaniphiie. is
visiting his sister, Mrs. A. K. Donald
The Wiley B. Allen Co. have opened a
piano and organ salesroom next to post
ollico. Mrs. Katie Gard, aged 20, was sent to
as! yum on Saturday for temporary
.Mrs. E. K. Charnniii and daughter,
June, returned from u visit to Mehnma
on Tuesday.
I Every summer hat must
special offer sale Miss C.
go at our
, the milliner.
i The li mil relieiirsal of iheCliaiiM'i'iiil
I chorus, led by Prof. Hjvr, will lie this
j (Tliiiisiliiy) vening
' Prof. Frank Uigler. lormeiiy of Ore
i gon City, is now city Hiipertnieiiiient ol
the Portland schools.
Rev. (!. Parker ami Kyv. M I.. Rugg
attend WillamiUe B iptUt as id ni in
i In Portland this week.
Born to the wife of E. M ITIshnefer
1 June 2(th, at their reiddence at River
dale, a nine pound boy.
; To-day we will Inaugurate our first
special offer sale. Look at our bargains.
Miss C Goldsmith, the milliner.
Fieddie Freeman aged about 7 years,
j fell off a rock lence last Mondav and
cut a large gash in his forehead,
i Mrs. Darling hurt her foot quite
severely while aorkiug in the woolen
mill Monday by a flying shuttle.
Henry Templeton last Friday hail the
misfortune to break his leg while trying
to change a belt in the woolen mill.
Mrs. George Warner will leave Mon
day for Dwaco, where her husband is
employed, to remain till Augu-it 10th.
Mrs Fun j" Andrews of thU city read
a paper before iIh- Congregational
niiHMioimry rally in P i-tlindon Wednes
day. J. I. R"imr in pirtiiij new sills
i J- '' is pii-iui
i m,,,m the building oeeupiH.I oy Vtgellius'
1 ,
1 saloon.
j Chas. .Shiver, brother of Jsp Shiver,
i had his tlinin'i and fist finirer cut olf by
j an "tiger in a mill uj. C'oainopolis, Wash.
last week!'
Muily Siler, sued ti vears, had the
misfortune to break his arm hy fallinv 1
ofl'a saw-buck in plsying the tempting j
: game of "back nut."
Any one wauling either course in
j the .Holmes Business college of Portland
i can secure same at SO per cent .lixcmint
I hy applying to Cockier.
The Thrice-a-week N. Y. World and
Coi'kikk for $2 per year. The World
will be ol special advantage to vou
during the presidential campaign,
('apt. J. P. Shaw was in the city this
week. Captain has lust returned orm
his Douglass county mines and had in
his possession some fine nuggets.
James Thorne, Sidney Smith, K.
E. CharmanJ. II. Pomeroy and two
mining experts returned Wednesday
from a trip to the Ogle creek mines.
the 1. M. U. A. and to. t. nines
played bane ball at Gladstone grounds
last tiaturdav afternoon. The associ-
i'io" t,0'8 'on b' score of 19 to 12
The Zig Zng club of Portland made a
100 mile run to Salem via Oregon City
and return on Sunday. The best time
was 10 hours with an average of II
Don't forget that our stock of millinery
Is new and of latest styles and investi
gate our special offer. Every hat Is
reduced in price. Miss C. Goldsmith,
ihe milliner.
A . Sloper, who resides on Sixth street ,
has sent to the Loi KtEit otiice an egg
of a Plymouth Rock that measures
inches in circumference the long
way and C's' the other.
The Coubieb is under obligations to
Oscar Whitten of Oswego for a crate
of the finest strawberries we have seen
this year, equal if not better than the
famouj Hood River berries .
Gilbert L. Hedges, has just graduated
aud received the degree of B. A. from
Yale college. He will remain in the
East.. Thus another Clackamas
county boy makes a showing
Snperntendent II. S. Gibson has been
elected principal of Oswego ichool and
Miss Sellie Younger of Oregon City a
teacher. Mr. Gibson will prDbable re
side here and drive down each day.
The report that a cow pf Mr. Rake! of
Canemah died with the consumption
some time since was a mistake. It
choked to death, and an examination
showed no symptons of consumption.
D. J. lover of this place has received
an increase of pension from t'i to 12
''iiix r aryy .
ui - t
Iwelve Dozen Sailors all
quality going very cheap. Come early and see for yourselves.
per month for liijnrle received in civl1
war. lie also expects to receive 12
per month as a Mexican war veteran.
At a meeting of the stockholder and
otheis interested in the Herald of this
place held on last Saturday, the plant
and good will was disposed of to Coas.
A. Fitch) who had charge liuring the
Mrs. E J. Miirs'inll ail diiwhter.
Grace, haye gone for a month'H visit at
The Dalles and Walla Walla. They
were accompanied 'by Mrs. Marshall's
father, Mr. Worshatn, who went to
Malheur City.
The following oi ouVers for the en
suing term were elected by Willamette
Kebekah Lodge Xo 2 on last Friday:
Ada Bedwell N. G., Eunice WaUer V,
G., Clara Miller Sec, Minnie Holden F,
Sec, Lizzie Howell Treas.
Miss Annie Anderson, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. John Hill, of
this place, returned to her home at
Silver Lake, Or., accompanied by Mist
Laura Miller, who will spvnd several
weeks there visiting.
Married on 25th by Rev. II . E. Horns-
cliuh, Annie Josi of Brooklyn, N. Y
and Jacob Josi, of the city : on 27th by
Rev. F. II. Fruiht, Minnie Henke and
Richard Witzel ; on 1st by Justic Elmer
Dixon, Oscar Mahler and Rocena Calla
John Bittner is improving Adams
street in front of his property, corner ol
Fifth, by filling in with rock with' a
crushed rock covering. Such enterprise
is commendable. W. J. Batdorff will
also improve the street in front of J his
property. '
' A birthday party was "given on ' last
Saturday evening in the rooms over the
Seventh Street bakery in honor of Jacob
Kober. A vcrv pleasant tinre was re
ported by all present. Lunch and
refreshment were served during the
There will be the usual services in
ilieBaptistciiurch next Sunday. Preach
at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Iu the
evening the pastor will preach on the
subject of "National Greatness; Its
Foundations." All are. invited to these
The puhlishiiiu of the delinquent tax
list of Clackamas county has been given
to the Three Sister of Barlow, without
public bids, and the republican organ
at the county seat is in the ''soup.'
" Vhat will tho ioor Enterprise do
now?" '
Henry Meldrum will leave Monday
for Klamath county, where he has a
large surveying contract. The follow
ing crew will go from this place : Stony
Vaujhan. Atlas Kerchem, Will S vale's,
O. U. Wright. John II iwUnd, Jo lin
Heed, Jack Clunt.
Roadma8ter I). V. Kinuuird has re
moved his office from the courthouse
to upstairs in the Caufleld black; next
door to Brownell's office. J. H. W right,
the new surveyor, will take his old
.dice. Mr. Kinnaird's term as surveyor
expires Monday but lie is still road- I
Ernest Rands and crew left last Fri
day for Idaho, where he and II. II.
Johnson have a surveying contract.
Mr. Johnson will leave shortly. They
went by boat to the Dalles, where they
purchased ten trained pack horses for
$100, going balance of way with them.
Mining claims filed during week b
J. W. Gray on "Gold Standard, south
Extention," "Eldorado" and "Cascade
Queen;" by F. F. White on "Gold
Siandard";by R. O. Jones et als on
Seven Miners Lode" and "Denbigh
Lode",ia South Molalla mining district.
r.i."enp In wed granted on 25lli to
Annie Josi and Jacob Josi ; on 20th to
Minnie Henke and Richard Witzel; on
30th to Emma Burkemeicr and Chris
Acbischer, to Mary Jane Charman and
James Paul Lovett, to Bertha E. Knight
and Millard J. Lee; on July 1st to
Rocena Callahan and Oscar Mohler; on
2d to Henreita Holcomb and Hugh
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Hsva Your fcyet Tested...
At IturmUter & Andresen's
Jewelry Ntore.
They have one of
the finest eye-meters
and will test your
eyes free of charge.
Glasses may be re
turned if not suited
to eyes.
A large stock to choose from.
the latest shapes. Leghorn best1
18 lbs tif dry granulated sugar (il
Keu front.
Trimmed hats, new goods, 50 to 75c
at Mrs, Sladen'a.
Money to loan on good security by
A. .8, Dresser.-
Anew lino of beautiful laces just ar
rived at the Racket Store .
Prescriptions carefully compounded a
G. A. Harding's drug store.
Received at Charman A S.in's a large
invoice of wall paper, latest and pret
tiest designs.
Beauties! those trimmed hat at the
lied Front Store; Ladies' sailors and
Canton flats 10 cents'.
Shark, the barber, don't swim but
he's in the swim when it comes to
shaving and hair cutting.
Cut prices on straw hats, felt hats etc
Many fiats at the Red Front can save
you one-hulf the price.
For your strings and extras for all
musical instruments go to Burmeister
& Andresen's, who keep a full supply.
Blank note and receipt books of all
kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc.,
cheaper than Portland wholesale prices
at Courier office.
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specialty.
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh streets .
! Louis Fredrich. the fashionable tailor
has moved his shop to the building
formerly occupied by Mrs. Dutcher's
millinery store. .Nothing but drst-class
work done and satisfac tion guaranteed
'Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of
the University of Pennsylvania, will 'im
in Oregon City nffi :e Thursdiy of each
week; remainder of each week in
Portland office, room 77 Dekumbnilding.
Mrs. M L Moore has signed a con
irsct with the Yiavi Co. to manaire
Clackamas county for the next three
vears, with headquarters corner Seventh
and Adams streets, Oregon City. Mrs
Moore is much please I with Oregon
City and expects to make her home
amont! us and work the county Irotn
C. A. Willey haiudiied to his harness
and repair shop second door west of
lepot, next to Coi'uikh oflice, a full
stock of shoes, where he will not only
Keep a full line of flrst-class hand-made
harness, saddles, etc., but will do all
kinds of harness and bjot and shoe
repairing at prices that can't be dup
licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction
Bank of Oregon City.
Paid Up Capital, $50,000.
Surplus, $20,850.
Vice President.
Thomas Charimii
1 General Bnuklna Bunincai Transacted.
DepoulU Kecelred Subject to Check.
Approved Villa and Notes Discounted.
County and City Warrant bought.
Loans Made on Available Secuntr
Ezchango Bought and -told.
Collections Made Promptly.
Drafts Hold Available lu Any fart ol Ou
Telegraphic Exchange Paid on Portland. Ban
Francisco, Chicago and New York.
Interest Paid on time Deposits.
Ollire in Wiilamclte Hlook.
Oiikoii Citv. .... Onaooic.
Orrosrrs P. O.. Or.Eoon Crrr. Ok.
Job Printing at the
Courier Oflice
Is miindy Wae way
with l. inr ahwss. In
fact, Uey ar regular
"fciutieljr for ike f reven
tioa f Cn)i to Feel."
Wbat are their Mttaeds?
Perfect fil. pMuylvd by
respect to ik-a shape of
the tmoaD ivet, A aim
pis cn-ed, bl ilnesa't it
corr the ImI Meld?
TImsi ttitm assy ireal a
foot "atiabbily" ith
being srcarlly rrel so it.
Thai is 10 My, tfts shoe
may luck alj-l s4 wer
inf capacity, fat OHrs
haretiie arMtiag aity
aod asto alast with the
' tit, and thai shonld be
enooghlomai nou. buy
Meat Mr tm Mnwhtec
Notary Pnhlieud RealEstate Broker
Leading !xnrxsnt amki slackama
Mnaey f Loan. AMwt nt TIIM Wade.
Drawins of Ual lnwiimc.t, a Specialty
Office no cad aide i MiiiviHwet
Attorneys at Law,
Commercial. RcaJ Estate ant!
Probate Lavr Specialties.
OFFICE: Crawerciat Bank Bitlldiiii
Office : Two Door South of CourlhoDkr
Gen. '. Bana-nna.
J. r. campbiix.
i 4 C. HP JILL
ttaaottMKTS AT . AW.
Cirofleld BulMioc
t;on City.'Or
C. N. GkttNAiAN,
ai nsua
'tin ymah.
tfetaHiato tt3
Tarcels tletivercd toaB pwfc ! tJie city.
Noblitt Uren ciSate Stablt
On the Straet Mnn tat BrMfe and tk
Double aarf. tintta t ad adU lioisat a
wayi ou band at ihe lawt.H , m4 t arrt
also connected rita tk kaa ( laau aiocl
Any InformaUM ragardtsa as? kind of atot
promptly attended la by ItWer ar panoB.
The Commercial Bank
Trantacta a Geaeral Bi Buslnew.
Loans made. Bills daeewirted'. Makes c 1
lections. BuyaaadaeTbeicllanir on all polni
In the United Matoa and Jtnrap ad ou Bon.
Kang. Deposits rewired sWse to cheek.
Bankopoa fmni A. Jt.h T. M.
Prealdeat. Castali x
..Corner Grocery...
Keepa a foil lino of STAPLE and
and VKGETACI.E at.
Lowest Prlce--
RoomW, 77, ', Dekun.
'uim..ip. ttatooM.
Will belnOircon -
City oflice, t'ourk-r Many af aiy fiicada bait
building, every tSat- tmatl to anal henr.
unlny. Ibis rai.
New Flah Market.
K. KaBfcards, Proai.
Oysters, Fresh and Salt Watei
Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs,
Clams, Etc.
Turkeys, Geese and Chickens fur Thanksgiving
Free Delivery. Ttto Dnurt South of Armory
Standard Pat. Medicines.
PainU. Oils and Window Glass.
PretrHptUnu Accurately Compounded